Museum of cats foundry 60. Cafe and museum "Republic of cats" for children and adults. Events and charitable activities

Since the time of Peter the Great, cats have been given special importance in St. Petersburg: they protected the city from cholera. More than one monument has been erected to this animal in the city, and there is even its own ″World day of Petersburg cats and cats″. This significant date, June 8, 2011, was timed to coincide with the opening of the Art Cafe and Museum of the ″Republic of Cats″.

Unusual format

The peculiarity of the idea of ​​the ″Republic of Cats″ was embodied in an unusual format: to unite a museum, an art cafe, an exhibition space, a club, a library and the cats themselves into one whole. There is a souvenir shop in the lobby where author's works related to the cat theme are presented: key rings, talismans, soft toys, figurines, earrings, bracelets, ceramics.

Book lovers will surely like the library fund: specially selected literature about cats, breeds, and their behavior. Some copies of the books are unique, they were donated and signed by the authors. In the art cafe, you can relax with a cup of coffee, and in the cat library you can choose a thematic film to watch.

But the most important thing is communication with live cats. All of them are of different breeds, with their difficult fate and history, which the guide will definitely tell about. For pets, comfortable living conditions are created here. Two halls are furnished with special furniture: scratching posts, houses, shelves with baskets. A throne chair was brought from the Hermitage, on which cats sleep with pleasure.

Traditions of the ″Republic″

Like any independent state, the Republic of Cats has its own rules, traditions and customs. Each newly arrived guest is issued a ″Visa″, regular or multi, allowing entry into the country and granting certain privileges on future visits. It has its own currency - ″Cats″. On them you can take an instant photo, order a coffee or just leave it as a keepsake.

The door leading to the pets is not easy. It is designed in the form of a cabinet door, which adds fabulousness to the whole image of the museum. To get into the room where cats live, you need to meow at the entrance three times. From the outside, it may not look quite normal. But! This is a tradition, and without it in any way. You will also need to follow basic hygiene rules: wash your hands before visiting and put on shoe covers. Anyone who wants to measure height in cats can use a special stadiometer.

An unusual menu awaits guests in the art cafe: each dish has an original name translated into ″cat language″: COTuchino, Amerikato, Cat cried (espresso), cherry MURdel, TiraMEW and KIScake. During the visit and communication with the pets of the ″Republic″, a traditional tea party with bagels and sweets is held.

Events and charitable activities

Cultural events are constantly held on the territory of the cafe: photo exhibitions, book presentations, master classes, meetings with zoologists and veterinarians, exhibitions of paintings by St. Petersburg artists. Here you can also organize a child's birthday and develop an exciting entertainment program, including master classes, communication with cats, as well as sweet treats in a cafe.

Charity is one of the important areas of activity of the "Republic of Cats". Every month, cats are brought here from a shelter so that they can find caring owners. Often, events are held in the cafe to raise funds for the treatment of children. Also, employees of the "Republic" travel with their pets to children's hospitals, where they conduct sessions of cat therapy.

The "Republic of Cats" in St. Petersburg is a cat cafe, a club, a souvenir shop and at the same time a branch of the Cat Museum, whose head office is located in Vsevolozhsk. Exhibitions of artists and photographers inspired by cats are often held here, as well as holidays, master classes, lectures, etc. Today, the Cat Museum complex also includes the Republic of Cats cat cafe on Liteiny Prospekt, 60.

The "Republic of Cats" is a concert and exhibition venue where pets live. The cafe hosts sessions of cat therapy, during which visitors interact with 25 cats of different breeds. Among the fluffy residents of the institution there are also famous Hermitage cats. These animals were specially brought from Kazan to St. Petersburg, by decree of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, to exterminate rodents and preserve valuable exhibits of the Hermitage. Currently, museum cats are considered one of the attractions of the Northern capital.

The first cat cafe in Europe and the center of the cat culture capital of the country - the "Republic of Cats" - also holds promotions during which everyone can choose a pet. Within the framework of such events, the lessons of the Caring Owner's School are given.

Opening hours and "visa" in the cat cafe "Republic of Cats"

The establishment is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00. Opening hours in June are from 10:00 to 06:00. To visit cats, you must first agree on the time of the session, as well as purchase a special "visa", which will give a discount on the next visit. Tickets can be purchased directly at the box office or through the TimePad online platform.

Ticket price - "visa":

  • Weekdays: from 11:00 to 16:00 - 300 rubles, from 17:00 to 21:00 - 400 rubles;
  • Weekends, holidays, school holidays - 500 rubles;
  • Repeated visit - 200 rubles;
  • Children under 3 years old - free of charge.

If you have a "visa" regular visitors are entitled to a preferential visit for 200 rubles.

Cat cafe visit

The establishment is divided into two parts - a cat-coffee shop and a murchay. The cat cafe is a regular cafe, the entrance to it is free. Here you can order hot dishes, desserts and coffee from the Murky menu.

Murchaynaya is a zone for cats, entry here is by tickets. You can actually get into the cat room by going through the closet and ... meowing three times. Behind the closet there are about 30 cats of many breeds and colors, with different characters and tastes, freely move around two large rooms, where everything is equipped for them - rookeries, nests, shelves, ladders, some kind of super-drinkers and feeders. A young man - a cat guard - tells in detail about each cat, each of them has its own, often difficult, fate.

Please note that children under 14 can only interact with cats in the presence of an adult!

The cost of the visit includes the opportunity to be imprinted in a cat booth (take a series of photographs), get a drink (“americatto”, “cat cried”, “cat-cao”, “meowmors”, “murchashka”) and a cat souvenir. The tour to the cats is designed for 1-2 hours, during which you can play with the animals and take pictures of them.

The interior of the cat cafe:

Souvenir shop

At the cat cafe "Republic of Cats" there is a shop where you can buy souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones. The assortment includes calendars, notebooks, postcards, magnets, key chains, mugs, backpacks, wallets, jewelry boxes, plush toys, jewelry and other items with the image of cats, author's design or cat cafe symbols. There is also a large selection of educational and fiction books dedicated to pets.

Panorama of the building where the cat cafe "Republic of Cats" is located:

How to get there

The Republic of Cats cat cafe is located on Yakubovich Street, at number 10. This is just 200 meters from St. Isaac's Cathedral. Also nearby is the Horse Guards Manege and the Central Museum of Communications of A. S. Popov.

On the steps of the museum, visitors are greeted by a bronze statue of the kitten Funtik, who is petted by everyone.

There are no metro stations nearby, but there is plenty of public transport. The nearest stop - "Yakubovicha" - is located 130 meters from the cat cafe. Buses No. 70, 100 stop here; trolleybuses No. 5, 22; minibuses No. 169, 306.

Walking route from the bus stop to the cat cafe:

The "Republic of Cats" can be reached by car, there are many parking areas nearby. If you don't have your own car, you can call a taxi. Dozens of companies are at your service, the most popular of them are Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim.

Cat cafe "Republic of cats" in St. Petersburg: video

Once upon a time I went to our wonderful cat cafe "Republic of Cats". At first it was possible to sit at a table, order some sweets or buy souvenirs, and then buy a ticket (I think it cost 350 rubles at that time and was a real cat visa) for a half-hour (!) visiting cats in separate rooms. The entrance to them was equipped like a magic closet, in just a couple of moments - and you find yourself in a room filled with cats and all kinds of toys for the furry inhabitants of the republic. As far as I remember, some of the seals were from the Hermitage, some were imported. It was possible to pet both an ordinary cat and a terribly thoroughbred one, because Bengals, sphinxes, and bobtails lived in the republic.
But that was then.

And during the Night of Museums, I learned about their newly created branch - the Republic of Cats.
It is located on Liteiny Prospect, 60. In terms of location, it is even more convenient than the first cat cafe (Yakubovich Street).

But the advantages of this branch do not end there.
What I especially liked was the donation system at the entrance. That is, we do not need to pay a fixed cost - we pay as much as we can and want. Of course, showing respect for the cat cafe. If you leave a change in front of the employees, I doubt that you will be welcome next time. But in general, the recommended fee for one person is 300 rubles. I paid less because I wasn't prepared to spend cash, but the Republic of Cats didn't officially participate in the Night of Museums, but only stepped up to help their main Republic unwind from the influx of visitors.
In addition, a huge plus is the absence of a time limit for visiting.

For paying for a visit, you get a nice sticker:

They were in several colors, I chose red.

Then my companion and I entered the cat elevator!
They closed us, we pressed the "up" button to make a special sound of the elevator, then the "open doors" button, pushed the door - and we are in the world of cats!
At the entrance, a special agent was immediately sprinkled on our hands so as not to transfer any infection to the local fluffy inhabitants from the street.

The first room was devoted to shelter cats:

They were sad in their own way, but affectionate.
And, of course, they are waiting for their kind owners!
After all, the main goal of the Republic of Cats is to find a home for their pets.

All cats are clean, passed all the necessary procedures.
Those who have been living in the Republic for quite a long time look perfectly well-groomed:

The next room introduces us to the Hermitage cats.
They have even more interesting toys, houses and all kinds of leisure accessories:

Cats have all sorts of places to rest:

The inhabitants of the Republic are affectionate and kind:

Do not be afraid of the appearance of wool on clothes - there are special Velcro that solve this problem in a few minutes)

In general, I am very pleased with the trip to the "Republic of Cats".
Perhaps even more than in the "Republic of Cats" a couple of years ago.
At least because there are 20 cats, and here - 40. The difference is noticeable)
But, of course, the "Republic of Cats" has its advantages. There are a lot of thoroughbred cats, which the branch cannot boast of, and it is very interesting to watch them. Moreover, stroking the sphinx is an indescribable feeling)
Yes, I liked the idea of ​​a cat visa. It is still kept on my shelf, and even a postcard to boot - they gave you a cat-bonus, which could be exchanged for something (a photo with a cat, a postcard and something else). After a trip to the branch Republic, I only had a sticker, photographs taken by me and, of course, pleasant impressions.

I advise all cat lovers to look into this cozy cat world.
Interacting with furry friends is truly energizing.

The "Republic of Cats" is a branch of the Cat Museum, its representative office in the center of St. Petersburg. The main building of the Museum itself is located outside the city, in Vsevolozhsk. The Republic of Cats does not duplicate the exposition of the Museum, it is an independent, original place that combines several functions: an exhibition space, a club, an Art cafe, a library and a whole room with cats.

At the “entry” to the “Republic of Cats”, each guest is asked to issue an entry visa so that all subsequent visits are cheaper. Visitors are introduced to the sights of the Republic: Schrödinger's cat, a special KOTOteka, a souvenir shop with the author's works of artists, sculptors and masters of St. Petersburg and temporary exhibitions.

Here you can measure your height and weight “in cats” using a special stadiometer and scales, participate in the creation of your own Cat comics, chat in a cozy creative atmosphere over a cup of tea or coffee with sweets, use Wi-fi, buy designer souvenirs as a keepsake.

But the main surprise awaits all visitors behind the magic closet - this is the second hall where guests are met - "republicans": charming cats of various breeds and colors. Each has its own character, habits, tastes, way of life, the catguards will tell you about this.

After the story, you can chat with the inhabitants of this amazing country: someone will have fun playing, others will comfortably sit on your lap, others will proudly pose in front of camera lenses.

It is necessary to sign up for a visit by phone: (812) 312-04-87, (921) 945-19-51.

Working mode:

  • daily from 10.00 to 22.00.

Ticket price:

  • the first hour is 400 rubles, the next hour of the visit is 200 rubles per hour.

Children under three years of age are free.