Horoscope of the character of the child by the hour and time of day of birth. The nature of the child by time of birth (interesting)

Birth of man - this is the most important event, both in the life of parents and in the life of the child himself. If a person is not born, then no other important events in his life can happen. Therefore, when a child is born, besides the fact that a great sacrament takes place and it becomes a great joy for all relatives, every little thing matters. This event was overgrown with many signs. It is believed that at the time of the birth of a child, you can even find out what future awaits him.

What is the weather at the time of the birth of a child, so he will live. Not all signs of the birth of a child can be observed by the mother. Usually at such a moment she is so busy that it would not even occur to her to look out the window and pay attention to the weather. This sign is more likely to be observed by grandparents, not even by his own father, because at this moment he also has his own experiences. But people say that if the sun comes out, he will devote his whole life to making his family happy. But if it rains at the time of the birth of a child, then he will be able to achieve great success in material terms. If the baby was born during a snowfall, then his vocation will be scientific activity. He may even be able to make an important scientific discovery. But children born during an unexpectedly sharp cold snap can bring great problems and destruction to the world.

Signs of a newborn help determine the nature

The nature of a person depends on the time of day when he was born. The time of day at which a child is born very often determines his character. Of course, there are exceptions, but this happens very rarely. It has been observed that most babies are born at dawn. In the future, such people will literally have to break through the wall with their heads in order to break out into people. If he fails, then he will be a good worker. And who do we have the most? Of course, not businessmen, but working people. Those children who are born three hours before noon and three hours after noon will show great talents in various areas of life in the future. But, unfortunately, in their personal lives they will have constant changes. The preservation of the family will largely depend on the patience of the second half. Stand up - the family will be indestructible, but no - nothing can hold such a person for a long time. It is worth noting that if the spouse does not make any scandals, then there will be no betrayals. This means there will be no divorce. Otherwise, such a person will seek happiness elsewhere. Those who are born in the evening, fate itself protects. And at night, those people are born who will understand life so much that even strangers will come to them for advice.

We study signs and superstitions for a newborn

The one who was born in a shirt will emerge victorious from any situation. A shirt is called a part of a child's place that remains on the body of a child at the time of birth. This happens very rarely. Usually the child goes out separately, and the child's seat comes out later. But if it happens that a child, let's say in folk language, was born in a shirt, then he will be able to overcome everything in this life. No bullet will take him, everything, even the most dangerous situations, will develop in such a way that there will be no harm for him. The most important, it is not enough to be born in a shirt, the mother should keep this shirt in a secluded place. If, God forbid, this shirt is destroyed, then all the luck of a person will end there. In the past, when the houses were predominantly wooden and there was a high risk of fires, mothers would hide such shirts in the garden. It definitely won't burn. Only this shirt was carefully packed so that it would not rot from contact with the ground.

The seventh child in the family is a great magician or a great healer. In fact, it has long been said that every seventh child who was born in a family has a power that an ordinary person cannot possess. In magic they say that a true sorcerer or witch is born. But in a family where everyone is far from magic, a child cannot gain knowledge that can be used to help people, usually such people become amazing doctors. It is only necessary for such a person to talk to a person, hold his hand - he immediately begins to get better. Unbelievable but true. Although, it is worth noting that sooner or later, such people come to esotericism even without mentors. Magic has no boundaries or limits. Today, even ordinary doctors recommend that incurable patients turn to one or another person in whose strength they are confident.

"Happy" signs for newborns

The girl looks like her father - she will be happy. It is difficult to object to this sign, or to confirm it. But the people have long been of the opinion that if a daughter looks like a father, and a son looks like a mother, then these children will certainly be happy. It was also believed that if, in the absence of the necessary children's clothing, the boy is wrapped in a mother's skirt, and the girl's father's shirt, then, thereby, this gives the child not only happiness, but also the ability to quickly resolve all emerging issues.

A child is born feet first - can not only help himself, but also others. Is it true or not? Everything needs to be checked. But people say that if a baby could be born legs first, then with one touch he can cure a person who suffers from leg disease. Not to be confused with a disease of the spine that prevents a person from walking. Moreover, they say that a mother who gave birth to such a child can treat the same diseases. But ordinary people do not aspire to become healers. And it is right. Too much responsibility, and you take on too much. Therefore, although this sign exists, it is not possible to verify it.

Born with a full moon - life will be happy and rich. In principle, this sign is not difficult to explain. A full moon is sometimes associated with a full cup. Therefore, it is generally accepted that one who was born on a full moon will have everything he wants in this life. But this is considered only in some regions of Russia. But in other regions, on the contrary, they believe that the most best time to have a babyit's a new moon . All sins from past lives are forgiven, the main thing is not to smack the sides in this life. If you live your life correctly, then we can assume that a person is already in paradise. But only there is no evidence for the interpretation of these signs. Most likely, this is a superstition, which is interpreted differently in each locality.

Silver spoon in the mouth - wealth in your pocket. It has long been believed that if a newly born baby is allowed to hold a silver or golden spoon in his mouth for at least a minute, then his whole life will develop well and richly. As for the golden spoon, it is very difficult to say. There are very few parents who have a golden spoon. And those who could afford it, most often kept silent about it. As for silver, that's a completely different matter. Even in the old days, a silver spoon could be found in almost every family. That's just not all the children were knocked out into the people. Although there were those who from farm laborers became scientists. But this is such a rarity that it is simply an unproven fact to attribute this fact to silver.

Rituals and signs for the birth of a child

Up the stairs - career up. An interesting omen. In magic, there is a promotion associated with the stairs. You can bake a dough ladder and it will help you move up the corporate ladder. You can climb the stairs in the house and read the plot on each step. But here is a slightly different case.

  • It doesn't matter if you know spells or not.
  • You should not invite a healer for this ceremony.
  • It is believed that if you carry a newborn child up the stairs in your arms, then he will definitely become a big boss.
  • And you do not need to read any conspiracies.
  • The energy of the child will do everything by itself.

But the one who will carry the child up these stairs needs to know that if he stumbles, the child will reach great heights, but can be caught either on a bribe or on theft. Therefore, the one who carries the child up the stairs should worry about only one question: "As long as you don't trip".

Of course, this is not all signs for the birth of a child. There are good omens, there are bad omens. But the fate of a person depends not only on these signs. In addition to signs about the birth of a child, there are also signs of a name, signs of a date of birth. All this together makes up what we call destiny. The main task of parents is to give children the knowledge that they have. Of course, there are times when the words of the parents do not reach the children. But more often than not, these tips are very helpful.

Morning or evening? It turns out that his fate depends on what time of day and hour the baby was born.

If you want to get to know yourself better, urgently find out the exact time of your birth. Perhaps this will shed light on the peculiarities of your character and the natural "accidents" of your fate.

from 24.00 to 2.00

At this time of day, the most inquisitive babies are born, who are under the auspices of the planet Mercury.

If a child is born from 24.00 to 2.00 hours, he will grow up as a leader, will be active and energetic, will strive to be in the spotlight. Mothers of such babies can be recommended to develop in every possible way the ability to perceive information for successful study and to form leadership qualities in the baby.

from 2.00 to 4.00

Hardworking individuals are born in the middle of the night.

If your child was born from 2.00 to 4.00 night, he will be under the auspices of Venus all his life. The planet of love will give the baby the ability to earn money and achieve goals with their work and talent. These are very loving kids who, thanks to their softness and sociability, will be able to achieve the location of the right person and get what they want.

If the baby was born from 4.00 to 6.00 morning, its patron planet is Mars. This is the planet of leadership, which will surely lead your baby to success. Children born in this period of time are independent, stubborn, honest. They are only suitable for leadership positions. To curb the little commander, educate him as gently as possible, teach him to trust other children and adults.

from 6.00 to 8.00

At this time of day, babies are born under the auspices of Neptune. Its duration from 6.00 to 8.00 morning.

Children born at this time will be vulnerable in soul. They are unlikely to rush into battle, try to take a leading position. They are more likely to retreat than fight. From such babies a person with a rich inner world can grow up, who will prefer the solitude of secular life.

From 8.00 to 10.00
in the morning children are born, who are patronized by Uranus. These are the cutest babies. They will always reach out for help, a warm word, simple human communication. The main qualities of such a person will be humanism, simplicity and humanity. Often these children grow up to be actively involved in charitable activities.

late morning from 10.00 to 12.00 hours dominated by Saturn, which gives a person born at this time, integrity and discipline. Such people are ambitious, set big goals and have great power of action. These are future politicians, civil servants, officials.

From 12.00 to 14.00 children are born who are ruled by Jupiter. At heart, these people are eternal travelers. It will be important for them to learn information, communicate with new people, constantly get fresh impressions. They will be able to change their lives by moving to another country or radically changing their profession during their lives. From early childhood, such children need to be taught discipline.

From 14.00 to 16.00- the time of birth of strong-willed and strong children. This is the clock of Pluto, which gives the ability to its wards to endure failures and life's difficulties more easily than others. Each new problem will make the child stronger, harden and wiser. Such a kid must be taught to set adequate goals and show how they can be achieved.

Period of Venus from 16.00 to 18.00. The goal of children who were born during this period of time is to find their true love. Over the years, they will manifest such a wonderful property of character as the ability to understand other people. They will put themselves in their place and draw the right conclusions from situations. Ease of communication and the desire to find a soul mate will push such people to a fairly early marriage.

If the baby was born in the evening

In the evening, from 18.00 to 20.00 children are born who are actively affected by Mercury. This is the planet of the mind, ideas and new beginnings. These children will never give up, they will be able to find a solution even in the most hopeless situations. Loyal friends and loved ones grow up from such children, who certainly will not sit idle. Such a child must be taught to solve not only other people's problems, but also their own.

From 20.00 to 22 hours, the Sun begins to act, endowing babies born at this time with "solar" features. Such children will definitely grow up sociable and ambitious, they will look for adventures and change of pleasures. Such people can grow into artists, organizers, those for whom personal self-realization will be the most important goal of life. Give such children to an amateur circle, let them sing and dance, this is their way!

The children who were born from 22.00 to 24.00, are under the influence of the mysterious and changeable Moon. Those born on this day have a philosophical mindset, strive for stability and harmony. From childhood, such people are very impressionable, prone to fears and doubts, so you need to pay attention to the emotional and psychological side of raising a child from a very early age.

It is difficult for such children to achieve peace and joy on their own, they need to be taught to distinguish evil from good and work on an adequate assessment of the surrounding reality. Do not worry if a career and work do not come immediately into the life of such a person. It is difficult for such people to work solely for the sake of money. What they are looking for in a working relationship is emotional connection and peace.

We are all used to the Chinese and Eastern horoscopes for a long time. And if someone asks about our Zodiac Sign, then we, as a rule, know under which constellation we were born, and what character traits this constellation gave us. There is also a type of horoscope that determines, more precisely, by the hour of birth. Astrologers call it planetary, since the time at which a person was born is influenced by a specific planet. It is she who determines the main qualities of character.

people born from 24:00 to 2:00 are ruled by Mercury. They have flexible thinking and excellent communication skills. People of Mercury quickly find a common language with others. They are constantly striving for something new. They are distinguished by increased curiosity and, to some extent, curiosity about the lives of other people.

people born from 2:00 to 4:00 hours are ruled by Venus. According to the planetary horoscope, Sexual horoscope: how the zodiac signs behave in bed, these people appreciate sincere feelings and strive all their lives to find their personal happiness. Love and family are what they live by. These are sensual natures. But sometimes they go too far, succumb to passions and begin to show a sense of possessiveness towards loved ones.

people born from 4:00 to 6:00 are under the influence of Mars. Their main feature is that they strive for leadership, love the fight and do not tolerate when they are defeated. Sometimes the people of Mars are cruel, persistent and rude, but this is what helps them succeed in life.

people born from 6:00 to 8:00 hours are the children of Neptune. This planet endowed them with a subtle perception of the surrounding reality, wild imagination and closeness. Those born during these hours are difficult to communicate. As a rule, they are often alone, as it is difficult for them to find a person who can understand them.

people born from 8:00 to 10:00 are ruled by Uranus. They are open, sociable, generous, charming and positive. They have many friends, connections, acquaintances and well-wishers. Sometimes others take advantage of their excessive kindness.

People born from 10:00 to 12:00 hours, patronized by Saturn. These are complex natures, often closed. Their main qualities are purposefulness, ambition, willpower and organization.

people born from 12:00 to 14:00 ruled by Jupiter. According to the horoscope of the planets, representatives of this period of time have a light disposition. They love novelty and sharpness of emotions, communicate, comprehend new knowledge. A stable and measured life is not for them.

People born during the period from 14:00 to 16:00 are under the influence of Pluto. These are quite normal people, with an objective assessment of the world around them and themselves. There are ups and downs in their lives. Their main quality is the ability to move on, despite obstacles and difficulties.

born from 16:00 to 18:00 Ruled by Evening Venus. They have the qualities of people who were born from 2:00 to 4:00. In addition, they are easy-going, sociable and eloquent. Often fate brings them surprises in the form of early marriage or an ascetic lifestyle.

People born during from 18:00 to 20:00 are ruled by evening Mercury. Their character is similar to those who were born under the auspices of Mercury. Their only difference is that they are too trusting and naive. Plus, they can easily embark on adventures.

People born in hours from 20:00 to 22:00 are ruled by the Sun. These are charming, beautiful, energetic and active natures. They are designed to be the center of attention and delight the people around them with their talents.

People born during from 22:00 to 24:00 are under the influence of the moon. They have a rich inner world, well-developed intuition. At heart they are real romantics and philosophers. As a rule, they are more successful in their personal lives than in their careers.

Previously, in Mongolia and Tibet, daytime was divided into 14 parts, nighttime - into 8, setting the time according to the Sun, Moon and stars. There is evidence that in Tibet there were real mechanical clocks, the wooden parts of which were connected with horsehair.

The Mongolian system of counting time, although it goes back to the Chinese and Indian, is distinguished by a noticeable originality. Thus, the day in Mongolia was also divided into 12 double hours, the names of which coincide with the signs of the animal cycle, however, due to the geographical position of Mongolia, the beginning of these hours is shifted by 40 minutes compared to that adopted in China (for example, the hour of the Dragon begins in China at 7 am, and in Mongolia - at 7.40).

1. Mouse: midnight - 23.40 - 01.40
2. Bull: after midnight - 01.40 - 3.40
3. Tiger: dawn breaks - 3.40 - 5.40
4. Hare: dawn - 5.40 - 7.40
5. Dragon: sunrise - 7.40 - 9.40
6. Snake: The sun rises - 9.40 - 11.40
7. Horse: noon - 11.40 - 13.40
8 . Sheep: The sun begins to decline to the West - 13.40 - 15.40
9. Monkey: before sunset - 15.40 - 17.40
10. Rooster: sunset - 17.40 - 19.40
11. Dog: dusk - 19.40 - 21.40
12. Pig: the emergence of stars - 21.40 - 23.40

In the winter months, the Sun rises at the hour of the Dragon, in spring and summer - at the hour of the Hare. From ancient times, it was customary for the Mongols to set up a yurt at the “hour of the Sun”, turning its entrance exactly to the south.

Another time was determined by the cat's eyes: the width of the cat's pupil changes with the change in illumination, and with some skill, this width can be used to determine the double hour of the day quite accurately.

They spoke about hours like this: the hour of the Mouse, Horse, Hare, Rooster “is like a thin thread” (at this time you need to rest, you should not start anything); the hour of the Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Pig - “round, like a mirror” (time goes smoothly, you can continue what you started); the hour of the Dragon, Dog, Ox, Sheep - “like a plum” (a fruitful time, good for starting new things). The clocks are named after animals not by chance, one way or another, the activity at different hours was associated with the character of 12 animals. Strictly set the time of the beginning of work, the funeral. And according to the hour of a person's birth, his character was determined and his fate was predicted.

Traditionally, a person does not think about the exact time of birth. Knowing the day, month and year is enough for him. What's the difference in the morning or in the evening, especially knowing the exact time to the minute? Often a person remembers this only at the day of his birth. But in fact, the exact time of birth determines fate.

Yes, not globally, but it makes its own adjustments, complements and polishes. A correct horoscope cannot be drawn up without indicating the exact time of birth. So find out when you took your first breath in order to rely on correctly compiled horoscopes.

In astrology, the day is not divided into 1 hour, but into segments of 2 hours. Traditionally, we start counting from "zero" time, i.e. from the moment when the chimes beat off the beginning of a new day.

00:00 - 02:00. The patron of Mercury.

It symbolizes the desire for science, contacts, reasoning, logical thinking, the ability to express one's own opinion, correctly formulate thoughts, the ability to write, openness to the new, the desire for eternal development and learning. As we can see, the planet itself makes additions to the personality born during this period. Regardless of other planets and data, this person will be an eternal student. And not just a student, and even more so a repeater, but an excellent student. For him, self-development is above all. Such people are excellent leaders, but not sitting still, but constantly living on the road: at symposiums, exhibitions, presentations, seminars and trainings. They easily learn themselves and share knowledge with others. And if these are eternal students, then they look, as a rule, younger than their years, and in love they are naive, pure and open.

02:00 - 04:00. Patron Venus.

They walk under Venus for 4 hours a day, these and more from 16:00 - 18:00. Women are all from Venus, according to one famous psychologist and author of the book, Gray John. And this is absolutely true, i.e. Venus imposes femininity on everyone and on the representatives of the stronger sex. Venus symbolizes harmony, a sense of balance, flexibility in relationships, mobility of the mind, vulnerability, empathy, family values.

People born at this time are gentle, sensitive and soft, on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are good at counting money, because a family needs to be supported. They are workaholics, if there is no strong shoulder nearby, and coziness and comfort in the house are expensive. They like to do something with their own hands, but something beautiful and airy. They love music, painting, and all creativity that comes from the heart. Love for them is a full-fledged family for centuries, i.е. they value loyalty, devotion and reliability.

04:00 - 06:00. Ruler Mars.

Men are all from Mars, says John Gray. Those. this planet imposes masculinity on a person, even though it is a woman. Mars symbolizes steel character, will, spirit and strength. This is male energy bubbling, courage, struggle, initiative. But also hot temper, steadfastness, obstinacy, which can bring destruction with them. These people really stand out from the crowd.

They are leaders, tyrants, winners. They are impossible not to notice: they are bright, loud, noisy. They can do anything, the main thing is that every day should be a battlefield, and victory should not be long in coming. In love, they are looking for the same strong and strong-willed person to measure their strength with him.

06:00 - 08:00. Patron Neptune.

A planet that determines not the fate of a particular person, but of the whole society. Promotes intuition, meditation, mastering spiritual practices. Such people often choose a profession related to religion. And often I can't find it at all. They can go into divination, become mediums, prophets or mentally ill people. They contain the concept of the universe. But often understanding the world, they do not understand themselves. In love, they can give out something like that that will madly surprise them themselves.

08:00 - 10:00. patron Uranus.

It symbolizes emancipation, naturalness, freedom of thought, originality, ingenuity and altruism. Such people are leaders in any company, they can be obvious, or they can be gray cardinals. They are friendly, they always have many friends and acquaintances and their place is in the center. They are eternal fighters for the truth and hate window dressing and sugariness. But it happens that, having not reached the correct position in society, they themselves begin to lead a dissolute and bohemian lifestyle, considering themselves to be unrecognized geniuses.

10:00 - 12:00. Ruler Saturn.

It symbolizes the maturity of the mind, clarity, prudence, willpower, intelligence, cold mind. These are born leaders - cold, prudent, brilliant. Intelligence is their driving force. They are fatalists who reject feelings, mistaking them for weakness. Therefore, they are often alone, because. can't find their other half. But they can’t, because they are constantly building a career. But if you are lucky in marriage, then they are constant and devoted.

12:00 - 14:00. Ruler Jupiter.

In astrology, this is one of the most auspicious signs. Contribute to the highest achievement, the disclosure of the soul, working out karma from the ancestors. These people are very bad students and great teachers. The feeling that the knowledge of the universe is in them from birth. They are like minions of fate. People often come to them for advice and support. They can study for threes at school, and then become academicians. They love to travel and learn new things. In love, they strive for uniqueness, sophistication and originality.

14:00 - 16:00. Patron Pluto.

It symbolizes innovation, breaks stereotypes, strives for reforms and brings development. Such people are not good friends with the team, because they always remake everyone and instruct the management “how to navigate the ship”. Their advice is correct and timely, but the environment often does not accept them. If they are lucky with the environment, they can move mountains. In love, they are insatiable and choose partners in the same way.

16:00 - 18:00. Patron Venus.

They walk under Venus for 4 hours a day, these and more from 02:00 - 04:00. Women all come from Venus, according to one famous psychologist Gray John. Femininity is imposed on everyone, including the representatives of the stronger sex. Venus symbolizes harmony, a sense of balance, flexibility in relationships, mobility of the mind, vulnerability, empathy, family values. Those born at this time, Venus gave a seductive attraction. They attract attention, they like them, they are wanted. They do not know the middle, or they are very happy, or quite the opposite. Their destiny is my home, my fortress. But for this they need a prince, since they are all "Cinderella".

18:00 - 20:00. The patron of Mercury.

This planet, like Venus, has 4 hours in a day, except for this time from 00:00 - 02:00. It symbolizes the desire for science, contacts, reasoning, logical thinking, the ability to express one's own opinion, correctly formulate thoughts, the ability to write, openness to the new, the desire for eternal development and learning. Mercury born at this time is destined to be healers, connoisseurs of medicinal herbs, trainers in healthy eating and lifestyle. Their vocation is to help people find harmony in themselves. In love, they will find their spiritual half and will practice yoga together.

20:00 - 22:00. The patron of the Sun.

It symbolizes the center, power, strength, recognition, creativity, but also vulnerability, sensitivity and understanding. Such people can become famous artists or politicians. But for them, the most valuable thing in life will always be family and children. Moreover, "Family" should be with a pronounced "I" and include love and passion. For them, emotions and feelings are very important. Life and routine corrode them.

22:00 - 24:00. Patron Luna.

It symbolizes introspection, escape from reality into the world of illusions, sensitivity to the world around. Such people can lead an ascetic life, just to hear the singing of birds and the sound of a stream. But they will also drag their entire family there, so it is the family that is sacred to them. Taking in the world with the fibers of the soul, they can greatly influence people, have power over many situations and are able to turn the course of history.

As you can see, the exact time of birth is of great importance. So ask your parents or pick up the archives and find out your hour.Be happy!published

Victoria Shtelmakh

Astrologers say that the fate and character of a person is affected by the time of day at which he was born. It turns out that morning, afternoon, evening and night endow the born with certain qualities of character. So, what did you inherit from the time of day of your birth?

Morning. People born in the morning, over time, begin to rely only on their own strength. They are aware of full responsibility for themselves and their actions and do not seek to ask for help. Often life puts them in difficult conditions, but morning people always come out dry. Astrologers recommend them to be more open and trusting. They also need to stop showing their pride. Help people more, then they will lend you a helping hand even without your request.

Day. Those born at noon are endowed with a restless and windy character. Often these people have many abilities and talents, so it is difficult for them to choose their vocation, profession and life path. They are always in search of something new. People of the day love to travel and change the environment, but sometimes they waste their energy in vain. Astrologers advise setting a goal and prioritizing. You should not waste your energy on several things at the same time, otherwise you may end up with nothing.

Evening. The real lucky ones are born in the evening. They are always lucky. It is important for these people to find their own path in life and follow it clearly. Those born in the evening are advised not to abuse the good location of Fortune. To find your happiness, you need to make an effort.

Night. People born at night are considered the creators of their own destiny. They have a very developed intuition, which gives them the opportunity to always make the right choice and act for the benefit of their interests. These people also have psychic abilities and can foresee the future, if, of course, they develop this talent in themselves. The astrologer advises them to follow the dictates of their hearts more often.

We hope that this information has helped you understand yourself and learn more. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.06.2014 11:00

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