Synopsis of an open event in the second junior group “The development of children's speech through folklore. Synopsis of an integrated lesson with elements of folklore in the younger group "Walking through the fairy forest

Folklore for kids 2-4 years old

The mini project "Folklore for Kids" is designed for children aged 2-4 years, the material will be of interest to educators and parents.

Currently, folk culture, the traditions of the Russian people are being erased. Understanding this, one cannot be indifferent to the origins - national culture. Right now, there is a need to acquaint children with best traditions our people.
Early period The life of a child largely depends on the adults raising the kids. It is great if parents are able to enrich the environment in which he grows up. And the folk poetic word will be able to enrich this spiritual environment.
Project type: cognitive, short-term (1 month)
Objective of the project: The development of the personality of the child, his inner and spiritual world, successful mastery of the native language, by means of folk art and folk traditions.
Project objectives:
1. Creation of a developing environment for introducing children to the culture of the Russian people;
2. Formation and enrichment of the dictionary;
3. Development of artistic creativity;
4. Development of moral and emotional feelings such as empathy, kindness, honesty.
Project participants: children of the first junior group, parents of pupils, educator.
Stages of project implementation:
Stage 1 - preparatory
1. Discuss with parents the choice of the topic of the project and its significance
2. Pick up material and decorate the corner “Russian Folk Art”
3. Registration of the site based on the RNS "Kolobok"
Stage 2 - main
To acquaint children with Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, riddles.
Introduce children to musical instruments
Introduce children to folk games, dances
Stage 3 final

Expected results:
For children: Learn to recognize and tell nursery rhymes.
Play Russian folk games.
Beat nursery rhymes and Russians folk tales. Gain knowledge about musical instruments.
For parents: understand and explore the role of folklore in the development of children
For the educator: enrichment and expansion of knowledge about Russian folk art, the creation of a memo for parents.

Stage 1 - preparatory
To achieve the goal, I created everything the necessary conditions to introduce children to folk art and folk culture. Together with her parents, she created a corner in Russian in the group, folk style. Which is called - "Russian folk art".

In the corner, “Russian Folk Art” placed items of Russian life: kitchen utensils (samovar, jars, wooden spoons, etc.), placed the doll in national costume, a loaf made by parents from salt dough, a samovar. In search of Russian antiquities, the parents of my students, as well as their grandparents, participated. It was interesting for children to consider a doll in a national costume, a samovar, because it is impossible for children of this age to talk about the objects of Russian life, the kids need to touch everything themselves, play with them.
Together with their parents, they designed a plot based on the Russian folk tale “Gingerbread Man”

Stage 2 - main
She divided her work into three phases.
At the first, she introduced children to Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, and riddles.

I designed a book corner, where books were selected - little ones, books - theaters, Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, etc.
I made an album, which I called Russian Folk Art and placed there illustrations on this topic.
Russian folk tales open new page emotional life of the child. The content of the first fairy tales is aimed at awakening the first manifestations of sympathy, empathy, spiritual and physical condition hero or other character. For example, sadness and tears - "grandfather is crying, woman is crying."
The parents of the pupils, together with the children, drew and painted the drawings for the RNS, which were arranged by me in a common folder.

Here are some drawings for the RNS:
Fairy tale "Kolobok"

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Fairy tale "Geese-swans"

Rhymes picked up on topics such as:
- Domestic and wild animals that imitate human actions: “The dog bakes pies in the kitchen”, “Kisonka - mursenka”, “Magpie - white-sided”,
“The fox walked through the forest”, “Squirrel sits on a cart”, “Clumsy Bear” and others.
- Personifying nature: “Grass - an ant rose from sleep”, “Sun - bucket”, “Rainbow - arc” and others.
- Reflective elements of folk life and acquainting with human actions: “I’m going - I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather”, “Oh doo doo ...! Lost the shepherd pipe!”, “Okay, okay!” and others.
- Personifying maternal love and the interaction of "big" and "small": "Goat - trouble", "Chicken - taratochka", and others.
- Fairy tales: “From the forest, from the mountains, grandfather Yegor rides”, “Under the chalk, under the spit” and others.
- Revealing or personifying moral and ethical categories: “Tili - bom! Tilly - boom! Cat's house caught fire! ”,“ Forty - forty ”,“ Manya went to the market ”and others.
- Directly related to the child by name: “The cat went into the woods”, “who is good with us?” and others.
Together with her parents, she designed a collection: "Matryoshka nursery rhymes", all the nursery rhymes that were collected there were brought by the parents themselves.

Children love to spend time in a book corner, look at illustrations on their own, pronounce learned nursery rhymes.
For a better memorization of these nursery rhymes and jokes, I try to apply them in all regime moments in working with children.
She conveyed to children the joy and vivacity that water gives us, emotionally played out the simplest, everyday situations.

While washing:
"Water, water,
Wash Pasha (Yulia) face,
To make cheeks blush
To make your eyes sparkle
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth."

When brushing:
"I scratch, I scratch my hair,
I comb my scarf,
Grow braid to the waist
Do not pull out a hair ... "
It was nice to see how children use nursery rhymes while playing "daughters-mothers", how carefully and lovingly they treated dolls.
I paid much attention to lullabies, they form the first lexicon child, a figurative picture of the world, expressed in a word. They contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those subjects that are close to children.
They create images that are well known to children, for example, the image of a cat. What does it mean not just a cat, but a kitten, cat, cat, cat.
Kitty, kitty, kitty,
Kitty, gray tail,
Come, cat, spend the night,
Download our baby.
How do I like a cat
I'll pay for the work
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk.
An image of pigeons is being formed, which are affectionately called gulenki
Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki.
The gulls have arrived.
The gulls have arrived
They sat down near the cradle.
They began to swing the cradle.
They began to put Katya to sleep.
As a group, we began to use the technique of listening to an audio recording of lullabies during nap time while getting the kids ready for bed.
A musical corner was decorated in the group, where I placed folk musical instruments. These are: bells, rattles, balalaika, pipe, accordion. Children to the accompaniment musical instruments sang songs, dances, which contributed to musical development children.
At the third stage, I introduce children to folk games and dances.
Of particular interest to children are the games of the Russian people, such as "Duck", "Bees and Swallow", "Cat and Mice", "Sun - Bucket" and others that develop dexterity, speed of movement, accuracy, accustom to ingenuity, attention. Jokes, nursery rhymes learned with children make the game process more interesting and meaningful.
A special place is occupied by folk holidays, in which our kids participate with pleasure. Holidays combine almost all elements of education: a song, a game, a fairy tale, a riddle, artistic activity.
Stage 3 final
Creation of a memo for parents - "The role of parents in the revival of Russian traditions"

Nina Golodenko
Prospective planning on the topic "Folk culture and traditions" in the 2nd junior group.

Plan– project of educational activities

Time spending (month) March

Group(younger age) 2 junior group.

Full name of the teacher responsible for development: Golodenko N. V.

Topic#1: « Folk culture and traditions» .

(source of theme selection: calendar-thematic planning, ways to motivate children to participate in activities: update the content of the game zones.)

Implementation period: from 6.03.17 to 31.03.17)

Expected Results:

Topic 1: Formed interest in Russian folk culture and traditions, enriched ideas about decorative - applied art, brought up interest in Russian folklore.

Module 1 "The main directions of implementation educational areas programs"

Module 2. "Interaction between teacher and children"

2.1. Directly- educational activities

Date of implementation Form of implementation Content

"Motor activity"

Physical education according to the plan physical education instructor culture

"Communicative activity"

8.03.17. Reading a poem by I. Kosyakov "All She". Didactic exercise “I love my mother very much, because ...”". Introduce children to I. Kosyakov's poem "All She". Improve children's dialogic speech.

15.03.17. "Sonic a culture of speech: sounds t, p, k ".

To fix the pronunciation of the sound t in words and phrasal speech; learn to clearly pronounce onomatopoeia with the sounds t, p, k; exercise in pronouncing onomatopoeia at different speeds and volumes.

03/22/17 "Reading Russian folk tale"Fear has big eyes"».

Remind children of the Russians they know folk fairy tales and acquaint with a fairy tale "Fear has big eyes" (arr. M. Serova). Help to correctly reproduce the beginning and end of the tale.

03/29/17 “Viewing the painting "Children play with cubes".Didactic pronunciation exercise ( didactic game "What changed")". Continue to teach children to look at the storyline by helping them identify the theme and flesh out actions and relationships. characters. Practicing the correct and distinct pronunciation of onomatopoeic words (learn to characterize the location of objects).

"Cognitive and research activities"

(study of objects of animate and inanimate nature)

10.03.17 "I have a kitten." Continue familiarity with pets. To develop the ability to properly handle animals. Develop the desire to watch the kitten. Learn to share experiences

(knowledge of the objective and social world)

17.03.17 “How Funtik and I carried sand”. To give children the idea that dad takes care of his family; dad knows how to drive a car, transport cargo and people - he is a driver in his house. Build respect for your dad.

24.03.17 "Plate of Clay". To acquaint children with the properties of clay, with the structure of its surface.

03/31/17 Caring for indoor plants. Expand your understanding of indoor plants. To consolidate the ability to water plants from a watering can. Learn to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Maintain interest in indoor plants and desire to take care of them.

3. Educational developmental situation

(mathematical and sensory development)

Lesson 1. Continue to learn to compare two unequal groups objects in ways of imposition and application, designate the results of comparison with the words more - less, as much - how much, equally.

Improve the ability to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle.

03/14/17 Lesson 2. Improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressions equally, as much - how much, more - less.

Fix ways to compare two objects in length and height, indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

junior group of kindergarten", With.

Lesson 3. Exercise in comparing two groups objects in ways of imposition and application and use the words as much - how much, more - less.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts days: day Night.

I. Pomoraeva, V. Pozina. "Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group of kindergarten", With.

03/28/17 Lesson 4. Fix the ways of comparing two objects in length and width, indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one).

Exercise in distinguishing and naming geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.

I. Pomoraeva, V. Pozina. "Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group of kindergarten", With.

"Visual activity"

1. Educational developmental situation


"Decorate the Dymkovo duck". Continue to introduce children to Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to a duck cut out of paper. Cause joy from the result; from the brightness and beauty of the Dymkovo painting.

"Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 154

"All the icicles were crying". To learn how to rhythmically apply strokes, placing them on a sheet of paper in accordance with the direction of the icicles, to develop skills in working with a brush, the ability to figuratively perceive color spots; nurture emotional awareness natural phenomena, interest in drawing.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 196

"My cheerful sonorous ball". Form children's ideas about round shape objects and their size; consolidate knowledge about color; learn to paint over drawings with a brush, draw lines in one direction; develop interest in the result of their work.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 216

30.03.17 Festive flags. Learn to draw objects rectangular shape, paint over with a pencil within the contour, drawing lines and strokes in one direction, develop pencil drawing skills; enrich the idea of ​​color; cultivate aesthetic taste.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 222

6.03.17 "Tumbler" To teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts of the same shape, but of different sizes, tightly pressing the parts to each other. Arouse the desire to decorate an object small details (pompom on hat, buttons on dress). Clarify children's ideas about the size of objects. Strengthen the ability to sculpt neatly. Cause a feeling of joy from the created.

T. S. Komarova page 33

20. 03.17 "Chickens Walk" To form the ability to convey in modeling the image of a chicken, the shape of body parts, head, tail; to consolidate the plucking technique with the fingertips (beak, tail, the ability to firmly fasten the parts, pressing them tightly; develop the desire to talk about what they did.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy


13.03.17. "Circle Pattern" To teach children to place the pattern along the edge of the circle, correctly alternating the figures in size; make a pattern in a certain sequences: above, below, on the right, on the left - large circles, and between them - small ones. To consolidate the ability to glue the entire form with glue. Develop a sense of rhythm. Cultivate independence.

T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity V kindergarten» page 29

27.03.17 "Beautiful handkerchief" Learn to create a pattern on a piece of paper square shape, located in certain order small squares and triangles. Develop spatial representation: in the middle, at the corners, above, below, on the side.

Develop a sense of color, composition, aesthetic perception.

T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten" page 36

2. Educational developmental situation


A beautiful house for nesting dolls. Arouse interest in construction, teach exactly the connection of geometric bodies, show different variants the buildings.

"Musical Activity"

Music lesson for plan music director

"Reading fiction»

1. Educational developmental situation Activities based on artistic text:

2.2. Joint educational activities and cultural practice of the educator and children in sensitive moments

Reading Russian folk tale"Masha and the Bear", "Teremok", "Mitten"; folk proverbs and sayings, Russian folk riddles , tongue twisters, rhymes To cultivate interest in fiction, which displays the theme of labor.

“There is a dream near the windows.

To acquaint with an ancient subject - a cradle. Activate in speech words: cradle, unsteady, cradle. Develop interest in songs, nursery rhymes

"Like our cat."

To acquaint with the inhabitant of the hut - the cat Vaska. learn nursery rhyme< Как у нашего кота>. Develop interest in small folklore.

"Come, spring, with joy..." To acquaint with the season - in the spring, its features, using invocations, riddles, signs. Teach the children a spring call. Develop interest in folklore

learning nursery rhymes "Grow braid to the waist". Instill love for Russian folk art

To acquaint children with the work, to talk about how this nursery rhyme was used by our ancestors. Develop memory, create positive attitude. (girls).

Reading a fairy tale "Fox with a rock". Learn to listen carefully to the story and answer questions about the story. Acquaintance with household items - a rolling pin.

Reading Russian folk tale"Goby - black barrel, white hooves". Get to know Russian folk tale. Learn to look at the plot picture and talk about what is depicted on it. Use techniques for teaching children to listen carefully and emotionally perceive a fairy tale, expressively convey its content using gestures and facial expressions.

reading nursery rhymes "Goat-white leg". Teach children to listen carefully. Highlight the triumph of a good start.

Reading a poem by E. Baranov "Spring spring! How clean the air is... Learn to listen carefully to the poem. Fix the signs of spring.


Situations of communication, conversations and conversations with children, game trainings

Conversation "Russian doll".

Familiarize with folk toy - matryoshka. Enter into active dictionary words: matryoshka, painted, wooden. To develop interest in the nesting doll, the desire to decorate it.

Conversation Foka boils water and shines like a mirror.

To acquaint with the history of the kettle, its predecessor - the samovar. Expand vocabulary stock: samovar, kettle, tea party. Bring up culture table behavior through play "Let's drink tea to the doll".

Examining the poster « Dymkovo patterns» . Learn to identify and name individual elements patterns, their color.

situational communication: “The cat will go out into the garden - the whole will be alarmed people» Introduction to jokes and songs about pets.

Conversation: "What stories do you have". Continue to teach children to correctly name the name of the fairy tale and retell the fairy tales they know.

Conversation "Kalachi from the oven".

Continue to introduce Russian folk art.

chat "What clothes did our grandmothers' grandmothers wear", ask to bring photos of grandmothers and mothers in beautiful clothes"To consolidate knowledge about the attributes of clothing. To instill love for folk costume.

Conversation "Icicles". Familiarize yourself with the safety rules. Which must be observed during the period of active snow melting.

computer presentation "In early spring". To enrich children's ideas about the phenomena of early spring.

Slideshow "Migratory birds". Enrich children's ideas about birds.

consideration plot pictures "The Rooks Have Arrived". Invite children to look at pictures, learn to name familiar birds. The actions they take. Make with children short stories by pictures.

Examining objects with children folkapplied arts- various clay toys. Build an idea about handicrafts to instill respect for the work of people.

Situational conversation on the questions “Which animals woke up from winter sleep? What do they need in the spring? What do animals eat? What would you send to the animals? To develop cognitive abilities in children. Develop speech, thinking.

Conversation “Do the birds need our help in early spring? Why? How can we help her?" Enrich children's understanding of the life of birds. Make them want to help.

Conversation "Where the sun sleeps". Pay attention to the fact that during the day it changes its position to her: The sunrise can be seen from one window and the sunset from another.

Reading books about birds. Teach children to compare birds. Find similarities and differences.

Conversation “How do children dress in spring? To fix the concept of clothes with children. name the difference winter clothes from spring.

"Game activity"

Role-playing, building and constructive, theatrical game, dramatization game, outdoor games, leisure, health and outdoor games.

Role-playing game activity.

game situation "Like a cat went to visit".

Acquaintance with the custom of visiting guests with gifts. Encourage children to self-fulfillment elementary instructions: after the game, put away toys, building material.

Story game "Let's make a room for the doll" Learn to distinguish and name pieces of furniture, talk about their purpose, cultivate a caring attitude towards the doll

Role-playing game "At the doctor's appointment" To consolidate knowledge about the human body and maintaining health.

Role-playing game "My family" Teach children to understand differences in adults based on gender (father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt).

Role-playing game "Visiting Grandma Arina".

To develop in children the desire to use during games folk songs , consolidate knowledge about the items of utensils.

Construction and constructive activity.

According to the intention of the children. Non-directive assistance from the educator in organizing and conducting the game.

"Build a house for the birds". Teach children to build a house, beat the building. Learn to consider a sample of what details and how it is built.

Theatrical game, dramatization game,

Game - dramatization "Ay alright, alright, alright", “I’ll bake a pie for Tanya”, "The people are sleeping". Introduces children to Russian folklore, encourages the desire of children to participate in dramatizations that imitate labor activities.

Shadow theater based on a fairy tale "Teremok" Teaching children to communicate fairy tale characters expressively pronouncing their remarks.

Outdoor games.

Russian folk mobile game"Carousel" Development general motor skills, attention.

P / and Outdoor game: We are funny guys. support in children good mood.

P. game "Who's good", Target: teach children to do small exercises, develop speech, fine motor skills fingers

P / s "Catch the plane". Learn to run at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

P / s "Birds in the nest". Continue to teach children to perform jumps on two legs, develop the muscles of the back, legs, and coordination of movements.

P / s "Sun Bunnies". Specify directions: up, down, sideways; learn to perform a variety of movements.

P / s "Tram". To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of the players, to learn to recognize colors and remove movements in accordance with them.

P / s "Rabbits"

P / s "Birds are playing". Exercise in running, agility.

P / s "Find Us". Fix the names of objects on the site, teach children to navigate the terrain.

P / s "Dog and Sparrows". It will consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic movements of birds, teach them to imitate their voices.

P / s "Traps with a bell" Get kids to run. Learn to navigate the area.

P / s "Day Night". To develop motor activity of children, to fix parts of the day.

P / s "Rabbits". Teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, develop dexterity.

P / s "Birds one, birds two!" Teach children to perform movements, exercise in counting.

P / s "Dog and Sparrows". To consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic movements of birds, to teach them to imitate their voices.

"Cognitive and research activities"

Sensory, game and intellectual trainings, experiences, experiments, observations, observations of nature, musical and theatrical living room,

creative workshop, reading literary works.

Experiments, experiments.

"Sowing a Seed"(vegetable or flower. Teach children how to care for plants. Instill work skills.

"Catch a fish, both small and large". Find out the ability of a magnet to attract certain objects.

Experience "The temperature of objects in the sun and in the shade". To teach children to compare the temperature of objects in the shade and in the bright sun, touching them with their palms. Explain that with the onset of spring. The sun was getting hotter.

Observations of nature.

Themed walk "The sun shines in the blue sky". Continue to acquaint with natural phenomena, explain why the sun warms more in spring.

Recognizing Observation "Spring is Coming Soon". Draw the attention of children to the signs of the approaching spring, teach them to name the observed phenomena.

consideration "Snow in March". To draw the attention of children to the state of snow, to help connect these changes with other natural phenomena.

Themed walk: "Sky sky". Show the features of the spring sky, form an idea of ​​​​the sky.

Themed walk: "Migratory birds". It will expand children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds.

Themed walk "What does birch and spruce look like in early spring". To expand children's ideas about trees, to teach to protect nature.

Themed walk "Water all around". Show a variety of actions with melted snow.

Recognizing Observation "Bird Behavior in Early Spring". Continue to acquaint with the behavior of birds in early spring, note the changes in the behavior of birds.

Recognizing Observation "Spring Morning". Learn to observe the course of natural phenomena, name the observed phenomena and actions.

Recognizing Observation "Shadow". Introduce children to the concept "shadow", pay attention to the fact that if you stand next to a light source, you can see a shadow, show how the shadow follows the contour of objects.

Themed walk "Svetla sky blue» . To consolidate the idea of ​​spring, pay attention to the changes that have occurred in nature.

Themed walk: "The snow is melting, melting, flowing, flowing, flowing stream". Expand your understanding of spring and the properties of snow.

Creative workshop.

"Painting in watercolor on wax "Spring is coming". Introduce children to the technique of drawing on wax, teach them to paint over a sheet with watercolors and watch how they show through "spring thaws" on a piece of paper.

"Round dance of matryoshkas" To consolidate with children the ability to apply a pattern on the silhouette of a nesting doll.

Musical theater room.

round dance game "Galya walked around the garden". Keep children in a good mood. .

round dance "Vaska walks gray".

Teach children how to dance; practice squatting

Encourage children to follow the rules in outdoor games.

round dance "The sun is warmer". To teach children to dance at a calm pace, holding hands, rhythmically perform claps and stomps.

Reading literary works.

Reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev "The snow is no longer the same". Teach children to listen carefully to poems. Learn to compare your observations with the content of a literary work.

Reading a poem by V. Lunin « Spring is coming» Continue to acquaint children with changes in nature, compare their observations with the content in nature.

"Self-service and elementary household work"

Labor assignments (individually and subgroups, common and joint work.

Cleaning out inventory.

Teach children to carry out simple assignments, act according to instructions, transfer instructions to comrades.

Practical exercise "Children returned from a walk". To form in children the skill of self-service, to teach them to independently put things in their locker in a certain sequence.

Canteen duty. Learn to lay out spoons by holding them by the handles.

Labor assignments: remove toys. To teach children to carry out simple instructions, act according to instructions, understand the essence of the game and practical tasks.

Labor order: help clear the table. To teach children to carry out elementary tasks, offer to collect the remnants of bread, gently crumble it to feed the birds. To form labor skills, to cultivate industriousness, accuracy.

Practical exercise "Neat Guys" Teach children to wash and dry their hands thoroughly, form the habit of doing the necessary hygiene procedures after a walk.

Practical exercise "Neat Locker". Teaching children to shoot various items clothes to call them, neatly folded in the locker.

Practical exercise "Hat and jacket". Teach children to take off certain items of clothing. Ask adults for help, use polite words. Encourage independence, cultivate accuracy.

Practical exercise "Let's go for a walk". Teach children to put on certain items of clothing on their own, if necessary, seek help from adults.

Labor order "Helping set the table" Teach children to perform familiar labor assignments, to act according to instructions. Cultivate diligence, accuracy, responsibility.

Module 3 "Independent activity of children"

3.1. Organization of the developing object-spatial environment

Centers: cognitive activity, artistic and productive activity, patriotic education, motor activity desktop printed and educational games. Library, laboratory.

Center for cognitive activity

Various types of constructors.

Place different matryoshkas in the Development Zones; children's musical instruments; illustrations depicting vintage clothes; illustrations about work in the field, garden, in the hut, barn.

Center for Artistic and Productive Activities

diluted gouache, stencils, plasticine, wax crayons, cotton buds, cotton pads pencils, felt-tip pens, white and tinted paper, brushes, boards, stacks.

Images folk- applied arts, nesting dolls. Dymkovo toys.

Center for Patriotic Education album "My family", "My city".

photographic materials "Starooskol toys"

Movement center. hoops, balls, skittles, health tracks.

Center for desktop-printing and developing games. DI "Professions", "Shapes", "Whose baby". "Who lives where".


Illustrations for fairy tales and nursery rhymes "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "Swan geese", "Goby - black barrel, white hooves", "Our goat; Russian books folk tales, illustrations based on fairy tales;

Laboratory. Magnets, plant seeds for planting. Priming.

3.2. "Equipment for walking"

Cognitive, didactic, outdoor games, observation, work, independent activity.

Shovels, buckets, rakes, balls, skittles. Items for experimentation Which items heat up faster in the sun?.

3.2. "Children's initiative in various activities"(ways of directing and supporting children's initiative "non-directive help")

Educational developmental situation at the suggestion of children

Conducting thematic days, discussion - summing up independent activity, organization of children's mini-projects, organization of assistance to kids.

Mini project "Garden on the window".

3.3. Individually oriented interaction (weekly)

The activities of the educator aimed at pedagogical support for children and assistance in overcoming difficulties and problems of self-realization in various activities

Module 4. Interaction with parents (legal representatives) pupils"

Pedagogical monitoring

Pedagogical support Consultation: "Child health and computer".

Teacher Education

Joint activities of teachers and parents. Co-creation in mini-garden group.

Homework for parents: doll clothes repair

"Visiting Grandfather Folklore"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Music".

Activities:game, communicative, cognitive, productive, musical and artistic, reading.


Educational area "Communication". Introduce characteristic features Russian folklore, to consolidate knowledge about the genres and types of Russian folk art; to improve the ability of children to guess riddles, to understand their allegorical meaning; develop the ability to maintain a conversation; activate familiar proverbs and sayings in the speech of children; practice diction: learn to pronounce words clearly and distinctly in tongue twisters.

Educational area "Cognition": to acquaint children with the plan, route, help to understand the symbols on the map;

Educational area "Socialization": develop curiosity, speech skills, encourage children to use folklore in speech,

Educational area "Reading fiction". Raise interest in the cultural heritage of the Russian people, consolidate knowledge of nursery rhymes and songs of the Russian people.

Educational area "Music". Provide a positive emotional and psychological attitude, promote the development of solo and collective singing skills with musical accompaniment.

Materials and equipment:multimedia system, slides, illustrations for the fairy tales "Masha and the Bear", with "Fox with a rolling pin", "Morozko", "Zimovye", "Teremok".

Preliminary work:reading Russian folk tales, introducing children to folklore (songs, ditties, proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, fairy tales).

Entertainment progress:

The hall where the entertainment takes place is decorated in Russian folk style. Children enter the “Russian hut”, they are met by the Mistress of the hut in a Russian folk costume.

Mistress. Hello children! I'm glad you came to visit me. Tired of spending long winter evenings alone, I want a holiday, fun. I hope you won't get bored with me. Take a seat, dear guests.

Children sit on benches, painted benches. The hostess helps each guest find a place to their liking. The host's poem is accompanied by a slide show on a multimedia system.


As it has long been customary in Rus',

For everyone to have fun and live happily,

So that no one cries and no one misses,

The people themselves composed joke songs for themselves.

Our grandfathers and grandmothers told us

How they danced, they danced,

How they laughed, joked, sang sonorous songs,

Their children were taught to sing from the cradle.

There is a knock on the door, a chest is brought in.

Mistress. Guys, they brought us a chest. Who could deliver it? Let's open the chest and find out who it's from.

The hostess, together with the children, opens the chest and takes out a handkerchief and a note from it.

Mistress. Here are miracles! Look what beautiful scarf! Yes, there is also a note: “Hello, dear grandchildren! I miss you very much and look forward to your visit. And so that you do not go astray, I am sending you a route map. Miracles are waiting for you. I wish you good luck in good hour! See you! Your grandfather Folklore.

Mistress. And as soon as grandfather Folklore found out about you? Children, what is folklore?(children's answers) And who wrote these works?(children's answers) Well done, you all know. We are going to visit Grandfather Folklore. Our path is not easy and not close.(carefully examines the map)Guys, I don’t understand something, what are the squares, stripes, arrows here?

The children also look at the route map and explain to the Mistress that the map is very similar to the plan of some room: the stripes on it are windows, the arrows are pointers where to go; large rectangle- this is a table, small rectangles - benches, squares - chairs and stools. But this pyramid of squares is an oven.

Mistress. I guessed! This is the plan of my upper room. I know everything in my hut. Now we will find our grandfather. See where the first arrow is pointing?

Children. The arrow shows that you need to go to the big table.

Everyone goes to the table and finds an envelope on it, on which capital letters written "Mysteries".

Mistress. Obviously, Grandfather Folklore wants us to guess these riddles.

What is poured into the pan

Yes, they bend four times?


I am small,

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me.

(Needle and thread)

Eating soon

chews lightly,

Doesn't swallow on her own

And the other happens to be full.


Bowing, bowing

When he comes home, he stretches out.


Made from linden

holey trough,

On the road goes

Places cells.

(bast shoes)

Mistress. Well done! All riddles solved. You can go further. Where does the next arrow point to?

Children. For a small square. It denotes this table, decorated with Khokhloma painting.

Mistress. On the table is a note. What does grandfather Folklore want from us now?

The hostess reads a note from which the children learn that Grandfather Folklore asks them to first remember what tongue twisters they know, and then pronounce quickly, without mistake, his tongue twisters.

Folklore grandfather tongue twisters:

Near the stake - bells.

Mila washed herself with soap.

The tree has needles.

A good pie - inside the curd.

Larisa cooked rice soup for Boris.

Children choose any tongue twister from those offered, first they train - they pronounce it in a quiet voice or in a whisper, and then out loud and quickly. The owner listens to everyone.

Mistress. Good, kids, your tongues, coped with tongue twisters. Now let's move on.

Children. The arrow points to the stripes - windows.

Children with the Hostess approach the windows and see beautiful white snowflakes lying on the floor. The hostess picks up one snowflake, examines it and sees that on reverse side something is written on it.

Mistress. Look, proverbs and sayings are written here, but not completely. The proverb is not in vain. You need to remember the continuation of the started proverb or saying. Be careful! I say the beginning, and you say the end, for example: “What will you sow ...”

Children. … that is what you will reap.

Mistress. I make time...

Children. ... fun hour.

Mistress. Finished the job...

Children. ... walk boldly.

Mistress. Do you like to ride...

Children. ... love to carry sleds.

Mistress. Do not have a hundred rubles ...

Children. ... and have a hundred friends.

Mistress. The word is not a sparrow...

Children. ... fly out - you won’t catch it.

Mistress. Well done boys! Proverbs and sayings, you know, coped with this task. Now we can go further. Where does the arrow point to?

Children. To the cradle

The hostess and the children come to the cradle (cradle) and find a note in it. Grandfather Folklore asks the girls to remember which lullaby they know. Girls perform any lullaby at will. next arrow directs the children to the chest, on it in a wicker basket the children find toys (a kitten, a cockerel, a small bird) and a note. Children are invited to recall familiar nursery rhymes with characters found in the basket.

When this task is completed, the last arrow leads the children to the stove, where they find another note in a clay bowl: “Our meeting is close. In order for it to happen, you must complete the last task.

Mistress. So, guys, are you ready for the last task? Then be careful. It's about fairy tales. It is necessary to correctly answer the questions-riddles of our grandfather.

Grandfather Folklore Questions(Children's answers are accompanied by a slide show).

In which fairy tale is there a stump where a shaggy man is not too lazy to sit, but only the trouble is - he could not eat a pie?(Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear")

A cunning guest: when he leaves, he takes something with him. Lie down, oversleep and outwit the owners.(Russian folk tale "Fox with a rolling pin")

What is the name of the fairy-tale heroine who travels in a mortar, helping the movement with a broomstick.(Baba Yaga)

In what fairy tale did the girl receive a chest with wealth for her diligence and kindness?(Russian folk tale "Morozko")

Summer flew by quickly

Autumn has gone.

The work is in full swing -

Friends got down to business.

Prepared everything for the future

The gray wolf will not poke his nose.

Live in health!

Built ... ("Zimovye").

The house was built by friends

Live happily while

Didn't come in the evening

Mishka-Mishenka is a friend.

Was not low, not high

Wonderful ... ("Teremok").

As soon as the children answer the last question, a satisfied grandfather Folklore appears from behind the stove.

Grandfather Folklore.Hello dear grandchildren! You did a great job with all my tasks! I am very glad to our meeting! While you were getting to me, doing difficult tasks, I sweet pie baked, the samovar boiled. I invite you to the table.

The fun hasn't ended

It's time for a treat!

Don't be shy, don't be shy

Eat sweet treats!

Children perform the song "Samovar" music and words Z. Rood. Children, together with the Hostess and grandfather Folklore, drink tea with a sweet pie. At the end of the tea party, the guests thank the hospitable hosts, say goodbye and leave.

Elena Chigrik
Abstract folklore class in the second younger group using the layout "In Grandma's Yard"

Target classes: Introduce children to folklore works, which tells about a cat, a dog, a chicken, chickens.

Expand orientation in the surrounding world. Form cognitive activity.

Emotionally enrich the kids with the warmth of folk poetry. To convey, by means of national art, bright, bright feelings when meeting with your favorite characters. To educate humanistic good relations To "our smaller brothers".

Cultivate love for mother tongue, enrich speech with words and lines of poems, nursery rhymes, songs.

In progress use musical techniques, emotional and artistic expressiveness, as well as other methods of orienting reinforcement.

Lesson progress:

Shadow - shadow - sweat,

The cat sat under the fence.

The sparrows flew

Clap them hands:

Fly away, sparrows!

Beware of the cat!

Children, do you want to go for a walk?

Then offer what let's go:

Child: Chiki-chiki-chikalochki

Oleg rides on a stick

And Yana is in the cart

Cracks nuts.

Interesting offer, but who else? will offer:

Child: Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Grandpa Egor is coming.

Himself on a filly

wife on a cow

children on calves,

Grandchildren on goats.

Light offer you:

Knocking, strumming down the street:

Thomas rides a chicken

Timoshka - on a cat

On a crooked path.

caregiver: Wu-u-u-u

The locomotive hummed

He drove wagons

Chu-chu far I'll rock.

Children with a teacher go - walking one after another.

We've arrived!

Who did we come to?

TO grandmother.

Hello children, my grandchildren. Come on in. Oh, and who is it that lay down on our way and does not let us pass.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!

Don't sit on the path.

Our baby will go

It will fall through the pussy.

The pussy ran away.

Do you want to know who lives in my yard? (children's answers).

- Guess the riddle:

Kvokhchet, quohchet, calls the children,

Gathers everyone under the wing (children answer - HEN)

Here's another guess riddle:

Appeared in a yellow coat

Goodbye two shells. (CHICKENS).

Now let's play with you. I will be the mother hen and you will be my chicks. Song dramatization "Hen and Chicks".

Ku-ka-re-ku! Who are the children? (COCK).

Our cockerel is loud,

He screams in the morning "Hello"

On his feet are his boots

Earrings hanging on the ears

Scallop on the head

What a cock he is!

Let's all talk about the cockerel together.

A cockerel is walking, a scallop is on its side,

Red beard, oil head.

He gets up early and does not let others sleep.

Sitting on the fence, screaming the loudest!

How do guys crow cock? (children's answers).

Let's be cockerels, let's be yard walk like cockerels, look for grains.

Children walk around the hall to the music, waving "wings", crow, peck grains. Grandmother quietly takes the dog (toy) and scare the roosters. A game repeated several times.

Guys, it looks like it's going to rain. Let's tell the sentences about the rain all together.

Rain, rain, what are you pouring?

You don't let us walk.

“Rain, it’s full of rain,

Wet little kids!”

Rather, hide everything under my umbrella.

And now let's all call together Sun:

Children: "Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window

Children are waiting for you

The kids are waiting."

Did you like me? (children answer).

And I'll bake pancakes for you on the way.

Sweeties, sweeties

Grandma baked pancakes

poured oil,

gave to the kids

Dasha two, Oleg two.

Our pancakes are good grandmothers

Children give thanks grandmother(the teacher takes off his apron and scarf).

Let's go to group eat our pancakes grandmothers.

It's time for us to return. We sit in the train and go.

Choo-choo-choo-I'm going home!

The children are leaving with their teacher.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson using the computer presentation "In the poultry yard""In the poultry yard" (using computer presentation) Purpose: To continue to introduce children to poultry. Tasks: Develop.

Synopsis of a folklore lesson in the second junior group "Visiting Grandma Zabavushka" Purpose: To continue to develop children's interest in the history of some objects of Russian life, in Russian folklore. Tasks: 1. Educational Continue.

Didactic manual: layout "In Grandma's Yard". Collaboration educators and parents of our group "Sunbeams". Children with a large.

Synopsis of the GCD "In Grandma's Yard" (middle group) Objectives: to concretize ideas about pets; give an initial idea of ​​their way of life and the benefits they bring;

Abstract of the lesson using ICT in the second junior group "Wild animals in winter" Abstract of the lesson using ICT in the 2nd junior group "Wild animals in winter" Compiled by: educator Andreeva E. A. Objectives: -expand.

Methodological development of a thematic day in the second junior group "In the poultry yard" MORNING: Conversation: "In the poultry yard" - to clarify the knowledge of children about poultry and their cubs. The game is an imitation of "Two Geese". D / and with pictures:.

long term plan

Individual methodological theme:

« folklore as a means of developing communication skills"

for 2015-2016 academic year

with kids II junior group

Educator: Budak T.M.

Technology use:


2. Health saving.

3. Game.



"Folk art in the upbringing of children" T.S. Komarov; "The joy of creativity" O.A. Solomennikov;

« Folk holidays in kindergarten "M.B. Zatsepin;

"Theatrical activity in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old" A.V. Shchetkin;

"Organization theatrical activities» N.B Ulashchenko;

"The environment for the development of a preschooler, the essence and structure" V.K. Shalaeva, N.V. Smirnova;

"Holidays in kindergarten" S.N. Zakharov; Magazines « preschool education"," A child in kindergarten "; T.A. Budarina, O.A. Makreeva "Introduction of children to Russian folk art", "Childhood - press" 2010 E.A. Antipin "Theatrical performances in kindergarten" "Sphere", Moscow, 2010


Lately almost all countries of the world have intensive growth national consciousness. Our country is no exception in this matter. This is due to the problem of restoring ethnic identity, which was largely lost at the end of the 20th century.

It is folk culture that is able to revive the continuity of generations, to pass on to the younger generation moral principles, spiritual and artistic values ​​and preschool period childhood is favorable for familiarization with its origins. Turning on the child preschool age in various activities based on the material of folk art, are one of the main conditions for the full-fledged moral and aesthetic education of the child and the development of his artistic and creative abilities.

Unfortunately, most Russian people are very superficially familiar with their own folk culture.

Children's folklore is a special area of ​​folk art. It includes a whole system of poetic and musical-poetic genres of folklore. For many centuries, jokes, nursery rhymes, chants lovingly and wisely teach the child, introduce him to the high moral culture of his people, to the origins of his native, true Russian folk art. Vivid epithets, textual repetitions, apt comparisons allow the child to get acquainted with the world of ancient Russian culture, with the history of the Russian people.

Studies show that children's knowledge of the features of their native culture is at a very low level. Consequently, there is a need to organize work to familiarize with it already at a younger preschool age.


call positive emotional response on Russian folk tales and folklore works.Contribute to the formation of interest in Russian folklore.Learn to read by heart various types of literary works.Involve parents in reading Russian fairy tales and works of Russian folklore.



Work with children

Subject: You are welcome, dear guests

educational technology

1. Conversation with children "About matryoshka".Introduce children to the hut and its mistress; learn to listen carefully, perceive and memorize nursery rhymes; develop interest in Russian folk toy matryoshka.

2. The cockerel is a golden comb. Introduce children to the inhabitant of the hut - Cockerel; talk about his role in the life of the Russian people; develop memory, active speech of children.

3. Like our cat. Introduce children to the inhabitant of the hut - the cat Vaska; memorize a nursery rhyme Like our cat; to cultivate a caring, affectionate attitude towards animals with the help of children's folklore.

Gaming Technology

1. P / game "Birds, to the nests!".

2. Finger gymnastics"Friendship"

Subject: Autumn walks along the paths

educational technology

1. Reading the nursery rhymes "Kisonka-Murysonka", "The cat went to the market." Introduce children to the content of nursery rhymes, call the appropriate emotional attitude to characters; to cultivate the ability to listen to the text of the work; to teach to reproduce the words of the text intonationally expressively affectionately in reference to the cat and reproachfully in words

2. We went to the garden. Clarify children's ideas about vegetables, enrich their vocabulary with the words vegetables, garden, beds, solid, round, oblong; to teach to recognize and show vegetables by description, by touch, in kind and in the picture; contribute to the education of intonational expressiveness of speech.

3. Petushka family. Consolidate previous knowledge about appearance rooster (large, has a comb, beard on his head; he has a magnificent tail with bright plumage), chickens (large, but the tail and comb are smaller than those of a rooster) and chickens (small, yellow, fluffy, always run after mother chicken ); to teach children to guess simple descriptive riddles, rhyming riddles to them; develop interest in modeling, consolidate knowledge of color, learn to find similarities with real objects, carefully use plasticine.

4. Kolobok. Remind children the content of the fairy tale Gingerbread Man; develop the ability to stage individual fragments of a fairy tale; develop emotionality, expressiveness of speech.

Gaming Technology

1. Game: "Walk" 2. Game - improvisation "Leaves in the garden." 3.Game "Imaginary Journey"

Health saving technology

1. Finger gymnastics “Here we have such a game”, 2. Exercises “ Bubble"," Cheerful piglet.

Working with parents

Advice for parents

"The influence of folklore on the formation of personality"

Making crafts from natural material: "Favorite characters of fairy tales"

Making hats for a round dance game, supplement the material for the game "Theater"

Craft Exhibition



Work with children

Subject: « You are a joke, my friend, listen and play "

educational technology

1. “There is a dream near the windows” To introduce children to the cradle (cradle, unsteady) and lullabies; learn to sing lullabies quietly, affectionately; develop memory, active speech of children.

2. “Water, water, wash my face” Introduce children to the washbasin, tell them how to use it correctly; learn to expressively tell a nursery rhyme; to cultivate self-service skills, love for cleanliness, neatness.

3. “Water from the goose, and thinness from Vanechka” Repetition of nursery rhymes and familiar lullabies; fix the sequence of actions when going to bed; learn to sing lullabies quietly, affectionately; fix the purpose of the cradle and washbasin in the hut.

4. "Zayushkina's hut" Remind children of the content of the fairy tale; learn to expressively stage a fairy tale; introduce children to the Russian folk game Bunny.

Gaming Technology

1. Game "Grandfather Molchok", "Shadow", 3. s / and "Journey to autumn forest”, TRIZ

"Guess what I guessed"

Health saving technology

1.Finger gymnastics "Fairytale creatures", 2.correctional exercises for the eyes, the development of children's plasticity.

TSO (audio recording of sad and cheerful melodies).

Subject: "Magic Holiday"

educational technology

1. "The Girl and the Fox" Introduce children to the fairy tale Snow Maiden and the Fox; preparation for staging fragments of a fairy tale; introduce children to the game Who called; develop auditory attention.

2. "Oh, you, winter-winter." Enrich the vocabulary of children's sheepskin coats, mittens, felt boots, shawl; introduce the features of Russian winter clothing; develop memory.

3. "Foka boils water and shines like a mirror" Introduce children to the samovar, its purpose; tell children about the tradition of tea drinking; educate the desire and ability to help elders.

4. "Santa Claus' Chest" To develop interest in riddles, their solution; develop memory, imagination; set the mood for the upcoming holiday.

Gaming Technology

1. d / i "Get to know the guest, 2.Game "Find the same snowflakes", 3. “Decorate the Christmas tree”, 4. “Guess who I am?”, Imitation and improvisation games.

Health saving technology

1.finger gymnastics "Icicles, wind and frost", "Christmas tree", "Snowball","We decorate the Christmas tree"

Working with parents

1 Consultation "The development of children's speech in theatrical activities."

Creating a photo collage "How we celebrated the holiday";

Equipping the subject-developing environment

Making attributes, costumes.

Selection of toys, attributes, literary works, costumes, musical arrangement;



Work with children

Theme: We are artists. educational technology

1. “A carol has come - open the gate” To introduce children to the holiday of Christmas; learn Christmas carols introduce children to the tradition of baking Christmas cookies - goats.

2. "Funny Spoons" Learn to guess riddles; introduce household items (wooden spoons, samovar); develop general speech skills to speak loudly, expressively, using intonation, speech rate, voice pitch; to cultivate interest in folk art.

3. "House's helpers" To introduce children to household items with a yoke, buckets, a trough, an iron; talk about their purpose; to learn to compare antiques with modern ones, to find similarities and differences; develop a desire to help adults.

4. “The chicken sweeps the rug with a broom” Develop memory; interest in small folklore genres; nurture the desire to provide all possible assistance.

Gaming Technology D / and "What's first, what's next?"Game "Mirror", "Your own director", "Guess who I am?", Imitation and improvisation games.The game "Rainy - sunny."

Health saving technology

Finger gymnastics. "Winter", " Winter fun»

Theme: Playing out fairy tales with various kinds theatre: "Geese-swans", "Zayushkin's hut".

educational technology

1. "Annual Shrovetide" - our dear guest. Introduce children to the Maslenitsa holiday; tell how it was celebrated in the old days; develop speech activity children.

2. "Three Bears" Remind children of the content of the tale; exercise in comparing objects by size; fix the table setting rules.

3. "Masha and the Bear" Learn to show a familiar fairy tale on a flannelograph; enrich children's vocabulary; develop children's orientation in space; consolidate knowledge of the interior of the hut

4. "A horned goat is coming." Introduce children to the new inhabitant of the hut - the goat Masha; repetition of a familiar nursery rhyme with staging; talk about the benefits of a goat for humans.

Gaming Technology

D / game "Guess what I'm doing", design: Masks for the theater, Game "Continue the phrase and show",

Health saving technology

Finger gymnastics"Herringbone", "Frost".

Working with parents

Consultation "How to choose a fairy tale for the little ones"

Conducting a quiz "Continue the nursery rhyme"

Equipping the subject-developing environment

planar table theater

Creation of a card index "Poteshki"



Work with children

Theme: "Funny carousel"

educational technology

1. "On a visit to the Hostess" Acquaintance with small folklore forms; arouse in children the joy of repeating (pronouncing and speaking) familiar nursery rhymes, pestles, pulls, lullabies together with the teacher; to promote the formation of expressive intonation speech of children of primary preschool age.

2. "Come, spring, with joy" Repeat the signs of spring; to learn with children the nicknames Swallow, swallow, Rooks-kirichi; introduce children to the tradition of baking larks.

3. "Tribbling, guselki" Fix the names of familiar Russian musical instruments; learn to listen to the performances of the Russian orchestra (recorded) carefully; develop interest in Russian folk music.

4. “Visiting Grandma Riddle” Fix the names of pets (cat, dog, goat, cow, etc.); activate mental activity during the game; exercise in expressive intonation during onomatopoeia; cultivate love and careful attitude to animals.

Gaming Technology

The game "What we are doing, we will not say, but we will show." Work on the sketches "Purchasing a theater ticket", "Consolation".

Health saving technology

Breathing exercises "Locomotive", "Stork",

Finger gymnastics " Mom's holiday»

Subject: "Turnip".

educational technology

1. "Magpie-white-sided cooked porridge" To introduce children to a new item of Russian use - a clay pot; repeat the names and purpose of previously studied household utensils; learn to expressively tell a familiar nursery rhyme.

2. "Turnip" Learn to tell a fairy tale from a series of pictures; develop active speech of children; prepare children for staging a fairy tale.

3. "In Grandma's Yard" Create favorable atmosphere for children's word creation; to activate the vocabulary of children; refine children's perceptions of different forms folklore (rhymes, chants, lullabies, riddles, counting rhymes, etc.), their purpose, to teach them to pronounce loudly and clearly.

4. "Ryaba Hen" Introduce children to original text fairy tales; develop memory, speech activity of children; talk about the tradition of painting eggs for Easter.

Gaming Technology

Health saving technology

Exercise for rhythmoplasty "Bears in a cage". Patter "Sasha's stick hit the bumps"

Working with parents

Consultation "Development of creative abilities in a preschooler";

Consultation "Development of children in theatrical activities";

Equipping the subject-developing environment

Making masks.


Work with children

Subject: "If with a friend went on the road"

educational technology

1. “Sun, dress up, red, show yourself” Learn to expressively tell invocations, nursery rhymes about the sun; to teach children to create an image of the sun with a spot, a linear contour, followed by painting; develop active speech of children; cultivate love for nature.

2. “Who lives in the tower” Remind the children the content of the fairy tale; learn to guess riddles about animals; develop memory, creative imagination.

3. "Fair" Tell the children about the fair, the process of buying and selling; learn to memorize and tell jokes, poems about the fair; develop memory, speech of children.

4. "Tales lead a round dance" To develop figurative, expressive, emotional speech in children, to replenish and activate the vocabulary of children; help children remember familiar tales; arouse in children a desire to retell a familiar fairy tale with the help of a teacher, suggest the right words, help build sentences of 3-4 words correctly; cultivate a love for oral folk art

Gaming Technology

Game with imaginary objects, Game “Me too!”, TRIZ"What was - what became",Game "Funny Monkeys"The game "Name a polite word."

Health saving technology

Finger gymnastics "Our group",

"Don't cry, my doll"

Working with parents

Consultation "Fundamentals of theatrical culture";Master class for parents: "Playing, we develop children's speech."