“Mom’s holiday. Our favorite kindergarten

Objective of the project: to form in children a holistic image of the mother - the keeper of the home, who plays a big role in the life of every person.

Foster a culture of behavior and communication, maintaining traditions of caring for the mother;

Project objectives:

Cultivate love and respect for mother. Develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to the mother, to care and bring joy with her actions and actions.

To promote the development of the ability to give a moral assessment of the actions of characters in works of art.

Develop the ability to understand and actively express emotional experience loved ones.

Awaken feelings of humane attitude towards mothers, relatives and friends.

The following forms of work with children were used:

Conversation with children about mother, family: “Acquaintance with the history of the holiday”, “What can you do to please mother”, “Why does mother go to bed late”, “Mom’s holiday”, “Miracle” mother's love"; Conversations - discussions of everyday situations on the topic: “Why is mom sad?”, “What did I do to please mom?”, “How can I say what I did?”, “I’m doing good.”

· Analysis of proverbs about mother: You can buy everything, but you can’t buy your father and mother. Without mother, my dear and the flowers do not grow in color. Every mother loves her child. The child's finger will hurt, and the mother's heart will hurt. Kalacha cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is cuter. It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence. Mother's heart better than the sun warms. A mother's hand is a caress that is soft and fluffy. Maternal care will save you at the bottom of the sea. Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble. Take care of your father and mother - you won’t find others. There is no sweeter friend than my dear mother.

Viewing family photo albums,photos of mothers

Word games“Tell about Mom” Composition descriptive stories with children on the topic “My mother is the best”, “Choose a word”, “Mommy, which one?” (affectionate, kind, sweet, gentle, etc.). “Say kindly”, “Find your mother”, “Whose mother?”

Reading works about mother: Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”; E. Emelyanov " Mom's hands“,” “We need it and don’t want it,” “Mom understands everything,” “Mom’s grief”; N. Artyukhova “Hard Day”; E. Blaginina “Mother’s Day”; M. Plyatskovsky “You are the best in the world”; E. Karganova “About Mom”, E. Moshkovskaya “I Offended Mom”, A. Barto “Mom Sings”; E. Moshkovskaya “I offended my mother”; E. Uspensky “If I were a girl...”; N. Nosov “The most beautiful”.

· Review: reproductions of the great artists Leonardo da Vinci “Madonna Lita”, K. Petrov-Vodkin “Mother”, “Petrograd Madonna”; M. Vasnetsov “The Virgin and Child”;

· Listening and learning songs:“Mom always be by my side”, “Song of the baby mammoth”, “Mom” (first word, main word...), “Circle of the Sun”

Didactic games:"Find the Mistake", "Living Rainbow"

· Plot - role-playing games: « Family celebration", "Mom's Helpers", "Meeting Guests"

Finger gymnastics: “Our Mothers”, “Helpers”, “Salad for Mom”

· Phys. just a minute. Game "Mom"

· Drawing with plasticine. Gift for mom

Drawing portraits of mothers"Most Favorite Person"

· Release of a wall newspaper"Happy Mother's Day to our mothers"

Exhibition of drawings:“This is what our mothers are like! »

Electronic presentation viewing:"The most a beautiful woman!”, “Sunny Circle”

Working with parents: Decor parent's corner information about the holiday, Design of a folder - moving with congratulations for parents.

· Participation in competitions:

All-Russian project for Mother’s Day “I’m proud of my mother”

All-Russian competition creative works"To my beloved mother"

Themed entertainment"Mothers Day"

IN last sunday November in Russia is celebrated special holiday- Mothers Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need our mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

The hall was decorated with children's works.

The boys performed comic ditties how they help mothers

We played games: “Venikobol”, “We litter - we clean up”, “Call your mother affectionately”,

"Finish the proverb"

Video presentation “Happy Mother’s Day!” based on photographs of mothers with children, portraits drawn by children and gifts prepared for mothers.

Then the owners of the book house came for fun! (Little Brownie and Scientist Cat). They told the children riddles about the best fairy-tale mothers.

Sang “Song of the Baby Mammoth”

Then they made riddles about the things every mother needs.

The children read a lot of poems, congratulations and wishes.

Played the game “Draw a Portrait of Mom”

Scene "Dream"

Performing the dance “How are you”

Song “Mom” (first word, main word….

Presentation "Solar Circle"

Portnykh Elena Vasilievna

Thematic project for

"Mother's Day" on preparatory group.

With final presentation

parents' crafts.

« Skillful hands don't know boredom"


The holiday “Mother's Day” is approaching, the holiday of the closest and dearest person to us, who gave us life. Unfortunately, the attitude of children towards their loved ones has been changing lately, and the attitude of parents towards their children may be changing. And what the reason is, alas, is not yet completely clear to me. Maybe in our modern world, parents are very busy with their careers, household chores, and their children lack attention and affection? And the children get angry at their parents for this, offended...? It is very common to see rude treatment between children and parents on the street and in shops. But family is sacred, it is a little world that should be full of love, understanding and kindness. And we, as educators, raising children 12 hours a day, must instill in our children respectful attitude to your family, strive to protect yourself and your loved ones, and help each other. Read fiction to students that depicts positive points from family life; play role-playing games about family...

And looking at my students with love, I wanted to create for them and their parents, wonderful holiday, where the closest and dearest will gather. For this holiday, the project “Dear Mommy, Angel from Heaven” was created.

Objective of the project – the formation of an in-depth understanding of the family as the most sacred and reliable thing in a person’s life. Know and keep your family traditions, betray them from generation to generation.

Project objectives:

Creation favorable atmosphere at a matinee;
- Teach children to pass on their positive emotions to loved ones, through reading a poem;
- Develop Creative skills children;
- Create a desire to give gifts to your loved ones;

Project participantsare children, teachers and parents.

Date and place of implementation- November 2015. MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11" in Nizhneudinsk.

Expected results:

- Children should know their address, the city in which they live; Know the last name, first name and patronymic of both your own and your parents;
- Know your historical roots;
- Understand that good family- this is an example to follow.

Project participants:

    Children of the preparatory group;

    Group teachers;

    Music worker;


Project implementation plan:

Implementation date: November
Responsible: group teachers

The content of the work:

Preparatory stage:selection methodological literature; learning a poem about loved ones; learning songs, consultation with parents.

Target: preparation for the holiday “Dear Mommy, Angel from Heaven”; cooperation with parents in preparation for the final entertainment.

Main stage of the project:

Conversations: “My family”, “My mother”, listen to M. Zoshchenko’s story “An Indicative Child”.

Target - Know the last name, first name, patronymic of your parents, where they work, common interests in family. During the conversation, give children an idea about the family, about the special role of the mother in the family. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, tenderness and affection. Since 2009, the “Talk to Me Mom” campaign has been taking place. An innovative project was developed on a current topic..

Parent gatherings to get acquainted with the results of the survey and discuss ideas for implementing the project.

Preparation of visual information for the “Parental commandments” memo, posters “You won’t find a better friend than a mother”, “Not the mother who gives birth, but the one who rewards with her heart.”

Preparation and design, with the help of parents, of the photo exhibition “Our Beloved Mothers”, stand design: “Skillful hands know no boredom! "

Integration directly educational program areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard during the implementation of the “Mother’s Day” project:

Educational area


Tasks for preparatory children preschool educational institutions groups


role-playing games “Mom at home”, “Family”, “Mom in the store”, “Mom in the hospital”, “Mom at work” (mom-hairdresser, mom-seller, mom-doctor, mom-nurse, mom-painter );

viewing the photo vernissage “She is dearer to me than anyone else... This is my mother”;

didactic games“Choose an outfit for the holiday”, “Set the table”, “Decorate the hat”, “Mom - babies”;

looking at family photo albums

Continue to develop play activity children, improve the ability to independently choose a theme for the game, develop a plot based on the knowledge gained from the perception of the environment.

Form gender and family affiliation


conversation on the topic

“How I help my mother at home”, “Mom’s favorite hobby»

Develop a desire together with an adult and with their help to carry out passive work assignments


conversation on the topics “Different mothers are needed, different mothers are important”, “How to help your mother prepare a salad”

Expand ideas about adult work


learning poems by heart by E. Blaginin “Let’s sit in silence”,

M.Rodina “Mom’s Hands”

word game"Mommy"

thematic educational activity "Mother's Day"

Continue to learn how to expressively retell and narrate a literary text

Reading fiction

reading stories: Emelyanov B. MOTHER’S HANDS, E. Permyak “How Misha wanted to outwit his mother”, “Mother’s grief”, fairy tales “Cuckoo” (Nenets) arr. K. Sharova, “Ayoga” (Nanaisk), “Tales of a Stupid Mouse” by S. Marshak, poems: S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, A. Barto “Separation”, “Conversation with Mom”, “Mom” goes to work”, M. Plyatskovsky “Mom’s song”,

E. Blaginina “Mother’s Day”

To develop a desire to talk about your attitude to a specific act of a literary character, to help children understand the hidden motives of the heroes of the work, to introduce them to the art of words

Artistic creativity

making “Apple” magnets as gifts for mothers on Mother’s Day;

drawing portraits of mothers, on the theme “My Mommy” “Outfit for Mom”;

modeling “Sweets for Mom”, “Flowers for Mom”;

coloring coloring books on the theme “Family”;

exhibition of children's works “I give it to my mom, I thank her for everything”

Improve visual skills and abilities, form artistic and creative capabilities. Develop a sense of shape, color, proportions; artistic taste

At the end theme week celebration held:

"Mothers Day"

A photo exhibition was made:

"Our beloved mothers"

An exhibition of my mother's works was made:

“Skillful hands know no boredom”


    Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S. , M.A. Vasilyeva.Psample basic general education program for preschool education« From birth to school." M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

    Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in senior group kindergarten.- M.: Education.

    Krasnoshchekova N.V. Plot-role-playing games for preschool children. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012.

    Sakhipova Z.G. We read to children. - Leningrad: Education, 1987.

    About mom. Poems and stories. - M.: Children's literature, 1988.

For children 4-5 years old
1. Tell your child about the holiday of March 8th: who is congratulated on this day, why it is called “Mother’s Day”. Help me remember information.

2. Teach your child words of congratulations so that he can say them to his sister, grandmother, mother, etc. on this day.

3. Ask the child to tell how he helps his grandmother, mother (story from personal experience).

4. Exercise “Choose a sign” to coordinate adjectives with nouns and to activate the dictionary.
Mom (which one?) - ...
Sister (which one?) - ...
Grandmother (which one?) - ...

5. Exercise “Call it kindly” to form nouns using diminutive suffixes.
Mom - mommy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mother...
Grandmother - ...
Sister - ...
Aunt - ...

6. Exercise for fingers to develop fine motor skills.

Our family is big and cheerful,
(rhythmic hand clapping and fist bumps alternately)

Two are standing at the bench,
(fold over thumbs on both hands)

Two want to study
(fold over index fingers on both hands)

Two Stepans are gorging themselves on sour cream,
(curl your middle fingers)

Two Dashas are eating at the porridge,
(fold over ring fingers)

Two Ulki are rocking in a cradle.
(bend your little fingers)

7. Development auditory memory, attention.
Learn a poem (any poem of your choice).

Mother's day
G. Vieru

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing,
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to mom,
Although it didn't bloom.
And me with the flower so tenderly
Mom hugged
That my snowdrop has opened
From her warmth.

Y. Akim

Mom, I love you so much
That I don’t really know!
I'm a big ship
I'll give you the name "MOM"!

Mother's day
E. Blaginina

I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look:
“What will I give my mother tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe some candy?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower-light.

For children 5-7 years old
March 8th - International Women's Day

1. Talk to your child about the holiday, ask what kind of holiday it is and who is being congratulated on this day.

2. Tell the story of the origin of the tradition of celebrating March 8th. Help you remember information.

3. Teach the child the words of congratulations that he will have to say on this day to his mother, grandmother, sister, etc.

4. Exercise “Name words that are relatives” - we learn to select words with the same root.
Mom - mommy, mother, mummy, etc.
Grandmother - ...
Aunt - ...
Sister - ...

5. Exercise “Choose a sign” to agree adjectives with nouns.
Mom (which one?) - kind, caring, loving, affectionate, tender, beautiful, etc.
Grandmother (which one?) - ...
Sister (which one?) - ...
Aunt (which one?) - ...

6. Exercise “Count” to coordinate numerals with nouns.
One grandmother, two grandmothers, three grandmothers, four grandmothers, five grandmothers, ...
One sister, two sisters, three sisters, four sisters, five sisters,...
One aunt, two aunts, three aunts...

7. Exercise “Say the opposite” for selecting antonyms.
Grandma is old, and mother is...
Mom is tall, and you are...

8. Exercise “Helper” on the ability to change verbs by tense.
I wash the floor today - tomorrow I... (wash the floor) - yesterday I... (washed the floor).
I wash my clothes now - tomorrow I wash my clothes... - yesterday I wash my clothes...

9. Development of fine motor skills.
Draw a portrait of your mother or grandmother.
Do greeting card for grandmother (aunt, sister) in the form of an applique.

10. Development of auditory memory, expressiveness of speech.
Learn a poem (at least 2-3, at the child’s choice).

V. Nesterenko

A) Mom, grandmother, sister - all dressed up in the morning.
They accept congratulations, even though it’s not their birthday.
Each holiday gift and the bouquet - it is very bright.
And another surprise awaits them - dad and I baked a cake.
We washed all the dishes and put everything in order.
We forgot the word "laziness", that's what "Women's Day" means!
And my sister asked us: “Will this happen every time?”

B) Our grandmother is very kind,
Our grandmother is very old.
Our grandmother has many wrinkles,
With them she is even better and more beautiful.
Grandmother warm mittens will tie
Grandma will tell you a fairy tale in the evening.
We are ready to listen to it for hours,
If she forgets, we’ll tell her ourselves.

B) I love my mother,
I will always help her:
I wash, rinse,
I shake the water off my hands,
I'll sweep the floor clean
And I’ll chop firewood for her.
Mom needs to rest
Mom wants to sleep.
I walk on tiptoes.
And never once
And never once
I won't say a word.

Yarkevich Inna Georgievna, teacher speech therapy group, MBDOU children's combined garden No. 25, Krasnodar region, Leningrad district, art. Krylovskaya.
Integrated lesson in the preparatory group is subordinated lexical topic"Mothers Day". It includes different types games and exercises. In progress organized activities children learn to treat a woman with care, find out the meaning of the most important person in life - the Mother, and develop a desire to treat their mother carefully and carefully.

Date of publication: 12/24/2015

Summary of the organized educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic: “ Mom's heart».

Integration educational areas: Social - communicative, speech development, cognition, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.

Application of technologies: Health-saving, gaming, unconventional techniques drawing.

Software tasks: teach children to treat a woman with care, show the importance in the life of the most important person - the Mother, form attentive and careful attitude to mother; develop speech hearing, imaginative perception, logical thinking, attention. Continue to learn how to solve problem situations; highlight the main idea of ​​the poem and perceive their relationship with life phenomena; compose descriptive stories using a mnemonic table, tell them consistently and grammatically correct. Improve general speech skills, coordination of speech with movement, fine motor skills. To instill in children a sense of mercy, goodwill, generosity, love and respect for mothers.

Materials and equipment: Multimedia equipment, laptop, mobile phone, audio recording of the song “Mom’s Heart” by K. Breitburg, E. Melnik, microphone, tags - pictures, ball, chalk, object pictures on magnets, audio recording of the voices of the group’s mothers, gouache.


1. Organizational moment.

Educator. Children, what do you think will happen if mom goes on a business trip for a month? (It will be sad, boring; there will be no one to cook Tasty food; no one will read a bedtime story like mom; I will miss my mother’s tender hands.)

Don’t worry, guys, because we live in the age of information technology, that is, at a time when you can contact someone dear to you, no matter where in the country or world he is. And having contacted him, tell him the kindest and most necessary words during separation, which we rarely say when mom is nearby.

(I dial numbers on mobile phone and pass it on to the child. Children tell their mothers words of tenderness, love, how they miss them and are waiting for their return).

Educator. Why do you think we are talking about mom today? (Mother's Day is approaching.)

Mothers Day - important holiday, it appeared not so long ago, but is gradually and confidently entering our homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good ones kind words We didn’t tell our mothers, no matter how many reasons we came up with for this, they wouldn’t be superfluous.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Listen to how simple and affectionate this word sounds. It is not surprising that every child remembers and pronounces it first. Mom is affection, Mom is peace, comfort,

care, love that surrounds us from birth. You can’t say it’s better than what’s sung in the song.

2. Game "Interview".

Educator. Today, on the instructions of the editorial department of the newspaper “Steppe Dawns,” I am a correspondent and, with your permission, I would like to interview you for an article.

(I take the microphone and address the children with questions):

How is your mother's name?

What is her job?

How are you like your mother?

How do you help her at home?

How often do you upset your mother and with what actions?

What can you do to please your mother?

Thank you for the interview, read the article in the upcoming holiday issue.

Educator. Why do we love mother? (For her deeds, caring for us; for her love for us).

When our mother teaches us, instructs us to do the right thing, we should not be offended by her for this, because she wishes us well. But things happen in life different situations and mom’s advice can always come in handy.

3. Discussion of life situations.

Guests will come to you, mom is preparing a treat - your actions.

Mom came home tired from work - your actions.

There is a cartoon on TV, and mom lies down to rest - your actions.

In the store, you ask your mother to buy a tablet, but she does not have the required amount - your actions.

Your brother was rude to your mother - your actions.

4. Game “What fits?”

(On the walls group room tags - pictures are attached, the teacher throws a ball to the child and asks a question, and the child must find the appropriate answer tag - picture and answer the question).

Where will we go with mom? (Carousel)

What did my mother give me? (Ball)

What is mom baking? (Cake)

What does my mother read to me? (Fairy tale)

What will mom tell you? (Stars)

How can I help my mother? (Dishes)

5. Presentation “My Mother”.

Educator. Guys, you and your dads have prepared presentations about your mothers, let's watch them.

Many poets, composers, artists glorified the woman - Mother in their works. Mother is spoken of with special reverence in the poem “To Mom” by our fellow countryman from the village of Krylovskaya, Leonid Deonisovich Miroshnichenko.

I remember how, clinging to the pillow,

I couldn't sleep without your hands,

How you gave us toys,

She raised three of them as best she could.

But everyone had enough warmth from their souls.

We grew stronger from her fire,

How early did you turn gray...

Forgive me for everything, for everything about me,

For the nights that I didn’t get enough sleep,

For the troubles that suddenly happened,

Because she suffered because of us,

Oh, mom, my most faithful friend.

I thank fate and God,

That you are alive and with us,

That life is not an easy road -

Didn’t separate me in difficult times.

Educator. What could the poet not sleep without? (Without mother's hands, affection).

Why did the poet’s mother turn gray early? (It was a difficult, hungry time; I didn’t get enough sleep, I suffered; I worked a lot).

Who does the poet call his mother? Why? (A faithful friend. Because she always supported, helped, protected).

What does he thank God for? (Because my mother, although old, is still alive).

Composing a poem is not easy, it is a great talent. Nikita and I tried to compose a poem about his mother. Nikita will read it.

They say it's my mother's

The name is very “snowy”

But I know for sure that it is

Not from the word "snow"

And from the word “tenderness”.

At my granny's

The daughter was desired.

And she decided to call

Mommy - Snezhana.

Performed by mommy

All my whims

And in return I am for her

I make surprises.

I asked my mom

I'm Vladik's brother,

She brought it

He says: “From kindergarten.”

And now Vladik and I ask

Look after my sister

So necessary for mommy

Assistant Alyonka.

I love you very much

And I feel sorry for mommy

I won't leave her for anything,

When she's old.

6. Game “Igrovisor” (a group of objects on a magnetic board)

Educator. Connect the items corresponding to the tasks with lines.

Mom is going to a party. (Hat, beads, ball, doll, comb, mirror);

Mother is cooking. (Stove, pan, book, car, flowers, vegetables, pie);

Mom is doing the laundry. ( Washing machine, powder, apple, tap, banana, clothes);

Mom is resting. (TV, vacuum cleaner, tape recorder, chair, dirty dishes).

Educator. Guys, what kind of mothers are called those with many children? (Those who have many children). There are such mothers in our group: Dani’s mother and Vika’s mother.

7. Physical exercise “Helpers”.

I love my mom

I will always help her: Perform the corresponding text

I wash, rinse, move.

I'll sweep the floor clean

And I’ll chop firewood for her.

Mom needs to rest

Mom wants to sleep.

I'm walking on tiptoes

And never once

And I will never say a word.

8. “Finish the proverb.”

“Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from (mother’s milk)”;

“For a mother – a child up to a hundred years old – (baby)”;

“When the sun is bright, when (mother is good)”;

“The bird is happy about spring, and (the mother’s baby).”

9. Breathing exercises “Pearl divers.”

Educator. We'll give it to moms Pearl necklace? On seabed There are beautiful pearls lying around, those who can hold their breath can get them.

(Children in a standing position take two calm breaths and two calm exhalations through the nose, and with the third deep breath they close their mouths, pinch their nose with their fingers and squat until they want to take a breath).

Educator. Children, what do you think are the most unhappy mothers now? (Mothers of Ukraine). Why? (Their children die, suffer from hunger and cold, and their mothers are unable to help them). Yes, guys, because war is the most terrible evil that can exist in the world. Mothers are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their children and a peaceful sky. Mother…

She teaches us patiently

Work together and be friends,

Do everything joyfully and beautifully

And love your homeland.

That's how it goes, I guess.

I've been standing on this for a long time:

The one who loves his mother, probably

He loves his homeland.

10. Compiling a descriptive story about mom using a mnemonic diagram.

Educator. Mom's hands do not know boredom. They knit, they sew, they cook, they wash. We believe and know that mother’s hands are miraculous. That’s why as soon as something hurts us, or we hurt our arm or hurt ourselves, we immediately run to our mother. Mother! Mother! And lo and behold!!! As soon as mother presses us to her, strokes us where it hurts,

and now the pain is less, or even completely gone. Children look at their mother and learn skills from her, not like children from Grandma Malanya.

12. Round dance game “Grandma Malanya” (comic).

At Malanya's, at the old woman's, the children move in a circle in one direction,

They lived in a small hut holding hands.

Seven daughters

Seven sons

All without eyebrows. They stop using gestures and

With eyes like these, facial expressions depict what is being said

With such ears, in the text.

With such a mustache

With such a head

With such a beard...

Didn't eat anything

They sat all day, squatted down and

They looked at her, resting their chin on their hand.

They did it like this... Repeat any movements after the leader.

Educator. Guys, yesterday we painted portraits of our mothers. I suggest you complete the decoration for your mothers - a string of pearls that we collected on the seabed. Then we will place them in portraits in the reception area so that mothers can see your drawings and, hopefully, recognize themselves and be happy.

Bottom line. Why do you think the holiday we celebrate – Mother’s Day – is important? (We need to pay attention to mothers more often; once again reminds the whole country that mother is the most main man in the world). Don't forget to congratulate your mothers on the holiday!

Summary of the thematic conversation "Mom, my mommy" in the senior group

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the State Autonomous Educational Institution JSC Secondary Professional Education "Chernoyarsk Provincial College" Kindergarten " gold fish" Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district

This material will be useful for educators and parents when conducting a thematic conversation with children of senior preschool age.

Target:To instill in children respect and care, to provide a caring attitude, a desire to help and do nice for mom, the dearest and closest person on earth, among children of senior preschool age.

Tasks. Summarize children's knowledge about international holiday"Mothers Day"; consolidate children's knowledge about adult professions.

Summary of a thematic conversation in the senior group

Progress of the conversation

Educator. Hello dear children! Today you and I will have interesting conversation...
Guess for yourself what topic we will talk about.
My riddle will help you with this. Listen carefully.
Who warms with love
Everything in the world succeeds,
Even play a little?
Who will always console you,
And he washes and combs his hair,
A kiss on the cheek?
That's what she's always like
My dear.
Children fill in the missing word (mommy)
Educator. That's right, guys, you guessed it.
Today we will talk about our beloved mothers.
Children, what does your mother mean to you? (Children's answers) Okay, well done.

Educator.(Summarizes children's answers)
Mom is the most dear and close person. She will always protect, help in Hard time. Mom will always understand you and console you.
Educator. Guys, maybe someone would like to tell me a poem about their mother?
Children. Yes! (Read poetry)

1.Everyone in the world loves mom,
Mom's first friend
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.

2.If anything happens,
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.

3.Mom has a lot of strength and health
Gives to us all
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Educator. Mom is the most important person in life for all of us children.
Today you guys have prepared photos with your mothers. Let's each of you tell us about your dear mother.
The children take turns showing a photo of their mother and telling about her, what is their mother’s name, what does their mother do? What are your hobbies? How do children help their mothers?

Educator. Well done, the guys spoke well about their mothers, thank you.

Physical education lesson "Helpers"

Together we help mom -
We rinse the laundry ourselves (bending over)
One, two, three, four, (sideways movements)
Stretched, (hung up the laundry)
Well done! (we pat ourselves on the head with our hand)
Educator. Well done, good helpers!

Educator. Children, do you know mothers’ holidays?
Children. Yes! (name holidays) There will be another holiday soon. Who knows what it's called? (Mother's Day) That's right!
Educator. Soon we will celebrate wonderful holiday.
Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.
This year it will be on November 30th.
Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

The game is being played: "Heart for Mom"

Children say tender words about mom.
Educator. Well done, love your mothers!
Guys, let's draw for our mothers tomorrow beautiful bouquets and give it to them. Yes, don't forget to invite mommies to our Mother's Day holiday. Mommies will be happy!
Educator(at the end of the conversation)
Children, what would you wish for your mothers?
Children. So that our mothers are always healthy, beautiful and young.
Educator.Well done boys. I am sure that you love your mothers very much.