In the Urals, a four-year-old boy who disappeared in the forest four days ago was found alive. In the Urals found a child who disappeared four days ago

500 people were looking for Dima Peskov in the Sverdlovsk region

On June 14, a boy was found 10 kilometers from the Reftinskoye reservoir, who was searched for five days. Four-year-old Dima Peskov disappeared on June 10 and spent four nights in the forest. Law enforcement agencies, rescuers, volunteers and local residents were involved in the search for the child - about 500 people in total. As a result, volunteer Pavel Karpenko found the exhausted baby eight kilometers from the place of disappearance.

On June 10, four-year-old Dima Peskov, along with his parents, rested on the banks of the Reftinskoye reservoir. The family pitched a tent and planned to spend the entire weekend on the pond. The father and son went to the forest, but after ten meters, according to the parents, the boy wanted to return. The father let his son go to the tent, thinking that he could find it on his own. However, the child got lost.

Traces broke off near the swamp

On the same day, several dozen Sverdlovsk rescuers, police officers and volunteers of the Liza Alert search squad moved out to search for Dima Peskov. At the same time, a tragic version of events began to develop - rescue divers began to explore the coastal zone of the Reftinskoye reservoir.

“The personnel of the district commissioners, the patrol service and the inspectors of the PDN and the detectives of the criminal investigation department were alerted. A police dog handler with a service-search German shepherd named Rex was also sent there. 35 police officers, specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as volunteers are involved in the search for the boy. Detectives of the criminal investigation department are working out various versions, including that the baby could go the other way and get lost. It could also slide down to the reservoir: the descent there is about two meters,” Valery Gorelykh, the official representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, said on June 10.

The investigating authorities opened a case under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). This made it possible to apply a wider range of measures aimed at finding the boy and establishing the circumstances of his disappearance. During the day, 25 square kilometers on land and 1,200 square meters on the reservoir were examined.

Swamp, bear, fishermen

On June 11, the search area was increased. Six kilometers from the coast, footprints similar to children's were found, which ended near a small swamp.

A bear came out to one of the search parties and reared up. Rescuers and dog handlers went to this area along with colleagues from other law enforcement agencies and representatives of the hunting area.

“In addition, detectives from the criminal investigation department established the identity of the fishermen, whom the boy approached on the day of the emergency. They confirmed that the child had left them in the opposite direction from his tent. At the direction of the leadership of the police headquarters, additional forces were sent to the scene from the territorial police departments of Bogdanovich, Kamyshlov and Pyshma rural,” Valery Gorelykh said on June 12.

On the third day, the search group was increased to 500 people. At the same time, Dima's parents passed a polygraph test for the second time, which showed that they were not lying.

While the rescue operation was going on, thousands of residents of the Urals offered their help in searching for the child, some signed up as a volunteer, others offered food and useful things.

eight kilometers

On the fifth day of the search, a message was received from the regional police headquarters about the found child.

“This morning, one of the search teams near the power lines and the swamp found the missing four-year-old Dima,” Valery Gorelykh, official representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, told MK-Ural. “He is alive, but in an exhausted state.”

Then came the details. The child was found eight kilometers from the parents' tent. Members of the group, which included volunteer Pavel Karpenko, who discovered the boy, carried Dima in their arms to the Iskorka recreation center, where an operational headquarters had been operating since June 10. After that, according to the press secretary of the Sverdlovsk Ministry of Health, Konstantin Shestakov, the boy was taken to the CSTO N1 by helicopter of the territorial center for disaster medicine.

Doctors suspected the boy had pneumonia. In addition, several ticks were removed from him, which were sent to the laboratory to be tested for infections.

"I'm sorry we couldn't find you sooner"

After the news about the found Dima appeared, words of gratitude rained down on the search participants.

“It is indicative how many ordinary people from the Urals came out in search, how many people express their readiness to help the child and his family now. This year I have declared the Year of Volunteers. And this situation shows that volunteer forces need to be supported, to cherish the readiness of Sverdlovsk residents to unite, to talk as much as possible about people who are ready to put things aside in order to help a loved one. After all, the streets should be named after them,” said Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuyvashev.

Mikhail Borodin, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, will apply for awarding state awards to citizens who have distinguished themselves most in the search for four-year-old Dima. This was announced by the official representative of the police headquarters Valery Gorelykh.

“Boy, you survived all this, I can imagine how it is .... I walked in this forest alone, almost at night, I was creepy. But you did it, I hope now you will be even stronger, healthier. We were close to you, I'm sorry we couldn't find you earlier. Get well!" - wrote Artem Chazov.

There are many such messages. Among them, one stands out - one of the girls wrote that she was going to name her son, who would be born in a few months, in honor of the volunteer Pavel Karpenko, who found Dima Peskov.

Four-year-old Dima Peskov, who disappeared on June 10 in the forest near the Reftinskoye reservoir in the Sverdlovsk region, was found alive, according to the website of the regional department of the TFR.

Volunteers of the search and rescue squad were the first to announce the discovery of the child. "Lisa Alert", then the information was confirmed by the police.

On the morning of June 14, the child was found alive, but in serious condition, the TFR reported. The boy was at a power pylon, about seven kilometers from the place of his disappearance. Now the child is being taken to the hospital, he is receiving the necessary assistance.

On the fact of the disappearance of the child, investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Causing death by negligence." Despite the fact that the boy was found, the investigation of the case continues - a forensic medical examination will establish the degree of harm caused to the child's health.

More than 50 people have now been interrogated as witnesses - the child's relatives, his neighbors, employees of the kindergarten he attends, as well as fishermen who were on the banks of the reservoir on the day the boy disappeared. More than 10 inspections of the scene of the incident were carried out in the case - the place of residence of the child, the family's route from home to the place of rest, the place where the family set up a tent, the place where the fishermen stop, the place where traces were found in the forest, etc.). Investigators are investigating the causes and conditions that contributed to the emergence of a situation in which the life and health of a young child were put under real threat.

In May 2016, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote, citing the curator of the Lisa Alert search team in the Sverdlovsk Region, that every month they receive more than six applications for missing children in the region. Some children are found within a day, others are searched for months. If we talk about Russia as a whole, then about 50 children disappear every day, of which one in four is either not found or found dead, the Sokol PSO said. The leaders of the search teams recommend that parents never leave the child unattended.

Four-year-old Dima, who disappeared in the Sverdlovsk region four days ago, was found alive. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Gorelykh.

“Today, one of the groups combing the area found a child. It happened near a swamp, in the area of ​​power lines," Gorelykh said.

At the time of discovery, the boy was in an exhausted state, he needed to be evacuated to the hospital by helicopter.

In the public “Typical Yekaterinburg” on VKontakte, it was reported that the child had hypothermia, dehydration, and he was also badly bitten by ticks. The child was under the supervision of doctors, he was put on a drip and injected with immunoglobulin.

A helicopter was sent for Dima to take him to a hospital in Yekaterinburg.

The Sokol search team, which took part in the search, clarified that the boy was found near the swamp, about seven kilometers from the deployed rescue headquarters.

The child disappeared on the morning of June 10 on the banks of the Reftinskoye reservoir near Yekaterinburg. According to the Nash Ural portal, this is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the region. The boy was resting there with his parents. On Saturday morning, he left with his father for firewood, but he quickly got tired and began to ask his mother, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes. Deciding that the parking lot where the family pitched a tent was not far away, the father let Dima go alone. Since then, until Wednesday, no one saw him.

The Ural newspaper Arguments and Facts writes that, according to the father, the distance from him to the mother was only about ten meters and he had no doubt that the child would find his way. However, when he returned, the boy was not around.

Realizing that the child was missing, the parents searched for him for an hour. As local fishermen told them, the boy went up to someone else's tent, but when he realized that he had made a mistake, he went into the forest. After an unsuccessful search, the parents turned to law enforcement agencies for help. For four days, the forest was searched by policemen, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, investigators of the Investigative Committee and volunteers.

According to, 300 police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from Asbest, Yekaterinburg, Sukhoi Log and Bogdanovich, as well as volunteers, including the Liza Alert and Sokol search teams, were looking for Dima. A total of about 500 people immediately joined the search. An unmanned aerial vehicle of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was also involved in the operation.

The parents of the missing boy explained to the rescuers that he was unsociable and would not ask for help himself.

Law enforcement officers checked Dima's father and mother themselves on a lie detector: they thought the behavior of the child's mother was strange. Having learned about the loss, the mother left the scene after some time, citing the fact that she was cold - this alerted the police.

The father remained in place and assisted the rescuers.

As the police found out, Dima's mother works in a kindergarten, where the boy himself goes. They are in a civil marriage with the father of the child. The father of the child himself has several convictions, including those under the articles “Illicit trafficking in weapons” and “Theft”.

The day after the disappearance of the boy, rescuers found traces of children's boots in the forest, which broke off near the swamp. On the same day, a drone involved in the search found traces of moose and a bear in the forest. Experts came to the conclusion that the predator could not attack the child, since quite a long time had passed after he moved away from hibernation.

At the same time, it was because of the bear that the search and rescue team had to reduce some of the volunteers from among women and children. As explained in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, in the evening a brown bear came out on the road in the forest where one of the search groups was located, which had a “psychological impact” on the volunteers, in connection with which some of the non-professional rescuers had to be removed from the forest.

On June 1, the department of the Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of the boy under part 1 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). Despite the lack of evidence of the death of the child, the investigators did not rule out the possibility of such an outcome.

The probability of a fatal outcome was also allowed by fortunetellers and psychics, who were also asked to help find the child, writes the local newspaper Nasha Gazeta. So, the fortuneteller Elina Hoffman did not see the boy among the living and advised her parents to look for his body in the water. Medium Zarina, in turn, stated that the boy was alive, but she agreed to give more detailed information about his whereabouts only for money. “I can go into a telepathic session and pinpoint the exact location, but it costs,” she said.

In the Sverdlovsk region, the search for a four-year-old boy Dima, who got lost in the forest near the Reftinskoye reservoir, ended in success.

Interrupted rest

Last weekend, the child, together with his mother and father, came to nature on the Third River, which flows into the Reftinskoe reservoir. On the boat, the family moved to the other side. The boy's parents pitched a tent in the forest.

The next morning, dad and child went for firewood around nine o'clock in the morning, but the baby was capricious and asked to return to his mother. His father let him go. According to the head of the family, the distance to the mother was only ten meters, so the father had no doubt that the child would find his way. When the parent returned, the boy was not with his mother. Searches on their own yielded no results.

A few hours later, a large-scale operation to search for the child began. It was joined by rescuers from Yekaterinburg and neighboring cities, the police, volunteers from the search teams "Lisa Alert" and "Sokol". In a short period of time, more than five hundred people were connected to the search. They even involved a cynologist with an official search German shepherd named Rex. Divers began to explore the reservoir. The parents explained to the rescuers that the child was not sociable. He will not ask for help. The family is considered prosperous.

Several versions were immediately put forward. The boy went in the opposite direction from his parents and got lost. He could go down to the reservoir and drown. The child was attacked by wild animals. Finally, someone could kidnap the baby.

Soon, an unmanned aerial vehicle of the Russian Emergencies Ministry was delivered to the shore of the Reftinskoye reservoir. With his help, a survey of forest and open areas of the area began. Interestingly, this drone allows you to broadcast the picture online from a height of up to 500 meters.

Meanwhile, the police found out details about the boy's parents. It turned out that the child's mother works as a kindergarten teacher, which Dima went to. The common-law husband has several convictions, including under the articles “Illicit trafficking in weapons” and “Theft”. Their child is common. Parents were tested on a lie detector. The detectives were alarmed by the fact that the mother, having learned about the missing child, after some time left the scene, citing the fact that she was cold. The father remained in place and assisted the police.

There was a possibility that the child drowned, but, fortunately, this information was not confirmed. Photo:

Traces of children's boots

For the first day after the loss, the rescuers did not manage to find the child. Although the search engines still had a certain “catch”. Rescuers found traces of small children's boots. They broke off at a small swamp.

A group of the most experienced officers of the criminal investigation department left Yekaterinburg in search of the child. The police were led by Colonel Aleksey Iskorenkov. His unit specializes in solving serious and especially serious crimes.

Volunteers, meanwhile, combed the territory of collective gardens, where the child could wander. Loudspeaker communication was used in the work. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia sent additional forces to the search area - 50 cadets of the Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. During the day, more than 25 square kilometers were examined, divers checked 1,200 square kilometers of the coastal zone of the reservoir.

The Investigative Committee of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case under the article "Causing death by negligence." Although there was no evidence of the boy's death, investigators did not rule out the possibility of a tragic outcome.

The aircraft, which was lifted into the air, found traces of moose and a bear. According to experts, a wild animal could not have attacked the child, since quite a long time had passed after the bear left its winter hibernation. Although some experts expressed the opinion that the attack was quite possible, the predator could crush the child and hide it. Active work began in the swamp, where a quadrocopter spotted a bear. Cadets and volunteers continued to explore forest areas. The helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was not involved in the search, since the dense vegetation of the forest made it much more difficult to search from the air.

Square by square

On the fourth day from the moment of the search, the question arose of connecting the military to the operation. True, the official representative of the Central Military District, Yaroslav Roshchupkin, said that so far they are not planning to involve them in the operation.

A little later it became known that the traces of the child were already found in fifteen different squares in the forest.

“The range of scatter of steps is quite large, this indicates that the boy was trying to find his way out of the forest,” said coordinator of the search team "Liza Alert" Stanislav Kovalev. - Now, together with the hunters, we are closing square after square, but we have not yet been able to find the child. In total, 150 people participate in the search operation from our search squad. Anyone who wants to join the search can do so. There are practically no restrictions. In addition, I would note that so far none of our volunteers have come across any bears in the forest.”

The fourth day of searching for the missing boy brought no results. More and more people joined the search. In social networks, regular groups of people were formed who were ready to advance to the reservoir from different parts of the region. Those who could not go were ready to provide the searchers with gloves, water and bags.

“We inspected all the squares around the perimeter about five kilometers from the tent where the Peskov family stayed when they arrived on vacation,” Kovalev said. - Now we have already moved away by 7-10 kilometers, in some places we have moved away by 13 kilometers. The area is being combed. We look under every bush, look at every branch, looking for clues. In this matter, there are no trifles. We are expanding every day the territory of the search and really hope that he is alive. Last summer, a child of about the same age, lost in the forest, was found on the seventh day of the search. So this once again confirms that everything is possible in this life.

severe exhaustion

On the morning of June 14, volunteers from the Sokol search squad found the child under the power line, seven kilometers from the tent from which he had left. The boy was diagnosed with severe hypothermia and exhaustion. He was urgently evacuated to the Asbest hospital.

“Today there was perhaps the most important news in recent days,” said Head of the Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Gorelykh. - In the morning, one of the groups found a boy lying under the power line near the swamp, where the boy's footprints were previously found. He is alive and exhausted. Now the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are deciding whether to evacuate him by helicopter.”

“A team of children's resuscitation of the disaster medicine center went to the place,” said Press Secretary of the Ministry of Health for the Sverdlovsk Region Konstantin Shestakov. - After a detailed examination of the child, a decision will be made on his possible evacuation to Yekaterinburg. Either to the regional hospital No. 1, or to the city hospital No. 9.

The regional investigative committee reported that, as part of the previously initiated criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence,” they would look for signs of another crime. If they are discovered, a new case will be initiated.

In the Sverdlovsk region, the search continues for a four-year-old boy who disappeared on June 10 near the Reftinskoye reservoir, where he came with his parents for a picnic. The mother and father of the child are already, they are not involved in the disappearance of their son.

Rescuers report the latest details from the search site, which has been going on for the third day with the involvement of 350 people and dogs. It is pointless to use a helicopter, because a dense forest grows in these places. A drone equipped with a thermal imager spotted a bear and an elk, which alerted detectives. The predator could drag the child into the den or eat it, although this is unlikely.

Earlier, the fishermen said that they saw the boy at his tent, he mixed up the parking lot. In search of his mother, he could get lost along the way. The child is dressed warmly in winter clothes.

Later, 6 km from the place of operation, traces of children's shoes were found, similar to traces of the boots in which the boy was shod. They break off near a small swamp. Divers were supposed to explore this place, but so far nothing is known about this.

Not far from the Reftinsky reservoir, father and son went to collect firewood in order to have a family picnic. But on the way, the child decided to return to his mother, and his father did not hold him back. The boy was never seen again.