Benefits of long-term breastfeeding. Benefits of breastfeeding - benefits for baby and mother

Breastfeeding is a unique gift from wise nature. It is incredibly useful for both the newborn baby and his mother. Unfortunately, some women various reasons They deliberately refuse to breastfeed their baby and switch him to artificial milk formula, not realizing that they are thereby causing great harm to themselves and the child. Let's look at what the benefits are breastfeeding, and why doctors recommend breastfeeding your baby for as long as possible.

The benefits of breastfeeding for a baby

Mother's milk is the most optimal food for a newborn. All proteins, fats, microelements and vitamins contained in it are absorbed by the child’s body most fully, which cannot be achieved when feeding formulas.

  • The proteins that make up breast milk do not cause allergic reactions, contain amino acids necessary for growth and development.
  • Breast milk fats contain many beneficial fatty acids. They are easily broken down by a child’s body, which has not yet developed the production of the necessary enzymes. Milk's own enzyme, lipase, also helps break down fats, providing normal stool child, absence of constipation and intestinal colic.
  • Carbohydrates in mother's milk are represented by lactose, which regulates the acidic environment of the child's gastrointestinal system. This is very important for the functioning of beneficial bacteria and the suppression of pathogenic flora.
  • The calorie content of mother's milk provides the baby with the necessary energy for growth and development.
  • While suckling at the breast, the baby has the opportunity to eat as actively as he needs and to pause, which is difficult to achieve when feeding from a bottle.
  • In addition to enzymes, breast milk contains essential proper development child hormones and biologically active substances. As well as a wide range of natural immunomodulators, such as lactoferin, globulin A and others. Thanks to them, the baby receives powerful protection against viruses and infections. For each child, the composition of immune factors is individual. Antibodies received by infants through mother's milk protect them from many diseases, significantly increasing the body's resistance to viruses, infections, and bacteria, which artificial babies do not receive.
  • The milk produced always has its own specific composition, which is unique during each feeding. Depending on the mother’s diet and the substances transmitted through it to the child, the mother’s body adjusts the composition of breast milk so that the child receives a balanced product that can be easily processed and absorbed with the greatest benefit.
  • While latching on the nipple, the child develops a correct bite. Breast sucking further reduces the likelihood of developing caries and stomatitis.
  • The advantages of breastfeeding also include the establishment of a special psycho-emotional contact between the baby and mother during the feeding process, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous systems of both of them.
  • Breast milk cannot be overheated or underheated, it always has optimal temperature, in addition, it is always sterile and cannot be stale or contain bacteria, which is quite common when using mixtures.

Weaning from breastfeeding: how to make it painless and safe for mother and baby

The benefits of breastfeeding for mom

It is not only breastfed babies who experience the benefits of breastfeeding. It also brings considerable benefits to women in labor.

  • Normalization hormonal levels. While the baby is sucking mother's breast The female body produces the hormone oxytocin. It increases uterine contractions, which is why babies are now put to the breast immediately after birth. In women who breastfeed, the uterus recovers faster. In addition, this hormone stimulates the separation of the placenta and reduces the likelihood of bleeding.
  • Additional contraception. Prolactin produced during breastfeeding stimulates the female body to produce milk. During the production of this hormone, the reproduction of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone is suppressed. They are responsible for reproductive function body. The absence of these hormones stops the process of maturation and release of the egg, which means it leads to the impossibility of its fertilization, and thus protects the body from repeat pregnancy. Therefore, natural feeding provides the woman in labor with natural contraception, although one can be sure of its reliability only if a number of certain requirements are met.
  • Suppression of cancer cells. Increased production of estrogen by the body can provoke the growth of cancer cells in the reproductive organs. Prolactin produced during breastfeeding suppresses the production of estrogen by the pituitary gland, thus reducing the likelihood of developing this disease. Medical statistics report that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50% and ovarian cancer by 25%. During breastfeeding, mastopathy of the mammary glands decreases significantly or even disappears without a trace. To treat her in a natural way Doctors and mammologists recommend giving birth and breastfeeding a child up to 3 years of age.
  • In women with diabetes, insulin dependence is reduced.
  • Starting from the moment of conception and for six months after the cessation of lactation, the female body intensively absorbs calcium. Nature has arranged it in such a way that during the period when this element is so necessary for mother and child, the mechanisms for its absorption are activated. It is believed that each breastfed child reduces the risk of osteoporosis in older women by 25%.
  • Weight restoration. During pregnancy, a woman’s body forms certain reserves of nutrients that should provide good nutrition for the baby even if the mother’s diet is poor after childbirth. Therefore, women who go on weight loss diets after giving birth are simply wasting their time. Until necessary for the child useful substances will not be transferred to him through his mother’s breast milk, and it will still not be possible to get rid of the “reserves”. Long-term feeding breastfeeding will give a signal to the body that the baby is already strong enough and has grown up, so you can start getting rid of the reserves made “just in case.”
  • Improvement of psycho-emotional state. During breastfeeding, the female body produces the hormone endorphin in greater quantities than usual. He is responsible for the uplifting psycho-emotional state, feeling of happiness and joy, peace. Actively produced prolactin is a natural tranquilizer. A woman is less worried about various everyday difficulties; she focuses all her attention on the child, enjoying every minute of communication with him.
  • Boosting immunity. During lactation metabolic processes in the body are significantly activated. Therefore, the removal of toxins, cell renewal, and tissue regeneration are accelerated. The mucous membrane becomes more resistant to viruses and infections, and immunity increases.
  • After all, breastfeeding saves a lot of money family budget, which is especially important for young families, while good milk formulas are quite expensive.

Breastfeeding problems

To be fair, it should be noted that there are pros and cons of breastfeeding. The latter include the following problems.

  • Poor feeding technique can lead to cracked nipples.
  • If the baby does not suckle completely, mastitis may occur.
  • An increase in endorphin and prolactin levels leads to drowsiness, decreased memory and concentration.
  • It is impossible to be away from the baby for a long time, since the breaks between feedings are relatively short.
  • I always have to monitor and limit my mother’s diet. Some medications should not be used during lactation.

As you can see, the disadvantages of breastfeeding are much smaller in list than the advantages of breastfeeding. In addition, some of these problems can be avoided by proper organization feeding regimen and technique. You can also seek help from lactation consultants. Of course, each woman makes her own decision on how to feed her baby. But the main factor in this should be concern for the growth and development of the child, and breastfeeding provides this most effectively.

Hello, dear readers.

We are sure that today’s topic will be of interest not only to established mothers (they already know what breastfeeding is and what its true value is), but also to expectant mothers, and perhaps even to those girls who are not very keen on having children. Views change, intentions change too, suddenly you change your mind, and you will already know where you can get useful information...

Human breast milk is a unique valuable product, recognized throughout the world as the most better food for a child. The advantages of breastfeeding over artificial feeding have long been proven by experts. Yes, mixtures cannot be compared, everyone knows that. But let’s not throw around general phrases; our task is to specifically understand what benefits breastfeeding brings to both: both the mother and her baby.

Breast milk contains large amounts of vital necessary for the baby substances. His unique composition includes vitamins and microelements that are important for the full growth and development of the child.



All essential vitamins are contained in the optimal dosage for better absorption by infants.


Mother's milk contains water, which ensures the normal functioning of all the baby's organs.


Their action is aimed at the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Beneficial Antibodies

Together with breast milk, the child receives antibodies that form his immunity.

Digestive enzymes

Promote the breakdown of sugar and protein.

Types of breast milk

There are three types of breast milk - colostrum, transitional milk and mature milk. They differ in their quality characteristics.


This is a substance that begins to be produced by the female body immediately after childbirth. It has yellow tint and differs in viscosity. Its use by a newborn baby is mandatory.

Colostrum contains a large amount of fats, antibodies and valuable microelements. It protects the child from adverse effects environment, and helps the newborn adapt most comfortably to the new environment.

Transition milk

It replaces colostrum 4-5 days after birth. The concentration of fats in it becomes less, but nutritional value does not change.

Mature milk

2 weeks after birth female body begins the production of mature milk. It contains a large amount of water and a concentration of nutrients necessary for the further full development and growth of the child.

Benefits of breast milk

The benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mother are undeniable. When breastfeeding, a woman gives her baby exactly those microelements and nutrients that he needs. certain period of its development.

For a child, mother's milk is the basis correct formation all organs and systems.

Here are all the benefits of breast milk:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • helps normalize the child’s stool and form beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • regulates the acid balance of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • provides the necessary energy;
  • forms immune system child, providing his body with the necessary antibodies. Breastfeeding is powerful protection baby from viruses and infections;
  • ensures easy absorption of nutrients;
  • influences the formation of correct bite;
  • helps to establish psycho-emotional contact between mother and baby;
  • reduces the risk of developing nervous tension and anxiety;
  • gives the baby a feeling of comfort and security;
  • is a balanced sterile product, with an optimal temperature for feeding a child.

For the mother, breastfeeding is no less important than for the baby.

During breastfeeding a woman:

  • hormonal levels are normalized;
  • the uterus contracts and quickly recovers after childbirth;
  • the possibility of re-fertilization is minimized;
  • psycho is stabilized emotional background, anxiety decreases;
  • immunity is restored and strengthened;
  • the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer is reduced.

In short, the process of breastfeeding is important for both the child and the mother. It is impossible to obtain such invaluable benefits for a woman and baby with artificial feeding.

Possible problems

Breastfeeding experts say everyone possible problems during breastfeeding, they occur due to improper attachment technique. The most common:

  • the appearance of cracks in the nipples;
  • the occurrence of mastitis;
  • pain in the chest area.

These problems can be solved if you learn to breastfeed and follow a few simple rules.

  1. Before breastfeeding, wash your breasts with boiled water.
  2. Alternately change breasts with each new feeding.
  3. Make sure that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola with his mouth.
  4. The baby should be pressed tightly against the mother during feeding.
  5. If there are cracks in the nipples, after feeding, it is recommended to wash the breasts again and lubricate the damaged areas with antiseptic ointment.
  6. If lumps occur in the breast, contact a mammologist who will prescribe treatment and teach you how to proper massage mammary glands. This will prevent the seal from reoccurring.
  7. Helps if there are seals frequent application child to the sore breast. The baby, when making sucking movements, additionally massages the breast and eliminates blockage of the canals.
  8. Expressing milk stimulates increased milk production. If you have good lactation, then try to express breast milk less.

Until what age should a child be fed breast milk?

Doctors advise women not to interrupt breastfeeding for at least a year. The first year of a baby's life is the most important. During this period, the foundation of his health, mental and physical development is laid.

Some mothers feed their children until three years and more. Experts insist that the maximum period of feeding should be no more than three years. This is explained by the fact that milk production uses reserves of nutrients and microelements accumulated during a woman’s pregnancy. During breastfeeding, they are depleted and the extraction of necessary substances from the mother’s body begins.

At the same time, after three years from the moment of birth, mother’s milk becomes less valuable and nutritious. Therefore, long-term breastfeeding is not a necessity, but a habit.

Reminder for nursing mothers

Breastfeeding should be enjoyable for both mother and baby. If you are sick, do not stop breastfeeding under any circumstances, as this will only provoke possible infection. With mother's milk, the necessary antibodies are transferred to the baby, strengthening its immunity and increasing the body's resistance to pathogens of infectious and viral diseases.

Drawing conclusions

Balanced nutritional composition breast milk and the advantages of breastfeeding over artificial feeding have long been proven by doctors. This priceless gift given to a woman by nature itself should not be neglected. Remember that only mother's milk can help the baby in full development and the formation of strong immunity. This, in turn, affects how resistant your baby will be to diseases in the future.

Learn correct technique attaching your baby to your breast, and you can avoid the main problems when feeding - cracks, lumps and pain in the breast and nipples.

Do not stop breastfeeding during the first year of your baby's life. It is fundamental in the further development of the baby. Also, do not forget that breastfeeding is important not only for the baby, but also for the mother. It allows you to quickly recover from childbirth and normalize a woman’s hormonal and emotional background.

Dear readers, leave your comments and share the link to the article with your friends in in social networks. It is important that as much as possible more women knew about the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and child.

It benefits not only the baby himself, but his mother - few people know. On the contrary, it is often believed that feeding is a special kind of maternal feat, when a mother sacrifices her health for the sake of the health of her child... In fact, breastfeeding is a completely natural part of a woman’s reproductive cycle, a mandatory continuation of pregnancy and childbirth. Early termination Breastfeeding can cause problems due to disruption of the body's biological program, but continued feeding, on the contrary, brings with it a number of benefits due to the hormonal stabilization of the mother's body.

So, what are the benefits of breastfeeding for moms?

New pregnancy is delayed . Breastfeeding affects female fertility, that is, the ability to conceive. The more often a mother feeds, the higher the level of the hormone prolactin in her body, and prolactin suppresses the production of hormones responsible for ovulation. Breastfeeding gives effective protection from the occurrence of a new pregnancy, when the mother exclusively breastfeeds at the child’s first request, 10 times or more during the day, with one maximum interval between feedings of no more than five hours. If this excludes the use of pacifiers and bottles, they are not regulated daytime feedings and are not limited to nighttime feeding, then in the first three months of feeding the probability of pregnancy is virtually zero, and in the next three months - less than 2%.

After the baby is six months old, breastfeeding provides fewer guarantees that a new pregnancy will not occur. At this age, infants begin to receive complementary feeding, but if the child continues to be frequently breastfed in combination with complementary feeding, then the mother is partially protected from the onset of a new pregnancy.

For the mother’s body, it is especially important to start feeding immediately after birth and carry it out at the request of the child. During breastfeeding, the active action of the hormone oxytocin helps restore strength after childbirth, rapid contraction of the uterus and stopping postpartum bleeding. That is why mothers who often breastfeed their babies are much less likely to experience postpartum complications such as endometritis.

Further Breastfeeding directly contributes to maintaining a good figure. In the first six months of breastfeeding, a woman’s weight can sometimes increase regardless of her diet, but then the accumulated fats begin to be actively consumed, and the longer the mother feeds, the more her weight decreases. Weight loss is especially active when feeding a baby at the age of 6-9 months - usually it is at this time that a woman returns to the shape she had before pregnancy, and then, due to the active burning of fat deposits on the hips, she can even become even slimmer! Excess weight It is extremely rare that this persists throughout the entire lactation period and, if this does happen, it most often indicates an unbalanced menu or hormonal problems.

Breastfeeding mothers improve bone mineralization and reduce the incidence of osteoporosis , because thanks to the appropriate hormones during breastfeeding, the mother’s body absorbs calcium better. And thanks to the long absence of menstruation, due to which the body loses iron along with the blood, a nursing mother is better protected from iron deficiency anemia.

❧ Fact: It is enough to breastfeed for just 9 months to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis by 25%!

Breastfeeding seriously protects a woman from cancer. First, the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced (20% less with each birth if the baby was breastfed for at least two months). Secondly, the risk of breast cancer is greatly reduced: a mother who has fed three children has twice as many less chance will ever get breast cancer than a woman who has lactated for less than six months in her entire life. To the delight of proponents of long-term feeding, the same effect is observed if the mother fed at least one child for more than 13 months. Other studies have concluded that the risk of breast cancer decreases by 7% with each pregnancy and by 4.3% with each month of breastfeeding.

Duration of breastfeeding is directly related to health after menopause . A large study by specialists at the University of Pittsburgh, who processed almost 140 thousand medical records of women, showed that even those who breastfed for just one month had more low performance blood cholesterol, incidence of diabetes and hypertension. In women who breastfed for more than a year, the likelihood of diabetes decreased by 20%, hypertension - by 12%, higher level blood cholesterol by 19%, and the risk of a heart attack or stroke decreased by 9%.

There are also certain psychological benefits . Breastfeeding greatly affects the character of the woman herself, making her softer and more sensitive, and especially on her relationship with the baby. Breastfeeding, during which both mother and her baby enter into a complex hormonal interaction, quickly contributes to the formation of a close, tender relationship between them. Of course, a mother who bottle feeds her baby loves her too. And at the same time, both foreign and the most modern Russian studies speak out unequivocally: levels maternal care and anxiety, the degree of response to the baby’s emerging needs, the accuracy of the mother’s intuitive behavior, the degree of reaction to a real or potential threat to the baby and the joy of long-term communication - all this is determined primarily by breastfeeding. With each breastfeeding, when mother and baby look at each other with tenderness and love, an invisible thread of mutual affection arises between them and becomes stronger.

Of course, both among those who are breastfeeding and among those who have chosen artificial feeding, there are very different mothers. But even World Organization The health authority explicitly states in its recommendations that breastfeeding mothers, in general, respond more affectionately to their babies. They complain much less about situations when the child requires attention and night feedings. Finally, breastfeeding mothers are significantly less likely to abandon or abuse their children. The feelings of closeness and love that breastfeeding evokes and maintains helps mothers have a more positive attitude toward their children at any time in their lives. This probably becomes especially noticeable and important during the period when the baby over a year old begins to subject his parents to irrational demands and emotional outbursts incomprehensible to him.

Since a nursing mother always literally has the most The best way calm down, then in this difficult time She has a much easier time psychologically.

Finally, long feeding breastfeeding has and more delayed in time positive consequences. As foreign and Russian studies have shown, children who were fed longer than a year, demonstrate significantly fewer behavior problems in school and adolescence. According to both mothers themselves and teachers, children who have been fed for a long time are less likely than others to behave rudely at home and at school. This means that by breastfeeding now, mom saves her health and nerves for many, many years!

The benefits of breastfeeding are endless. Breastfeeding is one of the most exciting and interesting phenomena connecting mother and child during the first years of a child's life. Breastfeeding represents parental care and the wisdom of nature.

For moms' health:

Successful recovery after childbirth.
The hormone oxytocin, produced when a baby sucks at the breast, promotes contractions of the uterus. This is especially true in the first half hour after the birth of the baby for the safe separation of the placenta and the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. The first breastfeeding and the first long-term feeding should be carried out immediately after birth - foreign doctors and WHO call for this in their document “Ten Steps Leading to Successful Breastfeeding.” Feeding the baby in the first 2 months will help the uterus restore its pre-pregnancy shape, and neighboring organs abdominal cavity safely take their usual “places”.

"Rest" of the reproductive system.
Thanks to breastfeeding, the mother's body produces the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of milk. This hormone suppresses the production of estrogen and progesterone, hormones necessary for ovulation and changes in the walls of the uterus to allow a new pregnancy to occur. Thus, breastfeeding reliably protects against conception. However, it should be noted here that the necessary protective level of prolactin is maintained only when organizing baby feeding in a natural way:
- the breast is given to the child as often and for as long as he wants - during the day and, most importantly, at night (at least 3 times a night);
- the mother does not offer the baby foreign oral objects (pacifiers, bottles) for sucking;
- complementary foods are introduced to the baby after 6 months, volume adult food increases very gradually;
-at night the baby sleeps next to his mother and receives the breast at the first sign of restlessness in his sleep.
-Research has shown that about 95% of mothers who breastfeed naturally remain unable to conceive again for an average of 13-16 months. And in a third of mothers, ovulation does not resume during the entire period of breastfeeding!

Prevention of breast cancer.
Estrogen hormones promote the growth of cancer cells in reproductive system and are closely associated with cancer. As mentioned above, prolactin, the main “milk” hormone, suppresses estrogen production and slows down cell growth in general. Breastfeeding one child for at least 3 months reduces the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer by 50 and 25%, respectively. Also, breastfeeding improves mastopathy. There is even such a way natural treatment of this disease: breastfeed the baby until 3 years of age.

Decreases need for insulin
in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Calcium is absorbed better
during pregnancy, breastfeeding and another six months after cessation of lactation! Foreign scientists came to such sensational conclusions in the course of a number of studies. Why then do some women have suspicions of a lack of calcium for their body during these periods of life? Most likely the matter is wrong organized meals nursing mother. It is important not just to absorb foods containing this element in sufficient quantities. It is important to “help” calcium to be fully absorbed from food.
Also possible reasons calcium deficiency may be a short (less than 3 years) interval between pregnancies and errors in organizing breastfeeding. Why? The fact is that the birth of a child causes a whole series of hormonal changes: pregnancy - childbirth - the formation of lactation (up to 3 months after birth) - mature lactation– involution of lactation (between 1.5 and 2.5 years of the baby) – cessation of breastfeeding – return of the body to the pre-pregnancy state (within six months). It is the work of hormones during these periods that contribute to more complete absorption of calcium. If this reproductive chain was interrupted (for example, the mother stopped feeding the baby before the onset of lactation involution, or a miscarriage occurred, or the mother was in a hurry with new pregnancy), if at any stage there was gross interference from the outside and the natural hormonal balance was disrupted (for example, artificial stimulation childbirth, or lactation was interrupted by medication, or the woman uses hormonal contraceptives), if breastfeeding was not organized in a natural way - hormonal system of a nursing mother does not work properly, and calcium may indeed be absorbed in insufficient quantities. Therefore, before blaming breastfeeding for tooth decay, think about whether you are doing everything in accordance with nature and common sense.

For the same reason, better absorption of calcium increases the risk of disease in old age osteoporosis(osteoporosis is a disease caused by the leaching of calcium salts from the bones) also decreases by 25% with each breastfed baby. Perhaps this point will not seem very significant to many women. However, if you look around, age-related fractures are not that uncommon. And if you consider that they are difficult to compensate for, then it’s worth thinking about prevention in advance!

Restoring normal weight.
One of the most important issues woman who gave birth: “When will I again become as slim as before I started pregnancy?” Answer: in about a year - if you feed your baby naturally! The fact is that during the period of bearing a baby, the mother’s body “makes reserves” for its subsequent feeding: what if there is a crop failure? or a natural disaster? or drought? The mother should have a lot of “spare” calories prepared for milk production in the first, most important year of the baby’s life. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to follow diets for weight loss - they, as a rule, will not help restore pre-pregnancy weight. Nature has provided only one way to restore former attractiveness - long-term breastfeeding.

Prevention of depression. Strengthens maternal instinct
. In the absence of breastfeeding after childbirth, if problems arise with feeding, or if it is abruptly interrupted, the mother experiences a sharp drop in the level of female sex hormones. So-called endogenous depressions begin, to overcome which it is often necessary professional help psychotherapist. In turn, if there is successful feeding in a nursing woman are present in large quantities neuropeptide hormones, including the well-known hormone endorphin. Its action causes a state similar to the joyful, elated state of two lovers: “we are knee-deep in the sea, the main thing is that I have you, and that we are together!” Such a mother endures difficulties with courage, happily cares for the baby, radiates emotional satisfaction and, despite frequent fatigue, seems to fly on the wings of love.

Stronger immunity.
This is caused by increased metabolism in the body of a nursing mother. Intensive metabolic processes accelerate the elimination of toxins, increase the rate of bone and tissue renewal, and also make the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx less susceptible to infectious agents.

Increased resistance to stress.
This effect is achieved due to the work of two hormones:
-prolactin is a strong tranquilizer. It’s as if he is sending a signal to the nursing mother: “Calm down, don’t be nervous, everything will be fine...”
-oxytocin - helps a woman focus primarily on needs small child, leaving worries about various everyday occasions as if on the periphery of consciousness. Thus, during breastfeeding, a woman builds a clear system of life values, the internal space is more consciously structured, and the reaction to events is streamlined outside world and additional mental resources appear to solve various problems.

To the above, I would like to add that breastfeeding also has indirect benefits for mothers’ health:

It is extremely economical! Instead of spending on artificial mixtures, bottles, pacifiers, nipples, sterilizers, food warmers, medicines for a baby who will get sick much more often than a baby on breast milk, the mother has the opportunity to buy something else. For a wellness trip to the sea, for example, or a visit to the pool, massage sessions and cosmetologist services.

Emotional connection between mother and child, which arises in the process of natural feeding, will also play its part positive role to preserve mother's health. You ask how? As you know, all diseases are caused by nerves. And a child with whom there is no deep and trusting contact can greatly spoil the parents’ nerves!

For the health of babies:
Natural feeding is the most physiological, its advantages are undoubted, since the structure of mother's milk is close to the composition of the child's tissues.

Human milk is completely devoid of antigenic, that is, allergenic properties.. Artificial feeding significantly increases the risk of allergic diseases even in those children in the first year of life who do not have a hereditary predisposition to them.

The total amount of protein in breast milk is optimal for the baby
. Even modern infant formulas contain almost 1.5 times more protein than breast milk. Protein content in mother's milk is very stable and practically does not change even when the mother is ill, exhausted, or nutritionally deficient. With artificial feeding, protein overload inevitably occurs, which is accompanied by intoxication and excess load on the immature liver and kidneys infants, leads to excessive weight gain, sometimes the development of diabetes mellitus, as well as delayed development of the child’s nervous system. In schoolchildren who stayed for 4-9 months. on natural feeding, higher intellectual capabilities. Among children with difficulties in school learning, children who were bottle-fed predominate. This statement is true for all countries, including industrialized ones. low level infant morbidity and mortality.

Human milk, especially colostrum, is rich in protective immunoglobulins (antibodies)
. Therefore, the morbidity and mortality of breastfed children is significantly lower than with artificial feeding. The level of antibodies after vaccination when breastfeeding is higher than when using formula, which indicates better protection against infections for which the child is vaccinated.

Bottle feeding may contribute to infant obesity. During puberty, that is, at the age of 11-14 years, such children often experience secondary obesity, which persists throughout life with resulting consequences. future problems(diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, bone and other systems already in adulthood).

Breast milk contains required amount polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA). These acids are necessary for the proper formation of the nervous system, especially the brain; they increase resistance to age-related vascular diseases(atherosclerosis), their level correlates with a person’s life expectancy. PUFAs promote the action of vitamins and increase the percentage of protein digestibility. Their deficiency leads to the predominance of excitation processes in the central nervous system.

Carbohydrates, mainly the milk sugar lactose, are found in relatively large quantities in breast milk.
. They largely determine which microbes predominate in the child’s intestines, stimulate the growth of normal microbial flora with a predominance of bifidobacteria, thereby suppressing the growth of pathogenic microbes and protecting against dysbiosis. Carbohydrates are also involved in the formation of B vitamins in the child’s body, promote the absorption of calcium and iron, and are also essential, especially lactose, for the formation of the baby’s brain tissue.

With natural feeding, calcium and phosphorus are well absorbed, Therefore, children suffer from rickets much more easily and less often. The content of bioelements such as sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, sulfur, selenium in breast milk is optimal and meets the baby's needs. Even in milk formulas that are adapted, that is, close in composition to human milk, there is often not enough selenium, which is necessary for mental development children, while in human milk its level is optimal.

Breast milk, especially long-term feeding(up to 2-3 years), can protect the human body from such chronic diseases, How diabetes, multiple sclerosis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. When breastfeeding, children develop a correct bite and normal formation of the sound articulation apparatus, which further contributes to the formation of speech and the prevention of caries.
It has been shown that with natural feeding in the future better sexual potency, higher fertility (fertility). Perhaps some of the infertility is associated with early artificial feeding of future parents. It has been proven that the duration of lactation depends on the type of feeding of the woman herself - with breastfeeding, the likelihood of full lactation increases.

With natural feeding lifelong relationships with the mother are formed, its subsequent influence on the child’s behavior shapes future parental behavior. In bottle-fed animals, it is sharply perverted: when they become adults, they refuse to feed their offspring. Great importance natural feeding is emphasized by psychologists who deal with issues family relations.

Thus, refusal of natural feeding is a gross violation of the biological chain that has developed in evolution “pregnancy - childbirth - lactation”.

Mammary glands for a nursing mother they are a powerful barrier,
extremely rarely allowing pathogenic microbes, heavy metal salts and other products harmful to the child to pass through. Toxic substances, for example, dioxins, under unfavorable environmental conditions can enter human milk, but such factors have not yet been established negative effects from them, which would outweigh the positive effects of breastfeeding on child development. Therefore, you need to be quite careful about such recommendations as abandoning breastfeeding and switching to infant formula due to the unfavorable environmental situation in this region.

When breastfeeding, in comparison with artificial feeding, there is a slight slowdown in biological maturation, which increases human life expectancy.

Nowadays, few people doubt the benefits of breastfeeding for a child. But many people don't realize how beneficial breastfeeding is for a mother. In addition, some women believe that breastfeeding is something very labor-intensive, requiring enormous moral and time expenditure, and in fact, interferes with life. But in fact, breastfeeding has many advantages over bottle feeding. We hope that after reading the article and learning all the benefits of breastfeeding, mothers will no longer doubt that it is not only healthier, but also more convenient than artificial.

Breastfed babies are healthier than formula-fed babies

Breast milk is not just healthier, it is unique.

  1. No formula, even the best one, can completely replace breast milk. Even the content of various elements does not correspond. What can we say about all kinds of biologically active components of milk.
  2. Mother's milk constantly changes its composition, adapting to the needs of the child.
  3. Gives him protection against infections and builds immunity. A baby who catches the virus together with his mother immediately receives medicine along with his mother’s milk.
  4. Mother's milk also adapts to the baby's intestines. It creates the right acidic environment, populates the intestines with beneficial microorganisms and dramatically reduces the risk of constipation. Breast milk allows it to form properly digestive system, which is a good foundation for life. Breastfed babies experience less tummy pain, which means the whole family sleeps better.

Mother's milk is a product that is always ready for use

This food is always with the mother. At any moment of the day or night, at home or away, your child can get the perfect meal.

  1. There is no need to heat it, the milk is always at the ideal temperature.
  2. You don’t have to get up at night to heat water, dilute formula, wash and boil bottles and nipples, while listening to the cry of a baby asking for food. You can simply give breastfeeding and continue to nap while the baby eats quietly.
  3. Breast milk is sterile and has an antimicrobial effect. This means you don’t have to be afraid that it will disappear.

Breast milk is great for travel

Makes it easier to care for your child during illness

Most diseases that affect children require increased drinking. This includes infections and any temperature, and intestinal disorders. But how to give the baby something to drink? It is very rare for a child to refuse breastfeeding. It’s enough to just let him “hang” on your chest as much as he wants. Mom's breast will give the sick baby food and drink, calm him down, and help him fall asleep. Caring for a sick artificial child is much more difficult.

Breastfeeding helps to form a healthy relationship between mother and baby

From the very first days after birth, a person’s attitude towards the world is formed. And first of all, this is the relationship with the mother. Trust in your mother means trust in the whole world in the future. If a child has formed an attachment to his mother, then this allows him subsequently, in adult life, line up correctly emotional relationships, which means being able to love and be friends. What kind of life a person will have depends largely on the relationship with his mother at a very early age. And breastfeeding, like nothing else, helps the child feel the closeness and reliability of his mother.

GV serves as cancer prevention

Women who breastfed are less likely to develop breast and genital cancer. The body of a nursing mother recovers faster after childbirth. And that's something that a bottle of formula definitely can't do.

Breastfeeding has a contraceptive effect in the first 6 months

If a mother exclusively breastfeeds her baby, without supplementing or supplementing him with food, then the phenomenon is observed: lactational amenorrhea: ovulation does not occur, menstruation does not come, pregnancy is impossible. This allows you not to worry about contraception in the first months after childbirth.

Human milk proteins do not cause allergies

Protein intolerance cow's milk typical for many children early age, we can say that to one degree or another for the majority. Human milk proteins do not cause allergies. Long-term breastfeeding allows you to avoid introducing cow's and goat's milk into the child's diet, at least until 2 years of age.

Breastfeeding is financially beneficial

Good milk formulas for baby food very expensive. For many families, who have already lost one salary, such a financial burden becomes unbearable. Feed the baby during the first months of life with cow or goat milk, and even more so, semolina porridge or diluted condensed milk is unacceptable. It is much cheaper to feed your mother properly, especially since the most correct thing is to simply eat foods from your region.

Breastfeeding helps you lose weight

Lactation is the only period in a woman’s life when fats are eliminated from the body by themselves. They do not need to be burned through exhausting fitness classes. No need to go on starvation diets. It's enough just not to overeat. And the child will do the rest.

Is a means of preventing postpartum depression

During breastfeeding, endorphins are released. They help the mother overcome all the difficulties of caring for a newborn child.

And in the end, breastfeeding is just nice.