What a Muslim Woman Would Never Do


Islam teaches that men are superior to women. (Quran 2:228)

Islam teaches that women have only half the rights of men in court and inheritance. (Quran 2:282, 4:11)

Islam considers a woman an object of property, like property or livestock: “Passion love is adorned for people: for women and children, and quintars of gold and silver, and marked horses, and cattle, and crops.” (Quran 3:14).

"Treat women well, for they, like pets, own nothing." (Farewell Sermon of Muhammad)

Islam requires women to cover themselves when they are out of the house: “And tell the women: let them lower their eyes and guard their members, and let them not show their ornaments, let them throw their covers over the incisions on their chests” (Quran 24:31)

Muhammad teaches that women are mentally handicapped compared to men: "I have not seen a single man who had such a lack of intelligence as a woman." (Sahih Bukhari, book 6, hadith 301)

Muhammad teaches that a woman is an ill omen: "A bad omen is in a woman and a horse." (Sahih Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 30)

Muhammad teaches that women are bad for men: "After me, I left no greater calamity for men than for women." (Sahih Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 33)


Islam allows polygamy for men, they can have up to four wives at the same time: "Marry those that are pleasing to you, women - and two, and three, and four." (Quran 4:03)

A man can divorce his wife, for this it is enough for him to make an oral statement to his wife; wife has no such right. (Quran 2:229)

Once a husband has divorced his wife, she cannot remarry her ex-husband until she marries and divorces another man. (Quran 2:230)

Islam teaches that it is permissible for a husband to punish his wife by depriving her of sexual relations and even beating her: “And those whose disobedience you are afraid of, admonish and leave them on their beds and strike them.” (Quran 4:34)


Islam teaches that a wife must satisfy her husband's sexual needs whenever he desires:

“Your wives are a field for you, go to your field when you wish and prepare for yourselves” (Quran 2:223)

“If a husband calls his wife to bed, and she refuses and makes him sleep in anger, then the angels will curse her until the morning.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460)

"If a woman spends the night outside her husband's bed, then the angels curse her until she returns to her husband." (Sahih Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 122)


Your children will inherit the religion of their Muslim father - Islam. If the husband announces a divorce to you, then he will receive custody of the children and you will not be able to see them.

Sharia (Islamic law) says that in mixed marriages "children inherit the best of the religions of their parents", the Koran states that such a religion is Islam. (Quran 3:19)

You, as a non-Muslim, will not be allowed to be the guardian of your Muslim children.


If you outlive your Muslim husband, then his inheritance will be distributed according to Islamic law. A non-Muslim wife will get nothing, a wife who converts to Islam will get very little. According to the Qur'an, a wife does not inherit all of her husband's wealth.

If the husband dies without leaving children, then the wife receives a quarter of the inheritance, the rest is received by the husband's parents, brothers, uncles, etc. If the deceased husband has children, then the wife receives an eighth of the inheritance, the rest is received by the children, and the sons receive twice as many daughters. (Quran 4:11-13)


Before marrying a Muslim, find out what his motives are for proposing marriage to you. Your motive is love, but he may have other motives, such as obtaining citizenship (or due to lack of money, he cannot marry a Muslim woman and you are a convenient solution to the problem [translator's note]).

You may say that your husband is not a strictly religious Muslim. But do not forget that Islam is more than a religion, it includes a set of laws that completely regulate the life of both Muslims and non-Muslims in an Islamic society.

If you have any doubts, I suggest you watch the movie Not without my daughter, which is based on the real life story of an American woman who married a Muslim. This can be a saving experience that will save your life and the lives of your future children.

They say "love is blind", but I hope this article will open your eyes.

Wafa Sultan. Woman in Islam. AL HAYAT TV

Psychotherapist from Tunisia on the position of women in the Muslim world

God, Koran and woman

Other materials

A Muslim woman will not allow herself to go out into the street inappropriately dressed: with open arms above her hands, legs above her feet, with a cleavage or bare back. According to the norms of Islam, the body must be completely closed so as not to cause carnal desires in outsiders and thereby not humiliate the dignity of the faithful. But even wearing a hijab has its own nuances. Its fabric should not be flashy, too bright, embroidered with pearls, etc. This is a sign of immorality and a desire for luxury.

A special requirement is the observance of cleanliness in all senses. A Muslim woman cannot afford to marry a non-virgin woman. In this case, a terrible shame awaits her with the most tragic consequences. According to Deuteronomy 22:13-21, such a woman should be stoned to death.

A Muslim woman cannot afford to walk in dirty and sloppy clothes, because Allah bequeathed to observe bodily cleanliness. A woman will not even listen to dirty speeches, thereby risking defiling her hearing and thoughts. In Islam, impure thoughts and intentions (niyat) are as serious a sin as impure actions.

A Muslim woman will also not allow herself to drink alcohol. It is forbidden by the Quran. A faithful Muslim woman will not sit at the same table with her husband and his friends. Women in Islam take food and during the day are usually in the female half of the house.

Also, ladies do not allow themselves to walk around the city unaccompanied and never enter establishments intended for men (all kinds of tea houses, cafes, etc.). A true Muslim woman strictly adheres to the requirements of chastity, purity, fear of God, modesty and controls not only her behavior, but also her thoughts.

She is obligated to respect her husband and love him. She helps with raising children and housekeeping.

You can not spend the money that the husband earns in vain. A wife should be a frugal housewife.

You should not ask a man for something that he simply cannot physically do. We must rejoice in what God gives. You can not ask your husband impossible.

The wife must protect her honor and be sure to be tied to the house. Cosmetics and perfumes should be used only for your husband. That is, the wife must be faithful.

Islam strongly encourages marriage. The family must be faithful and worthy. It is based on the strict observance of all the rights of spouses. The main thing in life in marriage is mutual understanding, mercy and help to each other.

It is important that there is always peace and happiness in the house, as well as the obligatory tranquility. What else before the husband in Islam? Let's look at them in more detail.

The main thing is love for your husband

A woman must love her husband and prove it with all her actions. In general, Islam not only allows, but is absolutely natural love between a woman and a man who marry. It is impossible to violate the prescriptions of religion until the moment when the spouses legally formalize their relationship.

Love is the attraction of the heart. It is absolutely beyond the will of the people. Even if we want to give it up, we can't do it. There is no prohibition against love in Shari'ah. Sanctions can be applied only if a man and a woman violate the prohibitions established by religion. If there is a true love of two hearts, then this is absolutely not a sinful feeling.


Marriage in Islam is a path of a religious nature, which is completely identical to the usual daily meal. The religious path is needed in order for a person's life to last as long as possible. People cannot exist without water and food. Similarly, it is imperative to continue the human race. This is what marriage is for. Based on this, it becomes the root cause of the origin of all being. Marriage in Islam is allowed for this very reason, and not at all in order to satisfy the passion of one's flesh. Passion is needed to convert people to marriage.

Marriage, according to Islam, has five benefits:

  1. Child.
  2. Religion fence. It is possible to keep from passion, which is the tool of the devil.
  3. Seeing a woman becomes a good habit.
  4. A woman constantly takes care of the house. She manages all the household.
  5. There is a special patience for the peculiarities of the character of a woman. This is possible only with a special internal struggle.

When choosing a life partner, do not rush. You need to find a girl with special qualities. A Muslim chooses for himself the mother of his future children. You should not be guided only by the criterion of beauty. The main thing is that the chosen one must observe the basic religious laws. A sound mind and a pious disposition are needed.

The responsibility of a wife to her husband in Islam is the birth of children. They are the fruit of the love of a woman and a man. The intentions of those entering into marriage simply must be pure. As a result, it will be possible to create a really very strong union. It will not depend on temporary goals.

Fidelity of a Wife in Islam

What should be a wife in Islam? It is necessary that she prefer the rights of a man to her own. You should be ready at any time to meet the needs of a physical nature. The exception is the menstrual cycle, cleansing after childbirth, illness. A wife cannot refuse to perform conjugal duties in bed.

If a man wants to enter into a sexual relationship, you can not refuse. in Islam - the only means to satisfy the desires of the flesh. If a woman deprives her husband of this right, the husband will transgress the boundaries established by religion.

The wife has exactly the same right to satisfy her sexual needs.

If the spouse did not allow, the woman is forbidden to leave the house. A man can allow her to visit relatives. This requires compliance with Sharia law.

A wife should be submissive to her husband in everything. She should rejoice in the gift of her husband. You can't complain about a difficult situation. It is necessary to be as supportive as possible to what God has given a man. You should help your husband in every possible way and be sure to be an economical housewife.

The wife must be faithful. You should hide parts of your body from strangers. Only the spouse can see them. You cannot wear clothes that do not comply with Shariah. A wife should love her husband and belong only to him.

According to Sharia, a woman is strictly forbidden to be alone with a strange man. It is impossible to receive someone outsider in the house of the spouse in his absence. It is forbidden to show arrogance because of the wealth of the spouse or his beauty.

What should be a wife in Islam? She is also forbidden to ridicule her husband if he cannot boast of a beautiful appearance. You can not lecture your husband and argue with him. The wife should treat her husband with respect and honor him as the real head of the family. Children should be taken care of and educated.

Submission of the spouse should be in everything. If the husband forces you to do something that Sharia prohibits, you must definitely oppose it. A wife needs to strictly fulfill her duties so that a man is satisfied.

A woman must be submissive and obey her husband in everything. This not only applies to relationships of an intimate nature, but absolutely to all spheres of life.

A woman must protect her own honor

The ideal wife is simply obliged to protect her own honor. Only such a spouse should be with a real Muslim.

One should observe prayers, fast, be obedient and meek. Only prudent housekeeping, raising children and showing respect for the husband suggests that the man made the right choice.

You can not speak badly about your own husband in front of others. It is forbidden to take from other men.

A real wife who passionately loves her husband always and in any situation preserves her honor.

Don't yell at your husband

Not yelling at your husband is a very important condition for women. In general, screaming only leads to humiliation. This is a kind of pressure that a person tries to exert on another.

When we scream, we unwittingly open the door to a host of negative emotions. So we express not love, but hatred. It pours out on the dearest people: children and husband.

If a Muslim woman yells at her husband, this is truly absurd. The woman was chosen from many others. He dreamed of choosing a pious and observant wife of all the laws of Islam.

Shouting often provokes assault. The husband cannot scream in response, and fists are already being used, as it is required to put an end to the conflict.

You can always say everything calmly. You shouldn't yell. You just need to wait a bit for the emotions to subside. If a woman remains silent in emotions, this will not be a simple hushing up of the problem. The decision will only be delayed. Need to cool down. The cry often says a lot of offensive and completely superfluous. Do not offend and hurt. The goal of a Muslim wife is happiness in the family.

If the peace was won in a fight, then such a truce is absolutely temporary. You can not sort things out when you are on emotions.

If the wife feels that she will soon break down, you just need to go to another room or go outside. You should first tell your spouse that this method helps to restrain your own emotions. If this is done unexpectedly, such actions will not be understood. It is likely that a man will follow you or simply hold a grudge. If there is nowhere to go, you should simply remain silent.

Zikr also helps a lot. Even if you start reading it during an extremely heated quarrel, the degree of intensity of emotions will decrease significantly. There is also an absolutely radical way: to close your own mouth with your hands. You also need to warn your spouse about such an action in advance. You need to keep your hands near your mouth until the emotions subside.

If a Muslim woman feels that she is about to break loose, she takes pebbles or water into her mouth. Walnuts will do too. If breakdowns are regular throughout the day, a radical struggle with such a problem is necessary. This barrier should be kept in the mouth at all times. Gradually, a woman will be able to control her emotions and do not have to take water or pebbles into her mouth.

Often Muslim women turn to Allah with a request for help. They want to learn how to restrain themselves in difficult situations.

Thrifty housewives

Men should choose thrifty wives who will not waste their earnings. Only thrifty housewives deserve real respect.

You can't brag about your wealth to others. This can only be achieved with due diligence.

Duties of a Husband

What are the obligations of a husband to his wife in Islam? Relationships between men and women should be based on equality. A man cannot forbid what the Sharia allows.

If a wife offended her husband, he should be patient. One should be indulgent even if the wife is angry for one reason or another with her husband. It is likely that the anger that has gripped a woman will remove her from a man. That's why you need to be meek and tolerant. A man should be well aware of the character traits of his woman.

The husband is simply obliged to bring joy to the woman. Be sure to treat her very kindly. Only then can true joy fill the heart. But at the same time, everything happens within certain limits. We must not allow the fall of the authority of the husband.

The husband must support his wife financially, provide her with certain comfortable conditions. Moreover, the level depends on the capabilities of each man. It is important that a man feeds a woman well, clothes and meets other necessary needs. Such rights are satisfied without stinginess, but also without much frills.

Also, the husband gives his wife religious knowledge. You can not forbid her to visit those places where you can get them. It should be ensured that the wife necessarily observes all the norms of Islam.

If a man has several wives, fair treatment of all is necessary. You can not single out only one and neglect the attention to others.

A man has no right to humiliate a woman either by deeds or words. You can't laugh. A real Muslim will never embarrass his wife. If you want to express some kind of censure, you should find the right time and place.

It is important that a husband love his wife

What are the duties of a husband to his wife in Islam? He must treat his wife well. Muslims become truly ideal spouses for their wives. They support them in everything, help, take an interest in their affairs, take care of their health and provide materially.

A man has the right to marry a maximum of four women at the same time. This is possible only if it is possible to provide all of them with a really decent life in all respects. Everyone should be given the necessary attention. A great sin is to single out only one wife and at the same time completely infringe on the rights of the others.

There will be prosperity and happiness in the family only when the wife and husband regularly perform their own duties.

A husband must love his wife. It is necessary to dress beautifully for her. You should use only affectionate words in order to call your spouse. All the good done by a woman should be noticed. It is imperative that due attention be given to this.

If a man sees his wife's mistake, he should remain silent. Under no circumstances should any attention be focused on this.

Be sure to smile at your woman and hug her. You can't skimp on it. Be sure to thank your spouse for everything you have done.

The best of men is the one who loves his wife and treats her well. In such a house, order will always reign. A happy wife will make her husband happy.

Family and Marriage Traditions in Islam

The family in Islam is the institution that God himself prescribes. That is why the Qur'an pays maximum attention to the family.

In a Muslim family, there are not only husband and wife, but also parents and children, as well as numerous relatives. Each of them has a clearly defined role. There are also certain responsibilities.

The elderly have a special role to play. Parents always have a special advantage over their children. A huge role is given to the education of children.

According to Islamic beliefs, all were created in pairs, in which one complements the other. That is why the value of a man and a woman is the same. All people are equal before Allah.

Sexual relations are allowed only in marriage. Now the freedom of a woman has become much wider. For example, the consent of the bride is required in order to be able to marry her.

The main purpose of a woman is to be a mother and wife. She must manage the household, educate the children and take care of the upbringing.

Men play a leading role in society. But his social position largely depends on how good a father and husband he is. It is necessary that a man provides for the family financially. He must protect the house and enable the woman to calmly fulfill her assigned role.

All adults must be married. This is a sacred agreement that is made between families.

The physical desires of people should be fulfilled without suffering and pain. Any extremes are excluded. Sex can be beneficial only in full compliance with moral standards. This happens only when sanctified by the bonds of marriage. Any other intimate relationship is prohibited by Islam.

Often the marriage for a couple is arranged by the parents. It's all about two families coming together.

The marriage takes place at the bride's house. Allegiance vows are made in front of two male witnesses. Be sure to read a prayer and wise sayings from the Koran. After that, there is an exchange of rings and the obligatory signing of a marriage contract.

Cheating spouses - the most shameful and absolutely dishonorable act. This is the most serious crime that people commit in their lives. As a result, the collapse of two families at once is likely, and not one. Infidelity of spouses causes the deepest pain and the strongest sufferings. Forgiving them is completely impossible. This is quite understandable.

Islam strongly supports the sacredness of marriage. But unsuccessful unions of two people are not excluded. Divorce is allowed. This path is the last in order to resolve the problems that have arisen in people's lives.

Divorce is extreme. Before that, all family members make active attempts at reconciliation. If the marriage does end, it will be almost identical to death. The united whole is forcibly dismembered.

Such a serious attitude towards marriage and the institution of the family practically excludes divorces in Muslim families. Their percentage is extremely low. They happen very, very rarely.

Islam is one of the most widespread religions in the world. However, it is curious that not only Jews, Hindus and Christians know little about the main provisions of the Koran, practice shows that Muslims themselves are often not properly aware of their own religion. This gives rise to a huge number of prejudices and stereotypes affecting the relationship between husband and wife in a Muslim family. For example, an interesting question about such a thing as cheating on a wife in Islam.

Basic concepts among Muslims

It is very important for any student of Islam to know what is makruh, halal and haram. Makruh is an action or behavior that is not forbidden, but not desirable, not recommended. Halal is what is allowed both by law and by faith. But haram is a complete prohibition both by religion and by law on certain actions, for example, such as cheating on a wife in Islam. For such a woman, a terrible punishment awaits after death, and even during her lifetime she can be punished according to Sharia law.

Divorce in Islam

There is no strict prohibition on the dissolution of a marriage, however, it is clearly spelled out what is allowed to the husband and what is forbidden to him in relation to his wife. Situations such as the cruelty of a man towards a woman can contribute to the quick dissolution of a marriage at the first request of the spouse. On the other hand, the betrayal of a wife in Islam also gives the husband the right to dissolve the marriage of his own free will without the consent of the woman.

Cruelty in the Muslim religion

People who are far from this religion often believe that the attitude towards women in this religion is very strict and even cruel. You can find the opinion that the girl is allegedly in some kind of slavery, first with her brothers and father, and then with her husband. But all this is not at all what it seems. Naturally, the betrayal of a wife in Islam will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. However, the duties of a husband towards his wife are very broad.

Wife in Islam

At home, a woman is not required to stay in a veil and veil. Moreover, her husband is simply obliged to buy her the best clothes, underwear and jewelry. But a spouse should hide her sexuality and beauty in public. At home, the husband is allowed to see her in all her beauty.

Husband upbringing wife

There is a lot of controversy on this topic among Muslims, religious scholars and interpreters of the Koran. However, in recent years, a consensus has been reached on this issue. It is believed that a husband should educate his wife to some extent, but he has no right to use even light assault. Although there are exceptions, for example, the betrayal of a wife in Islam. On the other hand, the duties of the husband include saving the family from gossip, and the spouse from slander. A spouse should educate in his soulmate respect for himself and for his elders.

Quarrels in Islam

In case of conflict, the husband is supposed to just shut up. The wife is obliged to cool down and then apologize. Naturally, such problems as treason in Islam can be solved both within the same family, and taken out of its borders and submitted to the court of Muslim justice. Much attention is paid to mutual prayers to Allah. The husband prays for his family and wife, and the wife prays for her husband. This issue is especially acute during quarrels.

Islam gives rights to a woman as a person and as a wife, but while demanding rights, she needs to remember her duties as well. A woman should not expect all the privileges for herself without being ready to put a number of responsibilities on her shoulders. Of course, men must also be ready to fulfill their obligations, and not just enjoy the luxury of their privileges.

On the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will ask women about what they did, and not about what their fathers, brothers and husbands did. Many books and articles have been written on the rights and duties of wives, and we will briefly discuss them here.

A righteous woman must, firstly, comply with the instructions of the Almighty, and secondly, be obedient and fulfill all duties to her husband, the most important of which are the following.

If he commanded one of the people to worship another, he would command the woman to worship her husband, for her duty to her husband is great "(al-Bukhari, Muslim).

The wife should be ready at any time to meet his physiological needs, except for the days of the menstrual cycle and postpartum cleansing or illness. The wife is not allowed to refuse her husband the performance of his duties in bed. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: If a husband invites his wife to bed and she refuses him, then the angels will curse her until the morning..."(al-Bukhari, Muslim).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ... By Him in whose will is the soul of Muhammad, a woman will not fulfill her duties to her Lord until she fully fulfills her duties to her husband. She should not refuse him, even if she is in childbirth. (Imam Ahmad).

It is not permissible to refuse a husband if he wishes to have sexual intercourse with her, due to the fact that Islam recognizes marriage as the only legitimate means of satisfying natural sexual desires. If a woman deprives her
husband of such a right, this may cause her husband to transgress the boundaries established by Islam.

Of course, the right to satisfy the desires of sex is mutual - the wife has the same right.

Without the permission of the spouse, the wife does not have the right to leave the house. But the husband can allow her to go out according to her needs or visit relatives within the boundaries of the village or city, observing the norms of Sharia, if the time is calm and there is no danger of falling into the forbidden.

The wife should be content with what the Almighty bestowed on her husband. She should not show disgust for him, be angry at a difficult situation, but on the contrary, she should express favor to the Creator bestowed on him, be economical and help her husband in all matters where her help is acceptable. The wife should in every possible way warn him against forbidden ways of earning.

She must protect herself from prying eyes, hide parts of her body from everyone except her husband, and not wear clothes that do not comply with Sharia.

Say to (women) believers: let them lower their eyes and keep their sexual organs and let them not show their adornments, except what is visible from them; let them throw their veils over the slits on their breasts, and let them not show their adornments, except to their husbands... (Sura An-Nur, verse 31).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: A woman is not allowed to take off her clothes except in her husband's house. "(Imam Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi).

Sharia categorically forbids a wife to be alone with a strange man, as well as to receive someone in her husband's house from strangers to her in his absence.
One should not show arrogance to others because of the beauty of a spouse or show off the wealth of a husband.

It is also forbidden to make fun of him because of his ugly appearance, to argue, to cause pain or torment, etc. The wife must show him high respect and give him his due as the head of the family. The wife should take care of the children, taking care of their upbringing.

A wife needs to be submissive to her husband, except when he forces her to do something forbidden by Shariah. Thus, the wife should pay great attention to the performance of her duties to her husband and please him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Any deceased woman whose husband was pleased with her will enter Paradise "(at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja).

It is also reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Your wives will be from among the inhabitants of Paradise if they are loving, giving birth and caring for their husbands. And if such a woman angers her husband, she will put her hand on his hand and say: “I will not close my eyes until you are pleased with me.”"(Ibn Asakir).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: The prayers of three people do not rise above their ears: a runaway slave until he returns; the woman who falls asleep when her husband is angry with her; and a ruler with whom his people are dissatisfied "(at-Tirmidhi).

One of the important duties of a wife to her husband is submissiveness and obedience to her husband. This applies not only to intimate relationships, but also to all other areas of life. The only time a wife can disobey her husband is if he goes against Islam. In such a situation, obedience to the requirements of Almighty Allah should take precedence over obedience to human requirements, because there is no obedience to the Creator created in disobedience, for example, if a woman wants to fast in the month of Ramadan or perform obligatory prayers, and her husband for some reason tries to interfere with her. But here it should be noted that if the wife has the intention to observe any of the desirable fasts, then it is necessary to obtain the consent of the husband; this is due to his right to satisfy his sexual needs when
he wishes it.

The other side of the relationship, where the wife must obey her husband, concerns social life.

The husband decides who to accept or not accept in their home and, of course, with whom the wife can communicate. Obviously, she should not freely associate with men who are not her mahrams, let alone invite them home.

But there may be times when a husband will not approve of associating with certain women, if association with any of them can harm the family in such forms as, for example, spreading gossip, being a bad influence, or trying to destroy the marriage.

In this case, the husband has every right to limit such communication.
It is also the duty of wives to be faithful to their husbands, both in their presence and in their absence.

It goes without saying that fidelity must be kept both to the husband in relation to the wife (or wives), and to the wife in relation to the husband.

About a righteous wife who remains faithful to her husband, the Qur'an says: (meaning): " ... Virtuous women are submissive [to their husbands] and keep their honor [their] when their husbands are not around, which Allah ordered to protect ... "(Sura" An-Nisa', verse 34).

The wife is to protect and guard the good name and property of her husband, as well as her own virtues. A benevolent woman is faithful to her husband, with or without him. Her behavior reflects on the whole family; In many ways, the honor of a family directly depends on how its female representatives behave in family life.

If the spouses know their rights and obligations and take advantage of them, then the Creator will give them a wonderful life and together they will find happiness, both in this world and in the next.

Allah Almighty said in the Qur'an: (meaning): To sincere believers who do good deeds, be it a man or a woman, We grant a grace-filled, beautiful life. We will certainly reward them with a beautiful, greater reward than the one they deserve by their deeds. (Sura An-Nahl, verse 97).

It is also said in the Holy Quran: (meaning): ... And those who did righteousness from men and women, being believers, they will enter Paradise, in which they will receive an inheritance without any account "(Sura Al-Ghafir, verse 40).

That is why the hadith says: “If a woman performs five prayers, fasts in Ramadan, observes chastity and obeys her husband, then she will be told: “Enter Paradise through the gate through which you wish!”.

In the collection of hadiths of Imam Ahmad and an-Nasai, it is also reported that Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked: “Which wife is the best?” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “She who pleases her husband when he looks at her, obeys him when he commands her to do something, and does not contradict her husband if he does not like something in herself or in the way she spends his property.”

Modern women should pay attention to these instructions.
To an even greater extent, this applies to those women who transgress the boundaries of what is permitted, behave like men and try to control their husbands. These women do whatever they want.

They lead a promiscuous life and call themselves fighters for the freedom and rights of women. But in reality they are women who prefer the life of the world to the life to come.

Muslim women should make sure whether they have such features, and if not, then try to acquire them in order to win the favor of the Almighty, do it for themselves, their husbands and their children, for a calm and happy life on earth and after death.

Remember that once the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked a certain woman: “Do you have a husband?” She replied: "Yes."

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asked: “Is he pleased with you?”
She replied, "He's only angry because I can't do anything." Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Be more attentive to him, because he is Hell and Paradise for you” (Imam Ahmad).

From the foregoing, it follows that a righteous wife must be: pious, that is, perform good deeds and fulfill her duties to the Lord; obedient to her husband in that which Allah Almighty has not forbidden; guarding her own honor, especially in the absence of her husband; frugal with the property of her husband and her children; striving for her husband to always see her only beautiful, smart and smiling; trying to win the favor of her husband when he is angry with her, since the husband is both Heaven and Hell for the wife; not resisting her husband when he desires her.

If a woman fulfills these instructions, then Paradise is promised to her through the mouth of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).