The work of sergeants is to strengthen military discipline. Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation textbook for motorized rifle sergeant. A variant of the work system of the squad commander for maintaining military discipline

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The role and tasks of sergeants in the training and education of personnel during the times of the USSR


education sergeant personnel

Sergeants belong to the junior rank of command personnel and represent their most numerous detachment. They bear full responsibility for the training and education of subordinates. Noting their role, M.V. Frunze emphasized that the junior command staff forms the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based.

At present, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing the units and subunits, with the change in the social image of the soldier, with the reduction of service life, with the improvement of equipment and weapons. The requirements for training and education have increased, but the training time has not increased. This. necessitated an increase in the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of commanders of all levels, and first of all those who directly form the qualities of a Soviet soldier in soldiers.

The education of personnel is carried out by sergeants in the course of everyday military service and combat training. They organize the service of their subordinates in accordance with the statutes, and ensure that the entire way of military service instills in the personnel loyalty to military duty, the military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is to educate soldiers in the spirit of the Marxist-Leninist worldview, communist convictions, class hatred for imperialism, moral principles of behavior, patriotism and internationalism, readiness to give all their strength, and if necessary, life, to protect the interests of the socialist Motherland. To do this, they themselves must be infinitely devoted to the cause of the CPSU, the socialist Motherland and their people, ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of the socialist Fatherland, to fulfill their internationalist duty.

Sergeants help subordinates to study weapons and military equipment, charters and manuals, organize and carry out service with them in daily duty, conduct daily work to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subordinate their actions and deeds to the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. They are responsible for combat bearing and physical training, for the safety of health and the provision of everything necessary for subordinates.

Here, the personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, and discipline are especially important. In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The duty of a sergeant is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of training and education of soldiers, aimed at preparing them for the defense of the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the process of training and education is to know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In leading a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to strictly follow the principles of Lenin's national policy, to show special sensitivity, prudence and adherence to principles, concern for strengthening friendship and brotherhood between soldiers of different nationalities.

Speaking about the commanding qualities of sergeants, one should keep in mind their ability to confidently command subordinates, both in peacetime and in battle, instill in them a love for military service, and show statutory exactingness towards soldiers.

High exactingness is an inalienable quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in a subordinate unit. It has nothing to do with rudeness, scorn, humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which, as a rule, offends, alienates the soldier from the sergeant. Demanding should be constant, fair, equal to all, respectful. To demand respect means to help the soldier realize his tasks, to mobilize forces for their successful fulfillment. Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement of conscientious work, with concern for subordinates, with an attentive attitude to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how they realize their personal duty and responsibility for the deeds and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and reasonably use the rights granted to them by military regulations. Much also means the desire of the sergeant to check his actions by assessing the officer, the ability to properly dispose of his advice, help, strictly follow the order, strengthen authority.

A unit (subunit) becomes combat-ready if the departments are well trained and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and performs them flawlessly. Great is the role of the sergeant in this, who personally teaches soldiers military skills, nurtures excellent students and class specialists, organizes and directs socialist competition in his unit, and disseminates advanced experience.

Training is a two-way pedagogical process, in the course of which, under the guidance of a commander (chief), soldiers acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities, which ultimately form military mastery.

Knowledge is various information fixed in memory in the form of systematized concepts and images. It can be rules, laws, specific facts, formulas, terms. The process of mastering knowledge ends with their application in practice. Military training is distinguished by a special practical orientation. Indeed, in combat it is not enough to know how to act, it is necessary to be able to act on the basis of this knowledge. By applying the acquired knowledge during training and exercises, the soldiers form a variety of skills and abilities.

Skills are practical actions that are performed not only correctly, but also quickly, accurately, automatically, with minimal effort and the highest result. In the military field, the importance of skills cannot be overestimated. An action that has become a skill should be performed easily, quickly, as if automatically, without thinking (reloading, aiming from a machine gun, saluting, etc.).

Skills as the end result of the learning process are the ability to correctly use knowledge to solve practical problems in various conditions of the situation. They are formed on the basis of knowledge and skills in different ways. In the process of their formation, a warrior moves from working with someone else's help to working independently. Skill is not reduced to the sum of skills, it always contains elements of creativity that allow the scout to skillfully act in various situations, exclude templates and coaching. All field training of troops is aimed at the formation of skills.

A short story, combined with an exemplary demonstration and subsequent training, is the main method of developing in soldiers the skills and abilities they need.

It is important to remember that knowledge, skills and abilities gradually weaken during long breaks in studies, and in some cases are completely lost. In this regard, in order to maintain the high professional skills of the personnel, systematic exercises and training are needed, carried out in conditions as close as possible to combat.

The entire process of training Soviet soldiers is built in accordance with such principles as communist party spirit and scientific training; training troops in what is needed in the war; Consciousness, activity and independence of trainees; visibility in teaching; systematic, consistent and comprehensive training; learning at a high level of difficulty; the strength of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities; collectivism and individual approach to learning.

Taken in unity and interdependence, they determine the system of requirements for the purpose, content, organization and methodology of personnel training.

The principle of communist party spirit and the scientific character of education determines the political orientation and the class character of personnel education. It reflects the dependence of the content, methods and organization of education on the ideology and policy of the CPSU, the tasks of education, and the level of development of science and technology in the country. Each lesson should be thought out and structured in such a way that the material studied forms a scientific worldview, communist conviction and morality, strong class positions, equips soldiers with modern scientific knowledge, is closely linked with the life of the country, the Armed Forces, with the practical tasks of personnel, and shows the failure of bourgeois ideology. , military theory and practice of imperialism. This is the main meaning of the principle of partisanship and science.

The principle of training troops in what is necessary in a war reflects the objective need to train personnel in strict accordance with the requirements of modern warfare, to bring each lesson as close as possible to combat reality, to carry out with full load, without concessions and simplifications.

The principle of conscientiousness, activity and independence of trainees requires such a formulation of training in which soldiers clearly understand their tasks, meaningfully acquire knowledge, consciously apply it, while showing high activity, independence and initiative. Consciousness and activity of V.I. Lenin attached paramount importance, emphasizing that without an enterprising, conscious soldier and sailor, success in modern warfare is impossible.

The principle of visualization in training proceeds from the fact that combat training requires such an organization, when a soldier acquires knowledge and forms skills and abilities based on the work of the sense organs, especially hearing and vision. Visual aids are classified into natural (showing practical actions, samples of weapons and equipment), pictorial (schemes, posters, films, propaganda tools, etc.), verbal-figurative (description of facts, events, comparisons, etc.).

When working with visual aids, the following rules must be observed: select the most essential and complex material for them; demonstrate visual aids not all at once, but gradually in the course of presenting oral material; during the demonstration, slow down the pace of explanation; do not overload classes with visual aids; give trainees time to work with manuals, especially with samples of weapons, equipment, instruments, models and simulators.

Systematicity, consistency and complexity mean that the success of training is possible only when the training material is arranged and presented in such an order that new knowledge is based on previously acquired ones, and previously learned techniques and actions would prepare soldiers for the assimilation of subsequent ones.

Learning at a high level of difficulty assumes that the educational material in terms of its content and volume, on the one hand, be available to students, taking into account their experience and knowledge, and on the other hand, students would consciously overcome the difficulties of learning, make significant efforts to achieve the intended goal. Learning at a high level of difficulty presupposes the availability of learning, i.e. compliance with the life-tested rule: from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex, from the easy to the difficult.

The strength of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. This principle means that regardless of the complex situation of modern combat, a soldier must remember everything that he was taught, quickly and skillfully apply his knowledge and skills in the performance of assigned tasks.

Collectivism and individual approach to teaching. Military activity is collective in nature. The basis for the development of collectivism is the organization of collective actions in the classroom, as well as in the course of the entire service of soldiers. To do this, the sergeant must know and understand the psychology of the team, be able to manage collective moods against the backdrop of competition and daily summing up of collective actions. Along with this, it is important to know and take into account the individual characteristics of each soldier during training, skillfully directing his efforts to solve the tasks of the unit.

2. The main forms and methods of training subordinates

The success of training largely depends on the methods and methods by which the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, i.e., on the methods and forms of training, are achieved.

The main forms of education: theoretical (lecture, seminar, conversation) and practical (tactical drill, tactical training, shooting training, driving military vehicles, etc.) classes; live firing, tactical exercises; park days; self preparation. The variety of forms of training makes it possible to carry out both individual training of soldiers and training as part of a unit, giving them deep knowledge and developing the necessary skills and abilities provided for by the combat training program.

The main teaching methods are: oral presentation of the material (story, explanation), discussion of the studied material (conversation, seminar), demonstration (demonstration), training (exercise), practical and independent work.

Oral presentation (narration, explanation) is used when familiarizing soldiers with the main provisions of the charters and other documents, with the tactical and technical data and arrangement of weapons and equipment, with the organization, armament and tactics of the potential enemy units.

The conversation is practiced in order to deepen, consolidate or test knowledge and is usually of a question-answer nature. Training (exercise) plays a decisive role in the formation of soldiers' skills and abilities, teaches them to apply knowledge in practice, and is the main method of training soldiers. Training should be systematic and consists in the conscious repeated repetition of the studied techniques and actions with a constant complication of conditions.

Practical work is carried out in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and improve existing skills and abilities. It is started after the trainees learn the maximum of the necessary knowledge and acquire certain skills and abilities.

Independent work serves to consolidate the already acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The squad leader determines the volume of tasks for self-training, gives methodological advice, provides specific assistance and controls its progress, and also provides the soldiers with literature and visual aids for training places.

In training formations and units, the training of junior commanders and specialists is carried out according to the method of systematic and phased inculcation of knowledge and skills. This teaching method is based on the theory of the planned formation of mental concepts and practical actions. The educational process is organized taking into account three basic principles:

-- the content of training cards (UTC) should be assimilated in the process of training cadets;

__ the goals and content of the training of trainees must correspond to their professional purpose;

- professional training is possible only with a strictly consistent construction of the educational process.

The essence of the teaching method is work with the UTK, in which the trainees do not memorize it, but immediately with its help study the structure of units, assemblies and practically perform operations (setting up a radio station, preparing weapons for firing, etc.). The platoon is divided into training groups of 3 people. Of these, the first one reads the UTC, the second one shows what is named on a mock-up or a real object, the third one controls its actions. Subsequently, they change places. Thus, the trainee studies the material three times during the allotted time. Training of cadets is carried out first with the use of full TECs, reflecting the entire scope of actions, and subsequently, abbreviated TECs, which indicate only the main (nodal) actions.

The leader of the lesson should be directly involved in the study of the material by the trainees, be ready to answer questions, help to understand the content of the teaching materials, and achieve high activity of the trainees when studying the educational material.

3. Essence, principles, forms and methods of work on the education of soldiers

In its essence and direction, training is closely related to education - a definite, purposeful and systematic influence on the mind, feelings and will of soldiers in order to form in them high political and combat qualities, discipline, unity of military teams, training in accordance with the requirements of modern warfare.

The essential features of educational work in modern conditions are: ensuring the unity of word and deed; maximum specificity; individual forms; situation of acute ideological confrontation. Principles are the basic guiding principles of educational work. They express the requirements that determine the content, methods and organizational forms of education of personnel. The principles of the education of Soviet soldiers are: communist purposefulness and partisanship; education in the process of military activity; education in the team and through the team; individual approach to soldiers; a combination of exactingness towards soldiers with respect for their personal dignity and concern for them; unity, consistency and continuity in education.

Communist purposefulness and partisanship in education is the leading principle in the entire system of indoctrination of soldiers. It determines the ideological orientation of all educational work and requires the sergeant, first of all, to know the goals of education well, to clearly imagine the qualities that should be formed in each of his subordinates.

A very important requirement of the principle is perseverance in achieving the educational goal. It is impossible, as individual sergeants do, to retreat from an undisciplined soldier, justifying himself by the fact that he is not amenable to education. Good human qualities are born over the years. Therefore, education is a long and difficult task. Here one cannot confine oneself to a decree, but one must carry out painstaking work, showing perseverance and patience.

Education in the process of military activity. When implementing this principle, the sergeant, first of all, is required to ensure that each soldier has a deep understanding of the features of the current international situation, his place and role in strengthening the combat readiness of a unit, unit, or the Armed Forces as a whole. Of great importance here is the combination of well-organized educational work with a clear organization of military labor, with a reasonable use of leisure time for personnel.

Education in the team and through the team. This principle requires the sergeant to constantly take care of rallying his subordinates into a friendly family, of forming in them a sense of friendship and military camaraderie, collectivism.

An individual approach to the education of warriors is of paramount importance.

The implementation of this principle presupposes: a comprehensive, constant study of each warrior; respect and exactingness to him, thoughtfulness, sincerity and creativity in education; differentiated approach; education, in all activities; systematic individual education.

The combination of exactingness to subordinates with respect for their personal dignity and care for them. In this principle, two sides of the educational process are merged: exactingness and respect for a person. This is an important feature of the Leninist style of work. The primary duty of the sergeant is to take care of nutrition, health, material and living conditions, and to satisfy the spiritual needs of the personnel.

Unity, coherence and continuity in education oblige us to make uniform demands on soldiers, to educate them through the joint efforts of all educators, Party and Komsomol organizations.

Methods of indoctrination are ways of purposefully influencing soldiers and military collectives. The main ones are: persuasion, exercise, encouragement, coercion and example. The method of persuasion is the main method of education. To persuade means to influence the consciousness and behavior of soldiers in such a way that they develop a deep confidence in the truth of the provisions of Marxism-Leninism, the requirements of communist morality and military discipline, an understanding of the essence of these ideas and requirements, and develop a desire to solve practical problems in strict accordance with them. The sergeant convinces his subordinates with his personal conviction, a truthful word in unity with the deed, the ability to answer sharp and topical questions, clarity, intelligibility and evidence of presentation, high emotionality of speech.

The method of the exercise aims to form the habits of positive (correct) behavior among the soldiers. The exercise in education differs from the exercise in training, since it is associated with raising the consciousness of soldiers, while the exercise in training is aimed at working out automatism in actions. When applying the exercise method, it is important to remember that it is not advisable to instruct subordinates to perform tasks that are still beyond their strength, as this can undermine their self-confidence.

The reward method is used to reinforce the positive habits and positive qualities of a soldier. This is a powerful and subtle means of education. Encouragement stimulates the activity of a soldier, positively affects the entire team.

The method of coercion is applied to individual soldiers whose actions contradict the requirements of regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs). Coercion includes the following forms and means of influence: reminder, warning, prohibition, condemnation by comrades. The last resort is retribution.

The personal example of a sergeant is his main weapon, the most important condition for the successful performance of his duties. It enhances or weakens the effectiveness of all other methods of education. “The word teaches, but the example leads,” says folk wisdom. However, a positive example of a sergeant acquires the power of educational influence only if it is organically connected with the high qualities of his personality and manifests itself constantly.

4. Areas of work of sergeants to strengthen military discipline

Soviet military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat capability and combat readiness of the Armed Forces. Discipline is, above all, the strict and exact observance by all servicemen of the order and rules established by Soviet laws and military regulations, the conscious obedience of subordinates to the will of the commander. Discipline characterizes the personality of a warrior as a whole. It is closely connected with many of his qualities and properties, and above all with ideological conviction, a deep understanding of his duty to the Motherland and people.

The formation of the skills of discipline in soldiers, their readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and Regulations is carried out throughout the entire service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning, the social significance of discipline, to instill a sense of personal responsibility for the defense of the socialist Fatherland.

An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are due precisely to miscalculations in the sphere of relations between the boss and the subordinate, the individual and the team. In some cases, shortcomings in the work of a sergeant indirectly influenced the emergence of a conflict, while in others they became a direct cause of a violation of discipline.

The most common wrong actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of loads they allow between soldiers of different service periods; unwillingness, and sometimes inability to delve into the off-duty relations and moods of soldiers finishing their service; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, to occupy a special position, to subordinate other soldiers to their influence.

The weak exactingness of some sergeants, the lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact in still others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that are encountered in practice. To eliminate them, we need persistent study of junior commanders, timely advice and help from older, more experienced comrades.

The basis of the work of a sergeant is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most justified methods of studying personnel by a sergeant in the course of everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude to the case of one or another subordinate in the course of classes, service, rest; widespread use of the opinions of officers, ensigns, other sergeants, party and Komsomol activists about soldiers; familiarization (through officers) with the documents available at the headquarters and characterizing the socio-demographic data and personal qualities of soldiers.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, not limited to looking for shortcomings. The main thing is to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in everyone and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, more often there is a desire to excel in the service. The correct opinion about the subordinate will develop only if he is evaluated not by words, but by deeds.

For the education of discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is necessary. Sergeants must create an environment that requires maximum exertion of physical and moral strength, contributes to the development of a sense of duty, initiative, high organization, independence in subordinates, to ensure that the educational process is timely and fully financially provided, the start and end times of classes are respected. A well-conducted lesson always activates the mental activity of the trainees, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization. Discipline is also a clear organization of maintenance of equipment, park and park-economic days.

Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening military discipline. The daily disciplinary practice of a sergeant offers such means and methods of influencing the consciousness of soldiers as explanation, proof, suggestion, etc. By this, sergeants win over subordinates and win their trust. Their sincerity and cordiality make it possible to master the feelings of the soldiers and make it easier to bring the necessary requirements to consciousness. However, it is important to remember that closeness to people is not all-forgiving, that persuading is not the same as persuading.

The sergeant's bias and injustice, rudeness in dealing with subordinates, lack of concern for their needs and requests negatively affects the soldiers. He very aptly and categorically expressed his attitude to cases of tactlessness in relation to M.V.'s subordinates. Frunze. He said that harsh treatment, unexpected punishment and rude shouting would be incomprehensible to the young Red Army soldier, intimidate him and kill his interest in military affairs.

One of the important features is that the disciplinary measures and the very form of its imposition should be perceived by the soldier not as a “nitpicking”, but as the desire of the sergeant to help him learn to control his behavior, to behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates to the truth, to the fear of misconduct, not punishment. The biggest trouble is not in the offense and not even in the punishment, but in the cunning with which the subordinate wants to hide it. Those sergeants who consider it an unshakable rule also act correctly: before imposing a penalty on a subordinate, it is necessary to carefully understand the degree of his guilt. At the same time, as emphasized in the Disciplinary Regulations, in general, the behavior of a soldier, the nature of the offense committed by him, the circumstances under which it was committed, and the degree of understanding by the soldier of the order of service should be taken into account. It is also advisable to carry out the removal of disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role, and not all at once, waiting for the holiday.

Sergeants are required to strictly monitor cleanliness and internal order, the correct fitting of equipment, compliance by subordinates with the rules for wearing military uniforms, timely repair of shoes and uniforms, etc. behavior, forms an intolerant attitude towards looseness, develops diligence. Special thoughtfulness and organization require work with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from the unit, on guard and daily duty.

Work with the so-called difficult soldiers has its own characteristics. At the same time, it is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude to the service. Look for positive qualities in each such person, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the norm of a serviceman's life is sobriety, honesty, personal responsibility for the task assigned.

Of great importance in modern conditions is the struggle for a sober lifestyle. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness is an absolutely intolerable phenomenon in the army, it is the worst enemy of combat readiness.

The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of allowances, to strictly monitor the full issuance of allowances according to the norm. It is important to monitor the observance by subordinates of the rules of personal hygiene, their washing in the bath, the quality of food in the dining room. All observed shortcomings are reported on command.

An important component of the work of a sergeant in strengthening discipline is the concern for organizing the leisure of soldiers. Its task is to ensure that each of them is recorded in the library, in every possible way to encourage the reading of fiction, periodicals, amateur art activities, physical education and sports, and applied arts.

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Soviet military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat capability and combat readiness of the Armed Forces. Discipline is, first of all, strict and exact observance by all servicemen of the order and rules established by Soviet laws and military regulations, conscious obedience of subordinates to the will of the commander. Discipline characterizes the personality of a warrior as a whole. It is closely connected with many of his qualities and properties, and above all with ideological conviction, a deep understanding of his duty to the Motherland and people.

The formation of the skills of discipline in soldiers, their readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and Regulations is carried out throughout the entire service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning, the social significance of discipline, to instill a sense of personal responsibility for the defense of the socialist Fatherland.

An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are due precisely to miscalculations in the sphere of relations between the boss and the subordinate, the individual and the team. In some cases, shortcomings in the work of a sergeant indirectly influenced the emergence of a conflict, while in others they became a direct cause of a violation of discipline.

The most common wrong actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of loads they allow between soldiers of different service periods; unwillingness, and sometimes inability to delve into the off-duty relations and moods of soldiers finishing their service; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, to occupy a special position, to subordinate other soldiers to their influence.

The weak exactingness of some sergeants, the lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact in still others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that occur in practice. To eliminate them, we need persistent study of junior commanders, timely advice and help from older, more experienced comrades.

The core of a sergeant's job is deep learning.

subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most justified methods of studying personnel by a sergeant in the course of everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude to the case of one or another subordinate in the course of classes, service, rest; widespread use of the opinions of officers, ensigns, other sergeants, party and Komsomol activists about soldiers; familiarization (through officers) with the documents available at the headquarters and characterizing the socio-demographic data and personal qualities of soldiers.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, not limited to looking for shortcomings. The main thing is to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in everyone and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, the desire to excel in service often arises. The correct opinion about the subordinate will develop only if he is evaluated not by words, but by deeds.

For the education of discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is necessary. Sergeants must create an environment that requires maximum exertion of physical and "moral strength, contributes to the development of subordinates' sense of duty, initiative, high organization, independence, ensure that the educational process is timely and fully financially provided, the start and end times of classes are respected. Well-spent the lesson always activates the mental activity of the trainees, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization.Clear organization of the maintenance of equipment, park and park-economic days also disciplines.

Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening military discipline. The daily disciplinary practice of a sergeant offers such means and methods of influencing the consciousness of soldiers as clarification, proof, suggestion, etc. With this, sergeants win over subordinates, win their trust.

sincerity and cordiality make it possible to master the feelings of the soldiers and more easily bring to consciousness the necessary demands. However, it is important to remember that closeness to people is not universal, that persuading is not the same as persuading.

The sergeant's bias and injustice, rudeness in dealing with subordinates, lack of concern for their needs and requests negatively affects the soldiers. He very aptly and categorically expressed his attitude to cases of tactlessness in relation to subordinates of M.V. Frunze. He said that harsh treatment, unexpected punishment and rude shouting would be incomprehensible to the young Red Army soldier, intimidate him and kill his interest in military affairs.

One of the important features is that the disciplinary measures and the very form of its imposition should be perceived by the soldier not as a “nitpicking”, but as the desire of the sergeant to help him learn to control his behavior, to behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates to the truth, to the fear of misconduct, not punishment. The biggest trouble is not in the offense and not even in the punishment, but in the cunning with which the subordinate wants to hide it. Those sergeants who consider it an unshakable rule also act correctly: before imposing a penalty on a subordinate, it is necessary to carefully understand the degree of his guilt. At the same time, as emphasized in the Disciplinary Regulations, in general, the behavior of a soldier, the nature of the offense he committed, the circumstances under which it was committed, and the degree to which the soldier understood the order of service should be taken into account. It is also advisable to carry out the removal of disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role, and not all at once, waiting for the holiday.

Sergeants are required to strictly monitor cleanliness and internal order, the correct fitting of equipment, compliance by subordinates with the rules for wearing military uniforms, timely repair of shoes and uniforms, etc. The day-to-day accurate fulfillment of these duties by junior commanders has an impact on instilling in soldiers the skills and habits of disciplined behavior, uniforms. develops an intolerant attitude towards looseness, develops diligence. Special thoughtfulness and organization require work with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from the unit, on guard and daily duty.

Work with the so-called difficult soldiers has its own characteristics. At the same time, it is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude to the service. Look for positive qualities in each such person, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the norm of life of a military

your sobriety, honesty, personal responsibility for the task assigned.

The struggle is of great importance in modern conditions.

sober lifestyle. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness is an absolutely intolerable phenomenon in aomiya, it is the worst enemy of combat readiness.

The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of allowances, to strictly monitor the full issuance of allowances according to the norm. It is important to monitor the observance of personal hygiene by subordinates, their washing in the bath, the quality of food in the dining room. All observed shortcomings are reported on command.

An important component of the work of a sergeant in strengthening discipline is the concern for organizing the leisure of soldiers. His task is to ensure that each of them is recorded "in the library, in every possible way to encourage the reading of fiction, periodicals, amateur art activities, physical education and sports, and applied arts.

And education of personnel, discipline and organization and, ultimately, the state of combat readiness of units and units.

Sergeants belong to the junior level of command personnel and represent the most numerous of them. They are assistants in training ideologically convinced, skillful and courageous defenders of the socialist homeland. These are the closest and immediate superiors of the soldiers, their first teachers and educators.

Speaking about the role of junior commanders, he emphasized: "The junior command staff forms the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based."

At present, the role of junior command cadres has increased even more. This is explained by the complication of the tasks of training and educating soldiers in connection with the reduction in the terms of military service and the changes caused in military affairs.

The requirements for the training and education of each soldier have increased immeasurably, and the terms of their training have been reduced. This necessitated an increase in the level of training and responsibility of commanders of all levels, and especially those who daily directly train soldiers, work hard to make them become real warriors.

Proceeding from an assessment of the international situation and the nature of contemporary imperialism, the 25th Congress of the CPSU aimed the Party and the people at every possible increase in the defense might of our Motherland and constant readiness to defend the gains of socialism.

Mastering military skills, skillful possession of weapons and military equipment on the battlefield is now acquiring particular importance.

Modern combat operations are carried out with the use of various and powerful means of armed struggle, which the personnel must not only know well, but also be able to use with high efficiency in the most difficult conditions of the situation. Without this, victory in modern combat is unthinkable.

This task can rightfully be considered task number one. It must be addressed persistently and purposefully in the process of preparation, especially in the course of field training of personnel, and above all in tactical combat and tactical exercises and exercises, live firing, practical exercises and training on training fields, as well as in physical training conducted in field conditions.

Therefore, the most important duty of sergeants is to train soldiers in military skills, skillful use of weapons and military equipment. The carriers of military skill are excellent students of combat and political training, class specialists, masters of military affairs. The duty of sergeants is to carefully cultivate excellent students, class specialists, masters of military affairs, organize and lead socialist competition in the squad, crew, calculation, aimed at improving the quality of education of each soldier, class, skill, discipline and organization.

Thus, the sergeants of the Soviet Army face great and responsible tasks.

A sergeant cannot solve the problems of training soldiers if he himself is not a real master of military affairs, a highly qualified specialist. He must have high leadership methodological skills.

Speaking about the commanding qualities of a sergeant, one should bear in mind the ability to confidently command subordinates, to correctly solve the problems of training and education, and to be constantly demanding of soldiers. High exactingness is an inalienable quality of a commander and a necessary condition for high military discipline, organization and order among the troops.

Demanding has nothing to do with rudeness and humiliation of the dignity of a soldier.

It consists in the elimination of incorrect actions of subordinates that violate military discipline, the statutory order and harm the combat capability of the unit, as well as in the elimination of noticed violations in the service, and the resolute suppression of misconduct. Demandingness involves monitoring the implementation of given orders and orders, educating subordinates of unquestioning obedience and diligence.

Constant and firm exactingness must be combined with concern for subordinates, with an attentive attitude to their needs.

In addition, the sergeant must be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to ensure the unity of the process of training and education of soldiers, aimed at preparing them for the conduct of hostilities.

All this means that a sergeant must not only be able to manage and command, but also carefully prepare and exemplarily conduct classes with subordinates, be able to explain the material studied to them, know and use methodological techniques that allow to improve the combat skills of personnel, and master the methods of educational work. And for this it is necessary to be well acquainted with the basics of military pedagogy and psychology, and the methods of combat training.

And finally, each sergeant must be a model of high discipline and diligence.

V. I. Lenin pointed out: "... if we conscientiously teach discipline ... then we must begin with ourselves."

The most effective means of inculcating respect for discipline is the educator's own example, on which the views of subordinates are directed daily and hourly. Any explanations and demands that are not supported by a personal example, as a rule, are of little effect and do not reach the goal.

The daily behavior of the sergeant, his diligence and appearance have a direct impact on the education of subordinates.

“A person is judged not by what he says or thinks about himself, but by his deeds.”

A personal positive example of a sergeant is, first of all, his positive deeds, manifested in everything: in personal training, and in the ability to train and educate subordinates, and in. in conduct, and in relation to the service, and in appearance, All this is achieved through hard work, painstaking study, constant improvement of one's knowledge, skills, and intolerant attitude towards one's shortcomings, to everything that damages the authority of a sergeant in the eyes of subordinates.

To study military affairs in a real way, as V. I. Lenin bequeathed to us, to be always and in everything an example for his subordinates - these requirements should become the law of the entire service and life of sergeants of the Soviet Army.

The education of military personnel is a purposeful and systematic influence on the mind, feelings and will of soldiers in order to form in them high moral and combat qualities that determine their expedient behavior in a peaceful environment, in battle, and the correct attitude to their military duty.

The principles of upbringing are the initial pedagogical provisions that reflect the laws of the upbringing process and serve as the norm for the activities of educators. The basic principles of education include; purposefulness; education in the process of military and social activities; education in the team and through the team; individual and differentiated approach to soldiers; a combination of exactingness with respect for the personal dignity of soldiers and concern for them; reliance on the positive in the personality of soldiers and the team; unity, consistency and continuity of educational influences.

purposefulness imposes a number of requirements on the activities of commanders. These include: a clear and precise understanding of the goals and objectives of the education of soldiers, of all educational work; planning of the process of education; expediency in the choice of means, techniques, methods and forms of education; perseverance and perseverance in achieving educational goals and objectives; the formation of an interested and active attitude among soldiers to the goals and tasks of education, their inclusion in the process of self-education. This principle presupposes the connection of education with life, the requirements of combat activity, and requires that educational work be structured in such a way that all soldiers deeply understand the course and prospects of social development, correctly understand the events in our country and around the world, deeply realize the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces, personal responsibility for the defense of their Fatherland.

^ Education in the process of military and social activities. A decisive role in the formation of a person's personality, in the development of his moral and combat qualities belongs to military activity. In the course of it, moral and combat qualities are consolidated and improved among soldiers: discipline, independence, initiative, courage, determination, perseverance, long-term effort of will, endurance, mutual assistance, and psychological readiness for the successful conduct of modern combat.

The educational role of military labor depends on the observance of a number of conditions. First of all, it is important by means of education to achieve an understanding by the soldiers of the expediency and social significance of the tasks that they were entrusted with. The educational impact of military labor increases if elements of competition and competitiveness are introduced into it. The educational role of labor increases if the commander and the military collective timely identify and encourage distinguished soldiers, support the diligent, enterprising ones, and condemn the negligent ones. Pedagogically valuable is a reasonable combination of mental work with physical, hard work with rest and cultural leisure. This helps to prevent overwork and the hostile attitude of soldiers to work.

^ Education in the team and through the team. This principle requires the commander to take constant care to unite his subordinates into a friendly, strong family, to form in them a sense of military camaraderie, brotherhood, and collectivism. Without this, in modern conditions, it is unthinkable to achieve victory in battle.

The successful realization by the commander of the educational possibilities of the military collective is carried out on the basis of certain requirements. The most important of these are the following: the establishment and strict observance of statutory relationships in the collective, discussion with the soldiers of the results of study and service, organization of mutual assistance, development of principled criticism and self-criticism, and the accumulation of positive traditions in the collective.

^ Individual and differentiated approach to warriors. Russian soldiers are brought up in a team, but each soldier is a specific person with individual qualities characteristic only of him. At the same time, soldiers have some common features, determined by their age, profession, work experience, education, etc. All these features are manifested in the behavior of soldiers and constitute the objective reality that commanders must inevitably reckon with. The educator is obliged to deeply and comprehensively know the characteristics of warriors and take them into account in the process of education.

^ A combination of exactingness with respect for the personal dignity of soldiers and care for them. IN This principle combines two aspects of the educational process: exactingness and respect for the person. It is a well-known truth that the exactingness of the boss towards his subordinates must necessarily be combined with the exactingness towards himself, otherwise it will turn into an empty formality.

A demanding commander should be characterized by such traits as adherence to principles and intolerance to shortcomings, perseverance and determination in carrying out his demands, establishing personal responsibility of military personnel for the task assigned, and strict control over execution.

^ Reliance on the positive in the personality of soldiers and the team. Any warrior, even the most difficult to educate, must have positive traits, correct views, good feelings. Finding this good, developing, encouraging it and relying on it in educating subordinates is the direct responsibility of the sergeant.

The principle of relying on the positive requires the support and development of the good both in the individual and in the team,

^ Unity, consistency and continuity of educational influences. The success of the education of soldiers is directly dependent on the consistency in the work of sergeants, ensigns, and officers. To achieve consistency in working with people means to make uniform demands on subordinates, to educate them through the joint efforts of sergeants, ensigns and officers. Continuity in education means the preservation, consolidation and further development in the practice of education of all that is positive that has been accumulated in education, in the life of the team by previous educators.


The method of military education is a set of means and methods of uniform pedagogical influence on soldiers in order to develop in them the necessary qualities for the performance of military duty. The main methods of education of Russian soldiers are: persuasion, example, exercise, competition, encouragement, criticism and self-criticism, coercion. In practice, these methods are most often used in combination and in various combinations. The main forms of educational work are: classes in public and state training, conversations, debates, etc. They must meet the requirements that follow from the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

^ Method of Persuasion- the main method of education of Russian soldiers. To convince means, relying on logical arguments, scientific data, reliable facts of life, practices, personal experience of soldiers, to ensure that the requirements of the Military Oath and military regulations turn into deep personal convictions of soldiers, become motives for their behavior, a guide to action. Method of persuasion - explanation, clarification, suggestion, proof, appeal, etc.

The most important condition for successful persuasion is the ability of a sergeant to win over his subordinates, win their trust, achieve mutual understanding, show perseverance, endurance, patience and tact.

^ Example method- the purposeful and systematic influence of educators on soldiers by the power of personal example, as well as all kinds of positive examples as a role model, an incentive in competition and the basis for the formation of a high ideal of behavior and life. The educational influence of the example is based on the tendency of people to imitate, on the need to study and borrow the experience of others. Each commander must remember that the personal example of an educator is the most important condition that gives him the moral right to educate others. The personal example of a commander is the basis of his authority, it has an inspiring influence on people in difficult situations, in battle.

^ exercise method. It is possible to develop the will of a soldier, to instill in him courage, determination, self-control only if educational work is combined with constant moral-volitional exercises related to overcoming the difficulties of military service. The essence of the method of training in education consists in organizing the service and the entire life of soldiers in such a way that daily strengthens their consciousness, tempers their will, develops feelings, and makes it possible to acquire positive social experience and the habits of correct behavior.

Exercise in education is carried out indirectly through the solution of daily vital tasks, which are realized by the soldiers. In order to develop courage, perseverance, and initiative in a warrior, he must be systematically placed in conditions in which he would need to display these qualities.

^ Competition method. The essence of competition as a method of education lies in the application of such a system of educational influences on soldiers that develops in them the spirit of comradely competitiveness and healthy rivalry, alignment with the best in studies and in the performance of official duties, cooperation, mutual assistance, pulling up those who are lagging behind to the level of advanced ones and ensures on this basis for achieving high overall results.

^ Reward method- this is a system of means and methods of moral and material incentives for soldiers who have shown a high level of consciousness, zeal, initiative, perseverance in the performance of military duty and have achieved high results in combat training, service, and social work.

When applying encouragement, the commander must remember that encouragement must be pedagogically expedient, have an educational character, and cause positive changes in the activities of the soldier and the military collective, in their qualities. The promotion must be well deserved. It is valuable when delivered in a timely manner.

^ Method of criticism and self-criticism. The essence of the method of criticism and self-criticism in education is the application of a system of educational influences on the military collective and the personality of a soldier, expressed in the form of judgments, analysis, generalization and objective assessment of their activities, views aimed at eliminating the mistakes, shortcomings and negative phenomena they make, the development of high sense of responsibility for their behavior, the state of military discipline, the combat readiness of the unit.

^ Coercion method applies to individual soldiers whose actions contradict the requirements of the regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs). Coercion includes the following forms of influence: reminder, warning, prohibition, condemnation by comrades. The ultimate measure of coercion is a penalty. To fulfill the requirements of discipline and order, the sergeant is obliged to use all coercive measures, not to leave a single misconduct unaffected, and to strictly exact from the negligent.

The personal example of a sergeant is his main method of working with subordinates, the most important condition for fulfilling his duties. It enhances or weakens the effectiveness of all other methods of education. “The word teaches, but the example leads,” says folk wisdom.


The whole history of human society is connected with discipline. The need to streamline the life and activities of people has forced mankind to develop a number of rules, norms, laws that regulate the behavior of members of society in various situations. All this is especially important in relation to military activity, which is unthinkable without diligence and strict adherence to orders.

The concept of discipline in the writings of ancient philosophers and historians was interpreted as "obedience to legitimate authority", "good order", "coordination of actions". It was also regarded as the great virtue of a citizen warrior, as an important personal quality. So, in discipline Plutarch saw the source of strength and power of the army, the state. Plato also pointed out the obligation to follow the requirements of the norms of society and leaders. In particular, he noted: “... the situation is as follows: whoever took a place in the ranks, finding it the best for himself, or where someone was appointed by the boss, then there ... and must remain, despite the danger, neglecting death. and all but shame."

The first domestic documents, which drew attention to the problem of military discipline, were the "Instructions" of Prince Vladimir Monomakh. In them, he set out the requirements for governors - to be an example for their subordinates in battles, and for combatants - to unquestioningly follow orders. According to the Teachings, warriors were supposed to be silent in the presence of their elders, listen to the wise, and remain in love with the younger ones. It should be noted that in the era of feudal fragmentation, discipline in the princely squads was maintained on the basis of codes of honor, observance of the oath of allegiance. Their violators were kept "in need" (were subjected to punishment) and could be punished up to and including the death penalty. Disciplined behavior was encouraged by various awards (valuable gifts, property). This approach made it possible to ensure order, organization, and contributed to the victories of our ancestors over numerous invaders.

The development of military affairs, the change in the means and methods of warfare required even greater organization and diligence.

Word "discipline" in Latin means "teaching". The concept of "discipline" is also interpreted as "subordination to the statutory order, rules, obligatory for all members of a team", as restraint, the habit of strict order. In a broad sense, discipline is seen as a necessary condition for the normal existence of any society, thanks to which collective activity and the normal functioning of social organizations are ensured.

With the help of discipline, coordination of actions is achieved, subordination and comradely assistance are ensured. Compliance with discipline makes it possible to apply the efforts of many people at the same time, it is a highly effective means of social management.

There are the following types of state discipline - this is public, labor, discipline of public organizations. It is acceptable to talk about discipline performing, financial, educational, discipline time etc. At the same time, it is important to understand that such a division carries an element of a certain conventionality.

Military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat readiness and combat capability of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

It is designed to regulate the military order, the relationship between military personnel, relations in subunits in order to ensure high organization and combat effectiveness. Its difference from other types of discipline is due to the nature of military activity, which requires from the people who carry it out special composure, accuracy, diligence, endurance, mutual understanding, mobility, speed in the execution of all orders, etc. Because of this, military discipline is characterized by a number of features: the obligatory nature of its requirements for all categories of military personnel; the coincidence of the goals of legality and military discipline; detailed regulation of the rules of conduct for the entire spectrum of military activities; increased legal responsibility for violating the order and rules of military service; mandatory observance of moral norms, supported by statutory requirements; disciplinary responsibility for violation of the rules, norms not only in official, but also in off-duty situations; unity of unconditional fulfillment of established norms and manifestation of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

A well-known truth: without discipline, not a single army in the world can be combat-ready. One of the outstanding military figures and teachers of Russia, General M. I. Dragomirov, described a military unit in which a high level of discipline is maintained in the following way: “Such a unit (unit) may not knock out touching percentages when firing, may not be particularly solid in the ranks. She may lose her footing, but she never will. And in difficult times, of course, it will be preferred to those who knock out interest and march perfectly, but are not so reliable.

The concept of "discipline" means a specific quality of a soldier that ensures his stable behavior in accordance with the rules in the conditions of military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

^ External indicators of discipline:

Strict observance of military order;

Accurate and proactive execution of orders and orders of commanders and superiors;

Careful attitude to weapons and military equipment, their competent use in solving combat training and service tasks;

Exemplary appearance.

^ Internal indicators of discipline:

Belief in the need for military discipline:

Knowledge of regulations and instructions, requirements of military service;

Ability to manage oneself in accordance with the requirements of military discipline;

Skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


Of course, the relationship between external and internal indicators of the discipline of a particular soldier is ambiguous. It can be harmonious, but it also happens that a warrior observes a certain order, not being convinced of its necessity. In this case, the prevailing understanding is that a violation will be followed by severe punishment. The complexity of the tasks solved by military units, the problem of staffing and much more require that each serviceman be sympathetic to the requirements placed on him, serve not out of fear, but out of conscience. Only then can one speak of high conscious discipline. Discipline as a personal quality is not born together with a person, and even more so is not given to a warrior along with shoulder straps. It is formed and developed in the course of his army life and activities. Let us consider the priority areas of work of commanders in the formation and development of discipline among soldiers.

^ The main directions of the formation and development of discipline among military personnel:

Skillful management of the activities and behavior of military personnel;

Maintaining a strict statutory order in the unit; effective educational work; self-education of discipline;

Caring for a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

When working with servicemen under a contract, it is necessary to take into account in the work the issues of caring for the family of a serviceman and the implementation of the terms of the contract concluded by him,

It is impossible to instill in soldiers the principles of discipline without monitoring their full and exact observance of the requirements of the regulations. At the same time, one should not forget about the formation of the motivational and orienting basis of their behavior. In other words, every time you need to explain why and how to act in certain situations. Skillful organization of this work helps the soldiers overcome the negative reactions caused by the difficulties of service, especially in the first period, quickly and painlessly adapt to the daily routine, get into line sooner and achieve positive results in combat training in the future.

In parallel, work is carried out in the team:

Cultivating positive relationships;

Formation of a healthy public opinion and unity of views on the main issues of service and combat training;

Overcoming negatively directed leadership;

Maintaining friendship and mutual assistance, attentive and demanding attitude of colleagues to each other.

Practice shows that it is easier to achieve the desired results if the soldiers themselves are actively involved in solving this problem.

The formation of discipline skills among military personnel, readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and military regulations begins from the first day of their service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning, the social significance of discipline.

Each sergeant must be close to his subordinates, know their needs and requests, achieve their satisfaction, prevent rudeness and humiliation of the personal dignity of his subordinates, constantly serve as an example of strict observance of laws, military regulations and orders, be an example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice. .

An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are due to miscalculations in the sphere of relations between the boss - the subordinate, the individual - the team. In some cases, shortcomings in the work of a sergeant indirectly affect the emergence of a conflict, while in others they become a direct cause of a violation of discipline.

The most common wrong actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of loads allowed by them between soldiers of different periods of service; unwillingness, and sometimes inability to delve into off-duty relations and moods of soldiers; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, to occupy a special position, to subordinate other soldiers to their influence.

The weak exactingness of some sergeants, the lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact in still others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that occur in practice.

The basis of the work of a sergeant to strengthen military discipline is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most justified methods of studying personnel by a sergeant in the course of everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude to the case of one or another subordinate in the course of classes, service, rest; widespread use of the opinions of officers and ensigns, other sergeants about the soldiers.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, should not be reduced to looking for flaws. It is necessary to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in each and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, he often has a desire to excel in the service. A correct opinion can only be formed if it is judged not by words, but by deeds.

For the education of discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is necessary. Sergeants must create an environment conducive to the development of a sense of duty, initiative, high organization and independence among subordinates. Ensure timely start and end of classes. A well-conducted lesson always activates the mental activity of the trainees, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization. Discipline is also a clear organization of maintenance of equipment, park and business days.

Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening discipline. Disciplinary practice is a system that has developed in the Armed Forces for applying incentives and disciplinary sanctions to military personnel of the MSR in order to educate them and strengthen military discipline.

When determining the guilt of a serviceman, the following are taken into account: the nature of the misconduct; the circumstances under which it was committed; the former behavior of the perpetrator, as well as the duration of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the order of service.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the sergeant must remember that the measure of punishment and the very form of its imposition should be perceived not as actions aimed at humiliating the human dignity of a serviceman, but as the sergeant's desire to help him learn to control his behavior, behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates not to the fear of punishment, but to the shame of committing misconduct. The bias and injustice of the sergeant, rudeness in dealing with subordinates negatively affect the military. Those sergeants who believe that before imposing a disciplinary sanction on a subordinate, it is necessary to understand the degree of his guilt are doing the right thing. It is also expedient to carry out the removal of disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role and the serviceman has really corrected his behavior by exemplary performance of military duty.

Sergeants are required to strictly monitor the maintenance of internal order, the correct fitting of equipment, compliance with the established rules for wearing military uniforms, as well as military discipline in the ranks. Everyday, precise fulfillment of these duties by junior commanders has an impact on instilling in soldiers the skills and habits of disciplined behavior, forms an intolerant attitude towards looseness, and develops diligence.

Each serviceman must be confident in the protection of his rights and legitimate interests, in the inviolability of his person, in respect for his honor and dignity. Maintaining the rules of relations between military personnel established by military regulations in the unit is one of the priorities of the sergeant.

Special thoughtfulness and organization require work with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from the unit, on guard and daily duty. There should be no place for a superficial approach. It is necessary to carefully select the composition of these teams, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the servicemen.

It has its own characteristics of working with military personnel who are prone to To violation of military discipline. At the same time, it is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude to service, to look for positive qualities in each such person, to encourage, develop them, to emphasize that the norm of life for a serviceman is honesty, personal responsibility for the task assigned, exemplary performance of military duty.

The struggle for a healthy lifestyle is of great importance in modern conditions. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness and drug addiction are completely intolerable phenomena in the army, they are the worst enemies of combat readiness.

Each sergeant is obliged to systematically analyze the state of military discipline of the servicemen subordinate to him, timely and objectively report on its state to a higher commander. Some sergeants, trying to hide the misdeeds of their subordinates from commanders, thereby condone violators. This can lead to gross disciplinary offenses, and often to incidents and crimes.

The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of allowance, to strictly monitor the completeness of their communication. He must take care of organizing the rest and leisure of his subordinates, since this is an important part of the sergeant's work in maintaining military discipline. His task is to ensure that every soldier is recorded in the library, to encourage reading newspapers and magazines in every possible way, to engage in amateur art and sports.

The authority of the sergeant contributes to the strengthening of military discipline in the unit. First of all, it is determined by a personal example of attitude to the performance of military duty.

Variant of the work system of the squad leader
to maintain military discipline


Know where subordinates are, check them at each formation, report on those who are absent;

Monitor the implementation of the daily routine, internal order in the platoon (squad), demand that subordinates observe military discipline;

Conduct individual interviews with one or two subordinates;

Ensure compliance with the rules for wearing military uniforms;

Report to the direct commander on all complaints and requests of subordinates, on incentives and penalties imposed on them, as well as on cases of loss or malfunction of weapons and other materiel;

Ensure compliance with safety requirements by personnel when working with weapons and military equipment, as well as during classes and chores;

Summarize the results of each lesson and at the end of the day evaluate the attitude of subordinates to the performance of official duties and their personal discipline.


To talk with each subordinate soldier, to assist the replenishment who arrived in adapting to the conditions of military service;

Observe the sequence and uniformity when appointing to the outfit, as well as when dismissing from the location of the unit;

Conduct additional classes to explain the requirements of the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with military personnel who are prone to violations of military discipline;

Report to the immediate commander on the state of military discipline among subordinates, the measures taken to strengthen it, to petition, if necessary, for the encouragement of those who distinguished themselves and the punishment of violators.


FOR Fulfillment of the requirements of general military regulations

General military regulations occupy a special place in the life of the Armed Forces. They are rightly considered a set of laws of military service. Its entire way of life: combat training, carrying out internal, garrison and guard services, organizing everyday life and leisure - is determined and regulated by charters. They establish provisions that define the relationship between military personnel, their rights, official and special duties, the responsibility of military personnel, the procedure for performing service, and are aimed at achieving one goal - the establishment of a statutory order in military units and subunits, defining the duties of military personnel for its guidance and maintenance.

General military charters on sergeants - deputy commanders of platoons, commanders of departments (crews, crews) are responsible for training, education, military discipline, morale, combat bearing and appearance of subordinates, the correct use and conservation of weapons, military equipment, equipment, uniforms , shoes and keeping them in order and serviceability, ensuring the safety requirements of military service.

Performing official and special duties, commanding squads and crews, sergeants are required to know the provisions of general military regulations, organize the establishment and maintenance of internal order in the unit, perform exemplary internal, garrison and guard services, set an example of conscientious performance of military duty and demand this from subordinates.

The establishment and maintenance of the statutory order in the unit, that is, the implementation of the entire life and activities of subordinates in accordance with general military regulations, require sergeants to carry out a lot of organizational and daily educational work with personnel.

Sergeants - deputy commanders of platoons, commanders of departments (crews, crews) in the course of training and performing tasks of the internal, garrison and guard services study with their subordinates and get them to know the requirements of general military regulations. Such provisions of the general military regulations as the duties of a soldier, orderly and sentry, the duties of a soldier before formation and in the ranks, the main provisions of the Disciplinary Regulations, soldiers must know by heart and be guided by them in everyday life.

Sergeants are required to accustom subordinates to comply with the statutory order as soon as they arrive at the unit, at every lesson, exercise, while serving in a daily outfit, in everyday life. To instill a conscientious attitude to service, not to allow deviations from general military regulations, to be constantly exacting is an important duty of junior commanders.

Demanding should always be justified, constant and apply equally to all military personnel. It must be remembered that exactingness is inextricably linked with caring for a person, respect for his human dignity, trust in his strengths and capabilities.

A sensitive and caring attitude towards subordinates is a characteristic feature of a true commander. At the same time, it has nothing to do with fawning over subordinates, with the desire to win cheap prestige with unprincipled kindness. Taking care of subordinates means taking all measures so that they quickly master military affairs, learn to overcome difficulties and trials, receive their due allowances in a timely manner, and their needs and requests are not left without due attention. Taking care of subordinates means creating for them, within the framework of the requirements of the charters, all the conditions for the successful fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them.


One of the main conditions for maintaining the statutory order in the subdivision is the exact implementation of the daily routine. NCOs play an important role in solving this problem in the unit.

Performing the duties of a company duty officer, the sergeant - commander of the squad (crew, calculation) 10 minutes before the “Rise” signal, raises the deputy platoon commanders and the foreman of the company, and at the “Rise” signal, produces a general rise of the company and announces the uniform for morning physical exercises . Commanders of squads (crews, crews) control the rise of personnel, check its presence. After that, the duty officer builds a company. The foreman of the company accepts the report of the company officer on duty. While the company is on charge, the regular cleaners under the guidance of the company on duty put things in order in the dormitory and ventilate it.

The unit, returning from physical exercise, proceeds to the morning toilet and bed making. Sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) closely monitor how carefully the soldiers perform such daily operations as making beds, putting uniforms and shoes in order, putting things in order in bedside tables.

After the time allotted for the morning toilet and making the beds, the company duty officer gives the command: "Company, for the morning inspection - STAND". Deputy platoon commanders (commanders of squads, crews, crews) line up their subordinates. The company officer on duty reports to the foreman about the readiness of the company. At the command of the foreman, the deputy platoon commanders and squad leaders begin their morning inspection. It should begin with a check of the personnel in the ranks. After that, sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of departments (crews, crews) proceed to inspect the appearance of military personnel, check their compliance with personal hygiene rules, serviceability of uniforms, shoes, and haircuts.

Periodically, during the morning inspection, the condition of the legs, footcloths and underwear is checked, and other items of uniforms and equipment may also be examined. Servicemen in need of medical care are recorded by the company on duty in the patient record book for referral to the medical center of the military unit. On the results of the inspection and the availability of personnel, the sergeants - commanders of departments (crews, crews) report to the deputy platoon commanders, and those to the foreman of the company.

Classes must begin exactly at the scheduled time. Before the start of classes, sergeants - commanders of squads (crews, crews) and deputy platoon commanders check the presence of subordinates and inspect whether they are dressed in uniform, whether the equipment is properly fitted and whether the weapon is loaded. Then the deputy platoon commanders report to the platoon commanders on the readiness of the personnel for training.

In combat training classes, sergeants must achieve complete assimilation of the issues being studied by their subordinates, maintain order and organization at training places, avoiding easing and simplifications, violations of safety requirements. After the end of classes, they are obliged to check the availability of personnel, equipment and educational equipment, whether weapons are loaded and whether unused ammunition and imitation equipment have been handed over by all military personnel. The test results are reported on command.

When building for each meal, sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) must check the availability of personnel, the condition of uniforms and shoes, and the observance by all military personnel of the rules of personal hygiene. In the dining room, each department (calculation, crew), as a rule, has dining tables assigned to them. A senior sergeant or soldier is appointed to each table.

In the afternoon, the daily routine provides for the care of weapons and military equipment. Weapon cleaning should begin with a safety briefing and be conducted under the supervision of deputy platoon leaders.

The task of the sergeants in self-training is to provide the personnel with the necessary literature, visual and other aids, work individually with those who are lagging behind and prepare themselves for the next day's classes.

During the time provided for the personal needs of military personnel, junior commanders not only personally prepare for the next day, but also check the preparation of their subordinates: whether collars are hemmed, whether shoes and uniforms are in good order.

On the evening walk, conducted by the foreman of the company or one of the deputy platoon commanders, the personnel performs marching songs as part of the unit. At the end of the walk, the company duty officer gives the command: "Company, for the evening verification - STAND". Deputy platoon commanders, squad (crew, crew) commanders line up their units. During the evening verification, the presence of personnel is checked, orders and orders are brought, the order for the next day is announced, and the combat crew is specified in case of alarm and fire. The deputy platoon commanders appoint the next cleaners for the next day.

Before going to bed, the sergeants should check that the subordinates follow the rules of personal hygiene and dress the uniforms. The duty officer for the company clarifies the tasks of the orderly to restore order in the premises of the company and in the territory assigned to the company.

Thus, the work of sergeants in the implementation of the daily routine should be constantly aimed at the strict implementation of all its elements, at maintaining military discipline, organization and observance of uniforms. The personal exemplification of sergeants - commanders of departments (crews, crews) in the implementation of the daily routine and their exactingness towards subordinates are important.


The daily order is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment, ammunition, premises and property of a military unit (subdivision), as well as to perform other internal service duties.

Service in daily duty is accompanied by a set of measures: the selection and placement of personnel, their theoretical and practical training, the organization of the service itself, educational work, control over the service and summing up. In all these events, sergeants take the most direct, active part.

The sequence of outfits in the company between platoons is established by the foreman of the company, and in the platoon - by the deputy platoon commander. The number of orders should be distributed evenly and fairly.

When appointing a squad, it is necessary to take into account not only the degree of training of soldiers and sergeants, but also their personal qualities: discipline, vigilance, organizational skills, initiative and intolerance to shortcomings, endurance. It is also impossible not to take into account the state of their health, the situation in the family, relations with relatives and friends. Ignorance of people, incorrect assessment of the psychological, moral and physical condition of military personnel when they are assigned to a squad can lead to a violation of military discipline and even to crimes.

On the night preceding the outfit, persons assigned to the daily outfit must be released from all classes and work.

The duties of the persons of the daily duty are determined by the statutes and must be carried out in full, without any derogations. The slightest violation of the statutory provisions can lead to non-fulfillment or disruption of the tasks set. Therefore, before stepping into the outfit, each soldier must know how to serve. To do this, classes are organized and conducted to study the provisions of charters, instructions and other documents.

The training of personnel for guard duty is carried out in three stages:

first- 2-3 days before joining the outfit, the selection and distribution of guard personnel is carried out according to the report card;

second- on the day preceding entry into the outfit, at the hours specified in the daily routine, a lesson is held with the guard personnel to study the provisions of the charters, the time sheet for posts, specifying special duties and options for sentry actions at posts, as well as instructions and requirements on the layout of protected objects safety in handling weapons;

third- on the day of entering the guard, a practical lesson is held with practicing the actions of sentries at posts. The basis for the successful service of the daily duty is its practical training. Practical classes are held at the places where the servicemen will serve: with a company outfit - in a subunit, with guard personnel - at a guard camp, etc.

A practical lesson with the personnel of the guard is organized and conducted by the unit commander. Training at training sites, as a rule, is carried out by the assistant commander of the guard and the guards appointed from among the sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, squad commanders (crews, crews). Usually they conduct training in loading and unloading weapons, train soldiers in the procedure for accepting and surrendering a post, changing sentries, sentry actions in case of fire, and practicing other inputs. At the guard camp, at training places, by the method of training, the assistant chief of the guard and the breeders teach the guards the procedure for accepting and surrendering the post, as determined by the Charter of the garrison and guard services, and serving, taking into account its features. At the same time, primary attention is paid to maintaining constant vigilance and observing the order in which weapons are used.

At a practical lesson, the assistant chief of the guard and the guards make sure that each guard knows not only the statutory requirements, but also what is under his protection and defense, the features of the post, the route of movement, the placement of objects and the procedure for their protection, the location of trenches, the availability of lighting, security equipment and fire alarms, the location of guard towers and fungi, fire extinguishing equipment. Particular attention is drawn to the study of the boundaries of the post, the most dangerous approaches to it, the sectors of fire and the procedure for using weapons.

The daily outfit for the company is engaged in the unit, where, under the guidance of the foreman of the company, they study: the duties of the duty officer and orderly, the daily routine, instructions on how to proceed when raising the unit on alarm, according to fire safety requirements, a diagram of the area assigned to the unit for cleaning.

Before joining the outfit, the servicemen must put their appearance in exemplary order, and the sergeants check how they did it. The exemplary appearance of the daily charge should serve as an example for military personnel and have a disciplining effect on them.

The preparation of a daily outfit for a company includes practicing the practical actions of a duty officer and orderly when declaring an alarm, receiving and issuing weapons and ammunition to personnel, and keeping the premises and territory assigned to the unit clean. Through practical introductory actions, the foreman of the company achieves from the intervening outfit the ability to clearly fulfill his duties of maintaining internal order in the company, observing the daily routine and ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants.

In the same order, classes are held with other persons of the daily order. Training is carried out until the actions of the trainees are clear and coordinated.

All persons of the daily duty have a common duty - to vigilantly serve. In the interest of vigilance, the statutes categorically forbid all duty officers and their assistants, heads of guards and guards, orderlies, guards and sentries, even for a minute, stop or transfer to anyone the performance of their duties without special permission or order, leave the appointed place, violate the established mode of service, determined by the relevant instructions.

Service ends with summing up. In the course of it, it is important for sergeants (junior commanders) to emphasize how the statutory duties were carried out, what experience the subordinates gained in the course of their service.

Demanding, principled, business-minded sergeants organize and carry out the service in such a way that the daily attire is always a reliable barrier to violations of the daily routine and military discipline.


In the work of training and educating subordinates, the exactingness of commanders occupies a special place, and true exactingness is inextricably linked with concern for people. Deeply studying the needs and interests of subordinates, sensitively listening to their moods, satisfying their needs, sergeants thereby unite the units they lead, increase their morale, readiness to perform combat missions.

The main duties of junior commanders at all levels are to supervise the implementation of established security requirements. The complexity and versatility of military service require knowledge and strict adherence to security requirements from each soldier.

Junior commanders in their daily activities are responsible for the fulfillment of safety requirements by the personnel of the squad (crew, crew) during all types of classes and work.

Practice shows that the majority of accidents in the course of classes and work come from ignoring safety requirements by all categories of military personnel.

The sergeant must:

Personally know the safety requirements, organize their study and check the knowledge of their subordinates;

Remind in a timely manner the safety requirements in combat training classes, when working with weapons and military equipment, conducting combat firing and tactical exercises, performing guard and internal services, handling toxic technical liquids, loading (unloading) and transporting personnel, conducting physical training classes. preparation, performance of chores and require subordinates to strictly perform them;

Ensure that at the end of firing and training, subordinates do not have live and blank cartridges, grenades, fuses and explosives;

Be able to provide first aid to the victim and organize his dispatch, if necessary, to a medical facility.

The charters require junior commanders to take care of improving the level of physical fitness, maintaining and strengthening the health of their subordinates, control the completeness of the issuance and quality of the allowances they are entitled to, help their subordinates, and, if necessary, intercede for them before the senior commander.

A special place in the activities of junior commanders should be occupied by the issues of ensuring the life of personnel. If the elementary requirements of the life and way of life of military personnel remain unsatisfied, then calls for compliance with the requirements of discipline will not have any effect on them. Therefore, the basis of order lies in the constant concern for subordinates.

Some aspects of military life, in particular the preservation of the health of military personnel, affect not only the morale of the soldiers, but also directly the state of the troops (forces). Therefore, sergeants are obliged to constantly monitor the health of their subordinates, take measures to harden their bodies, and monitor the observance by military personnel of the rules of personal hygiene.

Experience shows that where a sergeant (junior commander) takes care of the health of subordinate servicemen, soldiers are more resilient, study and service go on in the proper rhythm, which means that there is high combat readiness and organization.

A personal example of fortitude and endurance, care and assistance to a soldier allow the sergeant to actively improve the morale and combat qualities of soldiers during intense exercises, shooting, field exercises, in a combat situation, to teach them what is necessary in war.



The Russian Armed Forces were formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 1992. They are designed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to perform tasks in accordance with Russia's international treaties.

Border troops of the Russian Federation, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Railway troops of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops (hereinafter - other troops) are involved in solving the problems of the country's defense.

In modern conditions, one of the important tasks of the Armed Forces is to ensure nuclear deterrence, which is the core of the entire national security system of the country. In addition, we have to solve a fundamentally new task - to carry out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations.

In accordance with the main provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces and other troops may be used to counter internal sources of military threats. Separate formations of the Armed Forces, in accordance with the current legislation, may be involved in assisting the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in localizing and blocking the conflict area, suppressing armed clashes and separating the warring parties, as well as in protecting strategically important objects.

The Armed Forces may also be entrusted with the task of assisting the border troops in protecting the state border, assisting in the protection of sea lanes, important state facilities and economic zones, in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, and piracy.

The forces and means of the Armed Forces and other troops may also be involved in rendering assistance to the population in the aftermath of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

The involvement of the Armed Forces in the performance of tasks using weapons not for their intended purpose is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws.

The Armed Forces carry out their activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and other legislative acts in the field of defense.

Sergeants belong to the level of junior commanders and represent the most numerous detachment of command personnel. They bear full responsibility for the training and education of subordinates. Speaking about the role of junior commanders, M. V. Frunze emphasized: “Junior command personnel form the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based” *.

At present, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing the units and subunits, the change in the social image of the soldier, the transition to the recruitment of formations and military units of the Armed Forces by contract servicemen, and the improvement of weapons and military equipment. The requirements for the training and education of soldiers have increased, and the terms of their training have remained the same. This necessitated an increase in the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of commanders of all levels, and in the first place, those who directly form the qualities of a warrior in soldiers.

The education of personnel is carried out by sergeants in the course of everyday military service and combat training. They organize the service of their subordinates in accordance with the statutes, and ensure that the entire way of military service instills loyalty to the military oath in the personnel.

One of the important tasks of sergeants is to instill in subordinates readiness to defend the Fatherland, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, striving for exemplary performance of military duty and official duties. To do this, they themselves must serve as an example of upbringing, a zealous attitude to service.

Sergeants help subordinates to study weapons and military equipment, charters and manuals, organize and carry out service with them in a daily outfit, conduct daily work to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subordinate their actions and deeds to the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. They are responsible for the drill and physical training of subordinates, for the preservation of their health and the provision of everything necessary. Here, the personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, and discipline are especially important.

In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The duty of a sergeant is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of training and education of soldiers, aimed at preparing them for the defense of the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the process of training and education is to know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to be strictly guided by the principles of justice, to show special sensitivity, prudence and adherence to principles, concern for strengthening friendship and military camaraderie.

High exactingness is an integral quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in his subordinate unit. It has nothing to do with rudeness, scorn, humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which alienates the soldier from the sergeant. Demanding should be constant, fair, equal to all, respectful. Demandingness, combined with the respect of subordinates, helps the soldiers to realize their tasks, to mobilize forces for their successful implementation. Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement of conscientious work, with concern for subordinates, with an attentive attitude to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how they realize their personal duty and responsibility for the deeds and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and reasonably use the rights granted to them by military regulations.

Units and subunits become combat-ready if the squads are well trained and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and performs them flawlessly. The role of the sergeant is great in this, who personally teaches the soldier military skills, prepares excellent students and class specialists.