What environment should be for the conception of a girl. How to get pregnant with a girl: special days for conception, diet and the right attitude. Planning the gender of the child: truth or myth

There is a caveat that predisposition is not a factor in the direct transmission of a malignant disease. Pregnancy, childbirth, natural feeding, immunity, a healthy lifestyle can prevent pathology from developing. Doctors do not give a 100% guarantee of the birth of the desired sex, however, by using the available methods of conception, you can significantly increase your chances.

Brief excursion into the biological process

Progesterone, produced by a man, generalizes the X and Y spermatozoa. The woman produces only X eggs, which have a unique genetic material. It turns out that the male half is responsible for the sex of the child to a large extent. If the Y chromosomes show their activity, a boy will be born, but if the male and female X meet, then the long-awaited girl will be born.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

The success of conception is determined primarily by the chromosomal composition of spermatozoa. Carriers with the female chromosome are slow and viable, the spermatozoa of the “boy” carriers are nimble and die quickly, their activity period is from several hours to two days. If the intimacy was three days or more after the expected ovulation, a baby is highly likely to appear. If the moment of conception fell on ovulation or there will be a boy on time.

In order to use this method, a woman must keep a calendar of her cycle for at least six months.

How to determine ovulation:

  1. How to conceive a girl by ovulation, the calculator will tell and calculate. Knowing your cycle length, for example, 28 days, divide it by two and get the estimated date of ovulation, this is day 14;
  2. Measuring your basal body temperature over several cycles will help determine the day of ovulation. The preovulatory period is characterized by a temperature of 36.2–36.9 degrees. The day when the rectal temperature showed 37.0–37.5 means the day of Ovulation;
  3. Some women thus prevented certain gynecological diseases and abnormalities. The reason for contacting a specialist will be a blurry schedule, the inability to calculate the day of ovulation. Remember, a healthy body works according to the same pattern, like a clock.
  4. Medicine has stepped forward, and now in a pharmacy at affordable prices you can buy express tests to determine ovulation, later calculating how to conceive a girl. The principle of operation is similar to a pregnancy test;

Advice! Now it’s clear that you won’t be able to conceive a girl during ovulation. You should start preparing for conception a couple of days before the approximate release of the egg from the ovary.

Moon calendar

The conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar of 2017, the calculation method is extremely simple. The duration of a month is 30 days. Having a similar menstrual cycle, it is safe to say that a woman is addicted to the Moon. If the cycle is more than 32 days, then the patron saint of such ladies is the sun. And also to establish gender, you need to take into account the zodiac features. If conception was during the period of signs:

  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • fish;
  • scorpion.

The chances of finding out about the appearance of a girl increase. In all other cases, it will probably be a boy.

Astrologers say: if you calculate the lunar date of the mother's appearance, in tandem this will give a 100% guarantee for the conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar.

Diet as a way to conceive a baby

The advantage of this method is its compatibility with other tools. Nutritionists note that the basis of nutrition for the conception of a girl lies in the creation of an acidic environment in the mother's body. It's important not to overdo it. Beforehand, be sure to consult with your doctor, who, based on individual health indicators, can make appropriate adjustments. It is better to start a few months before the planned conception period.

So what do you need to eat in order to conceive a girl:

  • Let's start with drinks. Caffeinated teas, coffee drink no more than 2 times a day. Mineral water is useful, but carbonated drinks with fillers will have to be abandoned;
  • exclude the male set of meat products, such as smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausages. Add veal, beef to the diet;
  • fish in any form, fresh, frozen, is useful for the expectant mother by the presence of the necessary vitamins. It is not recommended to often eat fish with different types of processing (smoked, salted, dried);
  • dairy products are represented by milk and cottage cheese. Refrain from ice cream and cheese in any form;
  • bread and pastries are allowed in moderation. It is better if these are products without salt with the addition of cereals. For a while, you will have to forget about industrial-made salted crackers;
    cereals should be present daily on the menu of those who want to conceive a girl. Rice and semolina recommended from cereals, corn is banned;
  • vegetable set is represented by zucchini, eggplant, asparagus. We need beets, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes. Foods containing starch should be consumed in small portions. Exclude all known varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, all canned and frozen vegetable products;
  • nuts are also useful for the body at the planning stage of a girl. It is advisable to add nuts without salt to the diet. Leave dried fruits unattended;
  • pears, apples, white cherries, citrus fruits are recommended for consumption, the only exception is bananas, apricots, currants and melons;
  • All flavor enhancers in the form of salt, ketchup, seasonings are not suitable during the planning period for the conception of a girl. It is better to eat honey, jam or jam.


A method that is still controversial to this day. To create an acidic environment for type X chromosomes, vinegar solution will help. Before starting intercourse, in order to get a girl, you need to douche.

Improper preparation of the solution can harm the health of the expectant mother.

For a liter of distilled water, you need 2 tbsp. spoons of food vinegar. The bulb for douching must be pre-sterilized. How to conceive a girl using douching:

  • take a comfortable lying position;
  • inject 250 ml of liquid into the vagina;
  • enter only the spout.

This washing creates suitable conditions for the disappearance of Y spermatozoa.

This technique does not guarantee a 100% result, and is also doubtfully dangerous to human health. After all, improper preparation can lead to burns of the genital organ of the expectant mother.

First time method

The only method of all those listed that gives the desired effect the first time, statistics confirm this. If others only suggest how to conceive a girl, then preimplantation genetic diagnosis knows the answer for sure.

A special medical laboratory conducts research on the biological material of a man and a woman, later choosing healthy embryos according to existing standards. The analysis is performed on the third day of the life of the embryos, after the fertilization of the egg by spermatozoa has occurred. Molecular biopsy provides complete information about the embryo. This technique at an early stage reveals possible pathologies, which distinguishes it from others. In such cases, screening occurs and the desired chromosome set is selected. Healthy cells are placed in the woman's uterus, after which it remains only to wait whether the foreign body takes root.

This method is more often used by spouses in the medical history of whom there are hereditary ailments and deviations. Another reason is the high price of this technique.

Positions for couples when conceiving a girl

The favorable conditions for the appearance of a girl will be in the evening, even better if it is a full moon. In what positions is it possible to conceive a girl:

  • the position of the "rider";
  • classic rack;
  • the woman lies on her side, while the man is behind;
  • “Sandwich” the guy lies on the girl, at this moment she should lie down with her back up.

Such postures help to control the depth of entry, the movements are progressive, without jerking. These simple rules will help to conceive a girl, because this increases the chance of getting slow and long-lived spermatozoa of “girls” to the egg.


As the great sages say, everything in this world is material, and even thoughts. The easiest and most enjoyable way. What needs to be done to conceive a girl? Spouses need to imagine their future daughter in great detail. The founders of the method argue that nature sooner or later transforms all thoughts into reality.

Folk signs of the conception of a girl

For many couples, the experience of our ancestors becomes an indisputable argument, with the help of which the chance of conceiving a baby increases.

Some folk facts:

  • Before going to bed with a partner, a woman should tie a thread around her right little finger;
    A day before the desired date, get pregnant drink apple or other sour juice;
  • The optimal days for planning a girl are Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
  • The folk sign says that the girl will be if the conception coincided with the winter cold or snowstorm;
  • You need to sleep with the back of your head to the south;
  • According to the beliefs of ladies after 30 years, the gender of the first-born is usually female.

The knowledge of our ancestors collected over the centuries will help to achieve the desired result and conceive a girl even after two boys. The main thing is not to neglect such simple tips.

Blood renewal method

Nature is so wound up that the human body systematically renews the blood. In men, this process occurs every four years, in women every three years. The formula that helps determine how to conceive a girl for blood renewal looks like this:

(Dad's age + Mom's age)*4:3

The age at which conception will occur.

If the answer is a number with a tail of 1, then there will be a girl. With other answers, a boy.

This method is influenced by many external factors, such as previous surgery or blood transfusion. Experts also recommend planning the conception of a girl during the renewal of the blood of the future father. All calculations today can be carried out in online child conception calculators.

Japanese table for calculating the conception of a girl or a boy

Two tables are given. Who created this method is not known for certain. However, there are opinions that this knowledge has been passed down since ancient times. All that is needed for the first table is the month of birth of the parents.

Mom forums speak positively about the Japanese table, talking about multiple coincidences in the conception of children.

Chinese calendar

Numerous surveys have revealed the reliability of this method, it is recommended in many communities of experienced mothers. The question remains what to do for women over 45, the conception calendar does not fit this category of people.

Finally, the opinion of gynecologists

No one can answer exactly the question of when exactly you need to conceive a child in order to get a girl, this is the opinion of professionals. Therefore, the use of different methods does not always bring good luck. The ovulation method is considered the most reliable among gynecologists, the rest are only auxiliary in nature.

In war, all means are good! So when planning a girl, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the available ways for the appearance of a daughter. Good mood, positive attitude, the chosen method and a positive result will not take long.

For many couples, the gender of the unborn baby is of great importance. Someone wants the first-born heir, someone already has a boy and therefore it is imperative to give birth to a girl. In some cases, the gender of the baby is important for medical reasons, as many incurable diseases have more severe consequences in male children. How to conceive a girl?

X and Y: a bit about biology

The birth of a new life occurs after the egg meets the sperm. The most favorable time for fertilization is the middle of a woman's monthly cycle, when ovulation occurs. The sex of the future baby is determined at the moment of the meeting of the female and male reproductive cells.

After conception, it is possible to find out the sex of the child only by ultrasound.

What determines the gender of the baby? In human genes, there are 2 types of sex chromosomes: X and Y. Women are born with a chromosome pair of XX, men - XY. The carriers of the genetics of the parents are the egg and sperm. The female cell contains only the X chromosome, there are two types of spermatozoa: X and Y.

If the Y-sperm is the first to meet the egg, then a boy will be born. The combination of two X predetermines the appearance of a girl. To the question: “What if I want a girl?”, You can answer simply. It is necessary to make sure that the X-sperm reaches the egg first.

However, can this process be influenced? Many believe it is possible, given that different types of sperm have distinct characteristics. X-carriers are more viable. They can live in the reproductive organs of a woman for up to 6 days. However, Y-spermatozoa are faster, although they retain the ability to live for no more than 24-48 hours.

Methods for conceiving a girl

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However, each of the methods has adherents who claim that it was thanks to him that the woman became 100 percent pregnant with a girl. There are the most popular methods.

Renewal of the blood of parents

Blood is one of the most important components of the human body, so there is a theory that it affects the sex of the child. The gender of the future baby by blood is determined by calculating the time of its renewal according to the Rh factor and group.

If you follow the method of planning the sex of children according to the Rh factor, a child with a double X chromosome will be born to mom and dad with the same Rh. To conceive a daughter by blood type, you should use the following table.

Variant of mixing blood types of parentsMother's blood groupDad's blood group
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 2 4
4 1 3
5 3 1
6 4 2

According to the method based on the cyclical renewal of blood, in order to become pregnant with a girl, the mother needs to have younger blood. It is possible to calculate how much time has passed since the blood was renewed, based on the fact that female blood cells are renewed every 3 years, and male ones - once every 4 years.

An example of calculating the sex of a child: the expectant mother at the time of conception is 25 years old, and the father is 27 (see also:). In order to find out the year of blood renewal, you need to divide the age by 3 or 4. Next, you need to multiply the integer from the resulting figure by the multiplicity of the update.

For a woman: 25: 3 = 8.33 and 8 * 3 = 24. For a man: 27: 4 = 6.75 and 6 * 4 = 24. It turns out that the mother's blood is younger, since it was renewed 1 year ago. Therefore, at the moment there is a high probability of becoming pregnant with a girl.

Ovulation calculator

The method of planning the sex of the baby according to the ovulation schedule is based on the characteristics of different types of spermatozoa. To conceive a girl, it is necessary at the time the egg is ready for fertilization in the woman's reproductive tract to leave only X-spermatozoa. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • you need to calculate the exact day of ovulation;
  • have sexual intercourse 3-5 days before ovulation;
  • refuse sex or use contraception on the day of egg maturation and for the next 3 days.

Thanks to this method, a high probability of successfully giving birth to a child of the desired gender is ensured. However, for the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to know exactly the day of ovulation. The table below describes the methods for determining the day of ovulation, you can also use the calculator.

Mathematical calculationIt is necessary to divide the number of days of the cycle by 2. The resulting figure will be the serial number of the day of the cycle of full maturation of the next egg.For many women, their periods fluctuate at various times in their lives. In this regard, the date of ovulation changes. It is impossible to calculate the moment of the next cycle change.
Measurement of basal temperatureIt is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum daily. On the day of ovulation, the thermometer will rise by 0.5 degrees. Measurements are carried out for several months. With a reliable determination of the duration of the cycle, you can start planning pregnancy.Possible failure of the menstrual period due to diseases. The method requires a long preparation.
Test for hormone levels in urine or saliva2 days before ovulation, there is a change in the level of luteinizing hormone. It is necessary to start testing 5 to 7 days before the expected ovulation.material costs. The level of the hormone also sometimes rises due to gynecological diseases and hormonal disruptions.

Japanese and Chinese calendar

The calendar method for determining the day of conception of a boy or girl has long been used in Japan and China. According to the Chinese calendar, a woman is able to conceive a girl at a certain age and month of the year. However, you need to correctly calculate how old the expectant mother is. To do this, you need to calculate the age since her own conception (add 10 months).

Below is the Chinese table for women under 30. The “+” sign marks the months of the year that ensure the conception of a girl.

Woman's age, yearsOrdinal number of the month of the year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
18 + +
19 + + + +
20 + + +
21 + + + + + + + + + + +
22 + + + + + + + +
23 + + + +
24 + + + + + + +
25 + + + +
26 + + + + + + + +
27 + + + + +
28 + + + + + +
29 + + + + + +
30 + + + + + + + + +

The Japanese calendar takes into account the time of birth of both parents. The favorable time for conception of a baby is determined using two tables. The first determines the serial number of the column, which will indicate the likelihood of a child of a certain gender. Table 1.

The numbers in the table are cyclical. The numbers corresponding to the mother are repeated every 4 lines, and for the father - every 3 columns. For example, in May, the numbers are identical to January, in June - February, and so on. The second table indicates the most favorable months of conception, depending on the result:

  • 1 - October;
  • 2 - November;
  • 3 - December;
  • 4 - June;
  • 5 - July;
  • 6 - August;
  • 7 - March, November;
  • 8 - April, December;
  • 9 - May;
  • 10 - June;
  • 11 - July;
  • 12 - August.

Through diet

Adherents of this method argue that for the birth of a girl, you need to follow a certain diet for 4 months before fertilization. You should eat foods that create an acidified environment in the body of the expectant mother. Nutrition principles:

  • enrich the diet with foods with calcium, iron and magnesium;
  • from meat, give preference to veal and beef;
  • replace juices and soda with tea, cocoa, mineral water;
  • fish is eaten boiled or baked;
  • choose milk, sour cream and cottage cheese from dairy products, completely abandon cheeses and ice cream;
  • do not eat salty bread and crackers;
  • increase the consumption of semolina and rice porridge, exclude corn from the diet;
  • reduce potato consumption;
  • eat a lot of vegetables and fruits (with the exception of tomatoes, cabbage, white beans, zucchini, bananas, melons, oranges, currants, apricots);
  • replace sugar with honey, jam, jams;
  • eat various nuts;
  • refuse dried fruits, smoked meats, semi-finished products, margarine, yeast products.

According to the signs of the zodiac

The method of conception according to the signs of the zodiac is based on the fact that the moon has a great influence on pregnancy. During the month, the celestial body falls under the control of various astrological signs. Among them are women's and men's. Women's include: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio.

If fertilization occurs on the day when the moon falls under the influence of the desired zodiac symbols, the likelihood of a girl being born increases. Equally important is the strength of the sign of the expectant mother. The maternal principle is most active 2-3 days before the birth of the expectant mother according to the lunar calendar.

By douching

Douching is used to create an environment in the vagina that is detrimental to Y sperm but safe for their competitors. For douching, a solution is prepared from 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice and 1 liter of water.

Using a sterile syringe, the vagina is treated with a solution immediately before sexual intercourse. In an acidified environment, spermatozoa with the male gene become incapacitated, and X cells survive. However, when preparing the solution, the dosage must be observed. If you make the liquid too acidic, all male cells will die, and the mucous membrane in the vagina will get an acid burn.

Other Methods

The following methods are also used to conceive a girl:

  • Folk omens. For the birth of a daughter, some spouses attempt to conceive only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. In the people, these days are considered women's, therefore, according to beliefs, a girl should be born. Objects placed under the pillow help to strengthen the effect of folk signs. The expectant mother should put a small mirror, a red ribbon or a comb. It is also recommended to tie an ordinary thread on the little finger of a woman’s right hand, and winter is called the best time to get pregnant with a daughter.
  • Psychological preparation. Parents need to imagine in detail what their daughter will look like: eyes, hair, smile. After sexual intercourse, the mother needs to close her eyes and draw a picture of what will happen during fertilization and pregnancy in her body. In this case, images can be abstract. Reproductive cells can be red lights, after the meeting of which a small star flashed.
  • Slavic technique. If you follow this method, in order to achieve the goal, you need to start the process of conception only in even or odd months. In the case when the mother's age corresponds to an even value, the day of fertilization must coincide with an even month of the year.
  • Correct positions in sex. It is believed that for the birth of a daughter, you need to choose those positions in which the penis does not enter deep into the vagina. The following positions are considered optimal: the woman is on top, the partners lie on their side (the man is behind), the missionary position.

Is there a method with a 100 percent chance of conceiving a daughter?

Sometimes for parents, the birth of a daughter is the only option to have healthy offspring. How to conceive a girl 100 percent? If a couple is at risk of having a child with a genetic disorder, they are advised to turn to preimplantation genetic diagnosis. This method is the only one that provides a 100 percent chance of having a girl.

For fertilization, healthy female cells of the mother and spermatozoa of the father are selected. The female cells are fertilized in the laboratory. After 3 days, experts perform a biopsy of the embryos. They look at which one has a pair of X chromosomes, and it is selected for implantation in the uterus. However, this procedure is expensive and is performed in few clinics.

Many married couples dream of having a girl. Of course, all children are loved, and parents, regardless of the gender of the child born, will give him all the affection and warmth. But sometimes they want to plan everything so that the desired daughter is born. Actually it's doable. The main thing is to know the rules and techniques for conceiving a girl and strictly follow them.

Monthly every healthy woman childbearing age.

This is a natural physiological process that indicates that a woman is not pregnant, as it did not happen even with constant sexual activity.

IMPORTANT! Ovulation is the main criterion for conception.

How to calculate an auspicious day

There are several methods for calculating ovulation for conceiving a girl.

calendar method

This is the most common and accurate way. which helps to determine a favorable day for conception. A woman needs to keep a calendar for several months. It recommends circling the following days:

  • The beginning of menstruation, i.e. first day.
  • The total number of critical days.
  • Last day of menstruation.

Using this method, can be calculated with accuracy optimal ovulation day.

Women's well-being

Ovulation is determined for health reasons. To do this, pay attention to the following signs:

  • . They are thick and viscous in texture, like egg white.
  • Breast enlargement and soreness.
  • Small, .
  • Pink or brown highlights are possible.
  • Changes in eating habits.
  • Aversion to certain smells.

Basal temperature

This method will determine the ideal day for conception girls. A woman should take the temperature in the vagina, rectum or mouth every morning at 6-8 o'clock for 6 months.

All indications are required write in a notebook in the form of a graph. The vertical coordinates will indicate the temperature, the horizontal coordinates will indicate the days of the month. As soon as the temperature rises to 37 degrees and above on the graph, you can have sexual contact.

IMPORTANT! The result will be accurate if the woman's sleep is 6-8 hours.


At the pharmacy, you can buy test strips that have two divisions. They are used to determine LH hormones that are present in the urine on normal days. On the day of ovulation, they cease to be produced, which will be indicated by a slightly noticeable strip on the test.

IMPORTANT! Test strictly morning urine.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

Doctors say that there are favorable days on which you can plan the conception of a child of a certain gender. There is a theory that proved that, if desired, a couple can have a girl. The main thing is right.

During ovulation egg is released from the follicle and moving along the uterus, it is fixed on its wall. Sperms have 24 hours to fertilize an egg.

During sexual intercourse 500 million sperm enter the vagina. But only a small part of them is able to move deeper, bypassing, getting into the fallopian tube. In order to make this short journey, sperm need up to 2.5 hours. They lose their ability to fertilize after 2-7 days.

More mobile and light are those spermatozoa that carry a Y chromosome. This chromosome affects the conception of a boy.

spermatozoa from the female X chromosome are less mobile and take longer to enter the uterus for fertilization.

Despite this, they most often fertilize. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa with a male chromosome have a lower viability and most of them die before reaching the egg.

That is why according to statistics, more girls are born. In order for sperm carrying the X chromosome to survive, it is important to have sexual intercourse a week before ovulation.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to stop sex 3 days before conception.

other methods

A married couple can choose one of the options.

Method of "Youth of Blood"

The blood of each person is renewed during certain years of life. In men, this happens every 4 years, in women - every 3. If you calculate who has rejuvenated blood, you can plan the conception of a girl.

It's easy to calculate. Divide the age of the man by 4, and divide the age of the mother by 3. The data obtained will show whose blood was renewed later. This means that this spouse has healthier and younger blood, which means that the sex of the child will be his.

You can also calculate using the following formula:
Add up the ages of the future father and mother. Multiply the result by 4, and then divide by 3. If there is no remainder by the result or it will be 2, there is a high chance of having a boy. With a remainder of "1" - this is a favorable period for the birth of a girl.

By blood

Knowing the blood type of your partner, you can most likely determine who will be born in the family.

  • With the same blood type, a girl will be born.
  • With different blood types, there is a high probability of having a boy.
  • If the husband and wife have 1 or 2 blood types, there is a big chance to give birth to a girl.

Calendar management

Women need to lead within 3-5 months. They mark the first day of critical days, their total number and the last day. The cycle may fluctuate throughout the year.

There may be more long or shorter periods of menstruation. To accurately calculate the favorable period, it is important to accurately count the days of the menstrual cycle. Then, on the calendar, find the shortest period of menstruation and subtract 16 from the total.

The influence of nutrition on the sex of the child

To increase the chance of conceiving a girl
women are advised to follow a diet. For 3 months of planning a child, you should switch to an alkaline diet.

Its use in large quantities contributes to survival of female X chromosomes. And for male chromosomes, such an environment is dangerous, and they die. Recommended products include:

  • Cabbage
  • Watermelon.
  • Almond.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Quince.
  • Seasonings are spicy.

Folk methods

To create a favorable environment to conceive a girl, women are advised to douche. When douching, vinegar and lemon juice are used, which have a detrimental effect on male chromosomes.

To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a small amount of lemon juice in a liter of water. 250-300 mg of solution is injected into the vagina. After douching, it is important to have sexual contact.

  • Peppermint.
  • Calendula.
  • Lime color.
  • Daisies.

Does it make sense to plan

Using the suggested options you can increase the chance the birth of a daughter. In any case, no matter what gender the child is born, he will be loved and long-awaited.

The birth of a child is a holiday for the whole family, especially for a woman. After all, so much effort, time was spent on bearing it, and now you can breathe a sigh of relief that everything is left behind, and new troubles and worries are ahead. For some, the gender of the child does not matter, for others it matters. And if dads almost always want a boy, then many mothers think about ways to conceive a girl. This is especially desirable for those women who become pregnant for the first time.

This is largely due to the peculiarity of communication with your child. Most women want to see their daughters beautiful. To do this, they buy them appropriate outfits, they like to braid the girls' pigtails, and when they grow up, to keep secrets with them. Men, on the other hand, prefer to raise a child in such a way as to prepare him for life.

What determines the gender of the child?

The sex of the child depends on which spermatozoon managed to fertilize the egg. But what is typical. in a female egg there is only one type of chromosome - X, while in male germ cells one of two types can be contained: X or Y. That is, when an egg meets a sperm cell with an X chromosome, a girl (XX) will be born, and Y - boy (XY).

It turns out that the sex of the child is completely dependent on the father, and the days of conception of the girl have nothing to do with it?! This is partly true and the role of the mother in this regard is practically reduced to a minimum. But in women, after conception, the most crucial stage in her life begins.

At the same time, male germ cells have different properties:

  • Spermatozoa with the X chromosome are distinguished by an oval head, low speed of movement and a long lifespan - about three days.
  • Spermatozoa with a Y-chromosome already have a round head, they are very fast, but they live less - no more than a day.

But isn't a woman able to influence who will eventually be born? Answer: yes, it can, but for this you need to correctly calculate ovulation (fertilization). In the end, you may be lucky and the desired girl will be born.

Are there ways?

If a woman wants to become pregnant with her daughter (or everyone in the family adheres to this decision) and has even already chosen the approximate date for the conception of a girl, then specialists from the antenatal clinic will be able to help in this matter. A knowledgeable doctor will suggest some methods of conception, from which a woman will be able to choose the necessary option depending on the situation. But it is worth noting that it is not so easy to deceive nature and completely take control of the situation.

Both moms and dads need, first of all, to understand something. The methods listed below do not give a 100% result, but will only slightly increase the chances of success. This is due to the fact that the entire process of fertilization proceeds in accordance with complex physical and chemical mechanisms that are difficult to influence external factors.

special diet

One way to achieve the birth of a daughter is to follow a special diet for conceiving a girl. And you need to start it in a few months. The influence will be exerted not by the preference of certain products, but by the regularity of their use and the quality of the dishes prepared.

A healthy diet and lifestyle will not only allow you to give birth to the desired girl, but the likelihood of various pathologies will be reduced to zero. This applies not only to women, if dad also wants to see a healthy child, then he should give up bad habits for a while, which will improve the quality of his biological material.

The essence of a special diet is the creation of an acidic microflora in the female body, which has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa with a Y chromosome. Whereas slower brothers are more tenacious. Now, in fact, the diet itself for conceiving a girl:

  • Meat (beef, lamb or veal) in limited quantities. Some women even try to do without it.
  • Yeast-free pastries, including sweet ones.
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, cheese) and eggs.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • It is recommended to use nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts).

Now you should familiarize yourself with what should not be in the diet. In particular, this applies to salted and smoked dishes, potatoes and legumes. In addition, in no case do not drink alcohol and completely abandon cigarettes. And, of course, this applies to both parents if they want the birth of God's healthy girl. In addition, "female" spermatozoa are more susceptible to harmful substances.

How to calculate ovulation to conceive a girl

As is now known, the sex of the child depends on the viability of spermatozoa. A woman can become pregnant regardless of the day of the cycle, however, conception can only be on one specific day. Actually, for this, you need to keep an ovulation schedule. The very method of conceiving a female child was developed by Dr. Landrum Shetles, and she glorified him all over the world. There is practically nothing complicated in it, and the only difficulty lies in determining ovulation.

It is easier for those women who are precisely aware of the duration of the menstrual cycle, since you can simply divide the value by 2. That is, if the cycle takes 30 days, then the final result - ovulation will occur on day 15.

In other cases, you can use special tests that are used to determine ovulation. Their principle of action is similar to those means that detect pregnancy. The result is basically always reliable.

There are also calculators for conceiving a girl. It can be used by anyone who is good "friends" with computer technology. This is a special software, with the help of which the most suitable time for sexual intercourse is selected so that a daughter is born. Finding it is not difficult - just enter the appropriate query into any search engine.

Fine calculation

In addition, you can resort to another method - measuring basal temperature. It is better to practice a little in advance to determine that very day "X" for a certain number of cycles. Why is it necessary to regularly (preferably every early morning) measure the temperature of the anus, starting from the very first day of menstruation.

All data must be entered into the schedule, which will allow you to calculate ovulation for conceiving a girl. As a result, by the end of the month, two phases can be clearly traced in it:

  • before ovulation - temperature 36.4-36.7 C °;
  • ovulation - temperature 37.0-37.5 C °.

Moreover, the temperature, as in the latter case, will be maintained until the onset of a new cycle. Just keep in mind that the indicators can be influenced by some factors, including:

  • stressful situations;
  • the presence of colds;
  • taking alcohol or medications;
  • intimacy the night before.

The essence of the method

Actually how to calculate the conception of a girl? In order for the probability of its occurrence to be as high as possible, intimacy should be 3-4 days before ovulation. Immediately before the onset of ovulation, as well as within three days after it, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse. As a last resort, sex should be protected.

Thanks to such a tight schedule, the slower "female" spermatozoa will be able to survive, and one of them will definitely get to their goal. "Male" counterparts will no longer be able to fertilize the egg.

What is the lunar calendar? This is an invaluable assistant for many families who dream of a healthy and strong child. In addition, as experts in the field of astrology assure, the moon will help with the conception of a child of the desired gender. And for this it is worth choosing the "favorable" days of the lunar calendar.

The method of conceiving a girl according to a calendar of this type is not new, since it has existed for several millennia. It was successfully used by many more ancient peoples to grow strong, strong and hardy warriors, excellent heirs to the throne. In addition, the conception of most of the historical figures that are known all over the world was carried out precisely according to the lunar calendar.

What a woman needs to know

Every expectant mother, however, this applies to both parents, should know that often the process of conception occurs on the growing moon. It is during this period that the female body is strongest, strongest and best prepared for fertilization. At the same time, if the ovulation process occurs after the full moon (second phase), then the chances of a successful pregnancy are significantly reduced.

It is very important how a woman is in harmony with herself, with her body and mind. And all that is needed for this is to adhere to a healthy diet, avoid stressful situations, which will save your nerves and react more calmly to various troubles. In this case, you can expect that the conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar will go smoothly.

Rapprochement with nature will allow a woman to strengthen her energy. But in order for the calendar to be able to give the desired result, it is necessary to know how long the menstrual cycle lasts, as well as when ovulation occurs. If necessary, this process can be transferred to the first phase of the moon. And only a gynecologist can help with this.

Desired gender of the child and his character

If the female sex of the child is so important, then the “favorable” days for this can be considered:

  • 2 lunar day;

Also here can be attributed those days when the moon is in a certain sign of the zodiac:

  • Virgo.
  • Calf.
  • Fish.
  • Capricorn.
  • Scorpion.

According to many scientists and astrologers, the lunar day when conception occurred can have a significant impact. Moreover, his role will be as important as the birthday of the child. You can warn his character by referring to the usual calendar. It has 30 days, each of which is able to influence human life in a certain way. How this might look is shown below:

  1. You can conceive an active and strong child.
  2. Favors the conception of a girl.
  3. A child may be born who has an explosive, uncontrollable character (earlier on this day, the conception of warriors took place).
  4. The child may become lazy and develop a passive attitude towards life.
  5. The baby may have a difficult fate.
  6. The most favorable, since children are born balanced and objectively evaluate the world around them.
  7. A healthy and full-fledged child will appear who will be successful in medicine or science.
  8. A difficult fate may also be added to it.
  9. Better to avoid it.
  10. It is also a favorable time, as the child will inherit all the best from his parents.
  11. An active and healthy baby will appear.
  12. It is not enough to know how to calculate the conception of a girl, a positive attitude of the parents is necessary. Only with this approach, the child will develop a good intuition.
  13. The child may subsequently develop a passion for bad habits (alcohol, drugs).
  14. The child will be protected by a strong guardian angel.
  15. Strong and uncontrollable character, which is more characteristic of boys.
  16. The disposition of the child will be harmonious and accommodating.
  17. It is better to avoid alcohol, as the child will not only be an alcoholic, but also a con man.
  18. The child will be hardworking and share individual charisma, which will allow him to become a favorite.
  19. The boys will have honor and courage.
  20. Unfavorable, because the child may have a bad temper.
  21. The chances of having a boy are very high.
  22. It also contributes to the conception of a girl who will be born strong and purposeful. Perhaps she will turn out to be a very successful woman, practically in no way inferior to men.
  23. High risk of gene mutation.
  24. A healthy baby can be born even to those couples for whom this is not the first attempt.
  25. It is favorable for conception, but the child can become lazy, slow, in addition, he will have an unstable psyche.
  26. Fully favors the child: a successful and happy life, filled with fame and fortune.
  27. Not the most suitable, as the risks of various diseases are high.
  28. The child will be lucky, at the same time lazy and careless.
  29. Better to avoid it completely.
  30. Not suitable for conceiving a girl or even a boy: the child will also be lazy and unadapted to life.

Thus, it is already possible to draw the only correct conclusion for oneself, which will allow not only to determine on which days the feminine principle will be laid, but what character can be expected from your daughter. Of course, the most favorable lunar days for the birth of a full-fledged child are: 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 26. An adult will have such qualities as strength and courage, he will accompany success and good luck, and his health can be envied. This method is no worse than a girl's conception calculator and will allow you to achieve what you want.

But these days are best avoided: 4, 8, 9, 13, 20, 23, 27, 29, 30. In this case, the child will be more lazy, he will be intractable, even aggressive. In addition, it is unlikely that he can boast of good health.

Small disclaimer

For the most part, the method of conception in accordance with the lunar calendar is suitable for those people who are fond of astrology and obsessed with faith in fate. It should only be taken into account that the desired result is not always obtained and it is not worth fully relying on this method. At the same time, the popularity of the lunar calendar is quite high, and this indicates its veracity.

It makes no sense to bother yourself with how to calculate the conception of a girl if all attempts do not turn out to be successful over a long period of time. It is better to give up all attempts to calculate lunar days and visit a doctor. And the sooner this happens, the better.

Eastern folk technique

A few centuries ago, the Chinese came up with a special table according to which you can conceive a child of a certain gender. The so-called Chinese calendar has several significant advantages:

  • simple and clear use;
  • you can determine the sex of the child regardless of the gestational age;
  • you can plan the desired gender;
  • according to the assurances of the Chinese themselves, the reliability of the method is up to 98%.

The table is shown below.

As can be seen from the figure, the horizontal top line is a listing of all 12 months, and in the left vertical column is the age of the woman (18-45 years). The Eastern people believed that the sex of the child mainly depends on the mother, so the table takes into account the conception of a girl by the age of the mother.

The calculation should not raise questions. In the left column, the desired value of a woman is selected, for example, 21 years old. The month for conception is selected in the top line, and the sex of the child will be at their intersection. In this example

However, some women are not inclined to trust this method and regard it only as entertainment. Perhaps another table created by the Japanese will be useful for them. More on that below.

Japanese technique

In Japan, in ancient times, a table was also used as in China, only it had its own and two of them. Pictures below.

First you need to combine the month of birth of the mother and father. At the place of their suppression there will be a number - a family figure. For example, for a woman it is March, and for a man it is February, then the number 11 is obtained. Now you need to use the second calendar. The conception of a girl or a boy is determined directly by him. His example is below.

Here you need to pay attention to the vertical columns that contain the months. Find your vertical column under the number 11. According to her, the most favorable time for conceiving a female child is in the month of July.

favorable position

For some, this may seem strange, but there are special poses that also contribute to the appearance of a girl, not a boy. It is necessary to ensure a shallow penetration, which will allow the male sex cells of category X to calmly and especially slowly reach their goal. In particular, we are talking about such provisions as:

  • missionary position;
  • "spoon";
  • the woman lies on her stomach, with her back to the man;
  • the woman is in a position on top and also with her back to the man.

In addition to choosing the best position for conceiving a girl, a woman needs to control herself a little and try to avoid a violent orgasm. As you know, thoughts are material, so it’s worth trying at this time to visually imagine the desired future daughter.


It makes no sense to fully rely on all of the above methods, since, as already noted above, it is rather difficult to influence the entire process. And if, despite all efforts, in the end, a boy was still born, it is worth accepting him, because you can say nature itself gave the family the most precious thing that can be in our life. The main thing is to love him in the same way as the desired daughter and fully devote all your parental love to him.

And the turn will also come to her, and probably, at the right time, again using different methods of conceiving a girl by months or other options, you will achieve what you want.

It is believed that the birth of a boy is a great joy, especially for a newly-made dad. But many families that already have sons want to “dilute the male team” and seek to conceive a girl.

People are looking for different ways to do this: they calculate the favorable days of the menstrual cycle for conceiving a daughter, they check with the lunar calendar. Some turn to ancient practices from the Kama Sutra, try different positions, and even perform gynecological procedures.

But is it really possible to influence the gender of the unborn child? How often do couples who practice various methods of planning the baby's gender succeed in this?

Is it possible to calculate the sex of the child before conception

In fact, parents cannot influence the gender of the child. Suffice it to recall the lessons of biology, namely, the process of merging an egg with a sperm. The sex of an embryo is determined by a male cell that contains either an X or a Y chromosome.

The egg carries only the X chromosome. If a sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes her, then a daughter will be born. The meeting of a female cell with a sperm cell with a Y chromosome will lead to the birth of a son.

Important! With natural conception, it is impossible to predict the sex of the baby, because. at the time of ejaculation, millions of male germ cells with both types of chromosomes move towards the egg. It is almost impossible to influence which of them will reach the goal.

All existing methods of sex planning, except for assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization), have little to do with science. And some of them border on superstition and ignorance.

Even if parents managed to conceive a daughter using one of the methods, this does not give them the right to consider it 100 percent effective. This is just a statistical coincidence, since the probability of having a son and a daughter is always 50/50.

Ways to conceive a girl

However, in different cultures and even in modern practice, methods for planning the desired gender are known.

The more rational ones are based on the menstrual cycle and days of ovulation.

By day of ovulation

The method of planning a baby of the desired gender on the day of ovulation has a certain scientific justification. It is believed that sperm with the X chromosome are not as mobile, but survive more easily in the acidic environment of the vagina. Cells with a Y chromosome (male) are more mobile, but die faster.

It is advisable to have sex a few days before ovulation so that more tenacious spermatozoa with the female chromosome remain in the female genital tract, and all male spermatozoa die. Therefore, the ideal period for conceiving a girl is 1-4 days before ovulation. This is how long, on average, a spermatozoon lives in the female genital tract.

Attention! There is no guarantee that this method will work. Many women have an unstable menstrual cycle, and ovulation may occur earlier or later than expected.

How to calculate

It is necessary to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days, and the duration of bleeding is 3-5 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle - from 11 to 15 days after the onset of menstruation.

For the birth of a daughter, sexual intimacy between spouses must occur from four days before the expected release of the egg, i.e. 8-12 days after the start of menstruation. For example, menstruation began on August 10. The probable release of the egg from the ovary falls on August 21-25. Therefore, you can conceive a daughter from August 18 to 21.

According to the "youth" of blood

On the Internet there is a description of the method of planning a son or daughter according to the so-called “blood youth”. It is believed that blood tends to be renewed: for men every 4 years, for women - once every 3 years. The sex of the one whose blood is "younger" at the time of fertilization will determine the sex of the heir.

For example, the father is 28 years old, the mother is 24 years old. Simple arithmetic will allow you to calculate that a man has gone through 7 renewal cycles, and a woman - 8. That is. the mother's blood is "younger" than the father's, and they will have a daughter.

By blood groups and Rh factors

Some people argue that it is easy to calculate the sex of the planned baby by the blood type of the parents. There are even different tables and online calculators that compare groups and Rh parents.

What this method is based on is not completely known. Some sources say that it was invented by the approximate soothsayer Vanga, who for many years collected prediction statistics and compared the blood types of her parents.

In practice, this method does not stand up to scrutiny. After all, many couples already have both sons and daughters, including twins of different sexes. According to the logic of this method, all parents should have either sons or daughters.

According to the lunar calendar

It is believed that the female menstrual and lunar cycles are connected. The moon is in one sign of the zodiac for about one day.

Astrologers divide all zodiac constellations into male and female:

  • Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius are male signs;
  • The female signs belong to the elements of Water and Earth: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

The nature of the sign in which the Moon is at the time of sexual intercourse will theoretically determine the sex of the unborn baby.

In practice, this method also does not work. After all, every day both boys and girls are born, despite the current lunar sign.

Chinese calendar

The Chinese suggest using a table that compares the age of a woman and the month in which conception occurred. Gender is indicated at the intersection of rows and columns. For example, if the mother is 20 years old at the time of pregnancy planning, and fertilization occurred in February, then the sex of the baby, according to the table, will be male. A 24-year-old woman who decided to conceive a baby in May will have a daughter.

Although the Beijing Institute of Sciences guarantees 97% reliability of this method, it does not work for all parents. Again, according to the theory of probability, either a son or a daughter can always be born. If the gender of the baby matches the values ​​in the table, this is a statistical match.

Japanese tables

The Japanese gender selection table method is similar to Chinese, but more complex. First you need to find the woman's birth month and match it with the man's birth month. There is a number on the crosshairs of columns and rows. It must be compared with the month of conception in the second table.

This method provides for statistical variability. For example, if the expectant mother was born in February, and the father in October, then at the intersection of the column and row in the first table we get the number 10. We correlate it with conception in March. According to the second table, we see that at the intersection of columns and rows, the probability of the birth of both a son and a daughter is the same.

Vinegar douche

There is another method of influencing the sex of the planned baby with the help of vaginal douching, which must be done before sex. It is believed that spermatozoa carrying the Y-chromosome (male) do not survive in the acidic environment of the vagina, while germ cells with the X-chromosome (female) react poorly to an alkaline environment, but feel better in an acidic environment.

Therefore, if you wash the vagina with an acid solution, you will increase the likelihood of having a daughter, because. there should be more female spermatozoa than male ones. The recipe for the solution is as follows: 2 tablespoons of acetic acid per 1 liter of boiled water.

Attention! This way of planning the floor not only does not justify itself, but also carries a health risk. Violation of the natural microflora of the vagina after douching is fraught with the development of thrush and increases the likelihood of a bacterial vaginal infection.

Poses for conceiving a daughter

The idea that the position of a man and a woman during sex affects the sex of the baby is quite ancient. But if we turn to science and logic, it becomes clear that nothing depends on this. The position of the bodies of future parents during sex does not in any way affect which sperm reaches the egg first.

According to some Eastern ideas (India, China), the dominant position of a woman during intercourse contributes to the birth of a girl. And vice versa: if a man plays a leading role during intercourse, then this increases the likelihood of having a boy.

Therefore, in order to conceive a daughter, you need to choose the following poses:

  1. The woman is facing her partner from above (the so-called rider).
  2. The woman is on top with her back to her partner (inverted rider).

The partner can transfer the weight of the body to her knees or squat.

Attention! Some doctors claim that the reverse cowgirl position increases the chance of conception in general, especially if the partner has a uterine inversion.

There is another interpretation of the method of planning the sex of the baby by choosing a pose. Male spermatozoa (containing the Y-chromosome) are more mobile and reach their target much faster. With deep penetration, ejaculation occurs directly near the cervix, and fast male spermatozoa usually outstrip slow female ones.

But if they have to travel a greater distance, this leads to the death of most germ cells with a Y chromosome. The less mobile but more durable X chromosome is more likely to connect with the egg. Therefore, for the birth of a girl, you need to choose a position that provides relatively shallow penetration (missionary, on your side facing each other, “spoons”).

Diet and nutritional features for conceiving a girl

It is assumed that food also affects the gender of the unborn baby. For example, both parents for the birth of a daughter should eat foods that contain a large amount of calcium and magnesium, but reduce the amount of foods with a high concentration of potassium and sodium. Exactly how this affects sperm and eggs is unknown.

But if you want to try this method for yourself, you need to lean on:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • fish;
  • leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce);
  • sesame and sesame oil;
  • rice, semolina;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot.

According to popular belief, eating red meat increases the likelihood of having a son, because. this product has a more rough "male" energy. Dairy products, especially sweet ones (condensed milk, cottage cheese), as well as fruits, have a “softer” female energy and contribute to the birth of a daughter.

And what does science say - the method of genetic diagnostics

The choice of the sex of the unborn child is not always determined by the desire of the parents. Some hereditary and genetic diseases that are present in one or both parents are inherited by the male or female fetus.

For example, boys suffer from hereditary hemophilia or Ducher's dystrophy. If parents are carriers of hereditary diseases, doctors recommend choosing the female gender of the embryo.

With the help of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) - in vitro fertilization - it is quite possible to influence the sex of the unborn baby. There is a method of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, when a fertilized egg at the division stage is diagnosed within two days. If the embryo is female, it is transplanted from the test tube into the uterus.


It is impossible to influence the gender of the future baby and give birth to a boy or a girl “to order”. All methods based on calculating the day of ovulation, lunar days, various tables are pseudo-scientific. In practice, they don't work. Even if some couples manage to conceive a girl using one of the methods, this does not confirm its effectiveness.