What you need for discharge from the hospital in winter: a blanket, an envelope and other clothes for the newborn. What clothes will a newborn baby need for walking in the winter?

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The birth of a baby is a big event in every family. A young mother is looking forward to being discharged from the hospital to be at home with a new family member. And I want to make this day memorable, and prepare the child with maximum comfort for him. But how to do this if a happy birth happened in winter?

Baby clothes

When buying clothes for discharge, it is important to remember one rule: you can’t wrap your baby up too much, but you shouldn’t dress him too lightly either. Keep in mind that you will spend a little time on the street and immediately after meeting with relatives and a short photo shoot you will get into the car. Therefore, try to choose clothes according to the season, but without busting. There should be a measure in everything, especially in moments relating to a newborn. He was born quite recently and his body has not yet adapted to the environment, which increases the risk of hypothermia and overheating.

To discharge a newborn in winter, prepare the following set of clothes:

  • light flannel or chintz hat (bonnet);
  • warm fur hat;
  • vest or light blouse;
  • warm blouse with sleeves;
  • warm set with fur;
  • overalls.

The last two types of clothing can be replaced with a warm blanket and a special envelope for winter discharge. Please note that things should be as close as possible in size to the weight and height of the child so that he does not feel discomfort.

  1. Every mother knows that for a newborn you need to buy only high-quality clothes made from natural materials. Regardless of whether a newborn is discharged in winter or summer, the baby's skin should not be exposed to the harmful effects of synthetic materials.
  2. Buy a warm hat without pom-poms and ponytails - if you have to put on a hood, they can hurt the baby.
  3. A hat or scarf should be strictly in size so that the wind does not blow into the ears.
  4. Using a blanket instead of a jumpsuit, tie it with a festive ribbon.

Preparation for discharge

So, things are ready, relatives are in the waiting room, and you are waiting for the doctor to issue an extract. During this time, you need to prepare the baby. First of all, feed him.

If the child wakes up at the time of discharge, he will cry because of hunger. You will have to shorten the time for congratulations and drive home sooner (you will not feed the newborn in the car). After eating, hold him in a “column” so that he burps. Then put it down and let it poop. And while you can get together.

It is desirable that at the time of discharge in winter the baby sleeps. So you can not be nervous about a crying baby, but calmly accept congratulations.

Departure home

In advance with your spouse, buy a baby car seat - a cradle designed for infants. This will not only save you from a fine if stopped by traffic police, but also protect the newborn. It is now impossible to transport a child in your arms and it is very dangerous!

In the car, do not turn on the stove at full power. Let the cabin be cool so that the baby is not hot. It is not worth unbuttoning the overalls - a slight draft will lead to a cold for the newborn.

If you are a young mother of a first child, then ask experienced parents for advice. They will be able to recommend high-quality warm clothes and help you organize your winter discharge. And may this day be the most pleasant and memorable in your life!

Useful video about discharge kits

Dear readers, in this article we will talk about what you need to be discharged from the hospital in winter. If you or someone close to you plans to become parents in the near future, then this information will come in handy, especially if this time falls in the winter.

Required clothing list

If you want to know what a child needs to be discharged from the hospital, then the most necessary include:

  • sliders;
  • vest;
  • bonnet;
  • warm diaper;
  • tape five meters long;
  • disposable diapers ;
  • socks;
  • cap with ties;
  • warm suit (may be made of wool, knitwear or fleece).

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing clothes:

  • the material must be of high quality from natural fibers;
  • you should not buy clothes in bright colors, serious dyes are possible that can harm the health of the crumbs and cause allergies; the same applies to outfits that have an unpleasant smell;
  • clothes should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable for the child;
  • choose a material of sufficient density to protect the baby from extreme cold;
  • when choosing an outfit, pay attention to the absence of tight elastic bands on the belt (remember that the baby will have);
  • in no case do not take clothes that must be worn over the head;
  • be sure to wash and iron the necessary outfit before picking up the child (you need to use a hypoallergenic baby powder);

Envelope and blanket

Parents themselves must choose what is best for them. Let's look at the options.

  1. Some parents, when taking the baby in winter, do not purchase an envelope, but use a baby blanket. The main thing here is that the filler is natural, it would not harm the health of the baby (cotton wool, wool, fluff, padding polyester will do). Do not forget about the elegance of the blanket. To do this, you need to purchase a beautiful duvet cover. Here you also need to remember about the naturalness of the materials.
  2. Bow. If you buy a blanket for discharge, it is recommended to wrap it with a beautiful bow. For boys, blue or blue ribbons are used, for girls - red or pink. You can learn how to tie a bow by watching video tutorials on the Internet. In addition, looking at all the same videos, you can create an elegant bow with your own hands.
  3. A winter envelope costs a lot of money. In addition, you need to think about the fact that it may no longer be useful to you. Do not forget that the purchased envelope will be captured in photographs, so you need to choose a more elegant option, and not quite a simple one. Also, do not forget that it should be soft, comfortable and warm.
  4. Envelope in the form of a blanket with a corner with lace and ribbon. The pluses include an elegant look, the minuses:
  • light soiling;
  • short service life (due to the fact that the child will grow up quickly;
  • washing problems (appearance will quickly begin to deteriorate).
  1. The envelope is a man. This model is filled with down or synthetic winterizer. This envelope:
  • is smart;
  • it is easy enough for the baby to put it on;
  • is light and warm;
  • does not get wet;
  • ideal for a car seat.

The disadvantages include a short period of operation and the risk that the insulation will go astray during washing.

  1. Sheepskin envelope is the highest quality. However, quite expensive. He:
  • durable;
  • does not get wet;
  • when the baby grows up, it is used as a leg warmer or bedding in a stroller;
  • This option is not festive, however, it is practical and convenient.

Let's look at the general pros and cons of a blanket and an envelope:

What does mom need

Do not forget about a very important little thing - a postpartum bandage

Of course, all your thoughts will be about the newborn baby. However, it is necessary to take care of the newly-made mother.

It is advisable to prepare a set of necessary things in advance:

  • deodorant (it must be understood that strong odors can harm the health of the child by causing an allergic reaction);
  • cosmetic bag;
  • postpartum bandage (promotes accelerated contraction of the uterus, respectively, helps to return to normal faster);
  • underwear;
  • convenient, comfortable clothes in which mom can easily feed her baby before discharge;
  • warm tights;
  • bra for nursing mothers;
  • pads, including for the chest;
  • warm comfortable shoes (it is better to bring the one that mommy wore during pregnancy).


Among other things, upon discharge from the hospital, you will be given a package of documents. It will include:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • a certificate of how the birth took place, necessary for the antenatal consultation;
  • a second certificate indicating the duration and course of pregnancy, childbirth for a children's clinic;
  • form with records of vaccinations that were made to the baby in the hospital.


  1. Ideally, you need to pick up the child in your own car.
  2. Before you go to the hospital, you need to vacuum and ventilate the interior.
  3. If there is a car seat, this is a big plus, otherwise the baby will be in the mother's arms.
  4. If you don't have your own car, call a taxi.
  5. If the car is warm enough, remember to undress the little one. Do not forget that thermoregulation is still imperfect and the child can raise the body temperature.

  1. If you already have to be discharged from the hospital, what the baby needs, it’s too late to think. It is recommended to prepare the list one month before the expected birth.
  2. When choosing clothes for a newborn, it is necessary to take into account the appropriate size and purchase only high-quality goods.
  3. Prepare and things necessary for the expectant mother.
  4. It is important to feed the little one before leaving the hospital.

I didn't have that opportunity. The son burst into tears in a taxi because of the desire to eat. When they arrived, they immediately began to feed him.

In winter, you are expected to have a joyful replenishment, do everything to ensure that this event is remembered for your family for many years to come. Do not forget about the pre-packaging of the necessary things for the expectant mother and baby when discharged from the hospital.

The discharge of a newborn from the maternity hospital in winter is the first trip in a baby's life, requiring special care due to sudden changes in temperature conditions.

Some suspicious parents consider it a bad omen to purchase a children's wardrobe, as well as other items (cribs, strollers) before the birth of a child.

Practice shows that preparation for childbirth should begin at the stage of pregnancy. It is advisable to collect everything you need to stay in the maternity ward and discharge the mother with the baby from the clinic already in the seventh month of bearing the baby.

Holds -10 to -20

Clothes for newborn babies for the winter is a set that includes the maximum number of insulated items. The first rule in order to correctly dress a newborn baby for discharge is that children's things must maintain normal body temperature so that the baby does not overheat or hypothermia in frost.

Basic requirements for clothing materials:

  • things for babies should be made exclusively from high-quality, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, as well as natural materials, especially underwear;
  • in order to avoid purchasing things with the addition of harmful toxic dyes, it is better to buy clothes in soothing colors;
  • everything that you will dress the baby in should be simple and convenient in practice, that is, it is easy to take off and put on;
  • priority criteria - materials for newborns must have a high property of dry heat and breathability (absorption and evaporation of moisture).

You don't have to buy everything in the store. Many mothers prefer to sew original blankets, beautiful envelopes or clothes with their own hands, children's patterns and sizes are easy to find on needlework forums.

To properly discharge a child from the hospital, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​what clothes you will need.
How children are discharged in winter, step by step actions:

  1. First of all, you need to put on a baby a diaper or a diaper from a soft diaper (one-time is better for discharge).
  2. Then a vest, a warm blouse, sliders or a knitted bodysuit with an elongated sleeve are put on.
  3. If you decide to take a bodysuit, then a warm suit or slip (terry, flannel or thick knitwear) will do.
  4. Do not forget about scratches for pens and terry (or thin felt) socks on which booties are put on.
  5. Next, we put on a thin cap and a warm hat, preferably with ties. The standard circumference of the baby's head is approximately 35 cm.
  6. Children in envelopes designed specifically for discharge from the hospital look very festive and elegant.
  7. However, it is more practical to wrap a girl or boy in a blanket, making the design in the form of a chic pink or blue bow.
  8. At first, you can use it both at home as a bedspread, and during the whole winter on walks.
  9. The size of the blanket is selected relative to the area of ​​​​the crib, the standard dimensions of which are 60/120 cm. Accordingly, the blanket should be an average of 110/140 cm.
  10. How much tape you need can also be found in the advice of women who have already experienced motherhood and discharge once - usually 5 meters is enough.
  11. You can get by with overalls, which are indispensable if in the future it is planned to transport the baby using a car seat.
  12. The final touch - be sure to treat the delicate cheeks and nose of the crumbs with a greasy baby cream so that the baby does not get burned by cold frosty air.

Discharge in winter really requires a more serious approach. But babies born in December, January or February have a stronger immunity to diseases.

Things for discharge for a newborn in winter

For those who did not have time to collect children's accessories in advance or are just going to buy everything they need, a complete list of items that should be included in the discharge kit will come in handy.

The newborn winter kit includes:

  • underwear - a cloth diaper (or diaper), a light cap, 2 diapers (thin + thick) or an undershirt with sliders (most prefer a comfortable bodysuit), soft socks;
  • clothes - a warm suit or overalls (made of fleece or thick knitwear), if it is frosty outside, it is better with a fleece, a warm hat, booties;
  • outerwear - a special envelope for discharge or a blanket, you can choose a jumpsuit or various types of transformers, any option for the choice of parents (we will consider the pros and cons of each below);
  • add ribbons for the bow (blue for boys, pink for girls), which must be included.

It is worth remembering that all underwear must first be thoroughly washed with baby soap (or special powder), dried and ironed on both sides.

Color shades and number of sets

Big variety

An ancient belief has survived to this day: “Buy blue clothes for a newborn boy, pink clothes for a girl.” A long tradition goes back to 1797, when Paul I issued a decree on the baptism of newborns of the imperial family.

All babies of noble persons became holders of the highest degrees of Russian orders and received moire ribbons. The girls are pink in honor of St. Catherine the Great Martyr, the boys are blue in honor of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

The aristocracy, nobility, merchants and others approached the nobility, imitating the customs of the most august persons. Thus, the baptismal tradition was strengthened for many centuries.

Envelope for statement or blanket?

The main thing is not to freeze

Stores offer a huge range of baby products for newborns. Sometimes it is difficult to understand or choose how a child should be dressed, what kind of outerwear is needed and what is better to buy for discharge in the winter season.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of various options for how beautifully, but usefully, to discharge the baby from the hospital.

Envelope-blanket with satin bows and a corner in lace.

  • looks solemn, festive, beautiful.
  • increased visibility;
  • frequent washing quickly deforms the design;
  • swaddling fixation, which is very inconvenient;
  • minimum service life.

Downy (or on synthetic winterizer) man envelope.

  • elegant, but without much solemnity;
  • keeps heat well inside;
  • it is usually made from waterproof materials;
  • suitable for car seat.
  • deformation of the filler during washing;
  • little functionality;
  • short term use.

For the princess daughter

Fur blanket made of natural materials (sheepskin).

  • sheepskin - high-quality natural insulation, perfectly warms, breathes, has healing properties;
  • does not deform when washed;
  • wear resistance - can serve for many years, during the period of growth of the baby it can be further used as a bedding in a stroller or a cover for legs, even be inherited.
  • expensive pleasure;
  • not so much elegant as practical, although the original design depends on the imagination of the parents.


  • produced with various heaters;
  • with the help of lightning it is easily transformed into different options;
  • You can use more than one season.
  • high price;
  • the appearance is quite elegant, but not for a celebration.

Many people prefer to buy ready-made kits, which include the entire list of necessary items. This is very convenient if you do not have time to run around the shops in search of individual items.

Photo of discharge from the hospital in winter

Photos for memory

An extract from the maternity hospital, captured on a photo or video, is a mandatory attribute that allows you to capture the uniqueness of the moment and the importance of a bright event for a long memory.

If you want to get truly high-quality unforgettable pictures, then it is better to entrust photographing such a solemn event to a professional.

Photo session in winter.

TimeFrom 11 am to 3 pm
SafetyNo more than 10 minutes at sub-zero temperatures outside near the maternity hospital
PhotographerYou should agree on an approximate date and time in advance, book a session even during pregnancy
Warn those who meetLet your loved ones know about the photo shoot so that they dress interestingly and beautifully (grab more flowers, balloons, ribbons and big smiles)
Check with medical staffIs it possible to take photographs in the ward where they prepare for discharge, during swaddling, etc.
FeedingBe sure to feed your baby first.
For a woman in laborMake up and hair to look attractive and feel comfortable

Important: what else to take for discharge

In addition, you can add a small list of items that will surely come in handy for the expectant mother upon discharge:

For all families expecting a baby, the day of birth and day of discharge from the hospital become the most important and significant days. And such days require special preparation. And if the term of childbirth falls on the cold season, then you need to prepare for them more carefully, and, most importantly, purchase everything you need in advance for yourself and for the newborn.

Check out in winter

Extract from the hospital in winter differs from summer time only in appearance clothes for newborn. But in order to avoid minor misunderstandings that can disrupt the festive atmosphere, it is better to prepare everything in advance, using the advice of more experienced parents or other information from a good source (magazine, book and women's forum).

What to wear a newborn for discharge in winter? List of things (in order of dressing):


2.Knitted bodysuit with short sleeves.

Suitable as underwear. It is better to choose models that have buttons at the neck. And even better, especially for inexperienced mothers, take a wrap bodysuit with buttons, then you won’t need to put it over the baby’s head.

3. Warm sleepsuit ("little man").

slip("little man"), preferably from flannel, terry or thick knitwear. This type of clothing easily replaces sliders, a vest and socks, and is worn over a bodysuit.

Very comfortable slips with mittens or sewn sleeves.

4. Socks, mittens.

You can put on warm socks on the slip on the legs of a newborn, and mittens on the handles. You can do without these accessories.

5. Headdress for a newborn.

Be sure to prepare a warm hat and a cotton cap (or a comfortable knitted cap with ties, or a cap in the form of a helmet).

It is best to choose a hat after the birth of the baby, so that it is strictly in size, then the hat will fit snugly and not let in cold air.

When choosing a headdress, it is better to give preference to products without tassels and pompons. These decorations will please only parents, and they will simply crush the baby if they have to put on a hood or cover the envelope.

6. Outerwear for discharge in winter (envelope, blanket, overalls).

Several options are possible here.

For discharge of a winter newborn, you can purchase warm envelope or a beautiful, high-quality blanket for newborns. Very comfortable and practical universal, which are easily transformed and turn into a comfortable baby blanket.

Baby envelopes (bags) can be on sheepskin, later used for sleeping in a stroller and for walking in a sled for a grown up baby.

Envelopes and blankets for newborns can be:

- with warm natural filler - bird fluff, sheep wool;

- artificial - silicone, holofiber.

Using a blanket for swaddling a baby for discharge, you can complement the outfit with a classic lace corner and a ribbon tied with a bow (blue and light blue for a boy, pink or red for a girl).

Can be bought immediately warm jumpsuit from natural materials. it can be with panties, in the form of a bag or be transforming - the zippers at the bottom of the overalls easily help to make either a bag or a leg.

You should definitely choose a model that will be equipped with a convenient fastening system along the entire length, because not a single kid likes to dress up and will certainly begin to act up.

Cosmetic products for discharge

But in addition to clothes, in winter you will definitely need a greasy baby cream to protect the baby's skin (for example, a cream from bad weather and wind) and hygienic lipstick for the baby's lips (it would be even safer to replace lipstick with Purelan-type lanolin cream).

Be safe, but don't overdo it

In warming the baby, a certain measure must be observed. It must be borne in mind that he will have to spend most of the road in a warm car. Overheating can adversely affect the health of the newborn, and impaired thermoregulation reduces the immunity of infants.

After completing all the necessary documents, do not rush to the waiting relatives. Let them wait a little longer than the child will be stressed by a sudden change of scenery.

To prevent this from happening, you need to calmly feed the baby and wait until he falls asleep. But before you start feeding, it is better to pack him on the road so that subsequent dressing does not disturb his sweet dream. Although the very last part of the wardrobe - an envelope or overalls - is still not worth putting on, the baby may sweat and begin to act up from the heat.

And most importantly, mothers should not be upset if the due date falls precisely in the winter. Even our distant ancestors proved that all winter babies are stronger and healthier than summer ones, and their immunity is more resistant to infections and various diseases.

But, despite this, you should not treat the winter discharge with less responsibility.

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The birth of a baby in the family is a great joy, no matter what time it happens. It is very important what to take the child from the hospital in winter when it is cold outside. The main thing here is to properly prepare in advance so that the baby feels comfortable when discharged from the hospital.

List to the maternity hospital for the baby in winter or at other times of the year

The main requirement for all things of a newborn is their safety and comfort. A very important thing for a mother is a list for the maternity hospital in winter, which must be compiled in advance. It may even need to be done in a few weeks. There is a minimum of necessary things in which to pick up a child from the hospital in winter or summer. It primarily includes:

Underwear for a newborn

You need to start preparing things for a newborn baby with the choice of underwear. In any weather, it must be taken into account that a newborn baby has very delicate skin. Therefore, underwear should be made of natural and soft fabrics. It is better that it be 100% cotton, the density of which depends on what will be worn on top of the baby. How to pick up a child from the hospital in winter? In the cold season, a newborn, as a rule, feels comfortable in thick flannelette clothes or cotton flannel clothes.

The minimum set of underwear for a newborn baby can be considered a vest, a cotton cap, a warm hat, cotton and woolen socks, and two diapers.

What to wear to baby

If discharge from the hospital takes place during the cold season, you need to additionally protect the newborn from the cold with a blanket, envelope or overalls. How to pick up a child in the winter from the hospital? You decide. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The most budget option is a warm blanket for newborns (for discharge in winter). A young family can save on buying extra warm clothes by using a woolen blanket. Of course, you need to prepare a duvet cover for the blanket, as using scratchy wool without a duvet cover can cause skin irritation in the child. When discharged from the maternity hospital in winter, it is enough to wrap a newborn in a woolen blanket and carry it to the car without harming his health. If a child is taken from the hospital in a stroller, one woolen blanket is not enough. In this case, more careful warming of the baby is required.

You can use a wadded, downy or synthetic winterizer blanket for newborns to be discharged in winter. They are warmer and more elastic than woolen blankets, and it is more convenient to swaddle a newborn in them tightly. But, if you have to carry a child in a blanket in your arms, there is a chance that he will turn around and may freeze. In addition, a blanket, even tied with a beautiful bright ribbon, can hardly be considered an outfit worthy of a special occasion. Another minus of the blanket at discharge is that when traveling home, the child will not fit in the infant carrier.


The best option for "outerwear" for a newborn is an envelope for discharge in winter. It is beautiful and very comfortable. Envelopes are insulated, especially for winter. Winter envelopes are very practical to use, as you can wrap the baby in them not only when you are discharged from the hospital, but also for walking in the next few months. There are envelopes for children from birth to 3 years. However, it is recommended to use envelopes up to 6 months, since after six months the child usually moves in a stroller.

The most popular type of winter envelope is the hard-bottomed envelope. It is very convenient for transporting a child in a stroller. This envelope fits well in the child's car seat. But in this case, you need to buy a stroller, an envelope and a car seat at the same time, because the hard bottom of the envelope must fit the shape of the cradle. If you are carrying your baby from the hospital in your arms, the best option may be an envelope that has clip-on handles.

Features of winter envelopes

If you are planning a long winter trip from the hospital, the best option would be an envelope with special features: soothing and warm. These functions are created through the use of modern technologies and special materials.

Envelopes for statements in winter differ in the materials from which they are made. Inside, soft warm flannel is usually used. For very harsh winters, the inner material can be real fur, which does not use harmful chemicals in dressing to avoid the risk of allergic reactions in the child. There are envelopes made of synthetic fabric, which has water-repellent properties.

The envelope on synthetic winterizer, holofiber or down is very warm and comfortable, but after washing, the filler sometimes goes astray, and the whole product can sit down.

When choosing an envelope for a newborn, it is recommended to pay attention to dark colors, as clothes tend to get dirty. This should be taken into account on the condition that you will use this envelope in the future for walks. If the envelope is purchased only to discharge the baby from the hospital, pastel colors are well suited, the product will look elegant and festive.

Envelopes vary in cost, which depends on the functionality, brand popularity and, of course, the quality of the material from which the envelope is made. The most budget envelopes cost 2-3 thousand rubles, more expensive options - 12-13 thousand rubles.


Overalls at discharge from the hospital is a very convenient and profitable option from a financial point of view. It does not need to be picked up under a stroller or car seat. It is convenient to transport a baby dressed in overalls in any stroller, infant carrier and car seat. The jumpsuit differs from the envelope in that it has sleeves and legs. For the baby in the future, this is a huge advantage, as he will be able to freely move his arms and legs. But for discharge from the hospital, this option is not very convenient, the newborn will get confused in the sleeves and trousers. The way out in this case is to put the child in overalls without using trousers and sleeves, the holes in which must be closed so that cold air does not enter through them. There are special overalls in which the sleeves and legs are closed. It is very convenient when the baby moves his arms and legs, and they always remain warm.


An excellent option for discharge from the hospital is a transforming overalls. In it, the legs can be fastened in such a way that they transform into a wide cover in which the legs of the newborn will be warm and comfortable. For a small child, this is the best option. When the baby grows up a little, this jumpsuit will be very convenient to use with trousers.

Important little things

In order for an extract from the hospital to become a beautiful festive event, it is necessary to take into account some important points.

All things of the newborn must be washed in advance with baby soap and powder, and then ironed on both sides.

Flowers for a young mother should not have a strong smell, as this can cause an allergic reaction in a newborn baby.

You can take a few bright rattles for discharge.

You need to bring the necessary things for the mother to the maternity hospital: comfortable clothes, shoes, as well as cosmetics and hair styling products. It is very important for a young mother to feel happy and beautiful.

Before discharge, the baby must be fed.

Properly preparing for the discharge of a newborn from the hospital is a guarantee of good health for the baby and peace of mind for parents in the first, most important days of his life.