Etiquette rules for a modern woman: how to behave in society. Etiquette rules for girls in a public place and in relation to a guy

To become a real lady, it is not enough to look well-groomed and dress with taste. The main thing is to be a well-rounded and cultural person, whose communication manners and behavior in society do not cause any complaints. And even if you are a “rebel” in life, it is simply necessary to know the rules of feminine decency and etiquette. After all, each of us would like to have the respect of others, to feel authority at work, to fully communicate with friends and to have an impeccable reputation in society. In fact, behind the success of every woman is big job above oneself.

Agree, there are situations when beautiful girl is not at all interesting as an interlocutor or, on the contrary, the plain girl attracts everyone’s attention with her intelligence, ability to present herself and maintain a conversation in society.

It's never too late to engage in self-education, so pay attention to tips for true lady: how to behave with people, and what to avoid.

What are good manners based on?

Elementary rules good manners are based primarily on internal culture and restraint. This means that you need to monitor your emotions and sometimes remain silent where you want to throw out anger. If someone accidentally pushes or hits you on public transport, the easiest way is to be indignant. However a real lady will not pay attention to this or will politely ask the passenger to be more careful.

As you know, modesty adorns any girl, so do not get involved in disputes or showdowns, especially if the issue does not concern you. Do not try to show your superiority in dialogue and do not humiliate your interlocutor.

We think that gossip is not worth mentioning - this is a low activity for a real lady. And remember that politeness has always been the basis of any etiquette.


Let's start with the form of greeting, when you need to show your attitude towards a person. The method of greeting will depend on who it is addressed to and what kind of relationship you have with a particular person. You can say hello to distant acquaintances simply in words, close friend or kiss a relative on the cheek or hug. And remember: the one who is better mannered says hello first, so don’t be afraid to be the first to greet your interlocutor. At the same time, avoid too strong emotions so as not to attract the attention of others.


Remember that visiting without a prior call or invitation is extremely impolite. Try to avoid visiting too early or late so as to be “out of place.” The time from 12 to 18 hours will be optimal, of course, if you were not invited for a specific reason and to certain time. You shouldn't show up empty-handed. This rule is especially true if the owners of the house have children. As a sign of attention, be sure to buy sweets for them.

Remember that well-mannered person is never late, and if something does delay you on the way, be sure to call the owners and warn them. When entering the house, say hello to all guests. An extreme manifestation of lack of culture and disrespect for the interlocutor is talking on the phone and reading messages, so it’s better to completely forget about the phone at the table. And if the incoming call is important, simply apologize and step aside to ask the other person to call you back later.

In the company of guests, you should not discuss negative aspects or pressing problems- this, in principle, is of no interest to anyone, and the atmosphere will be hopelessly spoiled. Try to start a casual conversation and charge those around you with exclusively positive emotions.

And when you need to leave, don't involve it excessive attention– just say goodbye to the owners and thank them.

At the restaurant

If a man invites you to a restaurant, this does not mean that he should pay. The phrase “I invite...”, of course, implies that he will pay. If such an invitation is not forthcoming, then everyone pays their own bill. If you go to a restaurant with your boyfriend, remember that a real gentleman will always let the lady go first. He will give you the menu first and then place your order at the end.

Before starting the meal, a cotton napkin is placed on the lap. You should start eating when all the guests already have dishes in front of them.. The exception is if the interlocutor himself invites you not to wait for the others and start the meal. If you have finished eating, place the cutlery parallel to the plate - this will be a sign for the waiter to clear the table. If you want to take a break and go, for example, to the restroom, place the cutlery crosswise.

It’s probably not worth reminding that slurping at the table is extremely uncivilized; you also shouldn’t demonstratively sniff food or pick something out of it. It is unacceptable to eat from a knife or try to remove food particles stuck in the teeth.

You should also not rush too much, even if you are hungry, talk while chewing food or put your elbows on the table. Yes, and “digging” into your boyfriend’s plate, choosing the best pieces, is also very uncivilized - this is a note to those girls who think that such behavior is acceptable and even somewhat attractive. Nothing like that - a real lady will never allow herself to be frivolous at the table.

If you happen to spill or spill something on the tablecloth, wipe off the excess liquid with a napkin until the waiter replaces your cutlery and tablecloth.

Rules in the relationship between a man and a woman

Rules of conduct in relationships between a woman and a man are not a relic of society at all, but the basis of long-term relationships between partners. Of course, every man would like to see in his chosen one, first of all, sincerity, feminine and refined manners and understanding in everything. Beauty is an absolutely secondary concept, or rather, inner beauty is much more more important than beauty external. Guys appreciate ease in behavior, but they should feel stronger next to you - your protector.

On a date

If a girl is a little late for a date, this should not be considered a violation of etiquette, this is simply an unspoken rule of all girls, so that the partner will worry a little and have the opportunity to once again mentally think about your relationship. But it’s one thing to be 5 minutes late, and another to be half an hour late, so draw your own conclusions whether the guy will wait for you. He can easily interpret being late as neglect, which, in principle, is not so far from the truth.

A man, contrary to outdated rules, should not wear women's handbag, but helping with heavy things is his responsibility. If it’s raining outside, a man carries an umbrella, of course, if he is taller than a woman or the same height as her.

Learn to respond correctly to gifts and say more than just “thank you” - express gratitude kind words and pay attention to delicate taste when choosing a gift.

At work

Dress code at work is an important component of success. Take care of a neat hairstyle, discreet classic style in clothes and tastefully selected jewelry. Business Etiquette involves the ability to listen to your opponent, conducting the most constructive dialogue.

And, of course, try not to overuse phone calls V work time. Only negotiations on work-related topics are acceptable - leave personal matters for the lunch break.

IN modern world not knowing the rules of etiquette means spitting against the wind, putting yourself in an uncomfortable position. Unfortunately, many perceive adherence to certain norms and rules of communication as something shameful, considering it a sign of highbrow aesthetes who are completely far from real life. However, these people forget that rude and insensitive behavior can cause the same reaction in return.

In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, basic politeness, neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions. Both apply to both men and women.

  1. If you say the phrase: “I invite you” - this means you pay. Another formulation: “Let’s go to a restaurant,” - in this case, everyone pays for themselves, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, can she agree.
  2. Never don't come visit without calling. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If it’s unpleasant: “Oh, what a pity, I have to leave.”
  3. You shouldn't ask a girl out on a date through and, even more so, to communicate with her like that.
  4. Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. By doing this you show how important role a communication device plays a role in your life and how much you are uninterested in the annoying chatter going on nearby. At any moment you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check your Instagram feed, answer an important call or get distracted to find out what fifteen new levels have been released in Angry Birds.
  5. Man never doesn't wear women's bag . AND woman coat he takes it only to carry it to the locker room.
  6. Shoes should always be clean.
  7. If you are walking with someone and your companion greets you with a person, should say hello and you.
  8. Many people believe that you can only eat with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Unlike women, men can eat sushi with their hands.
  9. Don't make idle chatter on the phone. If you need an intimate conversation, it is better to meet with a friend face to face.
  10. If you are insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice at the person who insulted you. Don't get down to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  11. On the street the man should walk to the left of the lady. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to perform a military salute.
  12. Drivers must remember that in cold blood splashing passers-by with mud is a blatant lack of culture.
  13. A woman may not take off her hat and gloves indoors, but not a hat and mittens.
  14. Nine things you should keep secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, composition of a medicine, love affair, gift, honor and dishonor.
  15. When you come to the cinema, theater, or concert, you should go to your seats only facing those sitting. The man goes first.
  16. A man always enters a restaurant first, main reason- By this characteristic The head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the establishment and who will pay. In case of arrival big company- the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came first enters and pays. But if a doorman meets visitors at the entrance, the man must let the woman through first. Then he finds empty seats.
  17. Never you should not touch a woman without her desire, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her by the arm above the elbow, except when you are helping her get on or off a vehicle, or cross the street.
  18. If someone calls you impolitely (for example: "Hey, you!"), you should not respond to this call. However, there is no need to lecture or educate others during a short meeting. It is better to teach a lesson in etiquette by example.
  19. Golden Rule when using perfume - moderation. If in the evening you smell your perfume, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  20. A well-mannered man will never allow himself to fail to show his due. respect for a woman.
  21. In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission.
  22. Whoever you are - director, academician, elderly woman or a schoolboy - entering the room, say hello first.
  23. Maintain confidentiality of correspondence. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should do the same towards each other. Anyone who rummages through the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is acting extremely rudely.
  24. Don't try to keep up with fashion. It's better to look not fashionable, but good, than bad.
  25. If after an apology you are forgiven, you should not return to the offensive issue and ask for forgiveness again, just don't repeat these mistakes.
  26. Laughing too loudly, chatting noisily, staring staring at people is offensive.
  27. Don't forget to thank your loved ones people, relatives and friends. Their kind deeds and willingness to offer their help are not an obligation, but an expression of feelings worthy of gratitude.

I am very sensitive to the rules of good manners. How to pass a plate. Don't shout from one room to another. Do not open closed door without knocking. Let the lady go first. The purpose of all these countless simple rules- make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with our parents - this is stupid. I take great care of my manners. This is not some kind of abstraction. This is a language of mutual respect that everyone understands.

American actor Jack Nicholson
(12 votes: 3.83 out of 5)

People know from childhood,
“What is etiquette”...

Do you know what it is? Etiquette rules for children are magic rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Knowing these rules, you will be able to communicate more easily and simply with your friends, parents, loved ones and complete strangers. You can easily learn how to say hello correctly, give and accept gifts, how to visit, talk on the phone and much more...

Well, are you ready to learn? Then let's get to work!

Greeting rules

Rules of conduct with adults - For well-mannered children

Rules of Friendship - For children and teenagers

It is very important not only for children, but also for adults to know the rules of behavior in the theatre, cinema and concerts. Since in our time there are also adults who do not behave very civilly at such events.

When going to a theater or concert hall, you must remember very strict rule, established by etiquette regarding the clothing in which one can visit such establishments. Take this seriously so as not to look like a black sheep among the people present there!

It is not customary to come to the theater in jeans and sneakers, and even more so in tracksuit. Men usually wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie. Women, as is customary, come in evening dresses.

You need to come to the theater or concert early so that you have enough time to get yourself in order and put yourself in the wardrobe outerwear, and just take a walk in the lobby.

If your seat is in the middle of a row, try to take it early so as not to disturb those sitting at the front of the row. But if such a situation occurs, go facing those sitting, and do not forget to ask forgiveness for the disturbance.

It is bad form to eat or drink anything during a performance.

It is better not to go to the theater if you have a cold. With your cough you will disturb both the audience and the performers, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward situation.

At a concert, do not sing along with the performer, understand that people did not come here to listen to you sing.

At music concerts, in order not to look stupid, do not rush to applaud if you do not know very well musical composition, because a pause in performance may not mean the end of the performance, but a break between parts.

The rules in the cinema are simpler than in the theatre. However, you still shouldn't relax too much. There is no need to turn the cinema hall into a dump of popcorn, candy papers and drink cans. Behave yourself.

People usually don't take off their outerwear in the cinema. However, you must always be aware of the people sitting behind you. Take off your hat before you are asked to do so. Not only boys, but also girls should do this.

If the person sitting in front did this for you, be sure to thank him.

It is a sign of bad manners to predict what will happen in a film. Do not comment on what you see, do not express your opinion about the film and your attitude towards the characters as you watch. It bothers others. And if someone thinks differently, an argument or noisy discussion may arise, which has no place in a movie theater. Don't forget that people came to watch the film, not to listen to comments and arguments.

Visit to the theater Lately is becoming increasingly popular among both young people and adults. That is why it is very important to know the rules of conduct in the theater, like the multiplication table. After all, if a child behaves defiantly in the theater, this will certainly attract disapproving glances at his parents. In order not to blush and feel awkward, you need to teach your child these simple rules in a timely manner.

How to give gifts

Not everyone knows how to give gifts correctly. But this event also has its own special rules etiquette that should be learned and remembered.

The holiday is coming... and we, as always, are at a loss... But what... to whom... and how... can we give?

So let's get started. How to give gifts according to the rules:

— When preparing a gift for your family, you can draw something, embroider something, or do something with your own hands. For your mother's or father's birthday, you can learn a poem or a song.

— If you buy a gift for a friend in a store, ask an adult to help you choose it.

— It is indecent to give money to a friend and at the same time advise him to “buy yourself whatever you want.” If you really care about the recipient, then it’s worth working hard and coming up with something for him. the right gift which will bring joy.

— First of all, it is important to take into account the tastes and hobbies of the recipient. Remember what this person loves and what he is passionate about!

— The best way to wrap a gift is to unwrap it, it’s very pleasant!

— You can attach a card with a wish to the gift.

— Don’t forget to remove the price tag from the gift.

- You cannot give animals as a gift unless it is discussed in advance! Your friend will most likely be very happy, but his parents may be against it.

New Year- This magical holiday when everyone is waiting for miracles and surprises! Therefore, gifts should be given to all relatives and friends, and gifts can be inexpensive, but pleasant trifles. In preparation New Year's gifts try to show a sense of humor - it will greatly please and amuse your friends and family.

- Remember, well chosen and a heartfelt gift the person will use it and remember you well. Nobody will use a gift that is boring or made for a simple formality; such a gift will be given to someone else, or simply thrown away.

Now you know how to give gifts, which means you can safely wait for the coming holidays to congratulate your loved ones according to all the rules of etiquette!

And girls who want to be treated this way, let them think about it! Maybe they are not at all worthy of such treatment.
While walking with my girlfriend, I noticed that many men do not follow the rules of etiquette towards women at all. Well, not really, but some fairly well-known rules are missing. In the name of male literacy and respect for the fair sex, this post!

1. On the street, a man should walk to the left of the lady. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to salute.

2. It is necessary to support the woman by the elbow if she stumbles or slips. But in a normal situation, the decision to take a man’s arm or not is made by the lady.

3. In the presence of a woman, a man does not smoke without her permission.

4. At the entrance and exit to the room, the gentleman opens the door for the lady, and he himself walks behind her.

5. When going up or down the stairs, a man protects his companion by walking one or two steps behind.

6. A man enters the elevator first, and at the exit from it, a lady should be let in first.

7. The man is the first to get out of the car, he goes around the vehicle and opens the door on the passenger side, while helping the woman get out. Provided that the man is driving the car himself, he must open the door and support the woman by the elbow when she sits on front seat. If a man and a woman are both passengers in a taxi, they are supposed to go by back seat. The lady is the first to settle into the salon, the man sits next to him.

8. When entering a room, a man should help a woman take off her outer clothing, and when leaving the room, he should hand her clothes.

9. In society it is also customary not to sit down if ladies are standing (this also applies public transport).

10.According to etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, the gentleman should arrive a few minutes earlier, because his delay can confuse the lady and put her in an awkward position. IN unforeseen cases You must warn and apologize for being late.

11. Any woman of any age should be helped to carry large objects and massive bags. This does not include a handbag, a light fur coat or a coat, unless she is unable to carry them herself for health reasons.

Etiquette must be observed even in friendship
(Japanese proverb)

For some reason, many teenagers, and even adults, believe that the rules of etiquette are for bores and highbrow aesthetes.

But none of them think that etiquette makes you well-mannered, nice person and rewards you with characteristics that sometimes we all lack.

In order for you to feel confident and appropriate to the situation, I suggest you familiarize yourself with a few rules that you can use every day and at the same time not stand out as a “black sheep”.

Just by starting to follow these rules, you have unique opportunity to be not only sweet and beautiful, but also well-mannered!

1. You should not put your phone on the table when visiting, in a restaurant, in a cafe or when meeting with friends. You came to talk to certain people, forget about your VKontakte feed, Instagram and the thirteenth level of your favorite game for these few hours.

Enjoy live communication with those you came with. Forget about the communication device and try to ignore the urge to look at your phone. Thus, you may offend your friends or interlocutor.

2. Don't give your bag to a young man. A man can carry a heavy backpack or package, shopping bags or, as a last resort, yourself :). Don't let him carry a lady's handbag, even if her own hands are torn off.

3. Keep your shoes clean. Put the packaging in your bag wet wipes and wipe your shoes if they get dirty. Always make sure your shoes, shoes or boots are clean when leaving the house.

4. Late for the cinema or theater? Make your way to your seats in the center of the hall only facing those sitting.

5. Never use too much perfume. It may seem to you that you don’t smell your favorite perfume, but believe me, the crowd around you can simply suffocate if you overdose :).

6. Greet the elders first. When entering a room, always greet older people first. If you meet a man, he should be the first to say hello. Are you going with your boyfriend and your friend with hers to a meeting? Then girls greet each other first, boys second, and only after that do you greet your friend’s boyfriend.

7. Don't eat on public transport. Of course, we are not talking about a furtive bite of chocolate or candy. Hot dogs, sandwiches, glasses of water or bottles of beer are all prohibited, as you may stain others or irritate them with the smell.
8. You can correct your makeup, hairstyle, and manicure only in the ladies' room. No filing your nails at the table, much less wiping off your mascara with a napkin. For this purpose, toilets were invented in all places.

9. A man enters a cafe or restaurant first. The only exception is when the doorman meets you and opens the door. Then the lady comes in first.
10. Get into the car correctly. We open the door, sit down on the seat and pull both legs into the cabin at the same time. We also go out - standing with both feet on the asphalt.

11. Always say “thank you” and “sorry.”

12. Eat carefully, don’t chew, don’t pick your teeth.

13. Don't sniffle or wipe it with your sleeve. Use a napkin or handkerchief for this, and it’s better to do it in the toilet.

14. DO NOT be late. In the very as a last resort- for 15 minutes. And don't forget to warn your friends about the delay.

15. Cover your mouth when you sneeze, yawn and cough. Nobody cares what's inside of you!

16. Do not dry the umbrella open.

17. The bag cannot be placed on the table.You can put a small clutch on the table in a cafe, but big bag– just hang it on the back of a chair or place it on the floor.

18. A man enters the elevator first, but he gets out– who is closest to the doors from it.

19. Sit behind the driver in a taxi.

20. Don't use jargon in your speech. Also, it would be ideal not to use swear words, foreign words like “OK” and other “incomprehensible things”.

I hope mine small tips will help you become a little better!! Have an etiquette question? Ask it on the website