Men's style: basic rules. Six rules in men's clothing "Both strong and stylish!"

Most fashion rules are not even rules. These are aesthetic beliefs, judgments that put things on the podium. Some appear and after a couple of weeks evaporate. Others have much more power. They can last quite a long time, but the trends dissipate eventually.

For example, a form-fitting silhouette. He dominated for a decade. Today it is being replaced by wider legs and a loose fit. Some men consider this an attack on style. They believe that skinny trousers are the right thing, they suit the male body, improve it and flatter it in some way. The skinny jacket is a platonic ideal for men. But actually it is not. This is just an image that had more power than all the others.

Things that we reject for a long time are also the result of a subjective opinion. Those bastions of bad style—square or long toes, bootcut jeans, long hair at the back of the head—are objectively not bad. They are just unfashionable. But time and designers can rehabilitate them.

In such a subjective world, only a handful of commandments are carved in stone. This is the knowledge of men's clothing, the cornerstones of the ability to dress. This is not a trend or a taste. They are dictated by clothing manufacturers. It was for this wearing that clothes were created by them. Wearing it otherwise is wrong. You will not be unfashionable in this case. You are simply breaking the laws of fashion.

Naturally, if a thing has buttons, they need to be fastened. But the bottom button of any jacket is a snag, a residual piece from the ancient ancestors of the jacket. The jacket should flare at the hips to narrow the silhouette at the waist. If you fasten all the buttons, unnecessary tension will be created on the fabric and seams, the silhouette will be visually disturbed.

The same thing happens if you sit down without undoing the buttons. The suit should be fairly tight to the upper body. As you sit down, your back straightens, the fabric stretches, testing your tailor's work. The exception to this rule is the casual jacket, according to Christopher Moda of Chester Barrie on Savile Row. The design of this jacket provides for fastening with all buttons, but it is already outdated.

Rule 2: Purity is no higher than godliness

The idea that clothes should be washed after every wear is wrong. This is only suitable for underwear. Other clothes, unless you behave like a pig at the table, can withstand several days of wear. It's good for the environment and for your wardrobe - the more often you wash, the faster your clothes become unusable.

This is especially true for costumes. And dry cleaning is not an option, as the chemicals damage the fabric and seams. Don't dry-clean your suits more than twice a year. Instead, brush your suit after every wear and leave it out for at least a day to air out, says Jeffrey Daltis of the Savile Row Company. And just try not to get your suit dirty.

Jeans should also not be washed often. Nudie Jeans denim specialist Chris Bloxham says jeans need to be washed every few months to keep them in good condition. Ideally, denim does not need to be washed at all. The fact is that when wearing jeans, the paint on the fabric is wiped off unevenly, which creates a characteristic pattern. Wash your jeans in the washing machine and they will lose their individuality. Bloxam advises not to wash jeans for at least 6 months from the first wear. The more you wear jeans, the more individual they become. And never wash them in hot water or tumble dry them. So you do less harm to nature.

Rule 3: Don't tuck in the wrong shirt

It is believed that shirts are tucked into trousers by default. This is not always the case, it depends on the style of the shirt, and especially on its bottom edge. Suit shirts are designed to be tucked into trousers. They are more formal. They have an extra length in the back so that when you sit down, the shirt does not come out and bulge over the trousers. If you tuck in a shirt that is worn loose, you will have to control its position all day. If you like to tuck your T-shirt into your trousers, choose long models and wear them, if possible, under a belt so that you do not have to constantly adjust the T-shirt.

Rule 4: Polish and Shine

Good boots are an investment. But you cannot leave them as a legacy to your children if you do not look after them. In the army, sergeants are obsessed with shiny shoes, not because they're crazy (they're crazy, but that's not all), but because polished leather is better protected from abrasion.

Tim Little, owner of the Grenson shoe brand, believes that a good shoe polish is food for the skin. It is absorbed into the pores and nourishes the skin. Cleaning your shoes twice a week will keep your boots soft and protected from moisture.

Rule 5: If you are in a suit, carry your bag.

Backpacks today are taken not only for hiking. Every brand from Herschel to Louis Vuitton launches backpacks today. It doesn't matter how luxurious your backpack is. It doesn't fit the suit. And it's not that you combine formal style and casual style. It's just that the backpack ruins your suit. Never hang a backpack over the shoulder of a suit. Pressure and friction damage the fabric, leaving it greasy or frayed. If the briefcase seems too formal to you, take a tote bag. Or just carry your things in your hands.

Let's analyze the most important points that any man who claims to be stylish should know.

First rule. contact the tailor

Even if you have bought a suit that fits you well, this is no reason not to go to the tailor. The suit should fit you perfectly. The jacket should be fitted, the sleeves should be at the proper length, the trousers should be shortened. By the way, you can ask your tailor to narrow the sleeves on your jacket a little. The difference between a guy who is properly dressed and stylishly dressed is precisely in such moments, in the little things. Everything must be brought to the ideal. Pay attention to the little things, this is not a situation where the little things are not so important. Every inch counts here.

Second rule. Choice of sneakers

What sneakers to wear for a walk? Your favorite sports sneakers are best left for gyms and stadiums. Do not wear sports shoes in everyday life. For walking down the street, wear more classic options, Lacoste, Converse, etc.

Third rule. Don't skimp on hours

Watches are one element of style that you can never skimp on. A watch is an indicator of your status. Buy high quality watches. Spare no time and money on their choice and

they will look great with both jeans and your best


Fourth rule. Choose socks to match the suit

How to choose men's socks? Socks can let you down if you don't choose the right shade, they can drastically spoil the opinion of you. So it’s worth taking a little time to figure out what colors to wear with what. The basic rule for choosing the color of socks is that the color of the socks should match the color of the suit, and then the shoes. If you have a khaki suit and black boots, then by all means socks

you need to choose khaki colors. And if you have a light suit, then follow

The right choice of style, as well as following its principles, is very important for a real man. However, many who are still in search of their style, as well as becoming men, so they have some problems that we will try to solve.

1. Feeling stupid will make you look the same. Style lies in the choice of things that give confidence. If you feel uncomfortable about something, don't wear it.

2. Clothing with a perfect fit justifies its cost every time.

3. With a big budget, try to invest in timeless things that you will love forever. Fashion changes rapidly and extra spending should be avoided.

4. The more you get into fashion games, the more you take risks. Trying on cropped trousers with cutouts or combining crazy colors, you are sure to get the first number from your friends. This is true. Try, fail and move on.

5. There is a difference between a smartly dressed man and a dandy. The first is sexy, the second is too flashy. Remember, you're dressing up to be the brightest guy in the group, not the pompous and abstruse dandy.

6. Don't be afraid to copy anyone. You probably don't look like Ryan Gosling, so by repeating his image, no one will compare you.

7. Know your limits. If you're fat, eat less carbs and stay away from skinny jeans. Well, short guys should forget about rolled up jeans - this way their legs look even shorter. Self-awareness is the key to success.

8. Do not try to be in time everywhere. Fashions change so fast, at any moment you might come across a $500 backpack or shoes with colored soles. Be careful with your impulses. Your finances will thank you.

It's no secret that a lot of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance and their clothes as well. Some persons, even more than necessary. Men, on the other hand, do not fool their heads over such trifles and prefer to do what they love, not all, of course, but many. You might think that the choice of clothes is a trifle. But as soon as you start shopping, here comes the idea that in order to stylishly and strongly dress a real man, no less attention and hassle is required. From the way a man dresses, the perception of a person as a whole as a good master of his craft and an experienced valuable worker suffers. And if others, who are well aware and accustomed to the fact that casual dressing is the norm, may not pay attention to it, then when communicating with new people, for example, at a new job or at a presentation, such negligence can cost a lot.
-Firstly, in the cold season, for autumn and winter, men need to choose a longer coat or jacket. The most ridiculous horror is the skirts of the jacket sticking out from under the short jacket, when the classic long jacket does not match the style of the sporty or leather jacket.
-Secondly, the trousers should be of the correct length: standing still, in front, the trousers should fall on the boots, as if forming a small fold. And in the back - in length, they should reach the heel of the boots. If the trousers have patch pockets, then you need to think that they may not fit every jacket. A sore point - trousers in boots. It always turns out a disgrace, especially if the trousers are straight, made of suit wool, and the boots are high. It is better to choose skinny jeans and not too high boots.
-Thirdly, when choosing shoes or shoes, you need to remember that sneakers or moccasins are only suitable for sportswear. The more elegant the costume, the more elegant the shoes should be. It is most convenient to choose stylish shoes with minimal decorations.
-Fourthly, socks are matched by color to boots and trousers .. They should not be short and one tone lighter or darker than them. Shiny white socks combined with black clothes - this is a challenge that no one can throw around.
-Fifthly, in autumn and winter you have to think about hats. A small knitted hat is the most comfortable option. Many men love him. But this option is only suitable for a short haircut. For men with long, voluminous hair, large knitted voluminous hats or caps are suitable.
-Sixthly, from an early age, restless boys are dressed by parents in everything non-staining. Both men and boys know from early childhood that a bright color is an exclusive privilege of the fair sex. The clothing of the average man is predominantly in: brown, gray and black.
You also need to take into account your skin color from nature.
The darker your color, the more options you have with color in clothes. And light colors in men's clothing against the background of light skin quite often lose. Therefore, only for men with dark skin, both light and bright shades in clothes are suitable.
To sum up, men's clothing has many rules and combinations of elements that are no less complex than women's. Only by observing them can you look decent. What is an obligatory component of the image of a business man and a successful businessman.

“A man should look like he bought his clothes wisely, put them on neatly and completely forgot about them”- It is with this quote from Hardy Amis that I would like to begin this article. Today we will talk about style. Some people think of style in a very narrow sense: trousers, a T-shirt, and probably some shoes.

But what is actually commonly understood by this word in the fashion world?

Style is a complex image, a capacious and extensive concept that includes a list of contexts: age, personal preferences, compliance with lifestyle or profession, relevance, functionality.

Let's deal with the concept of style together, so that in the future we will not only identify stylish people on the street or in a shopping center, our goal is to teach you how to apply, or rather, try on, a stylish image for yourself. So, let's begin!

The first association is a strict and expensive suit, isn't it? Indeed, it will be about him. A white or light-colored shirt, a tasteful jacket, perfectly ironed trousers, a stylish tie, and polished men's shoes are the standard. The jacket and trousers should match exactly your size and the structure of your body. A black suit is designed for special occasions, while dark blue and gray are more often worn for business meetings. The accents in the overall classic look are always behind the accessories: belt, cufflinks, watch, scarf (I will talk about this in the next article).

The favorite style of not only teenagers, but also many successful men - it's all about convenience and variety of appearance. There is no such guy in whose wardrobe there would be no sportswear. Sports style is so versatile that with the right combination of things, they can even be worn to work.

Usually, such clothes are good for training, evening walks, youth events. And it's not always a T-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants and sneakers, as it might seem at first glance. Nowadays, a huge range of sports items is produced: jackets, windbreakers, down jackets, caps, jeans, wrestling shoes, shirts, sports moccasins, sneakers and much more that can distinguish you from the gray mass. The main thing in this business is to have a taste and see yourself as if from the outside, only then others will appreciate your style.

Casual (casual) style

I think that now a discovery will happen for you that you dress most often in this style. Casual for men has become a common, everyday style for any moment: to college, to work, to a party and even on a date. Men have a lot of questions about casual, so now I will try to answer them. For the first time, the style arose in the middle of the last century, just at the time when the Teddy boys movement existed, whose supporters initially preferred the suit. Now casual wardrobe is formed on the basis of temperament, hobbies, working conditions of its owner. Agree that a creative person will probably wear bright pants, a checkered shirt and tie a matching scarf around his neck, while a guy who is a rock fan is more likely to wear a flashy T-shirt, frayed jeans, chains and stuff like that . But you are unlikely to see an electrician in a classic suit, because his everyday version is overalls. In general, casual style is the most diverse and has no strict framework, it is distinguished by a combination of convenience, beauty and practicality. It also combines several styles, for example, sports and classic, in which case something average and original is obtained.

Nowadays, casual includes several subspecies, consider its main areas:

This style cannot be called absolutely businesslike, because there are no mandatory rules for your image, and there are no strict requirements for clothes separately. What is meant by business casual? Everything that is comfortable for you in everyday life: sweaters, shirts, vests, jackets, trousers, from shoes - these are mostly boots and shoes. As mentioned earlier, this style is still different from the official one, that is, even if it is a suit, the absence of a tie is allowed, and the shirt may not necessarily be white - use shades and brighter colors.

Casual style with elements of sports: sneakers, jeans, t-shirts ...
An ideal option for young people who do not like excessive formality, because you can even dress like this for work. As an option: put on jeans, a light-colored, not-so-strict one-button jacket over a bright T-shirt, loafers on your feet and take a sports bag with you - here, your look is ready.

“Smart” means “elegant” in translation, it is also close to business casual. Indeed, this kind of casual is characterized by sophistication, accuracy. So, this style is in many ways similar to the office style, but if in a classic suit the jacket and trousers must be sewn from the same fabric, then in a smart, a combination, for example, of denim and cotton is acceptable. So, a shirt and jeans would be a great combination, but it's too easy. You can wear a vest or jacket, and complement it with elegant accessories, here your imagination is not limited. The same goes for shoes - any will do.

Contrary to stereotypes that only women can afford a romantic look, there are very successful combinations of men's clothing, as a result of which we get a true romantic style. It completely lacks strict lines and rough features that are inherent, for example, in a formal suit. In a romantic image, you often distinguish between details, accessories, but they should also be in a reasonable amount. Also, this style is characterized by layering (a characteristic feature of the storey style is short clothes over longer ones) - the appearance is laid-back, slightly careless. Elements of romantic style are pastel-colored shirts, vests, jackets, V-neck jumpers. The top, as a rule, emphasizes broad shoulders - a bat-style style can be a good example.

When choosing pants, I advise you to pay your attention to such models as riding breeches, skins. You can tie a scarf around your neck, and put a hat on your head. Both sneakers and men's shoes are suitable as shoes. Separately, you should consider the color. In a romantic image, there should be a color contrast: that is, if you put on a dark shirt, then you need to choose a lighter bottom - and vice versa. With regards to shoes, it is not so critical here, the main thing is that it is combined with the main elements of the image. Another point - it is important to create an emphasis on something: let it be a scarf with an interesting ornament or a shirt of an unusual cut / color / with decorations. Where is the romantic style appropriate? Thus, you can safely dress for a date, for some kind of meeting (not only with a girl), to the theater.

The modern military does not just copy the military uniform in civilian clothes - it is the borrowing of strict cut lines, original solutions, and functional elements. Lovers and professionals of natural recreation, hunting and fishing are very closely friends with this style. By far the most recognizable and common brand in this style is the camouflage pattern, but don't limit yourself to just this pattern. This style uses colors such as khaki, gray, grey-green, beige, brown, black, navy blue. From fabrics, dense and high-quality cotton, leather, cashmere are used. Emphasizing accessories can be glasses, bandanas, scarves, large bags. Clothing in military style is distinguished, first of all, by reliability and categoricalness.

Hunting is a real man's business, especially in the African savannas under the scorching sun and surrounded by endless sands. The fact that we are geographically far from Africa does not preclude the use of this style in everyday life. Perhaps only a cork hat and a gun should not be carried around the city. T-shirts, jackets, vests, raincoats, trousers, shorts made of cotton and linen with patch pockets and studs - all this with a predominance of brown, green, beige, olive and mustard shades is a safari-style complex. Additional elements in this case will be leather belts, belts, hats. Increasingly, this style is also manifested in business clothes - a kind of urban safari. Many modern men who lead an active lifestyle, love adventure and prefer the convenience of clothes, have become adherents of this option.

As you may have noticed, denim clothing can be found in many formats: sports, classic, and so on. But still, denim stands out as a separate men's style. Denim is durable, wear-resistant, comfortable, does not hinder movement, so its scope is grandiose, which allows it to be used in clothes everywhere: in the office, in a repair shop, in the field, in a club, on a walk, at home. And all this at any time of the year. This unparalleled versatility allows you to mix and match your look with denim, be it trousers, shorts, jacket, vest, warm jacket, shirt or cap, so the popularity of denim style is inexhaustible.

It is not at all necessary to wear a national costume and walk around the streets in it, corresponding to the ethnic style. However, this is not forbidden if you have such a desire during the days of national holidays and traditions. Take a close look at your wardrobe, for sure you will find clothes of this style in it. Perhaps this is a knitted sweater with an ornament or a T-shirt with hieroglyphs brought from travels to hot countries, or maybe it's shorts, breeches or sandals.

Such clothes are usually the carrier of a pattern or print of very colorful colors. Ethnic images are more common in the spring-summer season - it is in the warm seasons that such clothes look elegant and spectacular, and they are quite comfortable in them, however, in winter, you will be warm and comfortable in a stylish coat or jumper with ethnic patterns.

As a style, which I would like to talk about in conclusion, I have chosen the avant-garde. Interesting, extraordinary, non-standard - this is it in its purest form. Initially, the avant-garde was a direction in the fine arts, it could also be found in the interior, but later the avant-garde was presented as an independent style of clothing, the founder of which was fashion designer Pierre Cardin.

Usually the avant-garde is chosen by people who are always in the spotlight, or just creative people who are alien to the simplicity of forms. The avant-garde is characterized by asymmetry, geometry, versatility and outrageousness, a variety of bright, eye-catching details. There are no strict canons in the avant-garde, everything is subordinated mainly to the designer's imagination. Often, an image created exclusively in this style does not look that bold - in some cases it is simply not appropriate. Would you be able to walk into the office wearing parachute pants, a velvet shirt and oversized accessories? I think not, because the avant-garde implies a combination of seemingly the most incongruous fabrics and styles. It is characterized by materials such as suede, organza, wool, silk, satin, and even metal and plastic. Of course, this is not the whole list, and it would be ridiculous to dress in everything at once. Moreover, this style is not intended for work at all, but if you correctly use some of its elements, combining, say, with a casual style, you can get a very original look that will set you apart from the gray mass in the good sense of the word. The avant-garde is most advantageous at a concert, on a walk or on vacation.

Summing up

Today we talked about the most common and interesting styles that modern men like. To look presentable and expressive every day is the task of any man. There is no need to completely destroy your wardrobe and rush to the nearest shopping center for a bulk purchase of clothes in accordance with one of the chosen styles. You should think a little and decide what and how you will wear tomorrow and for what occasion. That's all! This is how style appears - a real masculine style. And remember: “Fashion changes, but real style never!” Take action! I wish you success!

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