A game for the development of the emotional sphere in preschoolers. Games for the development and correction of emotions in preschoolers. "Coin in the fist" relaxation exercise

Educational games for older preschoolers

Author: Eremina Nina Vasilievna, teacher of the speech therapy group, MBDOU "Shegarsky kindergarten No. 1 of the combined type", the village of Melnikovo, Shegarsky district, Tomsk region

Games can be used in the work of speech therapists, teachers - psychologists, educators. This material is recommended for work with parents. The games are intended for older children.

Games were used in the form of separate lessons, games and exercises.

“I am happy when. . ."

Target: expansion of children's ideas about the emotion "joy"; the formation of positive emotions; expanding children's ideas about actions that bring joy.

Equipment: a gnome toy, some soft toys, a fun music cassette, a picture of a cheerful girl, a drawing of a “blank” face for each child, a pictogram depicting the “joy” emotion, a mirror, a small ball, drawings of gnomes with eyes, pencils and sheets of paper (for each child).

The teacher calls one of the group members, throws a ball to him and says: “(Name of the child), please tell us when you are happy?” Petya catches the ball and says: “I am happy when ...” Then Petya throws the ball to the next participant and, calling him by name, in turn asks: “(Child's name), please tell me when you are happy?”

The game continues until all the children have answered the question.

Dwarf:“You see, guys, how many different situations in life, when a person is good and he smiles.” (All children's answers are listed), (4 minutes).

"Make Princess Nesmeyana Laugh"

Target: the formation of the ability to find ways to make a person smile in a bad mood; reduction of psychophysical stress; development of the imagination.

Equipment: gnome toy, sand fairy, sand tray, collection of miniature figurines.

The fairy tells a story about a princess who has always been sad. No one has ever been able to bring a smile to her face. Children are invited to answer the question: “How can I make the princess laugh?” After a short pause, the guys go to the miniatures rack and choose figurines for their story. Then each of them, with the help of their characters, tells a funny story, playing it in the sandbox. At the end, the fairy sums up the results, choosing the funniest story. At the same time, she thanks the guys for the fact that the princess finally smiled and now, remembering the stories of the children, she will always be in a great mood.

At the end of the game, the children say goodbye to the sand fairy. (20 minutes)

"Kingdom of Emotions"

Target: to expand children's understanding of the emotion "envy", to teach children to understand the reasons that lead to a particular mood.

Equipment: gnome toy, pictograms and drawings of fairy tale characters with different emotions.

The dwarf lays out in a circle the pictograms of all the emotions known to the children and says that today they are in the Kingdom of emotions. “Guys, what do you think, which emotions can make friends with each other, and which ones will remain alone forever?” After the answers, each child is invited to make friends with emotions using a story. The one who quickly coped with the task begins to tell his tale, the rest listen attentively.

After completing the task, the gnome will surely praise the children. (20 minutes)


Target: to consolidate the ability to express the emotion "joy", the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the group, to develop an active vocabulary of emotional states.

Equipment: gnome toy, “joy” pictogram, several pictures of fairy-tale heroes with a joyful mood, paper, colored pencils.

The gnome invites the children to choose a birthday boy. This child sits on a chair. The rest should portray the guests, who in turn come to the birthday man and give him gifts. The task for the guys becomes more complicated: you need to show with the help of gestures what exactly you gave. The task of the birthday boy is to guess this item. If the gift is not guessed, then the birthday boy takes the place of the guest, and the guest becomes the birthday boy. (7 minutes)

"Bee in the Dark"

Target: to consolidate the ability to express the emotion "fear", to develop an active vocabulary of emotional states, correction of fear of the dark, confined space, heights.

Equipment: gnome toy, pictogram "fear"; cards depicting fairy tale characters with the expression of the emotion "fear"; several chairs for adults; matter that does not transmit light.

The dwarf chooses one child to play the Bee. He says that Bee is very fond of collecting honey. She flew to a clearing where many, many different flowers grow. Flying from one flower to another, the Bee did not notice how evening had come. And in the evening the flowers close, so the Bee had to sit inside the flower in the dark until the morning.

Then the teacher, on behalf of the gnome, places the chairs so that the Bee child can climb onto the chair and walk on them without fear of falling. This is flowers. After evening has come, the Bee remains on one of the chairs and it is covered with a cloth that does not let light through. For several minutes the child sits in the dark, then morning comes, and the cloth is removed, the bee flies away to her home. Every child should be in the role of a bee.

When doing this role play, it is important to know how much each child is afraid of the dark and it is best to have a supply of material with different densities. For children who are very afraid of the dark, it is necessary to use an almost transparent matter.

At the end, the dwarf Vasya praises all the children for their courage, regardless of whether they performed the role of the Bee well or badly. (15 minutes)

"Guess the mood of fairy tale characters"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to compare emotions in the picture with the corresponding pictogram, to continue to teach children how to adequately compare an act and an emotion.

Equipment: gnome toy, pictogram "envy", plot pictures depicting people in different poses, sets of pictograms (8 pcs.).

The gnome invites the children to play the following game. Each child has sets of pictograms (8 pcs.) on the table. An adult alternately shows the children cards with different moods of fairy-tale characters. Children should hold up the pictogram with the appropriate emotion. This exercise allows the teacher to most accurately identify children who have not yet fully mastered this skill. (4 minutes)

"In order to be heard, I must..."

Target: to teach children the ability to listen to each other and the people around them, to continue to develop the ability to politely address.

Equipment: pairs of pictures with different communication situations, a ball.

The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle. An adult throws a ball to each child, and in response, he must think and answer the question: “What is needed in order to listen to me carefully?” (5 minutes)

"Without words"

Target: develop communication skills in children, teach children to understand their interlocutor by his facial expression, gestures, posture.

Equipment: gnome toy.

The leader is chosen. He shows without words some object, action, tries to say something. The task of the rest of the children is to guess what the driver is doing. The game continues until every child has been the leader. The teacher makes sure that all the children guess as much as possible. If someone finds it difficult to do this all the time, he is helped by leading questions. (5 minutes)

"Don't drop the ball"

Target: to develop communication skills in children, attention, the ability to work with a partner, to promote the rallying of the children's team, to teach children the ability to lose, to develop sympathy.

Equipment: gnome toy, toys from Kinder Surprise (any number, but not less than 30 pieces for each pair), 2 small buckets, a ball, a tape recorder, a recording of fun music, paper, colored pencils.

The gnome invites the children to stand in pairs facing each other and hold one ball with their hands. To the sound of music, the children will need to perform the actions that the adult will talk about, while each pair should try not to let the ball out of their hands. Actions: crouch, jump on two legs, on one leg, run, spin.

After completing the task, the guys are invited to stand with their backs to each other, hold the ball with their backs and follow the commands of the gnome. Actions: sit down, spin around, walk around the room. In this case, you must try so that the ball does not fall. (5 minutes)

"About Resentment and Sadness"

Target: continue to form the ability to communicate with peers, the ability to unite the children's team.

Equipment: dwarf toy, a ball of woolen threads of bright color.

The gnome tells the children that they are not to blame for the fact that sometimes they come to kindergarten in a bad mood. It’s just that Resentment or Sadness stuck to them along the way. The main thing is to find it and throw it off yourself. This can be done by the child himself or by his friend. After the gnome's story, you can play the situation of removing a bad mood. (5 minutes)

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 19 of a general developmental type"


Card file of developing games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere of children and stress relief

"I rejoice, I am sad, I am surprised"

Compiled by:

music director

Krasova S.P.

Card file of games

on the development of the emotional sphere of children

Emotions play an important role in children's lives, helping them perceive reality and respond to it. Feelings dominate all aspects of a preschooler's life, giving them a special color and expressiveness, so the emotions that he experiences are easily read on his face, in posture, gestures, in all behavior.

Entering kindergarten, the child finds himself in new, unusual conditions, surrounded by unfamiliar adults and children with whom he has to build relationships. In this situation, teachers and parents need to join forces to ensure the emotional comfort of the child, develop the ability to communicate with peers.

Game "Kindergarten"

Two participants in the game are selected, the rest of the children are spectators. Participants are invited to act out the following situation - parents came to kindergarten for a child. The child comes out to them with an expression of a certain emotional state. The audience must guess what state the participant in the game is depicting, the parents must find out what happened to their child, and the child must tell the reason for his condition.

Game "Artists"

Purpose: to develop the ability and express various emotions on paper.

The participants of the game are presented with five cards depicting children with different emotional states and feelings. You need to choose one card and draw a story in which the selected emotional state is the main plot. At the end of the work, an exhibition of drawings is held. Children guess who is the hero of the story, and the author of the work tells the depicted story.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: development of attention, perception, memory, recognition of various emotions.

The teacher shows the children four pictograms of emotional states. The child must highlight one condition that does not fit the others:

Joy, good nature, responsiveness, greed;

Sadness, resentment, guilt, joy;

Diligence, laziness, greed, envy;

Greed, anger, envy, responsiveness.

In another version of the game, the teacher reads out tasks without relying on picture material.

Be sad, upset, have fun, be sad;

Rejoices, has fun, admires, gets angry;

Joy, fun, happiness, anger;

The game "Who - where"

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize various emotions.

The teacher exposes portraits of children with various expressions of emotional feelings, states. The child needs to choose those children who:

Can be planted at the festive table;

Need to calm down, pick up;

offended the educator;

The child must explain his choice, naming the signs by which he understood the mood of each child depicted in the picture.

The game "What would happen if."

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

An adult shows the children a plot picture, the hero (s) of which is missing (yut) face (s). Children are invited to name what emotion they consider appropriate for this occasion and why. After that, the adult invites the children to change the emotion on the hero's face. What would happen if he became cheerful (sad, angry, etc.?

You can divide the children into groups according to the number of emotions and offer each group to play the situation. For example, one group comes up with and plays out a situation in which the characters are angry, the other - a situation in which the characters laugh.

Game "What happened?"

Purpose: to teach children to recognize various emotional states, to develop empathy.

The teacher exposes portraits of children with various expressions of emotional states and feelings. The participants in the game alternately choose any state, name it and come up with a reason why it arose: “Once I am very strong,” because ...” For example, “Once I was very offended because my friend ....”

"Little Raccoon"

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

One child is Little Raccoon, and the rest are his reflection (“The one that lives in the river.”) They sit freely on the carpet or stand in a line. The raccoon approaches the “river” and depicts different feelings (fear, interest, joy, and the children accurately reflect them with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Then other children alternately choose the role of the Raccoon. The game ends with the song “From a smile, everyone will become warmer.”

Card file of games and exercises

Emotion anger, anger

Anger is one of the most important human emotions, and at the same time one of the most unpleasant.

An angry, aggressive child, a fighter and a bully is a great parental chagrin, a threat to the well-being of the children's team, a "thunderstorm" of the yards, but at the same time an unhappy creature that no one understands, does not want to caress and pity. Children's aggressiveness is a sign of internal emotional distress, a bunch of negative experiences, one of the inadequate methods of psychological protection. Therefore, our task is to help the child get rid of the accumulated anger by constructive methods, that is, we must teach the preschooler accessible ways of expressing anger that do not harm others.

Game "Tender Paws"

Purpose: relieving tension, muscle clamps, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception.

Game progress: an adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow: the adult explains that the animal will walk on the arm and touch it with gentle paws. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which animal touched the hand - to guess the object. Touches should be stroking, pleasant.

Variant of the game: the "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can switch places with your child.

Exercise "Evil".

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize mi different emotions with the help of facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are invited to imagine that anger and anger have “infused” one of the children and turned him into Zlyuka. Children become in a circle, in the center of which stands Zlyuka. All together read a short poem:

There lived (a) - there was (a) a little (th) boy (girl).

A small (th) boy (girl) is angry (a) was (a).

The child playing the role of Zlyuka must convey the appropriate emotional state with the help of facial expressions and pantomimics (shifts his eyebrows, pouts his lips, waves his arms). When repeating the exercise, all children are invited to repeat the movements and facial expressions of an angry child.

Game "Magic bags"

Purpose: to relieve the psycho-stress of children.

Children are invited to put all negative emotions into the first magic bag: anger, anger, resentment, etc. You can even scream into the bag. After the children have spoken out, the bag is tied and hidden. Then the children are offered a second bag, from which children can take the positive emotions that they want: joy, fun, kindness, etc.

Exercise "Finish the sentence"

Anger is when...

"I get angry when..."

Mom gets mad when...

The teacher gets angry when...

“Now let's close our eyes and find on the body a place where anger lives in you. What is this feeling? What color is it? There are glasses of water and paints in front of you, paint the water in the color of anger. Next, on the contour of a person, find a place where anger lives, and paint over this place with the color of anger.

Exercise "Go away, anger, go away!"

Goal: Removal of aggressiveness.

The players lie on the carpet in a circle. There are pillows between them. Closing their eyes, they begin with all their might to be with their feet on the floor, and with their hands on the pillows, with a loud cry of "Go away, anger, go away!" The exercise lasts 3 minutes, then the participants, at the command of an adult, lie down in the “star” position, spreading their legs and arms wide, lie quietly, listening to calm music, for another 3 minutes.

Card file of games and exercises

Emote of Surprise

Surprise is the shortest lasting emotion. Surprise comes suddenly. If you have time to think about the event and speculate about whether it surprised you or not, then you were not surprised. You cannot be surprised for long, unless the event that struck you opens up for you with its new unexpected facets. Surprise never stretches. When you stop experiencing surprise, it often disappears as quickly as it appeared.

Exercise "Finish the sentence."

Surprise is when...

"I'm surprised when..."

Mom is surprised when...

The teacher is surprised when...

Exercise "Mirror".

Invite the children to look in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous is reflected there, and be surprised. Draw the children's attention to the fact that each person is surprised in his own way, but, despite the difference, there is always something similar in expressions of surprise. Question:

What do you have in common with how you portrayed surprise?

Fantasy game.

Children are invited to continue the start of amazing adventures:

An elephant has come to us.

We ended up on another planet.

All of the adults suddenly disappeared.

The wizard changed all the signs on the shops at night.

Etude Focus on the expression of surprise

The boy was very surprised: he saw how the magician put a cat in an empty suitcase and closed it, and when he opened the suitcase, the cat was not there. The dog jumped out of the suitcase.

Etude "The weather has changed".

Children are invited to imagine how suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the rain ended and the bright sun came out. And it happened so fast that even the sparrows were surprised.


What happened to you when you imagined such unexpected changes in the weather?

Card file of games and exercises

Emotion Fear


This is one of the first emotions that a newborn baby experiences; associated with a sense of danger. Already in the first months of life, the child begins to be frightened, first by sharp sounds, then by unfamiliar surroundings, strangers. As a child grows, their fears often grow with them. The more the knowledge of the baby expands, and the fantasy develops, the more he notices the dangers that lie in wait for each person. The line between normal, protective fear and pathological fear is often blurred, but in any case, fears prevent the child from living. They disturb him and can cause neurotic disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of tics, obsessive movements, enuresis, stuttering, poor sleep, irritability, aggressiveness, poor contact with others, lack of attention. This is not a complete list of unpleasant consequences that unsurmounted children's fear leads to.

Vulnerable, sensitive, overly proud children are especially susceptible to fear. The most common fears among preschoolers are the fear of the dark, nightmares, loneliness, fairy-tale hooligans, bandits, war, disasters, injections, pain, and doctors.

Adults, and first of all, parents, should help the child overcome the fears that have appeared.

Exercise "Dress the scarecrow."

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to work with the subject of fear.

The teacher prepares in advance black and white drawings of a scary character: Babu Yaga. He must "dress him" with plasticine. The child chooses plasticine of the color he needs, tears off a small piece and smears it inside the horror story. When the children “dress up” a horror story, they tell the group about it, what this character likes and dislikes, who is afraid of him, who is afraid of him?

Exercise "Draw scary."

Purpose: to help children in the manifestation of feelings in relation to the subject of fear.

The host prepares in advance unfinished black and white drawings of a scary character: a skeleton ... He distributes it to the children and asks to finish it. Then the children show the drawings and tell stories about them.

Exercise "ABC of moods".

Purpose: to teach children to find a constructive way out of the situation, to feel the emotional state of their character.

“Look what pictures I brought you (cat, dog, frog). They all experience a sense of fear. Think and decide which of the characters you can show each of you. At the same time, it is necessary to say about what your hero is afraid of and what needs to be done so that his fear disappears.

Exercise "Competition boyusek."

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to actualize their fear of talking about it.

Children quickly pass the ball in a circle and complete the sentence: "The children are afraid of ...". Whoever can't come up with fear is out of the game. You can't repeat. At the end, the winner of the "boyusek" contest is determined.

Exercise "Fishermen and fish."

Purpose: removal of psychomuscular tension, fear of touch.

Choose two fish. The rest of the participants stand in pairs facing each other in two lines, take each other's hands - forming a "network". The host explains to the children that a small fish accidentally got into the net and really wants to get out. Rybka knows that this is dangerous, but freedom lies ahead of her. She should crawl on her stomach under clasped hands, which at the same time touch her on the back, lightly stroke, tickle. Crawling out of the net, the fish waits for its mate crawling after it, they join hands together and become a net.

The game "Bee in the dark"

Purpose: correction of fear of the dark, confined space, heights.

Game progress: the bee flew from flower to flower (children's benches, high chairs, cabinets of different heights, soft modules are used). When the bee flew to the most beautiful flower with large petals, she ate nectar, drank dew and fell asleep inside the flower. A children's table or high chair is used (a stool under which a child climbs. Night fell imperceptibly, and the petals began to close (tables and chairs are covered with cloth). The bee woke up, opened her eyes and saw that it was dark around. Then she remembered that she had remained inside the flower and decided to sleep until morning. The sun rose, the morning came (matter is removed, and the bee again began to have fun, flying from flower to flower. The game can be repeated, increasing the density of the fabric, thereby increasing the degree of darkness. The game can be played with one child or with a group children.

Exercise "Cultivate your fear."

Purpose: correction of the emotion of fear.

Children, together with the teacher, figure out how to instill fear in order to make the horror story kind, add balloons to it, draw a smile, or make the horror story funny. If the child is afraid of the dark, draw a candle, etc.

Exercise "Trash can".

Goal: Removal of fears.

The host offers to tear the drawings of fears into small pieces and throw them in the trash, thereby getting rid of their fears.

Card file of games and exercises

Emotion Joy


The factor that reflects the emotional well-being of the child is the state of pleasure and joy. Joy is characterized as a pleasant, desirable, positive feeling. When experiencing this emotion, the child does not experience any psychological or physical discomfort, he is carefree, feels light and free, even his movements become easier, bringing him joy in themselves.

In childhood, the emotion of joy can be caused by well-defined types of stimulation. Its source for the child is daily communication with close adults who show attention and care, in playful interaction with parents and peers. The emotion of joy performs an important function in the formation of feelings of affection and mutual trust between people.

To get acquainted with the emotion of joy, various exercises are used.

Storytelling exercise .

Purpose: development of expressive movements, the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and adequately express one's own.

“Now I will tell you some stories and we will try to act them out like real actors.”

Story 1 "Good mood"

“Mom sent her son to the store: “Please buy cookies and sweets,” she said, “we will drink tea and go to the zoo.” The boy took the money from his mother and skipped to the store. He was in a very good mood."

Expressive movements: gait - a quick step, sometimes skipping, a smile.

Story 2 "Umka".

“Once upon a time there was a friendly bear family: father bear, mother bear and their little son Umka bear cub. Every evening mom and dad put Umka to bed. The bear gently hugged him and sang a lullaby with a smile, swaying to the beat of the melody. Dad stood nearby and smiled, and then, starting to sing a melody to mom.

Expressive movements: smile, smooth swaying.

Mirror game.

“Today we will try to meet our smile in the mirror. Take a mirror, smile, find her in the mirror and complete the sentence in turn: “When I am happy, my smile is like ...”

Etude "Meeting a friend"

The boy had a friend. But then summer came, and they had to part. The boy stayed in the city, and his friend went south with his parents. Bored in the city without a friend. A month has passed. One day a boy is walking down the street and suddenly sees his friend getting off the trolley bus at a bus stop. How happy they were for each other!

Exercise "Picture ..."

Purpose: to consolidate in children the knowledge gained about the feeling of joy. “Let’s play a game, I’ll call one of you by name, throw a ball to him and ask, for example, “... draw a happy bunny.”

The one of you whom I will name should catch the ball, depicting a bunny, says the following words: “I am a bunny. I rejoice when…”

"Training emotions"

Ask the child to frown- How:

autumn cloud,

angry man,

Evil sorceress.

smile like:

cat in the sun

The sun itself

Like Pinocchio,

Like a cunning fox

Like a joyful child

It's like you've seen a miracle.

piss like:

The child who was robbed of ice cream

Two sheep on the bridge

Like a person who has been hit.

get scared like:

A child lost in the forest

The hare who saw the wolf

A kitten being barked by a dog.

get tired like:

dad after work

Ant lifting a heavy load

rest like:

A tourist who took off a heavy backpack,

The child who worked hard but helped his mother,

Like a tired warrior after a victory.

Exercises to Expand Emotional Vocabulary

1. "Name something similar"

Purpose: to activate vocabulary through words denoting various emotions.

The facilitator calls the main emotion (or shows its schematic representation, or plays it himself), and the children remember the words that denote this emotion. You can divide the children into two teams. Representatives of each team in turn name synonyms. The team that says the last word wins.

2. Looking at pictures and paintings,where people, faces are depicted, we guess and name what mood this person has, we assume why it is like that.

Dictionary:cheerful, good, angry, bad, sad, gloomy, depressed.

3. We are trying to determine and name what expression of the eyes.

Dictionary:mocking, cunning, mischievous, reckless, sad, offended, evil, vicious, insane, frightened, pitiful, pleading, asking, compassionate.

4. Pick up words for the picture, which depicts children having fun.

Dictionary:joy, fun, celebration, delight, exultation.

5. We select words for a picture with a sad plot.

Dictionary:sadness, melancholy, sadness, despondency, grief, melancholy.

Card file of games for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children 5-7 years old.


Target: the exercise continues the acquaintance, creates a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

At the beginning of the exercise, we talk about different ways of greeting, real and comic. Children are invited to greet their shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, invent their own unusual way of greeting for today's lesson and greet them. (For each subsequent lesson, a new, previously unused way of greeting is invented!


Target: the exercise is aimed at developing attention, observation, as well as the continuation of group acquaintances.

The host gives the task: "Stand up all those who ...

Likes to run - enjoys the good weather,

Has a younger sister - likes to give flowers, etc.

If desired, the role of the leader can be played by children.

After completing the exercise, the children are asked questions summing up the game:

Now we will see who in our group turned out to be the most attentive. Which of the guys remembered who in our group likes sweets? Who has a younger sister? etc.

Then the questions become more complex (include two variables):

Who in our group likes sweets and has a younger sister? Each question is addressed to a specific child, if he cannot answer himself, the group helps him.”


Purpose: the development of attentiveness and the ability to describe what he saw, the continuation of acquaintance.

The exercise is performed in pairs (simultaneously by all participants). Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner.

Then the description is compared with the original and it is concluded that

how accurate the child was.


Target: development of attention and observation necessary for effective communication.

Each child takes turns becoming a leader. The driver leaves the room. During this time, the group makes several changes in clothes, children's hairstyles, you can move to another place (but no more than two or three changes; all changes made must be visible). The task of the driver is to correctly notice the changes that have occurred.


Target: development of mindfulness, empathy, the ability to feel the mood of another.

The exercise is performed in a circle.

Each child carefully looks at his neighbor on the left and tries to guess how he feels, talks about it.

The child, whose condition is described, listens and then agrees with what was said or disagrees, complements.

No. 6 "MY MOOD"

Target: the development of the ability to describe one's mood, to recognize the moods of others, the development of empathy.

Children are invited to tell others about their mood: it can be drawn, it can be compared with any color, animal, state, you can show it in motion - it all depends on the child's imagination and desire.


Target: development of team spirit, the ability to make friends, to do the right thing

choice, cooperate with peers.

The children are given the task: "If you were a magician and could work miracles, what would you give now to all of us together?" Or: "If we had a Seven-Flower Flower, what wish would you make?" Each child makes one wish by tearing off one petal from the common flower.

Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, make a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion they led.

Lead to... At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.


Target: development of analysis and introspection.

Children are given the task to draw a portrait of their best friend. Then the conversation takes place:

Who do you consider to be your best, best friend? What qualities does this person have? Do you want to be considered a good friend? What do you need to do, how to behave?

During the general discussions, the rules of joyful communication are formulated, which are drawn in a schematic form accessible to children or written down on a piece of drawing paper in block letters (if the children already know how to read). For example:

Help your friends.

Share with them, learn to play and practice together.

Stop a friend if he does something bad. Tell him if he is wrong about something.

Do not quarrel, do not argue over trifles; play with everyone.

Do not envy.

If you did something wrong, don't be afraid to admit it, apologize.

Feel free to accept the advice and help of other guys.

Don't rejoice when someone loses. Help him if you can.

If you lost yourself, do not take out your anger on others, maybe you will win next time.

No. 9 "Study for different positions in communication"

Target: feel different positions in communication.

Children are given the task to break into pairs. Communication in pairs takes place

in dialogue mode. For communication are offered interesting and

relevant topics for children: "My favorite animal", "My most

happy day last month" etc.

At first, the communication situation is organized when both children are sitting

facing each other, then one child sits on a chair and the other stands

near their chair (children change places), then the children, sitting on a chair

back to back, continue the conversation.

After the children are asked about the impression, the mood that arose in

the process of communication. How did you like to communicate? Why?


Target: correlation of a person and his tactile image, removal of bodily barriers; developing the ability to express one's feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

The exercise is performed in pairs with their eyes closed, the children sit opposite each other at arm's length.Adult gives tasks (each task is completed 2-3 minutes): - Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, get to know each other with one hand. Try to get to know your neighbor better. Put your hands down"

Stretch your arms forward again, find the hands of a neighbor. Your hands are quarreling. Put your hands down.

Your hands are looking for each other again. They want to reconcile. Your hands make up, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?


Introductory conversation.

Target: the realization that it is possible to help a person who is sad, bad, that everyone is able to help everyone who needs it, an understanding of what exactly can be done for this.

What helps you when it is difficult for you, when you feel bad, when you have been guilty, when you have been offended?

What is special about the people with whom we are pleased to communicate, what distinguishes them? (smile, ability to listen, eye contact, kind gentle voice, soft unsharp gestures, pleasant touches, polite words, ability to understand a person).

Why can we call these means of understanding "magical"?

Can you and I use these "magic" remedies when?

No. 12 "FACES"

Target: contributes to the development of understanding of facial expressions and facial expressions.

The leader hangs various pictures, masks on the board:

Joy, - surprise, - interest,

Anger, anger, - fear, - shame,

contempt, disgust,

The task of children is to determine what feeling the mask expresses.

No. 13 "MASK"

Target: the ability to distinguish facial expressions, independently consciously use facial expressions to express their emotions.

Each of the participants is given a task - to express grief, joy, pain, fear, surprise with the help of facial expressions ... The rest of the participants must determine what the participant was trying to portray.


Target: the exercise is performed in pairs, it is aimed at a specific study, the use of "magic" means of understanding, the development of empathy, the use of already familiar means of understanding.

Using the "magic" means of understanding, children should help:

1) crying child, he lost the ball;

2) mother came home from work, she was very tired;

3) a friend in the class is sad, his mother is ill;

4) your friend is crying, he got a bad grade;

5) a neighbor girl asked you to make an application for her ... You need to choose as many situations so that each child can complete the task.

No. 15 "DRAWING"

Target: development of empathy, creativityimagination .

The children are given the task: "Draw a kind animal and name it

affectionate name, reward him with some magical remedy


Drawing is carried out to quiet calm music, paints or

bright crayons, felt-tip pens on unlined white sheets.

Then there is a competition for the kindest animal. Winner

diploma is awarded.


Target: development of the ability to describe the observed, the ability to highlight the details that are essential for describing, the use of acceptable, harmless words, the expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children.

Each child in turn thinks of someone from the group and begins to draw his verbal portrait - his external features (and, if possible, internal, psychological), without specifically naming this person.

Given the level of development of children, you can offer them exercises for associative perception. (What animal does it look like? What flower? What piece of furniture? Etc.)


Target: development in children of feeling each other, understanding of mood

another, the development of empathy.

The host gives the task to everyone to make a gift to their neighbor on the right, but not a specific gift, but a fictitious one: “What would you like to give to this particular person? Give the gift that you think he needs right now.” A gift can be described in words or shown with gestures.

No. 18 "TOY"

Target: role-playing situations, developing skills for effective interaction, empathy, ability to cooperate.

The exercise is performed in pairs. One child from a couple is the owner

beautiful and very beloved toy, with which he loves

play. Another child really wants to play with this toy. His

the task is to persuade the owner of the toy to let him play with it.

Important: when performing this exercise, the child - the owner of the toy

any toy is given in his hands, which he must present as

your favorite.

As soon as the owner of the toy gives it to the asking child, the exercise

interrupted and the child is asked why he gave the toy away.


Target: the task is aimed at a specific study and application of "magic" means of communication, the development of empathy, the use of already familiar means of understanding.

Children are given game situations that they stage. The exercise is performed collectively (participants acting out the situation and observers are selected from the group). The task of the actors is to play the given situation as naturally as possible, while the observers analyze what they see. After a collective discussion, you can play the situation again with the same actors (if they did it unsuccessfully before) or with new ones (to consolidate the magical means of understanding in practice).

Examples of playable situations:

You went out into the yard and saw that two unfamiliar boys were fighting there.

You really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your class. Ask her.

You hurt your friend very much. Apologize and try to make amends.

No. 20 "MOOD"

Target: the ability to describe one's mood, the development of understanding the mood of others, the development of empathy, associative thinking.

A color scheme of the mood of the group is created. For example, on a common sheet of drawing paper, with the help of paints, each child draws his mood in the form of a strip, or a cloud, or simply in the form of a spot. Another option is possible: from a basket with multi-colored petals made of colored paper, each child chooses a petal for himself, the color of which is most suitable for the color of his mood. Then all the petals are collected in a common chamomile. You can invite children to compose a spontaneous mood dance.


Target: development of empathy, cultural communication skills.

Introductory conversation:

When do people smile?

What are smiles?

Try to show them.

Children try to smile restrainedly, cunningly, sincerely...

Draw a smiling person.

Smiling man, what is he?


Target: development of understanding, feeling the mood of the interlocutor.

Stage 1: A competition is announced for the best image of joy, fear, anger, grief (in the future, the set of emotions can be expanded). The mood is depicted with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Then, when an expression of emotion is found, the facilitator asks to come up with and make a sound that each child associates with this state. some unpleasant event happened, etc."

If children begin to copy movements from each other, then the task can be done with closed eyes and open them only when the expression of the desired state is found.

Stage 2 : Work in pairs. Several basic emotions are selected, for example, fear, surprise, joy, grief. Children stand with their backs to each other, at the expense of one, two or three, they show the same state without saying a word. It is important to learn how to feel each other as best as possible. It is good when the choice of the state in a pair coincides 2-3 times in a row.

Stage 3 : A unified one is being developed; a universal sign for depicting basic emotions, for example, fear, grief, joy ...

At this stage, it is important to work on discussing the visible signs that express a certain state.

No. 23 "I AM GOOD - I AM BAD"

Target: development of reflection and introspection.

Children are invited to draw a picture, a self-portrait, on which both their good and bad qualities should be drawn. If the children are at a loss, then you can talk with them about what qualities they consider to be bad and which are good and why. How can you draw bad quality, but how good? What color can they be and what shape?

No. 24 "The wind blows on ..."

With the words "The wind blows on ..." the host starts the game. In order for the participants in the game to learn more about each other, questions can be as follows: “The wind blows on the one who has blond hair” - all fair-haired people gather in one pile. “The wind blows on the one who ... has a sister”, “who loves animals”, “who cries a lot”, “who does not

friends”, etc.

The leader must be changed, giving the opportunity

ask each participant.

No. 25 "Find a friend"

The exercise is performed among children or between parents and children. One half is blindfolded, given the opportunity to walk around the room and offered to find and recognize a friend (or their parent). You can find out with the help of hands, feeling hair, clothes, hands. Then, when a friend is found, the players switch roles.

No. 26 "Mittens"

For the game, mittens cut out of paper are needed, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. The host spreads mittens with the same ornament, but not painted, around the room. The children are scattered around the room. They look for their “pair”, go to a corner and, with the help of three pencils of different colors, try, as quickly as possible, to color the mittens in exactly the same way. note: The facilitator observes how the couples organize the joint work, how they share pencils, how they agree at the same time. Congratulations to the winners.

No. 27 "Let's make a story"

The host begins the story: “Once upon a time ...”, the next participant continues, and so on in a circle. When it is the facilitator's turn again, he directs the plot of the story, sharpens it, makes it more meaningful, and the exercise continues.

No. 28 "Dragon"

The players stand in a line, holding on to their shoulders. The first participant is * the head", the last one is the "tail" of the dragon. The "head" should reach out to the tail and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

No. 29 “Roar lion, roar; knock, train, knock"

The host says: “We are all lions; big lion family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say: "Roar, lion, roar!", let the loudest growl be heard.

“And who can growl even louder? Roar well, lions." You need to ask the children to growl as loudly as possible, while depicting a lion's stance.

Then everyone stands one after another, putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. This is a steam locomotive. He puffs, whistles, the wheels work clearly, in time, everyone listens and adapts to the neighbors. The locomotive travels around the room in different directions, now quickly, then slowly, then turning, then bending, making loud noises and whistling. The driver at the stations changes. At the end of the game, a "crash" can occur and everyone falls to the floor.

No. 30 "Yes or not?"

The players stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader is in the center. He explains the task: they agree with the statement, then raise up and shout “Yes”, if they do not agree, lower their hands and shout “No!”

Is there a firefly field? Are there fish in the sea? Does a calf have wings?

Does a piglet have a beak? Does the mountain have a ridge? Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key? Does the verse have a rhyme? Does it have any errors?

No. 31 "Shadow"

One player walks around the room and makes different movements, unexpected turns, squats, bends to the sides, nods his head, waves his arms, etc. All the rest stand in a line behind him at a short distance. They are his shadow and must quickly and clearly repeat his movements. Then the leader changes.

#32 "What does the mood look like?"

The participants of the game take turns saying what time of the year, natural phenomenon, weather is similar to their current mood. It’s better for an adult to start comparisons: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, and yours?” The exercise is carried out in a circle.Adult generalizes - what is the mood of the whole group today: sad, cheerful, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting the children's answers, keep in mind that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy skies, aggressive elements indicate emotional distress.

No. 33 "Psychological modeling"

In this case, much depends on the imagination of an adult. He asks the children to mold one common figure from their bodies: a "starfish" (you can lie on the carpet) - and show how it moves. Shell, cat, bird, flower, car, etc. Children not only "sculpt" the figure, but also "revive" it, moving smoothly and synchronously, without violating its integrity.

No. 34 "Walk on the brook"

A brook is drawn on the floor with chalk, winding, now wide, now narrow, now shallow, now deep. Tourists line up one after another in one “chain”, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, spread their legs to the width of the stream in the place where their path begins, slowly move all together, changing the width of the spread legs, stepping along the banks of the stream. The stumbler gets his foot into the stream and stands at the end of the chain

No. 35 "Mirror"

Children are asked to imagine that they have entered a mirror shop. One half of the group are mirrors, the other half are different animals.

Animals walk past mirrors, jump, make faces - mirrors must accurately reflect the movements and facial expressions of the animals.

educating the basics emotional culture of a preschooler provides for use in games. Creative games help to enrich life experience and realize oneself, reveal creativity, creativity.

Since the reproduction of actions and playing various roles contributes to understanding the feelings of a person, it is necessary to use role-playing games. They form child's ability to interact with others, comment on their actions, coordinate them with other children, explain their intentions, and also master the skills of arbitrary behavior - learn to control themselves, restraining immediate desires for the sake of supporting joint play with peers. In addition, outdoor games help the child get rid of the energy he has accumulated.

Games for the development of emotions can be carried out indoors or outdoors, the duration is not limited.


Demonstrates various facial expressions.

Task: the child should react accordingly: a cheerful face - clapping, sad - closing eyes with palms, imitation of crying.


Task: the child should respond accordingly: cheerful - clapping his hands, frightened - covering his head with his hands on both sides (closing his ears), wide open mouth.


The adult demonstrates various facial expressions.

Task: the child must respond accordingly: a cheerful face - clapping, angry - clenching fingers into fists, sharp waves of hands up and down. The child's elbows are bent.

During the game, an adult may offer to identify emotions depicted in drawings, photographs, pictures, pages of children's magazines, and the like.

"Kitty and kitty"

The players become in a circle. In its center are two children "cat" and "cat".

Task: to convey as clearly as possible the mood of animals that:

play with a ball;

just quarreled;

angry at each other;

reconcile and embrace;

go for a walk together.

Similar to this game, others can be played: “Rooster and Hen”, “Hen and Chickens”, “Hare and Hare”, “Two Friends”, “Grandmother and Granddaughter”.

"Next to us"

Players line up. The psychologist says: “Next to us...” and names any animal (angry dog, little chick, funny bear cub, wild cat, brave hedgehog, sick puppy, etc.).

Task: imagine the named animal, depict it.


Among the players is selected "invisible". Children stand at a distance from each other, spread their arms wide apart, touching only with their fingertips.

Objective: Put on the wizard's hat and become "invisible". Stand in front of the players, close your eyes, walk between them without touching.

After the game is over, the following questions should be discussed:

Who and what exactly liked the game;

Is it difficult to be invisible to others;

Is it easy for players to stay in a fixed position for a long time;

Is it interesting to observe the "invisible" or not;

How difficult is it to move with your eyes closed and why;

What needs to be done to carefully pass between other players and not hurt them,

Can you really become invisible?

It should be found out which of the children who turned into “invisibility” found it easy to complete the task (carefully walk past others) and why, what helped them.

Psycho-gymnastics "In the meadow"

The psychologist becomes the leader of the game. Children turn into different flowers and say their name. The host says: “I plant different flowers in the clearing. I have a bell, a poppy, a sunflower ... Spring has come, the sun has warmed. I look at the clearing and see how the first ones appear ... (names the flowers). My flowers are growing, blooming petals. The wind shakes them. Suddenly it started to rain. Each flower tries to protect its petals, presses them together. The rain gets stronger, it bends the flowers to the ground, lower and lower. The wind is getting stronger, swaying the stems and leaves. He plucks the bell, the poppy... and lifts it high into the sky. Flowers swirl in the air and slowly fall to the ground. The wind died down, the rain ended, the flowers were again on the ground.

Task: depict a flower, convey with movements everything that an adult comments on.

Exercises for the formation of knowledge about emotions

Carrying out work on educating the foundations of the child's emotional culture, it is important to pay attention to the development of the child's emotional susceptibility, to enrich her life experience with impressions from what she heard, saw, and examined. In this direction, exercises for the development of attention and observation will be useful.

"Find items that are the same in..."

The adult places certain objects at different distances in advance (among them, for example, an umbrella, a wallet, a newspaper, a clown hat, a mobile phone), the child is next to the adult.


Task: carefully consider objects on one (left) side, turn to the opposite (right) side, name as many of those objects as possible that:

They have the same color;

Pleasant (soft, warm, cold, etc.) to the touch;

Are at a close distance from you;

They look funny;

evoke happy memories;

Useful for a person;

They have a similar shape.

"Help me find..."

4-5 drawings with images of a wicker basket, an iron cage, a doghouse, a nest, an aquarium are laid out in front of the child. Having carefully examined the drawings together with the child, the adult notices that the toy chick, cat, fish, dog, lion cub belong to an absent-minded boy. He sometimes forgets to place animals at home. The same thing happened today.

Task: Return the animals to their homes, think about what happened if the toy animals were real and got lost.

It is worth asking the following questions psychologist talking to children):

What does the one who is lost feel;

What are the reasons for getting lost?

How will a lost child feel?

Will tears help him in such a situation;

Who should the child turn to for help?

"Put things back"

An adult places a doll closet in front of the child, in which various things (4-6 items) are laid out on the shelves. The child looks at it for a while, and then closes its eyes (or turns away in the other direction). The adult rearranges things and invites the preschooler to look at their location again.

Task: carefully consider, remember the preliminary location of their location and return each to its place.

Adults should discuss:

Does the child always remember where he put his things;

Does it happen that the thing you need has disappeared, someone else has taken it;

Is it nice when another person takes your thing without your permission (uses it, spoils it)

What to do in this case;

Will offensive words help to explain to another that it is impossible to take other people's things;

Is it worth putting things in their place; Why?

"Find similar"

The child stands in front of another child, looks at him for a while, and then turns away in the opposite direction or closes his eyes.

Task: think and tell how another child is similar to you, how it differs (figure, facial features, expression, clothes). Determine what makes him similar to other peers.

During the exercise, an adult should direct the attention of children not only to appearance, clothes, but also to emphasize individual traits, for example: “Pasha is attentive to friends”, “Alena is caring”, “Sasha is observant”, “Natasha is shy”.

"Find the Differences"

An adult prepares pictures in advance that show people of the same age with similar appearance (cheerful/sad red-haired girls, upset/surprised gray-haired men, worried/calm doctors, scared/cheerful children, etc.)

Tasks: look at the pictures and find the differences.

"What changed?"

The first child stands opposite the second, carefully examines him, closes his eyes or they are tied to him with an opaque scarf. Before taking it off, the second child, with the help of an adult, changes things (puts on a hat, bow, gloves, changes shoes from left to right foot and vice versa, picks up a toy, etc.). He also changes his posture (squats, puts one leg in front of the other, tilts his head to the side, raises his hand, etc.) and facial expression (puffs out his cheeks, smiles, sighs, frowns, stretches his lips with a “tube”, “grins his teeth” and etc.).

Task: remove the handkerchief from the eyes, carefully examine the other child, it is advisable to name everything that has changed.

"Pleasant - unpleasant"

The child is shown pictures depicting various life events, for example: “kids on a carousel”, “bad weather: a strong wind broke a small tree”, “children visit the zoo”, “the child got dirty”, “a girl opens a large box, from which a large number of multi-colored balls”, “a boy beats a puppy”, “winter entertainment”, “grandmother pricked her finger with a needle”, “children watch cartoons”, “grandfather has a toothache”, “wolf chasing hares”, etc.

Task: to determine what sensations appear when considering the drawings, and respond accordingly: a pleasant sensation - clapping, unpleasant - a slight stomp.

"Nice memories"

Cards with images of various things are laid out in front of the child (candy, a syringe, a mirror, a swing, an old broken toy, lipstick, a toy train, a soccer ball, a torn hat, etc.).

Task: put aside cards that depict things that evoke pleasant memories, explain your choice, color them in a light color.

Enriching the emotional experience of a child of primary preschool age, which is still small, we advise kindergarten teachers to use the above exercises in their daily work.

Emotions play an important role in children's lives, helping them perceive reality and respond to it. The child's emotions are a message to others about his condition.

Emotions and feelings, like other mental processes, go through a complex path of development throughout childhood.

For young children, emotions are the motives for behavior, which explains their impulsiveness and instability. If the kids are upset, offended, angry or not satisfied, they begin to scream and sob inconsolably, knock their feet on the floor, fall. This strategy allows them to completely throw out all the physical tensions that have arisen in the body.

At preschool age, the development of social forms of expression of emotions takes place. Thanks to speech development, the emotions of preschoolers become conscious, they are an indicator of the general condition of the child, his mental and physical well-being.

The emotional system of preschool children is still immature, therefore, in adverse situations, they may experience inadequate emotional reactions, behavioral disorders, which are the result of low self-esteem, experienced feelings of resentment and anxiety. All of these feelings are normal human reactions, but it is difficult for children to express negative emotions properly. In addition, children at preschool age have problems in expressing emotions associated with the prohibitions of adults. This is a ban on loud laughter, a ban on tears (especially in boys), a ban on the expression of fear, aggression. A six-year-old child already knows how to be restrained and can hide fear, aggression and tears, but being in a state of resentment, anger, depression for a long time, the child experiences emotional discomfort, stress, and this is very harmful to mental and physical health. The experience of an emotional attitude to the world, acquired at preschool age, according to psychologists, is very strong and takes on the character of an attitude.

Organized pedagogical work can enrich the emotional experience of children and significantly mitigate or even completely eliminate shortcomings in their personal development. Preschool age is a fertile period for organizing pedagogical work on the emotional development of children. The main task of such work is not to suppress and eradicate emotions, but to properly direct them. It is important for the teacher to specifically acquaint children with a kind of emotional primer, to teach them to use the language of emotions to express their own feelings and experiences and to better understand the state of other people, to analyze the causes of various moods.

We bring to your attention some exercises, games that educators can use to develop the emotional sphere of preschool children.

"Press conference"

Goals: develop effective communication skills; educate the desire to communicate, make contact with other children; to teach children to ask various questions on a given topic, to maintain a conversation.

One of the participants of the press conference - "guest" - sits down in the center of the hall and answers any questions of the participants.

Sample questions for the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Who do you prefer to be friends with, boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What do you need to be to make more friends? How not to treat friends? Etc.

"Role Gymnastics"

Goals: To teach relaxed behavior, develop acting skills, help to feel the state of another being.

Suggest a poem:

1. Very fast, "with machine-gun speed."

2. As a foreigner.

3. Whisper.

4. Very slowly, "at the speed of a turtle."

Pass like: a cowardly bunny, a hungry lion, a baby, an old man, ...

Jump like: grasshopper, frog, goat, monkey.

Sit in a pose: birds on a branch, bees on a flower, a rider on a horse, a student in a lesson, ...

Frowning like: an angry mother, an autumn cloud, an angry lion, ...

Laugh like: a good sorceress, an evil sorceress, a small child, an old man, a giant, a mouse, ...


Goals: to form a desire to communicate with peers; overcome shyness; find different ways to achieve your goal.

Children should come up with as many ways of persuading as possible (guessing; complimenting; promising treats; not believing that there is something in the fist, ...)

"My Good Qualities"

Goals: learn to overcome shyness; help to realize their positive qualities; increase self-esteem.

"I'm the best at..."

Goals: to learn to overcome shyness, to form a sense of confidence, to increase self-esteem.


Goals: learn to concentrate; manage your behavior.

The host gives the command "Calm!" All children freeze. At the command "Wave!" Children line up and hold hands. The host indicates the strength of the wave, and the children squat and stand up with an interval of 1-2 seconds without releasing their hands. The game ends with the command "Calm!" (You can first talk about marine painters, show reproductions of Aivazovsky's paintings).

"Mimic gymnastics"

Goals: to learn to understand the facial expressions corresponding to the mood; be aware of your emotional state.

Game content: children are invited to use facial expressions to perform a series of simple exercises that will help them learn how to correctly express certain emotions: surprise, fear, resentment, anger, sadness, joy, delight. Emotions can be depicted on cards and put face down. The child pulls out a card and depicts this emotion. Children must guess the emotion.

When children have mastered facial expressions well, you can add gestures and an imaginary situation. For example, a child pulled out a card with the emotion "joy". He not only portrays joy, but also puts himself in a specific situation: he found a gift under the tree, painted a good portrait, saw a plane in the sky, ....)

"Collect the emotion"

Goals: to teach to determine the expressed emotion by separate mimic fragments; develop the ability to recognize emotion; develop color perception.

Game content: you will need a sheet with pictograms, sets of pictograms cut into pieces, colored pencils, sheets of paper. Children are given the task to collect pictograms so that the correct image of the emotion is obtained. The facilitator then shows a sheet of sample pictograms for the children to check. You can ask the children to draw any drawing by choosing a pencil that matches the emotion they have collected (according to the child!)

"My mood. Group Mood»

Goals: teach children to be aware of their emotions and express them through drawing.

Game content: each child from the group draws his mood on a piece of paper with a pencil of the same color. Then the works are posted and discussed. You can take one large sheet and invite the children to choose the color of the pencil that suits their mood and depict their mood. As a result, you can see the general mood of the group. The game is considered as a variant of drawing tests. It is necessary to pay attention to what colors the children used, what they drew and in what part of the sheet. If the children used predominantly dark colors, talk with the children and have a fun outdoor game.

"Listen to silence"

Goals: relieve muscle tension; exercise concentration; learn to manage your emotional state.

"Charge of vivacity" relaxation exercise

Goals: help children cope with feeling tired, help tune in to a lesson or switch attention; improve mood;

Then put the index finger between the eyebrows above the nose. They also massage that point 10 times in each direction, saying: “Wake up, third eye!” Shake hands at the end of the exercise.

Then they collect their fingers in a handful and massage the point, which is located at the bottom of the neck, with the words: “I breathe, breathe, breathe!”

"Brownian motion"

Goals: promote team cohesion; learn to work in a group, communicate with peers, make joint decisions.

Game content: participants move freely around the room. At the signal of the leader, they need to unite in groups. The number of people in the group depends on how many times the leader clap his hands (you can show a card with a number). If the number of participants in the group does not match the announced, the group must decide for itself how to fulfill the condition of the game.



Game content: A "cauldron" is a limited space in a group (for example, a carpet). For the duration of the game, the participants become “drops of water” and randomly move along the carpet without hitting each other. The host pronounces the words: “the water is heating up!”, “The water is getting warmer!”, “The water is hot!”, “The water is boiling!”, .... Children, depending on the temperature of the water, change the speed of movement. It is forbidden to collide and go beyond the carpet. Those who break the rules are out of the game. The most attentive and dexterous become the winners.


Goals: promote team building, relieve feelings of fear and aggression; cultivate mutual assistance; develop agility and speed.

"Pass around"

Goals: contribute to the formation of a friendly team; learn to act in concert; develop coordination of movements and imagination.

Game content: children sit in a circle. The teacher passes an imaginary object in a circle: a hot potato, an ice floe, a frog, a grain of sand, etc. You can play with older children without naming the object. The object must go the whole circle and return to the driver without changing (the potato should not cool down, the ice should melt, the grain of sand should get lost, the frog should jump off).

"Coin in the fist" relaxation exercise

Goals: relieve muscle and psychological tension; master the techniques of self-regulation.

"Pick up the toy" relaxation exercise

Goals: removal of muscular and psychological tension; concentration of attention; mastering the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing.

"King's Hail"

Goals: removal of muscular and psychological tension; creating a positive mood in the group; developing the ability to manage your emotions.

Game content: Participants line up in two lines. The front put their hands on each other's shoulders. They form, as it were, a fence for those standing behind. Those standing behind, leaning on the fence, jump as high as possible, greeting the king with a smile, waving either his left or his right hand. At the same time, you can make greetings. Then the fence and the audience change places. Children should feel the difference in muscle tension: when they were a wooden, motionless fence, and now, jubilant, merrily bouncing people.

"Find and shut up"

Goals: development of concentration of attention; education of a stress-resistant personality; fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Game content: Children stand up and close their eyes. The host puts the item in a place visible to everyone. After the permission of the driver, the children open their eyes and carefully look for him with their eyes. The first person who sees the object should not say or show anything, but silently sit down in his place. So do others. Those who did not find the object are helped in this way: everyone looks at the object, and the children must see it, following the gaze of the others.

"Box of experiences" relaxation exercise

Goals: removal of psychological stress; development of the ability to recognize and formulate their problems.

"Sharks and Sailors"

Goals: promote team building; removal of the state of aggression; learn to control your emotional state; develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Game content: children are divided into two teams: sailors and sharks. A large circle is drawn on the floor - this is a ship. There are many sharks swimming around the ship in the ocean. These sharks are trying to drag the sailors into the sea, and the sailors are trying to drag the sharks onto the ship. When the shark is completely dragged onto the ship, it immediately turns into a sailor, and if the sailor enters the sea, then he turns into a shark. You can only pull each other by the hands. An important rule: one shark - one sailor. Nobody interferes anymore.

"Cows, dogs, cats"

Goals: development of the ability for non-verbal communication, concentration of auditory attention; fostering a caring attitude towards each other; developing the ability to listen to others.

Game content. The facilitator says: “Please stand in a wide circle. I will go up to everyone and whisper the name of the animal in their ear. Remember it well, as then you will need to become this animal. Don't tell anyone what I whispered to you." The leader whispers to each child in turn: “You will be a cow”, “You will be a dog”, “You will be a cat”. “Now close your eyes and forget human language. You should only speak the way your animal "speaks". You can walk around the room without opening your eyes. As soon as you hear "your animal", move towards it. Then, hand in hand, the two of you walk to find other children who "speak your language." An important rule: do not shout and move very carefully.” The first time the game can be played with open eyes.


Goals: development of visual attention; Formation of a close-knit team: the ability to work in a group.

Game content: “obstacles” are placed in the room in random order. The "scout" slowly walks through the room, along the chosen route. Another child, the "commander", having memorized the way, must lead the detachment in the same way. If the commander finds it difficult to choose a path, he can ask for help from the detachment. But if he goes by himself, the squad is silent. At the end of the path, "the scout can point out errors in the route.

"Piano" relaxation exercise

Goals: removal of muscular and psychological tension; establishing interpersonal contacts; development of fine motor skills.

“Who will slap / trample whom” relaxation exercise

Goals: removal of psychological and muscular tension; creating a good mood.

"Applause" relaxation exercise

Goals: establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group.

Content of the exercise: children stand in a wide circle. The teacher says: “You did a great job today, and I want to clap you. The teacher chooses one child from the circle, approaches him and, smiling, applauds him. The selected child also chooses a friend, approaches him already together with the teacher. The second child is already applauding together. Thus, the whole group applauds the last child. The second time the game is started not by the educator.

"Creating a circle pattern"

Goals: establishing interpersonal contacts; creation of a favorable microclimate in the group; development of fine motor skills and imagination.

Game content: everyone sits in a circle. Each participant has a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. In one minute, everyone draws something on their sheets. Next, the sheet is passed to the neighbor on the right, and the sheet is received from the neighbor on the left. They finish drawing something in one minute and again pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The game continues until the sheet returns to its owner. Then everything is considered and discussed. You can have an exhibition.

"Greeting" relaxation exercise

Goals: establishing interpersonal contacts; creation of a favorable microclimate in the group;

Hello Friend! They greet by the hand.

How are you here? They pat each other on the shoulder.

Where have you been? They tug on each other's ears.

I missed! They put their hands on their hearts.

You came! Raise your arms to the sides.

Fine! Embrace.


Goals: the ability to survive a situation of failure; education of altruistic feelings of children; education of honesty.

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

All look at each other.

Isn't it time to run

And change places. After these words, everyone should run to the opposite wall, touch it with their hand and, returning, sit on any chair. The leader at this time removes one chair. They play until one of the smartest children remains. The children who dropped out play the role of judges: they monitor the observance of the rules of the game.


Goals: development of motor coordination, speed of reaction; establishing interpersonal contacts.

Game content; one participant becomes a traveler, the rest his shadow. The traveler walks across the field, and behind him two steps behind is his shadow. The shadow tries to exactly copy the movements of the traveler. It is desirable that the traveler make movements: pick mushrooms, pick apples, jump over puddles, look into the distance from under the arm, balance on the bridge, etc.

"Lords of the Ring"

Goals: training in coordinating joint actions; learning to find ways to collectively solve the problem.

Game content: you will need a ring with a diameter of 7-15 cm (a coil of wire or adhesive tape), to which three threads 1.5-2 m long are tied at a distance from each other. Three participants stand in a circle, and each picks up a thread. Their task: acting synchronously, lower the ring exactly on the target - for example, a coin lying on the floor. Options: eyes are open, but you can not talk. Eyes are closed, but you can talk.

Game "Repeat movements"

Target: development of the ability to control their actions, subordinating the instructions of an adult.

The child, listening to an adult, must perform movements, if he hears the name of the toy - he must clap, if the name of the dish is to stomp, if the name of the clothes is to sit down.

The game "An hour of silence - an hour is possible"

Target. Developing the ability to regulate one's state and behavior.

Agree with your child that sometimes, when you are tired and want to rest, there will be an hour of silence in the house. The child should behave quietly, calmly play, draw, design. But sometimes you will have a “you can” hour when the child is allowed to do everything: jump, scream, take mom’s outfits and dad’s tools, hug parents, hang on them, ask questions, etc. These hours can be alternated, you can arrange them in different days, the main thing is that they become familiar in the family.

Game "Silence"

Target. Developing the ability to control your emotions, manage your behavior.

The players sit in a circle and are silent, they should neither move nor talk. The driver walks in a circle, asks questions, performs ridiculous movements. Those sitting should repeat everything he does, but without laughter and words. Whoever breaks the rules drives.



When answering questions, the words “YES” and “NO” cannot be used. You can use any of the other answers.

Are you a girl? Is the salt sweet?

Birds are flying? Do geese meow?

Is it winter now? Is the cat a bird?

Is the ball square? Is the coat warm in winter?

Do you have a nose? Are the toys alive?

Game "Speak"

Target. Development of the ability to control impulsive actions.

The facilitator says: “I will ask you questions, simple and complex. But it will be possible to answer them only when I give the command “Speak”. Let's practice: “What season is it now? (pauses) - Speak. What color are the curtains in our room? ... Speak. What day of the week is it today ?Speak..