Educational games for children 2 3 years old. The game "Who is faster." Baby Hazel teaches geometry shapes

stimulating learning
When the baby enters the third year of life, the most noticeable changes are observed in the expansion of the vocabulary. The ability to name objects that are shown to him, that he sees in picture books and in Everyday life. In addition, during the first months of the third year of life, the child will begin to use words that refer to objects or events that are absent in this moment, and link words into two-word sentences. The transition to the use of words denoting objects that are not present at the moment may first appear as a delayed imitation. This happens when the child hears or sees something, but does not imitate it immediately, but later reproduces a movement, gesture or word. This behavior means that the child's memory actively stores information that is later retrieved and used.
The child's assimilation of the concepts of number and space becomes more pronounced. The child has used the word “more” before to show that he wants to continue this or that activity or get an extra cookie or an extra glass of juice, but during this period it is used very often. The concept of “one” appears, and the baby may stop when asked to take “only one cookie” or “show one flower”. Now the child understands 2-3 prepositions and can, according to the request, put something “on” or “under”.
At this age, the child acquires many new motor skills. Now he opens doors, removes lids, begins to draw distinct lines with a pencil, quickly assembles simple planks with cut shapes, and easily sticks pegs into planks with holes, accurately stacking cubes one on top of the other. Improves coordination gross motor skills: the child maintains balance better, throws the ball more accurately and can jump from steps and low surfaces without assistance.
The skills of self-care that appear during this period consist in the ability to take off clothes, use a spoon appropriately, and, when reminded, wipe your mouth with a napkin. Some children can already be potty trained during this period, while others are not ready for this for a few more months. two year old can already tell that his toys belong to him. The movement signifying possession is quickly followed by the words: "This is mine." The child may cling to a favorite toy or blanket, but may also take the doll along with the blanket, indicating an understanding of the object's purpose and use. Children begin to show interest in their peers, so at this age it is useful to lead joint classes and learning how to "share" shared toys.
Between the ages of two and three, a toddler is eager to create and explore. Excellent activities are playing with cubes, in the sand and in the fresh air. In this case, the child must be active and take direct participation in Game.
We train the senses
name the smell
1. Remind your child about the smells he knows: the smell of fragrant soap, flowers, coffee ... When you can feel any smell, name it; Have your child repeat the name after you. Then you can ask him: what is this smell? what does it smell like?
2. Play the following game with your child: close (tie up) the child’s eyes and ask: “What is this?” Holding fragrant soap in front of him or baby cream. For the correct answer, rub the child's hands with soap or cream.
3. Play the game "What are we cooking?" in the kitchen. Let the baby name familiar food that has a distinct smell: mushroom soup, fried fish, pie ...
4. Pay attention to the child and other smells. The toast, unfortunately, was burnt. This jar of spices. And this is camphor alcohol. Name the smells when you walk with your baby: this is how the car smells - gasoline; this is the smell of cut grass.
5. Let your child sniff two bottles of different perfumes. Name the scents. Now let him, blindfolded (simply closed), sniff one of the bottles and say what kind of smell it is.

Feel the same
1. Prepare a couple of samples of materials that are clearly different to the touch: it can be a smooth tile, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel. Stick the swatches on the cardboard squares; let the child play with the squares, feel them. Talk to him about various properties materials: hard or soft, smooth or rough ... Mix the squares. Give a child one - can he match it with a pair?
2. Again and again giving this task, ask the child to name the properties of materials: hard, soft, smooth or rough.
3. Make the game more difficult: "doubles" now have to be matched blind.
4. As the child develops the ability to recognize various materials, add new samples to pasted on cardboard. Ask him to characterize them and repeat the description, consisting of one or two words, for example, "smooth tile", "soft velvet" or "hard linoleum".
5. Let the baby from 4 - 5 scraps of fabric by touch determine which two are the same.

Warm or cold
1. Fill two basins with water: pour into one warm water, and in the other - cold. When the child dips his hands in warm water, tell him: "This is warm water." (Perhaps the baby does not yet distinguish between hot and warm; you will have to call warm water hot at first, since the word "hot" is already familiar to him.) Now do the same with cold water. Ask the child what kind of water he wants to play with. (Let him say, not show.) Another time, take only one basin and ask if the water is warm or cold.
2. When you bathe your baby, ask him whether the water is running from the faucet or shower - warm or cold.
3. If you are doing the dishes, let your baby help you rinse the dishes and put them on the dryer. Let the child feel the temperature contrast: use warm water for rinsing, but for a moment put the child's hands under a stream of cold water.
4. When you swim with your baby, talk to him about the temperature of the water. At this time, it is also good to talk about what is "wet" and "dry".
5. When the child wants to drink, ask him what kind of water he wants - cold or warm. Let your child try so he can make sure you give him the water he wants.

Wet or dry
1. After the child has finished eating, offer him a wet tissue to wipe his face: “Here is a wet tissue. Wipe your face." Sometimes give your child two wipes - wet and dry. Ask the child to take a wet one and wipe his face with it, then wipe dry with another napkin.
2. The baby bathes; ask him: "Are you wet or dry?". When you have dried and dressed him, ask: “Are you still wet? No? How did you get dry?
3. If you are potty training your child, it is especially important to talk about wet and dry. Periodically ask the child: "Are you dry?". At the same time, direct the child's hand so that he touches his panties. If the child is dry, say: “Well done! Your pants are dry!" If your pants are wet, say: “Ai-yay-yay! Your pants are wet. We don't need wet pants. Let's take them off!"
4. Ask your child to help you when you hang up wet clothes after washing and then take off the dried ones. Talk about how you can dry your laundry (hang it on a clothesline, put it in a dryer, etc.).
5. Give your baby a bowl of water, a towel, and a doll to bathe and dry off. Emphasize the word "wet" when the child is playing with water and the word "dry" when he is drying the doll. You can also give your child plates or saucers that need to be rinsed and then dried.

Developing perception

Look for suitable

1. Recesses of various geometric shapes are cut into the plank. First, seal all the recesses except one. Help the child to insert a piece of wood of the appropriate shape into this recess. When he manages to do this without your help, open the second recess, then the third. Recommended order: circle, square, triangle.
2. If it is difficult for the child to complete the given task, paint the recesses in different colors - and the dice, respectively. When the baby correctly selects the dice for the recesses, return to one color.
3. Make your own board with cut out geometric shapes from plywood or thick cardboard. Color the shapes and the board in contrasting colors. Try cutting sponge shapes for a change.
4. Use bulky polystyrene toys with holes various shapes through which round dies, balls, cubes, pyramids, etc. pass. Perhaps the child will not immediately find the right hole. Help him: “No, that doesn't fit. Try this. And it doesn't fit. Maybe this?".
5. As you complete this task, gradually add new geometric shapes which are harder to distinguish. can draw big doll or face, cut out the eyes, nose and mouth. Let the child insert the cut out pieces into the holes.

draw the line

1. Prepare a table or tray for finger painting. Put an apron or robe on your child. Dilute starch or mash potatoes. Keep some food coloring handy to add to your puree. Show how to spread the mass on a table or tray. Show your child how to draw a vertical line and let him copy your movements. Taking the child's hand in yours, help him make the right movement. From time to time, try to help the baby less and praise him for any attempts to draw a line from top to bottom. Do the same when teaching your child to draw horizontal and diagonal lines.
2. Attach a sheet of paper to the table. Give your child a pencil or marker and help them draw vertical and horizontal lines. First praise any attempts to imitate you. As the child acquires the skill, teach him to distinguish between horizontal and vertical lines.
3. Tape a large sheet of paper to the wall. Give your child thick colored pencils, colored crayons, paints and brushes, markers. Show how to draw vertical and horizontal lines. Let the child guide them; be sure to praise him, even if he did not do well.
4. While walking on the street, you can show how to draw a line with a stick in the snow (in summer - on the sand). Let him try to draw a line with a short stick on a flat piece of plasticine (or clay); let him also run his finger over the trace that the wand left behind.
5. If the baby clearly distinguishes vertical lines from horizontal ones, show him their combination. Draw a vertical line ("First down"), then a horizontal one ("And now - across"); tell the child: “Look, you got a cross!”. Let him learn how to draw intersecting lines - you can take a spray can that sprays paint, a marker, a bright felt-tip pen, or just dip your finger into the paint!

Sounds have names

1. Let your child hear more different sounds. Name the sound source: “This is an alarm clock”, “Do you hear? Plane!”, “Listen to the birds singing!”. Then you will have reason to ask him when he hears a sound that should already be familiar to him: "What is this?"
2. Record the sounds you encounter in everyday life on a tape recorder. Listen to the tape with the baby, ask him to name or show the object that makes this or that sound.
3. Encourage the child to imitate familiar sounds in the game (“How does the doorbell ring?”, “And the phone?”, “How does your car buzz?”). Play a game where the baby will guess what sound you imitate. Then switch roles.
4. Take a picture book with pictures of animals. "How do they talk?" You have arrived at the zoo. Draw your child's attention to the sounds that animals make. Perhaps he will be able to imitate these sounds. Buy a cassette with a recording of the voices of birds and animals - let the kid guess who they belong to.
5. From magazines that have become unnecessary, cut out images of various sounding objects. Stick them on thick paper - you got cards, and you can play with them like in a lotto. Or show the child a picture and ask him to make the appropriate sound. Or make a sound yourself, and let the child guess who or what is “saying”.

Big and small

1. Invite the child to pick up pairs of objects, suitable friend to another size. First show him how it's done: "I put big flower into a large vase. This little lid fits the little jar." Let him then try to do it himself. From time to time, prompt the baby, helping him understand the ratio of the sizes of the objects with which he is dealing.
2. Give the child a set of several blocks that are inserted one into the other (you can take lower part from matryoshka). Let him first just play with them as he wants. Then show him how to insert one cube into another, how to arrange them on the table in a row in size. You can make a set of objects inserted into one another (boxes, cans) yourself.
3. Let the child play with a set of nested toys - for example, nesting dolls. Open the largest matryoshka and show the child that inside it is another. Then open it too. Then a third...
4. Buy or make your own set of cylinders different sizes, which can be inserted into the board with the appropriate holes. This game is a great way to learn how to arrange objects by size.
5. Glue several cardboard tubes of the same diameter but different heights. Color them in different colors or paint them. Ask your child to arrange them on the table "by height".

Learning to move
Such different movements

1. Play the game "Do as I do". You have the opportunity to show the child some new movements. Let him cross his arms after you, wave them, touch his knee with his elbow. You will, of course, show him many other movements. By the way, it would be nice to accompany all this with songs that match the rhythm.
2. In the courtyard of the house, on playground in the park, swing with the baby on a swing; let him try to climb onto a low metal structure; find a springboard hillock from which the child could jump.
3. We came to the lake in the summer, to the river - take the child by the hand and run together in shallow water; let him just wallow in the water ... With a wave of his arm or leg, he can raise a whole fountain of spray. And, of course, you can teach your baby to swim (but this is a special conversation).
4. Let the child move freely to the music. Show how the music can sway and spin. Do not insist that he imitate you exactly. IN this case the goal is to teach him to maintain balance.

Marching to the music
1. Marching music sounds. March under it with your baby. Look how high I raise one leg, then the other!
2. And now let's play a parade. On the shoulder - a toy gun (stick?), On the head - a hat (with some kind of decoration?). The orchestra of toy musical instruments is ready.
3. If it is difficult for the child to maintain the rhythm of the movement, emphasize the rhythm by hitting the drum.
4. Play the game "Do as I do": in it, the baby changes the nature of movements following you, moving from sweeping to small, from slow to fast.
5. Place a ladder on the ground. Let the baby, marching, step between the crossbars with one foot, then the other. Knees up! In the room you can march, stepping over small objects.

Ball to the target
1. Place targets on the floor - empty milk bags, plastic bottles and other similar items that are easily tipped over. Let the baby, having moved a short distance (about a meter), try to roll a ball large enough on the floor so that it hits the target. (Show him how to do it, help him repeat the right movement for you.) Gradually, as the baby makes progress, increase the distance.
2. Play this game in the yard. Here you can still dig a hole - let the baby roll the ball into it.
3. Sometimes children prefer to throw a ball rather than roll it. Let the baby sit on the floor, spreading his legs; from this position, willy-nilly, he will still have to roll the ball.
4. When the baby has mastered the big ball, move on to smaller balls. It may be necessary to temporarily return to a smaller distance until the child learns to accurately hit the target with a smaller ball.
5. Let the child try to roll a big ball not with his hands, but with his foot. (Be careful with fragile items!)

Walk the plank
1. Lay a plank (beam) about five centimeters wide along the wall. Show your child how to stand on the bar and how to walk on it. He will repeat your movements whenever he wants.
2. Show your baby how to step on the plank with one foot and on the floor with the other, resting your hand lightly on the wall. Have your child hold onto your finger with their other hand.
3. Show your baby how to walk on the plank sideways; help him with this.
4. Show how to walk on the plank by stepping on it with both feet. From time to time try less and less to help the child; after a while, just lightly hold him by the shoulders or let him hold only your finger. Praise your child for success.
5. Show your child how to pull a toy on wheels along the bar.
Part 2
Developing the ability to know
One color

1. Put two cubes in front of the child - red and blue. Take another red cube and place it on top of the first one, naming its color. Give him the second blue die and ask him to put it on the same blue one. Repeat this task several times. Then take cubes of other colors (black, white, yellow and green).
2. Give the baby a sheet of red or blue paper (you can take a piece of cloth). Ask him to find something in the room of the same color (name the color). Help him if he is having difficulty.
3. Give the child a red pencil, let him draw a few lines on paper. “And what do we have in the room of the same color, red? That's right, this is an apple. It's red." Green pencil - and a sheet of your houseplant. Yellow pencil - and a banana. (Draw them for the kid.)
4. Pour red, blue, green, yellow, white, black buttons on the table. Let the kid try to sort them by color - put them into piles. Show him how it's done.
5. Introduce new colors into the activities described, such as orange and brown, which require more subtle color perception.

Always name the colors to the child, ask him to repeat these names after you. But don't expect them all to go into his speech right away.
Choose one of two

1. Give your child the opportunity to choose - food, clothes, toys, books or activities. What will you drink - milk or juice? (That's right, not just "What do you want to drink?") And be prepared to give him exactly what he chose. If he didn't choose anything, ask him again later.
2. When you are preparing to read a fairy tale to your baby before bed, let him tell you which book to take. So he learns to make a choice, and besides, here he can get the opportunity to look into the future, understand the meaning of your promises. For example, if the child has chosen two books, say: “I will read one of them today, and let's put the second in a special place and remember it tomorrow evening.”
3. Let the kid choose an occupation for himself: “What will you do today - paint with paints or sculpt from plasticine?” Visual activity generally gives a wide range of choices. You draw - you need to choose a paint or a pencil. You are engaged in application - you need to take the right colored paper.
4. Offer your child two blankets before bed. Which one will he choose today? You are bathing the baby. Have him choose one of the two toys to play with in the bath. Then offer to choose another - from the other two. And so several times.

One of several

1. Go shopping - take your child with you. (Let him help you choose, say, a head of cabbage in a greengrocer's shop.)
2. When you ask your child to pass something to you, emphasize that you need one item: one towel, one spoon ...
3. Prepare a set of ten cubes. Ask your child to put one cube in the empty box for you. Praise him for complying with your request. If he takes several, say again that you only need one die. Point to it - let the child put it in the box.
4. To emphasize the concept of "one", use paired items. When the baby puts on the shoes, say: “You only took one shoe. Where is the other one? Helping the child to put on a jacket, “hide” one of his hands in his sleeve and say: “Interesting! I can only see one of your hands!” Standing in front of the mirror, show the child to his two eyes, two ears, two cheeks. And then you will be surprised: “Where is your other nose? Do you only have one nose? How many noses do you have? Only one!"
5. Emphasize the meaning of "only one." "Take only one cookie", "You can only slide down the hill one more time, and let's go home." The development of the concept of “one” will also be helped by tasks in which the child is asked to make a choice (we described them above): “You can choose one toy that we will take with us to grandmother”, “Choose one book that I will read to you.”
6. When the child understands the concept of "one", give him a more difficult task. Ask him to put one cookie on each saucer, one spoon next to each plate. You may need to help him complete the task step by step: “Put one cookie on this saucer. Now put one cookie on the other saucer." But the kid is busy with his trucks. Ask him to put one toy in the back of each car.

Creative thinking

1. Let the child play the role of dad or mom, taking something from the clothes of an adult, putting on mom's glasses on her nose or putting dad's hat on her head. And you call the toy phone and ask to call the one whose role he plays.
2. Let the baby dress up as a bunny (bunny ears and tail) and jump. Sing a song about a bunny. Act out a story with a bunny as the hero.
3. Show how to feed and bathe the doll; let the baby imitate your actions. Invite him to play with several dolls at once. Encourage him to play a game in which several topics are sequentially connected: cooking, setting the table, eating. Show how the doll drinks tea “as if” or “as if” brushes her hair; it is not necessary that there be a cup (it can be replaced by a cube) or a comb (instead of it - a pencil).
4. Let the baby imitate your daily housework. Buy or make your own smaller copies of items such as a mop or rake. Teach your child to sweep the floor, dust the furniture, rake the leaves in the garden. When you prepare dinner, let the baby play with spoons, empty bowls, saucepans.
5. When your child plays alone in the sandbox, provide them with cars, trucks and containers of various shapes. Make sure your child has a set of blocks in their toy box different size, shapes and colors. When appropriate, give your child a big cardboard box, through which he can climb, in which he can hide or use in the game as a house. This kind of material will stimulate the game.

We develop speech
child listening to stories

1. Choose a time when the baby is ready to sit still for at least a short time, and read to him. Start with fairy tales and poems (simple, sonorous, rhythmically clear). Let the child choose the book he would like to listen to. Encourage and satisfy your baby's interest in pictures. Be sure to answer any questions he may have. Let him turn the pages himself.
2. You read a fairy tale to your baby - now ask him about who the fairy tale is about, what happens in it. Listen to him carefully, do not seek to correct him, even if he understood something wrong or cannot correctly name the heroes of the fairy tale.
3. Whenever possible, relate the story to the child's life experience. If you meet a dog in a fairy tale, notice: “This dog is like your friend’s, right?”
4. Try to read with expression, the intonation of your voice will help the child understand the feelings of the characters, the meaning of what is happening. You can help yourself with gestures.
5. Make your own book with pictures cut out of magazines, or make up your own story from pictures in a picture book.

That more?

1. Pick up pairs of identical items that differ only in size. It can be two spoons - a teaspoon and a tablespoon, two hats - an adult and a child, shoes, books, plates, cubes, dolls, toy cars; in a word, any objects familiar to the child. Ask him: "Show me the big spoon", "Kiss the little doll". Ask your child to put a big hat on your head. Ask: “Does this doll fit big shoes? Or does she need little ones? Have your child build a big tower out of big blocks and a small tower out of small ones. Show your child one of two different balls and ask, "Is this a big ball or a small one?"
2. Ask your child to find something big and something small in the room. Use every opportunity to compare objects by size. It is easy to see the difference between "mother's big shoes” and “Dasha’s little shoes” when they stand side by side on the floor. Show your child daddy big shirt and Dimina is small when they hang side by side and dry after washing. Talk about the difference between "our little dog" and "the neighbor's big dog." Walking - draw the child's attention to large trees and small trees, on big leaves and for small...
3. In outdoor games, you have to take different steps, different jumps - small and large. But you play with the children, let's say, "Loaf" - in this game, holding hands, they diverge and approach, and you get a big circle ("such a width") and a small one ("such a dinner") ... Or another game - ask the child to become big-big (let him spread his legs wide and spread his arms to the sides), and then small-small (here you need to curl up).
4. Have your child draw a big or small circle, a big tree and small flower. Let him fashion a large pie and a small pie out of plasticine.
5. After using items that have obvious differences in size, take items that are less obvious differences between them. Show your child how to compare them by holding them side by side or pointing them out saying, “This one fits in my hand, this one doesn't. This one is on my leg, but this one is not.

What is drawn?

1. Pick up books with clear and entertaining pictures. Ask the child to tell you about what is shown in the pictures, listen carefully to him. If he does not understand something, ask him leading questions, help him construct the statement correctly.
2. Make a book with a story about some recent event in the child's life. Use photos taken on that day. It can be a birthday celebration, a “going out” with the whole family, or just a cleaning “subbotnik” garden plot. Have the child name the pictures and characters as you tell the story.
3. Review pictures of animals he knows with your child. Talk to him about where you saw this or that animal, and remind him what sounds it makes, so it will be easier for the child to name it.
4. Draw simple images - a house, a sun, a fence - that the baby could name. To get him interested in the pictures you drew, tell him something funny about it.

Difficult task

1. It's time to give the child instructions, consisting of two parts, when he must first perform one action, and then another: "Put the book down, and then close the door." If it is difficult for him to comply with your request, show what exactly needs to be done, accompanying your actions with explanations.
2. You can arrange a game. Say: “Go to the door and open it”, “Kiss your doll and put her in the crib”, “Find your ball and give it to dad”.
3. If the child only does the first part of the request, say, “What else did I ask for?” If he can't remember, repeat the whole request and help him deal with both parts of it.
4. Play a game in which the facilitator gives two-part commands, such as sit on the floor and clap your hands. Show what needs to be done first; as the child masters the game, go only to verbal commands.
5. It is good to work on this skill during an afternoon snack. Tell your child, “Take a sip and put the cup down. Take off your tissue and dry your mouth. Finish your cheese, and then you can ask for more juice.”

We develop activity
Song play

1. There are songs and rhymes that can naturally be accompanied by movements. (Like: “They flew, they flew; they sat on their heads ...”) Say a rhyme several times, sing a song with your child. Encourage your baby to repeat after you not only words, but also actions.
2. Try to play with the baby, change your facial expression, gesticulate; so it will be more interesting. Help the child to perform the desired movement, but do not force him. Let him observe you and join you at will, making the same movements.
3. As soon as the baby begins to memorize words, the last word omit it in the line - let him say it himself. Or skip a clap, some other gesture and wait for the child to make it.
4. Compose your own songs and rhymes - about everything that you are doing now with your child. When fastening a coat on a child, sing: “One small, two small, three small buttons.” Or, as you bathe your baby, sing about how you wash his ears, neck, elbows, and knees.
5. Do not get tired of repeating words and gestures. The child needs to hear the words over and over again so that they become familiar to him.

No reminders

1. At this age, the child learns to understand the sequence of actions and move from one type of activity to another without reminders. Now you can already warn the child in advance: “After we finish playing with blocks, we will go down to the mailbox for a newspaper”, “After we dry your hair, you can play train”.
2. If you see that the child is really ready to move on to a new activity without your additional reminder, praise him.
3. Help the child move on to the next task by indirectly suggesting exactly what needs to be done. Don't say, "Now let's get ready for the bath." Ask: “Where are we going to put the bath today?”

Start the game on your own

1. The child's toys should lie in the place allotted for them: a cabinet drawer, a box in the corner of the room, on a bookshelf. When the baby is not busy with anything, direct him there and offer to find himself a toy to play with.
2. Help him just start the activity he has chosen - and then let him play himself. From time to time watch how he plays, explain in words his actions and praise him for the fact that he "does everything himself."
3. Give your child different toys- cubes, cars, soldiers, dolls along with doll furniture etc. But do not give him any instructions, let him start some game himself. And only if he doesn’t start playing in any way, offer him where to start, help him start, and then leave him to play alone. After a while, watch how he plays and praise if he acts on his own.
4. When it's time to play (the baby got up after sleep, ate ...), ask: "What would you like to play with?" See if he asks for a specific toy. If not, name two or three toys yourself so that he chooses one.
5. Pay attention to the baby that each of the family members is busy with some business. Say, “Look, dad is nailing the bookshelf, mom is cooking dinner for us, your little sister is riding her bike. And what will you do?" Let your child do things they can do on their own, like looking at a picture book or playing with cars, trains, or dolls.

11/14/2005 Fewell R.,
Vadesi P.,

Based on the book "A Guide for Educators and Parents", translated from English. L.A. Chistovich, E.V. Kozhevnikova, E.V. Sabaneeva. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Institute of Early Interventiongo." This, of course, is true, but on the condition that adults know the features of this amazing period - a period of high achievements and unique obstinacy and disobedience. In this period, the formation of personality begins. The baby needs to be treated as an “equal”.

Does your child ask you to play with him? Do you want to spend time with your child not only fun, but also informative, interesting, with the acquisition of new knowledge and skills? Then the games below with a child of 2 years old are exactly what you need.

But first you need to determine the level of development of the baby, identify the skills and abilities already available, find out what exactly is interesting to the child, which not only attracts attention, but can also delay it for quite a long period of time. As a rule, these are favorite toys, constructors, bright objects or objects that make sounds. Of course, playing with a child at 2 years old does not involve rattles, but there is no need to set too difficult tasks for children at this age. Therefore, it is recommended to be extremely careful in approaching the now fashionable and popular “super-educational” games, with which even schoolchildren cope with a certain amount of work.

Lessons with the baby should bring maximum pleasure to both parents and the child himself, otherwise there will be a greater risk for very long years to instill a dislike for obtaining new knowledge, self-improvement, knowledge of the world around and something new. It is necessary to choose educational games for children 2 years old in full accordance with the real possibilities and abilities of the child, not for "growth", not "in reserve", but those that will really attract the baby and will be accessible to his understanding.

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive designers, toys or kits. What the baby will be really interested in playing with, as a rule, is at hand, in the house, or does not require serious material costs. The main thing is to give to your child more attention, be patient and show a little imagination, creativity and creativity.

Joint games with children 2 years old

At the age of two, it is important for children to develop attention, logic, thinking and fine motor skills of hands. Therefore, joint games with children 2 years old can be organized using small items. One of the most accessible and inexpensive ways to comprehensively develop is a game called “Lighting the Light in the Windows”. Useful for her colored paper, scissors, marker or pencil and glue. From colored cardboard (the color can be anything, but not yellow, as it will come in handy later), you need to cut out a semblance of a house and mark windows on it. Next, you need to prepare squares from yellow colored paper, which will play the role of lit windows. The child must first be shown real example What is the difference between windows in which the light is on and those where it is not lit. This can be done simply by looking out of your own window and looking at the houses opposite, in the neighborhood.

Returning to the colored paper blanks, invite the baby to “turn on” the light in the windows previously indicated on the house. To do this, he must glue the cut out yellow squares exactly to the designated places. How much this game did not seem easy, for a two-year-old kid, sticking windows on silhouettes is a rather complicated matter. Perhaps the child for the first time will even need the help of elders.

The main thing is to remember that scissors and other sharp, cutting objects must be removed to a place inaccessible to the crumbs, otherwise such games with children 2 years old may result in injuries.

Another type of joint interesting, useful and exciting pastime can be a game designed for associativity and the ability to distinguish colors. Colored paper or cardboard, scissors will also come in handy for her. The number of colors depends on the existing skills and knowledge of the baby. But for starters, you can take five or six colors, it is advisable to give preference to more contrasting shades for ease of distinction. Squares, triangles or any other geometric shapes are cut out of paper or cardboard, from the center of which, in turn, circles are cut out. The essence of such a game for children 2 years old is the correct connection of the circles and the main figures by color. That is, the baby should attach a blue circle to a blue square or triangle, red to red, yellow to yellow, green to green, and so on.

In the course of the game practices described above, children develop thinking, logic, the ability to correctly distinguish colors, as well as fine motor skills of hands. For the last factor, it is important to correctly observe the proportionality of the cut parts. They do not need to be made too small, otherwise it will be extremely problematic for the child to take pieces of paper or cardboard without damaging or jamming them, and it will also be difficult to keep the details in the pens. Very big figurines it is also not recommended to do it, otherwise the effect for the development of motor skills of the fingers will be minimal.

"Little Helper" - motivating games for children 2 years old

Attracting kids to household chores, help in everyday life can be started from the age of two, trusting the most simple tasks. Of course, such an initiation can take a fairly significant amount of time, and sometimes nerves, but in the future all the efforts and efforts of parents will be fully rewarded. In addition, by doing the simplest things, the child will receive not only the basics of certain household skills, but again develop fine motor skills of hands, thinking, and logic.

One of the most common and useful games for children of 2 years old is “Big Wash” and “Clothespins”. The first involves teaching the child to monitor their own cleanliness and familiarization with basic rules hygiene. You can include your baby's favorite toys in the game, offering to clean them with a handkerchief, washcloth, rag. To do this, it is recommended to use large containers with water, baby soap. It is advisable to conduct such educational games in the bathroom or in the kitchen, where the flooring is more resistant to moisture.

The child should be explained and clearly shown how to wash or wash the toy, and then ask or offer to repeat the actions shown. It is recommended to carefully monitor that the baby does not make a lot of effort, causing pain or unpleasant emotions to himself. For the first such joint games It is not advisable to use soap or shampoos. Moreover, under no circumstances should washing powders, chemicals, washing and abrasive washcloths. You also need to keep track of room temperature was comfortable, and contact with water, the temperature of which also needs to be controlled, did not bring discomfort, irritation. At the first sign of water cooling, you need to either dilute it with warm water or stop playing with water altogether.

As a continuation of the above game or as a separate and independent educational fun, you can invite the child to play "Clothespins". To do this, you can use both ordinary clothespins and special children's ones - moderately large, bright, beautiful, attracting the attention of children - they are sold in stores with goods for babies. You will also need a rope - it can be a regular linen or cord, chairs with backs or any other pieces of furniture, supports to which you can tie a rope. An absolute similarity of a real clothes dryer is created, but only designed for the growth of a child. And the main task of the game is the development of fine motor skills of hands, thinking by enabling the baby to independently hang things, toys, clothes of dolls for such home-made drying.

The two versions listed are just the simplest and most banal educational games with a 2-year-old child, which will allow you to spend time with your little one in an interesting, bright, fun and useful way. There can be a huge variety of variations of spending time together, combining the gameplay with learning, mastering new abilities.

Cooking and playing at the same time

In the kitchen, not only the hostess will find entertainment, but also her baby, for whom this room presents new play and at the same time developing opportunities no less than dangers and threats. While the baby still understands little and realizes how dangerous open gas or most kitchen utensils are, it is strongly not recommended to leave him alone in the kitchen area without adult supervision. This will help to avoid extremely negative consequences in the form of abrasions, injuries, burns.

In the kitchen, educational games for children aged 2 are also aimed at developing logic, thinking, and motor skills of pens. As an assistant, you can use the dough, from which the child will sculpt or cut out all kinds of figures with special molds. By the way, such work with crafts will be doubly pleasant, interesting and exciting if they are sent to the oven with pies, cookies and other pastries. After cooking, the baby and other family members are guaranteed to enjoy both the culinary masterpieces of the hostess and the original “stucco molding” of the crumbs.

Another interesting way it will be useful to have fun in the kitchen for the baby exciting game titled "Collect Sticks". Only pasta is used instead of sticks. For example, you can take oblong pasta and a colander, through the holes of which pasta will need to be passed. Instead of pasta you can also use counting sticks, matches, but with the latter you need to be especially vigilant, breaking off the heads from sulfur. This must be done so that the child in no case decides to taste them, and also so that sulfur particles do not remain on the working surface of the table, dishes, products and already cooked food.

You can diversify games with a 2-year-old child at home by applying one rather amusing technique aimed at developing the concept of size. To do this, you need to pick up several items that are similar in functionality and performance, but different in size. For example, it can be fruits - a large orange, a smaller apple, a small tangerine and a very small grape. The task is to line up objects according to the principle of increase or decrease, explain the relationship to the crumbs, and then ask them to repeat a similar procedure, but with other objects. For work, the child can be provided with saucers and cereals - the purpose of this educational game will be the distribution of cereal crops in accordance with the increase or decrease in the size of previously taken fruits. For example, in a saucer standing near a large orange, you need to pour the most a large number of cereals, in a saucer standing near an apple - a little less, in a saucer near a tangerine - even less, and pour only a few grains in a saucer near a grape.

Instead of fruits, you can use your own hand-drawn pictures in the form of birds or animals, flowers or stars. They also need to be prepared in various size variations and, of course, brightly colored so that games for children of 2 years old are as exciting, intriguing and rich as possible.

In addition to the effective, competent and integrated development of fine motor skills of the hands, all the games presented have a positive effect on the child's imagination, his thinking, and the construction of logical chains. Applying each time more and more new toys and game elements, making each subsequent exercise a little more difficult or including additional steps, tasks, objects, you can not only interest the child, but also make his knowledge of the world around him more exciting, intense and comprehensive.

Games with a child 2 years old on the street - active leisure for the benefit of the whole family

Fresh air is very useful for the baby - this is not a secret for anyone, but sometimes walking even in children causes boredom because of the monotony. What to do with the crumbs on the street, while also doing something for its development? The answer is simple: introduce special educational games with a 2-year-old child on the street into walks, among which the following are especially popular:

This is only a small part of the entertainment that helps to spend time on a walk not only with positive emotions, but also with benefit. Chase the ball, play in the sandbox, jump over puddles, walk along the curb, holding the hand of an adult, and just breathe fresh air– what could be better in a carefree and happy childhood?

By the way, you can always watch games with a 2-year-old child on videos posted by many family bloggers. They usually contain many unusual ways spending time with children, creative ideas and unique methods for the development of babies.

In general, games with children 2 years old can be organized anywhere, anytime, the main thing is to have the desire to optimally combine entertainment and development, not to be led by kids who do not want to learn something new, do not want to learn the world. Interest and intrigue the baby - that's what every parent needs to be able to do, and then spending time together will be a pleasure and joy for both kids and adults.

From the age of 2, babies switch interest from exploring their potential to external world. They carefully observe what is happening around and remember everything, so the period from 2 to 3 years is a crucial stage in their life, and the selection of activities and games for them must be very careful. Playing with them is now exciting and fun because of their comments and especially the questions they ask. While still not talking too clearly, the kids still try to communicate, chat, trying to verbally indicate their thoughts. The little ones already know how to do a lot of things and are learning every minute, learning something new and improving their experience.

For the successful assimilation of the baby new information and experience, it should be dealt with regularly. However, at 2-3 years old, children are restless and not focused. They cannot be forced to do what they do not like. That is why the education of the child should be carried out in a fun, comic form the most understandable for him. This goal is served by educational games for children 2-3 years old. There is a huge variety of their different types: cognitive, logical, memory formation.

Educational games are activities focused on the formation of vocabulary and speech skills of children, the development of their intellect, the evolution of fine motor skills and all other qualities. Such games will help to start the child's studies almost from the first days. It is important that parents give the baby maximum time and attention. It is important to choose the right types of educational games in accordance with the age of children. In the event that the game conditions are too difficult, designed for older children, or, conversely, uninteresting, intended for younger children, the child will become uninteresting and will not want to play.

Formation of speech skills

At this age, children develop a variety of patterns of action and behavior. A two-year-old baby can:

  • depict the sounds or habits of some animals;
  • imitate someone close to you.

It is in 2-3 years that a breakthrough occurs in the development of speech. To express their desires and thoughts, the child needs to accumulate a large vocabulary. Parents should help him in this by naming the surrounding objects and the actions performed with them.

Practicing correct breathing and articulation will help you learn to speak in coherent sentences. Almost all babies like nursery rhymes and counting rhymes, rhythmic and rhyming, which many parents often learn with their children. When communicating with the baby, one should not use difficult-to-pronounce words that will remain incomprehensible to him; it is necessary to monitor the correct pronunciation and stress in words, affectionately correct inaccuracies. It is advisable to communicate with the baby as an equal, then he will better learn the meanings of new words and replenish his lexicon.

Children at this age enjoy watching puppet shows, which can be organized without professionally made dolls, with improvised toys that are at home and are well known to kids. Theatrical performances in game form can be arranged when teaching a baby everyday behavior: at dinner, in the process hygiene procedures while helping mom clean the room.

Babies enjoy a lot role playing with peers or adults. Girls love to dress and comb dolls, treat their favorite hares or bears, buy food in stores, copying their mother's actions. Completely different games for boys 2-3 years old: cars, cubes from which they build a garage, the simplest designer become educational toys.

Already at this age, you can engage with children in guessing simple, preferably rhymed riddles, and look for answers with them. They will be interested in thinking. Such games for kids 2-3 years old will develop not only speech, but also intelligence, attention and imagination.

The benefits of finger games

Finger games contribute to the development of fine motor skills of pens and, accompanied by poems and nursery rhymes, kids like them and amuse them. Such educational entertainment with older brothers or sisters brings great joy, and often becomes a favorite game.

The most popular and widespread in our country is the "Magpie-Crow". There are many other finger entertainments, for example, about geese, clubfoot bears, bees, spiders. Behind Active participation in the game you should praise the baby.

The benefit is to improve the muscles of the palms and fingers of the child. In the future, this will enable kids to control the brush and fingers in the process of drawing and writing. For development tactile sensations, the guys are provided in the game with a large number of items with different texture and texture: prickly rugs, rough balls, soft fluffy toys are used, which by touch create a different impression in the baby - than more difference, the more effective the result.

Sandbox games are very useful:

  • the construction of palaces and castles affects the development of fantasy;
  • "baking" sand "pies" teaches the recognition of the shape of objects;
  • sand massages the fingertips and palms;
  • communication in the sandbox with children contributes to the development of communicative qualities.

Games for the development of logic and thinking

A child of 2-3 years old can already get acquainted with the initial mathematical concepts, if you follow a special approach and select games that may interest the baby. These games require a special didactic material: a variety of colorful leaves with the image of numbers and geometric shapes. You can also stock up on individual pictures for boys and girls: boys like cars, and girls are attracted to dolls.

To give the baby an idea about the first numbers, you should regularly count the surrounding objects with him: fruits in a vase on the table, pencils, cubes or stairs. In order to improve logic and intelligence, accuracy and concentration, the use of bright multi-colored picture books and puzzles is recommended. A baby at this age is able to assemble a pyramid and perform compound actions that include several simple movements. For development to be complete, it is necessary to communicate with him regularly, explain and comment on his actions, praise, encourage, support.

Games for the development of creative abilities

At 2-3 years old, a child can already learn a lot on his own, provided that the parents are patient.

You can start teaching your baby:

  • coloring different colors graphically drawn colorless pictures;
  • drawing with a pencil and paints;
  • cutting out simple patterns from paper;
  • production of simple paper and cardboard small works.

Educational games at 2-3 years old are held exclusively by adults, under their guidance and control. Parents or caregivers should explain in detail and show the baby the sequence of making each craft. At first, a two-year-old baby performs only unpretentious operations: it can color large drawings, glue figures cut out by adults.

During this period, it is already clear who the baby will later be - left-handed or right-handed. In no case should you force him to draw with the other hand: this can forever discourage the child from creating. It is important to praise the baby, even if his masterpiece was not very successful and it is not clear what is shown in the picture. Next time he will try even better, and he will succeed.

Educational games for children 2-3 years old require mandatory adult accompaniment. They should help the child, show him the algorithm of actions, praise the baby, even if he doesn’t do it very well right away. It is necessary to choose such games that will give the baby pleasure, then he will better learn new concepts and words. Educational games expand children's vocabulary, develop fine motor skills of fingers, contribute to the formation of logic and intelligence.

Now, it turns out, the next step is the age of 2 years, so it will be discussed in this article.

In my opinion, this age is very interesting, games with a child come out fundamentally new level. If we talk about Taisia, then at the age of 2, her perseverance somehow sharply increased, more painstaking activities became possible, and there was also a huge passion for construction and creation (, cubes became a favorite toy). Therefore, at this time, many new activities appeared in our “playing repertoire”, which will be discussed in this article. Rather, only the first half of the games are presented here, and here is the second:

So, what can you play with a child of 2 years old (most of these games can be made at home with your own hands):

It is useful to constantly teach the baby new skills, new movements of the hands and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child's speech, and on development in general. So, for example, earlier in our games we used Special attention on, etc. Now is the time to master another new action - winding the thread. Winder games are designed to teach the baby to even better coordinate the movements of both hands.

During such a game, the child learns to wrap a rope or ribbon around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, winding on a stick is much easier, so it’s better to start with it. A drumstick, a pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. You need to tie a small piece of string, thick yarn or ribbon to it.

To increase the child's interest in the game at the end of the tape, you can fix a small soft toy. With each new turn, the toy will crawl closer and closer to the baby. It is very exciting!

Taisiya loved this activity very much, she could wind and wind for a long time, and this despite the fact that at first I didn’t even have the idea to tie a toy on the end. I notice such enthusiasm in my daughter every time she masters some new practical skill. As if he feels that in life it will come in handy

2. Making soap foam

Prepare a whisk for the game. Then, together with the child, pour water into a bowl and drip a little shampoo. Show your baby how to get fluffy foam by vigorously working with a whisk. Usually kids are simply mesmerized by this educational game, it's almost like a trick - water turns into foam

Having played enough with the whisk, my daughter and I, as a rule, proceed to inflate soap bubbles through a tube. Usually, for the first time, it’s hard for kids to catch that you don’t need to drink water through a straw, but rather blow it out, so if you have never tried to make a storm in a glass before, first experiment with ordinary water and make sure that the baby does not drink water. And only then move on to games with soapy water. Bubbles in this case are even more spectacular than with a whisk.

3. Playing with sensory boxes

4. Learning to organize objects, focusing on color and size at the same time

Games with clothespins and tweezers, my daughter and I often included in ours. So, for example, during our tea parties with toys, along with other plastic food - cakes and vegetables - we used pieces of foam rubber as cookies, and beads as sweets. Naturally, we laid out food for everyone depending on the color preferences of everyone (Mishka likes only red candies, and Bunny only blue, etc.).

The tweezers can be used both normal and special children's. It is larger, they will not be able to shift the beads, but they will fit well fruits of the same company. Learning Resources has other interesting tools for improving fine motor skills, For example.

Needless to say, games with clothespins and tweezers remarkably develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and hone gun skills.

7. We look for items in the bag by touch

Take several small items that differ in shape and texture. For example, you can take a bump, a ping-pong ball, Kinder Surprise toys, a hard metal sponge, a spool of thread, etc. You can even use real fruits and vegetables! (But do not take too many items at once! For the first time, 5-6 pieces are enough) Together with the baby, put all the items in an opaque bag, carefully examining and feeling everything. Then agree that you will guess the items in the bag without looking into it. The game options are (in ascending order of difficulty):

  • we pick up the first object that comes across and, without taking it out of the bag, we guess what it is;
  • we show the baby a similar object and ask “Find the same in the bag”;
  • without looking, we look for a specific object in the bag (for example, shishika);
  • we give tasks like “Find something round / rough / small in the bag”.

To complicate the game, you can add geometric shapes to the bag, for example, Gyenes blocks (Ozone, KoroBoom), and try to guess them by touch.

For a variety of tactile sensations, as well as to enrich knowledge about the world around us, it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of nuts in the shell (pieces of 5 of each type). We played with walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts.

What can be done with them? Firstly, nuts can also be used in handing out nuts to toys while pronouncing and memorizing their names.

Secondly, you can sort the nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya's doll loves walnuts, and Olya - peanuts).

Thirdly, you can put the nuts in a small opaque bag and take them out of the bag by touch, as in the previous game.

9. Playing with a knocker

There are two types of hammers on the market. Balls with balls (KoroBoom, My shop), as a rule, do not require a significant effort from the child, it is enough to hit the ball once so that it fails. With such an educational toy, you can introduce your baby as early as a year.

Studs with carnations (Ozone, My shop, Babadu) require from the child much more clarity of movements, endurance, concentration of attention, because in order to score a carnation, you need to repeatedly hit it. And the cloves are no longer as easy to budge as the balls. Therefore, if you have not tried to play with such a knocker, then be sure to try it, the child will be interested.

Taisiya and I liked to hammer carnations in turn: one - she, one - me, etc.

10. We assemble the nesting doll, combining the pattern on its parts.

The usefulness of this time-tested toy can hardly be overestimated, it combines a whole range of logical and motor games: the child learns to identify suitable parts, rank them by size, learns to open and close nesting doll (labyrinth, My shop, Daughters & sons).

If the baby is already well accustomed to the selection of halves in size, then it's time to draw his attention to the pattern on the nesting doll outfit and explain that the pattern on the two halves does not always match. Teach your baby to combine the pattern on the matryoshka by rotating the halves.

Naturally, depending on the pattern on the matryoshka, this task may differ in complexity. Some of the drawings are not very clear to the child. In addition, many matryoshka dolls turn very tightly, and in this case, the task of selecting a pattern becomes unbearable for the baby. Therefore, if you do not yet have a nesting doll, consider these factors when buying.

11. Putting together puzzles from 4-20 pieces

And, of course, don't forget about puzzles (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop). All children develop in different ways, someone shows great interest in puzzles and can put together pictures from a considerable number of parts for a long time, someone doesn’t really want to collect even 4 parts. Focus on the child, and give a feasible task, do not overdo it.

As for Taisiya, at that age she was putting together puzzles from 4-12 parts (with my help). I must say that by the age of 2, her interest in puzzles had significantly subsided compared to the passion that she had at 1.5 years old.

That's all for now. Be sure to read the sequel: