Why do breasts not hurt during pregnancy? When does the chest stop hurting in the early stages of pregnancy? Cessation of pain as a signal of approaching childbirth

Pregnancy is a process in the female body, in which there are all new, atypical sensations for the usual state. After direct conception, active changes begin, which are accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. One such symptom is chest pain. However, this symptom does not appear in all women, and depends on individual characteristics.

In the first weeks of a new position, a woman begins to feel noticeable changes in her condition, which are not always accompanied by pleasant signs. But, such primary symptoms are a reliable sign of pregnancy. The appearance of these symptoms is explained by a significant increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood. Which are intensively produced to maintain pregnancy. An increase in the mammary glands (preparation for future lactation) occurs due to increased production of chorionic gonadotropin.

Reference! It is thanks to hCG that pregnancy is determined using a test, if the second strip is weakly expressed, then this is evidence of insufficient production of this hormone (there is a high probability of ectopic pregnancy).

Under the influence of hCG, the breast swells (sometimes weighting). With large breast sizes, a venous network may appear, since there is an increased flow of blood flow to the mammary glands.

Depending on the female characteristics, at the beginning of pregnancy, the nipples can not only swell, but also darken significantly. After some time, colostrum is released. Additional signs are increased sensitivity, and sometimes even soreness of the nipple area.

Note! During pregnancy, even touching the breast can be unpleasant, as it is accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Chest pain is quite a typical normal occurrence for a healthy pregnancy. The appearance of an unpleasant symptom is explained by the growth of breast tissue, which is provoked by preparation for feeding the unborn baby. It is worth paying attention to an important medical fact: women who have experienced increased chest pain are at a lower risk of developing malignant neoplasms in the breast.

Personal changes

It is difficult to define a single characteristic of changes in sensations in the chest during pregnancy. Some girls are characterized by an increase in sensitivity and the occurrence of pain, no stronger than during menstruation, the second group of pregnant women may experience increased pain in the mammary glands, on the contrary, for the third - breast soreness is completely absent, the mammary glands do not differ from the usual state. Therefore, there is no definite answer to the question of whether the chest always hurts. In this case, hereditary factors can affect the sensations in the mammary gland. If a pregnant mother had severe pain in the mammary glands, then the daughter is likely to experience pain during pregnancy.

Duration of pain

Pain syndrome can manifest itself from the first days of pregnancy and last as long as twelve weeks. But, the preservation of sensitivity and soreness until the moment of childbirth is not excluded (depending on the individuality of the organism).

Attention! At the initial stages, the pain will be pronounced, and by the end of pregnancy it will be less noticeable. But the sensitivity of the nipples persists throughout the gestation period.

The third trimester is characterized by active production of colostrum, so during this period there may be an increased discharge from the breast. This process is not a pathology, so you should not worry.

Can pain be reduced?

To maintain comfort during chest pain, experts recommend choosing special underwear. A few tips for choosing a maternity bra:

  • underwear should be exclusively from natural materials (synthetics during pregnancy are strictly prohibited, it can cause an allergic reaction);
  • no breast bones;
  • the bra should only be with wide straps;
  • in any case, do not squeeze or rub.

Do not forget that with an increase in the term, you will have to change bras for larger underwear. In order to reduce pain, you should go to bed in a bra (only if it is comfortable).

  1. When isolating colostrum, it is imperative to use special moisture-absorbing liners. An important condition for their use is timely change.
  2. Every day, wash the chest with light massage movements with warm water. In this case, wipe only with a damp towel.
  3. It is forbidden to use any detergents (gels, soaps) in the chest area during the shower, as they greatly dry out the skin, which leads to increased discomfort.
  4. Apply special exercises (in consultation with the leading doctor) that will help strengthen the pectoral muscles and improve well-being due to the outflow of lymph from the mammary glands.
  5. Also, contrast rubdowns will help to minimize soreness of the breast.

Carefully! In no case should you wear compression underwear during pregnancy, as this can lead to the development of a pathological process in the mammary glands.

Pathology and norm of chest pain during pregnancy

There are cases when breast tenderness, despite pregnancy, is a deviation from the norm. To have an understanding of this clinical picture, you should consider the table in detail.

Deviations from the normNorm
If the pain does not occur in the chest itself, but is localized under it, then this is evidence of the development of edema.

Acute pain is also not the norm and can warn of the activation of a pathological disease (mastitis, lactostasis).

Lactostasis (a pathology in which stagnant processes in the milk ducts are observed) is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Severely sore chest;
on palpation, small formations in the form of lumps are felt;
redness is observed at the location of the seal;
pumping causes severe discomfort and pain.
Mastitis is the development of an inflammatory process directly in the mammary glands, which is distinguished by such signs:

Sealing of the mammary gland;
acute pain;
visible redness on the chest;
body temperature rises.
If there is no medical therapy, then there is a high probability of developing an abscess

Safe breast tenderness is noted under the influence of estrogen. Its most active development begins in the fifth month of the term. It is during this period that an increase in the size of the mammary glands is noted, which is accompanied by painful sensations. This is explained by the fact that the gland is not able to stretch.

Basically, this syndrome is mild and manifests itself in the form of pulling pain. Symptoms can be especially pronounced if hypothermia occurs or during palpation of the chest.

During the period of colostrum production in women, additional signs are observed, which are the norm:

There is a burning sensation in the chest;
itching may occur in the nipple area;
sometimes pain is accompanied by a tingling sensation;
with increased production of colostrum, discharge from the nipples may occur.
It is recommended to regularly examine the chest and report all alarming symptoms to the leading doctor in order to avoid the development of mastitis or lactostasis

You can learn about general pains in the mammary glands in women from the commentary of a specialist.

Video - About pain in the mammary glands in women

Do not forget that the soreness and sensitivity of the mammary glands during the gestation period is an individual feature of each woman, therefore, no specialist can unequivocally answer whether the chest always hurts during pregnancy.

The chest has stopped hurting - a cause for concern or the norm? Only a doctor can answer this question after a comprehensive examination.

The period of expectation of a child for every woman is very exciting and is accompanied by certain changes. There are quite characteristic symptoms of pregnancy that cause a woman some discomfort.

In many women, the mammary glands are the first to react to the changes taking place, which thicken and increase in size. Often this process is accompanied by pain of varying intensity. If the chest suddenly stops hurting during pregnancy, then this is not always a cause for concern, since at a certain period this may be the norm. In any case, the attending doctor should be informed about the ongoing changes in the state of health.

Breast changes during pregnancy

From the moment of fertilization of the egg, various changes occur in the woman's body that set her up for bearing a child. She may not even know about the pregnancy, but her breasts react to the changes taking place almost immediately.

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, almost every woman's breasts enlarge and begin to hurt. The intensity and nature of pain in each woman can be very different, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

Why does the chest hurt during pregnancy

From the moment of ovulation, certain hormones begin to be produced in the body, which affect the body of the pregnant woman. Usually, the breast reacts sharply to changes in hormone levels, and often these changes become one of the main symptoms of pregnancy.

The breast begins to prepare for lactation, which is why pain during this period becomes the norm. Some pregnant women experience some discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands in the first weeks, but at what week the chest stops hurting, it is impossible to answer unambiguously. It all depends on the hormonal background and pain threshold.

When the chest stops hurting normally

Many women begin to panic if their breasts stop hurting during pregnancy, but this may not always indicate the presence of pathologies. In some cases, this is a completely normal process. Basically, the pain completely disappears by the end of the first trimester. This is considered a kind of signal that the body is prepared for the feeding process at the physiological level. Sometimes a slight soreness is observed during the entire period of bearing a child. Changes in the mammary glands for each woman are different, but often they are expressed:

  • in burning or tingling in the nipples;
  • darkening or enlargement of the nipple;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • pain of varying intensity.

The chest is especially sensitive in the morning, which occurs due to an excessive rush of blood to the breast tissues. In the evenings, discomfort is felt much less.

Cessation of chest pain as a wake-up call

The most difficult and exciting period of pregnancy falls on the first 8 weeks. At this time, the development of the fetus often stops or it fades. The reason for this pathology is often hidden in various kinds of genetic anomalies, hormonal disorders.

When the fetus fades, the body stops producing progesterone, which is why if a pregnant woman notices that her chest has stopped hurting at the 8th week of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this can be a very alarming sign.

Insufficient production of progesterone can also be caused by disorders in the thyroid gland. However, it is worth remembering that very severe chest pain is also considered a deviation from the norm. Severe pain can be triggered by an inflammatory process, in particular, such as mastitis or lactostasis.

Frozen pregnancy

As a result of the addition of an infectious process, as well as disorders occurring in the hormonal system, or the occurrence of genetic disorders, the embryo may freeze. In this case, the body gets a lot of stress. As a result of this, all processes aimed at bearing a child stop abruptly. In addition, the production of progesterone stops. That is why, if the pregnancy proceeded quite normally, then the chest stopped hurting, then this can be a very alarming signal indicating the fading of the fetus.

For many women, the fetus initially freezes, the chest stops hurting, and only with time do other signs appear. That is why if the chest suddenly stopped hurting in the early stages of pregnancy, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis to determine the fetal heartbeat.

Risk of miscarriage

If the chest stops hurting during pregnancy, then there is a high probability that the woman’s body does not have enough hormones that are required to ensure the normal course of pregnancy. In this case, there is a high probability of abortion.

Until the moment when there is a threat of miscarriage, the pregnant woman should be in a hospital. If the threat is minimal, then you can undergo outpatient treatment. For therapy, progesterone injections and drugs that compensate for the lack of hormones in the body are mainly prescribed.

That is why, if the chest stopped hurting at the 6th week of pregnancy, and there are additional pulling pains in the uterus or lumbar region, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

Pituitary insufficiency

If the chest stops hurting during pregnancy, then this may indicate the presence of a pathology of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland. This condition can lead to a violation of the production of hormones. In this case, it is necessary to undergo complex treatment, since there is a high probability of miscarriage. In addition, a violation of hormone production can provoke fetal developmental disorders, as well as lead to difficult births or heavy bleeding.

However, it is worth remembering that not always the threats associated with termination of pregnancy can provoke the cessation of pain, sometimes they, on the contrary, become more intense.

upcoming birth

A woman experiencing some discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands can be very worried if her chest stops hurting during pregnancy before childbirth. However, this is considered the norm, and there is no violation. The fact is that throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the breast undergoes changes in order to prepare for the lactation process. However, just before the birth, the preparation process ends and the discomfort disappears.

If the chest stops hurting during pregnancy, then this is not always a cause for concern, in some cases it can be a completely normal physiological process. Doctors recommend paying attention to the shape and density of the breast. If there is no pain, but the mammary glands have not lost their shape, remain firm and have not decreased in size, then this should not cause any concern.

However, if, along with the disappearance of soreness, the chest has become smaller, then you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound scan, as this can be a very alarming sign. The life of not only the fetus, but often the life of the pregnant woman herself largely depends on the timeliness of contacting a specialist.

If there is pain in the chest just before the birth, then this can be a very alarming symptom, indicating the course of the inflammatory process. It is very important during pregnancy to listen to your body and, if warning signs appear, do not postpone a visit to a specialist.

How to relieve chest pain

Sometimes the pain in the chest area is so intense that it causes some discomfort. There are several ways to help improve well-being and relieve pain. In particular, such as:

  • minor physical activity;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • breast massage.

Especially carefully you need to approach the issue of choosing a bra. It is necessary to select the most convenient models of the appropriate size. Underwear must be of high quality, made from natural materials, pitted.

Mastalgia or pain of varying degrees of intensity of the mammary glands is included in the list of the main problems with which patients most often turn to antenatal clinics. Experts note that the chest hurts in the early stages of pregnancy in 90% of all women. What is the reason for the appearance of these unpleasant sensations in expectant mothers?

Read in this article

Anatomy of the female breast

In order to appreciate how the female breast changes after conception, one should imagine its normal structure. Many poets and artists sang the mystery of this part of the female body. However, according to doctors, the mammary glands are an ordinary sweat gland, modified by nature for the process of feeding a child.

The gland itself consists of three main parts: fat mass, fibrous tissue and body. The parenchyma or body of the female breast is divided into 15 - 20 lobes, which in turn are subdivided into an interweaving of small alveoli interspersed with fat and connective tissue.

These alveolar-tubular glands are normally closed, but during pregnancy their passages open, and under the influence of female sex hormones there is a rapid increase in the number of active alveoli. The main function of the milk ducts is to stimulate the excretion of milk from the mammary gland.

Some women complain to gynecologists about the appearance of milky discharge from the nipples already in the first weeks of pregnancy. A similar condition occurs due to the increased growth of the alveolar glands.

The lobes of the mammary gland, in turn, consist of lobules of 4 main types, each of which is a continuation of the previous ones along the entire path of development of the female breast. The lobules of the first type are usually found in the mammary glands of young girls.

Under the influence of hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy, the third type of lobules become the basis of the female breast. They differ from the rest in a large number of alveolar ducts. Their number in one slice can reach 80 - 100.

It is the physical increase in the number of milk ducts that causes breast tenderness in early pregnancy. The growth of any organ is always accompanied by irritation of the nerve endings, and in such a delicate part of the body, which is the female breast, this will be especially noticeable.

The effect of hormones during pregnancy on the mammary glands

The corresponding hormones are responsible for the global restructuring of the functioning of the female breast during the period of bearing a baby:

  • First of all, we are talking about prolactin, the secretion of which in the female body is supported by the pituitary gland. During the first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, its amount in the blood of the expectant mother increases by 3-4 times. By the time of childbirth, this indicator, compared with the level of prolactin in an ordinary woman, will increase 15 times.
  • Progesterone plays a very important function in changing the structure of the breast tissue in the patient and in increasing the number of milk alveoli. In addition to affecting the structure of the female breast, this hormone affects the amount of breast milk, therefore, under its influence, milk secretions may appear already in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The process of conception of a new life gives impetus to a sharp increase in estrogen in the blood of the expectant mother. These hormones are directly involved in the increase in the mass of the mammary glands, stimulating the deposition of adipose tissue in the lumen of the female breast. If a woman complains of chest pain in early pregnancy, then this symptom is a consequence of an increase in its volume and the appearance of a large number of new milk ducts. Estrogen plays a significant role in this process.

Almost all the hormones of the female body take an active part in its preparation for future childbirth from the very first days of pregnancy. Experts emphasize the leading role in this process of ovarian hormones responsible for the preparation of the egg, products of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands, substances that the placenta produces.

Watch the video about changes in a woman's body during pregnancy:

Physiological changes in the mammary glands in a pregnant woman

Painful sensations and swelling of the breast are one of them. This is due to the fact that under the influence of a hormonal surge, the mammary glands begin to be intensively supplied with blood, which leads to an increase in their mass.

Proliferative processes in the female breast with the onset of pregnancy lead not only to an increase in its volume and weight. They cause the development of new milk ducts, which provokes the rapid growth of the milk lobules themselves in the breast of the expectant mother.

The percentage of adipose tissue in the mammary glands also increases during this period. This process is necessary for a woman to create an energy reserve during pregnancy and is controlled by the growth of estrogens.

In addition to changing the composition of the breast tissues of a pregnant woman, there is also an increased formation of new blood vessels in this organ. The mammary gland should be well supplied with all useful substances and the vascular network that exists before pregnancy will not be enough.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, this active process of formation of small veins and arteries can only provoke discomfort in a woman, but starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, the contour of the vessels will be visible on the surface of the mammary gland.

A rapid increase in the mass of this organ can also provoke pain in the chest area in a pregnant mother. Experts note that the mammary gland increases most actively during the first trimester of pregnancy and after 32 weeks. This is also due to the uneven effect of female sex hormones on her body during childbearing.

If a woman complains that her chest hurts a lot in the early stages of pregnancy, most often the reason is banal - its volume increases. The mammary gland is abundantly supplied with nerve endings, and its rapid growth leads to their overexcitation, which manifests itself in a pronounced pain symptom.

This is especially true for the nipples. In the area of ​​​​the areolas there are points of exit of the milk ducts, which in medicine are called Montgomery's tubercles. These glands have increased innervation, and pressure on them by rapidly growing tissues can cause pain.

Most experts do not advise their patients in the first trimester of pregnancy to rub emollient medicinal ointments and creams into the nipples. It is better for a woman to simply endure irritation in this intimate area, since massage and remedies can cause the release of oxytacin. This hormone stimulates uterine contractions, which can threaten miscarriage in early pregnancy.

Is it possible to reduce the severity of discomfort

Doctors of the antenatal clinic will always help the expectant mother to reduce the intensity of pain in the mammary glands. The whole problem is that in the first trimester of pregnancy, most drugs are contraindicated for patients. Therefore, only hygiene, comfortable underwear and exercise can reduce discomfort for a lady in this situation:

  • To prevent dry skin and possible infection of the nipples, wash the mammary glands with water at a temperature of 30-35 degrees several times a day. After taking water procedures, it is recommended to carry out a light chest massage with a terry towel. Any chemicals, such as shampoos or gels, should not be used on the body. For daily hygiene, baby soap is best suited.
  • There are special complexes of therapeutic exercises aimed at removing swelling of the mammary gland in the first weeks of pregnancy. With the help of simple exercises, you can achieve an outflow of lymph from the thoracic lymph nodes, strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the mammary glands.
  • It is very important for the expectant mother to choose the right underwear. In its production, materials made of cotton or linen should be used, have wide straps and support the woman's breasts in the most comfortable position for her. It should not have rough seams, bones and any decorative ornaments that can increase irritation of the skin of the breast. It should correspond to the size of the breast, not squeeze the tissue.
  • In some women, pain is very pronounced. For such a contingent of patients, doctors recommend not taking off the bra even at night in order to avoid unnecessary contact of the skin of the breast with bed linen.

Young mothers, who are doing well, ask a little in a panic where the chest hurts in the early stages of pregnancy for the rest. It should be noted that such manifestations of pregnancy are exclusively individual in nature.

The majority of women note slight pain in the nipples, a burning sensation in the areola area may appear after a long stay of the patient in an upright position. The reaction of the female mammary gland is possible only to heat or extreme cold. Breast swelling in early pregnancy was noted by 70% of women.

Gynecologists often face situations when a pregnant woman does not have any painful or irritating sensations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands at all. This is also one of the variants of the norm, and such a lack of discomfort is associated with the characteristics of the patient's nervous system. But constant pain in the chest throughout pregnancy may indicate any disease of the mammary glands, which manifested itself under the influence of hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Whatever doctors and traditional healers advise future mothers, discomfort in the mammary glands in the first trimester you just need to survive. Usually these first symptoms of the future weaken already at 5-6 weeks, and after 10-12 weeks they completely disappear. The effect of hormones on a woman's body is significantly reduced, the female breast is gradually changing for better lactation, and pain, burning and swelling in the mammary glands associated with tissue restructuring will no longer bother the expectant mother.

Any health problems throughout the entire period of bearing a child require the most serious attitude from the expectant mother. Self-medication in such a situation is fraught with serious consequences for a woman and her unborn child. Chest pain in early pregnancy requires monitoring and treatment by antenatal clinic specialists.

Chest pain at the beginning of pregnancy does not please the girls and does not give them positive emotions. Due to poor health, the fetus also suffers, which subtly feels the mood of the mother. But when the breasts stop hurting, women often also experience anxiety, coming up with negative reasons for such changes. To eliminate uncertainty in this matter, it is necessary to understand the causes and duration of soreness of the female breast.

Pain in the mammary glands does not always accompany pregnancy. Primiparous women, whose breasts are not prepared for the lactation period, are most susceptible to them. To produce milk, breast tissue must increase in mass and volume by 2-3 times in 9 months. It is the intensive increase in the mammary glands that is the main factor in the chain of causes of pain.

Each subsequent pregnancy, theoretically, should be characterized by a decrease in the intensity of chest pains, but this does not always happen. There are cases when the mammary gland does not hurt at all in primiparous women with small breasts, and there are situations when, during the third pregnancy and a large bust, the pain bothers the woman for all 9 months.

  • breast tenderness;
  • hormonal background;
  • growth activity of glandular tissue and accumulation of fat in the mammary glands.

Unpleasant sensations are not necessarily painful. A woman may feel tingling, burning, a feeling of stretching in any part of the chest. All these symptoms in most cases are not dangerous and are not subject to drug therapy.

At what week of pregnancy does the chest stop hurting?

Theoretically, the chest can stop hurting at any time, because this fact implies a decrease in the level of irritation of nerve receptors. If the painful sensations were not intense, then they can periodically disappear and appear, and with significant pain, relief can come abruptly.

It is assumed that the dynamics of breast tenderness is partly affected by the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, the level of which increases up to 9-10 weeks, and then begins to fall. This hormone acts on many organs, but in the breast, it increases the sensitivity of tissues to progestogen and estrogens, which are responsible for the growth and development of the mammary glands. By the 12th week of pregnancy, in most women with breast tenderness, the intensity of discomfort begins to decrease until it disappears completely.

Pain is also reduced due to a decrease in the intensity of growth of the mammary glands. In three months, the body manages with the help of hormones to ensure the active appearance of new lobules and the development of alveoli in the glandular tissue. The rest of the pregnancy, the newly created formations are finally prepared for the production of milk, the structures are strengthened by connective tissue and the necessary substances are accumulated in them.

Chest pain may disappear in the first trimester, towards its end, and reappear in the last weeks of pregnancy due to the preparation of the breast for the approaching lactation period.

Due to the strong differences in the dynamics of breast growth, there is a large variation in the timing of the disappearance of pain in them. For some, the final relief from discomfort may come only after the first feeding of the born child.

Why did the chest stop hurting during pregnancy?

Young women tend to experience any changes in their condition during pregnancy, regardless of their negative or positive direction. Therefore, the fact that chest pain is reduced is perceived by many as a bad symptom, but this is not so. The reasons for their disappearance may be:

  1. Natural reduction of pain, not associated with pathology.
  2. Fading pregnancy.
  3. Decreased progesterone levels.
  4. Self-healing of unrecognized mastopathy.
  5. Pituitary disorders.
  6. Diseases of the thyroid gland.

With the disappearance of pain in the mammary glands at 10-14 weeks, you should not worry, but if they stop abruptly at other times, then this is a reason to visit a antenatal clinic.

Diagnosing a missed pregnancy by reducing the intensity of pain in the chest is of value only in the early stages. Termination of fetal development may be associated with hormonal deficiency or embryonic pathologies.

Reduced progesterone levels, as a factor in reducing chest pain, are a formidable harbinger of pregnancy failure. This condition requires a clinical examination and the prescription of corrective hormonal drugs by a doctor.

Pathologies of the pituitary gland, which may be the cause of reduced tenderness of the mammary glands, are rare, and their diagnosis involves expensive blood tests.

The chest stopped hurting at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy

With the disappearance of breast soreness at 5-6 weeks, it is worth worrying, especially if this is accompanied by a decrease in nipple swelling and softening of the mammary gland tissue. Such symptoms can be harbingers of a miscarriage, and if they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The duration of painful sensations before reducing their intensity is also important. If the pain lasted only a few days, then the negative prognosis from their disappearance improves significantly. After all, short-term chest discomfort can be caused by consumed foods or excessive water intake.

Good afternoon I found out about my position at 4 weeks, when the first discomfort appeared in my right breast, and already at 8 weeks of pregnancy my chest stopped hurting, and the tingling in it disappeared? It seems that the mammary glands are now tense, the sensitivity is increased. This is fine? Alice, 25 years old.

Good afternoon, Alice! Your condition is quite normal, but watch out for further changes in the condition of the breast. With a decrease in tension in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands or soreness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus, you must definitely see a doctor, because there is a risk of miscarriage.

What to do if at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy the chest stopped hurting?

By the end of the second month of pregnancy, for many women, the breasts already reach the size that matches their genetics and hormonal levels, so their growth slows down. The decrease in the intensity of pain in this period should not greatly disturb future women in labor. Only a sharp decrease in pain, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen or vaginal discharge should alert a pregnant woman. In such cases, an immediate examination is indicated.

If the pain subsides gradually, within a week, and there are no other noticeable changes in the chest and general condition, then this is most likely due to natural causes.

Good afternoon Doctor, can the chest stop hurting sharply in the early stages of pregnancy due to climate change? At 7 weeks I flew to the sea, because I didn’t know that I was pregnant, and my chest had been hurting for a long time. Only there I did a test, and at 9 weeks my pain stopped. Very worried. Svetlana, 32 years old.

Good afternoon, Svetlana! The chest may well stop hurting at 9 weeks, because the body adapts to the new climate and somewhat changes the hormonal background. In your situation, it is better to undergo an additional examination by a gynecologist, because unexpected hormonal changes can harm the normal course of pregnancy.

The chest stopped hurting at 9-10 weeks of pregnancy

In the first half of the third month of pregnancy, a decrease in pain in the mammary glands is noted by many women, although not the majority. This reduction in discomfort is a completely natural process. If there are no other complaints, then you can not go to the doctor.

And in women who have given birth before, soreness in the chest occurs even less frequently and may disappear a few weeks earlier. This is due to the partial readiness of the mammary glands, because the connective tissue structures in them have already been sufficiently formed during the previous pregnancy. Because of this, the process of breast enlargement is smooth and less painful.

Good afternoon They write that the soreness of the mammary glands disappears at 9-11 weeks, it’s different for someone, but for some reason my chest stopped hurting especially at the 5th week of pregnancy. Should I be worried? Diana, 21 years old.

Good afternoon Diana! The cessation of pain at such times should alert. It is better to consult a gynecologist, especially if the elasticity of the breast has decreased, and the nipple has become less swollen.

The chest stopped hurting at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy

By about 11 weeks, most women who have experienced pain in the mammary glands since the beginning of pregnancy note their disappearance or a decrease in the intensity of pain. By the end of the third month, the volume of the breast stabilizes somewhat, the active growth of its vascular network ends, which reduces pressure on the nerve endings.

When assessing the risk of pathologies that accompany the disappearance of pain, it is necessary to take into account additional symptoms: a sharp decrease in breast density, soreness of the uterus, the presence of discharge from the nipple and other warning signs.

The disappearance of pain in the female breast during pregnancy should always force a woman to be more attentive to her body so as not to miss the appearance of really dangerous symptoms in the following days. In addition, to relieve anxiety about the child and early detection of pathology, it will always not be superfluous to seek advice from a antenatal clinic.

Good afternoon My chest stopped hurting at 13 weeks, although the first discomfort during pregnancy appeared at a short time - at 3 weeks. Is it worth worrying about the disappearance of pain? Is a frozen pregnancy possible? Oksana, 18 years old.

Good afternoon, Oksana! The dynamics of your pain is within the natural limits, so in the absence of other complaints, you can continue to enjoy your condition!

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