What is the main strength of a woman. Women's power. Levels of female power. Thirdly, the Female Soul is Happy, Beautiful and Good

Strong Women have always lived, they were listened to, worshiped. They boldly led men who felt not only a strong spirit, but also determination, aspiration and independence.

Every woman has this power. Men are used to calling us the “weaker sex”, “gentle creature”, but when it comes to promoting their own goals, protecting their child or maintaining family well-being, an affectionate cat becomes a tigress who is able to show the whole world the true purpose of a Woman.

So what is our main strength? When do these unthinkable qualities appear, which sleep until a certain moment in each of us? Let's talk about it at.


Agree, without a "hearth", there is no family warmth, comfort, harmony and warm relations.

Love and peace, a woman-mother-wife is able to keep in the family. Children in a full-fledged family are happy, the husband feels like a protector, a breadwinner for his “pack”. But everything is lost when the “hearth” does not warm in the family.

A smart, calm, loving woman will always extinguish a family conflict in the bud, warm everyone, caress and create the necessary harmonious atmosphere in the family.

Happiness is when there is someone to wish Good morning, Good night ... And just to know that they are waiting for you and you have somewhere to rush.


To love your husband, to appreciate him as a Personality, to praise, guide, give practical advice, support in a difficult moment - this is Love.

When there is peace and harmony in the family, neither spouse will look at the other for comparison. If this happens, he will definitely understand what treasure awaits him at home.

  • "A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it." (Solomon's parable)


Yes, every woman is able to control a man, get what she wants without war, tantrums and curses. It is worth showing how much we believe in our men. When men are confident in us, as in a submissive, obedient and faithful companion, the whole world is at our feet.

Making it clear that the head of the family is the Husband, that he is the head, the ruler, the king, in the end, then, believe me, there will immediately be a place for the queen next to him. Only when a man receives such necessary support, care and, most importantly, the opportunity to show his masculine qualities of a leader, a woman is left with no less great things to direct her ruler in the direction she needs.

  • The husband is the head, the wife is the neck.
  • Where the neck turns, there the head will look.
  • If you want a smart head, learn how to turn it correctly, in the direction you need.

Women's weakness

Men value their strength so much that sometimes they have to demonstrate it next to a weak Woman. Therefore, it is so important to demonstrate in time to every man, his masculinity, determination, strength and power. A weak, light and airy Woman will help to do this.

Do not put pressure on pity by constantly squelching your nose, and reminding you of helplessness. You can ask correctly once, pointing to the dignity of a man.

Before the strength of a true man, female weakness acquires a special sophistication and beauty.

As she is

Being ourselves, without playing and without putting on different masks, is important for each of us. Someday the mask will fall off, and this will not be the most important hour. The main thing is to learn to live by your own rules. To build another person out of yourself means to live a different life.

Women's strength is hard work on yourself. Defenseless, timid and a little shy, at the same time strong in spirit, wise and faithful: why not an Ideal Woman!

Ideal - for everyone this is their own concept. The pursuit of your ideals is the meaning of life. Look into the future, go to your goals, value and respect the opinions of others, then Fate will bestow its blessings!

Nature has given us everything we need for female power to make our plans come true. Most importantly, she gave us Men, so strong, self-confident and thirsty for women's love and affection. But what can they do without a wise and weak Woman?

Be sure to read the beautiful words of a loving and very strong Woman

I will bind your life

From fluffy mohair threads,

I will bind your life

I will not lie a single loop,

I will bind your life

Where a pattern across the field of prayer,

Happiness Wishes

In the rays of true love

I will bind your life

From cheerful melange yarn,

I will bind your life

And then I will give from the bottom of my heart.

Where do I get threads?

I never confess to anyone.

To bind your life

I secretly release mine.

(Valentina Belyaeva)

Femininity is an incredible source of female power, a value given by nature. A quality that arose not as a counterbalance to courage, but as an ideal complement to it.

What is femininity

It is expressed in spiritual kindness, tenderness, developed empathy (the ability to empathize and the ability to put oneself in the place of another person), sensitivity, affection, love for oneself and loved ones. All this is combined with self-respect, the ability to say “no”, to value yourself, not to allow your kindness to be used. You need to take care of yourself, and you need to develop your talents so as not to destroy the female energy.
Men mirror everything that happens inside a woman. A woman who is not sure of her attractiveness, men will compare with others. If she is afraid of losing, they cheat on her. If inside her a woman is fighting with a man, then in reality she will also fight with men. It is necessary to change inside - and relations with men will immediately change. Those that are already there will start to behave differently, or others will appear that are more in line with our expectations.

How to develop femininity and feminine energy in yourself

The ability to be feminine can be developed through finding harmony, self-knowledge, internal dialogue with oneself, meditation, passing special trainings, changing the lifestyle and style of clothing (skirts and dresses enhance female energy). You just put on new pumps, and he can't take his eyes off your walk. You ask him to button up a silhouette dress, and he can no longer think of anything but the curves of your forms. Men love to admire us!

Manifest all of the above qualities that express the power of femininity. Do it gradually, over time you will like the way you are and the attitude towards you will begin to change. Go to exhibitions, concerts, performances more often - art will expand your boundaries. Get creative - painting, music, photography, reading classics and motivational literature, sand drawing, writing your own book. All this will bring you pleasure and the necessary emotions that men are so eager to feel in their beloved woman.
No makeup can compare with the natural strength of a woman. A woman who is inspired by every day she lives, who loves herself, her life and her loved ones, causes a desire to get to know her sooner, so to speak, “to touch the beautiful”. She is like a breath of fresh air for others. Men go crazy for a girl who exudes femininity and sexuality, calmness and confidence. This one wants to be protected and loved, they strive to merge with it, to be filled with its strength and energy. It is these girls who inspire the male half to realize their own potential.

Men are so drawn to us because we are the complete opposite. We are weak, they are strong, and our strength lies in this weakness. They are crazy about our kindness, softness of skin, smell of hair, timbre of voice, sweet smile, gait, hips. Don't be afraid to reveal your femininity! Enjoy it to the fullest! Let yourself feel happy!

The material was prepared by Maria Marchenko

They say a woman's strength lies in her weakness. This is true. And not so. If we understand strength as the ability to influence and achieve one's own, the strength of a woman is obvious, but specific.

There is an opinion that it is for the sake of a woman, her recognition, admiration, love, sex that a man makes the majority of achievements, exploits, discoveries (the power of a woman). - Femininity is able to balance, make happy, inspire.

What is special, strong femininity?

In the ancient Russian tradition, a woman is a “darling”, a creature symbolizing the soul, protecting the value of the soul. The man is a spirit. In the midst of tough struggle, competition and overcoming (the world of a man), the soul (of him) tends to become stale. A woman is the one who does not let the soul get stale, softens the soul. How does she do it?

1. Femininity carries "Horizontal" values

Love, philanthropy, brotherhood, kindness, understanding, mercy as opposed to "vertical, hierarchical values". Horizontal plus vertical together form a cross, in the center of which feminine and masculine values ​​intersect.

2. Softens the soul

Femininity is the softness of the soul, humanity, without which achievements lose their meaning. Among the thunders and storms of life, there is nothing more terrible than losing the soft spiritual component within oneself - the soul.

Qualities of female power

If we consider strength as the ability to motivate, push towards something, then the strength of femininity is obvious, the development of femininity at all times owns the interest and aspiration of a man.

However, the strength of a woman (what she pushes with) is specific. This is not a straight-line force inherent in men. However, still strength, not weakness, expressed in qualities.

Women who have discovered and manifest these qualities in themselves are strong - they create a field to which adherents are drawn, although in our time there are more masculine values ​​in the trend, and modern women use them with might and main. - Firmness, self-affirmation, responsibility, perseverance, asceticism.

We strive for material achievements and postpone spiritual ones. We earn money (material achievement) and do not give birth / raise children (spiritual achievement). The lack of women's values ​​(love, warmth) is now very noticeable. Let's talk about women's qualities in more detail.

1. Love

Radiation of love. Many philosophical and religious teachings say that a woman is a "source of love." Mercy, acceptance, sympathy, caring, even for imperfect, wrong (priority of mercy over rightness), the ability to grow flowers, speak kind words, treat pies, etc.

The impact of love is overwhelming. It is more powerful, and its effect is longer than any pressure (male power). The power of love that has enveloped a man or whether a child is pushing for internal transformation and behavioral changes on a voluntary basis. Of course, love is a force if it is real.

Many people confuse love with need for love. The need for love - when inside is empty, sad, hungry. Love - when full, there is curiosity to know, study, accept another, there is tenderness, warmth and care. The need for love is a “give me” attitude. Love - "on, take it."

If a woman has the ability to love manifested in deeds, people gather around her, reach out to her. And "an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired" is a need, not a love.

What happens if the source of love is blocked, abandoned and not used? - Instead of love, need settles, trade: “I owe you, and you owe me”, - rage, pain (hardening of the soul) replace pleasure and acceptance (softness of the soul).

2. Ability to develop relationships

A man starts a relationship, a woman develops. He invites to the cinema, she shares her impressions of the film, involving in discussion (relationships). He calls on the phone: “Hello, hello”, she rejoices, tells the news, involving in discussion (relationships), etc.

3. Closeness to nature

A woman is close to nature, she bears and raises (a child), grows flowers, takes care of animals, takes care of quality nutrition, health (both her own and loved ones), loves to be in nature and in harmony with it.

4 Beauty

Since a woman is a conductor of sincerity and kindness, she tends to look for forms of expression of spiritual content in beauty.

It manifests itself in the ability to surround oneself with beauty, to create and equip beauty (in one's home, appearance, verbal-emotional-behavioral expressiveness, relationships, taking care of the beauty of loved ones), to appreciate art (music, poetry, theater, etc.).

5. Emotional sensitivity

Femininity is emotionally sensitive, and this is its strength. It is expressed in the ability to empathize (emotionally understand), to express emotionality in shades, the ability to sympathize, to remind of sincerity and carry it, to maintain the value of vulnerability (which prevents the hardening of the soul).

6. Intuitive

A woman is sensitive to thousands of small details that are noticed and perceived by her consciousness horizontally-democratically (chaos in which she is well oriented), which allows her to draw instantly unmistakable conclusions in certain areas.

She easily (intuitively) notices lies, in general, the mood of another, knows how this mood can be changed (raised or lowered), finds lost things, feels people, selects the tone of the conversation.

7. Sincerity

It is important to distinguish between honesty (a masculine quality based on the courage to cut the truth) and sincerity (the ability to notice your current feelings and express them). The female path is not direct, she does not run at the enemy with a broadsword, but sincere - she finds a form of announcing the current truth.

It is expressed in an attentive attitude to one's own and other people's feelings, states, the ability to name them, openly express them, find a tactful form that the interlocutor is able to perceive.

8. Flexibility, maneuverability

The feminine way is the flexible way of the water, not the hard way of the spear. This flexibility comes from love, and not just from (objective physical) weakness, forcing to maneuver. Femininity does not insist when they do not listen, does not press when they do not want, but finds a flexible way to get her way.

It manifests itself in physical flexibility, gracefulness of the body, in psychological flexibility - the ability to change tactics, adapt to circumstances, the interlocutor (to speak his language), wait for the right moment, be different, including tough and bitchy, without getting hung up. Men sometimes call women's flexibility deceitful. However, this is not so - every time it is sincerely so (different).

9. Erotica and aesthetics

Sexuality, as being consumed by lust, is not a feminine quality (it is a masculine quality that he endows a woman with). A woman is erotic and aesthetic - beauty plus sensitivity.

The eroticism of a woman is superior to that of a man (according to sources, 9 times) - it attracts. However, when a woman overexploits sex appeal, this speaks of her insecurity, her inability to attract in another way - she plays on the most primitive instincts (men). She herself usually loses in such a game, because. in the matter of sex, she cannot outplay a man (women are much more vulnerable in this).

It manifests itself in the ability to be natural, open in eroticism, careful (to know one’s own characteristics and organize self-care), tactfully and firmly handling the sexuality of men directed at her, the ability to involve in relationships, and not just in sex for one or two times.

10. Comfort, laziness

If a man is a movement, then a woman is a stop, a respite that softens, fills with strength, gives pleasure from doing nothing, relaxation and rest. Without respite there is no movement, without stop-renewal. A woman's ability to be a stop is expressed in her lazy comfort.

Manifested through the physicality of a woman - a comfortable fertile environment (for example, for the birth of a baby), her sincerity, setting the atmosphere of emotional comfort, the ability to provide an atmosphere of comfort, physical comfort (delicious food, comfortable chairs, etc.) for themselves and others.

11. Kindness and gentleness

Femininity is characterized by kindness (mercy) and gentleness. Kindness is based on love, acceptance and sympathy for the nature of another, pity. At the same time, he will not let him sit on his neck, because. it would mean being unkind to oneself. If this happens suddenly, he will be able to gently dodge.

It manifests itself in the ability to establish an atmosphere of kindness and gentleness in your home, among your friends, at work, to hear and understand even a very alien point of view. Take care of a kind word and deed (cook food, iron a shirt, set up with the right person, etc.).

12. Blessing

In the tales of the peoples of the world, a lot is said about the ability of a woman to bless (good sorceresses, fairies) and curse (witches). In life, it is the creation of a blessing or cursing atmosphere, emotional and domestic.

Blessing, when it inspires self-confidence, creates a comfortable calm environment, supports and motivates courage, achievement, gives comfort, heals spiritual wounds. The curse is in causing feelings of guilt, inferiority, discomfort, emotional and everyday oppression.

Any of these qualities, being mastered and applied in practice, has an impact on others. In general, femininity is like water. - Giving life, affectionate, bewitching, parting in some situations, she is steady and beats off the hand of the one who hits her in others.

“The strength of a woman is in her weakness,” some people tell us. “Women are not the weaker sex. The weaker sex is rotten boards,” others gush with folk wisdom. But you and I hear one and the other, we grow, we mature, we get married with these attitudes that are opposite to each other. As usual, in the first years of our life together, we try on the role of fragile and defenseless ladies, but over time, we like the image of the one who “... stops a galloping horse, enters a burning hut”, and then goes to her husband to talk about their exploits and remarkable female strength. And there are those who use these settings with the cunning characteristic of the beautiful half of humanity. We deftly juggle the concepts of “weakness” and “strength” and at the right time use what we think is more profitable or simply amuses our pride. For example: “... if you marry her, you will forever break my heart,” a woman says to her husband, while rolling her eyes and fainting.

Or another situation: “... yes, if it weren’t for me, what would happen to our children in general! And the house is on me, and I work for two!” - says the same person to her husband, but under different circumstances.

Here is an interesting state of affairs. Today, the little wife is weak and defenseless, you need to feel sorry for her and wipe your tears. And tomorrow he can turn into a soldier in a skirt, and with whom is he fighting - with his own husband ?! Everything proves that she has a higher salary and higher education. Agree, an impartial spectacle, but for us, Muslim women, completely unacceptable. You and I are well aware that our main strength is a strong iman. Let's try to look at the concepts of "female weakness" and "female strength" through the prism of our faith.

I am a weak woman

“Our strength is in our weakness, and our weakness is limitless,” Shakespeare put these words into the mouth of the main character of the play “The Taming of the Shrew.”

But what is weakness? Can't lift a thirty-kilogram weight and run a cross-country? Or are you unable to attend a divine service on time or wake up for work? No! Of course, this is not about that. Women's weakness, which was mentioned by the great classic, is softness, suppleness. A truly "weak" woman is always submissive, and not only when it is necessary to please her husband so that he will help in the implementation of our super-important plan. A "weak" woman becomes soft clay in the hands of an experienced master, obeys the main person of life meekly and unconditionally. This "weakness" is beautiful and bright, and soon it is reborn into a huge strength.

But when we endlessly complain about our fate, we cannot endure even the slightest test, then we also show impotence - destructive, gloomy, meaningless. It is even worse when we try to put pressure on the husband's pity, we arrange tearful tragedies, spoiling the mood for ourselves and our spouse for no reason. We must bypass such weakness at a distant place and in no case show it to our loved ones.

I am a strong woman

The theme of female power is extremely popular these days. All kinds of experts are trying to prove to men that in our time it is necessary to look for a daring, fearless, fighting girlfriend for life. The image of such a warrior is actively promoted in various media. However, our husbands still, for the most part, want to see next to them the most ordinary obedient woman. But we, on the contrary, are beginning to believe foreign psychologists who call humility - oppression and in every possible way try to replace the concepts in our minds.

Well, if you want to be strong women, be them. Let's just clarify what this concept includes in terms of our perfect religion.

A strong woman unwaveringly follows all the precepts of Islam, shows patience in difficulties, knows how to be content with little, she will never allow herself to be disrespectful towards her husband and constantly struggles with her shortcomings. The strong one is not the one who struts proudly with her chin up, not afraid to face danger. And certainly not the one that endlessly reminds the world of their "feats" and "masculinity."

A strong woman bashfully hides her eyes, and she always has a shield with her, with which she protects herself from everything destructive that is in this world.

Yes, it is not easy to be a strong woman these days, just as it is not easy to be weak. But if we learn to harmoniously combine these two qualities in ourselves, then happiness will always live next to us - in the person of a husband, children and the contentment of our Lord!

When we talk about the strength of a woman, we first of all mean femininity - the fundamental of all her life principles. However, to believe that this quality alone allows a woman to be successful and attractive, to serve as a support for her beloved man and children, and to endure unexpected blows of fate would be a delusion. Female strength lies in the combination of unique features inherent in the nature of the weaker sex, which serve as the basis of female attractiveness and an inexhaustible source of internal strength.

What is the true strength of a woman?

It was so conceived by nature that from the moment of her birth a woman has a huge reserve of internal forces, both energetic and physical. First of all, the opportunity given to her by nature to give birth to new lives implies the presence of endurance and adaptation to high loads on the body. The level of pain threshold in women is much higher than in men. The heart and body of a representative of the stronger sex simply could not bear the pain of labor.

The strength of men is concentrated in the area of ​​muscles and mental activity, while a woman is like a vessel, inside which all the richness of her sensual and emotional world is hidden. Not only the life of the woman herself, but also the well-being of her loved ones depends on the quality of the contents of this “vessel”. Returning home after a hard day, a man from the first minutes of communication with his soul mate is "fueled" by her emotions. If such a “feed” carries negative information, it gives a destructive start to the inner world of a man and relationships in a couple. The constant charging of a man with positive, tenderness and over time becomes a vital necessity for him. It is this trait of the female character that is a guarantee of the strength and duration of the relationship.

Almost every woman already from her youth has clear ideas about what her life partner should be like. In an active and persistent striving for the conformity of their companion to the ideal existing in these ideas, many ladies make a gross mistake. In an attempt to "re-educate" their soul mate, they, without noticing it, suppress the partner's masculine energy with their energy and arouse in him a natural desire to free himself from oppressive and humiliating male self-esteem relationships. And this, oddly enough, also lies the "merit" of the strength of a woman. The companion of a lady who is persistent in her aspirations subconsciously feels weaker than her and chooses parting as the only opportunity to maintain her personal status. Thus, the true strength of a loving woman lies in the wisdom and ability to build relationships in such a way that, changing for the better under the imperceptible influence of his girlfriend, a man does not feel internal discomfort or pressure from her side.

Another quality given to a woman by nature is an amazing sense of intuition. An invisible connection with the Cosmos and nature sometimes allows her to make the only right decisions in difficult situations, without resorting to analytical calculations and lengthy conclusions. And such female ability, combined with tolerance and wisdom, is also another secret weapon of a woman. Men, no less than their "weak" girlfriends, need the presence of a person who is able to cope with life's difficulties and, at the right moment, take responsibility for the successful resolution of a particular crisis situation.

The strength of a woman is in her weakness. Is it so?

Many of the fair sex mistakenly believe that the manifestation of female weakness should be to demonstrate utter vulnerability and helplessness. Men's ideas about this concept are completely different. Women's weakness in their understanding is primarily a quality of a physical nature. Where masculine strength and endurance are required, a woman, as a rule, resorts to the help of a partner, and this is completely natural. This not only does not irritate a man, but, on the contrary, gives him self-confidence and solvency as a person responsible for the safety and well-being of the family. A man is first and foremost a provider and protector. He takes this for granted, but in the event that the partner feels that his companion is abusing or speculating on this role in the relationship, discord is inevitable. The task of a woman is to convince a man of his importance and indispensability in situations that really suggest this.

If female strength is connected with her weakness, then only in a single variant: any manifestation of weakness should be aimed at raising a man and not conflict with his life principles. The stronger sex today prefers to see independent and successful girlfriends next to them, showing weakness only where the patronage and protection of a reliable and physically strong partner is really required. The false ideas of many women that weakness should manifest itself in a demonstration of excessive vulnerability, resentment, or, worse, tears or tantrums filled with reproaches, cause an effect diametrically opposite to what is expected. Irritation, disappointment, accumulated relationship fatigue can ultimately lead a partner to make a fair decision about parting.

The strength of a woman is in the weakness of a man. What does this mean?

Of course, this wording has nothing to do with the physical indicators of male power. The weakness of a man lies in the need to feel support and understanding from a loved one. Men are creatures from the same planet as women. They are also able to experience and sometimes feel insecure in themselves, the only difference is that, due to their nature, they are not able to express this on an external emotional level. If a woman subtly feels her partner, his thoughts, feelings and experiences, and strives to become his reliable friend, then all her actions and deeds will be aimed at giving the man a sense of inner comfort and regaining confidence in his abilities. The constant presence of warmth and sincere support coming from a girlfriend becomes an integral part of his life for a man and binds to a woman much stronger and stronger than sophisticated female tricks and tricks.

The Mind of a Woman: Strength or Weakness?

There is a common misconception that men avoid smart women. And again, the whole point lies in the concept embedded in this definition. There is hardly a man who will argue that he prefers stupid women to smart women. The presence of the intellect is always respectful, whether it is a man or a woman who shows his intelligence. Another thing is important: so that, being smart and educated, a man’s girlfriend does not suppress his pride, abusing her education and focusing on her the attention of a man and others. Mind combined with wisdom is perhaps the greatest strength of a woman, giving her value in the eyes of her beloved man and making her truly irreplaceable for him!