How to organize a New Year's Eve party at home. How to make New Year's Eve at home

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New Year is a holiday that many of us have loved since childhood. Still, white snow creaks outside the window, the magical smell of tangerines and pine needles enchants at home, the lights flicker, and the whole atmosphere gives the feeling of a fairy tale. long awaited winter holiday celebrate anywhere: at a party, on the roof of a high-rise building, at the main Christmas tree of the city, abroad, and even on an airplane.

However, it is quite possible that this year, on your favorite holiday, fate decided to leave you at home. Do not be upset: even within the walls of your own home, you can throw a cool holiday that you will remember for a lifetime, and we, in turn, will help you with entertaining tips.

Before you start organizing an event, remember: in no case should you think about celebrating the new year at home with regret - then even the most carefully planned evening will fail, and, as a result, the whole of the next year will fail.

Take this a rare opportunity as a gift and fully enjoy the warmth of the hearth. Think, in your cozy nest you won't have to wait for a taxi for hours, endure drunk company and hellish crowds of screaming people.

Dazzle with dinner

Often, daily chores do not make it possible to implement the most intricate culinary ideas. If you are celebrating the New Year at home, you can rejoice, because it is difficult to find a more significant reason to pamper your loved ones with culinary masterpieces!

We have long dreamed of trying brie, eating oyster or paella, please yourself and your loved ones on this holiday.

Throw away all the standard meals you cook every weekend and make something really amazing.

If you don’t know how to cook, order a treat in a restaurant, and it will certainly be delivered to your home. Maybe one of the family members or friends knows how to amaze with their dishes - give them such an opportunity this evening.

The main thing is that the festive table conquered everyone with its unusualness and excellent taste.

Come up with a holiday theme

Today it is gaining more and more popularity thematic planning events. Here are some ideas for you:

  • It can be an idea related to your favorite movie, a country, an animal - a symbol of the new year, the elements and much more - the frames are limited only by your imagination.
  • Choose a dominant color and objects, buy napkins for it, make party hats, hang a ribbon with flags in the color of the holiday with the inscription "Happy New Year", buy balloons. Can be made for kids. Come up with decorations for the table: these can be vases with branches of needles, home-made Christmas trees made of cardboard, cardboard figurines in the form of deer, Christmas trees, birds or gloves, the main thing is to combine with common theme and color range.
  • If you like oriental culture, feel free to decorate the room with gold, yellow and red flowers. Prepare national dishes, also great idea will stock up on hookah. Run contests for best dance belly - let there be no experienced dancers among you, but you will laugh heartily.
  • A good idea would be to celebrate the new year in the style of Oktoberfest - beer festival Germany. If your loved ones love to pamper themselves with this drink, they will only be happy. That's why everything alcoholic drinks can be replaced with beer - not necessarily the one you used to drink with friends on a Friday night. Buy several bottles different types imported beer that you haven't tried yet. When preparing a festive table, focus on food that is suitable for the main drink: meat, cheese cuts, Bavarian sausages or baked drumsticks, olives, fish, nuts. Let these be not the main dishes, but they should be present on the table in sufficient quantities. It is also advisable to dress on the topic: girls can wear white aprons with ruffles, men can wear hats.
  • An interesting theme for the New Year's party is Hawaiian holidays. And what about the fact that there are snowdrifts outside the window, you can have great fun at home, creating the atmosphere of a resort. For loved ones, save beads from flowers, even artificial ones, decorate your house with flowers, buy exotic fruits - it’s good that in winter they are on the shelves of almost all stores for every taste and color. Decorate the table and the room with pineapples, bananas, buy coconut, kiwi, tangerines. Dishes and other decorations can be set with cocktail umbrellas, baked cookies and decorated with bright patterns of flowers and fruits, as well as Alloha greetings or swimwear. Among alcoholic drinks there should be liqueurs (if relatives like it) or alcoholic cocktails. The main thing in the holiday is bright colors, carelessness and lightness.

Simply put, create a magical holiday atmosphere that will be like nothing else.

Plan your program

It is a good idea to include friends and relatives to take into account the interests of everyone. Think about what the outgoing year brought you new, what pleased you and what you taught.

A great way to spend the new year will be a walk in the park together: dress warmly, take champagne, sparklers and go through the creaking snow.

If you are planning a move in the new year, this is great occasion climb to the observation deck or the roof of a skyscraper and say goodbye to the city, raising a glass to new successful undertakings.

Entertain yourself and loved ones as best you can: buy an entertaining board game or a prefix, you can also think about small prizes for the winners. Games for desires do not lose their relevance. The main thing is to want festive mood and an inspired company will do their thing.

Well, if there is an ice rink or a slide near the house, then this great occasion go sledding and skating. Skating without tangerines, chocolate and wine will be incomplete, so we take all the goodies, as well as a festive mood, with us! Having plenty of fun on the skating rink, you can take a walk around the city at night.

If you are the lucky one who boasts a good, friendly neighbor, then you simply have to congratulate the tenant of the joint entrance. Again, you can’t do without champagne or wine, but if your friend doesn’t drink alcohol, you can grab a cold cut of meat or cheese: such a treat, most likely, in addition to sincere wishes, he will like it.

Boring evening

Celebrating the New Year at home does not mean sitting alone in front of the TV. Take care of the company dear to your heart - invite friends with their families. They can bring their own treats, games and the craziest ideas of fun during their favorite holiday.

  • Play in funny game"The Chimes". To do this, before the start of the celebration, secretly hand out pieces of paper to the guests, on which the task will be written, which must be completed at a particular moment. Imagine how much fun someone crowing during a toast or an unexpected dance on a stool will bring.
  • A good game "On the contrary" will also be in the subject. To do this, let the host ask simple questions to the guests, and they answer incorrectly. For example, “What color is the snow? - "Green". You just need to answer without thinking, then the game becomes funnier.
  • "Auction". To do this, pieces of paper are placed in the box, on which a letter from the alphabet is written. Leading with eyes closed takes a piece of paper out of the box, and the guests in turn must name a word that begins with this letter. These can be cities, vegetables, names, etc. When the words are exhausted, the presenter announces the auction: who will call the last word, he won, and for this he receives a gift.

Remember: the most important thing is not where we celebrate the New Year, but with whom.

In a series of holidays, the New Year in our country occupies a special place, it is the most beloved family celebration ! How to organize it so that it is not only sincere, but also original and fun? Here are a couple of ideas.

1. We arrange at home the New Year's "Christmas tree commotion"

The beautiful Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of the New Year holiday - without it, a Russian person cannot celebrate the New Year. And if you feel sorry for the natural Christmas tree? They chop her poor “under the very root” ... And you don’t want an artificial one. In this case, we propose to arrange a "Christmas tree commotion" in the house - many different "trees" instead of one. And do not break the tradition and the pleasure of unusual holiday receive! What "trees" do you mean?

edible christmas trees. We turn on the fantasy and decorate the festive table with all kinds of "Christmas trees". First, we make a salad “tree”: we form a crown from lettuce leaves, which we decorate with vegetables so that they look Christmas decorations(beads or "snowball" - from droplets of sauce or from cheese, a star - from bell pepper, etc.). We replenish the festive feast with a buffet menu in the form of " New Year's toys"(canapes, sandwiches, etc.), we decorate the table with stylish "Christmas tree" napkins.

Secondly, we make a "Christmas tree" from all sorts of goodies: fruits, sweets, chocolates. To do this, we buy a base in the form of a cone in flower shops and use skewers to attach all this “yummy” to it, interspersed with real Christmas tree decorations. Then, of course, a Christmas tree-shaped cake - cut out the cakes and decorate the cake (with berries, chocolate and cream) again like Christmas tree.

"Christmas decorations. We decorate with "Christmas trees" (from tinsel, colored stickers, beads, garlands and small toys) literally the whole house: walls, doors and windows. The “Christmas tree” on the wall can become the central one, under which we put toy Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and prepared gifts.

Christmas tree entertainment. We continue the theme of Christmas trees in entertainment. For example, a beauty contest among couples, who is better (for limited time!) from ancillary material will decorate his "Christmas tree" (one depicts a Christmas tree, the other decorates it). Then, to Serduchka's song "Christmas trees are rushing around the city" - a general defile. The winner can be determined by "beauty" or by the number of items used to decorate.

new year at home, in a close company, it is also good that everyone can take part in all events and, without any hesitation, show all their talents. Why not arrange a parody contest for the singer Yolka or a wonderful musical - each to sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" to different motives and in a different manner: romance, rap, hard rock, etc.?!

With the participation of the "Yolka" there are many New Year's fairy tales, which you can easily play out on your own. You can also stage the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or play a small funny New Year's scene , does not require prior preparation and rehearsals.

The holiday under the slogan "Christmas tree commotion" will turn out to be cheerful and sincere, and most importantly, in its credits it will be possible to safely write that "during the organization of the holiday, not one living tree didn't get hurt!"

2. We arrange the New Year at home.

New Year with your family is a wonderful opportunity to be in a cozy atmosphere, sit down for delicious festive table, in an atmosphere of warmth, friendly communication and joyful fun!

"It's all love - great moments" - don't miss them!

Specially for the site

IN Lately people prefer to spend new year holidays not noisy and on a grand scale, but on the contrary - in a warm home environment, in the family. This does not mean that the celebration will be boring and uninteresting. If you prepare in advance, you can create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Even if you are going to celebrate the New Year alone, this does not mean at all that you do not need to prepare for it. Be sure to decorate the Christmas tree and rooms. Garlands, snowflakes, tinsel and rain will instantly cheer you up! Make your apartment fabulous. You can decorate it yourself or bring family members. Hang on doorposts spruce wreaths. Don't forget about main character of the year. Place the figurine of the animal and appease him with delicious delicacies. Think about exactly how you want to see new Year's Eve. come up with entertainment program. If people celebrate the new year different generations choose the best options. For example, dress-up games, various lotteries, guessing riddles and charades, team games. Fanta, Twister and Celebrity heads are perfect. You can organize a small home carnival. To do this, prepare costumes in advance and determine the roles of the participants. You can also organize a themed party.

If you don't like watching TV, prepare your favorite movies or programs that will create a New Year's atmosphere and cheer up all the guests. Determine the order in which they are viewed. Don't forget about the music - pick up a quality playlist. Include dance tracks as well as background and contest songs. Take into account the age and personal preferences of the guests. You can alternate styles of music.

Don't try to cook a lot of big original dishes. As practice shows, after the celebration of the New Year there is a lot of food left. Therefore, do not exhaust yourself before the holiday. You may well be limited buffet and a variety of snacks - canapes, sandwiches, tartlets, vegetables, fruits, etc. Focus on beautiful and original New Year's serving. Believe me, this will be appreciated by the guests much better than traditional table with lots of food.

After the chiming clock, go outside and take a walk. This will benefit all family members. If there is a lot of snow outside, take advantage of this and play team game with snowballs. You can also take a sled with you - find the ice slides and ride. A more mature generation can play with you or just breathe in the fresh frosty air.

If you have the opportunity, purchase salutes and fireworks. Fire only certified pyrotechnics. Think in advance about the launch site (away from houses, windows, balconies, etc.). You can also use sparklers, confetti and crackers.

Take care of gifts for each family member in advance. Pack them in a beautiful gift paper with bright bows. On the night before the New Year, put them under the tree. You can prepare bags for each gift and hide them in different places apartments. In this case, the search for New Year's presents will turn into a bright game.

After the end of the holiday, do not sit at home all day - sleep for a few hours and go to the cinema, skating rink, water park, etc. The theaters will certainly put on fabulous New Year's plays e.g. The Nutcracker. You can just frolic on the street for a few hours. Make the start of the New Year bright!

The most important thing is good mood and the desire to make the holiday bright. Even if something doesn't go according to plan, try not to get nervous. If you are calm and cheerful, you can quickly correct the situation and find a worthy alternative.