Children's riddles about lightning. Mysteries of natural phenomena my publications Mysteries of natural phenomena thunder and lightning

A thunderstorm is a general concept that brings together thunder, lightning and heavy rain for kids. Often, kids, having heard poetic lines about a thunderstorm, give an answer consisting of these words. They are still bad at distinguishing the difference between thunder and lightning. Therefore, before making a riddle about a thunderstorm for children, they need to explain in detail the meaning of each of these words.

What is thunder?

Thunder is the sound of an electrical discharge in the sky. You can't see it, you can hear it. The louder the sound, the closer the epicenter of the storm. Mysteries about this phenomenon of nature are as follows:

1. Rumbles in the sky

And you can hear it in the house.

2. Loud and serious,

Scares everyone around

But he warns

Run, it's about to rain.

3. Nobody sees him

But everyone hears

And no one hears his girlfriend

But everyone sees.

4. A cloud appeared in the sky,

The lightning flashed brightly.

Bang bang, bang bang

Loud in the sky...

5. Glitters first,

Then it thunders

Then he wets everyone.

6. Gray clouds gathered in a circle,

They cursed, grumbled, thundered, knocked,

The children on earth were scared

And they quickly ran home.

Riddles about lightning

Before asking children a riddle about a thunderstorm, you must also explain what lightning is. The guys should have a clear idea about this dangerous natural phenomenon. After all, lightning is a discharge of electricity that simply breaks the cloud apart. The bright light of the flash can be seen for many kilometers, and the loud sound of the discharge is called thunder.

Lightning is a dangerous phenomenon. It is best to be indoors during thunderstorms, as lightning often hits targets on the ground and can cause a lot of trouble.

Consider what are the puzzles about a thunderstorm for children.

1. Very bright arrow

I burned down a linden near the village.

2. From a downy hat

Arrows fly without looking back.

After the noise and the rain

All the cotton has evaporated.

3. Has flown, made a noise,

Cleaned up the fields.

All gardens and orchards

Watered good people.

4. Thunder has been roaring for a long time,

Rain dripping on the glass

Lightning flashes in the eyes

Because on the street...

With the help of riddles, children better remember natural phenomena, this is a fun way to repeat the learned material in a kindergarten class.

Riddles about thunder, lightning, thunder.

Bass and serious, he has a cool character:
He will growl very menacingly - everyone will immediately run away.
Loudly knocking, loudly screaming,
And what he says - do not understand
And the wise do not know.
Nobody sees me
But everyone hears
And everyone can see my companion,
But no one hears.
Malanya passed - a flame was lit;
Pahom came - the house shook.
(Thunder and lightning)
It knocks in the sky
And heard on the ground.
Shine first,
Behind the glitter of crackling
After the crackling splash.
(lightning and thunder)
The horse runs - the earth trembles.
invisible giant
It beats a huge drum.
Here a horse rushes across the sky -
Fire flies from under the feet
The horse beats mighty with its hoof
And breaks the clouds.
So he runs hard
That the earth is trembling below.
I have neither fire nor heat,
And I burn everything
Molten Arrow
The oak fell down near the village.
Fire arrow flies
Nobody will catch her

Riddles about the sun, shadow, moon, month, stars, sky

Rolling on a blue platter
golden apple
(sun and sky)
Shines, sparkles,
Keeps everyone warm.
Stopped over the river
Balloon, gold.
And then he disappeared behind the forest,
Swinging over the water.
Well, which one of you will answer:
Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bakes?
Not fire, but warm.
Not a lamp, but it shines.
like a ball, round.
Like a pumpkin, yellow.
I wake up early in the morning
I'll look and laugh
After all, in my window
Shines bright...
Daily in the morning
He enters through the window to us.
If he has already entered -
So the day has come.
Will come to the house -
You will not drive out with a stake.
It's time to come -
He himself will leave.
Who enters the window
And doesn't reveal it?
(light, sun)
I am always friendly with the world,
If the sun is in the window
I am from a mirror, from a puddle
I run up the wall.
She's not too lazy to wander
Next to you every day.
It's worth the sun to set
How can you not find it.
see with the eyes,
Don't take it with your hands.
You fell at my feet
Spread out along the road.
And you can't get up
And you can't be kicked out.
You look so much like me
It's like I'm walking lying down.
From whom, my friends,
Can't run away?
Relentlessly on a clear day
Walking beside us...
Growing up, growing up
Was horned - became round.
Only a circle, a miracle circle
He suddenly became horny again.
No arms, no legs
only with horns.
And walks under the sky.
Without a head, but with horns.
In the blue village -
Round girl.
She does not sleep at night:
Looks in the mirror.
Horned, but not butted.
Sparks burn the sky
And they don't reach us.
Behind the countless flock
a tired shepherd walked at night.
And when the rooster crowed
The sheep and the shepherd fled.
(moon and stars)
Expensive necklace
Glittered in the trees
Go see in the morning
You won't find a necklace.
crumbled peas
for seventy roads,
no one will pick it up.
The sun will rise -
It's the other way around.
Above the forest, above the mountains
The carpet unfolds.
it is spread over you
and above me
then it is gray, then it is blue,
then it is bright blue.
blue tent
The whole world covered.

Riddles about hail, snow, rain, frost, wind, fog

No wings, no legs
White flies fly.
White, not sugar
Soft, not cotton
Without legs, but walking
In winter he walks - he locks at home,
And in the spring he cries - he lets people out.
The white tablecloth covered the whole field.
It warms in winter, smolders in spring,
Dies in summer, revives in autumn.
lay, lay,
And in the spring he ran into the river.
From me in winter, as in summer,
Everything bloomed white.
Flies - is silent, lies - is silent,
When he dies, then he roars.
I am born in autumn, I die in spring,
In winter, I warm the earth with my body.
Down covered the earth -
Outside the window is white-white.
Those white fluff
Not suitable for feathers.
To the trees, to the bushes
Flowers fall from the sky.
white, fluffy,
Just not fragrant.
He was a black cloud at first,
He lay down in white fluff on the forest.
Covered the whole earth with a blanket,
And in the spring completely disappeared
In winter, a star
In the spring - water.
Falling from the sky in winter
And circle over the earth
light fluff,
A white star fell from the sky
It fell on my palm - and disappeared.
Who does not cry, but tears flow?
He came from the sky, he went to the earth.
He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But he won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.
He's cold, torrential,
He runs after me.
I run away - it only gets worse
Because everywhere - puddles!
Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest.
Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,
Only feet on the ground.
Who's up all night on the roof
Beats and taps
And mutters and sings
Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window,
Asks for a hut.
Tears are falling from heaven
They watered the meadow and the forest.
What's happened? Oh oh oh!
In summer it became like in winter:
white polka dots
They jump along the path.
And not snow, and not ice,
And he will remove the trees with silver.
Walking in the field, but not a horse,
Flies in the wild, but not a bird.
He does not see and does not hear
Walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.
Who will come to the meeting -
Hugs and fights.
No arms, no legs
And the gate opens.
It is unknown where he lives.
It flies, the trees are oppressed.
Whistling - trembling along the river.
Mischievous - and you won’t get away.
I will swing the birch
I'll push you
I'll fly, I'll whistle
I'll even take off my hat.
And you can't see me
Who am I? Can you guess?
Village in white velvet
And fences and trees.
And how the wind will attack -
This velvet will fall.
Milk floated over the river
Nothing was visible.
Dissolved milk -
Apparently it was far away.
Over the river, over the valley
A white canvas hung.

Riddles about clouds, clouds

Without wings, but flying.
No one beats her, but cries.
Grief does not know
And sheds tears.
I'm yelling across the sky
Leaky bags wander,
And sometimes it happens
Water flows from the bags.

An eagle flies across the blue sky
Wings of rapsplastal -
The sun has stopped.

Stronger than the sun
Weaker than the wind
No legs, but walking
No eyes, but crying.
Frowning, frowning
Will hit in tears -
Nothing will be left.


Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere:
The lower the wool, the closer the rain.

They fly without wings
Running without legs
Sailing without a sail.

It's not the sun's fault
what hangs in the sky cotton wool?
The shepherd breeze blew his horn.
Sheep gathered at the heavenly river.

Riddles about mountains, horizon, rainbow, dawn

It is both summer and winter
between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all your life -
He will be ahead.
He is both in summer and in winter -
Between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all your life -
He will be ahead.
Painted rocker
It hung over the river.
Rooted in the ground for a minute
Multi-colored miracle bridge.
Miracle master tinkered
The bridge is high without railings.
The sun ordered: stop,
The Seven Colored Bridge is cool!
A cloud hid the light of the sun -
The bridge collapsed, and there are no chips.
What a marvelous beauty!
painted gate
Appeared on the way!
Neither enter nor enter them.
Grandma wears a snow hat.
The stone sides are wrapped in clouds.
Through the fields, through the meadows
There was an elegant arc.
colorful gate
Someone built in the meadow
But it's not easy to get through
Those gates are high.
The master tried
He took paint for the gate
Not one, not two, not three -
As many as seven, you look.
What is the name of this gate?
Can you draw them?

Riddles about fire, water, earth

Didn't give birth to anyone
And everyone calls her mother.
Everyone bypasses this place:
Here the earth is like dough.
Here sedge, hummocks, mosses,
No leg support.
Here is what a glutton is:
Everything in the world can eat
And when he drinks water -
Will definitely fall asleep.
At the halt helped us:
He cooked soup, baked potatoes.
It's good for hiking
Don't take it with you...
(fire, campfire)
Runs in summer, sleeps in winter,
Spring has come - it ran again.
I can wash.
I can spill.
I live in faucets all the time.
Well, of course, I...
The water itself, but it floats on the water.
Transparent as glass
Don't put it in the window.
winter glass
Spring flowed.
She grows upside down
It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die.
white carrot in winter
grows upside down.
In the morning the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tucked in.
And let's go look for them in the afternoon,
We are looking, we are looking - we will not find.

Riddles about echo, draft, frost, patterns on glass

Lives without a body, speaks without a language,
No one sees it, but everyone hears it.
In a dark forest, behind any pine,
A marvelous wonder of the forest is hiding.
I will shout: "Ay!" - and it will respond.
I laugh and it laughs.
He entered - no one saw,
he said no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared
And a forest grew on the windows.
(frost, frost patterns)
Turned white all over the night
And we have a miracle in the apartment!
Outside the window, the yard disappeared.
A magical forest grew there.
(patterns on glass)
What master put this on the walls
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?
without arms, without legs
Knows how to draw.
The old man at the gate warmly dragged away.
He does not run and does not order to stand.
Grandfather bridges the bridge without an ax and without wedges.
Who whitens the glades with white
and writes on the walls with chalk,
sews downy feather beds,
Did you decorate all the windows?
Invisible mischievous entered our room.
The curtains danced, the calendar began to dance.
It's good that the door slammed shut with a bang.

Molten Arrow
Oak burned near the village ... (Thunderstorm)

Scattered Lukerya
There are fiery feathers in the sky ... (Thunderstorm)

Throw up a fiery sword,
Yes, someone to whip.
It will roar in bass,
It cries for an hour ... (Thunderstorm)

Shine first,
Behind the glitter of crackling
Behind the crack -
Shine ... (Thunderstorm)

The sky darkened
covered with clouds,
Like a chariot
Rolled in the sky.
The ants have fled
Thunder rumbles, scares
The rain pours down in streams,
Lightning flashes.
Hiding under the roof
Sparrows know-it-alls.
What happened to nature
Children, guess ... (Thunderstorm)

Here from far away
Something rumbled a little.
Then the wind picked up
Our fire has completely blown out.
Only a pile of ashes remained.
A cloud ran into the sun,
Raindrops fall behind the collar -
It's time for us to return to the city.
It sparkled like that! Blinds eyes
Flash of lightning. Everything is going ... (Thunderstorm)

Here a horse rushes across the sky -
Fire is flying from under your feet.
The horse beats mighty with its hoof
And breaks the clouds.
So he runs hard
That the earth is trembling below ... (Thunderstorm)

funny clouds
They frolic, joked ...
Not during cloudy
I was awaken.
I am very tired
And I don't want to get up
Got angry with them
Now - I'm rumbling ... (Thunderstorm)

Yarn Black.
Fire needle.
Water threads ... (Thunderstorm)

Educational project:
Mysteries of natural phenomena. Thunder and lightning.

Bukhalova Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of physics

2013 – 2014 academic year

1. Introduction

1.1 Relevance of the project topic


2. Theoretical material

2.1 Electrical nature of thunderstorms

2.2 The occurrence of lightning and lightning discharges

2.3 Types of lightning

2.4 Riddles of lightning and human destinies

3. Practical part

3.1 Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm

4. Conclusion


Lightning, as if ripe,
Suddenly it breaks the clouds and rushes by with a bright flame, Its quick flashing, flooding the surroundings with light, A heavy blow follows, as if bursting suddenly, The whole sky collapses and threatens to collapse to the ground.

1.1 Relevance of the project topic
PHYSICS plays an important role in understanding natural phenomena and maintaining a stable environment, since most natural and technological processes are based on physical phenomena described by physical laws. If we know the causes of hazardous phenomena in the environment, we will be able to find ways to eliminate or use them. Each of us understands that the Earth is our common home. The French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery said very well about this: “There is such a rule: get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.”
1.2 Goals and objectives of the research work
The purpose of the work: the study of natural electrical phenomena - thunderstorms and lightning.
Work tasks:
explain the physical nature of electrical phenomena: thunderstorms and lightning;
give examples of interesting facts and events related to these phenomena, using various sources of information;
develop rules of conduct during a thunderstorm.
Objects of study: electrical phenomena
Subject of study: lightning of various types that occur during a thunderstorm
Methods: comparative-analytical, partial-exploratory, analysis, synthesis.

Theoretical material
2.1. The electrical nature of a thunderstorm
Unlike our distant ancestors, we know that a thunderstorm is not a punishment for sins sent by God to the earth, but a completely familiar natural phenomenon.
Thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon in which electrical discharges of lightning occur within clouds or between a cloud and the earth's surface, accompanied by thunder.
Lightning splitting the sky causes fear. So it was thousands of years ago. This is what happens today. No matter how brave people are, few feel calm when lightning bolts appear above their heads and thunder rumbles. Scientists have calculated that every year 44,000 thunderstorms rage on our planet and 100 lightning strikes the earth every second. It would seem that this phenomenon should already be well studied. Yet in many cases it continues to be a mystery.
Lightning is caused by static electricity. It has exactly the same properties as electricity generated artificially, but it is formed in a different way. Static electricity occurs naturally when two substances rub against each other. Lightning occurs because the particles of water and air that form the cloud are constantly rubbing against each other. At the same time, an electric charge gradually accumulates in the cloud, which, in the end, hits the ground or another cloud in the form of a giant flash.
The occurrence of lightning and lightning discharges
Inside the stratus clouds, air currents arise, carrying water droplets and tiny ice floes from place to place.
As the particles of water and ice "rub" against each other, a large potential of static electricity builds up in the cloud.
This potential grows until it is discharged by a giant spark. You can see this spark in the sky as a flash of lightning.
Lightning, penetrating the air, heats it very much. The heated air expands rapidly, as in an explosion, while producing a rumbling sound - thunder.
You can easily determine how far a thunderstorm is from you if you time the time between the flash of lightning and the first roll of thunder after it. Every five seconds they say about a distance of about 2 km.

2.3 Types of lightning
Tap dance.
Flat lightning is an electrical discharge on the surface of a cloud that does not have a linear character.
Linear lightning is a spark 1-10 km long with branches several centimeters in diameter. The flash lasts 0.01-0.1 s, the temperature exceeds 25000°C. Often there are several repeated discharges through the same channel, while the total flash duration can reach 1 s or more.
Tap-dash lightning - a discharge in the form of a chain of individual dots and dashes. Tapet lightning has a number of thickenings on the discharge channel; these are bright luminous nodules, or "rockets". Occurs very rarely.
Ball lightning is spherical, 10-50 cm in diameter, moves slowly, can exist for 1-2 minutes, after which it disappears with or without an explosion. Occurs rarely.
2.4. Riddles of lightning and human destinies
Lightning strikes about 2,500 people every year (84% of them are males aged 10 to 35). Approximately one in twenty of those struck by lightning die
The most thunderous place on Earth is Tororo in Uganda, where there are 251 thunderstorm days a year.
Lightning was universally considered a prediction (evil or good). In Rome, this was sufficient reason to postpone public events or meetings of the senate for a day.
Lightning is a discharge of current with an energy of up to 3 billion J., moving downward from a cloud at a speed of 160-1600 km / s along an ionized air channel with a plasma temperature of up to 30,000 degrees (5 times higher than on the surface of the Sun). Lightning is accompanied by a sonic shock wave (thunder), sometimes audible at a distance of up to 29 km.
One of the mysteries of lightning is the so-called "nest" of lightning. This is the name of the place where lightning discharges strike with enviable constancy. Scientists explain the mystery of "lightning nests" by the reduced electrical resistance of such places. This is possible when there are deposits of metal in the ground.
Jaeger-record holder. Lightning sometimes chooses not only some specific areas of the earth, but also people. The most famous fact listed in the Guinness Book of Records: the gamekeeper of the national park in the US state of Virginia, Roy Sullivan, was attacked by lightning seven times in his life. For the first time, an electric shock hit him in the head and exited through the big toe of his left foot. Five years later, a second lightning strike broke Sullivan's jaw and burned his eyelashes. Later lightning struck him again and again. The worst thing is that, contrary to logic, Roy survived. True, his left shoulder began to dry, all the hair on his body burned, he began to go blind and deaf. The unfortunate huntsman lived for 71 years and committed suicide.
Lightning - jealous. In 1935, an American tourist Randolph Eastman, during a thunderstorm, asked to wait out the elements in the house of a resident of Bulgaria, Martha Maikia. A week later they got married, but two months later the man was killed by lightning. Later, Maikia remarried, now to a Frenchman named Charles Morteau. And while traveling in Spain, the second husband was also struck by lightning on the spot. The widow returned to Sofia, where she was treated for depression by a German doctor. They got married in Berlin, and while driving to the French border, the doctor's car was struck by lightning. The third husband died on the spot. As far as is known, Martha never married again.
case in Japan. A few years ago in the Land of the Rising Sun, a group of schoolchildren went to the mountains. A storm broke out. The teacher told the children to tie themselves with a rope, as climbers usually do. A lightning discharge fell into this bundle, killing every third. It is clear that a wet rope has become a good current conductor. But why did every third person die?
The Beatles. The well-known remark of John Lennon "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ" was received very painfully in the USA. A Texas radio station even staged a public burning of the band's production. On the evening of the same day, lightning hit the radio station: because of which the program director lost consciousness, and the station lost its airing for a long time due to technical problems.
Messages about the tricks of heavenly pranksters are one more interesting than the other. Lightning burns linen, leaving the top dress. Tears out metal objects from a person's hands and throws them a long distance without harming the person holding them. Lightning melts all the coins that were in the purse into one large ingot, or silvers gold and gilds silver, without burning the paper money lying with them. Lightning completely destroys the medallion on the chain worn around the neck, leaving the imprint of the chain and the medallion, which has not left the skin for several years, as a memory of the girl robbed by it.
And now, not harmless pranks. A group of people sitting under a tree during a thunderstorm, after being struck by lightning, remained as if petrified. When they were discovered, they seemed to be alive, but as soon as they were touched, they crumbled to dust.
A dramatic incident happened to five climbers on August 17, 1978. in the Caucasus at an altitude of 4000m, where they stopped on a clear night for the night. A light yellow ball the size of a tennis ball flew into the climbers' tent. The ball penetrated the sleeping bags, causing terrible screams. People felt severe pain, could not move their arms or legs, lost consciousness. After the ball "visited" each sleeping bag several times, it disappeared. The climbers received severe wounds, the muscles were torn out in whole pieces, to the very bones. The ball killed one climber.
In 1963 a Boeing 707 crashed from a lightning strike, killing the entire crew.
According to American scientists, lightning twice struck the Apollo 12 spacecraft with three astronauts on board and caused serious damage to the device.
One of the tragic cases of Russian science is associated with the appearance of ball lightning. To study atmospheric electricity, Lomonosov and Professor Richman equipped special "thunder machines" in their apartments, which were connected by chains to high poles exposed on the roofs. In 1753 during a thunderstorm over St. Petersburg, bluish ball lightning suddenly appeared from an iron rod in Richman's apartment and the scientist died.
While this material was being told, at least 30,000 lightning bolts flashed all over the world. And maybe they made new riddles

3. Practical part
3.1. Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm
1. If there are signs of an approaching thunderstorm, wait it out indoors.
2. Close windows, doors, chimneys. Turn off the TV, radio, electrical appliances, telephone.
3. Stay away from electrical wiring, antenna, windows, doors.
4. If a thunderstorm caught you outside, take cover in the nearest building.
5. If a thunderstorm caught you in a park, forest, do not hide near tall trees, especially such as oak, poplar.
6. If you are on a hill, a rock, in the mountains, immediately go down or seek refuge in the recesses among the heaps of stones.
7. You can not be in open unprotected places, near metal fences, large metal objects, wet walls, lightning rod grounding and other objects that are likely to be struck by lightning.
8. If a thunderstorm caught you in a pond, immediately get ashore and move away from the water.
9. Feeling the tickling of the skin, as well as the fact that your hair is standing on end, know that lightning will strike in your vicinity. Without hesitation, throw yourself prone on the ground - this will reduce the risk of your defeat.
10. If you are caught in a thunderstorm while on a bicycle or motorcycle, stop moving, leave them and wait out the thunderstorm at a distance of about 30 meters from them.
11. If you are in a car, stay in it. Close the windows, lower the car antenna and stop.
12. In the absence of shelter, you need to lie down on the ground, preferably on dry sandy soil, remote from the reservoir. If it is more comfortable for you to sit, then try to squeeze your knees together, clasp them with your hands, lower your head lower.
13. Do not run during a thunderstorm.
14. When encountering ball lightning, remain calm and do not move. Do not approach her, do not touch her with anything, do not run away from her.

4. Conclusion
In our work, we talked about only one natural phenomenon. It only seems that such disasters occur far away from us.
During a thunderstorm on August 8 in the camp "Indians" in the Novousmansky district, lightning struck a tree next to which there were children. A total of 9 people were injured, one of them died in the hospital.
Thus, we see that we are surrounded by a variety of natural phenomena and processes that claim thousands of lives. It is the study and prediction of such phenomena that will help us avoid human losses.

5. List of sources and used literature

Tarasov L.V. Physics in nature: Book. for students. M., 1988.
M. Claridge and P. Dowswell. The unknown about the known. Geography
M. Claridge and P. Dawswell Unknown about known. The science
From Bryukhanov. Lightning attacks
Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, 2006, 10 CD.
Photo: D. B. Kopeliovich and others.
Video: BECM 2005 and RGAKFD

The sooner parents begin to think about the development of their child's thinking, the better. There are many different ways to do this: puzzles, anagrams, ciphers and, of course, riddles. Guessing teaches the child to think wider and deeper, to see the unusual aspects of everyday phenomena. Children's consciousness improves the ability to imagine objects or events.

Riddles as a remedy for children's fears

It often happens that children are afraid of something: dogs, darkness, insects, etc. Many kids are afraid of lightning. It is too bright, and the thunder that accompanies it makes it scarier due to the noise it creates.

You can save children from fear with the help of riddles about lightning. In them, this natural phenomenon is described in such a way that it does not at all seem terrifying and frightening to the child.

For example, there are such riddles about lightning for younger children:

  • Tsap-scratch lives in a cloud, jumps out like a burning arrow.
  • Fiery lion cubs scratch the horizon with their clawed paws.

After the child guesses these riddles, it can be explained to him that lightning is not at all terrible, it lives somewhere far in the sky and cannot reach the baby.

More complex riddles about lightning

For older boys and girls, the following are suitable:

1) An eagle flies,

The claws are fire.

Shoots fire arrows

Nobody will catch them.

2) Hot Arrow

The tree fell and left.

3) An arrow flew

Fell into a swan.

I won't find it at all.

4) A fiery arrow flies between heaven and earth.

5) Sparkle, blink,

Someone will call.


Flying in the sky.

6) A fire arrow flies,

No one will catch her

Neither king nor queen

Not a pretty girl.

Riddles about lightning, in which a comparison with fire appears, help the child develop associative thinking. It will help you succeed in your studies. The associative method of remembering different rules and facts is one of the most effective and easy to use.

Dialogue with a child

You can explain to a child what lightning is and save him from fears with the help of a dialogue. It should be built on interesting questions. For example, you must first ask the baby what he thinks what lightning is. After he answers, he follows him truthfully, but with elements of a fairy tale, explain how it arises and why a strong thunder is heard after it. Most often, children are afraid of ignorance.

You can also ask the child why the lightning is bright, fast, large, etc. The most important thing that is required from the parent is to think in advance what the baby can say and prepare fabulous response forms. For example, lightning is so fast because it's the wizard that travels between cities.