"back to USSR". funny script for a woman's birthday. A new universal scenario for an anniversary or party "made in the USSR"

The era of the 80s has long passed, however, those who still remember the time of good disco and unbridled love can plunge into the atmosphere of that time at a theme party. Bright colors, favorite songs and shocking - all this you will receive at a birthday party in the style of the 80s. The choice of this theme would be more appropriate if the childhood or youth of the birthday man and guests fell on this wonderful time. In this case, the invitees will be able to feel similar emotions and remember the distant era, which is so dear to everyone. However, among the younger generation there are also many fans of the culture of those years, so choosing an 80s-style birthday party guarantees unbridled fun and an evening to remember for a long time.

Be sure to warn guests that the party is themed at least two weeks in advance. Preparing outfits and accessories in the Disco style is not an easy task.

The place of celebration is not so important, you can spend this significant day at home. The main thing is that the environment should correspond to the spirit of that time. If the party will take place at home, try to move the furniture and make as much space for dancing as possible. Be sure to hang a mirror ball, no disco in the 80s could do without it. Also, take care of the lighting. The walls of the room can be pasted over with gramophone records and posters of idols of those years. In a conspicuous place, there must be a cassette recorder, even if it does not work, this will complement the surroundings. Hide metal-plastic windows behind floral curtains. Get old toys, a lava lamp, long glass beads, serpentine from the bins. To more accurately match the room to those years, decorate the wall with a carpet, and put an old TV on the cabinet. Surely your friends have things from the past that you can borrow for a party.

How to dress?
The clothes of the 80s were distinguished by bright saturated colors and outrageous combinations in clothes. Girls can put on a loose tank top dress, and under it wear multi-colored acid-colored leggings, fishnet tights or short denim shorts. Also, you can wear a sweater or blouse with large shoulders on top. An obligatory addition to the image will be a lot of bright accessories: large beads, plastic bracelets, hoop earrings. 80s hairstyles are full of curls and bouffant, fixed with an incredible amount of glitter varnish. The make-up of those years differs from the modern one in bright combinations and catchiness: arrows on the eyes, mother-of-pearl shadows, bright blush. For lipstick, saturated plum, coral and carrot colors are preferred. Shoes can be different, but be sure to attract attention with bright colors.

Men can create their own image from a shirt or golf in salad, orange, purple colors. From above, you can wear a sports, denim or leather jacket. As a “bottom”, the best option would be parachute trousers or jeans. You can also put on a tracksuit or sweater with a funny diamond. Another option for a masculine look for an 80s-style party is a black or shiny turtleneck under a white jacket. Shoes will fit differently, depending on what the man is wearing - it can be sneakers, moccasins or shoes. Owners of thick hair can comb their hair back and fix it with gel.

Forget about modern gastronomic trends, only "mother's" food should be on the table. Olivier, salad "herring under a fur coat", cutlets, cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, aspic, oven-baked chicken - and other culinary "hits" of those years are preferred on the festive table in the style of the 80s. Also, you can supplement the menu with sandwiches with cheese and boiled sausage, sprats, sprat, dried fish. The main drink of the evening will be beer. You can choose other alcoholic drinks, but there should be fewer bottles on the table. Pour liquor into teapots or jugs, as was done during Prohibition. Desserts are perfect: Bird's milk and Napoleon cakes, meringue cakes, "potatoes", eclairs, chocolates.

Musicand entertainment.
The musical arrangement of a birthday in this subject plays a very important role, because painfully familiar and beloved compositions will accompany the holiday throughout the evening. The tracklist should include songs by such artists: Donna Summer, Toto Cutugno, Boney M, Diana Ross, ABBA, Joy, etc. Complete the list with songs from Arebeski, Yuri Loza, Kuzmin and other Soviet artists. During the break between incendiary dances, guests can be entertained with fun contests:

  • Guess the melody. Guests will name the artist and the name of the song according to the musical fragment.
  • Huge bubble. Participants inflate chewing gum, and whoever gets the biggest bubble wins.
  • The best dance. The guests show off their best dance moves. The winner is the participant whose dance was liked by the guests the most.
  • Pop the ball. Balloons are tied to the legs of the participants. The goal of the contest is to pop your neighbor's balloon and keep yours.
  • Birthday card. An interesting task for guests. On a large pre-prepared postcard with a half-printed text, each guest enters a word in an empty line and at the end a pleasant present is obtained for the birthday man.

In addition to competitions, guests can have fun playing Tetris or “Just you wait!”, jump into rubber bands, play dodgeball or blind man's blind. Prizes can be old toys, 1980s compilation CDs and small items associated with that era.

A birthday in the style of the 80s or in the style of Disco is a stunning and colorful holiday that will no doubt delight and bring a lot of joy to the birthday boy and guests.

The script of the school evening grades 8-11

"Disco -90s"

Lead 1- « Listen, if the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it, it means that it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the roofs every evening ... "
Lead 2- Today, in this hall, not one star will light up, buta whole constellation because we welcome you todisco party ( Slide) Fanfare

Lead 1- Hello dear friends! Let's get to know each other - our names are Ksenia and Pavel

Lead 2 - And we're hosts tonight

What is disco style?

Lead 1 -disco style- these are stars, sequins, sparkles, color music, the best hits of the 90s - what else do you need for a real holiday?

Lead 2- Yes, it's outdated!

Lead 1- Yes, it may be irrelevant, but such familiar incendiary music, this is a sea of ​​​​bright lights, this is a fashionable and extravagant disco style.

Lead 2 Before starting, I would like to inform you Law #1: during the disco, everyone goes to the middle of the hall and supports the speakers with incendiary dances!

Lead 1- Law No. 2: As always - The phrase of our evening from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession" - Everybody dance!

Vedas. 1: Today, during the evening, you will hear and perform the most popular songs of the 90s, which occupied the 1st line of the charts.

Are the songwriters ready? We don't hear! Ready?

Vedas. 2: Also today you will have the opportunity to dance in the DISCO style,

Are the dance groups ready?

Vedas. 1 - take part in a fashion show

Are the models ready?... and hear our wonderful DJs!

Vedas. 2 : And, of course, contests and games! We also represent the esteemed jury Nadezhda Gennadievna Mokretsova, a specialist in clothing models of the 90s_

Vedas. 1 _Nat. Al-ovna Shashkova - specialist in choreography and chairman of the jury Elena Al-ovna Zhukova. Jury applause.

And the most wonderful, most interesting guys from the village of Shipitsyno are visiting us today - Are you ready to rock with us? Let's greet each other! So,

Vedas. (together): Begin! :)

Lead 2-let's plunge into the world of the 90s (video)?

Ved.1 And what was popular during the 90s? (all responders are entitled to tokens)

Presenter2: Another large letter M appears in Moscow, but this is not the entrance to the metro, what does this mean?

( the first fast food restaurant in the USSR).

Presenter 1: Moscow McDonald's beats all records, accepting 30-40 thousand people a day.

Host 2:- The era of shortages begins in the country. And what is given to all buyers for free? (food coupons)

Yes, there is a catastrophic lack of tea, sand, cookies and everything in general!

Presenter 1:- Question - Who becomes the first and only president of the USSR. (yes, M. Gorbachev is strengthening his power)

Host 2: Entertainment programs appear on television: What show does Vladislav Listyev open in 93, (hint) where the whole country rotates the drum?

(Yes - the Field of Miracles is the most popular entertainment program. Everyone dreams of getting on the program, saying hello to relatives and receiving prizes.)

Presenter 1: And at this time on the air from all over it sounded (Addressed):

Junior lieutenant, young boy,
Everyone wants to dance with you!

Host 2: Well ... I'm not a lieutenant yet!

Presenter 1: Yes, I just want to say that for four years in a row I. Allegrova was the “singer of the year” thanks to this song.

Lead 2: And with us it will be performed by a group of girls of the 8th grade

Presenter 1: Song - "Ensign"

Lead 2: Applause girls! Do you remember how funny they were computers?

Presenter 1: Which?

Lead 2: Themselves are huge, but the screen is small!

Presenter 1: No, I don't remember! Where are you going?

Lead 2: Oh, wait, I'll bring ...

Presenter 1: Stop! No need! Let's better announce the 2nd song - from the album of Andrey Gubin. He was also small himself, but with huge popularity!

Host 2: Fans fought in hysterics to get to his expensive concerts.

Presenter 1: So, the song “Winter-cold” (grade 6) is presented to your attention

Lead 2: You didn't stay too long? It's time to do aerobics, just in the 90s it was, well, very popular!

Presenter 1 Q: Do you know the movements?

Lead 2: Well ... so somehow probably ... (shows)

Presenter 1: (sarcastically) Well, yes, but the 7th grade has been doing aerobics almost from birth. We invite you to the stage!

Together: Aerobics of the 90s!

Lead 2: We continue to choose the most omniscient about the 90s, what chewing gum was the most popular?;

Presenter 1: what item of clothing of bright colors just conquered all the expanses of the USSR?

Lead 2: And what can be in this orange egg? (Kinder surprises)

Your prize is Kinder Surprise!

Presenter 1: Now raise your tokens - who has the most? Prize goes to _____________

hoop competition

1.Two metal hoops, invite 2 participants. Participants, you just spin the hoop while the music is playing, preferably the artistic rotation of the hoop will be won by the participant who drops the hoop less times during this time. And we count how many times it will drop.

Nowsecond part of the contest: the participant who collects the largest number of participants in his hoop will win. Counting participants...

ANDwe are running the third part of the competition:the final run of these companies, to the chair and back. Whoever covers the distance the fastest wins.

Host 2: In the meantime, we were playing .. seventh graders are already ready to present you song "Swallow"

Why do we need Natasha Koroleva if we have Evgenia and Polina! Meet!

Presenter 1: What were the popular bands of ours then? (of course

gr. Combination, "Masha and the Bears", group Dune, " Ivanushki International» Alla Pugacheva, F. Kirkorov, and others).

Lead 2- And from the western ones?

(- Ottawan, CC Catch, ModernTalking, Arabesque, Smokie, Italians, Toto Cutugno, Adriano Celentano, Michael Jackson ;)

Presenter 1: « Itismylife”, i.e. "This is my life!"- super-popular composition! Remember the phrase of our evening “Everybody dance!” Dance grade 8

Lead 2 Excellent muzon! We also wanted to dance! And back in the 90s they danced to an incendiary song about love, what do you think what? Certainly! - so welcome Ksenia with the song "The wind blew from the sea"! And we will definitely sing along with her!

Presenter 1: Where are our DJs?

DJ grade 9 MS kids, tape recorder in hand! And our phrase of the evening - (together) everyone dance!!! Applause to the DJ!

The music sounds - "Well, where are you, girls"

Host 2: Well, where are you, girls, short skirts, and not only short ones, but also long ones, but also dresses, and leggings, and jeans? .. Oh-oh-oh ... My eyes run wide! Where will you see so many more models?!

We invite all models to the podium!

6th grade - you have the floor! Welcome to 7th grade! Applause 8 class, 9, 10, 11 class

and now we welcome the models of our guests!

Presenter 1: Well, dear friends, haven't you all clapped your hands yet? Once again, applause to all the mods of the 90s, and we want to say that the most interesting is yet to come,

sometimes you just want to sit, dream about love, which comes just when it wants to. Or you can dance to a magical song nothing cannot be more wonderful than a magical song," tells us Arina in a song called simply "Duet" And we invite you to dance a slow dance!

Ved.2 - Applause Arina, and we continue the competition. And at the request of the audience, a group of grade 9 will perform in front of you

"Dance with Candles"

Ved.2 we invite all the girls and all the boys who have been sitting up for something, show the class, How danced in the 90s

AND Master Class today we give - guys from 10th!Maestro - music!

Balloon competition

    And now 2 couples are invited (from Udima, and from Shipitsyno), participants receive a balloon, which is tied to their left leg. The task of the contestants will be to burst the opponent's balloon and save theirs. The one who manages to keep his ball wins.

Presenter 1: And today we have a guest super-star of the 90s Valery Leontiev!!! Meet!

Presenter 1 - Have a great fun! We ask for a moment of attention! Important announcement! There is a TREASURE in this room, This treasure is in an egg, and the egg is in a chest, and where the chest is - we won’t say! The main thing is that the word “Treasure” is written on it. If anyone finds it (maybe by chance, dancing), come to us, maybe you will find your happiness ?!

And his love (chewing gum "Love is") gets ... the most resourceful ... (name)

Host 2: And we return to popular music and invite girls 11cl. They prepared for us dance surprise. From the first chords, the legs and other parts of the body begin to dance, the mood rises, a smile illuminates the face!
Don't hold back! Dance with them!!!

Presenter 1: And we are looking forward to DJ Andryukha, Where are you? We are waiting for you! and again ... Our phrase of the evening -

Together - Everybody dance!!!

Ved2. Literally in a few minutes we will hear the results of the jury's decision.

Presenter 1 - And our surprises don't end today! You know that in the era of the 90s, this kind of music was very popular (We will Rock) What is this style? Of course rock!

And what is extreme vocals, you know? This is such a completely unusual extreme singing, his something our guests will show us Ivan and Andrey- Welcome them!

Well guys, did you like it? Shall we invite Ivan and Andrey? Applause!

Vedas. 2- And we bring to your attention the dance of our guests - Meet! group _Surprise "Dance with a hat"

Contest - King and Queen of Disco

3. 1 more contest of the 90s - We need 12 girls, 12 boys. We give you cards: Girls with some wish, and Boys with a profession. For example - desire: I want to buy a phone. What profession should you look for? That's right, the seller. And so who will quickly find his mate?

One two Three! Go!

After the couples find each other, you are invited to portray this action so that the audience can guess the profession of your couple. If you don't guess right, the pair is eliminated.

And now the couples are invited to dance a dance - whoever of you receives the audience's sympathy becomes ... the King and Queen of Disco!!!

Leading 2 : Yes ... in the era of stagnation, people lived poorly, but cheerfully.

And also, taking this opportunity, on behalf of all the children of our school, I want to congratulate the girls and all teachers on the upcoming holiday and wish them many flowers and gifts

Ved1.- Thank you, the jury will probably take this into account ... ) Well, are the jury ready?

Ved2. Who did win in five nominations? DJ, drum roll! So, the word of the jury!

Ved.1- Applause to the winners, and we also applaud all the music of the 90s. After all, this music has connected us today, but the disco of the 90s does not end - Our phrase of the evening - (together) everyone dances !!!

Need to:


Profession cards


King and Queen of Disco

King of Rock

Best presenter

Main birthday girl

Main birthday boy


    Song - "Junior Lieutenant" - 8kl

    The song "Winter-Cold" - 6th grade.

    Aerobics of the 90s - 7th grade

    Song "Swallow" - 7th class.

    Dance"It is my life" - 8 class.

    song "The wind blew from the sea" - 9kl.

    DJ - MS-kids - 9 cells.

    MODS - all classes

    "Duet" - 10 cells.

    "Dance with candles" - 9kl.

    master class "Dances of the 90s" Grade 10

    Parody grade 10

    Dances. surprise "Barbie" -11kl

    DJ grade 10

    Ivan and Andrey - rock

    Dance with a hat group "Surprise"

An 80s themed party is a great script idea for any occasion, whether it's a birthday, New Year's Eve, graduation or just a casual get-together of best friends! The main thing is that it should be crazy, funny and memorable for many years! How to arrange? Easily! We do it with pleasure and from the heart!

We start with invitations.

We compose a positive, colorful and friendly invitation in electronic form or print it on paper. Specify the place, date and time of the celebration! We celebrate the style of the party and warn about the upcoming dress code! We do it in a fun and humorous way! We send it by mail, give it directly to your hands, share it in social networks or send it electronically. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that the addressee receives, smiles and arrives at the place!

We organize party organizers.

Assembling a group of optimists, although one perky companion with a bunch of crazy fun ideas will work too! We discuss, share ideas, prepare a script together.

Download music from the 80s.

We download such music so that even the most modest "nerd" starts dancing. It is advisable to take into account the age and preferences of the company. We focus on the periods of those years.

In the early 80s, ABBA, Boney M, were at the peak, in the middle - the Italian pop music Celentano, Toto Cutugnier. In the same period, Sandra, CC Keich and "Arabesque", Modern Talking and Bad Boys Blue, etc. were popular.

Do not forget about the stars of the Soviet stage: everyone's favorite Yura Shatunov, the Mirage group, Yuri Antonov, Minaev, Pugacheva and others.

We search on the Internet, go through old disks, you can visit a music store, it doesn’t matter. The main criterion is compliance with the style of the holiday - the music of the 80s. Cheerful, positive, dancing!

Buying supplies for the party.

Attributes for a party in the style of the 80s can be anything that will cheer you up, make the photo bright, and save the one who came without "make-up". These can be funny glasses, funny hats, bright ties with inscriptions, crazy standing wigs, suspenders from your dad's closet. In general, take everything that makes you smile - it will not be superfluous! You can look into the store for the holiday to buy garlands, flags and confetti. Another option: decorate the room with vinyl records or photographs of friends from their nostalgia times, as well as posters of your favorite stars of the 80s from old magazines.An important attribute of the evening is a mirror disco ball.You can make it yourself by easily finding instructions for making it on the Internet.

Color music will plunge you into the atmosphere of disco times. A cassette recorder will add flavor to the holiday! Even better if it plays music :)

We dress in the style of the eighties.

The outfit can be different, even if you come in tights and with a string bag. The main thing is that it should be in accordance with that beautiful era! Well, seriously, the representatives of the era of the 80s preferred catchy and bright clothes, too narrow and too wide cut, as well as short length, glitter of sequins and rhinestones. The clothes of girls should contain a challenge to the whole world and obsessive sexuality: miniskirts, bodysuits, leggings, leggings, fishnet tights, shoulder pads, batwing jacket, banana trousers. Footwear: sneakers, pumps and sneakers.

On the head in those years there was a fashion for perms, highlights, bouffants and high tails. Makeup should also keep up with all the enchanting image: bright shadows of the most saturated colors, eyeliner, catchy blush and lipstick with mother-of-pearl or rich shades. An integral part is glasses. Bright accessories are also indispensable: gloves with cut off fingers, neckerchiefs and hats, colored ribbons on the forehead, voluminous clip-on earrings, hoop earrings, wide plastic bracelets and large beads. Men of those times wore jeans - bananas, bright shirts, dark turtlenecks under a jacket, wore belts and suspenders. The image of a real kid of that time in an Adidas suit and worn-out sneakers is also relevant!

Drinks and snacks from the past.

Party entertainment also requires a creative approach. Sandwiches with red fish are best replaced with sandwiches with sprats or doctor's sausage, and serve Olivier instead of Caesar. Dumplings with sour cream, fried chicken, homemade cutlets, herring in a fur coat and mimosa, pickled cucumbers and pickled mushrooms - that's what was on the table in an ordinary Soviet family for the New Year or birthday. It will also be relevant to have soda or compote in a huge pot or jars. And of course, you can't do without Soviet champagne, Zhiguli beer and Stolichnaya. For dessert, Napoleon cake, eclairs, Potato cake, puff tongues, Alenka chocolate and Eskimo ice cream. Beautiful tablecloths, bright napkins and colored straws will make the treat more appetizing.

We are writing a script for a party in the style of the 80s.

The main criterion is ease and ease. It can be interesting and funny forfeits, contests, drawings, a lottery, or simple funny questions! Do this taking into account the characteristics of the rest and the preferences of your company. We prepare prizes in advance: pennants, certificates, chewing gum, toffees, orders, calendars with Olympic symbols. Everything associated with that era.

Funny and humorous questions about how much food and things cost at that time will defuse the guests and mentally plunge them into a scarce time. By the way, the game guess the melody will be most welcome. Make a good selection of your favorite 80s songs. You can arrange a competition for the best image of the party, the participants walk along the podium and get a flurry of applause!

READ: Retro party script

A disco marathon or dancing on a newspaper will reveal the talents of guests and give them the opportunity to express themselves in the spirit of that time! The choice of the disco king and queen of the evening or (as an option) miss and mister USSR will be the perfect end to your positive program.

In general, more positive, colors and the party will be remembered by everyone for a long time! Good luck, mood and positive emotions!

So that the holiday does not turn into a boring feast, diluted, at best, with songs and jokes, you need to come up with a theme for it. Theme parties have recently become quite a popular phenomenon among both young people and adults. For those who love history and want to plunge into the relatively recent past, we can offer a party in the style of the 80s.

Room decoration

First of all, for a themed evening, you need to arrange a room. First, it is worth taking out of it (as far as possible) all modern things. And those things that cannot be removed, it is better to hide. For registration use:

  • a large mirror ball in the center under the ceiling (you can cut unnecessary CDs into pieces and paste over an old globe or ball with them),
  • posters with stars of the 80s on the walls,
  • luminous garlands (color music),
  • cassette tape recorder (it should be put on a shelf to create the necessary surroundings),
  • record player (very good if it is in working condition, then you can turn on music on it),
  • vinyl records (or use them for their intended purpose, or just decorate the walls with them).

Some find old black-and-white photos and decorate the room with them, or specially “age” photos of invited guests on the computer and hang them on the walls. These pictures can be a great keepsake for guests.


Be sure to warn all guests that a party in the style of the 80s is planned - the clothes of all invitees and hosts of the evening should correspond to the time. How to dress for women?

  • on the feet - pumps without heels or low heels, ballet flats, sneakers;
  • leggings or leggings, fishnet tights;
  • clothing must be with large shoulder pads, raglan or bat sleeves (most often these are voluminous jackets, leather jackets or dresses);
  • miniskirts are also a symbol of the 80s, but they can be replaced with banana trousers.

The general trend looks like this: bright colors (blue, pink, fuchsia, etc.); animal prints, large cage; makeup should be somewhat vulgar (although no one thought so then) with a lot of bright shadows and mother-of-pearl lipstick; in general, as much shine as possible. Hairstyle - perm or just bouffant.

Men should look for these things:

  • sporty shirts with pointed collar;
  • bright turtlenecks with a light jacket;
  • blouse shirts that tuck into trousers;
  • banana trousers or jeans "varenki";
  • on feet - sneakers or sneakers.

Many men in the 80s of the last century wore mustaches and long hair (some with perm), so if you have the opportunity and desire to fully comply with the spirit of the times, then you can risk letting go of the “vegetation”.


Food for an 80s-style party should be as simple as possible. Then, at least on the territory of the USSR, it was difficult to get some gourmet products, so the dishes were prepared from what is in stores:

  • black bread sandwiches with pickles, a piece of egg and sprats,
  • sliced ​​​​boiled and smoked sausage,
  • salad "Herring under a fur coat" and "Winter",
  • fried chicken,
  • homemade cake "Napoleon" or "Sour cream", etc.

Particular attention should be paid to drinks. At that time, Soviet champagne was put on the table (it can still be found in stores to this day), Pepsi-Cola, homemade fruit drinks, port wine, vodka. On the basis of all this, cocktails were often prepared. So that they are not boring, you can add liquor to the ingredients.


Whether it is worth writing a script for a party in the style of the 80s, everyone decides for himself, but it is necessary to figure out how the guests will have fun. First of all, you should take care of the musical accompaniment: songs of the Soviet stage are used as background music (you can choose anything, just make sure that among the compositions there are not those that appeared in the 90s and later), for dancing - disco .

Games and competitions for the holiday should be related to the 80s or just need to stylize modern entertainment.

"Come on, girls!"

A program called "Come on, girls!" appeared on television at the end of the last century. It is quite possible to arrange something similar at a party. Competitions will be held only among the representatives of the weaker sex. They need to be given several tasks:

  • peel the potatoes for a while (accuracy is also evaluated);
  • dance to the music chosen by the presenter;
  • talk about some sight - it is better to take the sight of the city where the girl lives or grew up;
  • make yourself a stylish outfit from the proposed items of clothing (the most unexpected things are put in the box, from work gloves to flippers).

For each test, the girls are awarded points, they are put up by the audience (men) by secret ballot. The one with the most points wins. As a prize, a memorable prize is awarded: a keychain, a notebook, a book.


Of course, the 80s are memorable for the fact that the Olympic Games were held in Moscow at that time, so guests can be invited to compete in various sports categories. Of course, pole vaulting or a 100-meter race is unlikely to be arranged in a small city apartment, but for a party in the style of the 80s, you can come up with your own contests:

  • if there is a horizontal bar, then you can compete who will pull up on it more;
  • arrange long jumps in a spacious corridor or large room;
  • who will quickly pack into a sleeping bag (the game is against the clock, so you need a stopwatch).

Also, a competition for the best performance of a dance called "Lambada" will be very appropriate. To make it more fun, the music for it is not the most suitable, for example, Russian folk motifs.


The knowledge quiz of the 80s is most often conducted among adults who were already born at that time and were far from babies. However, it will be even more interesting if young people take part in the quiz. What questions are asked?

  1. What do they do with a pencil and a cassette? Answer: put the cassette on a pencil and rewind the film.
  2. What do they do with sugar, water and a comb? Answer: sugar is diluted in water, a comb is dipped there and styling is done.
  3. How much did a can of condensed milk (a carton of milk, green peas, etc.) cost in the mid-80s?
  4. What is the performer? It is necessary to turn on the music and invite the guests to guess who performs it.
  5. Name the films that were released at that time. Whoever names the most films wins.
Questions for the quiz should be thought out in advance and the guests should be warned (write in the invitation to the party) that such a competition is planned - let them do their “homework” and properly prepare for the holiday.

A must do at a party in the style of the 80s photo. If possible, it is better to shoot on film, but even if this does not work out, it does not matter. On the computer, it will be possible to color-correct frames and print stylized photographs.

To briefly return to your past or the past of your parents is an interesting unforgettable experience. And fun if it's a disco party - an explosive cocktail of color, light and crazy music! It is no coincidence that this holiday theme has been popular for several decades, despite the rapidly changing fashion. Do you want to have a real break, dancing until the morning to the rainbow cycle of color music? 120 beats per minute - your choice!


The Disco era is the mid-70s, when uncomplicated club music became incredibly popular. And the 80s, when there were few disco performers left, but what stars they were! And the first half of the 90s, when reckless clockwork melodies again turned the head of mankind. And even today, popular singers include individual disco-style compositions in their albums. Why are we?

You should not fanatically recreate the "spirit of that time." Disco exists outside of time, and the right atmosphere is the absence of irrelevant details. Therefore, a spacious empty hall (or room) that needs to be decorated with an extravaganza of color is ideal. Any bright, saturated and contrasting shades are suitable - orange and purple, red and turquoise, chicken yellow and salad green!

A postcard in the form of a vinyl record, a star or a triangle, decorated with sparkles and rhinestones - an invitation for friends is ready! Or cut out a disco dancer in a huge wig and costume with flared sleeves and legs from a folded piece of paper.

The most important thing is color music. If your company has an electrician, he will assemble it in 15 minutes from a cord and painted lamps. You can use multi-colored shimmering garlands, large and rounded or in the form of candles, stars, rhombuses. An unchanging rotating lamp for color frenzy, or better a few. A disco ball that can be rented or made from pieces of a mirror and an unnecessary globe (pasted and hung in the center of the hall, under the ceiling). If one of your friends has a home planetarium, be sure to borrow it.

Boring walls can be covered with white paper wallpaper, painted randomly - multi-colored stripes, splashes, spots, stains. A little reflective or luminescent paint will create a stunning effect!

Pictures of popular performers of a bygone era will fit into the disco theme. The compositions of Van McCoy, Donna Summer, ABBA, Boney M, Chic, Gloria Gaynor and other bands and performers are the very music for holding contests and, of course, for endless dancing. You can use photos, frames and melodies from the films "Disco Dancer", "The Last Days of Disco".

The disco boom in the USSR happened in the early 80s. From any cassette recorder and from every huge speaker in the disco hall came the compositions of VIA "Blue Bird", "Singing Hearts", "Gems", Dobrynin, Pugacheva, Zatsepin, Antonov. Photos of our artists and their albums will also fit into the theme.

Now spice up the resulting decor with sequins, serpentine, shining foil garlands, bead strands and twinkling stars. Hang some vinyl records here and there, place some lava lamps in the darkest corners, and you're done!


Both men's and women's outfits should be bright, defiantly colored. In the theme of flared sleeves and trousers, shirts with sharp collars, jackets with lapels in a contrasting shade to the main color, multi-colored shirts. A girl can come to a party in a skirt of any length and a bright loose tunic, decorated with sequins and sequins. A loose dress or a T-shirt and wide trousers, narrowed down, will do. 100% in the theme of bright leggings! Shoes with a stable heel or platform, comfortable for dancing and outdoor activities.

If you plan to include a costume contest in your script, be sure to mention this in your invitation. Recreating the image of a disco dancer is not difficult, but finding the right outfit and accessories will take some time.

There should be a crazy explosion on the head - a bouffant, a lush chemical or an African wig. Short hair can be tied up with a shiny scarf, wrapping it around the head and leaving the ends hanging freely at the back or side. The make-up is very bright, shadows up to the eyebrows, expressive arrows and fluffy long eyelashes. Juicy lips and blush. Contrasting shadows (two or three colors) or sparkles over bright shadows to match the outfit are relevant.

Do not forget accessories - large earrings, plastic or glass beads and many multi-colored bracelets. By the way, a rainbow of bracelets can decorate a man's hand. Glued thick sideburns will drive any style fan crazy! Large plastic-framed disco glasses in acid green, pinkish or yellow color will completely impress the guests.


The main direction of the evening is music and dancing, not a feast. Therefore, treats can be given a minimum of attention. Of course, friends should not go hungry, and with a good snack, the fun lasts longer. Therefore, prepare portioned dishes, you can do it without frills - salads, snacks in baskets, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmeat, smoked meats and vegetables. Fruits, desserts and other goodies will certainly be appreciated by active girls who are not used to eating up at night.

Quite in the style of Disco, a kind of buffet or buffet. Put the table somewhere against the wall so that it does not interfere with the dancing. Take care of the seating areas - a few armchairs and sofas. Prepare various juices and punches in beautiful transparent containers and scoops. Guests will be able to mix their own multi-colored cocktail from fruit nectar and alcohol assortment.


Under the glow of a rotating lamp, the flickering of a disco ball and the deafening sounds of music, it is impossible to sit still! Therefore, a couple of dance competitions are simply obliged to brighten up your evening.


Guests go to the center of the hall, stand facing the leader. The facilitator shows five easy dance movements, saying the numbers: "This is our first movement, this is the second, etc." Under incendiary music, the presenter in a chaotic manner calls the numbers from 1 to 5. The guests must repeat the corresponding movement. If you make a mistake, you drop out or get a penalty point.


Guests are divided into two teams, into two queues with an equal number of participants. The first in line stand at the start line, the rest stand behind them. On the “start” command, the first participants imitate any dance movement that comes to mind. The second participants repeat, then the third, and so on until the end of the line.

When the last one in the queue has repeated the movement, he stands in front of the very first participant in the queue - the line moves to the finish line. Did you take the lead? Picture a new movement. Repeated? The latter goes forward again. The goal is to reach the finish line before the opponents turn.

Get it

A very simple game that will fit into the scenario of any active evening. Everyone dances, the leader from time to time says: Left hand - right heel, right elbow - left knee, right hand - neighbor's shoulder, etc., whatever comes to mind. Guests must quickly fulfill the condition without ceasing to dance.

Since dance competitions exhaust even the youngest kids, intersperse active games with quiet "sitting" entertainment.

For example, you can invite guests to say disco toasts, one by one. Let them say wishes to each other (pass the baton) or to the hero of the occasion. “May your heels not break even after a three-day marathon!”, “Let your curls not straighten even from a shower of champagne!”, “I wish the seams of your trousers could withstand the most incredible movements!”.

Fantas will also fit into the theme, but they are special, associated with dances, songs, knowledge of the music industry, etc. Invite guests to come up with outstanding poses for memorable shots (first one guest arranges friends, then another, etc. - you get a whole photo album in disco style!). Guess the band or artist by a line from a song or the song itself by the first words or a few chords.

If it's warm outside, go for a walk with a working cassette recorder. Explode the gray everyday life of the evening city with mood and color!

The Disco style originated in the late 70s - early 80s of the last century in the west. As a result, the Disco style spread and became fashionable in many countries of the world, and Russia among these countries was no exception. Brightness, dynamism, sexuality - all these adjectives can safely characterize this stylistic orientation.

The fashion for "disco" has recently become widespread, both among young people and among middle-aged people. So what is this style? How to organize an "outrageous" party in the style of "Disco"? How to surprise guests?

In this direction of fantasy there should be no limit. Disco style is bright and a little tacky. And most importantly - it's dancing to the point of insanity and a great mood.

party invitations

Where does every party start? Of course, with invitations. They should be decorated according to the theme of the party. The invitation card should “scream” about what event the person is invited to. There are many options: depict popular pop stars of that time (Andriano Celentano, Gloria Gaynor, John Travolta, the Combination group, Alla Pugacheva), make invitations on colored paper, decorate them with a large yellow smiley - the most popular symbol of the disco times, use clippings from newspapers or magazines of the time, put invitations in envelopes and pour confetti into them, do not forget to indicate in invitations that the party has a strict dress code - everyone must be dressed in the style of the party.

How to furnish a room?

What about the venue for the party? It needs to be filed. A mirror ball under the ceiling ... and, of course, color music - these are the essential attributes of such a party. Paste posters, photographs and images of stars of that time on the walls, get vinyl records, an old cassette recorder with cassettes that will be played at the party, play on the walls, using a special player, silent films of that time - "Agent 007", "Mimino ”, “Juno and Avos”, “Afonya”, “Star Wars”, “Cabaret”, use any things and accessories reminiscent of disco times. Use bright, eye-catching colors, sequins, tinsel, beads, confetti, rattling curtains of large beads at the entrance. The light in the room should be subdued, semi-dark (you can use candles), soak the air with the spirit of "disco" - incense sticks and aroma lamps will come in handy. Recordings on cassettes must be appropriate - Viktor Tsoi, Abba, Yuri Shatunov, Andriano Celentano, Alla Pugacheva, Toto Gutungo, Ottawan, Haddaway, Freestyle, Combination, Alena Apina, Andrey Derzhavin, Roman Zhukov and many hits from other artists of the late 70s- early 80s-90s. In the case of decorating a disco party, music is the main component of the holiday, its atmosphere, the "trick" of the party.


Particular attention should be paid to the clothes and appearance of the disco organizers and invited guests, everyone should look extravagant. So, we get dusty boxes with mom-dad's things, shoes and jewelry from the mezzanine.

Girls invited to the disco can wear colored leggings, shapeless tank top dresses, puffy skirts, blouses with wide shoulders, flared jeans, fishnet tights, sequined tunics, ultra-short denim shorts, satin trousers, dresses with deep cutouts, a little naked body, sequins on the body, translucent T-shirts and tunics, leather trousers, hats, gloves with cut off fingers. You can put on shiny sandals with incredibly high heels, colored ballet flats, moccasins with multi-colored lacing, ridiculous sneakers and other shoes that catch your eye. It would be appropriate to hang yourself with a huge amount of cheap plastic jewelry: beads, brooches, pendant earrings, clip-on earrings and bright bracelets - it should shine, shimmer and ring, paying attention to the guest. Carefully consider makeup and hairstyle, they, like everything else, should be “flashy”. Hair can be curled from the roots to the very tips or combed strongly, be sure to comb the bangs and pin them up, and most importantly, pour plenty of varnish, preferably with multi-colored sparkles, you can use colored round-shaped wigs. Highlight the eyes. Apply more shadows, pink, blue, light green, orange or purple, line your eyes with bright black arrows, apply blush on your cheeks, paint your lips with bright pink, purple or scarlet lipstick, add false eyelashes to all this. More mother-of-pearl in makeup, and it will look according to your outfit and party theme. And, to complete the look, you can use perfumes with floral aromas.

Outfits for young people, as well as for girls, can be very diverse. Flared jeans, banana trousers, knitted leotards with lurex, shiny and bright, acid colors, shirts made of synthetic fabrics, white leather trousers, colored turtlenecks will look most impressive on young people, but the most “bomb” among the outfits will be a white suit in combined with a black turtleneck. You can put on shoes in patent leather shoes, sneakers with colored laces or moccasins. Just like girls, use accessories: cheap watches, star glasses, butterflies, funny ties, belts, bracelets and more. You can style your hair by smoothing your hair and styling it with hair gel, or by tousling your hair to make a “hedgehog” and fix it with hairspray. Like girls, it is permissible to use multi-colored wigs.

You can also invite guests to dress up as popular pop stars of the time and, thereby, arrange a look-alike contest, which is inherently very exciting.

Scenario of a disco party

Party. At the entrance to the premises where the party will be held, it is appropriate to arrange lotteries for guests in which they can earn alcohol coupons, disco dollars, win prizes and souvenirs by completing exciting and simple tasks. In smoking areas, put paper bags with seeds, dominoes, playing cards, cheap cigarettes that were common during the "disco" days. Choose a DJ who will play disco hits and fulfill the musical wishes of the guests.

And, of course, you can not do without an entertainment program and snacks. Various competitions are best suited to entertain guests, for example, a competition for the best disco hit artist, a competition for the best solo or pair dancers in the disco style, the main thing is to accompany all competitions with the right music (singles from old films will do), knowledge quizzes of the disco era, the Guess the Melody contest, the Cheerful Cord contest (2 chairs are set up opposite each other at a distance of 4 steps with their backs to each other, a rope is placed under the chairs, 2 players stand near the chairs and, on command, change places and try to pull out the rope from under the chairs first), “The most sensitive” (any objects are placed on the chair, the participant sits down and tries to guess what these objects are and in what quantity), elimination contest, Fanta, Ring, contest for the best outfit and other competitions. For participation in the competitions, the winners can receive souvenirs: a small calendar, a notebook, a pen, jewelry, etc.


How to organize a table for a disco party? It is worth remembering that a disco is not a feast, but a mobile and active event, so do not overload the table with too much, it should be a buffet table. Arrange the plates on the table in stacks, and put cutlery next to them. So what should be the food on the table? The answer is simple: there should be cold cuts, canapes, chips, sandwiches, croutons, perhaps light salads on the table, but be sure to put zucchini caviar on the table, because. at that time it was the most popular snack and not a single event could do without it. The main dish of the party should be cheese fondue (pieces of bread dipped in tender melted cheese). Of the drinks in the days of "disco", preference was given to Coca-Cola and cocktails, which included it (for example, 100 g of port wine + 100 g of Coca-Cola + 1 teaspoon of instant coffee, insert into a straw and quickly mix everything immediately before most use).

Here, in fact, are the main secrets of disco parties. Show maximum imagination, do not be too lazy to get things from the "disco" era and your party will be a success. Good luck organizing and have fun!


In contact with

No wonder they say that the new is the well-forgotten old. Today, many sadly recall the bygone eighties. And the music that the generation of the 80s worshiped is now regaining a second life in the performance of young musicians. If you want to experience the romantic atmosphere of a past life, throw an 80s themed party. The company can arrange a corporate party in the style of the 80s: despite the fact that people of different ages work for you, everyone will like to have fun at a disco party.

First of all, send out invitation cards to all guests, which can be made in the form of postcards of the time or movie tickets. Be sure to decorate the room: hang a mirror disco ball, garlands, and flags, which were especially fashionable in those years. All these attributes can be bought or ordered in the online store. Decorate the walls with posters of the legendary idols of the time: Madonna, Michael Jackson and others. Clippings and posts from old magazines will do. And if there is a soda machine somewhere, it will be another reminder of that era.

There are many companies involved in organizing holidays and parties. At your request, they will provide the script, the host of the evening, and even their sound equipment. Sometimes the company may offer to arrange more serious entertainment: fireworks or a laser show. However, you can organize such a party on your own. Think in advance of an exclusive scenario for your holiday in the style of the 80s and costumes for guests. Songs popular 30 years ago will evoke nostalgia among the older generation, and young guys and girls will be happy to break away to the sounds of ABBA or incendiary Lambada.

80s style outfits

In order for the upcoming party to be successful, you need to prepare for it in advance. This is especially true for the selection of outfits. For women, fashionable outfits in this decade were a variety of flounced skirts, bright leggings, worn with a tunic or tank dress in the style of the 80s. All jackets and blouses were necessarily with extended shoulders. Gloves with cut off fingers are still popular, so it will be interesting for girls to flaunt in such outfits.

An important place in women's attire is always occupied by jewelry. In the eighties, buying something worthwhile in a store was a big deal. Therefore, jewelry at that time was most often made of plastic: bright hoop earrings, voluminous clip-on earrings, large beads.

Stagnation men wore boiled banana jeans, black turtlenecks, or brightly colored shirts. The image was necessarily supplemented with a belt and a bracelet.

Hairstyles in the style of the 80s are voluminous bouffants, perms.

Disco in the style of the 80s

Popular music of that time had two directions: songs by Tsoi, Shatunov, DDT groups, Aquarium on the one hand, and foreign stage represented by Moden Talkin, Bone-M, Dr. Alban on the other hand. Music that sounded thirty years ago still has many fans today. Find an old cassette recorder with these recordings and have a fiery disco evening in the style of the 80s.

Contests in the style of the 80s

Karaoke was not yet invented in the eighties, but everyone loved to sing at the holidays. So arrange a contest at your party in the style of the 80s: who will perform the hit best of all or correctly guess the melody that was popular at that time. Games of "Fanta" or "Ring" were also popular in that decade. Everyone will certainly enjoy the competition for the best outfit.

Come up with small gifts for each of the guests that can be given for participating in competitions. These can be small souvenirs: a pen, a small calendar, etc.

A well-organized little digression into the past - a party in the style of the 80s - will leave you with the most pleasant and unforgettable experience.

If you decide to organize a theme party, you first need to decide on the premises. You can spend it at home or rent an apartment or a hall in a cafe for the evening. Remember that after a party in the apartment you are threatened with general cleaning, but by renting a hall, this can be avoided.


Write party invitations on colored paper and place them in envelopes filled with confetti. You can also use various newspaper and magazine clippings depicting the stars of the seventies: Gloria Gaynor, Elton John, John Travolta, Bee Gees.

One of the most popular symbols of the era was the yellow smiley. When issuing invitations, use it. Be sure to write that all guests must be dressed in disco style.


On the eve of the party, decorate the room. Decorate it with themed items. For this purpose, an ordinary tape recorder, old huge speakers, a mirror disco ball, flashing garlands, color music, tinsel, confetti, serpentine are well suited. The more color, the better! The more glitter, the better!

A beaded curtain at the entrance will take guests to the bright era of the seventies. On the walls you can hang posters with disco dancers. Arrange sources of subdued light around the entire perimeter of the room or hall: lava lamps, candles. You can also light incense sticks or aroma lamps. Arrange vinyl records and, if available, cassettes and CDs in the corners.

Disco music

Choose the appropriate music. Stock up on the best hits of Alla Pugacheva, Desire Less, Modern Talking, CC Catch, Yuri Shatunov, Ottawan, Bonney M, Arabesque, Berri, Dalida, Bellini, Brothers, Capella, Demis Roussos, Dschinghis Khan, Emanuel, Haddaway, Eruption, Frida Bokkara, Los Del Mar, Mirei Matie, Masias, Goombay Dance Band, Modern Talking, Ottawan, Carles, Yaki-Da, Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno. All hits of the seventies and eighties can be found and downloaded on the Internet. Let the rhythms of disco swirl your guests from the very doorstep.


All guests must come in costume. Have them dress up in the style of Michael Jackson, The Combination, etc.

Disco clothes were bright and shiny. Perfect for:

  • short denim shorts;
  • bright tights;
  • tunic dresses;
  • loose shirts;
  • an abundance of sequins and sequins;
  • flared jeans;
  • banana trousers;
  • tight satin trousers;
  • lycra bodysuit;
  • knitted tights with lurex;
  • shiny synthetic shirts in poisonous shades;
  • translucent tops and T-shirts;
  • dresses with unreal cutouts;
  • real disco chic - a white suit and a black turtleneck;
  • tight shiny trousers, flared at the bottom;
  • silver sandals on a high platform, stilettos;
  • white leather trousers;
  • bright, wild makeup: blue eyelids and pink lips (pink-purple, rose-lilac, lilac, purple, mother-of-pearl are also preferred);
  • an abundance of jewelry;
  • "Afro hairstyle" or crazy bouffants;
  • star glasses.

Festive table

Set up a buffet. On the table there should be sandwiches, cold cuts, zucchini caviar and canapes. There is simply no time left for eating food, because disco is a perpetual motion. As a background, you can include the Indian film "Disco Dancer". All the youth then danced to his soundtracks.

The main dish will be cheese fondue. Pieces of soft bread dipped in tender cheese are very tasty and also useful for creating a collective spirit.

Of the drinks in those days, Coca-Cola was preferred, so it needs to be stocked up in unlimited quantities. Cocktails with cola will be especially successful. For example, like this. Pour 100 g of port wine and 100 g of Coca-Cola into a tall glass without stirring. Add a teaspoon of instant coffee to it. Insert straws, and when serving, mix quickly and sharply.

You can also pour juice into glass jugs: apple, tomato, orange and put them together, alternating colors and adding colors to the whole room.


Let the video be filmed all evening, and the image can be broadcast on a large screen. This will allow everyone to see their dance from the side - an undeniable pleasure.

In order not to make guests bored, consider the entertainment part of the program. The main entertainment is a musical marathon. Guests don't need to know how to dance well to be crowned the best disco dancer.

Right at the party, you can learn a few simple movements with the guests, and then dance a little dance together.

In between songs or for an initial “warm-up”, hold several competitions: for the best performance of a song without a backing track, for knowledge of eighties disco, for the best performance of a song with a backing track, for the king and queen of disco.

A disco party should only be active entertainment, so you can spend such contests.

"Jolly Cord". Place two chairs with their backs to each other, 4 steps apart. Place a rope under the chairs. Two players stand near the chairs and, at the command of the host, change places and try to pull the rope first.

"Clothespins". The game involves two teams of two people of different sexes. One is blindfolded, and the other is attached to clothes with several clothespins. On command, blindfolded participants begin to remove clothespins. Fans of teams can bring down opponents with false "tips".

"Most Sensitive" Participants are seated in turn on a chair, placing bottle caps or sweets under the buttocks, each time changing the amount. By touch, moving the booty and without the help of eyes and hands, you need to guess the number of objects. Observers' comments are welcome. You can also hold a knockout competition.

"Connected". Players are divided into two teams and stand up, alternating: man, woman, man, woman. Each team gets a long rope. Participants thread the end of the rope like this: the guy threads the girl through the sleeves, and the girl threads the guy through the trousers. The team that "connects" the fastest wins.

Where to start to have fun?

An 80s themed party is a great script idea for any occasion, whether it's a birthday, New Year's Eve, graduation or just a casual get-together of best friends! The main thing is that it should be crazy, funny and memorable for many years! How to arrange? Easily! We do it with pleasure and from the heart!

We start with invitations. We compose a positive, colorful and friendly invitation in electronic form or print it on paper. Specify the place, date and time of the celebration! We celebrate the style of the party and warn about the upcoming dress code! We do it in a fun and humorous way! We send it by mail, give it directly to your hands, share it in social networks or send it electronically. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that the addressee receives, smiles and arrives at the place!

We organize party organizers. Assembling a group of optimists, although one perky companion with a bunch of crazy fun ideas will work too! We discuss, share ideas, prepare a script together.

Download music from the 80s. We download such music so that even the most modest "nerd" starts dancing. It is advisable to take into account the age and preferences of the company. We focus on the periods of those years. In the early 80s, ABBA, Boney M, were at the peak, in the middle - the Italian pop music Celentano, Toto Cutugnier. In the same period, Sandra, CC Keich and "Arabesque", Modern Talking and Bad Boys Blue, etc. were popular. Do not forget about the stars of the Soviet stage: everyone's favorite Yura Shatunov, the Mirage group, Yuri Antonov, Minaev, Pugacheva and others. We search on the Internet, go through old disks, you can visit a music store, it doesn’t matter. The main criterion is compliance with the style of the holiday - the music of the 80s. Cheerful, positive, dancing!

Buying supplies for the party. Attributes for a party in the style of the 80s can be anything that will cheer you up, make the photo bright, and save the one who came without "make-up". It can be funny glasses, funny hats, colorful ties with slogans, crazy stand-up wigs, braces from dad's closet. In general, take everything that makes you smile - it will not be superfluous! You can look into the store everything for the holiday to buy garlands, flags and confetti. Another option is to decorate the room with vinyl records or photos of friends from their nostalgia times, as well as posters of your favorite 80s stars from old magazines. Also an important attribute of the evening is a mirror disco ball. You can make it with your own hands, easily finding instructions for making it on the Internet. Color music will plunge you into the atmosphere of disco times. A cassette recorder will add flavor to the holiday! Even better if it plays music :)

We dress in the style of the eighties.The outfit may be different. At least come in tights and with a string bag. The main thing is that it should be in accordance with that beautiful era! Well, seriously, the representatives of the era of the 80s preferred catchiness and brightness in clothes, too narrow and too wide cut, as well as short length, glitter of sequins and rhinestones. The clothes of girls should contain a challenge to the whole world and obsessive sexuality: miniskirts, bodysuits, leggings, leggings, fishnet tights, shoulder pads, batwing jacket, banana trousers. Footwear: sneakers, pumps and sneakers.

H drinks and snacks from the past. Party entertainment also requires a creative approach. Sandwiches with red fish are best replaced with sandwiches with sprats or doctor's sausage, and serve Olivier instead of Caesar. Dumplings with sour cream, fried chicken, homemade cutlets, herring in a fur coat and mimosa, pickled cucumbers and pickled mushrooms - that's what was on the table in an ordinary Soviet family for the New Year or birthday. It will also be relevant to have soda or compote in a huge pot or jars. And of course, you can't do without Soviet champagne, Zhiguli beer and Stolichnaya. For dessert, Napoleon cake, eclairs, Potato cake, puff tongues, Alenka chocolate and Eskimo ice cream. Beautiful tablecloths, bright napkins and colored straws will make the treat more appetizing.

We are writing a script for a party in the style of the 80s.

The main criterion is ease and ease. It can be interesting and funny forfeits, contests, drawings, a lottery, or simple funny questions! Do this taking into account the characteristics of the rest and the preferences of your company. We prepare prizes in advance: pennants, chewing gum, toffees, calendars with Olympic symbols. Everything associated with that era.

Funny and humorous questions about how much food and things cost at that time will defuse the guests and mentally plunge them into a scarce time. By the way, the game guess the melody will be most welcome. Make a good selection of your favorite 80s songs. You can arrange a competition for the best image of the party, the participants walk along the podium and get a flurry of applause!

A disco marathon or dancing on a newspaper will reveal the talents of guests and give them the opportunity to express themselves in the spirit of that time! The choice of the disco king and queen of the evening or (as an option) miss and mister USSR will be the perfect end to your positive program.

In general, more positive, colors and the party will be remembered by everyone for a long time! Good luck, mood and positive emotions!



A few more different competitions and sketches of scenarios.

A contest is also popular, in which men must solve the Rubik's cube, only girls from among the guests act as a cube. The task of a man is to dress his “cube” in one color, while the task is complicated by the fact that when trying to get rid of one item of clothing, another part of it may fall.

There is also a dance competition and the Guess the Hit game, where guests must guess who performs the song based on several parts of a song from the 80s. The winner who guessed the largest number of songs will be awarded a CD with songs.

Pioneer chant
Who walks together in a row?
Our pioneer team!
Strong, brave. Dexterous, skillful.
You walk, don't fall behind
Sing the song out loud.
Who goes? We are going!
Who sings? We sing!
Who walks together in a row?
- Our pioneer squad!
Friendly, funny, we are always right there
- Pioneers Leninists, Leninists are coming!
Be ready always ready!
Be healthy - always healthy!
We guys are great, Leninist pioneers!
We are loud, we are swirling,
We don't need peace of mind.
We are romantics, we are dreamers
Pioneer combat squad.
One-two! Three four! Three four! One-two!
Who walks together in a row?
This is the change of the Komsomol, our pioneer detachment!
Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only all together!
One time two. Three four! Three four One two!
Who walks together in a row?
Our pioneer squad.
Who is tired? Don't get tired!
Who is behind? Keep,
Mood on 5,
All laws to comply
Song-th zape-e-VAI.
Whose are the guys?
Remote Octobrists
Strong and brave!
Clever, skillful!
An asterisk from kumach
We are the grandchildren of Ilyich.
Standard-bearer, raise the banner higher. Raise the banner higher.
Sang our song Sing our song!

COMPETITIONS: "Total Recall"
As a determination of which team answers first, you can use a bell: whoever presses faster, that team is responsible, for a false start, the move goes to the opponent's team.
The presenter names a word denoting a modern object, and the guests quickly come up with and name the Soviet analogue, with humor, interestingly beating the analogy. For each well-chosen analogue - one toffee. So in this competition you can score a lot of toffees.

a) DVD player - VCR or filmoscope

b) Parmesan - processed cheese "Friendship"

c) MP3 player - bobbin

d) Coca-Cola - Pinocchio or Citro lemonade

e) CD-disc - gramophone record

f) Shrek - crocodile Gena

g) Laptop - calculator, typewriter or game "Electronic"

g) ATM - savings bank

h) Dolphin skiing - Olympic bear

i) Colgate toothpaste - tooth powder

j) Barbie is a baby

k) Cosmopolitan Magazine - "Worker" or "Peasant Woman"

m) Angelina Jolie - Sophia Loren (or, for example, Anastasia Vertinskaya)

m) Pokemon Pikachu - a hare from Wait a minute

"Soviet space: pioneers".
The bottom line is this: Your task is to discover a new planet, hoist a Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. Our planets will be in the form of balls, and we will populate people with the help of a marker. So, all the guys just blow up balloons, and the girls populate people on it by drawing as many simple figures as possible, depicting little men. But time is strictly limited. The squad with the most people will win. You have three minutes for everything.
The hosts distribute balloons according to the number of guys and markers according to the number of girls. The competition begins and ends with the music "And we do not dream of the roar of the spaceport." The winning team will receive three toffees.

« Soviet Army: Red Star"
Now you will have the opportunity to earn yourself a red star. We need three brave participants or participants who will cut stars out of these apples. We have three nominations "Biggest Star", "Fastest", "Jewellery Work" (the most accurate and beautiful star). The winner in each nomination will be awarded two toffees. Participants are called to a table prepared especially for this competition. The rest support their members.

Can you make a game Crocodile style 80. T e to show excerpts from famous Soviet films by actions. And the guests guess.

"Poured, drank, ate."An odd number of participants participate in the competition. The first player runs to a chair on which a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), a snack are placed, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, returns to the team. The second player runs up to the chair, drinks, returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a bite, returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on, until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you do not want the relay race to drag on, put an incomplete bottle.

It is imperative to reward the winners of the game with products available in the eighties: either caramel or gingerbread.


After the guests sat down at the tables for the second time, they ate hot, they wanted to dance. At the disco, use music that was popular in the eighties, nineties. Occasionally include contemporary compositions.

Musical competition.

Competition for the best dancer: lambada, macarena, letka-enka, rock and roll.

"The Longest Train"

At the head of two steam locomotives are the birthday man and one of the relatives (wife, children). During the dance, they pick up “trailers” for themselves - guests, moving to the beat of the music, holding each other by the belt.


At the end of the evening, you can make a fire (prepare firewood in advance). Sing tourist songs from their youth with guests. Well, if there is a guitar available and someone can play along. After a few songs, it's time for a birthday cake with candles. The hero of the day makes a wish, extinguishes the candles, the guests chant “Congratulations!”. Tea should be served with the cake.

Scenario 4
The beginning is admission to the pioneers (ties are issued, caps from newspapers for everyone, October stars are fastened with a pin on the chest).
Line up first! The oath of the "pioneers" is something funny like "let's drink and have fun."

Competition 1 "The Fifth Meal". Speed ​​eating buns and washing down with kefir
Competition 2 "Kapustnik". Karaoke - sheets with songs are given out, a performance of the song is prepared.
Competition 3 "Royal Night / Body Art". 1 participant On the belly body art with toothpaste. Each member of the team draws something. As a result, describe the resulting picture. Props: 2 bottles of toothpaste, water, towel (to wash off).
Competition-quiz. Questions to the teams in turn.
Adiki - Sneakers "Adidas",
Sneakers - Sneakers, mostly foreign-made (Poland, Czech Republic, East Germany, and, of course, Adidas).
Elastics - Short, fitted skirts.
Alaska - Fashionable in the 80s bolognese jacket with fur on the hood.
Soap dishes - Rubber sandals.
Bolt-on - Button-down jeans, especially prestigious in those days - Levi's 501.
Palmochka - Women's hairstyle. The hair was collected at the crown in a ponytail, fastened with a colored elastic band (elastic bands), then fluffed out in the form of a palm tree.
Cheburashki - Soviet-made jeans.
Purple - (don't care)
Discach - (Disco.)
Shoelaces - parents.
Shoes - shoes.
"Funny Pictures" - children's magazine
"Murzilka" - children's magazine
Rhodope - cigarettes
Turbo - chewing gum
Cycling shorts are short pants.
Hoodie - outfit for punks
Baubles - bracelets made of beads, laces on the hand.
Kapor - women's headdress-hood (fluffy az angora).
Kuku-ruku - wafers with stickers
varenki (jeans that were specially boiled in bleach)
Zuko, Yuppii, Invite - dry drinks
It was fashionable high tails, tacked on by a dozen colored rubber bands. So the competition can be held on men with rubber bands and tufts. For participating in the game program, give guests pennants with different titles, for example, a catering activist for eating buns -). And the theme with haberdashery is interesting: while dancing, the guests pass a bag with outfits and accessories in the style of the 80s, the music is over - whoever has a bag takes out and puts on himself what he gets. And so on. And be sure to arrange a photo studio with Soviet-era outfits.

Scenario 5

At the entrance to each guest we will attach a red ribbon to the chest.
PREPARE: red ribbons.
Before you sit down at the table, you can arrange the issuance of rations on coupons :)
PREPARE: printed coupons.
(The "Pioneer" song is turned on), against its background
We, the pioneers of our country's children!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today

Their whole life serves as an example for children
Both Octoberists and pioneers.
I will continue to take an example from them,
I came to congratulate the anniversaries!
I came to the holiday to learn from the elders,
How to drink, so as not to get drunk at all,
How to eat to keep a figure
I came to congratulate the anniversaries!
I am a pioneer of the Soviet country.
In you, anniversaries, everyone is in love.
I can't find better friends
I came to congratulate you today!
I say without despondency and laziness:
I don't know generation gap.
You anniversaries are always good,
I must take an example from you!
Fly like fires blue nights!
We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.
It's high time for adults to pour:
After all, I came to congratulate the anniversaries!

(anniversaries pours "pioneer".)

Accept you, in the color of years
Our hot rainbow hello
And without hiding our feelings,
We will raise our bowls for you!

And now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of OUR BIRTHDAYS

Dear birthday people! Please accept our congratulations,
And guidance for life.
Promise not to hurt
Get younger every year
Don't be sad and don't be bored
Every day is easy to meet.
Be ready!

Birthdays: Always ready!

Do physical exercises
And in the garden to dig in the beds,
Don't forget about friends
Invite more often.
Be ready!
Birthdays: Always ready!

(Drum roll, I tie a tie for the birthday people).

This intellectual game is also played right at the table. The host distributes paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. First, he asks the guests to decipher them, and then he gives the task to come up with a new decryption - so that it will certainly be associated with the hero of the day. At the end, you can vote to determine the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way.
CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
GTO (ready for work and defense)
DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy)
VLKSM (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union)
BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline)
TASS (telegraph agency of the Soviet Union)
HPP (hydroelectric power plant)
GOELRO (state commission for electrification of Russia)
MTS (machine and tractor station)
PGT (urban-type settlement)
ASSR (autonomous Soviet socialist republic)
Research Institute (research institute)

An example of a new decryption: Anniversary - Nikolai. Deciphering the abbreviation of the CPSU: "Kolya is the sexiest guy!".

Competition "Soviet Breakfast"

for 1 penny? Blitz-poll "What could be bought in the 80s" for 1 kopeck? A glass of gas water without syrup, matches

2) 2 kop-call from the machine
1) 3 kop-gas water with syrup, notebook
2) 4kop - the most erotic condom question
3) 5 kop-bun, travel in public transport
4) 10 kopecks - milk ice cream, haircut
5) 22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate
6) 30 kopecks lottery ticket
7) 56 kopecks cost a dollar
8) 96kop
9) -wine -autumn garden
10) 1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office
11) 2r.82 kopeck - a bottle of vodka
12) 120 rubles - salary of an engineer
13) 5000 - Zhiguli
14) 10000 - "Volga"

15000 get 15 years with confiscation

Toys in the USSR, even if everyone had the same ones, were dear to the heart.
Remember - tumbler, doll Masha and ....
What toys did you have?
And we have a spinning top toy.
Spin Yulu.
Who has longer
Spin - won.


1. Previously an accountant, and now a financial director ...
2.manager - merchandiser (senior seller)
3.designer - artist (designer)
4. make-up artist - make-up artist
5.stylist - hairdresser
6. referent - secretary
7.teacher tutor - counselor
8. marketer - packer
9. art director - artistic director
10. creative director - chairman of the trade union committee
11.President - General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU
12.mayor of the city - chairman of the city council