Christian souvenirs from Israel. Memory of the Promised Land, or what to bring from Israel as a gift

Or in other words, chickpea paste, the most famous product of Israeli cuisine.

According to research, its composition has a beneficial effect on nervous system and improves your mood :)

Sold in any supermarket, it happens different types: classic and with additives in the form of pine nuts, hot pepper etc.

  1. Tahini

Hummus's friend is a wonderful companion to any salad, as it is an excellent dressing. Tahini is made from sesame seeds. Sold in liquid form. And if you are guaranteed to bring it home so that nothing spoils or spills, buy it in powder and dilute it at home yourself! Just don't forget to add a pinch of salt and a little lemon juice.

  1. Jelly beans

Yes, yes, this delicacy is so widespread in Israel that there are entire stores that sell exclusively jelly candies. different tastes, shapes and sizes.

Before collecting packages as a gift, it is not forbidden to try 😉

  1. Coffee with cardamom. And without.

Sold in many stores or markets, such as Mahane Yehuda in Jerusalem or Carmel in Tel Aviv. You can find it by its green packaging with a cardamom leaf on the logo.

Turkish coffee from “Elite” company in red packaging. Delicious and inexpensive.

  1. Olives and black olives.

Oh, what diversity there is in Israel, you just can’t imagine! On the counter you can see from 10 to 15 species at a time! And in terms of quality and taste, they are in no way inferior to their Greek and Spanish colleagues.

  1. Dates.

Just a must have! In Israel they are large, meaty, and very sweet! They are sold both by weight and in convenient cardboard packages of 500-1000 grams. One of the most delicious varieties is Majkhol - it has very large and delicate-tasting fruits.

  1. Wine and liqueurs.

Israeli wine is worth trying! It tastes more tart than most Mediterranean wines. If possible, it is better to buy it in production - it will cost less, you have the opportunity to taste it and choose the most suitable one. For example, at the Barkan plant.

And what kind of liqueurs are made here in the north! For example, the Amiad winery is famous for its liqueurs made from kiwi, currant, orange and even chocolate. They can only be purchased there, on the spot. They are not supplied to any Israeli store. You can order a transfer or excursion to the north of Israel with a mandatory stop at the Amiad winery.

  1. Mango.

Actually, mangoes come from the humid tropics. But there is no fruit that Israel has not learned to grow. At the moment we have several varieties and each of them has its own special taste:

The Maya variety is the most common, once bred by local breeders.

The Haydn variety was brought to Israel from Florida.

The Sheli variety produces fruits with a strong aroma. It is simply impossible to tear yourself away from him.

In general, if you want to bring something from fruits, you have something to surprise.

  1. Avocado.

A vegetable that they learned to grow in Israel. So much so that in our time Israel ranks one of the first places in the world in the export of avocados! And this, despite the fact that it appeared on Israeli lands some 100 years ago.

  1. Lychee.

Lychees come from China. But Israeli farmers have learned to grow it. The sweet fruit, similar in consistency to grapes, will delight any gourmet!

  1. Snacks. "Bamba" - corn sticks with peanut butter. Love to all the children and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces.

“Bisli” is loved by older children. Something between chips and crackers.

  1. Pads for shkidey marak soup. P are born as in plastic jars, and in packages. They are shaped like squares, yellow in color, fit perfectly into a plate of any soup, and decorate even the simplest stew with their presence.
  2. Nuts: pistachios and pecans

There are pistachios in Israel, in large quantities and at a good price. But you don’t always find pecan nuts in Russia. He looks like Walnut in shape, but completely different in taste.It can be sweet, in glaze. This is a total delicacy.

  1. Spices.

There are a lot of them in Israel: markets and spice shops are full of them by weight. Good gift for culinary lovers.

  1. Cinnamon sticks. It is cheaper in Israel.
  2. Arabic sweets.

Along with this gift, don’t forget a two-liter bottle of water for the lucky owner of the gift. Oriental sweets are very sweet.

  1. Chocolate from “Elite” company in red packaging.

In Hebrew it is called “sukariyot koftsot” (jumping candies). It explodes in your mouth. Children like. And adults too.

  1. "Cry".

These are balls or flakes covered in chocolate. What is noteworthy is that this is an Israeli patent. There, chocolate, unlike m&m’s, does not leave marks on your hands and does not melt from warm hands.

  1. Olive oil.

No worse than Greek. The price of a 750 gram bottle ranges from 29 to 40 shekels.

  1. Grenades.

In September, all the fruit shelves are filled with them. The local pomegranates are very juicy, large and sweet.

  1. “Hatzilim.”

Ready salad - eggplants with mayonnaise and garlic. Delicious Israeli dish.

What delicacies do you bring from Israel?

The article was written thanks to information from the group

Souvenirs from Israel with photos, descriptions and prices. What to bring from Israel so that it does not lie as a dead weight, but pleases you with its benefits, beauty and health.

Israel attracts tourists from all over the world with its unique attractions, but souvenirs that you can - and need! - buy here, no less unique. Distinctive feature Israeli souvenirs - their pronounced national flavor combined with practicality. In other words, among the top ten souvenirs that are offered to your attention, there are no meaningless trinkets that are bought “for show” and that are doomed to gather dust on the shelves.

Top 10 souvenirs and purchases from Israel

#1. Dead Sea Cosmetics

Ahava cosmetics - must-have #1 in Israel

All Israeli cosmetic brands actively use in their products - from mud to minerals. And although there are no people on the seashore who want to get hold of the same salt for free, it is still better to take advantage of this gift of nature as part of cosmetics created by professionals. The same is true for healing mud. Carefully developed shampoos, creams, scrubs and other products work true miracles, restoring elasticity and smoothness to the skin, and silkiness and volume to the hair.

Most popular brand- Ahava: it seduces customers with the variety of products it produces and their high quality. However, in Lately becoming more and more popular cosmetical tools Another brand is Sea of ​​Life, especially their hand creams. As for Dr.Sea, Holy Land, Mon Platin cosmetics, they not only rejuvenate, but also help solve dermatological problems.

It is clear that such cosmetics cannot be cheap: if you are planning to buy a branded cream, you need to focus on a price of $20 and above, shampoo - from $15.

#2. Medicinal soap

The addition of minerals and Dead Sea salts to ordinary soap transforms it from a hygienic soap into a cosmetic and even medicinal product that helps the skin recover. Special attention deserves the soap produced by Sea of ​​SPA ($5-6 per bar).

#3. Dead Sea Salt

Another popular souvenir from Israel: Dead Sea salt

Beautifully packaged and elegantly presented Dead Sea salt with added aromatic oils is one of the best souvenirs you can bring from. Moreover, it is inexpensive - 4-5 dollars, and dirt is even cheaper - 2.5 dollars per 600 g.

#4. Religious souvenirs from Israel

Few tourists return from Israel without souvenirs consecrated by belonging to one of the three world religions. The following souvenirs are especially popular among visitors:

  • bundles of 33 candles, which are then carried to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre;
  • cypress crosses and rosaries;
  • gift sets consisting of consecrated earth, oil, incense and holy water in small bottles;
  • icons (for example, inlaid with silver);
  • They also buy other souvenirs with religious symbols: magnets, key chains, as well as incense and oil.

Due to the wide popularity of such souvenirs, they are produced in the most different options, designed for tourists with different financial capabilities. For example, candles cost from 8 to 25 dollars, cypress crosses - 8-10 dollars; gift sets - approximately 5-8 dollars. The widest range of prices for icons is: from simple ones for 35-50 dollars to those decorated with precious frames for 400 dollars.

In addition to souvenirs with Christian symbols, in Israel they buy talismans such as “Hamsa” in the shape of a palm ($3-4) and talismans with the Star of David ($2-3), which are considered international amulets.

#5. Israeli wines

What to buy in Israel: pomegranate wine

The products of Israeli winemakers are mentioned in the Bible, and since then their quality has only improved and the range has expanded. Today in the small country there are about 300 wineries producing high-quality and original drinks that are highly valued by connoisseurs. Only in Israel are kosher wines made, the production technologies of which go back to ancient times, and are unique. Tourists most often purchase wines produced by such large companies, like Carmel, Barkan and Golan Heights Winery.

Prices for their wines start from 5-10 dollars, but the products of small wineries will cost at least 25 dollars.

#6. Decorations

Gems in bulk at a market in Jerusalem, Israel

Of course, in Israel you can also find diamond jewelry from world-famous brands, but still the vast majority of tourists buy products from local jewelers here. For many decades, rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings with Eilat stone mined only in Israel have remained uncompetitive. It is easily recognized by its characteristic greenish tint. Prices for jewelry with Eilat stone depend on the complexity of the work, weight precious metal etc., and on average start from 25-30 dollars.

You can also buy the stone itself in the form of a separate gem (about 1.5-2 dollars per 1 gram). Silver jewelry with turquoise and others is also beautiful. semi precious stones, which can be purchased for $15 or more.

#7. Oriental sweets

Israeli baklava at the market

Israeli cuisine deserves a separate discussion: it is difficult to remain hungry in this country. To prolong the impression, it is recommended to purchase sweet souvenirs, such as khomentash pies, bamba corn sticks, a local version of baklava called “baklava”, and knafeh dessert, especially since the prices are very reasonable - from 3-5 dollars. You should add honey and chocolate to them - and sweet life secured.

#8. Herbs and spices

Oriental cuisine is unthinkable without spices, and they are sold by weight in any supermarket. Turmeric, cloves, cardamom, sesame, grated nutmeg, thyme, saffron - many of these spices not only add a wonderful taste to dishes, but are also very beneficial for health. Tourists also buy a unique hummus paste, fortunately, it costs only 2-3 dollars per 0.5 kg.

#9. Ceramics from Israel

Israeli dishes and other ceramic products are easily distinguished by their characteristic white and blue color scheme. The most popular products are plates made using the “Armenian ceramics” technique. Their prices start from $5.

#10. Textile

It's a rare housewife who can resist the temptation to buy an Israeli silk tablecloth. Such tablecloths are not only elegant and durable, but also practically do not wrinkle. Their prices start at $50, but a simple tablecloth bought for $7-8 will look pretty good.

Where to buy cosmetics and souvenirs in Israel

It is better to buy cosmetics, soap and salts at local pharmacies, supermarkets or duty free boutiques. In other places there is, albeit a small, chance of stumbling upon a fake. Religious souvenirs are sold in specialized stores. Experienced tourists advise purchasing wines from wine shops at manufacturing plants.

But for jewelry, spices, sweets and fabrics, you should visit the Eastern Bazaar in the Old Town. Firstly, everything there is much cheaper than in stores, especially if you know how to bargain. Secondly, you will get a chance to experience the unique atmosphere of a Middle Eastern bazaar.

If you are not sure that you will be able to navigate its crowded surroundings on your own, then just order and an experienced guide will reveal to you all the secrets of the Eastern Bazaar. And the fact that you will not return from Israel without a heap of purchases can be confidently stated, even without being a fortune teller.

Excursions in Israel at the best prices

No matter how tempting it may be to tour the oriental bazaars with a guide, the most booked routes in Israel are historical, sightseeing and “view” routes. There are already about 70 of them on Tripster! All excursions are conducted in Russian.

- top 10 dishes. - beaches, in Jerusalem. , as well as in the Grand Bazaar area.

Days spent in the land of Israel leave an unforgettable impression. All the historical places I visited were repeatedly captured in photographs and videos. Tourists certainly have a desire to bring home some kind of original souvenir, which can only be found here in the sun-baked land of Israel.

An item that would convey the spirit of this land and tell about the history, modernity and attractions of this unique country. So, what to bring from Israel?

Bring gifts to your friends and family from Israel in the form of items, drinks or original products.


Be sure to buy symbol of Israel - minor. Minora is a characteristically shaped candlestick with seven candle stands. That is, this is the famous seven-branched candlestick, one of the symbols of Judaism. A lamp of this exact shape is described in the Bible. It is said to symbolize the seven planets in the sky, the seven days of the creation of the earth and the seven churches of Asia Minor.

The seven-candlestick can be easily detected in souvenir shops, as well as in a network of retail outlets where symbols of Judaism are sold. The candlestick is usually made of metal, and the stands for the candles themselves are made of ceramics or colored glass. Minoru, made of silver, can be purchased at the Hatzorphim store. This is a chain of stores specializing in Judaic items.

Religious symbolism

Jerusalem is a holy city for three world religions. Therefore, religious items brought from Israel will have special meaning for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

For Christians, it will be a memorable gift cross, pattern or icon, consecrated in famous churches of cities associated with the life of Christ, for example, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Muslims will gratefully accept symbols with texts from the Koran. For the Jews a great gift there will be a medallion with the Star of David, a kippah, a mezuzah.


Unique talisman, the symbolism of which goes deep into antiquity - anchovy. It is also called the Maryam hand or Hamesh palm, and is made in the shape of a small palm. Three fingers of the palm are raised up, two are bent on both sides thumbs. Placed in the center of the palm image of an eye. According to ancient belief, such an amulet will reliably protect against the evil eye and avert potential damage to a person and his property.

Hamsa is depicted on keychains, pendants, jewelry, T-shirts, dishes, and other items. It is recommended to place amulets with the palm of Maryam at the door of the house, hang them in a car, or attach them to a keychain as a decoration so that it is visible.

Palm Hamesh sold in stores jewelry and artistic jewelry. Cheaper versions of the amulet are easily found in souvenir shops.


Israel is famous for its silver jewelry. The craftsmen of this country specialize in jewelry silver products. In stores you can find bracelets, earrings, rings and other silver items of unparalleled beauty and fine workmanship. A lot of interesting things can be found in the network of Michal Negrin stores, famous throughout Israel.

pay attention to diamond jewelry– in Israel they can be bought at lower prices than in European countries.

For jewelry lovers, a trip to Israel can be the most exciting and difficult moment: The selection of jewelry items is simply huge. Costume jewelry is sold everywhere, is inexpensive and comes in a wide variety of styles.

Cosmetics with Dead Sea ingredients

Women are happy to buy unique cosmetics, to which salts are added, mined in the Dead Sea. In stores it is represented by facial and body scrubs, peelings, shampoos, and creams. Original bath salts are also sold: they leave an amazing sensation on the skin.

Choose cosmetics from manufacturers Sea of ​​Life, Sea of ​​SPA, Ahava. They have been producing medicinal products for several years now and guarantee the quality of the product.

Tablecloths and dishes

It will be difficult for women to pass by extremely beautiful tablecloths made of silk fabric. It is covered with unique patterns and ornaments, original designs. The drawings are made with durable and bright colors. Tablecloths are very practical for everyday use. They do not wrinkle, do not change color, are easy to wash, and serve housewives for many years.

At markets and souvenirs a lot of painted dishes. Israel is characterized by painted dishes with a predominant blue color. The only problem that arises when buying dishes is that it is impossible to take all the items you like with you.

Delicious souvenirs

Try it yourself and bring a jar of hummus to your family from Israel. Hummus- This a kind of puree, made from peas with flavoring additives. It is recommended to eat it by spreading it on pita bread or scooping it up with a piece of pita bread. It is better to purchase hummus before your flight to keep it fresh for as long as possible.

Bring something special with you wine – King David’s wine, that is, King David's red wine. And also buy pomegranate and currant wine - you won’t find this anywhere else.

Be sure to buy at least one packing of dates. Israeli dates are considered one of the best in the world in terms of taste and consistency.

Where to shop

Shopping can be done everywhere in shops, shopping centers and markets. Shops in large cities start work at 9 am, and closes at 19:00. They operate this way from Sunday to Thursday. On Friday, stores are open until 14:00.

It is very interesting to visit the bazaars, which are located I'm in the old areas of cities. You can buy almost everything at the bazaars. You should bargain in Arab bazaars, otherwise you risk overpaying for an item by three times its real value. Visit the Old City and Mahane Yehuda markets in Jerusalem, as well as the Carmel in Tel Aviv - they are open every day of the week.

Shopping in Israel: what to bring from Israel, where to buy souvenirs and fashion brands. Markets, outlets, famous shopping centers in Israel. Expert advice and reviews from tourists about shopping in Israel on the “Subtleties of Tourism”.

  • Last minute tours to Israel
  • Tours for May Worldwide

Israel cannot be called Mecca high fashion, and the prices here are quite high, nevertheless, shopping in this country is a pleasure. Israelis love to shop, and the service is... shopping centers and stores here actually high level: they’ll give you everything you can to try, offer a discount on the second or third product, and recommend what really suits you.

Shopping here is not only pleasant, but also convenient: many sellers speak Russian, and cards are accepted almost everywhere, including markets.

Store opening hours

Most shops in Israel are open from Sunday to Thursday from 9:00 to 19:00, some close later, around 20:00-21:00. On Fridays, almost everything closes after lunch (around 13:00), and does not open until Sunday morning - Shabbat. Large malls in cities usually open earlier - around 8:00 and close later - at 22:00. Canyons (“non-religious” shopping centers in Israel) are also open on Saturdays; there are such in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat, etc.

Some cities have a tradition of closing stores on Tuesdays - this needs to be clarified on the spot, but this usually does not apply to the capital and other large cities. Everything is also closed not only on Shabbat, but also on major Jewish holidays, and both the holiday itself and 1-2 days before will be a day off.

Muslim stores in Israel are closed on Fridays, and Christian stores are closed on Sundays. The situation is the same with catering - you cannot find kosher food on Saturdays in this country. Markets in Israel are open from morning until late evening - they usually do not have an exact schedule, but on Saturdays almost all are closed.

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Sales in Israel are dedicated to big holidays. This primarily concerns Jewish holidays: stores offer the most generous discounts on the eve of Passover (March-April) and before Rosh Hashanah (September-November). In fact, discount seasons in Israel, although dictated by the religious calendar, coincide with the end of the season - first winter and then summer. Muslim holidays in Israel are also important, so in June, when Ramadan ends and devout Muslims can finally afford shopping, many stores also offer discounts.

Sales in Israel rarely take place all at once and everywhere - as a rule, they selectively concern one group of goods. For example, if a shoe sale starts, all shoe stores within a shopping center or neighborhood will participate.

The most generous discounts in Israel - Boxing day. These are total sales that are held twice a year, at the end of the summer and winter seasons. Partially, they may coincide with the season of discounts for the holidays, but Boxing day lasts only three days, and discounts reach 50-60%. Exact dates It is worth checking directly with the shopping center.

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What to buy in Israel

Clothes and shoes

All popular European brands are represented in Israeli shopping centers and stores: Zara, H&M, Fox, Golf, Nike, Mango, American Eagle, CAT, Ecco, etc. However, their prices here are significantly higher than in Europe and even in Russia, with the fact that the range is approximately the same. It is best to buy clothes in Israel in shopping centers and multi-brand boutiques, for example, H&O and Mashbir. There you can buy not only clothes and shoes, but also cosmetics and household goods.

It is worth paying attention to local brands, they will be a little more expensive than the European mass market, but the quality is very high:

  • Tamnoon- inexpensive clothes casual style for men and women;
  • Zebra - sports and casual wear for the whole family;
  • Cassidi - fashionable women's clothing;
  • Kastro - youth clothing;
  • Delta - high-quality knitwear;
  • ONOT - men's and women's clothing in large sizes.

The situation with shoes in Israel is approximately the same as with clothing: European brands are unreasonably expensive, but local ones are very decent. Israeli brand BeautiFeel produces very quality shoes from genuine leather(only expensive and only Italian material). Prices start at 650 ILS, but these shoes are definitely worth the money. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Among affordable shoe brands, Free Move, Disco Rosso, Gali and TOGO are interesting. Shoe stores in Israel have sales more often than other stores, so buying a new pair can be a really... profitable investment. The lowest prices are in shoe outlets, which are located in every major city (as a rule, they are located in popular shopping districts in the center). Here you can count on discounts of up to 80%, and the sizes you need are almost always available.

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Goods for children

Children in Israel are treated with great reverence, so they do only the best for them. Children's clothing, toys, cosmetics, etc. - it's all here High Quality, and prices are not higher than Russian prices for similar goods.

It is worth paying attention to the following stores:

  • Shilav is Israel's largest chain of goods for children, including newborns. Here you can buy toys, clothes, cribs, bed sheets etc. There are shops in almost every shopping center in Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Haifa;
  • Fox baby - children's clothing for those who appreciate fashion from infancy, very stylish things even in the smallest, almost “toy” sizes;
  • KIWI - inexpensive children's clothing of good quality;
  • Parparim - children's clothing with cartoon prints, big choice carnival costumes.

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In Israel, it is worth purchasing cosmetics based on the mud and minerals of the Dead Sea. They perfectly cleanse, improve complexion and hair structure, and also solve more serious problems: treat acne, psoriasis and slow down skin aging.

The most popular Israeli brand- Ahava, these remedies are known natural composition, shampoos, conditioners, body scrubs with salt and creams for hands and feet are especially good. Another good brand is Premier, here, for example, you can find an inexpensive but really working face cream. Cosmetic brand Sea of ​​Spa is about the same level of quality and price category: simply good cosmetics for face and body for those who do not have serious problems with skin. Other less popular, but also high-quality brands: Beauty Life, Mon Platin, Vero Nika, Yes to..., Kedem, Minus 417, etc. Prices for face cream start from 15 ILS, for mud from the Dead Sea - from 10 ILS for 600 g, disposable masks for hair or face - from 7 ILS, for body scrubs with sea ​​salt- from 60 ILS.

Counterfeits are not uncommon in Israel; they are especially common in popular resorts and tourist areas. You should look for truly high-quality products in Israel only in branded specialty stores and pharmacies, but not in souvenir shops and supermarkets.

In Israel, you can purchase more powerful cosmetics without a prescription to combat skin diseases: acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc. The concentration of minerals in such preparations is high, penetration into the skin is very deep, therefore, before use, consultation with a cosmetologist is advisable. If visiting a specialist is problematic, then almost all stores where these cosmetics are sold have a cosmetologist on duty who will help determine your skin type and select the appropriate products.

To the professional cosmetic brands relate:

  • Dr.Sea - slows down the aging process, enhances the regeneration of skin cells, there are products for face and hair care;
  • Holy Land (HL) - cosmetics based on AHA acids, peelings and other products that effectively cleanse and renew the skin; there are excellent lines for problematic and oily skin;
  • Mon Platin - cosmetics based on essential oils and natural plant components, works to slow down the aging process and maintain skin elasticity;
  • Christina - slows down the aging process of the skin;
  • GiGi - high-quality skincare cosmetics.

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Israel is famous for its diamonds. Cut stones and diamond jewelry can be purchased at the Diamond Exchange branches, which are located in Tel Aviv, Netanya, Eilat, Jerusalem and other cities. Excursions are organized here for tourists, where you can learn about all the cutting processes and see how ordinary stone the result is a real shining miracle. Each branch of the Diamond Exchange has a jewelry store where you can purchase both stones and jewelry.

The Diamond Exchange does not trade diamonds at retail, minimum amount purchases - 3000 USD. Prices for stones start from 200 USD.

On the exchange you can choose a diamond of any size, choose the quality of processing, cut shape and even color. You can also choose whether you want just a stone or a piece of jewelry. Please keep in mind that your order will take 5-6 days to complete. The buyer is given a passport for each stone; each stone purchased here can be exchanged for another (more expensive) at any time with an additional payment.

Prices for diamond jewelry in retail jewelry stores start from 300-400 USD for a ring or earrings.

Jewelry made from Eilat stone is an Israeli exclusive. This is a very beautiful malachite-azure mineral, which local craftsmen combine with gold and silver. Despite the fact that reserves of this material are depleting, prices still remain quite affordable: small decoration can be purchased for 120-150 ILS.

In addition to diamonds, Israel also has very high quality gold. The best stores are Rotem Jewelry (for more than 100 years, selling white and yellow gold, pearls and diamonds), Stones Jewelry (exotic jewelry made of silver and gold), Ronit Cohen Jewelry (designer gold and silver jewelry from the store owner, made in the original style).

Silver in Israel is interesting for its stylish design. The most popular silver jewelry store is Magnolia; there is a large selection of not only jewelry, but also silverware, candlesticks and other interior items.

Where else to buy silver:

  • DEN'O - silver of the highest standard, jewelry in ethnic style with turquoise, pearls and other stones.
  • Grass! - unique silver jewelry in a romantic-ethnic style, some of them are handmade.
  • Tamir Zuman - silver jewelry with natural semi-precious stones. All products are produced in very small batches, so there is a high chance of buying a real exclusive.

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Food and wine

There are a lot of delicious things in Israel; the main gastronomic souvenir is considered hummus(bean paste with olive oil and paprika). Hummus is sold in any supermarket, as well as at the market, but keep in mind that the shelf life of loose hummus is much shorter.

Dates are also usually brought from Israel; they are excellent here: huge, fleshy and very sweet; the Majkhol and Deglet Nur varieties are considered the most delicious. Dates are sold in 0.5 kg boxes, you can also buy date paste, which is made without any extraneous additives. Those with a sweet tooth will also like Israeli honey; the assortment is very rich: apple, eucalyptus, citrus, etc., but the most famous is date honey. Honey is sold in markets (they allow you to try everything before buying), but you can only find out the real composition in supermarkets. The best is considered to be the one made without adding sugar and syrup.

Israeli coffee is also worth attention, especially the local coffee with cardamom. It is sold in supermarkets and tea and coffee shops, in sealed green packages with a picture of a cardamom leaf. The grind is usually fine, so it is best to brew coffee with cardamom in a Turkish coffee pot - this way the aroma and taste will be fully revealed. The cost of one package is about 60-70 ILS, anything significantly cheaper is most likely a fake.

Israeli olives are no worse than Spanish or Greek ones. If you're lucky, you might find olives packaged in cans, since the glass containers familiar to Israelis are not very convenient for transportation.

Local wines are not as popular in the world as French or Italian, but they are at least interesting - primarily because they are often produced not on an industrial scale, but in small family wineries. It’s best to buy wine there: firstly, you can try everything at the winery, and secondly, it’s much cheaper.

The most famous Israeli wine is pomegranate. It is sweetish, slightly tart and has a pronounced pomegranate smell. The best is produced at the Rimon winery, you can buy it at the winery or in any large supermarket, the cost is about 100 ILS per bottle. Lovers of sweet wines will love King David’s (a rich red wine of almost ruby ​​color, price from 50 ILS per bottle), and Chardonnay Reserve Galilee will be appreciated by fans of white wines: this is a fruity wine that is stored in oak barrels (from 70 ILS per bottle). Another interesting variety is Syrah Galilee with light aroma fruit and chocolate (from 65 ILS per bottle).

Shopping districts of Israel

When shopping in Jerusalem, you should first of all go to the Old City - the colorful Oriental Bazaar is located there. Ben Yehuda pedestrian street has many shops, souvenir shops, jewelry stores, as well as restaurants and street musicians to make shopping more fun. Another convenient area for shopping is Malkha, there are many shops there, as well as the largest one in the city shopping complex"Malkha Center" (popular European and local brands). Behind expensive brands and for designer clothes, you should go to the Talpiot area - there are also many shops and malls there.

In Tel Aviv, for a mass market of European and local production, you need to go to Dizengoff Street (there are shops and a large shopping center there), on Shenkik Street there are shops of designer and extravagant clothing and accessories, and on Nahalat Binyamin Street a crafts market opens on Fridays. Other popular shopping streets are Levinsky and Herzl, which also have a good selection of shops.

Eilat has a large selection of souvenirs and beach accessories. In addition, it is profitable to buy imported goods here, since they are not subject to VAT, a large number of There are such stores in Taba, the border checkpoint and at Ovda airport.

In Haifa, the most profitable and interesting shopping is in shopping centers, as well as on Ben Gurion Boulevard, which also has many shops.

Shopping centers in Israel

Shopping centers in Israel are called “canyons” (“kniyya” in Hebrew means “shopping”). They are organized in the same way as in Europe and Russia: multi-storey complexes with shops, food courts and entertainment (cinemas, playgrounds, bowling, ice skating rinks, etc.) The first canyon in Israel, “Ayalon”, was built in 1985 in the city of Ramat. Ghana (15 minutes by bus from Tel Aviv) remains one of the most visited in the country today. There are canyons in all major cities, most of them are open seven days a week, including Shabbat.

The largest supermarket chain in Israel is Shufersal (or Super-Sal), there are about 240 stores in the country, they are found in almost every city. The assortment includes groceries, household chemicals, cosmetics, etc. There is a department for organic products, and discounts and promotions are often held here.


There are markets in every Israeli city. Oriental bazaars are especially colorful: they sell handmade jewelry, ethnic-style clothing, carpets, spices, handicrafts made of leather, straw and olive wood, etc. In Jerusalem, such a bazaar is located on Jaffa Street, in Tel Aviv it is the Carmel market ”, which stretches from Magen David Square to the bus station, other cities also have at least one oriental bazaar.

Food markets can be found in every Israeli city. You can also find food in eastern bazaars, but the largest selection and lowest prices are in food markets: fruits, vegetables, spices, pickles, baked goods, sausages, tea and much more. Tel Aviv has the wonderful Levinsky Market with a huge selection of fresh seafood, Jerusalem has Mahan Yehuda (don't leave without trying the local baked goods), and Haifa has Talpiot.

Trading in the markets begins early in the morning, around 6:00-7:00, and ends at sunset. Markets are closed on Saturdays and open until lunchtime on Tuesdays.

In Israeli clothing markets they sell mainly counterfeits. famous brands(sometimes quite high quality), as well as quite good and inexpensive leather goods(the processing will most likely be rough, but the quality is conscientious). Collectors and lovers of everything vintage will be delighted by Israeli flea markets, which are found in almost every city. The largest flea market in Tel Aviv is Shuk Ha-Pishpishim (you can find real antiques there), another slightly smaller one is located at the Dizengoff Center, and the oldest flea market in the country is located in Haifa on Alkalay Street.

What you need to know about Israeli markets

  • It is necessary to bargain: persistently, but politely. Without bargaining, selling a product does not give the seller any pleasure, and he may consider your behavior impolite. Therefore, prices in the markets are initially always a little high.
  • When purchasing several units of goods, you can safely ask for a discount.
  • You can try all the products, except those in the package. This does not oblige you to purchase.
  • You can pick fruits and vegetables with your own hands; in the case of berries, this is done by the seller.
  • You can ask for the fish to be gutted and cleaned, it’s free. But you will have to pay for the original weight.

Tax free

In Israel, non-residents of the country can return up to 15% VAT (in Hebrew - maam). Money can be returned not only for goods, but also for services: hotel stays, excursions, flights, cruises and rented cars. However, money is not refunded for food, tobacco products, equipment and electronics, as well as cameras, film and other goods for filming.

The minimum amount of purchases with which maam is returned is 400 ILS, the larger the amount of purchases, the lower the percentage.

To get a tax refund, you need to fill out a special form in the store (the store must cooperate with the tax-free system) and present it together with your passport at the airport before departure. There are return points at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, at Ovda Airport in Eilat, at the seaports of Haifa and Ashdod, as well as at the Rabin border crossing in Arava and at Taba and Allenby, on the border with Jordan.

Best places to shop

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  • Austria Vienna
  • England London
  • Vietnam: Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Germany: Berlin, Düsseldorf and Munich
  • Georgia: Tbilisi, Batumi
  • Hungary: Budapest
  • Greece (fur tours): Athens, Crete, Rhodes, Thessaloniki
  • Israel: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
  • Spain: Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Madrid (and its shops),

Israel is a crossroads of many cultures, thanks to which, regardless of religion, everyone finds something important and interesting for themselves when traveling here.

And, of course, I want to capture a piece of this amazing country as a souvenir and bring back from the trip an original and useful gift close people. There are many opinions about what you can buy in Israel as a souvenir, and below is a story about the most unique and unusual gifts.

Headdress "Kippa"

Kippah is a traditional men's headdress, which ideally reflects the degree of religiosity of its owner and can even tell about his ideological worldview and beliefs. That's why you can see such diversity in Israel: bales vary in shape and size, material, and ornament.

However, souvenir yarmulkes cannot be compared with the headdresses worn by religious Jews. Such hats are designed to attract tourists, and therefore are brightly and attractively decorated and may well become an interesting memorable gift.

Red thread

Among the things you can bring from Israel as a souvenir, you should definitely name such an elegant and simple souvenir as the Red Thread. Here it is considered a powerful amulet, as it is consecrated at the grave of Rachel, the foremother of nations. The red thread is tied on the wrist with 7 knots - you must tie it close person(usually mothers do this). Then, according to belief, it brings health and good luck to its owner; the main thing is to wear it without taking it off.


What other popular souvenirs from Israel are there that you can bring to decorate your interior? If we ignore the religious symbolism, a minora, or candelabra, designed to hold seven candles, would be an excellent souvenir. Its leg and holders are usually made of metal, and its stands are made of colored glass or ceramics. Also, the minor is often decorated with semi-precious or precious stones and carvings, so that the candlestick can become an original and beautiful interior detail.

Pomegranate wine

There are wines in Israel that are made from grapes, currants, and other fruits and berries. But among all the varieties and brands, pomegranate wine “Rimon” is of particular interest to tourists - unique, one of a kind.

“Rimon” is produced only here and is considered the world’s first example of the production of alcohol exclusively based on pomegranate. Actually, this is not even a single variety, but a whole collection, which includes dry, dessert, and even sparkling wine. The drink has a dark amber, golden hue, a light tart taste and a density unusual for wines.

Company Rimon Winery owns his own orchards where pomegranates are grown. Such natural raw materials allow the drink to retain many beneficial vitamins and acids and make it a powerful antioxidant.

Dead Sea Cosmetics

Cosmetics made from mineral salts and Dead Sea mud are well known for their natural ingredients and effective effects on the body. Therefore, it is simply impossible to visit Israel and not buy a cream, mask or scrub here.

So what cosmetics should you bring from Israel and which brands should you prefer? The five main manufacturers are:

  • Kedem;
  • Doctor Sea;
  • Beauty Life;
  • Minus 417;
  • Mon Platin.

It is better to buy cosmetics in specialized stores that operate from manufacturing factories, in shopping centers or pharmacies.

Silk tablecloth

An example of what can be brought from Israel as a hostess gift is locally made silk tablecloths. They are characterized by bright and beautiful colors, interesting and pleasing to the eye ornaments, and delicate texture. And besides the purely aesthetic component, such a gift will also have an absolutely rational side: silk tablecloths are easy to care for, they are easy to iron and can be washed from stains without any difficulty.

Eilat stone jewelry

In Israel you can buy gold and silver jewelry with the rare and very beautiful Eilat stone, which is mined only here, in the south of the Arava Desert, in the Timna Natural Park.

The Eilat stone has an incomparable rich malachite-green color with azure splashes and is considered almost the national symbol of Israel, “King Solomon’s stone.” There is an opinion that he has magical properties, for example, helps in gaining wisdom and absorbs stress, fear and pain.

In Israel you can buy a variety of jewelry with the Eilat stone. These include amulets, beads and rings, earrings and brooches, bracelets. True, due to the depletion of the deposit, the extraction of stone is reduced and it becomes more and more rare.

What else can you bring from Israel?

Of course, the mentioned souvenirs are only a small part of what can be brought from Israel; tips for tourists will be as follows:

  1. Don’t miss the opportunity to try and buy samples of local cuisine with you back home, for example, corn sticks (bamba) for children, hummus.
  2. Many travelers come to Israel specifically for religious souvenirs (icons, crosses, Hanukkiah, tallit, oil). They are really very beautiful and varied here! Take a closer look, maybe you will like something too.
  3. Another souvenir direction is amulets (Khamsa, Star of David). They are sold in the form of keychains, pendants, pendants, and bracelets. You can buy them for yourself or as a gift.
  4. They do amazing things in Israel olive oil, honey, coffee with cardamom, spices and grow delicious dates, which have already become the talk of the town. So be sure to leave room in your luggage for these types of gifts.
  5. And of course, no one canceled the purchase of magnets, postcards, T-shirts and other usual souvenirs. You'll find them everywhere here!