Why I married a Greek, or what kind of Greek husbands they are, the choice of readers. What a Slavic woman will have to face in marriage with a Greek

  • Greeks love to flirt. Sometimes one gets the impression that beautiful girl they feel with their spinal cord. So don't be surprised if he pops up out of nowhere and starts bombarding you with compliments. The main thing is not to lose your head right away. The Greeks are the real conquerors, it is vital for them to do crazy things.
  • By the way, if your Greek is crazy about you - this, unfortunately, does not mean that he is not married ... Greece is a hot country, men most often do not wear rings (only on holidays). In addition, they believe that paying attention to attractive woman- This is fine. And they often go overboard. So be careful! If you stumble upon his wife, it will not seem enough ...
  • Perhaps the reason is that the Greeks often marry girls they are not in love with. In Greek families with old-fashioned concepts, it is the parents who choose the chosen one for the man (and this can be either his classmate or a woman much older than him).
  • But even in modern families preference is given, rather, to long-familiar young ladies. So his parents must like you very much in order for them to accept you into their sacred clan.
  • By the way, the acquaintance will take place quickly. The Greek is not accustomed to waiting. Almost at the first meeting, he is ready to take all your things in an armful and take him somewhere to Corfu, promising heaven on earth. Do not rush to indulge in all serious! The most interesting is yet to come...
  • The Greeks have very strong family and friendship ties. Their authority is relatives. Therefore, after you met his parents, you will meet at least a dozen more sisters, brothers, uncles and aunts. Get ready for the fact that all of them will examine you very carefully and ask a lot of questions!

  • Remember, at any age for his parents, he will forever remain a boy who can be kissed at a meeting and patted on the cheeks. That is why Greek men most often marry only after 30 years.

  • But there is one phenomenon. Your man can adore his mother, be gentle and fluffy, but at the same time - a real tyrant. Greeks always need to dominate, be the most important in the family and demand a lot of attention. Therefore, if you somehow looked at him the wrong way or once again forgot to confess your love, he will be indignant!

  • Of course, the Greeks are very jealous! They themselves allow themselves to stare at women, but they are closely watching how you behave towards other men. He is absolutely sure that he must be the best for you. Therefore, it is better not to start talking about male friends with him ...
  • But there is a plus in this. The Greeks are very emotional, they can't keep anything in themselves. And if he is madly in love with you, you will know about it very soon. And he will move mountains for you!
  • Emotionality leaves an imprint on his other qualities. The Greek man is a very passionate nature. It is easy to get interested and hooked on something. But it just as easily and quickly can cool down. And this applies to both relationships and work.

  • On the other hand, they never sit idle and money and are always active. He will call you to various events and come up with something interesting. But for a Greek, it is important to get a return, so don’t dare to say that you are tired and refuse.
  • The Greeks are surrounded by an aura of sexuality. With these vibes of his, he can easily infect you at the first meeting. Since he likes to have everything under control, you can just relax and have fun. With it, you can learn a lot about yourself...
  • But be prepared for the fact that your man may have increased hairiness. Although it is believed that the more vegetation on the body of a man, the more passion in him ...
  • He is romantic by nature. Only here it is not customary to give flowers, but serenades under the window and long walks are definitely provided for you.
  • Greeks love universal women: you must be able to cook, and dance, and sing (this is important!), And scuba dive, and know in advance about all his desires. In a sense, the Greek is looking for a girl who will look like his mother. It is important for him to feel that he is needed and that he is cared for.
  • If you are against alcohol, his family will definitely be on their guard. The Greeks always drink a lot of wine and eat, then dance, sing and drink and eat again ... Often they do not observe any sense of proportion. Your chosen one can outdo all your crazy friends in love for a loud holiday. And, believe me, he will roll up the holidays very often ... Guess who will cook?

  • Keep in mind that your budget will be divided by two. He knows how to save money. However, there is another side to the coin - there will always be money for entertainment. If a Greek cannot set the table so that it breaks, this is a real tragedy.
  • There will definitely be no half measures in your relationship. The Greeks are unstoppable. It is important for them to constantly experience new emotions. So if you swear, then with shouting and breaking dishes (he can even send you out of the house!), And if you put up, then ... your poor neighbors ...
  • He will adore your children. And carry you in my arms. Keep in mind, the Greek will ask for a minimum of three. And this does not depend on the presence or absence of housing and finances. For the sake of the family, he is capable of much.

For 4.5 years now, I have been living in sunny Greece with my beloved husband, Nicholas the Greek, and my little daughter Anastasia.

Why did I choose a Greek, and not a Ukrainian or a man of another nationality? I, perhaps, should say special thanks to my girlfriend's mother, Olga Nikolaevna, for the choice I made.

I lived quietly in Kyiv. Like many girls of my age, she was focused on her career, work, her personal development. I went on dates, but somehow it didn’t work out in personal life, even started looking for her soul mate on the Internet. To be honest, a lot of foreigners wrote, but I never communicated with the Greeks, but somehow I didn’t even pay attention to them. Until a friend came to visit me with her mother, who has been living in Greece for many years. Her mother is an amazing woman who has seen a lot in her life and is well versed in people, and, especially, in men. That's how we listened to her stories and opinions about the Greeks, about what they are good husbands and dads. She even suggested a site where you can chat with the Greeks.

The door was hardly closed behind my guests, I was already surfing the Internet and registering on the recommended site. On the same day, I looked through several profiles of Greek men, clicked a couple of likes and left. On the second day I received a modest message from a certain Nikolos. And from that moment on, everything started spinning. Daily correspondence, calls, video dates on Skype and, finally, after a month and a half of communication, the first meeting in Athens. It was my first live encounter with my future husband and with Greece. We can write a separate story about our acquaintance and 4 days spent together in Athens, but more on that next time.

After a year and a half of communication on the Internet and several of my trips to Greece, and Nikolos to Kyiv, we were tired of long-distance relationships and we had to make an important decision. Leave your homeland, relatives, friends, all the achievements that have been achieved over all the years of living in Kyiv, and start everything from scratch in new country with a completely alien and strange language. When I started to communicate with Nikos, and everything was fine, I understood that one day I would have to make this decision and move to Greece. Theoretically, I was ready for this. But when the moment of truth came, it turned out to be much more difficult. Only thanks to my husband, his perseverance, his care, his patience, we have now a happy family without any embellishments. And for all this time I have never regretted my decision and did not doubt my choice of husband.

Greeks are like husbands, what are they like?

Olga Nikolaevna was right about the Greek men. Of course, you yourself understand that I cannot give an assessment to all Greeks, because people are different: both good and bad in any nation. But there is an opinion about the Greeks as very family, caring husbands and dads. And indeed it is. I can tell this from personal experience, and from observations and communication with girlfriends who are married to Greeks.

For Greek husbands, the word “WE” dominates in the family! If we do something, we do it together, and there is no such thing as "this is not a man's business." At first life together it was a little unusual for me that my husband was discussing with me which curtains to buy, where to put what, how and where it would look better. After all, everything was completely different in our family: dad might not notice new furniture or new curtains.

But the most important and valuable thing for me is the relationship of Greek men to women. If he chose a wife for himself, then it’s just for him to get married, but really a very careful and deliberate choice, which is why many Greeks get married after 35.

For the Greeks, family and family comfort are very important. Indeed, earlier in Greece it was not customary for a woman to work, she only had to look after the house, take care of her children and her husband. Therefore, the Greeks are very fond of keeping the house clean, having home-cooked food, washing and ironing things, and a well-groomed and beautiful wife, because that’s how their mothers are. Do not think that for a Greek a wife is like a housekeeper. No no! On the contrary, it is customary for them to hire housekeepers to help their wife, especially if the wife works or has Small child. With our hardening, I try to do everything myself, and when my husband offers to call a woman into the house to do general cleaning, then I get offended and think that he is not happy with my care around the house, but it turns out that he just wants to help me out of concern. And they really want to have not only a housewife nearby, but also a well-groomed one, beautiful wife. For the sake of this, they are ready to invest in their wife and soul and finances, if any.

Greeks value their parents very much and family traditions. For a Greek man, mom always comes first, and then dad. After all, mother for them is the standard of femininity and home comfort. So they treat their wives the same way - with respect and love, like their dads treat their mothers. We are always happy to visit our parents, and they visit us. And if there is also some kind of holiday, then it will definitely take place in the family circle.

If a family leaves for a tavern, then everyone goes: children, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and great-grandmothers, who are already 90 years old and can barely walk, but no one leaves them at home just because they are old. I always watch with tenderness when big family enters the tavern and leads a bun with a stick, she looks about 100 years old, great-grandchildren hold the door, and my grandson holding her hand helps her come in and sit down at the table ...

Separately, I would like to emphasize Greeks as fathers! If a child appears in the family, then this is not only the concern of the woman, it is again WE. Together we take a full part in the upbringing of the child.

Greek men can talk about their children for hours, and even brag about their successes or some first achievements more than mothers, our dad personally does this, he can torture anyone with his stories about little Anastasia. For example, if you go to the park on a day off, then it can be noted that 80% of the children are in the park with their dads, and the mothers at this time go about their business or just relax.

These are the Greeks! Kind, loving, caring, excellent husbands and fathers, and also hot Greek men who know their own worth.

A little advice to the future wives of the Greeks! Greeks are very good husbands, but they will be, if the wife loves him, takes care of him, respects him and his family traditions, does not make scandals, never, never insults him and his loved ones, then you will have a strong family and wonderful relationship. In any relationship, this is the work and compromises of the two sides, be it a Greek, Russian or French.

I would also like to emphasize that this article was written personally from my experience and opinion, it may be completely different for you and this is quite normal, since there are no identical people and identical families.

Advice and love to international couples!!!

In cool European countries tell tales of the hot southern sun and passionate Greek men. At the same time, in hot Greece, there are myths about cold, snowy winter and mysterious Russian beauty. Packing their suitcases before the trip, the girls hear from their friends comments like “well, you are there to kill all the Greeks on the spot!” In anticipation of a vacation, seized with impatience and enthusiasm, travelers do not take into account only one thing: among their future acquaintances it will be difficult to find true face Greek nationality!

Despite the vehemence attributed to them, the Greeks approach the issue of flirting with cold head. As well as their refined ancestors, they know how to appreciate beauty and pay tribute to it in languid glances and approving exclamations. But it is extremely rare for a normal, average Greek, being in public place, will dare to transgress unwritten etiquette and speak with a beautiful fair-haired stranger. What if he was prepared for a public refusal? The Greeks are not a nation that is ready to endure public humiliation! In some places, the pride and complexes of the people, who languished under the Turkish yoke for five hundred years, still appear here. A fact is a fact - having thoroughly endowed an elegant lady at the next table with oily glances, a hot macho with truly philosophical calmness will allow her to leave both the cafe and his life ...

Representatives of other ethnic compositions act more decisively - the inhabitants of Greece with little experience, not burdened with a confused self-consciousness. They can be roughly divided into people from Albania and former socialist countries. Having lived for some time in Greece, both of them, to a greater or lesser extent, learned the external Greek gloss: three-day stubble, dark glasses and a large number of hair gel. The trained eye of a Greek woman sees a fake from ten meters away. It is much more difficult for beautiful foreign women.

Between the “clean and impure” Greek, there is also a third type

To protect yourself from unwanted adventures, you can advise our guests to limit their contacts in tourist areas and interrupt their acquaintance at the first sign of knowledge of the Russian language or importunity on the part of the interlocutor.

We got acquainted with the behavior of "pure" and "impure" Greeks, but there is also a third type.

They live strictly according to the tourist period, with its end they fall into hibernation, and in the spring, like phoenixes, they rise from the ashes. They are professional "seasonal workers", small workers in the tourist industry - waiters, bartenders, animators, hotel employees and beach bar workers. For the most part, it is they who brighten up the rest and give food for memories to thousands of Snow Maidens. Flirting is an inevitable part of their profession, two-week novels are a way of life. Their self-confidence is striking, annoying and enchanting at the same time. As a rule, they do not have bad inclinations and dangerous habits; you can safely leave them alone with your purse, heading to the toilet; like real men, they will never let a lady pay for them; but, finally leaving the hotel, the girl must properly capture the image of her boyfriend in the retina of her eye: it is unlikely that she will ever have a chance to see him again ...

What does not hurt, returning and unpacking the suitcase, telling an impatient girlfriend: how hot and passionate they are - the Greeks ...

Greek men are beautiful dark hair, deep and expressive eyes, as well as strict and intelligent facial features. Greek beauties even in adulthood more than attractive, and even with the presence of noble gray hair, they only become more desirable. Such gentlemen take good care of themselves, and always remain sensual suitors and further husbands. It should be noted that Greek princes dress exclusively in fashion and with a particularly refined taste. It is not for nothing that many domestic girls and women are trying to get such an imposing and loving gentleman into their arms. But how to find a husband with passionate and expressive Greek roots? Let's find out now!

Where should the bride-to-be start?

Many girls should be consoled who think that they will never find their beloved Greek in the territory of their homeland. Believe me, as the readers of the wedding portal www.site say, the descendants of the great Hercules come to our lands in droves to find themselves a Russian beauty.

However, if you still have the opportunity to go to this sunny and hospitable country, you definitely should not miss such a chance. On the local beaches, beautiful, and most importantly, single Greek men relax almost every day. Remember that the Greeks are a rather temperamental people, and if they suddenly see such a beautiful Russian girl like you on the beach, they will immediately try to tell you about it. The rest, as they say, is up to you.

How to behave in the company of a hot Greek?

Now it's time to talk a little about the customs and traditions of real Greek men. They are always welcoming, friendly and have a positive attitude. It is for this reason that you also need to constantly blur in the mysterious smile of a sweet and sophisticated Russian girl.

Most Greeks just love to cook. And believe me, they do it amazingly. If you will properly be able to behave in the kitchen, then immediately fall in love with your boyfriend. Among other things, visitors to the wedding site Svadbagolik.ru can confirm that true Greeks, if they find their soul mate, then stay with them forever. Based on this information, you should also behave appropriately: Greek men simply cannot stand constant jealousy and suspicions, since they themselves will never think badly about their life partner. They build relationships between a man and a woman only on trust and respect!

All the nuances associated with the wedding and further moving to Greece

As soon as you and your Greek lover decide to get married in this valley of hot beaches and delicious wine, you will have to get a so-called wedding visa. It is issued for the conclusion of a wedding union outside our homeland. It should be noted that the Greek authorities are now more strict with foreign brides, since the boom associated with the influx of Russian beauties has recently ended. Only six months after the end of all wedding celebrations you will receive a temporary residence permit at your place of residence. It is for this reason that in order to obtain full citizenship in the aforementioned state, you will need to live with your beloved companion for at least three and a half years. After the expiration of this period, you can already be considered a resident of sunny Greece.

Having chosen an honest and noble Greek as your husband, you will never regret your decision. A passionate and happy family life is guaranteed! These descendants of the gods of Olympus have always been considered the standard of courage and honor. Both before and after the wedding, a Greek man who loves unconsciously will shower you with all the fruits of his feelings. However, remember that the Greek people are a very proud nation, and just before the wedding, think again about whether you will make both yourself and your new life partner happy.

Walking the streets in Greece, you can often see bright beautiful couples- dark-haired Greek men with fair-haired girls of Slavic appearance. Such marriages are not rare. Many Greeks - and in this respect they are no exception to the rule - willingly marry our compatriots, and Russian girls marry Greeks. According to my good friend Greek girls from the CIS countries are favorably distinguished from Greek women by emancipation and openness, often a lighter character.

If you look from feminine hand, then for many of us, Greek men outperform men of other nationalities due to the closeness of the mentalities of the Russian and Greek people, which is quite likely based on the unity of faith.

So, we found out that for both sides of this social contract like marriage, there is attraction in such a union. And when love comes into play, then no barriers are seen!

In fact, members of the newly minted Greek family tests await, the list of which will include those that ordinary families do not face.

The first is, of course, the language barrier, if it exists between spouses. Many Russian-Greek couples started their relationship by talking in English. It was comfortable and even romantic. But in a family, there is no escape from the need to learn the language of the country where you will live. Most often, a girl moves to Greece and begins - she needs to go to the store, to various government agencies, see a doctor, in the end, just communicate with her neighbors, and most importantly, become closer to her husband. Of course you have to learn Greek! There are various courses for this. In large cities, you can go to classes. Or even more convenient, without being tied to a place and schedule, via the Internet in online courses. And, of course, practice-practice-practice in using the language!

The second is customs and traditions. Although Russians and Greeks are Orthodox peoples, they have different cultures and secular customs. A Greek husband may enjoy your Russian recipes for the first time, but sooner or later he will want dishes that he has eaten all his life - “Simple Moussaki!” So - you need to learn the basics of Greek cuisine. In this matter, it is better to ask for help from the relatives of a loved one - recipes from the Internet, especially in Russian, can be very different from those used by the Greeks. In addition, trained by relatives, you will get a chance someday to cook moussaka, “like his mother”. Or even tastier!

Third, find your own business. A rare woman now only dreams of staying at home - many want to work. But to a visiting girl with a higher Russian education find Good work in Greece, she needs to validate her diploma. This is a certain red tape and complexity. My Greek friend's wife is from Ukraine, and he told me that she fell into a kind of family when she moved to Greece. After all, being a doctor in her homeland, in Greece, she was never able to get a job in her specialty. Now she works at the hotel reception. If for you your profession is a real vocation, without which you cannot imagine happy life, be sure to find out all the details on how to validate your diploma, as well as inquire about employment opportunities in Greece before moving there. It may well turn out that it would be better not for you to move, but for your husband.

Surely, there are some other pitfalls in marriage with a Greek man, for example, the principles by which communication with relatives is built or how men in Greece spend free time. In addition, any couple is unique, and what may seem difficult for others, for others will be only a challenge of life, which will help to become closer and develop together.

If you love a Greek, and he loves you, be sure to marry him! True love overcoming difficulties only tempers!

Julia Oreshnikova

P.S.Are you interested not only in life in Greece, would you also like to understand and speak Greek? Perfect solution! After all, you can learn a lot about the mentality and life of the country, but without understanding its language, you will never understand its inhabitants. Our site site is not only articles and stories about different countries, but also concrete help in mastering the language in the fastest and easiest way.There are no accidents in life. Perhaps you are not with us by accident.

P.P.S.We have great news. A karaoke bar has opened on our YouTube channel. English and Turkish videos for songs and karaoke are already ready. Greek for songs and karaoke is also about to appear. subscribe to the channeland watch out for Greek, as well as surprises that we are preparing for you.