Congratulations to Muslims on the holiday of March 21. Eid al-Adha: congratulations on the Muslim holiday. Ritual of making rain

Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha) is one of the main Islamic holidays. Muslims around the world celebrate it on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar - Zul Hijah.

Eid al-Adha is the final part of the Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. The holiday is celebrated in the valley of Mina near Mecca, and it lasts for three days. During Eid al-Adha, believers sacrifice a ram or other cattle. Muslims interpret the essence of Eid al-Adha in different ways, but what unites everyone is that the main thing in it is not the process of sacrifice itself, but humility and fulfillment of the will of Allah. The essence of the Eid al-Adha holiday is to approach God, to turn to him.

Kurban Bayram congratulations (photo \ pictures)

According to tradition, on the days of Eid al-Adha, a believer should show love and mercy to his neighbors, help those in need. One third of the meat of the sacrificial animal is given to the poor as alms.

Congratulations on the holiday of Kuiran Bayram in Russian:

Muslims have a holy holiday
Eid al-Adha, and a feast on the mountain!
Friends are all waiting for loved ones to visit,
To treat them to food!

Heat for everyone! Peace! Understanding!
May Allah protect you all
And let the bright holiday leave
A pleasant light in the hearts!

I want to wish good
Joy, health to you.
Congratulations on a great day
Peace to you in Eid al-Adha.

Feed the poor today
Pray for relatives:
About those who have gone to the beautiful world
Pray for the living.

Kurban Bayram congratulations (photo \ pictures)

The sun will wake up this morning
And the holiday will burst into your house.
May Allah smile on everyone
When is Eid al-Adha!

He, accepting your sacrifices,
Takes troubles away from the threshold!
And sends only happiness to the house!
For happiness, you need a little:

To keep loved ones healthy
To bring joy to children
Love and kindness under the roof
So that strong weave networks!

Muslim brothers today
With all my heart I want to congratulate
Happy Eid al-Adha,
Praise his greatness!
May Allah hear us!
From Mount Arafat,
We ask in our prayers
Healthy mind, good disposition
And mercy in the hearts
Piety, tolerance.
May Allah protect us all!
He will show us mercy.
For all earthly sins
He will send his forgiveness!...

Celebrate, good Muslim, you are Kurban Bayram.
Let ablution give light to your deeds.
Know that clean clothes you must wear
Yes, go to the mosque as soon as possible to pray.
Rejoice your heart: treat the poor,
And in the following days, visit loved ones.
Praise the Almighty and may Allah
Reveals the truth, will give success in business.
Let everyone make a feasible sacrifice.
Let him rejoice now, on a holiday, only the one
Who has a pure soul, who lives with goodness.

Kurban Bayram congratulations (photo \ pictures)

Congratulations on the holiday of Kuyran Bayram in Turkish:

Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, özlemdir. Kestiğiniz kurban ve dualarınız kabul olsun, sevdikleriniz hep sizinle olsun... Kurban Bayramınız mübarek olsun.

translation: Let the holiday be generous, long-awaited and happy. May your sacrifice be accepted and your prayers answered. May your loved ones always be with you. The path of Eid al-Adha will be blessed.

Bugün sevinç günü, kederleri bir yana bırakıp mutlu olalım. Kurban Bayramını doya doya yaşayalım. Her şeye kadir olan Yüce Allah, bizleri, doğru yoldan ve sevdiklerimizden ayırmasın!

translation: Today is a day of joy. Leaving sorrows, let's rejoice and celebrate Eid al-Adha. May Almighty Allah not separate us from our loved ones and lead us astray!

The Navruz holiday originates from the Zoroastrian culture, which flourished at a time much earlier than the religion of Islam. Nowadays, many believe that this is a Muslim holiday, but this is one of the misconceptions. Navruz is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox. In ancient times, the date of the celebration was determined by astrologers. Today there is a calendar date - March 21.

The celebration of Navruz echoes the celebration of the spring equinox in other cultures. In Rus', during the times of paganism, the spring equinox marked renewal. "New sun" symbolized a ruddy and hot pancake. Over time, a new calendar appeared, and due to the shift in numbers in it, the celebration moved to another date, and has survived to this day in the form of the tradition of "seeing off winter" on Shrovetide.
There are many traditions, both preparations for this great holiday, and the actual celebration. All these traditions from ancient times, from great-grandfathers, have come down to our days.

Navruz is a holiday of renewal and merging with nature. From an esoteric point of view, most of the actions are aimed at obtaining favorable energies of rebirth, light. According to old traditions, the celebration took 13 days. It is on these days that the angels of the sun "farishta" visit people and bring them a gift of well-being, prosperity, health, longevity. But bright angels will not visit a house where there is disorder, dirt and evil in the form of negative thoughts and feelings. Where envy lives, resentment, hostility. Therefore, long before the holiday, people put the house in order. The adobe walls were whitewashed, the old stuff was thrown away to make room for the new and the good. It was customary to pay visits to relatives and friends, to forgive debts and insults, to reconcile with enemies.

Most of the peoples of Persia (now Iran), as well as Central Asia, were dekhkans (farmers). The earth fed them. And for them, this day was a commemoration of the onset of spring and the beginning of field work.

Wheat grains were germinated on large clay lyagan dishes. These dishes with pale green wheat sprouts decorated the dastarkhan during the days of the festival, and were also taken out into the field as a gift to the spirits, so that they, in turn, would give a good harvest. In addition, neighbors, visiting guests, dervishes (wanderers) were treated to wheat seedlings, and they were eaten as a symbol of new life, renewal. It was believed that this helps the recovery of the sick, the strengthening of weak health, and favors those who, for some reason, cannot have a child.

Usually wheat was germinated in two stages. The second time - closer to the celebration. From these seedlings of the second order, the traditional dish "sumalak" was prepared. The cooking process itself is colorful and unusual. Sumalak is boiled for a very long time, on an open fire, in a huge cauldron (cauldron). According to tradition, it is prepared by women. On this night, they put on the best dresses, often specially tailored for this day, made of bright khan-atlas, and tie their heads with a beautiful scarf. The cooking process is long. Sumalak is boiled in a huge cauldron, and women alternately bring firewood, put it on, keeping the fire, and constantly stir in the cauldron with wooden spatulas. Traditionally, pebbles are added to the cauldron. There must be exactly 21 of them. Pebbles prevent the dish from burning, and besides this, it was believed - whoever got the pebble - would be especially lucky. These stones were kept in the house. Ready sumalak is a homogeneous mass of brown color, similar in appearance to boiled condensed milk. Sugar is not used for its preparation. Sweetness - from germinated grains.

The process of cooking sumalak is accompanied by music, songs and dances. In the morning of the next day, all fellow villagers and neighbors are treated to a ready-made dish.
On the night before the onset of the holiday, bonfires were kindled in the streets. There was a tradition of purification by fire. In order to be cleansed of everything bad, to leave in the past their failures, ill health, troubles - people jumped over the fire seven times. Or through seven fires.
Another traditional dish that is prepared for the celebration of Navruz is Khalis. This is a crumbly porridge made from seven types of grains. The ancestor of porridge "seven cereals". In many cultures, the number 7 was considered a magical number. Zoroastrianism did not bypass this either. If you look up ancient sources, you can repeatedly encounter the number 7.

The "Khalisa" dish is prepared exclusively at a big toi (feast). Navruz, wedding celebration, circumcision, birth of an heir. The peculiarity of the dish is that it is cooked with meat (usually beef or veal), but it is important that salt is present in a very moderate amount. When serving to guests, the dish is sprinkled with a mixture of cinnamon powder and powdered sugar.
According to an old tradition, chicken or quail eggs are always present on the festive table, as a symbol of the birth of a new life. The festival is accompanied by the playing of national instruments, songs, dances, and a procession with torches.
During the holidays, children go home, sing songs and congratulate the hosts on Navruz. And the owners treat them with all sorts of homemade delicacies. Dried fruits, pashmak and baursaks, and of course sumalak. Preparations are being made for the holiday. The hostesses prepare a lot of delicious dishes and sweets, so that "life is sweet".

The traditional table for the Navruz holiday is called "Haut sain". There must be seven hauts (ingredients) on the table without fail. According to the tradition adopted in Persia, which is still followed today, in Central Asia these are sedan seeds (spice), a silver coin, jida fruits (common sucker), vinegar, germinated grains of wheat, barley and flax (in some regions it is germinated mung bean), a bowl of milk, a bowl of rose water, with basil leaves.

In our time, the magical seven ingredients may be different. What matters is what meaning you put into them.
The main idea is renewal, a bright message to all living things. Navruz is called the "Muslim New Year. In fact - the definition is not entirely correct, but the traditions accompanying this holiday are similar to those that accompany the celebration of the New Year. Abundant table - it is believed that this gives abundance for the whole year until the next equinox, leaving in past negative emotions, debts, resentments and other unpleasant things.It is customary to help the poor.Give new clothes to the beggar or the needy, generously and heartily feed the hungry, and be sure to treat the neighbors.Men in Central Asia always cook pilaf for Navruz.

Another interesting tradition associated with the celebration of Navruz is that these days it was customary to guess. It was believed that good angels would give an answer to any questions. The girls, as usual, were guessing at the groom, and the older women carefully listened to the conversations of their neighbors behind the wall or clay fence. According to the content of the conversation, they made a conclusion - how events will develop in the issue that concerns them. Will the harvest be good, will the relatives be healthy, will the daughter be married, and will there be a rich groom.

These centuries-old traditions live on to this day. In Central Asia, it is believed that every woman should be able to cook sumalak, and the secrets and tricks of its preparation are passed on by women from generation to generation.
Another old belief says that if you interfere with the upcoming sumalak and make a wish, then it will certainly come true. It is also considered a good omen if you try a dish of seven different cauldrons.

On Rajab 7, Muslims mark Hijra to Ethiopia - the first Hijra (migration) in the history of Islam, which occurred in 615.

Muhammad did not participate in this migration, remaining in Mecca. In total, excluding small children and those who were already born directly in Ethiopia, eighty-three men left. There were those who left with their families, there were those who left without a family.

The ruler of Ethiopia guaranteed the safety of their religion and no one oppressed the Muslims in Ethiopia. Ethiopia was already a Christian state then. The persecution of Muslims in Mecca spurred Muhammad to decide on the first resettlement of Muslims. Ethiopia was chosen because a king (negus) ruled there, who did not persecute anyone.

The Quraish sent two men with valuable gifts to bring back the Muslims. Leather was supplied to Ethiopia from Mecca, so we decided to present a lot of leather. First, two Quraysh gave gifts to each chief, then gave gifts to the negus and asked him to give them the Muslims, that is, give them to their people, as they "see them better and know better what they reproached them for and what they condemned them for." In a conversation with the negus, they also partially told him about Islam.

However, the Negus refused to extradite the Muslims without asking them about it. Jafar ibn Abu Talib, who was the brother of Ali ibn Abu Talib, was in charge of the Muslims. He said words that subsequently formed some of the biographies of Muhammad, and not only of Muslim authors, such as Gustave Le Bon (significantly different from the form below). These words show how strong the influence of Islam was on the former pagans:

“O king, we were an ignorant people, worshiped idols, ate carrion, committed sins, did not maintain family ties, did not respect neighbors, and the strong among us destroyed the weak. We were in this state before Allah sent us His messenger from our midst, whose honesty, truthfulness and chastity are well known to us ... He called us to Allah, monotheism and worship only Him alone, as well as to the rejection of the worship of stones and idols whom we and our fathers previously worshiped...

He commanded us to always tell the truth, to be honest, to maintain family ties and good relations with neighbors, not to commit illegal acts and not to shed blood in vain. He forbade us to be obscene, to tell lies, to take money from orphans, and to slander chaste women. He commanded us to worship Allah alone, not attaching anything to Him, to perform Namaz, pay zakat and fast in the month of Ramadan ... We believed him, believed in him and followed him in what he came from Allah. We allowed ourselves what was allowed to us, and did not allow what was forbidden to us ... "

Negus asked to read something from the Koran. The beginning of Surah Maryam was read. It is also said that after reading the Negus was touched and wept. The Quraysh's request was denied. Subsequently, the Negus will secretly convert to Islam. After some time, false news reached the Muslims that the people of Mecca had converted to Islam. It was decided to return to Mecca. When the Muslims reached Mecca, they learned that these were false rumors. But some still entered Mecca. The total number of companions who returned to Muhammad was 33 men.

Tomorrow is the most important holiday for Muslims - Eid al-Adha. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, advised the believers to give gifts to friends and relatives on this day in order to fill the holiday with love and joy. But most often, Muslims do not look for a reason, but give gifts from the bottom of their hearts in order to show their love and earn the pleasure of the Almighty for a good deed.

Giving Rules in Islam In Islam, there is an etiquette of giving. Unlike the Western rule of "gifts cannot be re-gifted", in Islam a Muslim can give his gift to another person. For after you have given the thing away, it no longer belongs to you, and the owner has the right to dispose of it as he wishes. Therefore, you should not delve into feelings that “suddenly you don’t like the gift.” In extreme cases, the donated thing will find another owner, but the person will still be pleased. What can not be given to a Muslim Although there are not so many prohibitions, they should be remembered. Muslims should not be given things that are considered prohibited for use. Many people know that you should not give Muslims alcohol or pork. Also, when choosing a gift for men, it is worth remembering that Islam does not allow them to wear gold and silk. Therefore, any jewelry made from this metal will be blacklisted - rings, bracelets, cufflinks, as well as silk ties. It is absolutely inappropriate to give figurines, whether they are angels, crucifixes or talismans for feng shui. What to give a Muslim Do not assume that a gift for a Muslim is difficult to find. The range and choice of allowed is quite large. A good gift for a Muslim can be bought at the mosque, found in the departments of oriental goods or in specialized online stores. To help you with your choice, we list the most original Islamic gifts: Chocolate candy set If you do not want to repeat yourself in choosing a gift, then you can choose something from the collection of chocolate sets "Konfael". Sweets are designed for different tastes and wallets. Along with the general Islamic symbols, the released national collections contain national ornaments, types of mosques characteristic of different peoples - Chechens, Dagestanis, Kazakhs, Tatars, etc. There are even chocolate coloring pages for children. Watches with Muslim symbols If you want your gift to remain for a long time and constantly remind the new owner of you, then be sure to look at the collection of Muslim watches. According to surveys, such an accessory is one of the most desirable gifts for a Muslim. Today, a watch is, first of all, an element of style and identification of the person wearing it, and only then a chronometer. In a saturated market for goods, a Muslim wants to emphasize his Islamic identity without infringing on the comforts of clothing, so such a gift will be both useful and desirable. For bookshelf Despite the development of technology, the book is still a good gift for a Muslim, because. it helps not to get lost in the worldly bustle. Of course, the best book is the Quran, but most likely it is already in the library of the one you want to give a gift to. Online stores of oriental goods can help in choosing books and Muslim paraphernalia. There are also discs, perfumes, postcards and many other useful trinkets, such as magnets with verses, etc. Purses and wallets for Muslims The latest know-how on the Muslim market was leather holders and wallets with Islamic symbols. They are made from real calfskin of the highest category and are hand-sewn by the craftsman with a thick waxed thread. Despite the low price, such a wallet belongs to the premium class gifts, therefore it indirectly increases the status of a man in society, and most importantly, the internal self-esteem of a Muslim. The best gift Summing up, I would like to note the best Islamic gift that does not require any financial investment, but will be priceless. The best gift for your wife is care, the best gift for your husband is obedience, the best gift for parents is attention, the best gift for your child is education, and for a friend, your prayer for him will be the best gift. Happy holiday!

On this day, it is customary to visit each other and richly set the tables.

On March 21, several republics of the former USSR celebrate the Muslim holiday Navruz. The customs of celebrating Navruz in different countries have much in common, but each nation has its own peculiarities of celebrating the spring equinox, notes the Tajik news agency Asia Plus.

Navruz was included by UNESCO in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind, and at the end of February 2010. The 64th session of the UN General Assembly declared March 21 the International Day of Navruz.

This spring holiday is celebrated as a state holiday in Tajikistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Albania, Afghanistan, Georgia, India, Macedonia, and Turkey. Navruz is also celebrated locally in Tatarstan, Bashkiria and the North Caucasus.

In Tajikistan, the Navruz holiday begins to be celebrated on March 21. On holidays, festivities, games, wrestling competitions, horse races, and other events will be held throughout the republic. According to an ancient custom, before the onset of Navruz, people must clean their houses and around, pay off their debts. Cakes and sweets are stacked on the festive tables. The traditional ritual in Navruz is the compilation of seven “sin”-ov and “shin”-ov (the letters “s” and “sh” of the Persian alphabet) - treats, plants, etc., the first letters of which begin with “s” and “ sh". The most famous festive dish is sumalak - a dish of sprouted wheat sprouts.

Navruz is also celebrated in neighboring Uzbekistan.

In Kazakhstan, a festive dish is "nauryz kozhe" of seven ingredients. Among the Kazakhs, who live mainly in the western regions and in the adjacent regions of Russia, the celebration of Nauryz begins on March 14 and is called "amal" (from the Arabic name for the month Hamal); its traditional element is a ceremony when everyone should greet each other with a handshake with both hands and saying “Zhyl kuty bastard!” ("Happy Year!"). For the Nauryz holiday, the Kazakhs prepare food called "nevruz - kyojo". In addition, a special porridge or soup is cooked for the holiday, which they carry to their neighbors.

The Nauryz holiday is celebrated in much the same way in Kyrgyzstan.

In Turkmenistan, on the day of the holiday, pilaf is prepared. It is believed that the more food prepared for the holiday, the more abundant the year will be. On the holiday of Nevruz, they also prepare a special meal called "semeni". This ritual dish, prepared from flour, water and sugar, is cooked by several families together. “Semenya” begins to be prepared the day before the holiday, so that it will be ready by the morning of Nevruz, March 21.

In the North Caucasus, in the traditions of Nouruz, a plentiful treat is obligatory. On the day of Nouruz, even adults are allowed to play pranks. Young men in costumes mummers, amusing the people, mindful, of course, of decency, flirt with the girls. The villagers in national costumes send the winter away in a dance. After a long sleep, as in the views of the highlanders, nature wakes up.

In Azerbaijan, the festive table on this day is special. In addition to the obligatory seven dishes, the name of which begins with the letter "s", a mirror, a candle and a painted egg are placed on the table. All of the above has a symbolic meaning: a candle is a light or fire that protects a person from evil spirits; the egg and the mirror are needed to establish the end of the old year and the beginning of the first day of the new. Azerbaijanis put a colored egg on a mirror. And as soon as the egg swings, the new year begins. Everyone at the table begins to congratulate each other. There are also many sweets on the table, such as baklava, shekerbura, badambura and much more.

In accordance with the customs and traditions in Turkey, what a person sees first of all on the first day of Nauruz Bayram will be with him all year. During the spring celebration in Turkey, people should be surrounded by things that symbolize good intentions and happiness, health and longevity, good luck in all endeavors and prosperity. Such objects for the Turks have long been considered barley sprouts or pita cakes and coins, the place of which today has been taken by banknotes.

It is believed that Navruz began to be celebrated about three thousand years ago in Persian-speaking countries. And it is not surprising that this holiday is especially celebrated in Iran. Nowruz here is considered the most important, rich in diverse content holiday. And this is connected not only with historical and cultural aspects, but also with purely calendar properties, because Navruz is the cyclical beginning of the chronology according to the Iranian solar calendar.

On this day, dastarkhan is served in every family - a tablecloth with all kinds of national dishes, sweets, traditional drinks. And on the eve of Navruz, housing is put in order, all insults are forgiven each other, those who were in a quarrel are reconciled, and also, as a sign of the abundance of harvest, rains, milk, all containers are filled with grain, spring water and milk.