How to make honey face masks at home: recipes, secrets, tips, reviews. Mask with vegetable oil and apple. Homemade face masks with honey

A large number of various cosmetic products appear on the market every year. But the popularity of home remedies is not decreasing, and even increasing.

Honey is one of the leading drugs in home cosmetics. Its beneficial properties have been known for centuries. And the secret of youth and beauty of the ancient Egyptians lies precisely in the use of bee products in daily care.

Useful properties of honey for facial skin

The easiest way to use honey is to apply it daily on your face for 20 minutes. The skin will begin to please with its appearance in a few weeks. And after 14 days, friends will begin to elicit the secret of such a noticeable rejuvenation.

Honey has a unique composition, all the secrets of this product are not yet fully understood.

The composition contains all representatives of the vitamin B group, which support the normal functioning of tissues, promote the formation of new cells, protect them from the harmful effects of external factors.

Presence in the composition ascorbic acid helps natural production collagen. Zinc and polyphenols accelerate the process of skin renewal, eliminate the results of oxidative processes.

Homemade face masks with honey

The main advantage of honey is its naturalness and availability. You can cook many things by yourself useful tools, which can cope with almost all dermatological deficiencies. And also to prevent premature aging and wilting of the epidermis.

What are the benefits of honey masks:

  • products based on bee products can penetrate as deep as possible into the cells. What allows the skin to receive good nutrition, moisturizing and cleansing;
  • honey is a powerful fighter against different kind bacteria, all inflammatory processes pass very quickly;
  • the versatility of the product allows it to be used for all skin types;
  • no age restrictions;
  • a noticeable anti-aging effect - middle-aged women note that honey-based masks tighten the skin much better than expensive drugs;
  • cosmetics with honey help get rid of puffiness.

With the addition of certain components, the strength of honey increases. That allows you to eliminate almost all problems on the skin.

All masks, with rare exceptions, must be washed off after a quarter of an hour.

Face mask with honey and aspirin

A reasonable combination of pharmacy and natural ingredients sometimes allows you to get stunning results.

Aspirin is a familiar remedy, familiar from childhood, it can be found in any medicine cabinet. But it is not only medicine, but also good way overcome acne and facial inflammation. Aspirin also helps to rid the skin of excessive shine and ingrown hairs.

Aspirin itself dries out the skin. Honey reduces the aggressiveness of aspirin, expands the pores. And acetylsalicylic acid polishes the upper layers of the epidermis.

Mask with honey and aspirin is suitable for emergency situations- the skin will get a healthy and radiant appearance pretty quickly.

Preparing a miracle remedy is quite simple. It is necessary to crush 3 tablets into a fine powder, dilute it with water to a state of not very fatty sour cream, pour in 3 ml of honey.

The mask can be added:

  • jojoba oil (2 ml) - this will make the tool more versatile;
  • flour from wheat, rice - will return freshness to a tired face;
  • juice from aloe leaves (4 ml) - you get an excellent remedy against all kinds of rashes.

Face mask with honey and egg

Honey and egg are the most classic combination. These two natural ingredients combined are a powerful biostimulant.

The mask is designed to cleanse the skin. Allows you to quickly restore its former elasticity and freshness.

  1. Heat 6 ml of honey in a water bath.
  2. Separate the yolk from the egg.
  3. Mix. Add 10 ml of any oil.

Do not rinse off until completely dry.

Face mask with honey and oil

Interacting, olive oil and honey supply the skin with the necessary moisture, help eliminate wrinkles, slow down the aging process.

It is necessary to mix 12 g of beekeeping product, olive oil and peeled aloe leaf.

Face mask with honey and lemon

After use this tool pores on the face are noticeably reduced, irritations and small wounds disappear. The face pleases with a radiant appearance without dryness and peeling.

honey and Fresh Juice citrus fruit should be mixed in equal proportions (approximately 25 ml each). Soak gauze or tissue paper. Keep on the face for half an hour, moistening the napkin with water every 5 minutes.

With enlarged pores, the product must be used daily. And for skin whitening, you need to spend 15 sessions with three-day breaks.

For a rejuvenating effect in the mask, you must use a lemon, crushed together with the peel.

Honey face mask with cinnamon

Cinnamon, like honey, is a natural antiseptic. Therefore, a mask with honey and cinnamon can get rid of foci of inflammation, acne scars. Refers to effective prophylactic against the appearance of defects on the skin.

This mask will also please mature skin - wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will acquire tone and freshness.

Mix 15 g of honey and 7 g of cinnamon powder. Mix ingredients well until smooth. Fine particles of cinnamon will gently scrub the skin, removing dead particles. And honey - disinfect, remove excess fat.

Mask with honey and oatmeal

Means with oatmeal and honey are universal. But they are especially suitable in the following cases:

  • severe inflammation and redness on the skin;
  • enlarged pores, acne, increased sebum secretion;
  • skin withering, having an unhealthy color.

Pour into a bowl cereals(35 g). Mix honey (15 ml) with the same amount of warm water (or linseed oil). Pour syrup over oatmeal, wait 5 minutes. During this time, the flakes are sufficiently soaked, the mass will become yellowish-white.

Mask with honey and salt

The simplest mask incredible effect. Fine abrasive particles of salt polish the skin. The result is soft, tender, velvet skin without wrinkles. And all this after the first application.

It is necessary to combine honey and salt in equal proportions (you can use a sea or ordinary dining room). For one mask, it is enough to take 25 g of each ingredient.

For mature skin this mask can be supplemented with 5 ml of cognac.

Face mask with aloe and honey

For home cosmetics, biostimulated aloe leaves must be used.

To do this, the plant should not be watered for 14 days - this will allow the leaves to absorb all the nutrients. Then the lower succulent leaves should be cut off and put in the refrigerator for another 12 days.

A product based on honey and aloe eliminates wrinkles and acne, saturates the skin with moisture.

You need to mix honey (25 g) and fresh plant juice (13 ml).

It is not necessary to strain the juice, you can use the leaves in the form of a mashed mass.

Honey Glycerin Mask

No the best product to moisturize the skin than glycerin. A mask with honey and glycerin not only supplies the epidermis with the necessary moisture. But it also eliminates the rash, promotes wound healing.

What will be required:

  • honey - 15 ml;
  • purified medical glycerin - 15 ml;
  • fresh yolk - 1 pc;
  • water - 7 ml.

The yolk can be replaced with 15 g of flour or oatmeal.

Face masks with honey for acne

You can eliminate any type of acne with the help of the following mask.

Mix 15 ml of honey with mashed aloe leaf. Add 3 ml of linseed oil with a few drops of bergamot oil, 5 g of soda and chopped oatmeal.

Before applying the mass, the skin must be steamed.

A mixture of honey and applesauce, taken in equal proportions, also fights acne well.

Honey face mask for wrinkles

All honey masks have a lifting effect. But the honey-tea mask is considered the best.

For her, you need to prepare strong, black tea without additives. Mix 15 ml of tea leaves with the same volume of liquid honey.

If the skin is very light tea can be replaced with milk or sour cream.

Nourishing face mask with honey

Taking honey as a basis, you can prepare a real cocktail to nourish the epidermis.

  1. Melt 35 g of honey.
  2. Grate carrots, squeeze 20 ml of juice.
  3. Add almond oil (4 ml) and quail egg yolk.

Honey mask for dry skin

Dehydrated skin has rapid aging. To avoid this, it is necessary to constantly and thoroughly moisturize it.

To two small spoons of honey add 20 g of fatty cottage cheese. Dilute the mixture with warm milk (about 30 ml).

Honey mask for oily skin

On oily skin, pores are very noticeable, which are constantly clogged - rashes and irritations appear. The following remedy will help dry and cleanse the epidermis.

Honey is justifiably considered a storehouse of vitamins and minerals and enjoys well-deserved recognition not only in cooking and healthy eating but also in cosmetology. Masks, face creams based on this popular ingredient help to effectively deal with typical first signs of skin aging without resorting to.

Honey from the first wrinkles is convenient to use at home: it's really effective care based entirely on natural composition cosmetics (free of parabens, fragrances and other popular ingredients in anti-aging lines).

What effect does honey have?

In natural honey High Quality contains a number of amino acids, trace elements, essential oils and vitamin complexes. Its use on the skin of the face allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • softening;
  • deep hydration and nourishment of the skin;
  • toning and elimination of wrinkles (also used against wrinkles around the eyes);
  • stimulation of blood circulation (as a result - a better flow of oxygen, a healthier and more well-groomed appearance, a beautiful and healthy shade);
  • skin cleansing;
  • cell regeneration;
  • rejuvenation due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid and vitamin C in honey;
  • smoothing skin color, combating dark circles under the eyes, local redness and peeling.

Honey-based formulations are found in many facial skin care lines. well-known manufacturers. You can use this ingredient as an integral part of anti-wrinkle therapy at any home.

Honey, as a natural antibiotic, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Due a large number vitamins of group B, it helps to effectively fight various infections, it stops the growth and development of harmful bacteria, helps against all kinds of fungi, and skin diseases.

Rules for using honey as a basis for cosmetics

  1. before using honey, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the pores: from the surface of contaminated skin, propolis can "carry" pathogenic microbes deep into the pores;
  2. only freshly prepared formulations are suitable for use: they cannot be stored;
  3. if among the ingredients there is milk, eggs - it is better to give preference to home-made products;
  4. masks and creams are applied with gentle massage movements, delicately affecting the skin of the face so as not to injure it; products are applied around the eyes thin layer, bypassing the area directly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelashes;
  5. if the product has a liquid consistency according to the prescription, it is more convenient to apply it over paper napkin: so it will spread less over the skin;
  6. it is not recommended to heat honey during the preparation of anti-wrinkle masks, since during heat treatment its vitamin composition is lost and potentially dangerous compounds for the skin can be released;
  7. the optimal exposure time for honey masks is up to 20 minutes; the operating time of the product should not be increased, since this ingredient can cause dangerous allergic reactions, and the frozen crystals of the mask are quite difficult to remove painlessly;
  8. during this procedure, it is necessary to try to relax the skin of the face as much as possible and distract from all worries (honey aroma contributes to this);
  9. honey-based creams can be used no more than three times a week;
  10. it is necessary to wash off the unabsorbed remnants of honey with cool water, if necessary, you can use cotton pads or napkins (it is especially convenient to remove masks around the eyes in this way);
  11. settled or thawed water is excellent for washing off the mask, and not tap water with consistently low quality;
  12. Be sure to apply nutritious cream after you wash off the mask.

Recipes for honey anti-aging masks in home cosmetology

The simplest form cosmetic product from honey (in terms of preparation and use) is a mask. In addition, creams are also applied, honey water for washing, scrubs, cleansing lotions.

The properties of natural honey have an extremely effective effect on the skin of the face. Honey tightens the skin, making it supple and thus resistant to wrinkles.

Honey and protein

A rejuvenating mask made from honey and egg white is most effective in the fight against wrinkles. It is necessary to beat the protein with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. flour. As a result, a creamy mixture should come out, which must be kept on the face for about 15 minutes. Also, to rejuvenate the skin, you can add 1 tsp. oatmeal. The result will not keep you waiting.

Honey and yolk

From honey and yolk, you can get a light nourishing cream that can be applied around the eyes.

Most effective mask for the face against wrinkles - a mixture of honey and egg yolk. We take honey 1 tsp. for 1 yolk. Such a mask gradually gives the face freshness and firmness, rejuvenates it, eliminates the possibility of fine wrinkles around the eyes.

The mask should be kept for 15 minutes, then washed off warm water. Recommended for those with dry, dehydrated skin. In the morning after sleep, the best time for this procedure.

Honey and banana

Honey with a banana will protect the skin from the effects of polluted city air, and will also help get rid of small pimples.

2 tsp honey should be mixed with one banana, mashed into porridge. It is also useful to apply to the area around the eyes. Keep on the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes. After - rinse well.

The composition is suitable for any skin with bright pronounced signs aging. After such a mask, the skin becomes more hydrated and soft, looks healthy, with a beautiful shade. For a more comfortable application, you can add lemon juice or milk to the listed ingredients.


We mix the decoctions in the same proportion medicinal herbs(you can take chamomile, nettle, plantain, mint or sage) with honey. Herbs should be ground to powder in a mortar. We drip a couple of drops of boiled water to form a thick mixture.

Natural juice

You will need one tablespoon of grape or pear juice. Juice should not be store-bought, packaged. For masks fit only natural, freshly squeezed juice. We walk with a mask on our face for 10-15 minutes, after which we wash ourselves with barely warm water. This rejuvenating mask produces a nourishing effect, makes the skin of the face much softer and more even.

Add cottage cheese and juice from fresh berries to honey and get an excellent anti-aging anti-wrinkle mask. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. You need to walk with the mask for about 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Lemon honey mask

Dry skin, devoid of tenderness and velvety, will help lemon-honey mask. Squeeze 1 lemon, add honey (100 grams). We apply on the skin of the face. Do not keep more than 10 minutes. The composition gives the face beautiful shade, deeply cleanses pores, produces a whitening effect.

Honey and glycerin

Glycerin can be used against wrinkles around the eyes and for cleansing whatever skin you have. A mask is made from these components by stirring honey, glycerin (both ingredients are 1 tsp each) and 3 tsp. cold water, then slowly add 1 tsp. flour, stirring all the time. The resulting mass is applied to previously cleansed skin, and left for 20 minutes. .

Honey and vodka

This composition is suitable for disinfecting the skin, has a drying effect, it is not recommended to apply it around the eyes, where the skin is especially thin and requires the most careful treatment.

So, we take 25 grams of vodka, gradually mix it with honey slightly warmed up in a saucepan (100 grams). Keep the mask for 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating eye mask

Barley flour (90 g), protein chicken egg, natural honey (2 tablespoons): beat the ingredients into a thick foam (the chilled protein is pre-whipped separately and then carefully added to the honey-barley mixture). Can also be used wheat flour, in this case the skin will be especially velvety and soft after the procedure.

Honey and yogurt

Take advantage of our recipe photo, to prepare a wonderful mask for aging skin based on honey (1 tablespoon), yogurt (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice(1 teaspoon).


With the help of honey, you can effectively solve a number of cosmetic problems. It's great natural ingredient for household available funds for mature skin care.

Concern about him may be allergic reaction, because it is a strong allergen. IN cosmetic purposes can only be used natural product without foreign impurities. All types of product are suitable, including linden, buckwheat and herbs. Due to the content of essential oils, the procedure for applying honey products is great way get rid of apathy bad mood, get a charge of vivacity from the usual procedure for systematic care at home.

Once upon a time, honey was one of the most popular skin care products until the technology of cosmetics gained its popularity. Due to the fact that it penetrates deep into the pores, and thus, as much as possible, nourishes the skin. Moisture does not evaporate and the chance for the skin to remain dry (and thus wrinkles) is minimized. This honey captivates most of the owners of the fair sex in pursuit of beauty and perfection.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your flawless appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...
  • 1. Useful properties of honey
  • 2. Ways to use honey
  • 2.1. Additional Ingredients
  • 3. Contraindications

Of all means for home care for the skin, honey is probably the most popular. Honey for the face has been used since time immemorial - even in Ancient Rome and Egypt. It's unique natural product, which has a powerful healing effect on the skin and the entire human body. Therefore, until now, treatment and rehabilitation with honey remains relevant and popular.

Useful properties of honey

First of all, honey is a source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which are quickly and almost completely absorbed by the body. Moreover, some chemical compounds from honey are able to penetrate cell membranes and restore their damaged structure. That is why it has such powerful anti-aging properties. Honey also contains activating metabolic processes enzymes and organic acids that soften and moisturize the skin. Thus, a honey face mask has a complex effect on the skin:

  • activates blood circulation;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration;
  • strengthens capillaries;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin;
  • increases its tone and elasticity;
  • relieves irritation and inflammation.

In addition, honey has powerful antibacterial properties, so regularly used masks from it can get rid of blackheads and pimples, inflammation and flaking of the skin.

Ways to use honey

There are several ways to use honey at home. In fact, the whole complex of facial care can be made on the basis of this product. Since it has a very powerful effect on the skin, you should not overdo it. Natural honey can be applied to the face no more than 3 times a week. That's why honey procedures better to alternate.

Honey scrubFacial cleansing with honey is both a delicate and very powerful procedure. It must be performed very carefully and no more than 1 time per week. Can be used as a cleaning agent ground coffee, sea or ordinary salt and soda. Apply honey scrub it is necessary on slightly damp skin, well cleansed of dirt and cosmetic residues. Then you can gently massage your face for 2-3 minutes. in a circular motion without pressure, and leave the scrub for another 3-5 minutes in order to better clean the pores. Rinse off with lukewarm water and be sure to apply a moisturizer.
Honey massageA wonderful and very effective anti-aging agent that can tighten the skin well and smooth out wrinkles. This is almost the only procedure when honey is applied to the face in pure form. Although for very sensitive skin it is better to mix it with olive or peach oil. It is best to massage with warm honey, which can be heated in a water bath. It is evenly distributed over the face in a thin layer and driven into the skin with intense patting movements of the fingertips. The massage lasts from 5 to 10 minutes, then the honey is washed off with warm water and you can wipe your face with an ice cube.
honey maskMost universal remedy face care. Thanks to a variety of additional ingredients, honey face masks can be used for any type of skin and solve various problems. Usually a honey mask is done 1-2 times a week. The composition is selected individually, depending on the age, condition and type of skin, as well as individual preferences. There are a lot of recipes and experimenting, you can find the perfect option for yourself.

Additional Ingredients

Almost any product can be used as an additional ingredient to a honey mask - honey is chemically neutral and harmonizes perfectly with all additives. The main thing is that the mask components do not conflict with each other. For example, if you add soda and lemon juice at the same time, chemical reaction, as a result of which both components lose their original properties. Therefore, it is better for beginners to use popular and proven recipes that are easy to prepare at home, and they will certainly give the expected result.

The simplest, most effective and safe additional components of a honey face mask can be:

  1. Aloe juice or pulp. In combination with honey, this is a real balm for the skin, which will easily heal any wounds, get rid of acne and make it fresh and radiant. You need to mix these components immediately before application - this way they save as much as possible beneficial features aloe. After applying such a mask, a thin protective film remains on the skin, which retains moisture and protects the face from harmful effects ultraviolet.
  2. Fresh fruits and berries. A valuable source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. fruit acids gently exfoliate dead skin cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, acting as a delicate peeling. For the preparation of masks, ripe fresh fruits and berries are used, peeled and seeds and mashed to a puree state immediately before use. Too acidic fruits and citrus fruits can irritate sensitive and thin skin, but they clean oily skin well and tighten enlarged pores. Sweet fruits and berries should not be applied to the skin with acne, so as not to provoke an exacerbation.
  3. Dairy products. An excellent source of calcium, necessary not only for bones and teeth. The skin will be very grateful to the feeding with minerals and trace elements. Small particles of fat perfectly soften even the driest skin, and lactic acid perfectly moisturizes it. Curd masks also have whitening properties, so they can be recommended for mature skin with age-related pigmentation, especially if you add a little parsley to it.
  4. Rice and oatmeal. First of all, they work as excellent adsorbents that quickly and effectively clean enlarged pores, remove excess sebum and black dots. Masks with their addition are well suited for oily and combination skin in need of additional food which will provide honey. It will also serve as a preventative measure against acne and pimples. Acts like soft peeling, clearing the skin and improving the complexion.
  5. Chicken or quail egg. Depending on which part of the egg is used - protein or yolk - the properties of the mask change almost drastically. Honey-yolk mask - valuable nutrient mixture for dry, dehydrated, tired skin covered with fine wrinkles. The mask with protein cleanses the pores well and gives a visible lifting effect. It also smoothes wrinkles, at the same time tightens pores and evens out skin texture. If you use the whole egg, the mask becomes universal and suitable for any skin type.
  6. Potato starch. Perfectly smoothes wrinkles and whitens the face. In dry form, it is also a good adsorbent, absorbs excess sebum and effectively cleanses pores. If you cook a paste from starch and then add honey to it, you get a moisturizing and nourishing mask that can quickly bring even the most tired and overdried skin back to life. It can be used on a burned and weathered face to eliminate inflammation and flaking of the skin.
  7. Essential oils. Able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and activate intracellular processes. All essential oils have powerful antibacterial properties, quickly remove acne and quench inflammation. In its pure form, they cannot be applied to the face - it is enough to add only 3-5 drops to the honey mask immediately before applying it. molecules essential oil help nutritional components from honey to penetrate deeper, and the skin to absorb them faster. It is necessary to choose oils according to the condition of the skin and always taking into account individual preferences - the smell should be pleasant and not irritate.

But this is far from full list products that can enhance and enrich the properties of honey masks.

The healing properties of honey have been known since ancient times. But this product is useful not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Through the use of a mixture of honey and other additional components you can achieve a stunning positive effect, smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, cure acne, saturate the skin useful substances, trace elements and vitamins.

The most diverse cosmetics (creams, lotions, gels) are produced on the basis of honey, but best result give masks. Effective mask for the face with honey is able to rejuvenate, moisturize and cleanse skin covering. Unique composition of this bee product is able to make the skin as beautiful as after visiting beauty salons. A big plus is the possibility of using honey masks at home.


Before making a honey mask, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to honey or other components indicated in the recipe. An allergy test is performed on inside elbow bend. If no negative reactions (itching, redness) appear within 20 minutes, then cosmetics with honey for the face can be used.

An additional contraindication to holding a sweet cosmetic procedure is diabetes. It is also not recommended to use a honey mask if the vessels are dilated or there is a visible capillary network.

Before the procedure

Before you make a honey mask, you need to wash off your makeup and cleanse your face with products suitable for your skin type. To benefit from the procedure to the greatest extent, you need to carry out preliminary preparation: wet a towel in hot water and put on your face. Under the action of heat, the pores will open and become better able to absorb nutrients.

The mixture for the procedure should be prepared immediately before use and do not store leftovers. If the honey has thickened, it can be melted in a water bath. To do this, just put a container of honey in a pot of hot water.

Masks based on honey can be done 2-3 times a week.

Honey, egg and milk are the main components of masks to preserve youthful skin

Recipes for homemade honey masks

  • The most effective anti-aging mask is a mixture of honey and aloe pulp. It is advisable to prepare aloe leaves in advance: they must be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks so that the beneficial properties of the plant can be fully manifested. You will need to mix 20 g of leaf pulp with 20-25 g of liquid flower honey. The resulting mixture is applied in a small layer on the face and neck for no more than a quarter of an hour. Then the mask should be washed off with cool water.
  • The following simple anti-wrinkle mask gives an excellent result: mix 10 g of honey with the protein of one egg, add 20 g of flour to the composition. The mixture should have a creamy consistency. It is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Regular repetition of the procedure will allow you to preserve youthfulness of the skin for a long time and smooth out small wrinkles that have already appeared. In addition, from wrinkles, you can apply a mask of honey and milk, mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is left on the face for about 20 minutes.
  • To prevent early appearance wrinkles, it is necessary to deeply moisturize the skin, helping it retain moisture. For this, the following recipe is useful: add 50 g of honey egg yolk and a spoonful of grated carrots. If the skin is oily, then carrots can be replaced with grape pulp. A moisturizing mask is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with cool water.
  • Based on the bee product, whitening masks can be prepared. To improve complexion and lighten pigmentation, mix 20 g each of honey and lemon juice. This procedure gives a nourishing, whitening and moisturizing result. The mask can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté.
  • A nourishing mask with honey, made at home, brings significant benefits. For dry skin, the composition for it is prepared according to this recipe: mix 15-20 g of grated apple and honey, add 5 g olive oil. The mixture is kept on the face for about 5-6 minutes, after which it is removed. cotton pad soaked in milk.
  • Owners of a combination or oily skin a bran mask is ideal: mix 20 g of honey with 15–20 g of ground wheat bran. You will also need to add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture and heat it in a water bath. The mask should be applied to the skin of the face, without touching around the eyes, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • To cleanse the skin of black dots, a simple home recipe: half a spoonful of ground coffee beans (finely ground) is added to 50 g of honey. Scrub-mask is applied to the face with gentle massage movements, excluding the area around the eyes. When the composition is distributed over the skin, it should be left for another 5-10 minutes to further provide deep nutrition and rejuvenation. The positive effect of the cleansing mask can be seen after a single application. The skin becomes radiant, soft and beautiful.
  • Made from honey cosmetic masks from pimples and acne. They allow you to completely get rid of problems with inflammation. The simplest recipe is a mask of honey and soda. Dissolve 30 g of soda in warm water (half a glass is enough), add 25 g of honey and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Using a piece of cotton, apply the mask on your face and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
  • For skin prone to high fat content and the appearance of acne, a honey-protein mask is recommended: egg white mixed with 10 g of honey and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. disappears after the procedure. oily sheen and reduce inflammation.

Taking care of your beauty, regularly repeat honey procedures. Masks from this useful, unique, healing product get rid of wrinkles and acne, give the skin elasticity, a healthy glow and make you look younger than your years.

Leaves skin vibrant, supple, firm & matte. They can be easily purchased at cosmetics stores. But here's how to cook effective nourishing masks for face from natural ingredients at home, read on...

Yeast Face Mask

Yeast is often used for cosmetic purposes. They have a tonic and tightening effect. As a nourishing face mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 20 grams of fresh yeast
  • a tablespoon of milk
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil,
  • half a teaspoon of honey.

Knead the yeast thoroughly with a fork, add warm milk, slightly warmed honey and butter to it. Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed dry face for 20 minutes. Then wash away yeast mask warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Honey face mask

Honey makes the skin supple, elastic, fresh. You should not use it if you are allergic to bee products. This remedy is suitable even for very wrinkled, dry and sagging skin.

To prepare nourishing face mask with honey, take:

  • one tablespoon of liquid or pre-melted honey,
  • one tablespoon of wheat flour
  • one egg white.

Mix all dry ingredients first, then add lightly beaten protein. Apply the mask in a thin layer on the face and wait about half an hour. Wash off with cool water.

Face mask with yolk

The yolk tightens the skin, makes it supple and velvety to the touch. For cooking nourishing face mask using yolk the following components are needed:

  • yolk of one egg,
  • a teaspoon of liquid honey.

This nourishing face mask is very easy to prepare: you need to mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture on a cleansed face and hold for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Face mask with milk

Milk as part of nourishing masks for the face slightly whitens the skin, makes it smooth, supple, supple and matte. To prepare such a remedy at home, take the following ingredients:

  • crumb of white bread,
  • 30 ml of milk (preferably homemade).

Soak the bread crumb in slightly warmed milk, knead it in your hands until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Keep the mask on your face for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal face mask

Oatmeal is very often used for cosmetic purposes. As an ingredient in a nourishing face mask, it perfectly cleanses and refreshes the skin, making it matte and soft. Prepare the following components:

  • one tablespoon (without a slide) of instant oatmeal,
  • A little fat milk(preferably homemade) - one or two tablespoons,
  • a teaspoon of kefir or yogurt (fat).

Pour hot milk over oatmeal. Let them swell for about 15 minutes. Then add kefir or yogurt to the porridge. Mix everything thoroughly and apply a thick layer on a cleansed face for 30 minutes. Sweep oatmeal nourishing face mask need cool water.

Curd face mask

Curd has a soothing and nourishing effect on the skin. To prepare natural mask for the face, take:

  • 2 tablespoons homemade cottage cheese
  • one yolk,
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Mix all ingredients and grind until smooth. Apply cottage cheese nourishing mask on the entire face and neck for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

All submitted nourishing face masks very efficient. They need to be done every other day during the period of exacerbation of dry skin, in winter time, For example. After two weeks, you can apply the mask less often (once or twice a week).