A blond braid is a girl's beauty. Research work "long braid - girlish beauty"

T s grow, grow, spit, the beauty of the whole city! Grow, braid, to the waist, don't shed a single hair. Grow, braid, to toe, all the hairs in a row.

The long braid is one of the oldest hairstyles in human history. For a long time women of all ages and all classes in Rus' knew one single hairstyle - a braid. Girls decorated braids with ribbons or braids, women covered them with a warrior. However, the braid was not just a hairstyle.Hair is an accumulator of subtle energies, mainly the thoughts of the person himself and those around him. Therefore, in the Vedas it is written that it is impossible to cut hair. Women in the old days did not cut their hair, but braided it, so energy accumulated. Also in the old days, girls wore a headscarf in public places so as not to attract attention, protecting themselves from negative energy. Men on girl with long hair subconsciously react more strongly than to a shorn one. Hair is a store of information, thoughts. Therefore, upon entering the monastery, they cut their hair bald in order to erase all the thoughts of a previous life. Hindus, Buddhists shave their heads so that no thought lingers and it is easier to enter into a state of meditation. Therefore, if it is important for you to finish the business that you have been thinking about for a long time, you should not cut your hair.

The Slavs and the Aryans treated their hair with careful respect in the past and now treat their hair, because everything that is given to man by Nature is necessary for his harmonious existence in this world.From time immemorial, hair has been figuratively compared with a sown field of wheat: just as ears of wheat absorb all the juices and the life-giving force of the Mother of the Raw Earth and the pure light of the Yarila-Sun and store them, so human hair receives and retains life-giving force from the Heavenly Gods, from the Earthly Parents and ancestors of the clan, from Mother Nature, from the cosmic rays of the Yarila-Sun and Heavenly Stars, it is not without reason that hair has long been called cosmos , i.e. associated with the cosmos, which nourishes man.Hair symbolized a lot of light Natural and Divine Forces that help a person in life, they also meant prosperity in the ancient Family, abundance and happiness in the family.The first thing that the conquerors did in the old days was to cut off the girl's braid.

Before marriage, girls wore one braid. At the bachelorette party, the girlfriends with howling and crying, probably caused by envy, intertwined one braid into two. It was two braids worn married women in Rus'. They were placed as a crown on the head or tied with a ribbon to make it easier to put on a headdress.

From the moment a woman entered into marriage, no one, except her husband, naturally, saw her braids again. Interestingly, the old maids were strictly forbidden to twist one braid into two, they were also forbidden to wear a kokoshnik.

The so-called three-beam braids were braided for little girls, which symbolized the trinity. The scythe was located strictly in the direction of the spine, since, according to our ancestors, it served to fill a person through the ridge with vital forces. It is no coincidence that when women were married, two braids were braided: one braid nourished her with life, and the other - future offspring.

The braid was not just a hairstyle. She could tell a lot about her owner. So, if a girl wore one braid, then she was in " active search". Is there a ribbon in the braid? Marriageable girl, and all potential candidates urgently need to send matchmakers. If two ribbons appeared in the braid, and they were woven not from the beginning of the braid, but from its middle, - that’s it, “dry the oars”, or, as they say, whoever didn’t have time, he was late: the girl had a groom. And not just the one that builds eyes and plays glances, but the official one, because the ribbons also meant the blessing received from the parents for marriage.

Combing hair was like a sacred ritual, because during the procedure you could touch vital energy person. Apparently, in order to restore the lost during the day vitality and it was required to comb through the hair at least 40 times. Only parents could comb their hair for babies, and then the person himself did this daily procedure. It is interesting that the girl could only allow her plait to be untwisted and her hair to be combed by her chosen one or husband.

For women, the scythe was the same symbol of honor as for men - a beard. Pulling the braid meant insulting the girl, not to mention cutting off her hair. Once, one gentleman, in a rage, cut off a thin pigtail to his maid, and then calmed down his indignant peasants, and even paid a fine. By the way, those who dared to tear, for example, a headdress from a woman, were also punished with serious fines. Only fines, it seems, did not go at all to improve the moral state of the victim, but to the state treasury.

The fact that cutting hair radically changes lives seems to have been well known in the old days. Hence the sign that has survived to this day that it is highly undesirable for pregnant women to cut their hair. Voluntarily, and sometimes with reverent awe, only women who were in a state of severe spiritual shock, for example, during monastic vows, were allowed to cut off their braids. Hair in Ancient Rus' did not have the habit of cutting at all, and this custom has been preserved in modern men's monasteries.

A scythe as thick as a hand was considered the standard female beauty in Rus'. Healthy and shiny hair better than words flattering matchmakers could say about the future wife. Unfortunately, not all beauties could boast of thick long braids. Of course, in Rus' they have never heard of building up. So the young ladies resorted to deception - they wove hair from horse tails. And what to do, everyone wants to get married!

There are many folk signs and beliefs related to hair. So, for example, hair that has fallen out during scratching should not be thrown on the floor or on the ground, because you can lose your vitality. They should be burned or tied to a fruit tree so that the hair on the head grows well, is strong and healthy, like a tree. Children up to 12 years of age did not even cut the ends of their hair, so as not to cut off the mind that comprehends life and not to deprive them of their vitality. It was possible to trim the tips to a length of no more than one nail (1.1 cm) in young men over 16 years old only on a new moon. They combed their hair with a comb made of sacred metals or sacred wood - birch, oak, cedar, ash, beech.

The first braiding of a braid for a girl meant her transition to a new age category. While her hair was cut, she was a “girl”, and as soon as her braid was braided, she became a “wild”, a girl of marriageable age. The braiding of the first braid coincided with dressing in " women's clothing”, with putting on a wreath on her head upon reaching the girl marriageable age. In Małopolska, after the birth of a girl, a braid was woven from straw, a coin was put into it and hung on a tree in front of the house so that the girl would happily live to girlhood. After the treat, the godparents, braiding the braid, sang: “We weave you, dear pigtail, For the health and strength of the goddaughter. For us to be so dexterous, For her pigtails to be long. At the age of five, the girl's hair was woven into a cross, taking strands from the front, from the back of the head, then from the right and left ears, tied them in the middle, saying: "how the hair is tied, so the boys would knit."

Among the Slavs, the braid symbolizes the girl's readiness for marriage, the ribbon in the braid was a sign that the girl was marriageable. From the day of the wedding, the ribbon was woven only into strips, a sign of marriage was attached to it - long wide ribbon. A long braid is a matter of pride and special care for a girl, her decoration. The hair was carefully looked after, believing that the longer the braid, the better the girl.

To make the braids long and thick, a rope was placed under the pillow on Christmas Eve; on St. George's Day they went to comb their hair in the field, Pure Thursday- under the apple tree; oiled raw egg hair was braided, the ends cut off and buried in the vineyard; on the day of St. Trifon was smeared with a scythe grape juice, saying: “How the vine grows, so let me grow and the scythe” [As grapes grow, so let my scythe grow]; ran under the mushroom, summer rain; they smeared their hair with snake fat, the fat of a snake specially killed for this, so that the braids were long, like snakes; they greased the braids with the fat of a black snake and twisted it into a ball like a snake so that the braid was strong; they applied herbs to the hair, called kositsa, kosaten, or washed in a decoction of these herbs; they conjured kosaten grass to help grow a long scythe; weaved a braid of "Maccabean" herbs and applied it to their hair. Wanting to lure suitors, the girls wove a piece of rope from a church bell into a braid.

IN wedding ceremony and in songs the scythe is a symbol of the bride. A tow braid was attached to a Christmas tree and nailed to the corner of the bride's house. The ceremonial change of the bride's hairstyle (braiding - braiding the braid, cutting it, "selling" it to the groom) symbolized marriage and a change in the girl's status. Unweaving the braid meant farewell to girlhood; braiding two braids and putting on a female headdress - the transition of the bride to a group of women.

In the Arkhangelsk region they said: “When the bride is brought to the table, two braids will be braided for her: there was one - there were two, there was a girl - there was a woman.” After the wedding in the house of the young (sometimes right in the church), the newlywed's hair was braided into two braids, “like a woman”; they were wrapped around the head and put away under a warrior, cap, scarf, that is, under a woman's headdress.

In Bulgaria, the braiding, combing and braiding was done on the eve of the wedding and was accompanied by songs; at this ceremony, all the household and bridesmaids wept. If the groom's father bred bees, then the ceremony of unweaving the bride's braid took place not in her house, as usual, but in the groom's house - so that the bees swarm better. The brother untwisted the bride's braid, braided her two braids, but the groom could do it too. Sometimes the right braid was braided by the groom, the left - by the matchmaker. A friend, two close relatives, a godmother, girlfriends, boyfriends could also unweave the braid (they combed their hair, smeared it with oil and honey, after which they braided the braid and wove garlic to ward off spoilage. When the braid was untwisted during a bachelorette party, the bride “shouted”: “Do not unravel my braid, do not tie my silk braid.” hair“into a doll”, from that moment on, the girl was symbolically ranked among women and could not wear braided braids. In the Sofia region until the beginning of the 20th century. the bride was braided a lot of braids, decorated with silver coins; pigtails covered her face.

A married woman could not wear one braid, so as not to become a widow. If a girl's left braid was thicker than her right, she was to marry a widower.In a word, a braid in wedding ritual called a farewell party with the bridesmaids in her house on the eve of the wedding; hen-party; drinking a braid meant treating it with wine on the eve of the wedding, the day after the bachelorette party; combing the braid meant combing and braiding the bride's braid on the eve of the wedding; to redeem a scythe - to give gifts to the bride's relatives, to sell a scythe - to take a ransom for the bride.

The redemption of the bride's braid by the groom's side symbolized the acquisition of complete power over the woman. During the wedding, the bride's brother forced the groom to buy a braid for the right to sit next to the bride. The one who sells the bride's braid (brother, relative of the bride or her younger sister), called a kosnik, and the rite of redemption of the bride or her braids from her brother was a kosopravane, a braid to sell. Selling the scythe, the girls sang: “Our scythe is not a ruble, / Our scythe is a hundred rubles, / Tied with a ribbon, / With a blue ribbon, / A young girl.” Sometimes the bride herself had to redeem the braid. In Siberia, while braiding a braid, a brother or sister, holding the bride by the braid, took scissors and said: “Give me a fee for the braid, or I’ll cut it off.”

Complete cutting of the braid at a wedding is rare among the Slavs. Among Russians and Ukrainians, circumcision or trimming of the bride's braid is replaced by ritual combing. Among Belarusians, partial circumcision was accompanied by threading the tip of the braid into a ring and (symbolically) burning it with a candle flame. They cut off the braid of the bride in northeastern Serbia, in Poland (sometimes the cut off braid was thrown into the fire by the swashka - Bory Tucholsky), among the Hutsuls and in the western districts of the Volyn province. Among the Hutsuls of Pokuttya (Khotima district), the groom cut off the bride's braid with a knife when she was sitting on his knees, on the casing, and weaved two braids from the cut hair.

In the funeral rite, loose braids are a symbol of grief. In Serbia, women accompanied the dead to the cemetery with their braids untwisted as a sign of mourning. Returning home from the funeral, they braided braids. In Bulgaria, when death happened in the house, the women would unplait their braids and not braid them for 40 days. In central Ukraine, girls plaited themselves and their dead friend, at the same time in Galicia during the funeral of the girl braided her hair. In Montenegro, the mothers and sisters of the deceased cut off their braids and put them in the grave along with the deceased or hung them in the cemetery on crosses and trees.

Braids were specially unraveled in various ritual situations: during difficult childbirth, not only the woman in labor, but also all the women and girls who were present in the house untwisted the braids; in the rite of ploughing; with the appearance of hail-bearing clouds (Serbs of Dragachev, Leskovatsky Pomoravia). In Vitebsk, braids were untwisted when flax was crushed so that it was soft and fibrous. In Ryazan, braids were unraveled when the "mermaid" was seen off; some mummers during Christmas time and Shrovetide; it was believed that the witches' hair was loosened before flying to the Sabbath, before milking other people's cows, taking away the "spore" from the bread in the field, making "creases" in the grain field; when collecting herbs for divination.

Sometimes a girl, fortune-telling at Christmas time, unraveled her braid: before going to bed, she threaded a padlock into the braid, locked it and said: “Betrothed-mummer! Come to me and ask for the key. On the eve of the New Year and Epiphany, before going to bed, in order to see the betrothed, they “closed the braid”, that is, they braided and laid it on their heads. A prophetic dream could be caused by weaving some plants into a braid. Czechs and Russians consider bad omen meet a womanwith loose braid.

Forcible cutting of a braid is a sign of dishonor and reproach. Cut off from Bulgariaa girl's braid could be a rejected guy out of revenge. The woman tried to cut off the scythe of the lovebird. The girl had her hair cut off as punishment for the loss of her virginity; she had no right to wear a braid hanging down, for violating this prohibition she could have her braid cut. In Volhynia, a woman's braids were cut off for adultery. The girl, who had her hair cut as a nun, had her hair cut off “as a sign of separation from the world and marriage to the Savior.” In Ukrainian songs, the motif of throwing a scythe down the river is a symbol of the loss of virginity; sometimes a girl cuts off her braid because of longing for a sweetheart.

Braiding the hair of people and animals is a characteristic action of mythological characters. In the bylichkas, at night, the brownie braids the beards of old people, hair, women; the mane and tail of the horses are braided by a brownie, weasel, devil. The Pole has a weasel, a khokhlik (house spirit), a zmora, a devil, goddesses, dwarfs (dwarfs). Among the southern Slavs, this is the occupation of a pitchfork (they weave a braid of 10, 12 strands), and if the mane braided into a braid is combed, it will braid itself again.

The girl on Midsummer Night escapes from the devils, ordering them to braid her braid one hair at a time, which they did until the roosters crowed.In Ukraine, to protect yourself from evil spirits, on Thursday at the Mermaid Week, the girls wove wormwood into the braid; from the devil, from a walking dead man, apotropean plants were woven: “sweet clover”, “toyu”, “rue”; from the sorcerer at the wedding, the bride was saved by "Bogorodskaya grass" in a braid. From the evil eye, the girls wove the mole's right front paw into their hair.

Modern fashionistas are also happy to braid braids that make the image feminine and stylish. Still long braid is one of the main female "weapons" aimed at attracting male attention on a massive scale. Apparently, there is something magical in a long braid, thanks to which it has not lost its popularity for several centuries in a row.

IN Soviet time all schoolgirls and older girls went with braids. A long braid was a dream for all girls, so hair was grown almost from birth. The role models were the heroines of Russian fairy tales, for example, Varvara-beauty. Not a single girl dared to cut her hair. But they were happy to measure the length and thickness of the braids.

And now a long braid, as before, is a symbol of girlish beauty. In addition, today she has acquired the status of a fashionable hairstyle. Therefore, hairdressers and stylists are actively experimenting with braid weaving options. Today it is customary to braid the classic long braid on one side. The hair is thrown to one side, after which the usual braid of three strands is braided. In order to make it more fashionable, you need to weave it quite loosely, and then stretch the links of the braid to the sides. So it will become more voluminous and openwork.

No less popular today is the extravagant braid " fish tail”, which can also be braided to one side or back. His interesting shape it resembles the tail of a fish, hence its name. It is woven quite simply, although weaving will take you much more time than creating a simple braid. Hair should be combed back and divided into 2 equal parts. From the very edge of the left side of the hair, select a thin strand and throw it to the right side. Now select the same thin strand on the right and throw it to the left side of the hair. Continue these steps until you have braided the entire braid.

indicator impeccable style can be called long french braid. She looks very feminine and elegant. Its main difference is that they begin to weave it close to the scalp. To do this, in the upper part of the head, you need to select three strands and make several movements, starting to weave a regular braid. Then start grabbing strands of hair from the sides, adding them to the center of the braid. Repeat this until you have braided all the hair. Finish with a regular braid and secure with an elastic band.

A long braid braided around the head looks very original. Many Hollywood stars use this hairstyle as an evening hairstyle. And some women do not part with her on weekdays. For example, the famous long braid of Yulia Timoshenko, wrapped around her head, has become her hallmark.

The most popular type of braids braided around the head are Greek braids. Weaving usually starts from the parting on one side and moves around the head, you can braid two Greek braids on both sides, and then connect them into a long braid. For weaving, the spikelet technique is used.

Yesterday, walking by the stream, I thought: my whole life -
Only pranks and jokes. And under the murmur of the jet
I wove forget-me-nots into my long braids.
It was a quiet evening, and around, as if in a nap before going to bed,
The willows trembled a little, and flew among the flowers
Herds of dragonflies and moths are carelessly playful.
Suddenly I hear a rustle behind me. I looked back... in front of me,
And slender and tall, standing and looking at me
With eyes full of fire, handsome black-eyed.
“Child, why are you here alone? Look, the moon has already risen,
The lights went out in the villages ... "And I answered:" Among the flowers
I feed the motley moths, I feed the merry dragonflies.
And then he laughed: “Child, leave your flocks
Graze nature itself; come with me to the cool grotto.
Do you hear? - The nightingale sings about happiness and freedom...
Under the eternal babble of sonorous jets, there will be a sweeter kiss,
More comforting silence; and your wreath will not doubt,
And the velvet of the cheeks will not be erased from a gentle kiss!
The language of passions was strange to me - they did not touch my soul
Prayers and spells; like a doe I started home,
Trying to moderate my fear and my chest fluttering...
Since then, my peace has been lost! - I no longer wander over the river
In a wreath of forget-me-nots, I struggle with my desire, -
And an inexperienced mind argues with a young heart ...

For a long time, women of all ages and all classes in Rus' and in the Muscovite state knew one single hairstyle - a braid. Girls decorated braids with ribbons or braids, women covered them with a warrior. However, the braid was not just a hairstyle.

Two are better than one

Before marriage, girls wore one braid. At the bachelorette party, the girlfriends with howling and crying, probably caused by envy, intertwined one braid into two. It was two braids worn by married women in Rus'. They were placed as a crown on the head or tied with a ribbon to make it easier to put on a headdress. From the moment a woman entered into marriage, no one, except her husband, naturally, saw her braids again. Interestingly, the old maids were strictly forbidden to twist one braid into two, they were also forbidden to wear a kokoshnik.


The so-called three-beam braids were braided for little girls, which symbolized the trinity. The scythe was located strictly in the direction of the spine, since, according to our ancestors, it served to fill a person through the ridge with vital forces. It is no coincidence that during marriage, women were braided with two braids: one braid nourished her with life, and the other - future offspring.

We read on the braid

The braid was not just a hairstyle. She could tell a lot about her owner. So, if a girl wore one braid, then she was in an “active search”.

Is there a ribbon in the braid? Marriageable girl, and all potential candidates urgently need to send matchmakers. If two ribbons appeared in the braid, and they were woven not from the beginning of the braid, but from its middle, - that's it, “dry the oars”, or, as they say, whoever did not have time, he was late: the girl had a groom. And not just the one that builds eyes and plays glances, but the official one, because the ribbons also meant the blessing received from the parents for marriage.

sacred ritual

Combing hair was like a sacred ritual, because during the procedure it was possible to touch the vital energy of a person. Apparently, in order to restore the vitality lost during the day, it was necessary to run a comb through the hair at least forty times. Only parents could comb their hair for babies, and then the person himself did this daily procedure. It is interesting that the girl could only allow her plait to be untwisted and her hair to be combed by her chosen one or husband.

Symbol of honor

For women, the scythe was the same symbol of honor as for men - a beard. Pulling the braid meant insulting the girl, not to mention cutting off her hair. Once, in a rage, one gentleman cut off a thin pigtail to his maid, and then calmed down his indignant peasants, and even paid a fine. By the way, those who dared to tear, for example, a headdress from a woman, were also punished with serious fines. Only fines, it seems, did not go at all to improve the moral state of the victim, but to the state treasury.

Change the life

The fact that cutting hair radically changes lives seems to have been well known in the old days. Hence the sign that has survived to this day that it is highly undesirable for pregnant women to cut their hair. Voluntarily, and sometimes with reverent awe, only women who were in a state of severe spiritual shock, for example, during monastic vows, were allowed to cut off their braids. Hair in Ancient Rus' did not have the habit of cutting at all, and this custom has been preserved in modern men's monasteries.

Women's tricks

A braid as thick as a hand was considered the standard of female beauty in Rus'. Healthy and shiny hair could be better than the words of flattering matchmakers could say about the future wife. Unfortunately, not all beauties could boast of thick long braids. Of course, in Rus' they have never heard of building up. So the young ladies resorted to deception - they wove hair from ponytails into their pigtails. And what to do, everyone wants to get married!

“Curly black hair braided into a neat long braid
make Gandharvika truly magnificent.”

At first glance, a braid is the simplest and most unpretentious hairstyle that does not require much time to create it. In fact, braids as such have had a deep sacred meaning since ancient times, and they decorated their heads with braids not at all because of their practicality.

The energies of the Earth and the Sun flow through the hair into the human body. Therefore, sometimes hair is compared with wheat and rye ears or the rays of the sun.

Through the hair a person receives space energy. They accumulate energy, performing the function of a battery, or an energy conductor. But for this, their length must be at least 7 cm.

Long hair becomes extra energy protection and at the same time enhance the intuitive sensitivity of a person. Hair keeps the memory of a person.

In her hair, a woman accumulates her psychic strength, which is necessary for health and well-being. spiritual development. For a woman, hair is not just a dignity and decoration, it shows the quality and level of her energy and inner strength. The Vedas say that hair accumulates a positive supply of energy, which allows you to remain calm and balanced in any situation that requires a large expenditure of mental energy.

Hair length

Hair is feminine energy, therefore it is desirable that they be long. Growing hair is a special female asceticism. Growing long hair is not always easy. However, the Vedas say - if you have the intention to grow them, they will become thicker and shine. The longer they are, the wiser its owner, the more strength, kindness, love and affection in her.

A large braid, flowing along the back, pours divine powers into the owner, nurtures and strengthens her body and spirit, filling her with special feminine energy. And, since this is the strength of a woman, then her accumulation should be paid attention to. Women should treat their hair with great attention and love, because hair is a real gift from God.

Women should treat their hair with great attention and love, because hair is a real gift from God.

The minimum auspicious hair length is up to the level of the heart chakra, where the Paramatma (Oversoul) is concentrated. This length of hair allows you to reconnect with God. Then the woman will be in harmony with herself, with her emotions.

If the hair is shorter, the woman loses her connection with God and the ability to control her emotions. Short hair increase male energy so a woman can't get required amount information from the Universe and use it for the benefit of the family.

In addition, it is important for a woman to close the points on the neck and at the bottom of the back of the head in order to avoid being influenced by her gaze.

Until the hair has grown to the desired length, you need to collect it at the back and tie it with a ribbon so that the ends of the ribbon reach the shoulder blades.

As soon as a woman grows her hair to a minimum length, immediately positive changes begin to occur in her life. With long hair, a woman protects the happiness, health and well-being of the family. Such women have love and abundance in the house.

It often happens that when a woman cuts her long hair, misfortune befalls the family. When a woman decides to let her long hair go, events in her life begin to change in better side strengthens the subtle body. If a woman strives to cut her hair, she constantly strives to destroy her subtle body.

There is a statement in the Vedas that a woman keeps the piety of her husband in her hair, and if she cuts her hair, she begins to wear short hair- by this she shortens her husband's life by at least ten years.

Women with long hair are stately, majestic, graceful. And not at all because the scythe is heavy - this is the inner essence of the body, which is natural. The longer a woman's hair is, the calmer her mind is, the more stable and balanced her psyche is, the more harmonious she is and the more difficult it is to piss her off.

A short haircut is unfavorable, it gives a woman mobility, swiftness. Such women are less balanced, more restless, quick-tempered, they have less tendency to depend on a man - because they begin to develop masculine qualities.

Hair cutting

It is recommended that a woman cut her hair once every six months, in other cases - once a month you need to cut the ends, because they accumulate negative information. One or two centimeters a month will be enough. The only moment when you can refuse this rule is if the previous period in life was very good and productive. If your life was very difficult period- you can cut your hair shorter.

Pregnant women try not to cut their hair - hair stores information that is necessary for the unborn child.

You should be extremely responsible in choosing the person who cuts your hair. Indeed, in the process of cutting, he can give you part of the life experience. And even change karma. A woman needs to choose a master of the same sex as her.

The age of the barber affects your life.If you are used to solving your problems yourself, choose a master either of the same age as you, or younger than you.But if, for reasons incomprehensible to you, you are chronically unlucky in something, it will be great if the hairdresser is much older than you, because the more life experience she has, the more she can influence your destiny. Just remember that she must be cheerful, energetic and friendly for her influence to be positive. The result is worth it! Your life will change dramatically.

You should never disregard the basic rule of the ancients and do not cut your hair on the full moon and new moon. And if you get sick, try to follow the advice of the ancients - slightly trim your hair so that it leaves with trimmed ends. negative energy disease, and the body could heal more easily.

Hair cut on the waxing moon will grow back faster, but if you want your haircut to last longer, strengthen the roots and not split the ends, it is better to go to the hairdresser when the moon is in detriment. You can not cut your hair yourself - luck is cut off.

Don't cut your hair in bad days. These are the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th days lunar calendar, as well as the days of solar and lunar eclipses.

Before important events, which you have been waiting for a long time, you should completely abandon the haircut so as not to interfere with the course of fate.

It is undesirable for men to go to a woman hairdresser, as she can neutralize the energy of her spouse. Perfect option when a man's wife or mother cuts his hair. Previously, women were necessarily taught the art of hairdressing.

Cut hair should not be thrown into the garbage chute, into the water. They must be burned.

Hair care

In the old days, women took a very responsible approach to choosing a hair comb. After all, they knew that with its help you can remove any negativity and relax the body. But it is relaxation that is the key to the successful accumulation of female energy.

Combing hair is a ritual. A woman calms down when she combs her long hair, takes care of it, braids it. Comb your hair daily, and slowly, pronouncing positive attitude talking to hair. For example: "Grow a braid to the waist, do not drop a single hair."

Hair should be washed as it gets dirty. After all, they accumulate not only physical dirt, but also subtle - resentment, quarrels, unpleasant conversations. If you feel dissatisfied or feel empty and exhausted, you should wash your hair and you will notice positive improvements in your mood. Indian henna works very well on hair - it not only strengthens hair, but also cleanses the subtle body.

Hair concentrates female energy, and therefore in Vedic culture it was not customary to allow anyone other than the husband and father to touch their hair. The touch of a strange man meant, in the literal sense, an insult followed by an inevitable punishment. Sometimes it was even punishable by death.

The female energy has such a powerful energy that it is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man, protect him with her energy from any troubles, cleanse him of negative energy.

And therefore it is considered auspicious when a husband combs his wife's hair, washes it and even cuts the ends. In this way, he takes her energy and receives protection from his wife, and this also contributes to the beauty and health of women's hair!

Touching the hair of a loved one is a great happiness.

In the Neduvan forest on the banks of the Yamuna, as soon as the moon appears in the sky, an amazing lila happens - Krishna performs a very confidential service. He touches silky hair Srimati Radharani, big love combing them before the dance - rasa. His name is Keshava - one who likes to comb Radhika's hair while She looks at Him in the mirror. Thus, He serves Her. This mood is so sweet.

When we put on tilak and say "Om Keshavaya Namaha" we can meditate on this lila. Om Keshavaya Namaha. Putting the tilak on her forehead, I want Radharani to enjoy with Keshava - with the One Who protected Her from the demon Keshi, with the One Whom She combs her hair with great love, with the One Who Himself combs Her, while She looks at Him in the mirror.

By caring for your hair, you help abundance come to your home.

Hair condition

You need to wear your hair the way your husband likes it. If you want to change something in your appearance, you need to ask permission from your husband, and not from your girlfriends, and make changes gradually. The word "comfortable" should not be in the women's arsenal, it should be "beautiful".

The appearance of hair can tell a lot - the level of energy in a woman, the condition internal organs And hormonal system and even family problems.

Hair problems indicate that it is important to be yourself, to believe in yourself and in the timely help of the Universe. The material can play important role in life, but it should not take precedence over the spiritual principle, which is your true essence.

Hair loss for a woman most often means problems with men and father (disrespect, rejection, unforgiveness). At the level of psychosomatics, hair loss can mean an overload of information, as well as a loss female power when a woman uses it for other purposes. During such periods, it's time to take care of yourself, step aside from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and see what is happening in your life now, what is wrong.

Parting and bangs

By the way a woman wears a parting, we can talk about her character.

A straight parting balances the energy state. Such a hairstyle harmonizes the movement of energy in a woman's body, harmonizes the subtle body, gives an inner core, protection, and improves a woman's health.

Regarding the parting in the middle, Srila Prabhupada said: "Parting in the middle has a certain meaning. If a girl wears a parting in the middle, it means that she is from a good family and she has a husband. Parting on the side is worn by women prostitute. Once upon a time, the kings established a ban on dissolute women to wear a parting in the middle. If a girl is well dressed, it means that her husband is at home. If she is not well dressed, then her husband has left." (Bg 2.7-11, New York, March 2, 1966).

At the beginning or along the entire parting in female hairstyle traditionally Indian women wear a red stripe called sindur - a symbol of women's well-being. The sindoor application ceremony is also called "Sumangali". Sindur symbolizes the woman's saubhagya, the auspicious status of a married woman. Muslim women in India also wear sindur in their hair to signify their married status.

The side parting should be only to the left. That is, the bulk of the hair is combed on the left (female) side - Venusian energy, attractive to men.

Parting on the side right side indicates the masculine qualities of a woman's character.

Smoothly combed hair contributes to concentration on the desired goal.

A low beam develops meekness in a woman. high beam or ponytail add activity, strength and endurance. All the hair up is a sign of false renunciation.

Hairstyles with matted hair are very unfavorable.

If possible, avoid bangs. The forehead is a very important area. This is the dwelling place of Goddess Lakshmi. In the old days, it was believed that hair down on the forehead obscures the path of life and closes its own purpose.

If a woman grows bangs, then she seeks to hide her thoughts. Lung women behavior, one should hide one's impure thoughts from everyone, and a chaste wife should be open to her husband.

Hairpins, bows and other hair ornaments are very good - they enhance the energy of the planet Venus in a woman, which is responsible for beauty. Bows and scarves that visually lengthen the hair are also good, as they increase shakti - female energy.

Loose hair

The longer and better hair the more carefully a woman protects them from other people's views, gathering them in a bun or braiding them, the great power they have. The Vedas say that a woman with long hair has such power that no man can resist her. Here, in order not to sow temptation, women should go out into the streets and visit temples with their heads covered.

Loose hair - considered a messy waste of energy and a powerful sexual appeal.

Loose hair serves to collect subtle energies, they attract, collect information from outside world, which can be either positive or negative. IN in public places hair in this state collects negative vibrations, which can cause discomfort, fatigue, headache, feeling of dissatisfaction; concentration decreases, disharmony is created.

Each woman monitors the level of her fullness, and dissolves her hair only at home, in front of her husband and children.

Unwinding the braid is even given greater value than braiding it. This process should be slow and gentle with respect to the hair. By loosening her hair, a woman releases the accumulated energy, which is intended for loved ones.

If strangers see a woman's hair, especially if they look at her with lust, she perceives their lust with this hair and loses her piety, her good karma.

By covering her head, a woman maintains chastity, becomes protected, gains strength and prevents the lust of men.

Chaste Indian women cover their heads with the edge of a sari; muslim women also carefully hide their hair from the eyes of strangers. Slavic women in front of strangers, they tied their heads with a scarf or put on a kokoshnik.

Until now, the word "goof off" is used in everyday life in the sense of "getting into an awkward position." A woman found herself in an awkward position if, for some reason, strangers found her without a headscarf, with “simple”, loose hair - this was called “goofed up”. In other cases, "goofing off" meant to cover yourself and your husband with disgrace.

In India, only prostitutes did not cover their heads with the edge of a sari.

Also, the expression "dissolute" or "loose lifestyle" is associated precisely with hair. "Slutty girls" were those who let their hair down in front of an outsider.

The sexual energy of a woman is concentrated in her hair. Modern girls deliberately walk with their hair down and dress in such a way as to evoke lustful looks from men, but such looks of theirs burn out their future family happiness, increase the likelihood of divorce, affect the genitourinary system, the woman is emptied, becomes energetically weak. They are considered unfit to create virtuous offspring. This is one of the reasons why women now have so many problems in gynecology.

Everyone remembers amazing story when Krishna stole the clothes of the young Gopis who were bathing in the Yamuna during the katyayani vrata. He blamed beauties for loose hair. The gopis were standing in the water naked with their hair loose, and Krishna, in his voice full of love, said:

“It is very inauspicious to stand here with your hair loose and tousled. And on the part of the one who commits the vrata, this is even more an insult. What can we say about the guardian of the gate - even the townsfolk keep their hair in order! O young beauties, even the heavenly nymphs lose their beauty if they do not braid their hair. So now your beauty is ruined. O maidens, whose sweet faces shame the moon, braid your braids.”("Krishna. Source of eternal pleasure" Book 1 Ch. 22 "Theft of clothes from young Gopis")

Lovely women!

Feminine energy is lunar energy. It is distinguished by softness, tenderness, peace.

A large braid, flowing along, the back is like a river. Feel like a river, the strength of which is in its fluidity!

Develop femininity in yourself, increase the beneficial energies of the Moon and Venus in yourself - caring for long hair helps a lot!

For a long time, women of all ages and all classes in Rus' and in the Muscovite state knew one single hairstyle - a braid. Girls decorated their braids with ribbons or braids. However, the braid was not just a hairstyle...

Before marriage, girls wore one braid. At the bachelorette party, the girlfriends with howling and crying, probably caused by envy, intertwined one braid into two. It was two braids worn by married women in Rus'. They were placed as a crown on the head or tied with a ribbon to make it easier to put on a headdress. From the moment a woman entered into marriage, no one, except her husband, naturally, saw her braids again. Interestingly, the old maids were strictly forbidden to twist one braid into two, they were also forbidden to wear a kokoshnik.

The so-called three-beam braids were braided for little girls, which symbolized the trinity. The scythe was located strictly in the direction of the spine, since, according to our ancestors, it served to fill a person through the ridge with vital forces. It is no coincidence that when women were married, two braids were braided: one braid nourished her with life, and the other - future offspring.

The braid was not just a hairstyle. She could tell a lot about her owner. So, if a girl wore one braid, then she was in an “active search”. Is there a ribbon in the braid? Marriageable girl, and all potential candidates urgently need to send matchmakers. If two ribbons appeared in the braid, and they were woven not from the beginning of the braid, but from its middle, - that’s it, “dry the oars”, or, as they say, whoever didn’t have time, he was late: the girl had a groom. And not just the one that builds eyes and plays glances, but the official one, because the ribbons also meant the blessing received from the parents for marriage.

Combing hair was like a sacred ritual, because during the procedure it was possible to touch the vital energy of a person. Apparently, in order to restore the vitality lost during the day, it was necessary to run a comb through the hair at least 40 times. Only parents could comb their hair for babies, and then the person himself did this daily procedure. It is interesting that the girl could only allow her plait to be untwisted and her hair to be combed by her chosen one or husband.

For women, the scythe was the same symbol of honor as for men - a beard. Pulling the braid meant insulting the girl, not to mention cutting off her hair. Once, one gentleman, in a rage, cut off a thin pigtail to his maid, and then calmed down his indignant peasants, and even paid a fine. By the way, those who dared to tear, for example, a headdress from a woman, were also punished with serious fines. Only fines, it seems, did not go at all to improve the moral state of the victim, but to the state treasury.

The fact that cutting hair radically changes lives seems to have been well known in the old days. Hence the sign that has survived to this day that it is highly undesirable for pregnant women to cut their hair. Voluntarily, and sometimes with reverent awe, only women who were in a state of severe spiritual shock, for example, during monastic vows, were allowed to cut off their braids. Hair in Ancient Rus' did not have the habit of cutting at all, and this custom has been preserved in modern men's monasteries.

A braid as thick as a hand was considered the standard of female beauty in Rus'. Healthy and shiny hair could be better than the words of flattering matchmakers could say about the future wife. Unfortunately, not all beauties could boast of thick long braids. Of course, in Rus' they have never heard of building up. So the young ladies resorted to deception - they wove hair from ponytails into their pigtails. And what to do, everyone wants to get married!

Publications in the Traditions section

Symbol of girlish beauty

In ancient times, by the way the braid was woven, they judged the intentions and character of the tribe. For centuries, braids have been worn by peoples different countries, more often than others - in Africa, in Egypt, but today they are associated precisely with Ancient Russia. Among the Slavs, the braid was originally considered the most convenient and common hairstyle, but it became traditional not only for this reason. In pagan times, protective functions were attributed to the braid and it played the role of a talisman.

The sacrament of weaving a braid began after the hands divided the hair into even strands. In the process of braiding, certain conspiracies were sentenced for love, from damage or from the evil eye: “I braid my hair, confuse, confuse the thoughts of others, unkind, do not untangle my hair, do not jinx me, do not offend me, do not deprive me of my will. I stick the comb into the scythe, I poke the enemy and the offender with the comb, let the bad thoughts return to him, but they won’t touch me. My word is strong."

K. E. Makovsky. Down the aisle. 1884. Serpukhov Museum of Art and History

Ritual of braiding

Beliefs say that it is in the hair of people that the life force is concentrated, and the wisdom and strength of a woman is contained in the braid. The longer the hair, the greater strength can be filled. To restore the vitality expended during the day, combing the hair was carried out with a comb at least 40 times.

Grooms, when choosing a bride, looked not only at her snow-white face and a chiseled mill - an important selection criterion was the beauty of the hair and the thickness of the beauty's braid. People believed: the longer and thicker the braid, the healthier the girl. Promising to be a faithful and loving betrothed, the groom bought the braid from the family of his chosen one.

On the day of the wedding, the girlfriends gathered around the newlywed, sang long songs and performed the rite of braiding. The bride often wailed and cried at this moment, thus saying goodbye to girlhood. Girlfriends braided her hair into two braids and put them around her head. new hairstyle covered with a warrior (a linen hat decorated with a galloon); also married women wore volosnik, kichka or magpie. Such headdresses completely covered the hair so that strangers could not see them. Being in the status of a wife, it was possible to open hair only in the female half of the house or with her husband. To take off a hat in public meant to cover oneself and one's family with disgrace. It is from this that the concept of "goofing off" was born.

Girl in Russian folk costume

Girl in a hairdo embroidered with sequins and pearls

“The princess's eyes became stern, as they write on the icons, and sternly, almost motionless, looked from under steep eyebrows somewhere into the distance, as if behind the walls in chorus. Terrified by this look, Dunyakha silently combed her thick Brown hair, braided into two braids, pulling them tightly so that they lie more densely under a silk hair with a pearl bottom, so that, to shame and great sin, not a single strand from under it accidentally breaks out.

IN AND. Yazvitsky. "Ivan III - Sovereign of All Rus'"

Girl braiding hair

Participants in the rite of curling birch trees lead a round dance

Unmarried girls liked to weave satin ribbons into braids or attach a braid - a small birch bark plate decorated with beads. If two ribbons were woven into the braid from the middle of the braid, this meant that the girl had a fiance, with whom her parents blessed her marriage. Young ladies could leave the house with their hair uncovered. They tied on the head satin ribbon, put on a kokoshnik or a woven wreath. It was not customary for the Slavs to walk with loose hair. Girls were allowed to let their hair down only in the bath or on some pagan holidays. According to popular beliefs, walking with loose hair meant exposing yourself to negative forces.

F.O. Budkin. Girl in front of a mirror. 1848

Country girl with a ribbon in her braid

Of particular importance in Rus' were the hair on the head of men. People who devoted themselves to spiritual practice walked with a beard and long hair. According to popular belief, getting rid of the vegetation on the head, it was possible to lose not only energy force but also to lose interaction with the spiritual world.

In ancient times, Russian warriors shaved their heads, leaving a small tuft of hair, from which they wove a braid. The pagans believed that for this scythe, the god Svarog pulls out and saves his sons from the battlefield, and takes the fallen heroes to viry, to another world.

Unlike women in peacetime, men walked with loose hair, intercepted with string on their foreheads.