What to play with a 10 month old baby. Educational games for children at ten months

10 months for a baby is a special date, both for parents and for the baby. Many children at this age begin to walk, as well as rapidly develop and improve other skills. If earlier your child played on the floor or in the arena and this was enough for him, now you need to equip more space where the baby will be comfortable and comfortable. After all, now he spends a lot of energy.

Why is this age so important?

Development and play an important role in his proper upbringing and perception of life in general. at this age, it practically does not change, but now the baby learns the world around him with great interest, studies new toys, and contacts with other children.

It is important to start instilling certain skills in the child. Try to make sure that the child learns to repeat specific sounds and syllables. When a child reaches 10 months, its development is rapidly progressing. He is interested in learning about the world around him and acquiring new skills.

As a rule, at 10 months the child already knows how to sit, so it would not be superfluous to start potty training the baby. If he does not like your idea, do not raise your voice, try to force him to sit down. Let him play, get to know and, possibly, make friends with him, so it will be easier in the future with the next attempt to accustom him to independence.

The development and nutrition of a child at 10 months should be under the control of the mother, as this is a special stage in the life of the baby. Try to buy as many educational toys for him as possible. This may be a children's piano, which, when the keys are pressed, makes a certain sound, balls, balls and other entertainments that help him to learn about the world around him.

Achievements and skills

Every mother worries about whether a child has sufficient skills at 10 months. "What can the baby do?" - this is the main issue that worries her.

The necessary physical skills of the baby include:

  • increase in height by a couple of centimeters;
  • weight gain by 400-450 g.

For sensory-motor skills:

  • has walking skills;
  • sits down independently from a standing position;
  • stands on its own feet;
  • holding a toy with both hands;
  • crawls actively.

For intellectual skills:

  • repetition of several words in a row;
  • showing interest in new toys (cubes, rings);
  • the study of the surrounding world is becoming more and more exciting - the baby is increasingly touching foreign objects with handles, opening jars and drawers, exploring what is inside.

For social skills:

  • playing with water while swimming;
  • the baby reacts to music, starts to dance;
  • answers questions “in their own language”;
  • can imitate someone else's laugh or facial expression.

Baby's diet

The development and nutrition of a child at 10 months requires special attention. The diet at 10 months remains unchanged in mode and quantity. The child still needs a full five meals a day. At this age, children are slowly transferred to a common table. Now the little one can, of course, with some exceptions, eat the same thing as you.

Try for a maximum of 10 months for the baby. It should be high-calorie, varied and healthy, contain vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to give fried foods to children at this age. Boil or steam food.

If the child is 10 months old, it is necessary to include in the diet not only mashed fruits and vegetables, but also small pieces. Most children of this age already have about 6 teeth, so they can easily chew banana, apricot, boiled vegetables, bread.

Your baby's diet should still include breast milk or formula. But the amount at one time must be reduced to 200-250 ml.

The menu of a child at 10 months should look something like this:

  • 1 feeding: mother's milk or mixture, 50 grams of fruit puree.
  • 2 feeding: milk porridge, 50 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 3 feeding: vegetable soup with white bread (10 grams), vegetable puree, steam cutlet, fruit juice or jelly (50 ml).
  • 4 feeding: kefir (100-150 ml) baby biscuits (10-15 grams), raw grated vegetables (50 grams), fruit puree.
  • 5 feeding: kefir.


A 10-month-old baby's daily routine should include sleeping, feeding, and playing. As a rule, during the day the baby should sleep at least 2 hours. Night rest should be around 11 o'clock. Be careful, accustom the child to the established routine. Put him to bed at certain hours.

When your child is awake, keep him busy with educational games. Let this active time last for 2-3 hours. It is necessary to ventilate the baby's room often (up to 5 times), while the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be at least 20 degrees.

At 10 months, a child, like at any other age, definitely needs outdoor walks, bathing, gymnastic exercises - all these recommendations will help combine business with pleasure.

The following exercises can be included in the massage complex:

  • back;
  • abdomen
  • flexion and extension of the legs;
  • movements of the handles in a circle;
  • squats (of course, not without the help of mom).

Games and entertainment

For the age of 10 months, almost all types of activities are suitable, both calm games and active ones.

Try to entertain your child with one of the useful fun:

  • Cartoons. Any educational video that will help the baby learn to talk will do.
  • Drawing. Finger paints are just what you need.
  • Colorful editions. Cardboard products will help to leave the book safe and sound, and bright pictures will lure the child into a fairy-tale world.
  • Toys. It is better to choose those that move. It can be a clockwork doll or a car.

So gradually the baby will learn to play for some time on his own, in order to sometimes let his mother do her own thing.

Height and weight of a 10-month-old baby

Growth at this age reaches 74-76 cm and about 10 kg. These indicators are different for boys and girls. If you have a young lady, then at this age she will weigh about 9 kg, and her height will be about 73 cm. Weight 10 kg combined with a height of approximately 75 cm - when you have a boy.

10 months for a baby is a very active period of growth. Although the pace for each child is individual, parents need to be very attentive to the parameters of the baby. After all, not always active is a plus and an indicator of maturity.

If the deviation from the average is 600-700 grams, this is normal. In the case when 1.5-2 kg - indicates that the child has an overweight or underweight. Be sure to consult your doctor if you notice deviations.


The child began to walk - which means that parents will worry about the development of flat feet in the baby. It is necessary to purchase shoes for him with an anatomical insole. This will help avoid flat feet in the future. Choose comfortable and breathable shoes with a sturdy heel and non-slip soles. It is also necessary to ensure that it does not squeeze the leg too much, and even be a little loose.

Protect your baby by removing objects that can harm him in his way. This applies to sharp and heavy objects, fire.

Do not forget to engage in the development of the child, give him a massage, play more often and walk in the fresh air. The general trend is noted by many mothers who have a baby of 10 months. The development of the baby goes at an accelerated pace: an active researcher seeks to know the unknown, to learn more and more new things.

Encourage your baby's first steps. Buy comfortable shoes for shaping your foot. He may not immediately want to put on shoes or boots. Let the little one get used to them a little by playing in advance.

So, the development and nutrition of a child at 10 months is a special and very important period not only in the life of the baby, but also of his parents. The more independent he becomes, the more time adults should devote to him. Educational games, walks, daily routine and proper nutrition - all this will help the baby in shaping his personality.

Another significant event has happened in your life - the baby is 10 months old! By this time, many children can sit up, crawl quickly, take their first hesitant steps and chat non-stop in a "baby" language.

But do not worry if the baby has not yet mastered these skills. Each ten-month-old baby is a unique personality with its own character and temperament. Your child's needs and interests may be very different from those of other babies: while some children are strenuously exploring new spaces, others prefer to sit in the crib, concentrating on the pages of a book or assembling a designer.

Do not force the child to do what he is not interested in: if there are no congenital pathologies or birth injuries, he will soon catch up with his more mobile peers in development.

Physical development

The body of a ten-month-old child develops much more slowly than before: in a month he gains only 300–450 g of weight and 1–1.5 cm in height. Now his weight is 8.5–10 kg, and his height is 71–74 cm.


A ten-month-old baby has good control over his own body: his movements are becoming more precise and coordinated. That is why new skills and abilities are mastered very quickly, and by the end of the 10th month, the child pleases parents with many new achievements:

  • can sit down from a lying or standing position and sit for a long time, while keeping his back straight, not falling to the side;
  • holding on to the handrails or the grating of the arena, confidently walks in a circle, dances, crouches, bounces;
  • without help or support, he rises to his feet, takes several hesitant steps towards the object of interest to him (usually his favorite toy or mother acts as such an object);
  • quickly crawls in different directions on all fours (and many babies, in order to move faster, tear off their knees and elbows from the floor, relying only on their palms and toes);
  • coordinates the movements of both hands: he can take an object with two palms, shift it from one hand to the other (if you give him a toy in each hand, he will begin to connect them, put one on top of the other);
  • knows how to go down and up: on all fours he easily overcomes a small staircase, freely climbs onto the sofa, pulling himself up on his hands, and then goes down with his legs.

The main way to develop new skills is imitation. The kid is happy to copy all the movements of his parents: that's why you can often see a baby who is concentrating on pressing the buttons of the remote control or telephone, looking at a newspaper, feeding a plush hare from a spoon or rocking a rag doll. The more interesting actions you show your child, the more extensive will be the "repertoire" of his games.

Ways to develop physical skills

  1. Since many of the child's actions are imitative, show him the maximum number of examples: play ball, cars or dolls together, put toy animals to bed, feed and wash them. And do not be surprised if the baby, having successfully mastered feeding the doll, cannot repeat the same action with a toy bunny: the child does not yet know how to transfer the acquired knowledge to other objects.
  2. Take the child for a walk. Since he can now move independently, the stroller can be dispensed with. Let the baby crawl along the paths and lawns, sit in the sandbox, watch the games of their peers and take part in them.
  3. Continue with small items. Give your child a couple of boxes and a handful of multi-colored beads: let him put them in a box, pour them from one container to another, sort them by color and size, or lay out figures from them.
  4. Buy a baby scoop, spatula or rakes, a bucket and molds for your baby. Take him to the sandbox and show him how to pour sand into a bucket with a shovel or how to make cakes with molds. At the same time, it is desirable that the child act with both hands: this will not only improve coordination of actions, but will also contribute to the development of the baby's intellect.
  5. Teach the little one to dance. Show him some simple movements: let him stamp his foot, clap his hands, bend over, nod his head. First, perform these exercises in front of a mirror, moving the arms and legs of the child on your own. When he understands what is required of him, he will be able to perform movements without your help. This exercise will help improve your coordination.
  6. Does your child love to throw toys? Turn it into a game! Put a box in front of him: let him try to throw various objects into it. By moving the box to the right, then to the left, you will teach the child to use both hands equally well.

mental development


The peanut is becoming more and more sociable and open, enjoying spending time with peers and adults. By 10 months, the child's achievements are as follows:

  • imitates the actions of adults, tries to copy their gestures, movements, speech;
  • demonstrates a good sense of humor: when he hears a joke addressed to him, he begins to laugh, and sometimes he deliberately makes funny sounds to make others laugh;
  • acquires a favorite pastime: some children enthusiastically build “castles” from cubes, others draw, others dance to the music, and the fourth spend time playing collective games;
  • shows affection for certain things: he already has his own opinion about what toy to play now or what T-shirt to wear for a walk;
  • demonstrates the talent of a researcher: opens jars and bags to get acquainted with the contents, breaks toys to find out their device;
  • shows interest in small things (constructor parts, small cubes, peas), refuses large toys;
  • is aware of the location of objects in space, can estimate the distance to any object (if it turns out that the toy is too far away to reach it with his hands, the baby will try to reach it with another object).

A ten-month-old baby has an urgent need for approval from adults. He performs many actions, only to hear the affectionate words "well done", "clever". The desire to earn praise is a normal phenomenon for a child, which indicates that the baby recognizes the authority of parents.

Ways of development of the psyche

  1. An interesting toy for a ten-month-old baby will be a phone. Give the child a phone: let him hear his father's or grandmother's voice. After the “conversation”, he will study the phone for a long time in order to understand why there is a voice, but the person to whom the voice belongs is not. These classes will help the baby master some of the features of cause-and-effect relationships.
  2. Surely your child suddenly had a desire to break everything and take it to pieces. Don't stop him! The kid begins to understand that each item consists of separate parts, and he is interested in learning its structure and principle of operation. Such classes improve concrete-figurative thinking and lay the foundations for logical and abstract thinking.
  3. It's time to start developing creative abilities. Buy a crumb of paint, crayons or plasticine and start drawing with him! Let him run a brush over a sheet of drawing paper or enthusiastically stick pieces of multi-colored plasticine to cardboard. Creative activities improve fine motor skills and contribute to the development of thinking.

Speech development

Skills and abilities

The child chats with pleasure, therefore he is delighted when others enter into a dialogue with him. However, not everyone is able to understand his words: as a rule, only close relatives are familiar with the “childish” language of the child.

Peanut demonstrates new speech skills:

  • sings songs, while falling well into the melody, but does not pronounce the words yet;
  • listens attentively to the speech of adults and tries to imitate their conversation;
  • pronounces new words, including “give-give”, “na” and about 6-8 more words;
  • speaks a lot in his own "childish" language and is very upset when others do not understand him;
  • masters various techniques of intonation of speech: changes the volume and timbre of the voice, the pace of speech.

Do not be upset when a child distorts and distorts words: the baby's articulation apparatus is not yet sufficiently developed to correctly pronounce complex sound combinations. Sooner or later, you will begin to understand what your baby is trying to tell you. And he will master normal speech only by 1.5–2.5 years.

Ways to develop speech

  1. Take the little one in your arms or put it on your lap, kiss or stroke it, smile. After that, start singing songs. Babies feel the melody well and even memorize individual words, so parents who sing songs to their baby every day for an hour, children begin to speak much earlier than their peers.
  2. Accompany any joint activity with conversations. If the child wants to chat, keep the dialogue going; if the baby is silent - just comment on everything that is happening at the moment. Speak slowly, in a low voice, pronouncing the words clearly; use short sentences consisting mainly of nouns and verbs (occasionally introduce adjectives into your speech that indicate the color, size, shape of objects).
  3. Tell your child about the structure of his body. Place the baby in front of a mirror and, naming a part of the body, touch it. Then ask the child to show the named parts of the body on their own.

social skills

A ten-month-old baby is keenly interested in the people around him. He is still wary of strangers, but curiosity overcomes fear, and the child tries to make friends. He is much less wary of his peers: he shows interest in joint walks and games, looks at other kids with curiosity.

A child at this age can already be left with a nanny. He does not need every minute communication with his mother, therefore, without fear, he will accept a new person.

For most children, sleep and wake patterns do not change: they still sleep for 10 hours at night and twice for 1.5-2 hours during the day. Some babies refuse one afternoon nap.

Pay attention to the quality of children's sleep. If the baby sleeps peacefully and wakes up alert and rested, there is nothing to worry about. But if the child's sleep is intermittent, and awakening is accompanied by whims and a bad mood, you need to contact a neurologist. It is during this period that latent nervous disorders are discovered.


A ten-month-old baby can already eat "adult" foods: soups, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, juices and cookies. Therefore, many parents stop preparing separate meals for the baby and instill in him the eating habits that are characteristic of the whole family.

However, you need to remember that there are products that will be banned for a long time: sausages, hot dogs, hot spices, carbonated drinks, cocoa, coffee, fried foods, fast food. Food should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals.

At 10 months, the baby can already be weaned, so the total volume of mother's milk during this period should be only 400 ml per day (you can distribute this volume over 2-3 feedings, one of which should be in the morning). Sometimes the evening portion of breast milk can be replaced with kefir.

A ten-month-old baby is learning a lot of new skills. And the most important mechanism of its development during this period is imitation. Therefore, the more time parents spend with their baby, showing him examples of new actions, the more harmoniously and versatile the little one develops.

Parents should know what the child should be able to do at 10 months. By this period there are many changes. The rate of development of mental and physical abilities of each child is different. But there are generally accepted norms of skills and abilities that a baby should master by a certain age. This is necessary in order to notice violations in time and begin to eliminate them.

At 10 months, the height of the child increases by 1.5 cm. The growth of most children by this age is 72 cm. Since activity increases, the weight gain is small - 350-400 g. On average, the weight is within 9 kg.


Boys are slightly ahead in weight and height. The average weight of boys at 10 months is in the range of 9.5-11 kg. Height is 72-76 cm.


The growth of girls is slightly lower and is in the range from 69-74 cm. The average weight of most girls is 8.7-10.2 kg.

What can a baby do by the end of the 10th month

What should a baby be able to do by the beginning of the 11th month of his life? A ten-month-old child should freely and easily perform a number of actions:

  • sit down on your own;
  • stand for several minutes without support;
  • grab and hold your favorite toy;
  • easy to roll over from the back to the tummy and vice versa;
  • stand up on their own, walk, holding the parent's hand, a wall or other support.

Since at this age your baby begins to take his first steps, you should think about buying shoes. It must be of high quality and fit in size.

physical skills

At the 10th month of life, the child consolidates everything that he mastered earlier. Less new skills are acquired. He crawls well, sits down and stands up on his own, moves freely along the support, and some children even take their first steps at this age.

social development

Social skills that a ten-month-old child owns:

  • repeats sounds and individual words after adults, as well as gestures and facial expressions;
  • follow simple instructions;
  • knows his own name;
  • children seek praise and get upset if they are scolded;
  • needs to play, willingly makes contact with peers and older children.

A child learns social skills from adults, so you need to talk and play with him as often as possible.

emotional development

At this age, the child shows an emotional reaction to any event: he happily perceives the news of a walk or bathing, gets offended and angry if something does not work out, gets scared at an unfamiliar sound.


At 10 months, vocabulary expands. Improved speech skills. The kid pronounces meaningful words and syllables, correlates a word with an action or an object, recognizes objects in pictures.

Neuro-psychomotor development

Cognitive processes by the end of the 10th month get their rapid development:

  • more words and syllables appear in speech;
  • the baby recognizes sounds and melodies, recognizes close relatives by voice;
  • observes the action of adults, smiles in response to a smile;
  • understands simple instructions;
  • stands without support and takes the first steps without support;
  • grasps objects with two or three fingers.

At 10 months, the child is able to play alone for 20-30 minutes.

motor skills

Children during this period crawl well and move on all fours, confidently stand, move and stand up, holding on to a support, they can get off and climb a hill. Some babies are starting to take their first steps.

Begin to react to unpleasant situations and bad habits

Bad habits of this age include sucking a finger or a collar of clothes, twisting hair. In these cases, parents should be attentive and affectionate to their baby. More often you need to take him in your arms, play, do not leave him alone in the crib for a long time.

You can not quarrel with a child, shout. Negative emotions have a bad effect on mental and motor development.

Test for the development of the baby at the age of ten

The following acquired skills testify that the development of the child meets the standards:

  • he sits down, gets up and stands confidently without support;
  • grabs objects with two fingers;
  • consciously repeats syllables and short words;
  • speech is accompanied by vivid emotions;
  • follows simple instructions.

The pace of development for all babies is different, so the absence of at least one of the listed skills does not indicate a problem.

What to do if the baby develops in slow motion

Each child develops at his own pace. Sooner or later than others, he starts talking, crawling, sitting, walking. Social and emotional development depends on the temperament of the baby. To accelerate development, you need to spend more time with the child. Play outdoor games, read books, communicate, study objects, do gymnastics.

When to Visit a Pediatrician

There is nothing wrong if the child is a little behind in certain skills and abilities. But there are moments in the behavior of a 10-month-old baby that should alert parents:

  • does not stand well on legs without the support of an adult;
  • no crawling skills;
  • weakly holds even light objects in his hands;
  • does not respond to the name;
  • does not repeat the actions of adults.

In all these cases, you should contact your pediatrician. You will also need the help of narrow specialists: a neurologist, a speech therapist, an orthopedist.

How to help a child

More time should be devoted to the movement and speech of the child. All actions must be spoken. Classes should be carried out in a playful way to interest the baby.

Activities and educational toys

Interesting and useful in ten months will be ball exercises, finger games, simple role-playing games, and catch-up. Musical toys, a pyramid, a spinning top, a nesting doll, cubes, cards with the image of animals, vegetables are suitable.

Interesting games for the development of coordination, movements and rhythm

How to play with babies? An interesting activity is folding a tower of cubes, hide and seek, a marathon with obstacles, folding small parts into a bucket, a fisherman. To develop a sense of rhythm, you can ask the baby to repeat the beat beaten off with a spoon, or the melody of a musical instrument.

Baby care

Caring for a 10 month old baby involves the following steps:

  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • daily bathing;
  • potty training;
  • hygiene procedures.

It is important to establish a daily routine, which largely affects the health of the baby.

What can be included in the diet

By the beginning of the 11th month, many foods have been introduced into the diet. It is recommended to give breast milk or infant formula only at bedtime or after waking up. Nutrition should be correct and balanced. Do not give fried and smoked foods. It is not necessary to bring food to a puree state. If you already have teeth, you can offer products in small pieces.

The menu should include fish and lean meats, fruit and vegetable dishes, and dairy products. It is allowed to give cookies, bread, yolk, juices, compotes.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

The baby sleeps 12-14 hours a day. During the day, he needs two 90-minute naps a day. It is important to teach your child to go to bed at the same time every day.

Bathing and baby hygiene

Bathe your baby every day. Preferably an hour before going to bed. It can stay in water for up to 25 minutes. Herbal decoctions can be added to the water. Use of soap and shampoo is allowed no more than twice a week. It is advisable to purchase rubber and clockwork toys, water pistols, a watering can and other items that will interest the baby.

Gymnastics with a child

Physical exercises are necessary for the development of the musculoskeletal system and strengthening the immune system. It is recommended to include the following exercises:

  • squats and standing up with support;
  • crawling on all fours;
  • walking near the support;
  • flexion and extension exercises.

Each session should be repeated for 15 minutes, be sure to take time to rest.

At 10 months, the development of the baby reaches a new level, now he is not gaining weight so quickly and his physical development is somewhat slowing down, but the first relationships with the outside world and loved ones begin to form and the individual personal characteristics of the child become noticeable. The opinions of pediatricians and psychologists about what a child should be able to do at 10 months are very different from each other, if earlier domestic doctors paid more attention to the physical development of the child, then modern foreign scientists advise focusing on the mental development of the baby. According to experienced parents, the truth is somewhere in between, the development of the child should be harmonious, both physical and mental.

Physical development of a child at 10 months

From 9 to 10 months, the child adds 300-400 grams and grows another 1-2 cm, usually his weight at this age is 9-10 kg, and his height is 70-75 cm.

By 10 months, many babies who were touchingly chubby before begin to lose weight, and their weight gain may be minimal - 100-200 grams, such changes are explained by the increased mobility of the child, if earlier he lay for most of the day, now he is actively moving and gradually losing weight. At this age, children have from 2 to 8-10 teeth, some babies are already switching to an “adult” mode and now sleep only once a day, the rest of the time, preferring to explore the world around them.

The physical development of the baby at the 10th month slows down a little, children prefer to improve their skills, but they rarely demonstrate new ones. So, by the end of the 10th month, a child should be able to sit down, get up and walk independently, holding onto a support, easily roll over from his back to his stomach and crawl a little. Even if the baby does not want to crawl on the floor on his own, he must be able to pull his body up in his arms and move in the direction he needs.

10 month - great time to start learning to walk, if you have not done this before, now it is already possible, and necessary, to teach the child to walk, supporting his armpits.

Most children just love this game, and their parents are forced to walk around the house or street all day long, bending over and supporting the little runner. Another thing is if the child does not show interest in such activities and does not want to walk, even if you hold him under the armpits, in such a situation it is imperative to find out what is wrong. Perhaps the baby has too weak muscles and needs to spend more time outside the crib and playpen in order to be able to train the muscles of the legs and back by the time he walks.

At this age, children improve their body and hand skills, they are no longer so clumsy, they can confidently reach out and grab a toy hanging in the air, love to sort through various objects and continue to “search” the house, preferring the found things to any toys. Psychologists advise not to limit the search excitement of the child, but to give him the opportunity to regularly make new "discoveries". To do this, you can put beautiful cardboard boxes, colored towels or bright books on the lower shelves of the cabinet.

Neuropsychic development of the child

At 10 months, the baby not only demonstrates new skills to others with pleasure, especially imitating the behavior of adults, at this age he also learns to defend his independence and rights, sometimes horrifying his parents with his behavior.

A 10-month-old child already knows the names of most household items, can show with a pen where mom, dad, grandmother or favorite bunny is, and also looks at pictures with pleasure and recognizes animals, toys, cars, etc. on them. Most children please adults with the first "words" and sound combinations with which they denote different things: "ma", "pa", "bi-bi", "av-av" and so on.

It is already possible and necessary to talk with such a baby, trying not just, as before, to pronounce the names of various objects and indicate their actions. Now, you need to build a full-fledged dialogue with the child, trying to get answers from him and giving him the opportunity to make a choice, for example: “what kind of blouse do you want to wear, red or yellow”, “who will we take for a walk: a truck or a car”, etc. .

At this age, children can not only fulfill the simplest requests of adults, but also, imitating them, do many different, quite meaningful actions: they shake the doll, drink and eat from dishes, play the piano, clap their hands, wave a pen as a sign of greeting or put the cubes on top of each other, building a pyramid.

Another, new, skill of ten-month-olds is attempts to manipulate two objects, they try to move a toy with a stick, carry food to their mouths with a spoon, and also pick up the smallest objects from the floor and table with pleasure.

The kid is already more calm about the short-term disappearances of his mother from his field of vision, but, as before, he tries not to be alone and does not really trust strangers.

At 10 months, a child usually already knows how to:

  • Sitting up on his own, sitting without support and sitting, playing with toys;
  • Crawl or move forward, leaning on your hands;
  • Get up, holding on to a support;
  • Walk when held under armpits;
  • Imitate the gestures and sounds that adults and other children make - he can already “communicate” with gestures and sounds with others;
  • Perform simple game actions - shakes a doll, drinks from a cup, rolls a ball, strings rings on a pyramid;
  • Able to get off and climb onto a sofa, bed and other low objects;
  • Fulfills the requests of others: “give me a pen”, “show me where the eyes are”, “play patty”, etc.;
  • Recognizes from pictures and knows the names of animals, household items, etc.;
  • Knows how to assemble a pyramid, build a turret of cubes, put small details into large ones;
  • With two hands grabs toys and can throw them out of the crib or playpen;
  • Understands speech addressed to him, laughs when he hears the laughter of adults;
  • Responds, starts to turn his head when he hears his name;
  • Tries to grab small objects with two fingers - "tweezer" grip;
  • Draws attention to other children and adults - if before that the mother was in the center of the baby's attention, now other people are beginning to interest him.

Boys and girls - different rates of development?

By the 10th month of life, the difference becomes noticeable not only in the mental, but also in the physical development of children of different sexes. Boys usually weigh more, somewhat outstrip their peers in height and move more and more actively. By the age of 10 months, girls delight their parents with their emotionality - they smile more often, laugh, repeat all the movements and sounds they hear and try to attract the attention of others in order to play with them. At this age, boys are more independent, they prefer "research" activities, paying little attention to the emotions and conversations of adults, while girls often focus on them, trying to do something new to please loved ones and hear their praise. Also, girls develop fine motor skills faster, they learn to speak and walk earlier. And the boys' parents note that their kids behave calmer and more confidently than little princesses.

At ten months, your baby begins to show character. He can have fun running around, waving his arms, or vice versa, focusing on toys or mom's jewelry. And if you try to distract him, most likely he will brush you off and continue his work.

Development table

How do children sleep at this age?

Night sleep also lasts about ten hours. The baby may sometimes wake up for feeding, but often this is due to active growth of teeth that bother him, not with hunger.

Daytime sleep takes a total of four hours and is divided into two times: the first time in the morning, and the second in the late afternoon.

Of course, each child is unique, and accordingly, the daily routine of each is different. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules, and then the daytime sleep will not be accompanied by persuasion and tantrums, and the nighttime will become long and calm.

  • Take a warm bath with your baby before bed.
  • Between the last awakening and going to bed should be at least four hours.
  • A calming fairy tale will also help speed up the process of falling asleep.

Psychological development at 10 months of age

Communication with a ten-month-old baby now has the character of a dialogue. He learned to repeat simple words after his parents, copy gestures and behavior. Now the child can wave the pen in a sign of greeting or goodbye, nod or shake his head. He already knows what cannot be done and what is allowed, he understands all the phrases spoken to him. And actively tries the limits of mother's patience. So now, if your child is not allowed to continue to engage in a forbidden business, this is not a misunderstanding, but an attempt manipulation.

By ten months, the baby already understands when they are joking with him. And he responds to jokes with a cheerful laugh.

Communication with other children is just as important as with the mother. Now the foundations of communication skills and social behavior skills are being laid, so take your baby to playgrounds more often or just take them to other small relatives.

Motor skills continue to improve, but the basic skills have already been laid. The kid consciously takes an object in his hand, and if asked, he will easily pass this object to you.

And the child deliberately breaks the pyramids, tries to tear off the head of the doll and does other things of this type. It's all happening because of the thirst for knowledge, so do not stop him from developing and offer more and more complex items for manipulation.

And if you ask the baby to fold his toys, he will calmly take them to the box. Yes, he already knows where the toy box is, and he can get the right toy out of this box.

Baby movements and actions

Gradually, crawling is replaced by walking on two legs. The kid has already managed to appreciate the advantages of such a movement: for example, you can carry a toy in your hands and follow your mother or get an object that is at a height. Some children already master walking so well that they completely stop crawling (how to teach them to move on all fours?), but they stomp very actively for quite long distances.

The child has already fully mastered the control of the handles, he can calmly hold a mug or a spoon. And if you give him a pencil, then the kid will even be able to draw a little.

If your baby's dominant hand is still left, do not rush to worry and try to retrain him. It's just that the hemispheres of his brain have not yet had time to synchronize, so you need to wait a bit, somewhere up to a year and a half.

At ten months, the little one is quite capable of getting off the couch on his own. If he hasn't figured out how it's done yet, show him. Just turn his booty over to the edge and lightly pull on the legs so that they touch the floor. A couple of demonstrations will be enough for the baby to remember the sequence.

Interest in drawers and chests of drawers is becoming phenomenal. Even if you have already stocked up on special locks from children, do not rejoice. Most likely, now he has already learned to open them and climb where he wants.

Get ready for the fact that your independent child will simply pull out everything that lies in them from the chest of drawers and randomly scatter around the house. However, if you ask him to put all things in their place, he will do it. There will be no more order.

Manipulating objects leads to the fact that the baby acquires new skills: for example, get a rolled ball with a rake or cover a doll with a blanket

Main directions of development

Despite walking independently, continue to carry the baby in your arms. It is still important for him to feel that his mother is near. From such hugs, the child will feel protected. And if you combine them with educational games, then you will be surprised how much faster the baby will learn new games in his mother's arms.

Dialogues with the child should be built as an equal. Use simple sentences, try to divide words into syllables with your voice, take your time. The kid should track your speech and repeat after you.

You should not experiment with hiding toys, especially your favorite ones. This can be very frustrating for the baby and even lead to crying. And all because at this age the little one takes any action as reality. For him, there is still no separation between play and reality.

Try to offer your baby plasticine or felt-tip pens. Most likely, he will willingly join a new game that is also good for motor skills.

Be sure to give your child a shelf for books. It should be in a place accessible to the crumbs and consist of special thick children's books with pages convenient for little fingers. Let the child take books at any time, examine them, flip through the pages.

Be sure to set aside time to read together. It's best to read in bed before bed. Do not ignore reading fairy tales before bed.

Games at 10 months

Gradually introduce story games: let your favorite toy go to bed, eat, wash, like a baby. Invite the baby to collect his own toys for a walk, or help mom set the table.

The rest of the list of basic toys remains the same.