What is special root perm, the rules of conduct. What is the name of the basal hair volume procedure: photos and reviews about curling

Root waving of hair - the procedure is enough popular, allows you to spend less time on daily styling.

She creates volume instead of the usual fleece, it is performed using special equipment.

Root waving in salons is used to correct a previous perm, because at the ends of the hair the perm lasts longer, and the hair growing from the roots disrupts the look of the hairstyle, depriving it of volume.

By creating curls only at the roots, it is possible to give the hairstyle beautiful appearance and there is no need to expose the entire length of the hair to chemicals.

With short and thin hair, with the help of a perm, the hair becomes lush, it makes them feminine significantly reduces installation time.

With curly hair by nature, because more often they curl at the tips, basal perm makes it possible to make curls uniform along the entire length and gives volume.

Owners of oily hair with its help get rid of the increased secretion of sebum, oily sheen disappears, reduces the formation of dandruff. Besides:

  • gentle effect on the skin and hair follicles;
  • gloss is retained and elasticity of the strands;
  • within 6 months you can not use and;
  • hats and weather conditions do not ruin hair;
  • you can wash your hair less often, because at the roots the hair becomes drier;
  • hairstyle looks perfect, strands - naturally;
  • after curling, the hair lies flat, does not weigh down;
  • requires less time and money for styling.

Advice! Before going to the salon for a root waving procedure, you need to cure the scalp (if there are any problems) and strengthen the hair roots to protect them from falling out.

How long does the effect of such a perm last?

The perm lasts an average of 3-6 months, the basal volume disappears after 1.5-2 months in the process of hair regrowth. Much of the duration of the effect depends on funds used for washing, and styling methods.

Using a shampoo designed for frizzy hair and styling applications allows the frizz to last longer. A shampoo designed to smooth hair, on the other hand, straightens it faster. curls better preserved on dyed hair.

Curling contraindications

With the existing advantages, there are contraindications for such a perm. This method is not recommended for people. for skin problems heads(peeling, dryness, seborrhea,). Under the influence of aggressive chemicals, manifestations may intensify.

Attention! An absolute contraindication for root waving is any damage to the scalp (sores, open wounds, abrasions). On weak hair, prone to falling out or recently bleached, such a perm can have a negative effect.

For hair that undergoes frequent dyeing procedures, root waving is also not recommended: even the most delicate coloring agents weaken the hair.

Under the influence of chemicals used for curling, hair can be easily damaged. For this reason, experts recommend refraining from waving immediately after staining.

Contraindications for the procedure are:

  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • period;
  • taking medications and hormonal drugs;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergic reaction to the drug;
  • bad feeling;
  • weakened body after a long illness or stress;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure.

Recommended give up for a while from root perm, if after a long time in direct sunlight, the hair has become dry. Also, curling should be discarded if products containing silicone were used in hair care.

When interacting with the substances that make up the fixing preparation, silicone reduces their effect, and the curls do not hold. You can remove silicone in the salon using a special washer or refuse to use products containing it. for 2-3 weeks.

What problems can occur after root waving

Trust the implementation of the basal perm should only be skilled craftsmen. The required amount, the duration of exposure of the fixing preparation, the care products after the procedure is completed depends on the structure of the hair and their condition.

Curling can cause increased dryness of hair. To eliminate this problem, you must carefully follow the recommendations of the hair care master.

Owners of fine hair after curling may face with increased fragility. With the help of salon procedures, you can fix this; after the procedure, you need to take care of your hair, taking into account all the recommendations.

Volume is lost after hair regrowth, styling is difficult. Therefore, root waving is recommended for clients whose hair grows slowly.

Needed after curling special care:

  • the use of masks (moisturizing and nourishing);
  • UV protection;
  • the use of special shampoos.

In case the result is unpredictable: curls can turn out beautiful or it will happen that some strands are curled and the rest are straight.

Hair coloring with cheap dyes (containing up to 6% metalized oxidizing agents) does not allow you to get a beautiful curl. Only with constant quality care the curls will be strong, the curl will be long-lasting, and the appearance will be perfect.

We invite you to watch an interesting video about root curling for volume at the roots (Boost up):

Daily styling requires a lot of effort and time, especially if you do not have enough hair volume. Regular use of thermal tools aggravates the health of the hair: thinning, drying and leaving it lifeless. The modern cosmetic industry offers consumers to forget about the daily half-hour styling, using a new service in beauty salons - hair volume Boost UP. This is a specially prepared procedure that allows you to visually increase hair volume at the roots for 6 months. The event requires professional equipment, the hands of a master and 4 hours of free time.

How is the boost up procedure performed?

1. The head is thoroughly washed and dried, as the Boost up is done on dry strands.
2. Each strand is individually wound on special metal pins. This allows you to create the desired effect of "springs" or the so-called "corrugation". At the same time, the upper strands remain straight, due to the lower strands with corrugation, they rise and volume is created.
3. For curling hair, a solution based on keratin amino acids and propolis extract is used, it is applied to the root zone.
4. Then the head is washed and dried with a hairdryer. As a rule, girls have to use fixing varnish to create volume at home, as well as bouffant long strands. The boost up technology is completely different.

Boost up procedure - video

Specificity Boost up

Experts use a biowave filled with active life-supporting components - cystiamines. This element is a derivative of keratin amino acids and at the same time it is the basis of the hair structure. The substance, when it hits the structure of the strands, instantly has an effect:

- reduces the porosity of the hair structure;
- smooths out irregularities.

For a better result, cosmetologists mix the resulting liquid with propolis extract- anti-inflammatory healing element. It has a general healing effect on the scalp.

The composition of the product used for the procedure does not include chemicals, toxins and dyes. This makes the event safe for health and harmless, since it is based on only useful, life-supporting and healing components. However, this applies only to high-quality compositions, so the master must be chosen especially carefully.

Who is Boost Up for?

1. It is advisable to use this procedure for owners heavy and thick hair. Since such strands by themselves are not able to hold their weight, the volume at the roots of Boost Up will help to cope with this task without resorting to a haircut and thermal tools.

2. Boost up also works for fine hair lacking volume. Owners of thin curls know firsthand what a lack of volume is, the hair is too weak, so they usually hang like icicles and quickly get oily at the roots. Boost up copes with this problem perfectly, it dries and lifts them at the roots.

Thus, long-term volume can be obtained without resorting to the use of destructive tools and chemicals. But in order for the result to really last up to 6 months, you should properly care for your hair.

Hair care after Boost UP

At first, it will be unusual to observe that even after sleep it is enough to comb your strands so that they look decent. As a rule, combs are best used with a wide comb. It does not stretch or injure the hair follicles, but at the same time it brings the strands to their normal position.

Shampooing is no problem. Cosmetologists say that after this procedure it is not necessary to change the shampoo. The reason is the absence of chemical elements and the reaction to them. Boost UP owners can continue to use familiar shampoos, balms and conditioners and not worry about the condition of their styling.

Because volumizing formula dries out hair, they are necessary nourish and moisturize, so periodically apply a balm or mask directly to the roots to avoid overdrying the strands.

Long-term volume is made specifically so as not to suffer in the future with styling, but those who cannot part with their usual curling iron, hairdryer and thermal curlers also do not need to fear for the health of their hair. even after applying all styling tools, Boost up does not disappear, but continues to delight you with voluminous styling.

The only thing to avoid is hair tension- collection in an elastic tail, a bunch. By themselves, such hairstyles harm the bulbs, and Boost UP works specifically on the root zone. This will negatively affect its manifestation - an uneven volume will appear.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair volume Boost up

The volume of hair at the roots is actively gaining popularity, but what is the merit of such an event? Of course, like any other cosmetic novelty, it has its own characteristics.

Boost up pros

✓ After the procedure, a long-term volume of hair is created at the roots for 4-6 months;

✓ Hair dries out a little, as a result of which the washing procedure can be carried out less often, they “greasy” more slowly.

✓ You no longer need to do styling, just dry your hair with a hairdryer and you will get a voluminous styling.

✓ The volume is maintained even in bad weather or after wearing a hat.

✓ The hair looks thicker and lush, this is true for thin hair.

✓ Suitable for girls with any type and length of hair.

Cons of root volume

✓ Difficulties in finding a good master (since Boost up is a relatively new cosmetology technology, not everyone was able to learn it professionally). Not only the effect of the procedure depends on the master, but also the health of your hair. If the technology is not followed or the use of low-quality materials for volume, loss or brittleness may begin.

✓ High cost for the provision of a cosmetic procedure, as well as the duration of the procedure. Now the cost for a long-term volume ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

✓ At the end of the event, if the effect is not satisfactory, the procedure cannot be redone.

✓ You can’t make a boost up on short strands, the hair length should be from 15 cm.

✓ Corrugated strands can be seen, so it will be difficult to achieve the main styling.

✓ Hair may be dry and tangled.

✓ When growing back, the volume “slips” and it does not look natural.

Naturally, Boost up is not the only cosmetic procedure of its kind that has the effect of long-term volume, an alternative to the boost up Bouffant procedure. What is the difference between these two procedures?

What is the difference between boost up and buffant?

Boost Up and Bouffant- These are two different techniques for creating styling volume, which have a similar effect: they allow you to create volume styling of the desired diameter and is an absolutely safe procedure for hair in both cases.

The differences are as follows:

1. By the time of the events (Bouffant is done in 3 hours, and Boost Up is 4-5 hours).

2. The result differs in appearance (in Boost up, the root curl should be masked, since all the twisted strands are obvious in the first two weeks. Bouffant allows you to make the volume more natural).

3. Different formulations for the procedure, but both are safe and harmless to hair follicles.

4. The duration of the effect (Boost up lasts up to 6 months, Buffant up to 3 months). At the same time, the cost of both events is almost the same.

Buffant execution technology

1. Hair must be clean and dry. Next, a strand of hair is separated and a pile is made, thus the upper part of the hair is processed.
2. Then the hair is treated with a special composition and fixed on curlers.
3. After the required time has elapsed, the composition is washed off, the fleece is unraveled and the head is dried with a hairdryer. Buffant also has its drawbacks:

The bouffant can damage your hair;
Buffant can lead to hair loss;
Buffant can cause dryness and brittleness.

How is the Buffant procedure performed?

How to remove boost up?

There are only a few girls who would like to get rid of the effect of a full and healthy volume. Girls often want to eliminate actions from Boost up because of unsatisfactory result.

Naturally, Boost Up is an event that requires professional equipment and funds for its creation, therefore, a master’s hand is also needed to remove it. Usually, you can get rid of such a volume with special solutions. They are available in almost every beauty salon providing basal volume services.

These funds are evenly applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe strands, after which you must wait 20-30 minutes and wash your hair thoroughly. This completes the technique of removing the basal volume.

If the girls want to get rid of this effect on their own, then they will have to wait up to 6 months until the volume disappears on their own, or do lamination.

It is no secret to anyone that a hairstyle without the usual volume looks sparse. For the sake of creating the effect of the splendor of curls, the fair sex is ready to waste a lot of time and effort. Root volumizing perm allows girls to spend less time styling and enjoy a perfect hairstyle for a long period of time.

Curling hair at the roots allows you to achieve excellent volume.

Root perm is used by hairdressers in such cases:

  1. If you need to adjust the chemical perm of hair, made earlier. Curls made with the help of chemistry hold better at the tips, but even growing strands at the roots can not only reduce the volume of the hairstyle, but also spoil its appearance. Thanks to this procedure, at the roots, you can return a pretty look to the styling, without exposing the entire length of the strands to the brutal effects of chemistry.
  2. If a woman has a narrow and short hair, wants to give her splendor and femininity without everyday styling.
  3. If a lady has curly strands by nature. Often natural curls are curled the least at the roots and require the creation of additional volume.

Pros and cons of root curling

Like no matter what cosmetic procedure, root perm has its positive and negative features.

Advantages of curling hairstyles at the roots

Curling at the roots or carving does not lose its popularity due to the following advantages:

  1. The effect lasts for a long time, therefore it is possible to significantly save on money and time.
  2. A noticeable increase in the volume of hairstyles in the root zone.
  3. Not bad hair resistance to styling products, moisture and temperature.
  4. Reducing the frequency of shampooing due to the drying effect of chemical compounds.

Root chemistry is able to cope even with thick and languid curls that are difficult to style and curl.

It's time to discuss the shortcomings

Girls, having experienced for themselves all the beauties of carving, can highlight several negative aspects of the procedure that oppose its advantages:

  1. The cost of the procedure is not the lowest and ranges from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.
  2. Not every hairdresser can perfectly perform hair styling, and even more so, carving.

Pay attention! The effect of the carving procedure lasts up to 6 months and there is a small risk of being dissatisfied with the result. If the master does not perform the curling well, it will be possible to correct the consequences only when the effect of the composition weakens. That's why choose a great specialist if you want to get positive emotions after the procedure.

Root biowave also helps to achieve the volume of the hairstyle, but it will have a more gentle effect on the strands.

  1. Carving requires a lot of time to complete. The period in which the master can invest and perfectly curl the roots of the strands is from 2 to 4 hours.

Contraindications for curling the roots of the strands

Carving has contraindications, due to which the procedure becomes unsafe and unnecessary.

It is worth refraining from perm:

  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with dandruff and seborrhea;
  • if you are taking medications or any hormonal preparations;
  • if there is any damage on the scalp (scratches, wounds).

Dandruff is a signal that the procedure should be abandoned until the problem is completely resolved.

In addition, ladies with weak, prone to falling curls, it is better to refrain from the procedure. Curls, which are often dyed or bleached not so long ago, can also not tolerate a perm. It is best if the procedure is carried out on healthy strands that have not been affected by chemical substances.

Advice! If you are planning a trip to the beauty salon for a root curl, prepare in advance for the procedure. If there are difficulties with the scalp, take measures to heal it, and do not forget to prevent hair loss by strengthening the roots in advance. If this is not done, then the procedure can only aggravate the condition of the scalp and hair.

Root curling technique

You can curl the root part of the hair with your own hands, but it is better to entrust this to a specialist

It is not difficult to make a perm that will last a long time on your own, but it is much more difficult not to make mistakes. That is why it is best to trust a specialist and do carving in a beauty salon. The development of a basal perm in the salon and at home can be of 2 types.

Steps annotation
Full winding strands on curlers
Step 1 The hair is prepared for the procedure.
Step 2 A small strand is separated, the root zone is moistened with the composition, and the rest of the hair is wrapped in polyethylene.
Step 3 The whole strand is wound on curlers.
Step 4 Steps 2-3 are repeated with each new strand until all of them are wound on curlers.
Step 5 The head is covered with a plastic cap.
Step 6 After half an hour, fixative is applied to the treated areas of the hair, washed off after 10-15 minutes.
Partial winding curls on curlers
Step 1 The hair is being prepared.
Step 2 The strand is separated, the composition is applied to the root zone.
Step 3 Only the processed part of the curl is wound on curlers.
Step 4 Repeat steps 4,5,6 from the full winding technology.

Photo of a chic curl of the roots to add volume

Nothing is more capable of guaranteeing perfect styling than strict adherence to the rules when performing it.

But there are a few secrets that affect the quality of the result of the procedure:

  1. Refuse long-term styling during critical days. The fact is that during this period the body is undergoing hormonal changes and the effect of waving can be unstable.

If you do not wash the strands for a day before the procedure, then the scalp will not suffer so much from the effects of chemistry.

  1. Do not wash your hair for 24 hours before long styling. Chemical compositions dry the scalp very much, therefore it is best if there is little natural protective membrane on it.

Keeping curls healthy and extending the life of the volume made can be done with proper hair care. In the first place for curls is constant hydration and nutrition, so at least once a week you need to make masks.

To wash your hair, you should use a mild shampoo, preferably a special one, which is designed to restore strands after exposure to chemical compounds. Do not forget to protect the styling from the sun during the hot season. To do this, you can purchase a special spray with filters that do not transmit ultraviolet rays.

Large hairstyles are highly valued by the fair sex.


Carving helps to make a chic basal volume even on a narrow and rare hairstyle, therefore it is a truly amazing procedure. Long-term curling of the strands at the roots allows even longish straight hair to look thicker and does not allow them to lose their own volume even under their weight.

The video presented in this article will take you into the world of chic big curls. And if you have any questions - feel free to ask them in the comments, we are ready to answer any of them!

The content of the article:

The best way to give straight and not too thick hair the desired volume is to lift it at the roots. Thus, you will provide the necessary effect in the occipital and temporal zones, giving the necessary contour to the entire hairstyle. All the many methods of basal volumetric hair styling can be divided into two main groups:

  • salon (radical perm);
  • homemade (using a hair dryer, curling iron, styler, and so on)

But no matter what method you choose, effective volume is not possible without preliminary hair preparation at home. These are not only a variety of cosmetic (and not only) products that allow you to strengthen your hair and intensively stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp.

Thick hair is not possible without daily thorough care, and above all - proper shampooing. Your task in this case is to make the hair as light and airy as possible. First of all, choosing the right shampoo. It should be specifically designed to give volume to the hair, while gently cleansing them.

Tip: choose a shampoo that does not contain silicone for this purpose - this will additionally weigh down the hair. If you use homemade shampoo, then make sure that it also does not contain weighting components, for example, gelatin.

The temperature of the water for washing your hair should not be too hot.. And rinsing your hair with cool water at the end will help to further stimulate the circulation of the scalp and help lift your hair a little without any cosmetics.

In order to “lighten” each hair as much as possible, you should also refuse to use a thick nourishing balm, replacing it with a light conditioner.

Features of creating a basal volume in the salon and at home

Before choosing a specific method for creating root volume, it is worth deciding how much time you are willing to spend daily creating such a styling. If you have the desire and the opportunity to repeat this procedure daily, or once every 2-3 days, there are a huge number of simple and quick ways to raise your hair at the roots without resorting to salon products. But if you absolutely do not have time for daily fuss with styling, there is nothing else left but to create a basal volume of hair with the help of a permanent basal perm.

An important point: almost all methods of creating basal volume damage the hair to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, if your hair has not only lost volume, but also become brittle and dry, these methods are not for you.

In this case, traumatic methods of adding volume will not improve, but rather worsen the situation due to the threat of severe hair loss. A variety of ways to strengthen hair follicles and restore hair structure can help.- masks for strengthening and growth, strengthening massage, and first of all - a temporary rejection of traumatic styling methods with the active use of various styling products.

Root styling looks most impressive on long or medium hair. But if the hair is short, but the volume is still not enough - then why not?

Long-term Volume Boostup (Boost Ap) and Buffant (Buffant)

Among the most popular and best proven are two techniques for creating long-term volume - these are Boostup and Buffant. Each of them allows you to forget about the time-consuming and rather traumatic daily styling for at least six months, and fits perfectly on almost any type of hair. In addition, an additional plus - root chemistry goes well with most hair coloring methods, and can be a real salvation not only for thin and sparse, but also for hard and unruly hair.

A relatively new, and already well-proven way to create a long-term basal volume is the author's technique of a stylist from St. Petersburg stylist Elena Glinka Boost Up. This perm method is not cheap and takes a lot of time ( depending on the length of your hair, the procedure can take from 1.5 to 3 hours.) But the result is really worth it! The essence of the method consists in applying a special composition to the hair, followed by winding it on thin hairpins and wrapping them in foil. After that, it remains only to wait for the hair to dry completely, and remove the curlers - long-term styling is ready! Among the charms of this method: relative safety, styling resistance to bad weather (primarily rain and wind), and the ability to make curls much softer and more manageable.

A faster way to get long-term styling - permanent perm Bouffant. In this case, the bio-composition based on cystiamine is applied to the hair roots during the preliminary washing of the head, and then all the strands of the horses are wound on curlers. The procedure itself takes only about 15 minutes, after which you can forget about the painstaking daily styling for 4-5 months.

After that, in the morning you just need to wash your hair as usual, and dry it with a hairdryer, and then style it in an elegant and stylish hairstyle. And when creating evening or festive styling, you can use all the usual styling tools - this will not hurt long-term styling.

An important point: despite the sufficient degree of safety of long-term methods of curling, do not forget that the hair after such procedures needs enhanced care.

Means for basal increase in volume at home

There are a huge number of fairly simple tricks that allow you to quickly and easily lift your hair at the roots at home. A huge plus of such styling methods is that they have less damaging effect on the hair than root perm, and the tools and styling tools necessary for it will certainly be found in your home. A significant disadvantage is that such styling will last only 1-2 days, until the first shampooing.

hair dryer

The easiest and perhaps the most effective homemade way to create basal volume on long hair. This is a blow dryer. To do this, apply a heat protectant to wet hair, and then begin to dry your hair, directing air flow to the hair roots. At the same time, you you can additionally shape the hairline with a round brush-brushing, wrapping with its help the ends of the hair inside.

Tip: gradually change the air temperature from hot at the beginning to cool at the end. This will give additional volume stability due to the fact that the hair structure becomes more elastic for a while.

curling iron

Another great way to give great volume to your hair, starting from the roots, is to curl with a regular curling iron. To do this, you will need a thermal protection spray, a thin comb, a fixing varnish and, of course, a curling iron. Apply thermal protection to clean and carefully combed hair, and then consistently wind the strands so close to the roots so as not to accidentally burn the scalp. After that, gently comb your hair, and fix the resulting volume with varnish.

Forceps (styler)

The principle of basal styling using a styler is very similar to that using a curling iron, but has two important differences. Firstly, styling with a styler allows you to get smaller and more elastic curls, which looks most impressive on short and medium hair. The second important point is that such styling requires the mandatory use of foam or mousse for styling.


A quick and effective, and also non-traumatic way to add extra basal volume to straight hair is a special styling spray. The principle is quite simple - you just need to apply it evenly on the root zone of dry or wet hair. Then you dry your wet hair with a hairdryer, starting from the root zone. And dry just enough to beat with your hands, and then gently comb. Simple and effective styling is ready!

Tip: Be sure to choose a spray specifically for your hair texture, as it is different for each. Or you can use a universal spray for all hair types.


The traditional way to get a beautiful basal volume in just a matter of minutes, using only a thin comb and fixing varnish, is, of course, bouffant. Like any time-tested classic, it will never go out of style. In addition, its use allows you to create a huge number of simple and elegant retro hairstyles.

Please note that creating a pile on hair of different lengths has different nuances. On long hair, the bouffant looks most impressive, affecting only the root zone. But on medium or short hair, the fleece should be along the entire length, since this ensures the maximum naturalness of the haircut contour.

An important point: despite all the showiness of such styling, it is still not worth doing it on duty everyday styling because of the high load on the hair structure.

How to make the root volume of hair yourself? Video lesson

Mastering simple and effective ways to give beautiful and natural volume to hair, starting from the roots, is very simple. To do this, it is enough to have only 1-2 favorite styling products, a little patience and skill, and a lot of imagination and a great mood! The video tutorials we have collected will help you with this, in which you will get acquainted with the tips of a professional stylist on creating basal volume, and you will be able to master some very simple and effective styling methods yourself.

Hairstyle is one of the main components of the image of any woman. And dissatisfaction with it is a completely natural phenomenon. Most ladies are frustrated by the lack of hair volume at the roots. And a special procedure of basal chemistry is designed to solve this problem. It is one of the varieties of traditional chemical. Of course, professionals will make root chemistry much better and faster, but with a strong desire, you can master the procedure at home.

Who is shown basal chemistry of hair?

Root chemistry is a great alternative to daily styling. With proper hair care after the procedure, the effect of curling will last for several months.

The main nuance - curling curls at the roots of the hair is considered quite complicated. Due to the fact that it is carried out necessarily with the use of special potent agents, not everyone can resort to the help of root chemistry. Doing a perm is mainly recommended in the following cases:

  1. Root chemistry is necessary for those women whose hair has grown well after curling. This procedure will be a kind of correction. After it, all hair will be equally lush, and chemicals will cause harm to a minimum.
  2. Curling can be done on curls of absolutely any length. And yet, as practice has shown, root chemistry looks the best on straight lines. Owners of healthy and strong curls can do such a perm regularly. Chemically treated hair is safely cut off during the obligatory shape-correcting haircuts. And accordingly, all subsequent procedures are done on absolutely healthy hair.
  3. Sometimes root chemistry for volume has to be done by owners of curly hair. Usually curly curls retain volume. But it also happens that because of its own gravity, the hair looks flat. A light root curl in this case will look very natural. The main condition is that it should be done by a professional. Otherwise, the result can greatly spoil the overall look.

From the foregoing, it follows that root chemistry can be considered both as an independent and as a corrective procedure. The main advantage of this type of perm is that it is done on the roots of the hair - in the place where the curls are stronger. Thanks to this, root chemistry is much easier to tolerate than any other perm.

The exception to the rule is hair that is subjected to frequent dyeing. For them, root chemistry on hairpins can be a critical procedure. Even the softest colors weaken the hair. The chemistry used for curls, once on damaged hair, can easily destroy their structure. That is why experts categorically do not recommend doing root chemistry immediately after painting.

Root chemistry at home

You should immediately warn that this will be a complex procedure, and its result may differ significantly from the salon. Although in general, curls wound at home look good.

For root chemistry, you will need bobbins, special products, foil, polyethylene, towels:

  1. Wash your hair without massaging the scalp too much while doing so.
  2. Twist the curls onto the bobbins, leaving the ends of the hair hanging freely.
  3. Treat twisted strands with special solutions.
  4. Cover your head with polyethylene and wrap.
  5. After about half an hour, apply a fixing compound.
  6. Rinse your hair thoroughly after ten minutes.