How to get rid of acne in one night? Face masks for the night: homemade recipes Homemade face mask for the night

5 reasons to stop using face cream at night

Author Marina Tumovskaya: Applying a night cream on the face seems to many to be a classic care. Once at night, the skin is more susceptible to the effects of cosmetic components, since the process of regeneration and renewal takes place, the skin needs help. The choice of face cream is carefully thought out, and often also actively discussed on the net. However, nowadays a different point of view is gaining supporters (including among cosmetologists) - by applying the cream at night, we do the skin a disservice and contribute to its premature aging. Let's analyze the arguments of this point of view. Caring for sensitive skin, oily, normal and dry skin can be different than we used to think about it.

Reason 1. Give your skin a chance

Applying a cream at night, especially fatty, nourishing, tightly “clogs” the skin. As a result, the skin does not have the ability to naturally renew itself, remove toxins and other harmful substances. If such enhanced care continues continuously, the natural processes of self-cleaning and self-regeneration are greatly suppressed and practically cease. After all, we do not allow the potential of the skin to manifest itself. There is nothing good in this. We are simply “planting” the skin on creams, destroying its own ability to recover. Permanent protection breaks down the natural immunity of the skin. Constant saturation with moisture and nutrients leads to the fact that the skin can no longer produce them on its own.

Of course, leaving the skin without cream at night is not necessary for one day. At first, “breaking” awaits you - the skin is used to horse doses of creams. But after a couple of weeks you will appreciate the result.

Reason 2.Unhealthy chemistry all night long

Let's leave those who use organic cosmetics alone for a moment and look at the majority of women. The vast majority of women use creams with chemical compositions at night. Just take a look at the composition of your cream. There can be parabens, petroleum products, all sorts of far from beneficial substances that remain on your skin all night, can accumulate and not contribute to health.

It's one thing if you only apply them during the day, and then wash them off, giving the skin a rest. And if you immediately apply night cream after day cream (after cleansing, of course, but that's not the point)? .. All this chemistry acts on you around the clock.

Reason 3. Even the experts admitted it

It should be noted that some well-known cosmetics manufacturers have already recognized this concept - the rejection of night creams. Although, as we understand, this is not at all profitable for manufacturers. Instead of selling another miracle night care product, the brand advises not to apply any creams. This is Dr. Hauschka, Martina Gebhardt and some others. It should be noted that these are brands of organic cosmetics.

And even his own, 100% natural and organic cream, manufacturer Dr. Hauschka does not recommend applying at night, supporting the concept of oil-free care and maximum skin recovery overnight at the expense of its own resources. There is something to think about, isn't it?

Reason 4. Edema and more

Many women who have used the cream at night for years have noticed morning puffiness of the skin. By the way, I am one of them. Opponents argue that this can only happen with the wrong cream. However, I have used a variety of creams for years, including organic ones, and the result was the same - morning swelling. When I stopped using the cream at night, the swelling disappeared.

If after using a night cream in the morning your skin experiences the following problems, you should consider refusing such care:

swollen face;

Wrinkles that appeared overnight;

Oiliness and shine that accompany you all day, or, on the contrary, increased dryness;


The skin after washing dries, as if it was deprived of moisture.

5. If you smear, then not at night

Night creams are called so not at all because they must be applied at night. They are intended for evening care. They should be applied at least 2 hours before bedtime, and even earlier, be sure to blot with a napkin. Many go even further - before going to bed they cleanse the skin and tone it up. That's all - no cream at night.

Personally, I already try creamless night skin care, but since I have not been doing it for a very long time, I cannot loudly declare the results. What do you think about such a night skin care - absolutely no cream? Have you tried this or would like to try it?

Often in the morning, even after a good night's sleep, we see in the mirror a tired, swollen face with dark circles under the eyes. Although they say that sound sleep is the key to healthy skin, but in the frantic pace of modern life and bad ecology, this, unfortunately, is not always confirmed. After all the vicissitudes of the past day, the skin, of course, must rest and recover. And just a night mask for the face best solves this problem. The main thing is to find the most effective one for yourself.

How to restore skin after a busy day

The harder the day, the more our body requires recovery. Everyone knows this, but not everyone knows that a good dinner, sitting at the TV or a simple nap in an armchair, no matter how much you want it, is simply not able to restore or saturate the skin with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. In the case when even a full sleep cannot cope with this problem, then night face masks come to the rescue. Their usefulness and expediency of application have been repeatedly tested in practice.

Benefits of night masks

Scientists have proven that the most productive period for skin care is night, because during the day the cells are not restored so actively. The period from 23 pm to 5 am is considered optimal for regeneration. The use of the mask during this period of time contributes to the fact that the skin becomes elastic, traces of fatigue disappear, the face becomes fresh and rested.

Moreover, all the nutrients contained in the masks are absorbed at night not only much faster, but also much more efficiently. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are most active at this time. This is the most suitable moment to deal with such shortcomings as inflammatory processes, increased fat content, a predisposition to acne, and so on.

Features of applying and using night masks

In order not to aggravate existing skin problems, before applying a night mask to your face, you need to follow a number of simple, but important rules:

  • know your skin type;
  • prepare the mask immediately before application;
  • apply to clean, steamed skin after a shower;
  • before applying, clean and lightly massage the face;
  • apply in an even thin layer;
  • do not apply to the skin around the eyes;
  • wash off with a morning wash with the usual means;
  • apply no more than once every 2 days, taking the course no more than 1.5 months.

Face mask for the night: Video

Ready-to-use skin care products

There are a number of cosmetic companies offering ready-made masks for the night. Their choice is huge, but they are all aimed at improving the blood circulation of the upper lipid layer, which is very important for nourishing the skin. By purchasing a ready-made product, we have the opportunity to choose masks with seaweed, healing oils and healing mud, extracts, and various plant components.

Depending on the situation, masks can shrink pores, relieve inflammation and irritation, remove wrinkles, cleanse or whiten. Some of them perform several functions at the same time, while others are aimed at solving one particular problem. But be that as it may, no matter what goal we pursue in choosing a remedy, before purchasing it, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor. After examining and determining the type of skin, he will give clear recommendations on what kind of mask you need.

Grandma's recipes

Despite the huge selection of branded skin care products, many women still prefer to use homemade face masks at night. As a great alternative to professional products, they have a beneficial effect on the skin and perfectly cope with a number of problems that spoil our lives. It is important to remember that any woman, no matter what, can make herself beautiful herself.

  • Revitalizing and refreshing

To prepare a restorative refreshing facial for the night, you will need the following. Mix to a homogeneous consistency the yolk, 2 tbsp. l. tea leaves and 1 tsp. shea butter (because the butter is dense, it must be melted before use). In the morning, wash everything off with weakly brewed green tea and wipe the skin with an ice cube from mineral water or herbal decoction.

  • Nutritious

A mask for nourishing the skin of the face at night is prepared as follows. First you need to mix the egg yolk with two teaspoons of nourishing cream, then add a pinch of salt, vitamin D (10 drops) and vitamins A and E (15 drops each). Make a hot compress immediately before use. In the morning wash with a mixture of cool tea and cold water.

  • For normal skin

For normal skin care, you need 1 banana and a tablespoon of honey. Mix the mashed banana pulp with honey and apply evenly on the face. Wash off in the morning with warm water.

  • For dry skin

For dry skin you need the following. Heat in a water bath 1 tsp. cocoa butter, mix with a teaspoon of apricot, olive and almond oil and jojoba oil, apply a thin layer on the face. Wash your face with green tea in the morning.

  • For acne

In the fight against acne, a clay-based mixture is considered optimal. For its preparation, you need 1 tsp. mix white clay with a tablespoon of green tea and add 5-8 drops of lemon juice.

Alas, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of wrinkles. Nevertheless, it is possible to slow down the process - if you carefully and properly care for your skin, using it in the evening face masks at night.

Daily biorhythms affect many processes in our body, including skin metabolism. If during the day energy is mainly spent on work, then during the night rest this need disappears and nutrients, as well as building materials, are used to form new cells and restore strength.

The skin in the area around the eyes needs regeneration to a greater extent. Here it is especially thin, tender and sensitive, moreover, it is drier than on the face as a whole, and is less well supplied with blood vessels.



Protects the skin from environmental irritants, moisturizes and reduces skin water loss, prevents the penetration of microbes and contains soothing additives.
. Serves as a good base for make-up.

NIGHT CREAM (evening)
. It is usually used shortly before bedtime. Night cream differs from the day cream with a high (more than 16%) fat content, enriched with nourishing and regenerating components that penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, protect it from drying out and make it supple.
. Only the composition of the night cream includes retinoids, since under the influence of solar radiation their activity disappears and they cannot effectively influence the processes of keratinization and skin pigmentation.



Soak a crumb of black bread in warm water and apply on the face. Massage the skin for 10 minutes and wash off the mask with water at room temperature. Bread can be replaced with wheat or oat bran: 1-2 tbsp. l. bran (portion for one wash), pass through a meat grinder and dilute with a small amount of warm boiled water until a slurry is formed.


Boil a large potato in its skin, peel and mash well, add 3 tbsp. l. fresh milk, 1 yolk and mix thoroughly. Heat the resulting puree in a steam bath. Apply the prepared mixture on the face in a warm form for 20 minutes, covering with a thick cloth. Wash off the mask with warm and then cold water.


  • FOR DRY AND FADING SKIN. Mix 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, beaten egg and 1/2 tsp. liquid honey. Apply the resulting mask on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse gently with warm water, then rinse your face with cold.
  • FOR OILY SKIN. Beat 2 egg whites until foamy, add 2 to 10 drops of lemon juice, then 1 tbsp. l. warmed honey. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • FOR NORMAL SKIN. Expand 3 tbsp. l. peeled walnuts and mix them with 1 tbsp. l. low-fat cream and 1 tsp. honey. Apply the mixture on your face and wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Night cream is used after evening cleansing and toning 1-2 hours before bedtime. In order not to provoke puffiness, apply the product for the skin around the eyes 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
. A thick layer of night cream will do more harm than good, as it clogs pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. Excess is removed with a napkin or cotton pad.
. When buying a night cream, pay attention to the ingredients. It is better to abandon the product, which includes lipids and lanolin - they are dangerous for night care: lipids provoke swelling, and lanolin can cause redness and swelling.
. When choosing cosmetics for the care of the eyelids, give preference to products with a non-greasy texture, water-based.
. As a rule, women under the age of 30 do not need to apply night makeup, but this depends on the condition of the skin. In any case, an individual approach is needed in this matter and it is advisable to first consult with a qualified cosmetologist.
. The deep action of any cosmetic product becomes noticeable only after 3-4 weeks.
. The complex use of high-quality care products (day and night) significantly enhances the effectiveness of their action.


You can store the night cream at room temperature. The exception is a perishable pharmacy-made cream, home-made herbal infusion, as well as any product with a limited shelf life.
. When storing the night cream in the refrigerator, the temperature should be at least 5 ° C. Although freezing/thawing is safe for most creams, it is best to avoid it as the texture and action of the cream may change.
. Cosmetics are best stored in bottles with dispensers that limit the penetration of microbes and air.
. Creams, infusions and other homemade cosmetics are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.

At night, the entire body is restored. Skin cells are actively renewed between 11 pm and 5 am. Thanks to this, cosmetic care products work especially effectively during this period. Nutrients penetrate deeper layers of the skin more easily due to the completely relaxed facial muscles.

The benefits of night masks

Poor-quality nutrition, bad habits, lack of water and a terrible environment impede the full night recovery of the body. This can be seen in the morning, when even after a quality sleep, the skin does not look its best. Most often, the lifestyle of a person is to blame.

Face masks for the night allow a woman to wake up beautiful. And this is not an exaggeration. During the day, skin cells are busy trying to protect themselves from the aggressive effects of the environment. And at night, regeneration processes begin. Cells are more receptive to the absorption of beneficial nutrients.

Night face masks are more effective than creams due to the fact that the concentration of active ingredients in them is much higher. Thanks to this, you can get instant results. Previously, a similar effect could be achieved only after the procedure for using a conventional mask, followed by the application of lotion, serum and cream. Most women do not have enough time for this.

The first ready-made night masks had flaws. They were too sticky, dense and greasy. It was impossible to sleep with them. The next morning the whole pillow was covered with greasy stains. Modern tools are devoid of these shortcomings. By consistency, many night masks resemble regular creams and even gels. All of them are quickly absorbed into the skin.

Rules for the preparation and application of compounds

You can make your own face masks at night or buy ready-made products. In order for the product to bring maximum benefit to the skin, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of preparation and application:

  1. A purchased product or homemade mask recipe is selected depending on the type of skin and its needs.
  2. Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face. It is recommended to make a scrub or steam the skin.
  3. In the event that a home-made mask is used, it is not recommended to save the remainder of the mixture. Natural products spoil quickly. The composition must be used immediately after preparation. Only some recipes allow the product to be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
  4. The mixture should be applied in a thin layer 40 minutes before bedtime.
  5. In the morning you can wash your face as usual.
  6. Night masks can be combined with day masks.
  7. Before using a homemade or purchased product, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply a little product on the skin of the wrist and wait 30-40 minutes.
  8. Night masks are not recommended to be used more than three times a week due to the high concentration of active substances.

Very popular at night. Most often, they contain snail mucin extract, seaweed, clay, peptides, hyaluronic acid and other substances. Korean funds are affordable, while quite effective. In addition, most products are packaged in beautiful and original jars that will decorate any bathroom.

French brand Vichy has also created masks for use throughout the night. Aqualia Thermal SPA treatment will help moisturize dehydrated skin and completely remove signs of fatigue. Cream-mask from the Slow Age series accelerates skin regeneration and smoothes wrinkles. The cost of funds is about 2 thousand rubles.

They know how to pamper women, and manufacturers of top cosmetics. Estee Lauder has created a night treatment that focuses on firming the contours of the face. The skin is tightened and saturated with moisture.

Shiseido has created a unique gel mask containing vitamin microcapsules. It absorbs beautifully without leaving any stickiness. In the morning, the skin is radiant and looks significantly rejuvenated and rested.

Dior has released a face mask for the night that smells like the sea and cucumber. Its consistency is similar to jelly. Under its influence, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and larger ones become less noticeable. The skin is well hydrated. But the main thing is a good rest.

Benefits of Home Remedies

Finished products of cosmetic brands save a lot of time for a modern woman. There is no need to independently select the ingredients and mix them. It is enough to open the jar and apply the mixture on the face. And the shelf life of cosmetic masks and creams allows them to be stored for a long time.

Unfortunately, finished products contain many preservatives and synthetic substances. All of them affect the skin in a bad way. In addition, the main ingredient of the mask can be harmful mineral oil. Sometimes a less harmful fatty base is used. Really useful substances can be added with just a few drops to a bucket of oil.

Homemade face masks for the night are made entirely of skin-friendly ingredients. They do not contain preservatives, dyes, petroleum products and alcohols. In addition, home remedies are much cheaper than ready-made products.

Nourishing Night Blends

Nourishing night masks for the face are suitable for dry and flaky skin. Properly selected mixtures will help restore the epidermis, maintain the tone of the facial muscles and slow down the aging process. Calcium-rich cottage cheese can transform dry skin. To prepare the mask, you will need to take the fattest product that you can find.

For a night care product, you will need 30 grams of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of heated linseed or olive oil. In addition, you can add a couple of drops of milk. Grind all the ingredients thoroughly so that there are no curd lumps. Apply a thin layer and leave the mask on your face overnight.

For the following recipe, in addition to cottage cheese, you will need the following ingredients:

  • yolk;
  • 10 ml of flax oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • gruel from half a cucumber.

All products must be combined and mixed. Distribute over the face. In order for the cucumber particles not to remain on the pillow, you can squeeze the juice out of its gruel. Throw away the pulp.

Moisturizing is necessary for dry, normal and even problem skin. Otherwise, the cells will not be able to function normally. The skin will have an earthy hue, wrinkles will quickly form on it. Moisturizing face masks at night saturate the cells with moisture and nutrients. Maintain normal water balance.

Cucumber masks allow you to achieve a lightning-fast effect. Peeling and dryness are eliminated, the skin is saturated with moisture, wrinkles are smoothed out and the complexion improves. To prepare a face mask for the night, you will need a small cucumber and a fleshy aloe leaf.

Both products are peeled and chopped. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to it and apply the mixture on your face.

Sour cream is well able to moisturize the skin. It will require no more than a tablespoon. For maximum effect, it is recommended to use a fatty homemade product. Preservatives and other substances harmful to the skin and the body as a whole are usually added to store-bought sour cream. And also for the mask you need the yolk and mashed potatoes from half of the avocado. Combine and rub the products, then apply to the face.

Skin rejuvenation

For aging skin, it is necessary to use rejuvenating face masks at night. Specially selected products help smooth out wrinkles and stimulate collagen production. They also improve skin turgor and elasticity.

Green tea mask strengthens and rejuvenates aging skin. For its preparation, you will need ready-made strong tea leaves, egg yolk and cocoa or shea butter. Ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. To add oil to the tea leaves and the yolk, it must first be melted in a water bath. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face.

To prepare another effective anti-aging agent, you will need flax, almond and lemon balm oil. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is generously applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, the face should be covered with a cloth previously soaked in hot water. Lie down for 10 minutes. Then remove excess oil with the same cloth and go to bed.

Acne masks

Night masks against acne allow you to remove inflammation, dry comedones, adjust oiliness and narrow pores. They can be applied all over the face or spotted. In the event that the product greatly dries the skin, it is recommended to apply it only to the problem area.

A mixture of zinc ointment mixed with a teaspoon of calendula tincture can be applied to the entire face. This composition relieves inflammation, whitens and disinfects the skin. Another good remedy for acne is a mixture of talc, hydrogen peroxide and aloe juice. Mix all the ingredients to the consistency of a regular cream and apply on the face.

For spot application on problem areas, you can use toothpaste and tea tree oil. Perfectly copes with acne mask of white clay, lemon juice and green tea. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and applied to inflammation.

Quick recovery after a sleepless night

After a night without sleep, the skin looks dull and dry. It also takes on an earthy hue. To bring her to her senses, you need a face mask after a sleepless night of citrus fruits. Such a tool will even out the color, add a blush and tone the skin.

For the mask, you need to grind half a kiwi and a few peeled orange slices in a blender. Add a little fat sour cream. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Kiwi will relieve inflammation, sour cream will moisturize, and orange tones the skin and gives it a healthy look.

Night mask is one of the most popular products in Korea. Do you love night masks as much as we love them? We think so. After all, this is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to put your skin in order. You sleep, and the mask works - all this with a minimum of effort and with a maximum benefit for the skin of the face. But how is a night mask different from a night cream, what are its pros and cons, and are there any life hacks for using this product? Let's try to figure it all out!

Overnight face masks - pros and cons

Often, the phrase “night mask” itself scares girls. How to apply a dense thick mask all over the face at night? Well, how do you stick to the pillow, get the pillowcase dirty, and what is it like to sleep all night on your back and control whether the mask has spread or smeared? Not at all! The night mask, although it has a thicker and denser texture (most often), is still very different from the day mask. You can even say that it is more like a night cream - the principle of action is similar. Often, Korean manufacturers even produce night masks that can be used as a night cream and night creams that can be used as a night mask. Pardon the tautology! But usually, there is still a difference between a night mask and a cream - in the number of useful components. Night masks are more concentrated and nourishing. After all, their task is quite difficult - in just one night to restore the skin!

What are the benefits of an overnight mask?

Wide functionality - the product nourishes, moisturizes, softens the skin and starts the processes of its regeneration. Of course, depending on the manufacturer and product, the functionality of the mask may differ, but usually any mask fulfills this list.

Moisturizing - based on hyaluronic acid, collagen and other well-known "moisturizers". The most famous Korean night masks for moisturizing the skin are, and.

Nourishing - ideal for winter care for dry, flaky and aging skin. In their composition, you can find snail mucin, banana extract, peach extract. For example, the famous banana and fruit.

Anti-inflammatory - for problem skin with enlarged pores. For the basis of such masks, honey, soothing herbal extracts, tea tree oil and such a healthy vegetable as a tomato are used.

Now the release of masks in a mini-package for those who want to try everything at once has become very popular. From our range, such miniature masks are available from the brands Missha, Holika Holika and It’s Skin. A convenient mini-format and a dosage of 10-20 ml make them indispensable on the road or travel. Well, the price of such mini-masks does not bite.

How to use a night mask correctly?

  • An hour or half an hour before bedtime;
  • The skin must be free of make-up;
  • Before the mask, you can apply a tonic or serum. Often there is an opinion that the mask should go as the final stage of care - instead of a cream. We believe that both options have a place to be, but at the same time you should be guided by your feelings. If for you the use of a mask after tonic, essence and emulsion is not too heavy, then yes, you can do it! If the skin is oily and shiny in the morning, and at night it feels like the mask will remain on the pillow, it is better to use the product after the tonic. But do not forget that it depends not only on the skin, but also on the season - what is good for the skin in summer is not very good in winter, and vice versa.
  • The mask should be applied along the massage lines, like a cream. The amount of the mask depends on its texture and the desired effect. You can apply the product both in a thin layer and thick. The delicate skin around the eyes is best avoided if possible.

Another popular question: How often should you use night masks?? Some of them are so good that you want to throw out the cream and use the night mask instead! But do not get carried away - after all, night masks are not a means for daily care. They should be used 2, maximum 3 times a week. Otherwise, the skin can get used to the active substances of the product and stop responding to them properly. But of course, you should also take into account the type of skin - for oily skin, 1 time per week is enough, and you can pamper dry skin.