What do statuses say about relatives? Statuses about loved ones and friends

Relatives of the Psychiatrist - a free guide for research and practice.

Religion teaches that everyone on the planet is brothers and sisters. Is Yosya Rabinovich related to me?

It's difficult for me to control myself. It's hard to get up early in the morning. I like to eat big meals in the evenings. Having drunk, he is drawn to exploits and wild life. I offend almost all of my relatives mercilessly and unfairly. There is no strength to change.

Happiness means that your spouse is snoring into two holes nearby. My happiness is that my relatives are alive and my loved ones are healthy. Things with your loved one are in the background.

Best status:
When spouses quarrel, they begin to drag in relatives, friends and acquaintances to make the quarrel more interesting. Sometimes mutual acquaintances or work colleagues participate in absentia in family squabbles. The wife, unable to withstand her husband’s pressure, asks: “What did my dad do to you? What did he do wrong? “You,” the betrothed retorted.

The Almighty gives relatives to man. People choose their friends on their own.

When you accompany a loved one or relative to the graveyard, then you will understand your friends who have experienced grief.

Relatives are not chosen - outdated data. Newest technologies VKontakte allows miracles to happen regularly and often.

Doesn’t it annoy you when people ask you “do you have a brother or sister?” you answer no, and they say “damn, they’re so similar”

A husband is someone who, simply by throwing out the trash, believes that he has cleaned almost the entire house.

– By the way, my brother practices karate! - Just think! My sister is taking care of your brother!

you know, despite the fact that I forgot him... there’s still something in my heart that hurts... it seems that everything has already passed... and despite the fact that I already like the other... it still hurts... what is this?.. attachment? - no, it’s has passed... love? - definitely not, it never happened... friendship? - I’m actually sure that friends don’t exist, only comrades exist.. and relatives... I don’t know what it is... probably just memories

She: will you give it to me?! He: no. This is bad. She: well, that’s what I want. Just lick it once. He: won’t you suck? She: I promise. He: okay, take it in your pants. (my brother and sister. 7 years old. About Chupa Chups: D

The only thing you should worry about is your family, and let him worry about the rest!

You can already put children and parents on VK, but I am 100% sure that in a year I will have great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, and then I will find out that some Napoleon Bonoparte is my relative) and I will mark him)) xdd)

God gave us relatives. Thank God, we choose our friends ourselves...

Judging by how everyone actively adds each other to the list of relatives, our city is one big Friendly family 🙂

Jealousy is the sister of love, just as the devil is the brother of angels

Brother will forget you - seeing a beauty, Sister will forget you - seeing a young man, Father will forget you - surrounded by worries, Only in the heart of a mother - you will remain

My dear Money! I miss you very much. I promise to buy a new wallet for you. If you want, you can invite your relatives from Europe or America - I won’t object. I'll shelter everyone! Hope for see you soon!

- Mom, do you want some tea? - Want! - So go and cook! - So there is no tea! – Then lie down and be silent!

A friend is not just a person, it is a brother or sister whom we choose ourselves))

I want summer!) Summer is when you don’t remember what day of the week it is and what date it is! summer camps, long trips to relatives, or just to grandma in the village! This is when you can spend the night with a girlfriend or friend, and not for one day! And your parents won’t tell you anything, because TOMORROW IS NOT SCHOOL!!! Summer means new acquaintances and pleasant memories for the whole year!

The main causes of most stress and depression in a person’s life are: family, money and a family without money.

We have very a large number of friends, we have the most wonderful relatives! But we feel lonely because the person we need most is not nearby!

And it also infuriates you when relatives ask: “Well, have you already found a groom?”

The relatives’ phrase kills: “How are you there?” Did you find your groom? Because my friends have such a guy growing up...

If there is only one child in a family, then he/she is a big selfish person. If there are 5 children in a family, then there is only one egoist in the family, and this is the father of the family.

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I’m the only normal one - with a computer and a phone 😀

In order to not live your life in vain, make sure that you have already told all your dearest and most beloved people how dear they are to you, not only in words, but also in deeds.

How insulting it still is to receive all his abnormal relatives as a reward for a wonderful husband...

A friend is a relative we have chosen))

A person has 3 circles of communication: friends, classmates, relatives. And for each circle it is different..

In fact, if you have good brother or sister is great. Because bad brothers and sisters bring a lot of pain. Every day, believe me. And this pain cannot be compared with the fact that your boyfriend left you.

Sister: “Well, play hide and seek with me.” Brother: “Okay, one, two, three, four, all the boys went faster.” But she’s offended (

But I don’t have a bunch of friends... I only have a sister and brother whom I trust!

The king gave bows to his 3 sons and sent them to look for wives, the eldest hit the middle one in the butt, and the youngest hit himself in the hand!))

Petrov decided to celebrate his mother-in-law’s funeral modestly: close relatives and friends. Some fruit, champagne.

Only mine younger brother and my sister could come up with the idea of ​​playing war games with socks! XD

For happy family life The character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just a pretty appearance is enough.

You are Russian - If your mother does not throw out expired cottage cheese, but makes cheesecakes from it, If your grandmother dyes her hair purple colour. If at the wedding of relatives adults shout “Bitter!” You are Russian, If you like to rub garlic on the crust of black bread...

I can't control myself. I don't know how to get up on time. I eat before bed. I'm terrible when I'm drunk. I take it out on my relatives. I think all the time. crap.

It seems my family decided to play the game “The most curious relative of the day”

picture in the elevator: 2 children are standing, brother and sister - twins) the boy was scared of the dog... and his little sister reassures “don’t cry, Dimochka! the dog is not scary (patting Dimochka on the shoulder) ... well, in the end! You’re a man!!!”

Dan Balan is a distant relative of the Russian derivative Dima Bilan)

Relatives are a group of people who periodically gather to count themselves and have a tasty meal on the occasion of a change in their number.

And on whom only standing men getting married? “The ones they love are the ones they marry.”

sister (6 years old) to older brother: – I don’t want to have children! do you know where they come from? I hate how children are made! and you? brother: - I’m pleased.))

A promise is a distant relative of the fig)

If there is no difference between a man and a donkey, then they are relatives!

soon there will be not classmates.ru, but relatives.ru

An ideal family is when the husband doesn’t know that I’m coming to his wife!)

Family is one of nature's masterpieces. George Santayana

I don’t know how it is abroad... But here, a person who comes with a liter of vodka is considered a relative)))

Who has an older sister/brother and when you have a big fight with them, you say I won’t talk to you anymore and you start talking anyway :)

A 16-year-old guy and his 14-year-old sister are walking down the street, both eating ice cream. brother: ugh, fucking bullshit, it tastes like sperm. sister: yeah. two surprised looks.

“Are your relatives crazy? Only peace! In the future, you won’t surprise anyone with a family with oddities.”

Marriage, marriage and family relations is a system thought out by society for the redistribution of material wealth from husbands to their wives and then to their children.

Who said that relatives cannot be chosen? Go to Contact - even the impossible is possible here: D

Are you suffering because your relatives ignore you?... Borrow money from them... buy a cozy house on the Black Sea coast!

The ideal relationship is if you... fight like husband and wife, chat like best friends, flirt like 16 year olds and care for each other like brother and sister.

Two men deceived by one woman are somewhat related. :))

give me Topol M and I will show America Kuzka’s mother, Kuzka’s father and all Kuzka’s relatives

“Napoleon read at a speed of two thousand words per minute (about 12,000 characters).” She and Tina Kandelaki are distant relatives in any way.

I love my husband and child. In general, I love my family :)

She was happily in her seventh month... :)

Yesterday I realized that the only advantage in the arrival of relatives is the feeling of relief and happiness when they leave: (

My uncle had the most honest rules, When he got seriously ill, He gave himself an enema... And then he couldn’t get it out...

Commentators Gusev and Utkin know the most about football. Probably relatives

Come to my meeting instead of mom! -I'm not like her! -So what? Relatives also go there. And you are my girlfriend, future wife!

-Are you a relative of this lady? – Yes, but very distant: we were twelve brothers and sisters. I was the first child, and she was the last.

Thanks to the new function in contact, I have so many relatives!!!

Dad, what is Aunt Klava's job? -She's a musicologist. -No, the musicologist is the uncle, and she is the musicologist)

Love for relatives is measured by distance... today the distance is zero...(((

- Why is my brother a fool? - Because you and he are related...

And I promised to be happy - I gave my word to my mother...

Today, in the morning, complete harmony reigns in our family: the baby took “Vrednolin,” mom took “Stervozol,” and dad took “Papazol.” Everyone is happy :)

I understood why the “relatives” function on VKontakte is needed... This is done so that the next morning after a hard drinking session you can remember not only your name, but also your parents, brothers, sisters and even children with the help of a contact :-D

Getting married is a very serious step! When we quarrel with our parents, we don’t think that we need to look for new ones! So the husband should become a dear little man! One for life! The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing!

It was only when my wife started driving next to me that I realized true meaning term “interference from the right”.

Spend every day of your life as if it were your last: lie on the bed, cough, gather your relatives, piss yourself...

Mother is Holy, Father is the Head, Brother is the Back, Sister is the Pearl in the heart of the brother, Beloved Air, Children are the meaning of our life, But Friends are all in one!!!

they say that admins are close relatives of traffic cops...

Of all my wife's relatives, I like me the most.

with your ex are like brother and sister... it turns out it’s possible)

All sorts of people are added to VK, out of curiosity I ask my mother who they are: and she, “this is your uncle” “your aunt” “your sister” “your brother” How many relatives do I have? O_o

God gave us relatives. Thank God, we choose our friends ourselves!

Appreciate every moment when you are near!!! Give your loved ones and friends love and joy!!!

How nice it is to sit with the people closest to you!

Sometimes I go to the pages of people close to me and see the inscription “add as friend”

Close friends are such special villainous “bastards” whom heaven sends to us to teach us humility. :)))

The most understanding people live so far away...

It's good to have close people nearby! Thank you!

Life is too short and unpredictable. And it is precisely this quality of hers that awakens in me the desire to please loved ones before it is too late

If you take poor care of your neighbors, then you will have to endure those who are far away.

Those who have become very close to us will still disappear. In the meantime, they are with us, we must do everything possible to remember them for a lifetime...

To get started new life, you need to cut off all relations with loved ones! Otherwise they will not give life!

Foreign cities take away those closest to us

You will find Happiness when you can understand the Truth and become a life-giving source of inspiration and happiness for your loved ones, family and friends!!!

Fatigue is not a reason to take it out on your loved ones.

...if your hand is in the hand of a loved one, this is not at all an indication that there will never be a knife in it...

When loved ones say “I can’t do this anymore,” everything falls out of my hands. and the worst thing is that it’s as if something is breaking inside, and you don’t know how to help

The main thing is the health of your loved ones... We'll buy the rest.

What we fear most is what usually happens to us. Therefore, do not be afraid to lose people dear to you.

About 20 thousand of my close friends said that I was exaggerating too much!

It happens that close people do not notice what a simple passer-by understands at first glance.

Give flowers to your loved ones more often. After all, as a rule, we bring them after the person has died.

There are people close to us, and there are people close to us)))

Close people, the love that we are able to feel, the very fact that we are alive... There are few truly important things in the world!

Only the closest person knows what is going on in your heart!

Often, loved ones are much dearer than relatives)))

The narrower the circle of those who understand, the wider the boundaries of understanding.

Never reject an old friend or loved one because you won't find someone to take their place. True friendship- How is that good wine: the older, the stronger.

Sometimes my loved ones behave in such a way that I begin to think that the employer is my closest person, and work is a cure for depression

My reflections are not in mirrors. They are in the souls of my loved ones...

The most difficult thing in life is to lose a loved one, and even more difficult to learn to live again without him.

Life does not make sense without a loved one, for us our close parents and those we love, and this is something without which it is impossible to live! Take care of your loved ones!

It’s in vain that when we judge our loved ones, the court is merciless and dashing. We must live by forgiving people for our opinions about them.

To avoid blaming yourself in life, don’t make mistakes, don’t run away from love, don’t abandon your loved ones...

Sometimes we don’t have time to tell people how much they are dear to us...

Sometimes the degree of intimacy between people is determined by the degree of pain they can cause each other...

The most valuable thing is not what we have in life, but those who we have in life!!!

Don't ask me how I'm doing. If you are a person close to me, then you already know this. And if you are nobody to me, then I will never tell you the truth.

“We don’t know how long we can be around the people we care about most... ENJOY!”

Don't try to change your loved ones! A person will not change according to your will - he will only begin to dodge, pretend and lie. It's simpler and easier. But change - no, never.

When a loved one lies to you... Your soul, of course, will not die from this. But the question goes on from century to century... “What if he’s lying?... Is he a close person???

It is very painful to lose loved ones who have become a part of every day. There aren't enough of them in life.

Don't trust mirrors... they are lies. Only love in the eyes of others is a true reflection.

Love is an intense desire for happiness to a loved one

God bless our family and friends. Protect them from troubles and adversity. Always be close to those who we love, who are part of our lives.

Time places obelisks instead of dots. Thrown curses cannot be brought back!
Close your eyes today to the shortcomings of your loved ones - Suddenly eternity will close their eyes tomorrow...
© zulnora

I am grateful to a truly close person simply for the fact that he exists.

Close is not the one who sends text messages with kind words, and the one who was nearby in Hard time. And it doesn’t matter whether he was silent or spoke, the main thing is that with this person you felt calmer and easier.

You don't have to have wings to fly. You need to have people in your life who won’t let you fall.

Statuses about loved ones and friends

Family is strength

  1. Poverty is not a vice. Poverty of relatives is a vice.
  2. Missing your family isn't that bad. It’s worse when you miss their absence.
  3. The less often my relatives call me, the more money they probably have.
  4. Whatever one may say, but sometimes good friend- better than any relative.
  5. They say that you can get along with any neighbor, as long as it is not one of your relatives.
  6. The advantage of a rare surname, no matter what it is, is that you will definitely recognize a relative.
  7. Remember that having a sincere and caring relative is very rare.
  8. Popular wisdom says that if you have money or living space, your longevity annoys everyone.

Relatives as punishment

Bad relatives are not only a perpetual nuisance, but also an option for status. Make your moves beautifully!

  1. Any problem needs to be solved and talked about offensive words- means to be weak.
  2. It's bad when good husband You have to pay for it by communicating with his relatives.
  3. Relatives, like friends, are known to be in trouble.
  4. It's a shame that people I once considered close to me have turned into generators of advice I don't need.
  5. What a pity that we don’t choose our own brothers and sisters...
  6. Unfortunately, envy - common occurrence between relatives.
  7. Among my relatives, I only respect my mother. And, you know, that's enough for me.
  8. You need to talk about family happiness either completely strangers, or no one.

Relatives and not so much

A person who is related to you by blood and at the same time a friend is a real rarity. It probably deserves the status of being about relatives with meaning.

  1. I look at my relatives and think: how come people don’t shy away from us...
  2. Bonds are not the main thing. The main thing is support and mutual respect.
  3. The family can be large, or it can consist of one person. Think about it.
  4. Finding someone with similar interests to you at a gathering of relatives is priceless.
  5. Yes, they are not the richest and not the most educated. But I know that they are there for me!
  6. Having many different uncles and aunties is bad. If they all need to give gifts.
  7. They say you need to talk about what worries you in time, because then it may be too late. So, dear sisters and brothers, you will definitely get it right!
  8. Happiness is when you like your own men even more than the man himself.

When life turns into war

Statuses about husband's relatives with meaning should be as subtle as possible and, at the same time, hit the bull's eye. We have created a selection of just these!

  1. Sometimes you want to thank fate for the people you met fleetingly, and sometimes you want to curse for your one and only mother-in-law.
  2. I really want to believe in karma and that I’m not enduring this in vain...
  3. It’s bad when you love your husband so much that you are ready to tolerate all his relatives.
  4. Only those mothers-in-law who understand how difficult it is for their daughter-in-law in Perova can bear the title of “mother”.
  5. When communicating with your spouse's relatives, it is better to remain silent. But even here you run the risk of being too talkative.
  6. I’m definitely not a writer, but if I were asked to describe my mother-in-law and father-in-law, I would write a whole book.
  7. After getting married, I realized that gossips are not only on benches...
  8. It’s so good that there are other people to communicate with besides my husband’s family.

When you are the only normal relative

Problems communicating with his mother or brother? No problem! After all, there are statuses about husband’s relatives with meaning.

  1. I wouldn't mind leaving, not to mention Cote d'Azur, but also to any place so as not to see your faces!
  2. Wish you for long years life, but only without me.
  3. They don’t choose their parents, it’s a pity, not just their own.
  4. A holiday with his family is a real school of survival.
  5. It’s not that I don’t want to come to you, it’s just that my flower is sick. You see, I’m sitting there wiping his snot.
  6. The closer the time of their arrival, the more difficult it becomes to breathe...
  7. I've already seen his mother. I'm afraid I need to put off getting married. Maybe a year, maybe two, maybe several dozen years.
  8. You know, I’m ready to pay any money so as not to hear your extremely valuable advice. It’s better to let life teach...

Cry from the heart

Ideal people do not exist, and, in principle, ideal relatives do not exist. Especially from a loved one. Statuses about bad in-laws with meaning never lose their relevance.

  1. I have nothing to talk about with those who are poor in soul.
  2. I used to think that no one could piss me off in 5 minutes. I got married and changed my mind.
  3. They say that my mother-in-law is a second mother, but for some reason my mother doesn’t hate me, in my opinion.
  4. Beware of friendly mothers-in-law - this is how they usually hide a truly dark soul.
  5. Every woman wants her daughter to find a better husband than a father. But not a single woman thought that their son would find a better wife than his mother...
  6. I’ve never been able to manipulate, but just a little more, and his mother will show in practice absolutely all the intricacies of this matter.
  7. In fact, the husband's relatives are nice and friendly only on the first day of meeting, and even then not always.

Get out of conflicts the right way: without words, but with status!

The most important thing in life is your family. You must fight and worry for her. Your wife and mother will worry about the rest.

Everyone has at least once had a moment when you suddenly wanted to turn on the music at full volume and dance, dance. Then you awkwardly turn around, and there the whole family is freaking out.

With the creation of a family, you should forget about parties and all other entertainment. But they will never replace you children's laughter and your baby's first words.

Frequent family naivety: money multiplies in the wallet, food multiplies in the refrigerator, and storks bring children.

Best status:
Only as you grow up do you realize that there is nothing more important in life than reliable friends, dear family, the woman you love and your own son.

Bentley and money are not important, but a happy family with a bunch of kids, money and a Bentley is already something...

When starting a family, look at all the qualities of your partner, but for entertainment for one night, a pretty face is enough.

- Carrot, carrot, why are you so sad? - Do you see the juice? My family…

It was only when my wife started driving next to me that I understood the true meaning of the term “interference on the right.”

In family scenes, one is the director, the other is the director.

Ideal family: dad works, mom is beautiful!)

If family members do not love each other, if fellow villagers and townspeople do not respect each other, such a family is no good, neither the village nor the city.

There is no greater joy for a woman than children.

Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is playing pigs. Hush mommy don't cry, others have the same problem

I don’t want a rich husband with a Mercedes... but I just want happy family and a lot of children!...that's all.

Dad decided to check if I was swearing and tripped me up

Judging by how everyone is actively adding each other to relatives, our city is one big friendly family.

In the family circle, everyone had their own corner.

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I’m the only normal one - with a computer and a phone.

And in the evenings, the whole family watched the radio...

I realized that childhood was over when my parents started hiding cognac from me at home!

Intelligent family. The wife plays the violin. Husband: - Okay, okay, stop it! I'll buy you a new dress..

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say.

Married life is war every day and truce every night...

If my pasta burns, it means “crooked!” You don’t know how to cook!” And if it’s your dad’s, then – “mm, fried”

I have a family. Me, cat and blanket. We even sleep together!

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.

I know the password, I see the ATM, I believe my dad is an oil tycoon

Statuses about family – Good spouses have the same goals.

IN big family Individual farmers grow up crippled.

My family always comes first..!

Pledge family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness.

In family life, while maintaining your dignity, you must be able to give in to each other.

Equality in the family means that the husband has equal rights and the wife has equal rights. Moreover, the wife especially stands out for this.

Family is not a place where everything is perfect, but where they forgive each other!

If there is hazing in a family, then there is fatherlessness.

A family is a small country in which DAD is the president, MOTHER is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and emergency situations in the family. And the CHILD is a people who constantly demands something, is indignant and goes on strikes.

Who is in charge in the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to save the life of the family.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family unhappy in her own way.

Don’t have children for the sake of family happiness - have children in happy families.

Family happiness is when two neuroticisms perfectly coincide.

Family is the basis of the most important thing in a person’s life.

Forgive me mom, married son

Better Buffet than a Swedish family.

You must always be the best youngest child in family.

Today we walked with dad, how nice it was to walk hand in hand with him. Love him.

Thank you mom for yours nice words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

In a family, the power of reason is good, the power of force is evil.

Children are happiness! But it comes at such a high price!!!

Happy is he who is happy at home with his family.

Mom, dad, why do you think that for a child good company in the summer – these are the elderly people in the village?

In a family you will not be satisfied with love alone, but without love you will choke.

Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.

Statuses about family - smack - we are a couple, smack - family, tryn - you are dad, I am mom.

Smack - we are a couple, smack - family, tryn - you are dad, I am mom.

Family is the place where you can find love!

In some families, the only happiness is to quickly escape from the nightmare at home. The most active life those who run like this.

If the family is not filled with children's screams, they are more than compensated for by adults...

The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state and eats

In a family, as in a state, the most dangerous thing is anarchy.

A considerable benefit for a family is the expulsion of a scoundrel from it.

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.

I realized that my mother could be proud of my upbringing when, catching my heel on a step and flying half the stairs, I screamed: “oh-oh-oh!”

If a child is always visible but not heard, this is perfect child. But even he dreams of ideal parents, who are neither seen nor heard.

In family life, the most important screw is love...

Many parents pack up their troubles and send them to camp...

Don’t forget that in a family everything should be shared equally: to the wife new fur coat, socks for my husband

Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

HAPPINESS is my child, into whose eyes you look and understand why God created you!!!

Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

Who is in charge in the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to save the life of the family.

My friends, family and love are not discussed! They are perfect, period.

How quickly time flies! Before you have time to start a family, your children are already getting divorced!

Mom brought me up true lady. Father - kind person. Fate is a vengeful bitch... Thanks to them for that

A young family (14 and 15 years old) is looking for a family friend with a passport to buy alcohol and cigarettes.

There is no higher joy for a woman than children and family.

Even the strongest family is no stronger than a house of cards.

My family is my castle.

A real family begins with the birth of the first child...

The husband is always right, but the wife is never wrong.

It is easier to win peace in a family by concluding a truce in it on time.

A family is a group of people who are united by ties of blood and quarrel over money issues...

Normal family. In between quarrels and fights, the couple gave birth to and raised three normal children.

Today, in the morning, complete harmony reigns in our family: the baby took “Vrednolin,” mom took “Stervozol,” and dad took “Papazol.” Everyone is happy

Nice family. The girl is 14 years old. I didn’t spend the night at home. He comes home and twirls his panties on his finger... Parents naturally ask: - Where were you all night? What did you do? - I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s a hobby for life.

In a large family... the refrigerator is empty.

For a man, there is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the same bed with two girls... and quietly admiring how they sleep. So defenseless, sweet and beloved - wife and daughter

Home comfort is the setting for family scenes.

First, our parents interfere with our lives, then our children, and only when our grandchildren appear do we understand that we have not lived our lives in vain.

Head of the family: one for all and all for one!

On the day of family, love and fidelity. I wish you happiness, take care of your family, because she is the only one!

In happy families, spouses quarrel, dividing the gifts of the Magi, leaving each other a tasty morsel.

It is better if there is only one person in charge in the family. And it’s better if this “someone” is love.

You gather your husband, then your child, then your second child, and then you try to get yourself ready in 10 minutes... and they all look at you and say... Mom, you always take the longest to get ready!

Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another country.

Enjoy your family, this is the most beautiful thing on earth...

Dad, dad, who is that there in the corner - shaggy, with red eyes, sitting all night? - Don’t be afraid, daughter, this is our mother on VKontakte.

Statuses about relatives - We think least about loved ones when they are there, and we suffer the most when they are not there.

Don't try to change your loved ones! A person will not change according to your will - he will only begin to dodge, pretend and lie. It's simpler and easier. But change - no, never.

God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to heal from our shortcomings.

Happiness is when there are no sick people in the house. There are no relatives in prison. There are no rotten friends among them.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself. Without masks, omissions and ambitions. And take care of them, they were sent to you by fate. After all, there are only a few of them in your life...

With your hands, feet, claws, teeth, cling to the people who make you better.

They say that those who we deserve are next to us... Where did I screw up so much?

Never reject an old friend or loved one because you won't find someone to take their place. True friendship is like good wine: the older it gets, the stronger it gets.

Life is arranged unfairly: close people are far away... distant people are close... And close people are very close by!!!

Sometimes the degree of intimacy between people is determined by the degree of pain they can cause each other...

Don't put off your loved ones until later. Then they won't exist.

People close to me are in my thoughts. Loved ones are in the heart. Dear ones - in prayers. And someone was lucky three times...

Don't trust mirrors... they are lies. Only love in the eyes of others is a true reflection.

Happiness is when your family and people very close to you are healthy! We'll repair the rest, throw it away, buy it, forget it...

Today, in the morning, complete harmony reigns in our family: the baby took “Vrednolin”, mother took “Stervozol”, and dad took “Papazol”. Everyone is happy!

My family believes that they have only one responsibility towards me - to teach me how to live.

You must see the difference between those who speak to you in their own way. free time, and those who free up time to talk to you.

Our real loved ones are not our brothers, sisters or relatives in general, but people who have the same aspirations, desires and way of thinking as us. (M. Prentice)

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good mood!

If you take poor care of your neighbors, then you will have to endure those who are far away.

Relatives and loved ones hit harder than others, because they are so close that a miss is impossible...

Don't ask me how I'm doing. If you are a person close to me, then you already know this. And if you are nobody to me, then I will never tell you the truth.

I noticed that my relatives began to rarely call me. They are clearly hiding something, most likely money.

Don't reject people who want to be with you, perhaps they will be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments life.

There are two types of relatives: “Hurray, you’ve arrived!” and “Hurray, they won’t come!”

Everything changes. Strangers become family. Relatives are strangers. Friends turn into passers-by. Favorite ones are among acquaintances.

If your relatives don’t call you for a long time, then everything is fine with them.

Statuses about relatives and loved ones - It is easy to love those who are distant, but it is not so easy to love those close to you.