When does the belly begin to grow during pregnancy and at what stage does it become noticeable? Additional factors for abdominal growth during pregnancy

The growth of the abdomen during pregnancy depends on many factors. The main ones are: the size of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid and the increase in the uterus, the physiological characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. The additional ones include the lifestyle of a pregnant woman: her gastronomic preferences during the 9 months of waiting and her attitude to physical exercises. There are no two identical bellies in different women. Moreover, even for one mother, the stomach during the first and repeated pregnancies may differ, because each of them is unique.

Baby life

The official start date for your pregnancy from an OB/GYN point of view is the first day of your last period. It is sometimes difficult to determine at what point life began, so doctors have unified the starting point.

The future baby grows and gains weight from the first weeks of development, but until the middle of the second trimester, this increase is so symbolic that it practically does not affect the increase in mother's belly. Ultrasound examination allows you to see the embryo for the first time at the 2-3rd week of development, the diameter of the fetal egg at this time is 2-4 mm. At the 8th week of development (10th obstetric week of pregnancy), the diameter of the fetal egg is already 22 mm. And after another 2 weeks, we can talk about the indicators of the child himself: his height reaches 6-7 cm, and his body weight is 20-25 g. By the end of the 16th obstetric week, growth will almost double, and weight - as much as 4 times. Now you already notice that the tummy begins to round out, and after another 4 weeks your position will become noticeable to others. The active growth of the abdomen during this period is due not only to the rapid development of the baby, but also to an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid, which provides the child with comfortable living conditions.


The size of the belly of the expectant mother also depends on the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. Amniotic fluid is very important for the full development of the baby: they protect it from adverse external influences, create conditions for free movement and provide nutrition, protecting the umbilical cord from being squeezed between the walls of the uterus and the body of the child. The volume of amniotic fluid is determined by the natural needs of the intrauterine development of the baby. At the end of the first trimester, it does not exceed 100 ml, at 18 weeks it is already about 400 ml, and at the end of the III, by the 37th-38th week of pregnancy, there are almost 1-1.5 liters of amniotic fluid in the uterus.

Krokhin's house

The uterus increases and changes its shape from the first weeks of the baby's development. Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs about 50-100 g, and resembles a pear in shape (it retains this shape in the first months of pregnancy). At the end of the 2nd month, the little house is rounded off and becomes almost 3 times larger. By the third trimester, the uterus acquires an ovoid shape, its volume at the end of pregnancy increases by more than 500 times, and its weight reaches 1 kg.

How well the uterus grows in early pregnancy, the gynecologist determines with the help of ultrasound. When it goes beyond the pelvic bones, the doctor measures the height of the uterine fundus. The research method is simple: the distance from the upper edge of the pubic joint to the upper part of the uterus is measured with a centimeter tape. The number of centimeters should approximately correspond to the gestational age in weeks. If the indicators differ significantly, a woman needs an additional examination to rule out possible complications of pregnancy, such as polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

Not a controversial issue

The shape of the abdomen is an eternal subject of controversy. Before the advent of ultrasound, it was used to "reliably" determine the sex of the unborn child. Scientists unanimously agree that such a diagnosis is just a coincidence. In fact, the shape of the abdomen depends on the position of the baby (longitudinal or transverse) and mother's physiology.

In short and stocky women, the belly always seems larger than in tall and slender women. If the future mother has a narrow pelvis, the stomach looks a little pointed, with wide hips it looks like an egg. Another factor on which the shape of the abdomen depends is the initial state of the muscles of the abdominal wall. If a woman is in good physical shape, did not neglect physical exercises before and during pregnancy, the tummy will be taut and neat. But if the muscles are not in good shape, it will become noticeable earlier, and in shape it will be more rounded and pendulous.

The health of the spine and muscles of the spinal corset is also important. During pregnancy, the center of gravity changes, the growing belly moves it forward, so the thoracic and sacral spine deviate backward, and the lumbar spine forward (S shape). If the expectant mother has diseases of the spine, and the spinal muscles are weak, the stomach will look large and round.

Together again

The abdomen during the first and repeated pregnancies can be different. When a woman is preparing to become a mother again, especially if pregnancies occur with a short break (1-2 years), it is likely that her belly will be larger and “lower”. In such a short period of time, the muscles of the abdominal wall do not have time to restore elasticity, the precious load pulls down, and the stomach sags a little. On the other hand, during the first pregnancy, women often do not deny themselves anything and gain excess weight, which also affects the stomach. During the next expectation, they already monitor their shape more, and the size of the abdomen depends only on the baby.

From the 14-16th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage. It eases the load on the spine and supports the abdominal muscles. but don't wear a bandage 24 hours a day. If possible, take it off for at least 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours during the day and all night.

Nothing extra

Weight gain during pregnancy is an important factor for the proper development of the baby. The expectant mother must definitely keep track of how many extra pounds she is gaining. To help you figure out which supplement corresponds to the norm, simple calculations will help.

The first thing to do is calculate your body mass index (BMI). Start from your normal pre-pregnancy weight, and if you don't know it, weigh yourself as soon as you find out about the addition. So, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. For example, you weigh 55 kg and are 1.65 m tall. Your BMI is 19.8.

The next step is to decide on the norms; a BMI of 19.8 to 26 is normal, in which case by the end of the first trimester you should gain about 2 kg, the second - about 8, and at the end of pregnancy weight gain should be no more than 14 kg.

If your BMI is less than normal, in the 14th week you should gain about 2.7 kg, in the 28th - about 10, and before giving birth, the increase should be at least 15 kg.

For expectant mothers whose BMI is greater than 26, the indicators are as follows: 14th week - 1 kg, 28th - 5.4 kg, 40th - 9 kg.

If you gain more, you should discuss this with your doctor: there may be a risk of high blood pressure, swelling and complications during childbirth.

You probably notice that during pregnancy, especially starting from the second half, the condition of the skin of the abdomen changes. As a rule, these are natural processes associated with changes in hormonal levels and a sharp stretching of the skin. What can you expect and how to deal with it?

Dryness, peeling, itching, stretch marks: Moisturize your skin daily with special cosmetics for expectant mothers, they contain vitamins A, E, as well as substances that improve skin circulation.

Dilated veins: during pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases, and the walls of the vessels become more permeable. The skin on the abdomen is stretched, "transparent", so the veins are more noticeable. Treatment is not required.

Pigmentation (dark spots): it is impossible to prevent the appearance, pigmentation disappears on its own after childbirth.

Increased hair growth: will stop after childbirth, does not require treatment.

Pregnancy is a desired and long-awaited state for almost every woman. And from the very first days, when the girl found out about the happy event, it begins to seem to her that she has manifested: nausea, dizziness, weakness and growth of the abdomen, even if they were not there before.

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The slightest changes or their absence is perceived by a woman with special trepidation and anxiety, because now she is responsible not only for her life and health, but also for the life and health of her child. But you should not worry, everything will happen in time. The growth of the abdomen during pregnancy, like other signs, each girl will manifest itself in different ways, it depends on many factors. What determines at what month of pregnancy the belly begins to appear and grow, and when is it worth sounding the alarm if something goes wrong?

What week does the belly start to grow?

In some women, during pregnancy, the tummy may become noticeable in the third month, in others at a much later date. It all depends on the constitution, physiological characteristics and heredity. As a rule, if the first pregnancy, the belly grows rather slowly, this is due to the fact that the muscles are still strong, if the second birth, it is likely that the process will accelerate, as the muscles have stretched and become more elastic.

At what stage of pregnancy the belly begins to grow may depend on several factors:

  • If you played sports before pregnancy, and you have well-developed oblique abdominal muscles, the stomach will not be as noticeable.
  • Ask your mother at what time the tummy began to appear, it is very likely that you will have exactly the same.
  • Anatomical and physiological features should also be taken into account, in a thin and fragile girl, the tummy will be much more noticeable earlier than in an obese and full woman.
  • The constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy, leads to the fact that a woman begins to eat for two, this leads to the fact that the woman gains excess weight and bearing becomes more difficult.

The growth of the fetus has a great influence on your figure, the faster the baby develops, the more noticeable the changes will be, it is also important how the baby lies in the womb, if closer to the spine, then the tummy will not become convex soon, if to the front wall of the uterus, then you can see the changes at an early date.

At what time (a week or a month - it doesn’t matter) the belly is visible during pregnancy, the process is purely individual, you can’t read articles on the Internet or talk with girlfriends in a similar position to equate your parameters to them and assume that something is wrong with you. Doctors say that a pregnant belly can be seen starting from the 16th week of pregnancy, at which time there is an intensive growth of the uterus. At each examination, the doctor measures the growth of the uterus: whether its size corresponds to the gestational age and whether everything is normal. At 20 weeks, an interesting situation cannot be hidden from others.

What does the belly feel like?

In the early stages of pregnancy, practically nothing changes in the structure of the tummy, it remains the same as it was. Only a doctor can determine pregnancy in the early stages. In the early stages, such a phenomenon as uterine hypertonicity may occur, this occurs with insufficient production of the hormone - progesterone. But it is still difficult to feel, such a phenomenon is noticeable immediately in the second half of pregnancy: at the same time, the stomach becomes hard and, as it were, turns to stone. If you are overtaken by this process, you should immediately contact the obstetrician observing you in order to correct the situation in time and not create a threat to the life of the fetus. If the pregnancy proceeds well, without complications, then a stone belly does not threaten you, and you can feel your baby closer to the middle of pregnancy, when he grows up a little, he will start to push and, during his activity, seem to protrude from the tummy.

What should be the belly when pregnant with a girl or a boy?

Blindly believing in the veracity of popular beliefs, of course, is not worth it, an ultrasound machine will be a reliable source that will tell you the gender of your baby. But most mothers, even before the ultrasound, want to quickly find out about the sex of their child. How can you tell from the belly?

Sometimes the sex of the baby can be determined from the shape of the belly during pregnancy:

  • The belly, during pregnancy as a boy, as a rule, looks sharp, it is stretched forward, and the figure does not particularly suffer from this;
  • If a woman is pregnant with a girl, you can forget about the waist, the belly grows in breadth, it does not protrude much forward, but merges into a single contour with the figure, while the woman is gaining weight very much. This is due to the taste preferences of the future mother, as a rule, when a woman is pregnant with a girl, she wants sweet and sour in large quantities, but there is no benefit in such products, and all this is deposited on the figure.

Also, the sex of the child can be determined by jerks, if the baby lives more on the left side and kicks the mother in the left side, in the liver - most likely you will have a daughter, if in the right side, then a son.

What are the sensations in the stomach?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes serious changes, all systems and organs begin to work hard. Feelings in the abdomen can be very diverse: from tingling to pulling pains. In order to avoid serious consequences, a woman should tell her doctor about any abdominal pain during pregnancy.

You can feel a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen, you should not be afraid if it is not complicated by any other symptoms, this uterus is changing and starting to grow.

It is characterized by the calmest period of pregnancy, at this time, at about the 19th week, the first movements of the fetus are felt, occasionally slight pulling pains can be observed, but if they are not complicated by anything, you can be calm.

The child is becoming more active, the tremors and movements are getting stronger, some girls complain of pain in the pelvic area, this should not be scary, this is due to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the organs. Also, the expectant mother may feel discomfort in the middle part of the abdomen, this is due to increased flatulence and constipation, this occurs due to the displacement of the intestine upwards.

In pregnant women, sensations can depend on many factors, they are harmless, when you should not worry, but they are the beginning of serious negative processes, therefore, at the first sensations of discomfort, you should definitely visit a doctor.

No matter how well the pregnancy proceeds, and no matter how good the woman feels, it is necessary to listen and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. Follow a healthy lifestyle, take vitamins, eat right, surround yourself with beauty, breathe fresh air more often, eliminate negative emotions, create comfort for yourself and your baby.

How the belly grows and changes during pregnancy in the video:

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Thank you

The belly is what distinguishes a pregnant woman from a non-pregnant woman. The stomach is the concentration of all thoughts and hopes, as well as a reason for unrest. After all, it is in him, in the stomach, that this long-awaited wonderful little man lives.

If you are pregnant for the first time, then the belly will appear a little later and will not increase so quickly. This is due to the fact that the muscles are still strong and not stretched. But usually by the beginning of the fourth month, a rounded tummy is already slightly visible. By the seventh month of pregnancy, the stomach will take on a rather impressive size and will cause some inconvenience.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

The medical board of the site draws attention to the fact that some women during pregnancy may have pain in the abdomen. You should try to understand what exactly hurts. Sometimes during the growth of the abdomen, muscles can hurt, because during pregnancy they are greatly stretched. These pains will go away on their own. If your stomach hurts, then the pain is located at the top. Try cutting down on the amount of food you eat. But if the stomach continues to hurt - go to the doctor. Sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, the pain can resemble menstrual pain. This is not a normal situation. Especially if during pregnancy such pains are combined with spotting. This is an occasion to visit a gynecologist.


Sometimes during pregnancy, women suffer from bloating. This is not surprising, because the uterus takes up more and more space in the body, and there is less and less space for the digestive organs. You can alleviate these symptoms by adjusting your diet. Reduce portions of food, try not to eat smoked meats, pickles. Eat more dried fruits and bananas. These products will help improve bowel function and reduce the amount of gas produced.

The stomach becomes hard

Sometimes during pregnancy, women feel that their stomach becomes hard. If you are due to give birth soon, it can even scare. But don't get scared. Indeed, hardening of the abdomen can be a sign of the onset of labor. Try to calm down, relax and lie down on your side. A couple of drops of valerian, in extreme cases, will help to restore peace of mind. And you will feel how the muscles gradually relax.

Stripe on belly

Many pregnant women develop a pigmented stripe on their abdomen. Most often, it appears closer to the seventh month of pregnancy, when the tummy is already quite rounded. This is the work of hormones. Do not worry and do not try to influence this band in any way - after childbirth, the hormonal background will return to its normal state and the band will pass by itself. By the way, in some women during pregnancy, hair may appear on the body in places where they were not there before (for example, on the stomach) - this is also not a problem. Everything goes back to normal after delivery.

No doubt the enlarged tummy is a bit uncomfortable. It interferes with sleep at night, especially for those who like to sleep on their stomachs, it interferes with putting on shoes and doing manicures. But, believe me, the tummy gives a pregnant woman a special charm. At the very end of pregnancy, your tummy will drop. Thus, you can understand that the body is already ready for childbirth.

Fashion designers today do not forget about women in their "interesting position" in their collections. You can dress up your tummy in charming, specially designed clothes that will help you feel comfortable and look great during this difficult and amazing period of life called pregnancy. Note that if twenty years ago women tried to hide their pregnant bellies behind shapeless hoodies, now the fashion trends are such that the tummy, on the contrary, is tight and flaunted.

How soon will the stomach be as flat as before childbirth?
This largely depends on your efforts. But the first two - three months after childbirth, of course, do not expect miracles.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

But now I have another problem: I myself am small and my stomach is already visible at 12 weeks, I look like a barrel on thin legs, horror, I can’t sleep normally (I’m also used to spinning), and I can’t get better, almost all food repels. PySy. This is the first pregnancy.

When I was pregnant, in the first month my lower abdomen hurt very much, I kept waiting for my period, but they never came. And then by the end of pregnancy, such a big belly grew, I gained 20 kg. The child was born with a weight of 4550 kg. Registered for a year with diabetes. But a year later, the SD was not confirmed. Now we are planning again and I don’t want to overeat like that anymore.

She took very good care of her belly. I bought special creams for stretch marks, smeared not only my stomach, but also the upper thighs. This procedure was carried out twice a day. Then I bought a bandage for my tummy. I don't know how convenient it is, but I liked it. I had a bandage in the form of panties. It was not hot, so a wonderful method to support your body.

When I was carrying my second son, my stomach was monstrously huge. Especially towards the very end of the term, before the birth, it’s just terrible how big it is. I myself am small, skinny. Even during pregnancy, she lost more weight, bruises under her eyes, pigment spots appeared on her face. In short, it was just a nightmare. It was scary to look at me from the outside. Almost two years have passed since then. My son is growing up, he was born very pretty. So you can tolerate this stomach, it's not so scary.

I had pain in my lower abdomen. It was in the first couple of months. And then again, when the stomach grows, it’s also not very pleasant, it’s really like the muscles are pulling. But I went through it quite calmly. The pains were not debilitating. Calm, as if whining. Therefore, it is better to use different bandages and creams to protect the skin from stretch marks and not spoil your appearance. Pregnancy should not affect the appearance in any way. It even suits some, they look so good.

I remember a period when my abdominal muscles were stretched and my lower abdomen hurt because of this. It was a very unpleasant feeling. Not very strong and this pain did not torment me, but it was just unpleasant. Then, when the stomach had already appeared, these muscles no longer hurt. The belly was big. Even now I can't believe it happened to me. Now there is no trace of him left. But when I wore it, it didn't really bother me. That's what's amazing. As if it is necessary that the belly is so big.

My stomach hurt for the first month or two of my pregnancy. Pulling, as if menstruation wants to begin. The fool gynecologist said it was a threatened miscarriage. He made me feel like an idiot. So I would have written on the doors of his office instead of a surname. It’s good that I also consulted at the maternity hospital along the way, where I later gave birth. There is a woman with more than twenty years of work experience. She knows female psychology very well. She reassured me and told me not to drink anything without her permission. Then the muscles ached, when the stomach soon grew.

Some inconvenience is putting it mildly. The stomach makes it difficult to bend over. My husband only fastened my boots. Because I couldn't get it on my own. And if you tried very hard, it also became stupid. Also, washing your feet is not at all convenient. And in general, a lot of things are not convenient to do. It is also impossible to sleep, as I used to. I generally like to spin in a dream. But here where to turn, you feel like an airship.

Yes, here you need to try specifically so that the stomach becomes like before pregnancy. There is no diet alone. And you need to pump up, as it should. For a year after giving birth, I did exercises every day except weekends so that my stomach would look normal. And then a little skin hangs down, and stretch marks remain. But we can say that now it is no longer a shame to undress on the beach. And then immediately after giving birth, it was scary to look at yourself in the mirror.

And my stomach was so small that at the seventh month it was not even clear that I was pregnant. I was expecting a girl and my stomach somehow didn’t stick out forward, but blurred around the waist or something. They say that this is how all girls wear. It just seemed that I had gained a lot of weight, but that it was pregnancy, it could not even occur to anyone. And the girl was born not small three and a half kilograms, just right. So the size of the belly means nothing.

And my stomach now, to my horror, does not look much smaller than during pregnancy. This is all because in the last three months of pregnancy I did not deny myself any cookies or cakes. And I knew that then it would be insanely hard to reset it. I read about it. But it still fell apart and fell apart. I hope that as soon as I stop breastfeeding, a couple of kilograms will go away. I read that this is approximately five or six reserve organisms.

Before pregnancy, it was completely incomprehensible to me how this belly could be managed. She looked at pregnant women like they were airships and was horrified. And when she herself became like that, then this belly didn’t even seem to interfere so much. It was hard only to put on shoes, but my husband helped. I didn’t use public transport - and this was a huge plus, of course, it’s hard to have such a belly there, I guess. And they don’t always strive to give up their place, especially if it’s winter and everyone is in a coat, men are happy to pretend that they don’t notice anything.

Oh my belly was big! Although the baby is only one, not twins. And also small in size. But I ate like a pig for pregnancy. While there was toxicosis, I kept the weight, as expected, and then it passed, and began to burst. Every day I ate cookies for lunch and other food. In general, I gained seventeen kilograms, despite the fact that even before pregnancy I was not a inch. My stomach ached a little below, where the muscles diverged, but nothing.

It would seem that the answer is obvious: the belly grows because a child grows in it, and this happens in all expectant mothers in the same way, because any normal pregnancy lasts 9 months. In fact, everything is much more complicated, and the peculiarities of the growth of the abdomen can tell the doctor a lot...

Most expectant mothers from the earliest stages of pregnancy are interested in the question when does a pregnant belly start to grow and how fast it will increase. Of course, the size of the abdomen and the rate of its growth can vary significantly from woman to woman. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the subcutaneous fat layer and the peculiarities of the work of the intestines of a pregnant woman. After all, an increase in the abdomen in the early stages may be completely unrelated to an increase in the size of the uterus. It can grow due to overeating, or become visually larger for a certain period of time due to increased gas production.

And here uterus enlargement during pregnancy Normally, it happens about the same for all expectant mothers. Starting from the first weeks after conception, there is a gradual growth of the fetus inside the uterus, an increase in the muscle mass of the uterus itself, and an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid. The rate of these changes is assessed by an obstetrician-gynecologist during regular examinations of a woman, making a conclusion about the correct course of pregnancy and fetal development. Quite small In the first trimester, the uterus is located inside the woman's small pelvis and does not rise above the pubic bone, so the "belly", as a rule, is not yet visible to others. At this stage, the doctor evaluates the size of the uterus itself. By 12 weeks of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus (its upper part) rises to the edge of the pubic bone, and it can already be felt through the abdominal wall. Now, during each visit, the doctor measures the height of the uterine fundus with a regular centimeter tape, determining whether this parameter corresponds to the gestational age. Approximately the height of the uterine fundus in centimeters corresponds to the gestational age in weeks.

When the belly is visible

Active growth of the uterus begins after 16 weeks. From about this time, the stomach becomes slightly noticeable. And after the 20th week, it rounds even more. Of course, the degree of "bulging" of the uterus depends on the position of the child inside, and on the characteristics of the pelvis, the elasticity of the abdominal wall.

amniotic fluid

amniotic fluid(or amniotic fluid) is the fluid that surrounds the baby in the uterus. In the early stages of pregnancy, they are formed by the fetal membranes, then from the blood of the mother and child, and after 16 weeks, the kidneys and lungs of the fetus also take part in this process. The amount of amniotic fluid gradually increases from 30 ml (at 10 weeks of pregnancy) to 1–1.5 liters (at 37–38 weeks). But by the end of bearing a baby, their volume can decrease to 800 ml. Of course, the amount of amniotic fluid affects the size of the uterus and, accordingly, the size of the belly of a pregnant woman.

Additional factors for abdominal growth during pregnancy

In addition to the peculiarities of the growth of the uterus, there are additional factors that affect the external dimensions of the growing tummy of the expectant mother:

  • Condition of the abdominal muscles. It is clear that the stronger and denser they are, the longer and better they will resist stretching, and the later the growing tummy will become noticeable to others. This is due to the fact that with repeated pregnancies, the stomach most often begins to appear at an earlier date than the first time. In athletes and trained women, the tummy “shows” later also due to strong abdominal muscles.
  • Features of the structure of the skeleton and pelvic bones have a great influence on the size of the abdomen. In short thin expectant mothers with a narrow pelvis, a growing tummy becomes noticeable at an earlier date than in tall women with a wide pelvis.
  • Heredity. Features of the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy in mothers and grandmothers are most often reflected in the rate of increase in the abdomen in a pregnant woman.

Deviation from the norm

As noted above, the increase in the size of the uterus while waiting for the baby, in contrast to the abdomen itself, occurs approximately the same in all women, and this is an important indicator of the normal course of pregnancy.

Why are doctors so carefully assessing the growth rate of the uterus in a future mother? In the very early stages, when the uterus is not yet palpable through the wall of the abdomen, the doctor can determine its size only during a vaginal examination on a gynecological chair. The discrepancy between its size and the expected gestational age may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. This is a serious pathological condition when the fetal egg does not develop in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube or in the abdominal cavity, or in the pelvic cavity.

  • In the early stages. If the size of the uterus is less than those indicators that should be in the early stages, this may indicate an abnormal development of pregnancy. This occurs, for example, with a frozen or genetically defective pregnancy, etc. Too rapid growth of the uterus in the early stages may indicate the presence of multiple pregnancy. In addition, this situation is typical for cystic drift. This is a pathology of pregnancy, when clusters of bubbles form instead of normal villi in the fleecy membrane of the embryo (chorion). At the same time, uterine bleeding may occur at any time, which, due to the germination of blood vessels, is very abundant, which is dangerous for the expectant mother.
  • In the second half of pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy, the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age most often occurs when the amount of amniotic fluid changes. Normally, the volume of amniotic fluid does not exceed 1.5 liters. But it happens that the amount of water increases to 2-5 liters, in rare cases even more. Obviously, this cannot but affect the size of the abdomen - it will be more than normal. This condition is called polyhydramnios, and, of course, it cannot be considered normal. Most often, polyhydramnios develops if a pregnant woman has diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and infectious diseases. The cause of excess water can also be malformations of the fetus.

oligohydramnios, that is, a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, can also cause the size of the uterus to be smaller than expected. The most common causes of oligohydramnios are diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract of the fetus. Infections, increased blood pressure in the expectant mother, late preeclampsia (a serious complication of pregnancy, manifested by increased pressure, the appearance of edema and protein in the urine, as well as disruption of the placenta, resulting in reduced delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus) can lead to oligohydramnios. In the later stages, oligohydramnios is often due to the imperceptible leakage of amniotic fluid through tears of the fetal bladder. Also, a decrease in the amount of water is observed during post-term pregnancy in parallel with the aging of the placenta. In addition, severe dehydration of a pregnant woman, smoking and taking certain medications can lead to oligohydramnios.

In the second half of pregnancy, the size of the uterus may be associated with the growth and development of the fetus. For example, with a delay in its growth and intrauterine development, the uterus will also increase more slowly than it should.

Reducing the height of the fundus of the uterus is possible with the wrong position of the fetus in the uterus. For example, if the baby lies across the abdomen.

Exceeding the size of the uterus relative to the norm is noted with large fetal sizes, which, in turn, may be a consequence of both genetic characteristics and diabetes in the expectant mother.

Thus, a change in the growth rate of the uterus can serve as an indicator of various disorders in the state of the mother and, more often, the fetus. Therefore, if at the next appointment the doctor finds that the height of the uterine fundus does not correspond to the gestational age, he prescribes additional studies to clarify the reasons that led to a decrease or increase in the growth rate of the abdomen.

Belly shape

Of particular importance in the second half of pregnancy is belly shape. It will not be a discovery for anyone that it mainly depends on the condition of the abdominal muscles. The shape is also influenced by polyhydramnios, a large fetus, the number of fetuses, the position of the baby in the uterus (oblique, transverse, longitudinal, etc.). During normal pregnancy and the correct position of the fetus (head down), the abdomen has an oval shape, with polyhydramnios it becomes spherical, and with the transverse position of the baby, it takes the form of a transverse oval. The belly will be special in women with a narrow pelvis in the third trimester of pregnancy: in those who are expecting their first child, it is usually pointed, as if pointed upwards, and in those who carry a child not for the first time, the belly is often a little saggy.

Doctors pay special attention to shape of the abdomen immediately before childbirth. If it seems unusual, then it is possible that the doctor will recommend X-ray pelvimetry - a picture of the pelvic bones, which allows you to determine the internal dimensions of the pelvis and compare them with the dimensions of the fetal head. This study will help determine whether a woman will be able to give birth herself or will have to have a caesarean section. Contrary to numerous folk myths, there is no scientific evidence that the shape of the abdomen can determine the sex of the child.

Stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks, or striae - this is a kind of skin defect in the form of narrow wavy stripes of different widths, from white to red-violet. They appear mainly in places of greatest stretching of the skin - on the abdomen, chest and buttocks. During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, and along with it, the abdominal wall stretches. If it grows rapidly, and the skin of the expectant mother is not very elastic, then stretch marks appear on it. Of course, the likelihood of such a defect somewhat increases if the fetus is large, quickly gains weight, or if there is polyhydramnios, but the state of collagen and elastin fibers is still decisive. After all, human skin is naturally endowed with unique properties: firmness and elasticity, thanks to which it can be easily stretched and just as easily compressed. Due to a number of hormonal changes and a significant weight gain in expectant mothers, the skin partly loses its wonderful characteristics. The thing is that hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are responsible for intrauterine development of the fetus, and their high concentration inevitably entails a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which directly affect the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. This is where stretch marks can appear.

To prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant skin defect, especially during the intensive growth of the abdomen in the third trimester, you need to monitor your diet in order to avoid rapid and excessive weight gain. In addition, you can use special cosmetics for pregnant women, containing vitamins A, E, as well as substances that improve skin circulation. Since the skin often becomes drier during pregnancy, moisturizers can also be used. They will also help prevent stretch marks. Wearing a bandage also helps to maintain a growing tummy and helps prevent the formation of stretch marks.

A rounded belly is one of the signs of pregnancy. It becomes noticeable from 16-17 weeks of gestation, however, the shape of a woman and the type of figure can hide the new “interesting” position of the mother for a longer time.

The forms of pregnant women increase due to the growing uterus. The fetus in the womb goes through several stages of development, and throughout the entire embryonic period does not have a large weight or growth.

In the early stages of gestation, it is formed, which is attached to one of the walls of the uterine cavity. The form and features of its growth depend on the place of attachment.

As soon as the fetus reaches medium size and unfolds in a position convenient for it, the external forms will change.

The rounding of forms comes from the pubic plexus. Initially, a slight bulge is located below the navel, and then gradually rises above.

The size of the pregnant "belly" directly depends on the gestational age. In the first trimester, it is absent, in the second there is a proportional rounding of forms. In the third trimester, it bulges high, starting at the solar plexus.

Why the abdominal cavity increases when carrying a baby is completely understandable. The uterus increases and bulges forward, shifting the surrounding organs to the side. A "pregnant" belly is nothing more than a uterus, inside which a baby develops and grows.

Depending on how the placenta is located and the presentation of the fetus, the shape of the abdomen is acquired, but it is difficult to determine the sex of the baby and its weight from external data.

The external characteristic bears the following epithets:

  • a round girl will be born;
  • sharp - a boy;
  • small - the weight of the baby will be low;
  • large - large fruit.

The data is questionable and not scientifically confirmed.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

The growth of the abdomen and the change in the figure of a pregnant woman is an individual factor. Some mothers boast of a rounded tummy in the early stages, while others do not even have it at 20 weeks of gestation.

What does it depend on, and how to discern a possible pathology.

By body type

The female figure is of several types:

  • "apple" - feminine fullness, in which the external sign of pregnancy may not be noticeable until the very end of the gestational period;
  • The "rectangle" of the hips and shoulders are in the same plane, but the growth of the uterus and its external manifestations depend on the muscle layer;
  • owners of the "hourglass" and "pear" figures can boast of rounded shapes from the 14th week of pregnancy;
  • with an inverted triangle body type (shoulders wider than hips), pregnancy becomes visible a little later, however, when measuring parameters in the gynecologist's office, growth and enlargement of the uterus are noted.

The denser the woman, the more her position is hidden. Weight gain is considered a consequence of malnutrition and the distribution of the fat layer over the muscle.

A thin type of figure implies a clear protrusion of the uterus, without unnecessary deposits on the side. However, the hormonal background "thing" unpredictable can affect the external parameters of the pregnant woman.

By number of pregnancies

In primiparous mothers, it is located high. The muscular layers of the uterus are not stretched and hold their shape well.

The more births in the anamnesis, the stronger the stomach is adjacent to the bosom.

By the number of babies in the stomach

It will not be superfluous to use hygiene products for stretch marks.

Interesting video: How the stomach changes during pregnancy