Facial skin care procedures. Facial treatments: the most popular and innovative methods

Eternal youth- this is an unattainable dream of the female half of humanity. However, by properly caring for yourself and doing facials regularly, you will look even ten years younger. In cosmetology, there are many different procedures. Consider the main and most popular.

Procedures in the salon

  • Face massage. This is a common way of care among clients of spa salons, because with its help you can achieve an amazing effect. Among salon procedures, massage has no equal for maintaining the tone and elasticity of the skin of the face. As a rule, light peeling is done first, and then a classic massage.
  • Face cleaning. If the skin is prone to redness and has enlarged pores, then facial cleansing The best way care. After the procedure, the skin becomes matte, uniform and with proper care later, it is enough to visit a beautician only once a year. But if the skin bad condition The procedure is recommended to be done once a month.
  • Peeling. When using this method of facial care, the skin becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles disappear, dark spots. More deep peelingfruit acids. Which type to apply depends on what effect the beautician seeks. It is important to remember that it is recommended to carry it out in autumn and winter, when Sun rays not so active. But even in these seasons, it is essential to use a face cream with the highest sun protection factor.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy. With this procedure, the skin is nourished with special cocktails, based on hyaluronic acid, for example. It works best if you take a course of 5-10 procedures. It all depends on the condition of the skin. The number of procedures is negotiated separately.
  • Thermolifting. This hardware method treatment, the most popular among salon clients, because this procedure uses the body's own resources - the production of collagen. This procedure it is better to do a course of 8 times for young skin and 10 times for mature skin. And in the future, take it 1 time per month to maintain the result.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many have gone through me. famous people who wanted to look younger. Currently plastic surgery loses its relevance because science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Facial care at home


The first step of cleansing depends on the type of skin. Owners oily skin first, it is better to wash with warm water and soap, and then remove the remnants of contamination with a sponge moistened with a special lotion. If the skin is dry, you should not use soap, as it dries the face even more, it is better to use special foams for washing.

Peeling at home

Cosmetic scrubs are used for peeling, but they should be used carefully by owners of dry skin. Therefore, at home you can cook a gentle option.

Oatmeal scrub. In crushed in a coffee grinder cereals, add some warm water, yogurt or sour cream. Mix everything until the consistency of gruel. Treat the skin of the face with the resulting gruel, avoiding the area under the eyes. This peeling is best done once every 2 weeks.

Peeling gives a good effect coffee grounds. To do this, apply a warm thick on the face, previously cleansed, wait until it cools down, and then remove the composition from the skin of the face with gentle massaging movements. Wash off the rest with warm water.

Chemical peeling is replaced by rubbing the face with a slice of lemon. Lemon acid removes dead skin cells. Then wash your face with warm water and moisturizing foam.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have investigated, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from folk methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative botox. main feature that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

After all the procedures performed, be sure to use a cream according to your skin type. Do not leave your skin without moisture and nourishment.

Take good care of your face regularly to keep your skin young and healthy. long years. Our advice will help you with this.

No matter how much women experiment with their appearance, it's no secret that only professional care behind the face in the beauty salon will give them the satisfaction of being displayed in the mirror. After all, some discoveries in the field of cosmetology have made a real breakthrough, pushing the aging process for a long time, offering ladies a choice of ways to solve their problems.

How to choose facial skin care in the salon?

To provide effective care for facial skin, beauty salon offers innovative means and cosmetic preparations. Professionals begin work with a personal selection of procedures that determine further tactics, which can be aimed at:

  • skin regeneration;
  • correction of age-related changes;
  • hydrogenation and vitaminization;
  • whitening;
  • skin tone equalization;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • turgor recovery.

It is worth entrusting face care in the salon to a professional who must:

  1. provide multiple options for solving problems;
  2. explain the mechanism of action of the proposed method or preparation;
  3. take into account the individual characteristics of the client.

Most popular procedures representing salon care for facial skin include:

  • preliminary preparation of the skin for the load;
  • impact by progressive means;
  • dermal rehabilitation.

They have age and seasonal restrictions, and differ in the complexity of the technology. So, the rating of the most popular procedures includes:

  1. peelings responsible for cleansing and restoring the skin;
  2. mesotherapy - a cocktail of useful substances restoring lost freshness and youthfulness to the face;
  3. biorevitalization - skin rejuvenation, due to the saturation of its cells with hyaluronic acid;
  4. massage is a traditional, but not losing its position, way to restore skin elasticity and get rid of wrinkles;
  5. cryotherapy to stop skin aging.

Professional beautician in beauty salons is obliged to provide quality facial treatments, be responsible for the safety of the health of the client, maintain the reputation of his institution.

Mesotherapy is performed to rejuvenate the skin. With special thin needles, an apparatus or with the help of physical impact on different parts of the dermis, a balanced lipid composition is introduced - a cocktail of hyaluronic acid and a drug-vitamin complex, which:

  • slows down the aging process at the cell level;
  • activates metabolism;
  • regenerates the skin.

At the same time, ladies - 25+, she is also shown. Experts refer mesotherapy to universal means facial care, thanks to the ability to:

  • fight against rosacea;
  • reduce acne and inflammation;
  • brighten the dermis;
  • regulate sebum secretion.

After a detailed examination, the cosmetologist determines the composition of the drug (synthetic, herbal) and the method of the procedure (non-injection or injection).

Mesotherapy is an exclusively salon procedure that awakens natural collagen production and stimulates the body's own resources. The result is a beautiful, well-groomed, fresh and radiant face.

Professional facial cleansing in the salon is represented by peelings. With the help of proven quality funds the cosmetologist helps the client to remove fine wrinkles, relieve inflammation, rejuvenate the dermis. Peels are:

  • Superficial. Acting exclusively on the upper layers of the epidermis, they cleanse the skin, make it more receptive to nutrition, and moisturize well. They are called “weekend” peels, as they are light types, they only refresh the skin without solving the problem of age-related changes.
  • Median. They work in the deeper layers of the skin, including the papillary dermis. Perfectly cleanse the skin from the stratum corneum, are recommended for elimination mimic wrinkles, age stretch marks, creases resulting from the loss of turgor. It should be done in seasons with the least solar activity - in autumn and winter.
  • Deep. They are considered the most aggressive type, which is carried out in a hospital under general anesthesia in order to eliminate deep wrinkles and major age-related changes.

Peelings are carried out in different ways:

  • Mechanical - by grinding with diamond dust and brushes.
  • Physical - acting on the skin with ultrasound or a laser.
  • Chemical - erasing the upper layer of the epidermis with acids (fruit, mandelic, lactic, tartaric, glycolic).

The number of treatments depends on the condition of the skin and desired result.

The effectiveness of professional salon procedures for the face with the help of masks is a real delight for many clients. Their composition is varied and depends on the type of skin:

  • Oily. Are used herbal masks based on powders or extracts, as well as extracts from medicinal herbs and flowers.
  • Dry. Well suited biomatrix - natural gel mask that hydrates the skin.
  • Sensitive. Masks, which include paraffin and wax, perfectly soothe the skin - such facial care can only be provided in a beauty salon.
  • Inflamed. Clay-based pasty forms are used.
  • Mature skin. Masks are used for facial contouring, with placental and collagen components, helping to restore the elasticity and structure of the epidermis.

These are comfortable, relaxing procedures that can perform a miracle, transforming a face in need of care beyond recognition.

Professional care includes massage as well. effective remedy face care. Its action is directed against:

  • edema;
  • fuzzy contour;
  • wrinkles;
  • second chin.

Massage is a great way to return healthy look skin, improve its color. For different zones individuals use certain techniques:

  • Classical. It is performed along cosmetic lines with light stroking movements. Recommended for normal skin in order to maintain the elasticity of the dermis and clarity of lines.
  • Plastic. With the help of tangible manipulations with hands or with the use of devices and devices, the contour of the face is modeled, edema is removed (lymphatic drainage, sculptural, vacuum, cryomassage).
  • Plucked. The cosmetic effect of it is noticeable immediately on problematic thick skin, burdened with acne, comedones, scars.
  • Spot. Improves microcirculation, forms a muscular frame.

The peculiarity of this procedure, available only in a beauty salon, is the cooling of the upper layer of the dermis liquid nitrogen. This manipulation does not bring discomfort to clients, it is safe and painless.

Nitrogen is applied to the face manually ( cotton pad) or with the help of special devices (sprayer or electrophoresis).

In the absence of contraindications, which include rosacea, this method relieves irritation from the skin, restores blood circulation, eliminates swelling, stimulates local immunity. As a result, the face looks renewed - the tone is evened out, the complexion improves, pigmentation disappears.

For the purpose of radical changes in appearance associated with age characteristics, giving a face a special shape, eliminating cosmetic defects, plastic surgery comes to the aid of women. Most often, ladies resort to such operations as:

  • Blepharoplasty ( surgery on the bottom and upper eyelids). Eliminates signs of aging around the eyes, helps to restore the expressiveness of the look.
  • Facelift (circular and endoscopic lifting). Allows you to reset at least 10 years, eliminating signs senile face- drooping corners of the eyes, mouth, cheeks, wrinkles in the eyes and forehead.
  • Contour plastic with fillers. With the help of biomaterials, sagging areas of the face are filled - nasolabial folds, wrinkles, lips.

Without exception, all salon procedures are carried out taking into account individual features, in the absence of contraindications. For best effect a full course of procedures is required, which will be determined by a cosmetologist.

Learn about salon procedures that are already losing popularity:

“A well-groomed girl will always achieve what a woman in a dressing gown cannot achieve”
Evelina Khromtchenko

To look like young, Beautiful And well-groomed- that's exactly what every woman dreams! But life asks own rhythm, every day we run and hurry, we need to be in time and redo so many things. time for yourself sorely lacking. It also happens that in the eternal cycle of worries, there is no desires take care of yourself.

And yet it's not worth to give up And launch yourself, because in order to maintain their beauty And Charm, all you need 20-30 minutes in a day. Don't believe? Let's figure out what you need to do to look well-groomed.

Do it daily 10 simple procedures which include care behind the face, body and hair.

Start face care because the face is ours business card , all our successes and failures, sleepless nights, age and lifestyle immediately reflected as puffiness under the eyes, discoloration and wrinkles. They say the more time we spend caring for our face, the less time we need to makeup!

1. Start with cleansing. This most important procedure and carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, and in the evening cleansing should be the most thorough. For this you need to use water(boiled or mineral) and/or cleanser.

2. After washing with a cotton swab, apply tonic or lotion, which cleanses the skin from the remains of the gel for washing, as well as tones the skin.

Here it should be noted that, in addition to cleansing and toning once a week, it is necessary to carry out more deep cleansing scrub.

3. Depending on the time of day, apply moisturizing(morning) or nutritious(In the evening) cream. Do not forget the same about the neck and décolleté.

Recommended once or twice a week moisturizing or nourishing masks.

4. After 25-30 years old cosmetologists advise to apply daily gel or cream for thin and sensitive skin around eyes, and then 40 And fat cream for the region around the mouth.

Having made it a habit to regularly care for your face, take care of body. Body care can be timed, for example, to evening hygiene procedures.

5. Use while showering or bathing shower gel, which has a gentle effect and does not dry out the skin. Use once or twice a week Body Scrub, with its help you can easily get rid of dead and keratinized skin particles.

6. After taking a bath or shower, use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics.

Daily basic hair care much more important expensive and intricate procedures held in the barbershop. Only daily attention to hair able to keep the hair in good condition.

7. Impossible to imagine well-groomed woman With messy hair , so the simplest rule is hair must be clean even if they have to be washed every day.

8. Pick up and use shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type.

9. In the morning and in the evening comb hair massage comb, she will not only quickly unravel the hair, but also provide massage effect.

10. Occasionally pamper your hair nourishing and healing masks.

This the most important daily face, body and hair care routines. Of course, this is not a complete set of events, here it is worth adding more physical exercise , massage, caring for hands and feet, depilation, eyebrow shaping, trimming the ends of the hair and even SPA treatments.

All these self-care activities are better distribute within a week or month evenly, so that, for example, on weekdays you spend no more than half an hour, and on weekends we could give yourself more time and attention.

The skin is awakening

Yes, yes, she wakes up much earlier than you think. At 5:00-5:30, even if you are still sound asleep, she is already ready for the procedures. If your morning starts so early, the first thing to do is toning - take cold and hot shower. And then wipe your face with ice cubes. The skin will immediately acquire tone, elasticity and smoothness, and its color will freshen up. Chamomile or green tea ice cubes made the night before. If you wake up much later than your skin, this does not mean that toning can be neglected. Skin finally woke up. The pores open and the work of the endocrine glands is activated. At this time, the epidermis absorbs everything with incredible speed. During the night, the skin has time to accumulate toxins that provoke rashes. It needs to be cleansed and moisturized. Wipe the face with tonic (if the skin is dry or normal). If oily - lotion with antibacterial effect or wash with cleansing foam. Then start moisturizing. The skin is now easily absorbing moisture, mineral and nutrients- all that you offer her as part of the care products. In the morning, make a moisturizing mask, and then use light cream containing vitamins, antioxidants or UV filters (if the sun is still too bright). Apply moisturizer to the skin of the neck and décolleté. Start makeup only after 10 minutes, when the funds are completely absorbed. Tonic, cleansing foam, moisturizing daily cream. Those who usually wake up around 7:00 am may develop swelling. Surprisingly, if you get up 30-40 minutes earlier or later, this disadvantage can be avoided.

One of the most favorable periods for the skin. Accelerates metabolism and blood circulation. Therefore, any procedure is more effective. Assign improvement procedures during this time appearance skin and rejuvenation therapy. You can safely sign up for beauty injections, different kind peelings and whitening (if the season permits), biorevitalization, mesotherapy. Possibility of any complications and manifestations side effects minimized. Book an appointment with a beautician. At this time, the sensitivity of the skin is increased and the pain threshold is lowered. Therefore, if you are too susceptible to pain, postpone painful procedures for the evening. Despite the fact that the working day is in full swing, a real siesta begins in the body. The skin needs rest and relaxation, it looks tired. metabolic processes are slowing down. Cosmetic procedures are not desirable, the skin is absolutely indifferent to them - care will not bring the desired result. All actions should be aimed only at relaxation. Lunch break - best time to visit the spa. Is there no such possibility? In this case, you should always have with you thermal water- It refreshes and tones.

thermal water or mineral water in spray

Lunch time is ideal for a marathon. If a manicure, pedicure, coloring or haircut is scheduled for this time of day, you can safely go to the salon! In addition, the level of static electricity is reduced - and the hair is easy to style. Probably, our skin knows perfectly well that it is almost impossible to leave work, therefore it does not perceive any care. effect from cosmetics and procedures are reduced to zero. At the same time, skin cells and pores are closed, so any cosmetic manipulation can be almost painless. right time for epilation. In the period from 17:00 to 18:00, a light massage will be a real salvation for tired skin.


In the evening, the body understands as well as we do that the working day is over, and starts the mechanisms of cleansing and absorption. The skin is again more active in perception. Try to remove your makeup as soon as you get back from work. After make-up removal, it is worth doing cleansing procedures. Scrubs, cleansing, masks and steam baths more effective in the evening. Do nourishing mask and apply on the skin nutritious cream, revitalizing emulsion with vitamins, put the cream under the eyes. Apply the funds no later than an hour before bedtime so that they can be well absorbed.

  • Scrub, cleansing mask, nourishing night cream, night cream under the eyes.
  • After 19:00, our body, and therefore the skin, is especially sensitive to various allergens, so you should not try new care products on yourself in the evening.
  • While you sleep, the skin regenerates, its cells divide much faster, collagen production is stimulated. During hours of sleep, the skin restores all its functions, renews tissues that prevent changes in contour and the appearance of wrinkles. Between the second and fifth hours of sleep, blood rushes to the epidermis, cellular respiration intensifies, and more collagen is produced.
  • Put your mobile on silent mode and enjoy your sleep. Night creams, serums and anti-age products applied earlier are only now beginning to act in full force.
  • The opinion that the guarantee of beauty is in a full-fledged dream is undeniable! Go to bed no later than 23:00. It is believed that one hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after. Healthy sleep better than any treatment!

A period of relaxation and rest. The skin gradually calms down, builds up at night. Engage in relaxing treatments, take a bath with aromatic soothing oils. Now you can use anti-cellulite products. Before going to bed, pamper your body with a moisturizing milk with a pleasant aroma. Sea salt, anti-cellulite agent, moisturizing body milk. At this time, epilation is not worth it - the skin risks reddening, irritation may appear.

So you want your favorite shade of lipstick to stay on your lips and please with its brightness for as long as possible! And how annoying it is to find out every time after eating or drinking worn out spots and a smeared texture. You can increase the lifespan of lipstick and make it super resistant in just 7 steps. So, here simple circuit to keep the lipstick on your lips all day long.


To begin with, we moisturize and nourish the lips to make them as even and smooth as possible. On such skin, the shade will lie better. You can use hygienic lipstick or colorless lip balm. It is enough to apply the product for 15-20 minutes, and then remove the excess with a napkin, and you can start makeup.

The basis

Paint your lips after applying the tone as a last resort. As a base for lips, your usual Foundation, but it should be very small. Literally one small drop gently apply with your finger on the skin of the lips, and remove the excess with a napkin.


It is important to have a pencil with lipstick suitable shade. They can easily create the perfect contour. And to make the lipstick last longer, carefully paint over the entire surface of the lips with a pencil. This technique will create the background necessary for the durability of lipstick.


Now you need to fix the base layer. Perfect for this purpose loose powder. It is better to take mineral - it has no shade and has a silky texture.


Now you can apply lipstick. Slowly and gently spread the product, not missing a corner or a crease. For quick and high-quality application, use a special lipstick brush.


Lipstick also needs to be fixed. Powder your lips again, barely touching a layer of lipstick. To maintain the juiciness of the shade, do this through a thin paper napkin, and for matte effect Powder your lips directly over the top coat.


In order to achieve maximum color fastness, repeat the pencil-powder-lipstick-powder sequence 1-2 more times.

Ready! Enjoy color and a flawless look without constant touch-ups.

5 Stylish Ways to Wear a Sweater When It's Spring But It's Still Cold

We have already said more than once that it is still too early to put warm clothes on distant shelves. Because the warm, at first glance, the sun is not yet a guarantee of truly warm days. And the off-season is rich in unpredictability. So, the sweater should still remain in your favorites until at least the end of March. And with what to wear this universal little thing to surprise unusual images and look modern (and not like a granny), we'll tell you now.

With plaid trousers

Plaid trousers are a hot hit of the outgoing winter. And so fond of that in the spring is not going to give up its positions. So this stylish chance can not be missed.

With a leather pencil skirt

A leather skirt is always sexy. A leather pencil skirt- doubly sexy. In addition, it is also universal - in this form you can not only go for a walk or meeting with friends, but also to work - the length and style allow.

With leather pants

Leather trousers in a duet with a sweater look no less attractive and bold. Especially with a short sheepskin coat or an insulated leather jacket. The image will turn out to be so self-sufficient that it will not require additional accessories. Of course, not for the office, but is it only in it that our whole life consists?

With mom jeans

If you are not in the mood for such an extravagant wave, call on your favorite jeans to help. We hope you have this mom model with a high waist. Indeed, in addition to being fashionable and stylish, they are also incredibly comfortable.

With cargo pants

And here is the bombing novelty of spring - cargo pants. Just the case when brutality plays into the hands of femininity. We strongly recommend to acquire such a universal little thing.

Of course, if you want to be the most fashionable in the spring streets.