How to curl your hair without a curling iron. How to make small curls at home without a curling iron or curlers. Using an iron

Curled hair softens your facial features and gives your hair a festive look. However, we are all accustomed to the fact that beautiful curls are the result of long efforts and discomfort. After all, sleeping all night with curlers is not a task for the weak, and curling curls with a hair dryer or straightener requires a certain skill. In addition, heat styling significantly damages them.

There are simple ways to create chic curls without the use of any thermal devices and a colossal loss of time. An important fact is that it is important for women to remain in all their beauty even with curled hair. After all, many people remember a woman in a dressing gown and with curlers in her hair as a standard of how a woman should not look, even at home.

Little tricks

Maybe someone wondered why thermal devices can be used to achieve one or another hairstyle. This is due to the hydrogen bonds that are present in every hair. They are extremely weak. When exposed to heat from an iron or hair dryer, hydrogen bonds are destroyed, and when cooled, they are restored and fix the hair in the position in which it finds itself. Thus, these connections are responsible for the shape of our hairstyle.

But our task is to do without these devices. It turns out that hydrogen bonds in the hair are also destroyed when it gets wet. This is why it is important, say, when twisting your hair into a braid, to first moisten it a little. You've probably noticed that hair curled, for example, in curlers, even for a very long time, holds its shape very poorly or does not curl at all. This situation is created because in this case the hydrogen bonds are not destroyed and fixed in a new position.

However, do not overdo it - the strands need to be moistened, and not heavily wetted.

Otherwise, those strands that are in the middle will not have time to dry and the hydrogen bonds will not be restored, and as a result you will get a very weak curl.

After wetting the strands, you can (and those whose hair doesn’t hold its shape well, even need to) sprinkle them with hairspray or apply a little mousse. This measure will create additional fixation.

When developing your hair, never comb it with a comb, otherwise it will become fluffy. It is better to separate your hair into curls with your hands. Moreover, try to carefully form the curl with your fingers and lay it in the desired direction, and then sprinkle it with varnish.

It is important to remember that an excessive amount of varnish, and indeed styling products in general, makes the curl heavier, so you need to not overdo it, otherwise it will simply fall off. For curls, it is better to use an elastic fixation varnish so that the hairstyle does not stick together, remains mobile and at the same time retains its shape.

How can you create beautiful curls at home?

There are several ways to create curls at home.

For medium hair

Beautiful large curls can be obtained by dividing your hair into strands and wrapping them in a ring, as if using curlers, and reaching the roots, securing them with bobby pins. Of course, if you make such a design before going to bed, it is unlikely to remain intact and unharmed in the morning. Therefore, if you have a festive event planned for the evening, it is better to twirl such rings in the morning.

For both medium and long hair, you can create wavy hair by braiding it. The smaller the braid (for example, their beach version), the smaller the wave. One nuance - after parsing the braids, the tip, as a rule, remains uncurled. To avoid this, you need to braid the braid to the very end of the hair. If this is not possible, then it is better to curl the tip using strips of fabric. This is a fairly quick and easy option for getting curls.

You can curl your curls beautifully using the “spiral” technique. To do this, you need to divide your hair into strands and tie it, for example, with a regular scarf. Then divide the resulting tail into two halves and wrap it tightly around the ends of the scarf. This way you will get spirals. To prevent them from developing, it is better to secure them at the base of the tail with hairpins.

An excellent curling option for medium hair would be the so-called “donut”. To do this, gather them in a ponytail, put the donut on its base and evenly begin to push your hair under the donut, securing it with bobby pins. As a result, the “donut” will be completely covered by hair.

With the same success, you can use an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle. To do this, you need to comb your hair, put an elastic band on top, push your hair under it and secure it. As a result, you get a fashionable hairstyle, and subsequently a beautiful curl.

For long

If you have long hair, you probably do a hairstyle like a ponytail. A very beautiful curl is obtained if you gather them into a ponytail, twist it into a rope and secure it with hairpins and/or bobby pins; you can also put a special mesh on top. It is worth noting that you will kill two birds with one stone - you will get a beautiful hairstyle called “snail”, as well as a beautiful hairstyle after you sort out the first one.

But there is one “but” here - when creating a curl in this way, the strand is usually twisted in one direction, so after it is taken apart, the curls end up curled either in the right or in the left direction. To avoid this, you can do the following: gather your hair in a high ponytail, divide it into two equal parts and twist the strands either towards the face or away from the face. Then secure the strands around the tail with hairpins or bobby pins; in this case, it is better to put on a mesh and secure the structure again with hairpins.

There are several variations of this hairstyle. We invite you to choose the one most suitable for you:

  • Divide the hair with a straight parting from the center of the forehead to the center of the lower occipital region inclusive. Gather both parts into tails. In this case, you can either fasten each of them with rubber bands and then twist them into bundles, or twist them into bundles straight away.
  • Next, you need to secure the structure in the same way as in the previous one - with pins and bobby pins; if desired, you can put a mesh on each “bump”.

The first two points are more suitable if you want to create a hairstyle with curls, for example, fasten curled hair on both sides with hairpins or secure part of the hair at the back of the head and leave the rest loose. Since some hair in these cases will curl far from the root and therefore good root volume will not work.

The following variation is suitable for creating curls on loose hair:

  • To do this, you need to divide your hair into separate sections. This must be done in such a way that the roots of the hair look up, without securing these strands with an elastic band (to avoid creases), twist them into a bundle and secure with bobby pins or hairpins.
  • In this case, do not separate the crown and crown areas with partings. Otherwise, after parsing the strands and forming the curls, your hairstyle will fall apart along these partings.
  • It is better to divide the hair in this way: one strand in the middle on the crown, one in the middle on the crown, one or two (depending on the amount of hair in this area) on the temporal areas, the occipital area can be divided in half and make four symmetrical strands, again depending on the amount of hair in this area.

After dismantling this design and shaping the curls, you will get a chic Hollywood hairstyle that is lush at the roots.

If you need bouncy curls, then perhaps you can’t do without curlers. But sleeping on them is quite difficult, and you risk not getting enough sleep at all. In this case, you can resort to the following technique:

  • Rag curlers can be made from beautiful strips of fabric to match the color of your loungewear. To create curls in this way, you need to divide your hair into strands. The main thing to remember is that the root of the hair should look up in order to get a good root volume after parsing.
  • Just as in the previous description, it is better not to part in the middle of the crown and crown, since the hairstyle will end up falling apart along it in this place, unless, of course, this is not intended by your hairstyle.
  • You can tie them with a bow and then you will get a rather attractive home hairstyle. To get a perfectly even curl, separate all strands evenly.

To create beautiful curls on long hair, “Safista-twist” is perfect: To do this, you need to collect your hair in a ponytail. Then insert it into the slot, twist it starting from the end and secure the “safista” at the base. This will not be difficult, since a flexible wire is inserted around the perimeter of this product.

You will get an interesting “wave” hairstyle, If you gather your hair into a ponytail, secure it at the base with a scarf and wind this ponytail alternately around one or the other end of the scarf, at the end the structure must be secured in any way convenient for you.

Inventive girls who want to have beautifully curly locks know how to make small curls at home without curlers, curling irons or flat irons.

Making beautiful curls at home

There are several completely harmless methods, after using which the curls will remain healthy and beautiful. Sometimes “grandmother’s” advice is much more correct and safer than newfangled technologies.

In search of an answer to the question of how to make small curls at home without a curling iron or curlers, you can curl your strands in a bun. To do this, they are moistened with water, gathered into a ponytail, twisted into a rope tightly and pinned with a hairpin. The more buns you make, the smaller the curls you will get.

The point of any field curling method is to leave the curls in a curved state for a while. This way they will get the desired bend. It is enough to wait 6 to 8 hours before removing the pins and unwinding the harnesses. After this, the hair is beaten by hand and coated with varnish to ensure a lasting effect. It is very convenient to carry out all the necessary preparations in the evening and go to bed, and in the morning give your hair the desired shape.

Curls using fabric

The previous method is quite convenient, but there are many more equally good methods. How to make small curls at home using improvised materials? Even ordinary fabric can serve as an auxiliary material. Those who have watched films about ancient times have probably seen women walking around with cloth curlers. Even noble court ladies did not neglect this method, so it makes sense to learn a little wisdom from them.

Although in the process the head looks quite funny, the result is that the fair sex is simply charming when the elastic curls bounce slightly in time with her steps and movements and smoothly roll down her shoulders. How to make small curls at home quickly and with the least amount of energy?


It is best to take cotton fabric, since synthetics are slippery. You shouldn’t worry too much about a substitute for curlers. It could just be unnecessary fabric. We cut it into strips. The procedure itself will take no more than 15 minutes.

First, wash your hair with shampoo, pouring plenty of water. Then the mop is combed, divided into small strands, the ends of which are laid on the fabric. This method answers the question that interests many girls: how to make small curls at home from the roots.

We roll the strand to the very base to get an impressive volume as a result. To secure, the ends of the fabric are tied into a knot. The same is done with the remaining strands until all the hair is curled. Again, the more rags you use, the smaller the curls will be.

The curls are then given time to dry. This usually takes 6-12 hours. This scatter is due to the fact that the atmospheric temperature and the thickness of the strand have a significant impact on the period. After removing the rags, straighten the curls with your fingers and use varnish to fix them.

This is a fairly convenient way to make small curls at home. Photos of women who used it show that their hair looks no worse than Marilyn Monroe, despite the simplicity of the technology.

So you can look good by doing it yourself and without spending a lot of money on treatments in a beauty salon. Moreover, every day, and not just on holidays and important events.

Instead of fabric, they often use paper that does not unravel from water, even tubes that come with juice, and caps from felt-tip pens. In a word, there would be a desire to be beautiful, but there will always be methods.

Curls in stiletto heels

Hairpins are a classic auxiliary material in hairdressing against the background of fabric. How to make small curls at home using them? To moisten the mop, use a spray bottle. Then it is divided into small strands. This way you can achieve the best effect, that is, small curls. They curl inwards like curlers.

When they reach the base, fix the resulting ring using a bobby pin or hairpin. The same manipulation is done with the remaining strands. It is not advisable to move too actively after this. It's better to wrap your hair with a towel or scarf and go to bed. In the morning, when you free your curls from pins and bobby pins, you can admire the beauty of your hairstyle, add the final neat touches by fluffing it with your hands and using fixing varnish.

We use a bandage

How to make small curls at home using a headband? This method is effective if you want to create an evening or daily hairstyle. The fabric strip is placed on the head. The hair ends up under the elastic and does not get into the face. They are moistened with water. The hair is divided into thin strands. Each of them is twisted and tucked under the fabric.

It turns out to be a kind of chain, since the tip of each new ring is hidden in the previous one. A couple of hours are allotted for waiting. After unwinding, they look light and elegant, and spring beautifully when walking.

Curling braids

One of the reasons to refuse curlers is their inconvenience. It’s not very comfortable to sleep when you’re spinning on the pillow and don’t know how to lie down so that nothing puts pressure on you. Sometimes after using them, girls wake up with a slight headache, which prevents them from fully enjoying their own beauty and anticipation of the coming day.

How to make small curls at home so that you can sleep like a baby without unnecessary inconvenience? Everything ingenious is simple. One of the most common and simplest ways to curl your hair is braids. The splendor and volume of your hairstyle are guaranteed. There is no damage to the hair, as well as to general well-being.

First, wash your hair using shampoo and wet your hair well with water. Then create at least ten strands so that the curls come out small. Braid braids and put elastic bands on their ends. For better fixation, use varnish already at this stage. After this, you can go to bed peacefully. In the morning, the braids are unraveled, curls are formed from them and varnish is used again to maintain the required shape.

For short hair

Braids are an almost flawless method, with the only caveat that it is not very suitable for owners of bobs. How to make small curls at home on short hair? Flagella are suitable for this.

Girls spend no more than a few minutes to create them. The hair is moistened with running water, divided into strands, from which tight flagella are formed, which are wound into small bundles. Pins are used for fixation.

At this point, you can go to bed or just wait 8 to 12 hours. After this time, the curls are freed from the hairpins, and the flagella unwind. Only the finishing touches remain to form the styling.

We secure the strands with clamps

A hair clip is often used as an aid in creating graceful curls. This is a safe replacement for curlers and curling irons that damage the protective covering.

After washing your hair and dividing the curls into separate strands, they are twisted into strands and secured with a crab. This is done with each part of the mop. In the morning all that remains is to untwist the rings and do the styling.

It is worth noting that sleeping is not very comfortable. In this sense, the method is not much better than curlers. The clamp can even be accidentally crushed by pressing too hard with your head. So in this regard, it is much better to use fabric or braids that are tolerant of various night turns and movements.

Create curls using a spikelet

Another method often used in the field is the spikelet, which is used to create an elegant wave. It’s good if you know how to braid it yourself or if someone lives with you who can help with this.

The method differs from creating a conventional hairstyle of this type by using a piece of cotton fabric. A spray bottle is used to moisturize the curls. The hair is divided into separate zones. There will be several spikelets, so each one has its own cloth. The strands are wrapped with a bandage. Weaving begins. The tip is placed inside and secured with an elastic band. In the morning, the hair comes loose and is slightly tousled with the fingers. To fix the effect, use varnish.

With the help of these methods and the simple manipulations that they imply, a woman can look charming and elegant every day. It makes sense to try each of them to decide on the one you like best, or just always be different and unique.

A beautiful hairstyle is the dream of every girl. Every day a woman invents incredible images on her head. The main thing is that the hair looks beautiful and captivates the eyes of men. In everyday life, girls braid their hair, make ponytails and straighten their hair with an iron. But sometimes you want variety. Curls often come to the rescue in such a situation: large flowing curls, small curls, neat gentle waves. Whatever they are, the hairstyle always looks impressive. Only if you lay it out correctly.

Some representatives of the fair sex do not have special hair curling devices in their “arsenal”, and some are afraid of harming their hair with their help. But what to do if it’s not possible, but you really want a hairstyle in the form of curls.

Many people simply don’t know how to curl their hair without curlers and curling irons, using improvised means. Although this is quite realistic, and the effect of such a curl will pleasantly surprise you.

Curling methods without curling irons and curlers

Before you start curling, you need to understand the damage that all kinds of stylers cause to your hair. It's no secret that heat treatment has a detrimental effect on the hair. For this reason, everyday use of stylers can lead to disastrous consequences:

  • the hair loses its shine and becomes dull;
  • split ends;
  • hair loses moisture and becomes brittle;
  • the hairstyle ceases to be thick;
  • When heated, not only the hair is damaged, but also its follicles. As a result, hair stops growing and tends to fall out.

​Many people prefer hot rollers, citing the fact that it is safe. Curlers are indeed safer than curling irons, but they also cause some harm to the hair:

  • when the hair is pulled tightly, blood circulation in the head worsens;
  • winding curlers on wet hair leads to thinning curls.

Choose a curling iron with a ceramic coating, and when choosing curlers, opt for velor material.

The hairstyle will last longer if you curl the curls on clean, wet hair. While washing your hair, do not recommended use balm.

Do not press the curls close to the hair roots. Back off 1-2 cm. After curling your curls, do not comb your hair. Shape your hair and spray with hairspray. Use varnish only for fixation on dry strands.

To consolidate the result when curling, use foam or mousse. Try to curl your curls in one direction, preferably on behalf of.

Girls with medium length hair get the best curls.

The easiest ways to create curls

  1. Hairdryer and comb. Divide your hair into equal sections. Twist the strands around the comb one at a time and dry with hot air from a hairdryer. As a result, you should get voluminous curls. This method is one of the most effective.
  2. Fingers of the hand. Divide damp, clean hair into strands and treat them with gel or mousse. Wrap it around 2 fingers and hold. Then straighten the strand and shape it. Dry with a hairdryer.
  3. Paper. Wash your hair and wait until your curls are barely damp. Take a sheet of paper and cut it into small longitudinal pieces, forming curlers. Twist the curls around them and secure them with a bobby pin. Leave for 8-10 hours. If you take small strands, you will get playful curls. And if the sheet of paper is wider and the curls are thicker, you can get large, chic curls.
  4. Braids. Every girl knows this method of how to curl her hair at night without curlers. Before going to bed, braid your damp hair into a tight braid and go to bed. In the morning, a voluminous hairstyle with gentle waves awaits you. The size of the waves depends on the thickness of the strand. For a better effect, you can use a scarf. Take a scarf the length of your hair and weave it into the braid. The braid should be tight. The effect will not disappoint you.
  5. Hairpins and bobby pins. An easy way to get a beautiful hairstyle. Divide damp hair into curls and soak them in foam. Take the end of the strand and twist it upward, as if you were rolling a hair curler. When you get close to the roots, secure the curl with a hairpin or bobby pin. Wait until the head is completely dry and loosen the workpiece. Spray your hair with hairspray and straighten it with your hands.

Beautiful curls using improvised means

There are more complex methods to do this curls without curling irons and curlers using improvised means.

“Grandma’s” method using rags

  1. Prepare an old towel or cloth.
  2. Cut the material into long strips. The width depends on how big you want your curls to be.
  3. The head should be clean and slightly damp.
  4. Separate a curl from the overall head of hair, place a piece of fabric on the tip and twist the hair around it. Once the curl reaches the length you need, secure it by tying it in a knot.
  5. You can go to bed with this hairstyle. The next morning, loosen the curlers and spray with varnish.

You can create a unique hairstyle from curls by making a bump.

  1. Wash your hair and dry with a towel.
  2. Twist your hair into a strong plait.
  3. Make a “snail” out of it on the top of your head.
  4. Secure with an elastic band.
  5. After 5-6 hours, dissolve.

A similar method is using flagella. It is similar to the previous one, only instead of one cone you need to make several.

  1. Comb your hair and sprinkle it with water.
  2. Divide your hair into several strands.
  3. Twist a rope from each strand and secure it with a small elastic band.
  4. Repeat the same with other strands.
  5. Leave it overnight.
  6. After you wake up, loosen the bunches. Do not comb, but simply straighten your hair with your hands and apply hairspray for better hold.

Styling with a T-shirt

At the moment, styling with a T-shirt is extremely popular among girls. Everyone has this item of clothing, and the hairstyle technique is quite simple. You can use a T-shirt or a thin jacket. The T-shirt must be made of cotton. There are 2 options. How

Elastic band for Greek hairstyle

With this popular accessory you can create beautiful flowing curls.

  1. Wash your hair, towel dry and comb thoroughly.
  2. Place the elastic band on your head.
  3. Divide the curls under the elastic into strands.
  4. Twist each strand in turn into a tube shape and tuck it behind the accessory.
  5. In this form, the hair can be dried with a hairdryer.
  6. After 3-4 hours, loosen your hair by simply removing the elastic.
  7. Do not comb the waves, but straighten them carefully with your hands.

A few more ways

Foil can act as an alternative to curlers.

  • Using foil and cotton wool, make something like a curler. To do this, cut the foil into small rectangles, put a piece of cotton wool into it and form a roll;
  • Wash your hair without conditioner or balm. Wait until your hair is slightly damp;
  • Divide your hair into strands and comb thoroughly. For a better effect, you can apply foam;
  • Apply the curler to the end of the curl and curl it towards the crown. Secure by simply bringing the edges together and pressing slightly. The foil easily takes any shape given to it;
  • Wrap your head in a towel or scarf and leave overnight;
  • In the morning, loosen the rollers and spray your curls with hairspray.

There is another method of curling curls using this material, only this time you will need an iron:

  • cut the foil into rectangles;
  • Separate a strand from the main head of hair and twist it into a snail shape.
  • pack the curl in foil;
  • do these steps with the remaining hair;
  • heat the styler and clamp it in turn on each strand in the foil;
  • hold for a few seconds;
  • Remove the foil and straighten your hair with your hands, spray with hairspray.

Many girls often get by with just an iron. They not only straighten their hair, but also create beautiful hairstyles with curls:

  • Divide clean, dry hair into several strands;
  • twist the curl one by one into a tight strand and run the iron over it several times, stopping periodically;
  • loosen the spiral and spray with varnish.

You can also create chic curls by holding the end of a strand with a straightener and wrapping it around the styler. Slowly pull the iron down while holding the strand. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Unusual methods for creating curls

Using a stationery pencil you can get cute spirals.

  1. Take a pack of simple pencils. The amount will depend on the desired thickness of the curls. If you want a lot of thin spirals, you will need more pencils.
  2. Wet your hair.
  3. Separate a strand and wrap half its length around a pencil. Then flip it over so it's underneath the curl and curl all the way. Secure the pencil with an eraser.
  4. Repeat the procedure with other strands, wrapping them around pencils.
  5. After which you can lightly spray the hairstyle with hairspray.
  6. Start loosening your curls, moving from the first to the final one.

There is a similar way to curl at home using cocktail tubes. It is more suitable for short hair. The principle of operation is absolutely identical.

Curls with socks

This rather unusual method is great for all hair types.

Prepare several pairs of socks. Divide the damp hair into strands according to the number of pieces.

Further steps are similar to the method of curling using fabric.

  1. Wind a strand of hair around the sock, leaving the ends of the product on the sides.
  2. Having reached the roots, tie the ends of the sock tightly into a knot.
  3. You can go to bed with this hairstyle ready.
  4. The next morning, take off your socks and fix your hair.

Using sushi chopsticks and foam sponge

With the help of these Japanese devices you can give your hair a wavy look. Divide your hair into two parts and make tails. Wrap each tail around a stick and secure with an elastic band. After a few hours, carefully remove the sticks and straighten your hair. Wavy curls are guaranteed.

A regular foam sponge can replace curlers.

  • cut the sponge into 3-4 equal parts;
  • wet your hair and comb;
  • separate the strand and wind it onto the foam rubber, twist all the curls;
  • It’s comfortable to sleep with this hairstyle, and the next morning just undo the curlers.

Homemade "chemistry"

Since ancient times, there has been a win-win option for home “chemistry” using improvised means. Moreover, these products are much safer for hair than the components used to create this hairstyle in a salon.

  1. Water and sugar. Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of sugar in half a glass of water. Apply the sugar solution to slightly damp hair. Use your hands to comb the strands and dry them with a hairdryer.
  2. Beer. If the drink is natural, it will not only give your hair a wavy shape, but will also benefit it. The procedure is the same as with sugar water.
  3. Strong black tea. It should be applied to dry hair, giving it the desired shape.
  4. Yolk. Dilute the yolk with water and use it instead of balm after washing your hair.

Before you start perming at home, you need to wash your hair. Try not to use air conditioning. Hair should be damp. Do not comb the finished hairstyle. You risk turning neat curls into fluffy tufts of hair.

Try to curl your curls, moving a few centimeters away from the roots. This will give your hair a natural look and help avoid negative effects on the hair follicles. You can replace all kinds of chemical foams with lemon juice diluted with water.

Don't over apply the polish or you'll end up with sticky clumps. Try to do curls away from the face. Start curling from the top of your head, moving to the back of your head.

To create the perfect beautiful hairstyle, it is not necessary to have special devices in the form of curlers and curling irons. You just need to be smart - and you are guaranteed a luxurious hairstyle!

Curls are at the height of fashion at all times: glamorous Hollywood waves, flirty Barbie curls or a stylish mess like Shakira or Julia Roberts.

There are many ways to make curls at home without the services of professional stylists and hairdressers. Now we will take a closer look at them.

How to make curls for long and medium hair

African curls

A hairstyle in the style of a Latin American pop diva looks good on both long and medium hair. This is one of the ways to give your hair visual volume and it will look appropriate both for a walk in the park and when going out.

We will need:

  • Wet hair;
  • Good wide elastic band;
  • Several thin hair ribbons;
  • Shower cap.

Step-by-step instructions (easy method):

  1. Before going to bed, rinse your hair - this is necessary for curling.
  2. Gather your curls into a tight ponytail at the top of your head and divide them into several sections. The smaller the strands, the smaller the curls will come out.
  3. Then make a bun on your head from braids by weaving ribbons into them.
  4. Secure it well with bobby pins and put on a hat.
  5. In the morning, unravel and spray with varnish or mousse. Enjoy the effect!

A similar hairstyle can be done more complex method using foam. By the way, thanks to it the hairstyle lasts much longer.

Step-by-step instructions (more complex method):

  1. You wash your hair and lubricate your wet hair with some kind of fixative.
  2. Take many, many hairpins and begin to curl your hair on them in a zigzag motion. The whole secret is that you need to take as small strands as possible, then you will get small curls in the African style.
  3. Having completed this action, put on a cap and go to bed.
  4. In the morning, unravel your curls. We got a stylish hairstyle with small voluminous curls.
  5. Create wet effect with foam. You can win hearts!

What should happen in the end, look at the photo below.

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We also bring to your attention a gallery with 5 video lessons on how to curl African curls in various ways.

Hollywood curls

Hollywood curls are another wavy curl option for medium to long hair. A similar coiffure is created large curlers, at least four centimeters in diameter. You can use gentle or thermal curlers. When using the latter, large curls are obtained much faster and last longer.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wind curlers onto your hair, starting from the ends. We try to stick to one direction. You can experiment with the length of the curl - it is not at all necessary to curl the curls to the roots; air curls look even more interesting than spiral curls along the entire length of the hair.
  2. If you used hot rollers, wait 20 minutes, remove, apply with varnish, foam or mousse;
  3. If you used gentle ones, then we go to bed and in the morning we do the same as after thermal ones, or we dry them with a diffuser and remove them after a couple of hours.

But what beauty should turn out in the end is in the photo below.

How to make spiral curls with a straightener (iron) and curling iron

Another common style for creating an evening hairstyle for long or medium curls is corkscrew waves, which got their name from the shape of their spiral curls. There are several ways to make this beauty yourself: you can use a hair iron, Can resort to special spiral curlers or try curling on a curling iron.

Ironing(otherwise known as a straightener) you can not only straighten your hair, but also add volume from the roots or create curls. It is very convenient that this method works even after keratin straightening and does not spoil the structure too much when using special products.

Instructions (and using the iron):

  • Take one strand of medium thickness and begin to iron it.
  • The main thing is to change the direction of movement, two centimeters to the right, two to the left, so you get chic “corkscrew-spirals”.
  • Or we take a strand and twist it very well onto the iron, while during the action there must be a certain force so that the curls cannot simply fall off the iron. Carefully pull through the entire strand, thus removing it from the device.

This is how you get beautiful natural curls at the ends of your hair, as in the photo below.

Braids and curly hair

We simply braid wet hair into braids. After we have done these manipulations, we leave the curls until they dry. This is a good hairstyle for every day to wear at home. If you make a lot of small braids, you will get a large number of small curls, and one or two large braids will become an excellent basis for the formation of heavy curls.

Before using thermal curling methods, you need to strengthen your hair, because the high temperature of the working surface of the devices damages the hair structure and dehydrates it.

Curls on unruly hair

Girls with curly hair are required to style and braid them all the time, otherwise the hairstyle will be sloppy and disheveled. To solve this problem there is several ways:

  1. Long hair is much easier to style, and there are more variations of hairstyles. You need to speed up hair growth, then random small waves will be transformed into a stylish hairstyle.
  2. Do the styling correctly, do not try to completely straighten or curl the curls, but emphasize the natural boldness of the hairstyle. At night, simply apply a drop of mousse to wet hair and go to bed, in the morning we don’t comb our hair, but straighten our hair with our hands; you can add hairpins or a hoop to it. The result is nice messy curls that are known as “bed curls.”

How to make curls for short hair

Small curls on bobbins

Our mothers also curled their hair like this before a date. This is probably the most accessible method for girls with short and medium curls, because long hair simply cannot curl beautifully under its own weight.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We comb clean, damp hair or separate it with our hands, depending on the desired result.
  2. Apply a little styling product (mousse, gel, spray).
  3. We begin to twist from the back of the head so that the curls are beautifully distributed along the entire length.
  4. Hair can be dried with a hairdryer or naturally. Ready!

And here is the final result:

Curling zigzag curls

This is a great universal hairstyle for girls with short, medium and long hair who are not used to spending many hours a day straightening, styling or braiding their hair.

We will need:

  • food foil;
  • iron;
  • comb;
  • fixing means;
  • hairpins

We wind zigzag curls along instructions:

  1. Determine the desired size of the spirals.
  2. Wrap strands of the required thickness in foil.
  3. Now we heat up the straightener and carefully distribute the curls onto its plate in a zigzag shape.
  4. We press with the upper part and wait a minute, in some cases two.
  5. Remove the foil, straighten your hair, and the result is perfect zigzags.

We offer step-by-step photo instructions for curling zigzag curls using foil and a straightener:

More possible results:

Products for creating curls

Curling iron

The second well-known way to curl curls is to use a curling iron. With it you can very quickly make curls of various shapes. For this:

  1. Heat up the curling iron
  2. Trying not to press the strands too hard, we twist the curls onto it.
  3. We hold it for 30 seconds to a minute, depending on the thickness of the strands and the condition of the hair.
  4. It is very convenient that if the curl is incorrect, you can straighten your hair with a straightener and correct everything without spending a lot of time and effort.

More details on how to do this in the video below.

Straightener (iron)

The most popular and modern way to create curls is to use a straightener. More details in the following video:

Regular elastic band

The trend this season is a casual hairstyle. This effect is very easy to achieve when using a regular rubber band. We moisten the hair and twist it into a bundle, secure it with an elastic band, and wait for it to dry. In this way, perfect careless waves are formed on the hair, fix with hairspray.

Spiral curlers

Recently, sets of curlers with an unusual spiral shape have appeared on the shelves of many stores. The set includes a special hook with which individual strands are selected. We comb wet hair and distribute it into curls of the desired thickness; it is better to make them not very thick. We pick up the strands with a hook and wind them onto a spiral of curlers, leaving them to dry. The result is very neat and beautiful spiral turns.

Photo - Curls with spiral curlers

There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to follow our tips and recommendations:

Before we move on to describing how to create curls, let us clarify that when we use the phrase “short hair,” we mean length up to the chin and shorter.

Although some curl options are equally good for any length.

So, if you don’t have a curling iron or curlers on hand or don’t want to use them, you can curl your short hair using one of the available means:

For girls whose hair is slightly curly by nature.

The most suitable method is number 6.

Curling options for the night

If you want to get a stylish hairstyle in the morning, you can do your hair almost completely in the evening, and in the morning you can soak up an extra half an hour in bed. For night curling, products proven by our mothers and grandmothers are perfect: small rags, rubber bands or pieces of foam rubber.

In the evening, we wash and comb our hair, curl it with one of the products and go to bed, and in the morning all that remains is to release the hair and fix it with hairspray.

How to properly curl curls on short hair?

Before moving on to any of the “night” curling options, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and condition your hair with conditioner, which will give your future curls shine and make them more manageable.

The hair should be lightly dried with a towel and combed thoroughly. Decide what you want to see in the morning - ringlets or curls - and start curling according to one of the algorithms presented below.

Using rags

To get small curls, the curling strands must be thin!

Using rubber bands

Option number 2 is suitable for creating curls. If you want to get light waves, then you just need to pass the strand through the elastic several times without tightening it tightly. Then the next morning you will have natural curls.f

Thanks to foam rubber

Using an elastic band to create a Greek hairstyle

If you want to get clear curls, then you need to twist the strand tightly and vice versa when you want to see sloppy curls on yourself.

If we talk about styling products, then for “night” curls it is best to apply a little mousse to damp hair in the evening, and sprinkle with hairspray in the morning to fix it.

If you want to create a “wet effect”, then it is better to apply the product (gel, mousse or wax) in the morning.

Greek hairstyle in 5 minutes.

How can you do a perm in the morning, without using the usual tools?

If the thought “Should I curl my hair?” slipped through your head this morning, don’t rush to get upset that you won’t have time to do anything. You have at least 3 curling options, each of which will take no more than half an hour.

Mousse and wet hair

You will need damp hair, hands and mousse. Apply mousse to slightly damp hair and squeeze it with your hands in any order (you can twist a strand around your finger).

If you are in a hurry, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer at the same time as you squeeze and twist.

There is no need to fix this styling; strands treated with mousse keep their shape perfectly. This option is good for creating curls.

Same thing with braids

If you want to get light waves, braid your mousse-treated hair into braids. While you wash your face, do your makeup, and have breakfast, your straight strands will turn into the desired wave. All that remains is to undo the braids and spray your hair with hairspray.

Special hair dryer

If you are the happy owner of a hairdryer with a diffuser, then creating curls is a breeze for you.

Treat damp hair with mousse and dry hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser, moving from the back of the head to the temples, and then to the crown and bangs. Finish the installation with varnish.

These options are suitable for light curling. If you want clear and bouncy curls, then 30 minutes is not enough for you to create your hairstyle.

One way to create curls is to twist wet strands around a regular pencil. You twist it, dry it, and you get an elastic curl. Instead of a pencil, you can use a Chinese stick.

Hair diffuser.

Which curls will last longer?

The curls that will last the longest are those that:

  • curled onto clean hair;
  • had time to dry completely;
  • were moderately treated with mousse and varnish.

Short hair is not an obstacle for ladies to experiment with styling. Curling short hair adds a touch of extravagance and mischief to the look, creating a personal style for every woman.