Decoupage of a glass jar - a master class with step-by-step instructions (70 photos of ideas). Decoupage of an iron can. Photo master class Decoupage tin cans master

Renovating the interior of the kitchen is not so difficult, and it does not have to splurge on new furniture or chic curtains. You can create objects with your own hands that will serve as an interesting and original decoration for any kitchen. Decoupage of cans will come to the rescue in this case. There are different types of this needlework, and the ideas and their implementation depend on the author's imagination.

Preparatory work and necessary materials

Decoupage of cans - metal, plastic, ceramic, tin, glass, wood - can be easily mastered by everyone, and you can do amazing things with your own hands. For beginners, there are simple techniques that are available even to children with creative skills. The master class below can help with this.

First you need to decide which jar will be processed, since for tin, for example, one type of processing will be relevant, and for glass - another.

The obligatory material that will be needed first of all will be all kinds of pictures. You can use napkins, rice paper, decoupage cards, as well as images from magazines and photos. Images can be very diverse depending on the purpose for which the jars are intended - for bulk products, for tea, for cookies, for chips.

You can make original containers for storing anything, even cream. For example, original small containers for storing spices can be made from small baby food jars that sell various fruit and vegetable purees.

The tools you will definitely need include:

  • scissors (necessarily sharp);
  • a small roller for applying paint and a sponge;
  • several brushes of various sizes;
  • decoupage glue or PVA;
  • special varnish or ordinary for various surfaces.

In addition, decor elements that may be used to decorate products will be useful: ribbons, ropes, pebbles, beads, buttons and the like.

The choice of these items will be prompted by fantasy based on the conceived idea to be realized.


There is direct and reverse decoupage. Understanding how one species differs from another is very simple. Direct is the one that is done on the surface of the object, and the reverse is located inside. But if a straight line can be made on almost any surface, then the inner one can only be made on a glass object or transparent plastic, since it must be visible. The advantage of a transparent container is that both types of decoupage can be applied, which will look equally good.

Direct decoupage involves first priming the surface, then pasting the selected picture. After that, the final touches are made, if you need to paint on something, make a background. And the last stage is varnishing the product.

With reverse decoupage, the front part of the picture is processed with glue and glued onto the inside of the can. Then the surface must be varnished.

Instruction for beginners

It is enough to study the whole process step by step once, and then you can make any simple option. For more complex, practice is needed, and over time everything will work out.

To take the first step in this fascinating procedure, it is enough to prepare pictures or napkins, acrylic paint, glue. You can buy special glue for decoupage. In addition, you will need a brush and sandpaper.

  • First of all, the subject on which the pictures will be applied is well prepared. The jar needs to be washed well, dried. At the last stage, it can be treated with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol or cologne.
  • Next, you need to prepare the picture. There are different ways to do this. If this is a napkin, then it is already quite thin. You just need to cut out the pattern or carefully cut it off. Provided that the image is on thick paper, you need to get only the top layer. To do this, you can moisten the paper with water, and very carefully separate the top layer. In the second option, stick a wide adhesive tape on the reverse side so that it covers the entire surface, and then the corner is carefully separated and the part with adhesive tape is removed, leaving the upper thin surface with a pattern.
  • Glue is applied to the prepared surface, then a picture is applied and straightened, on top of which glue is also applied.
  • After half an hour, the entire surface is treated with varnish. After an hour, when the varnish dries, the procedure can be repeated.

The more layers the better. This is the easiest option.

The more complex one involves a series of steps.

  • The prepared glass jar (clean and dry) is coated with any paint, depending on what design is intended. This may be a monochrome version, and then the picture is chosen in one color, and the background is selected for it, or maybe a bright composition, where a contrasting picture stands out against the background.
  • To do this, the selected jar is covered, for example, with black acrylic paint. Give it a chance to dry.
  • After that, sandpaper is passed over the surface. This is required if you want to give the subject the effect of aging.
  • The picture is prepared in any convenient way, after which it is placed on the surface of the can with glue.
  • The final touch is varnishing in several layers.
  • If you have additional thoughts on decorating, you can add decorative elements. For example, decorate the jar with satin ribbons or a simple rope, depending on the chosen style.

Some needlewomen use the technique using eggshell. The jar acquires the effect of antiquity, it is also better to select the appropriate picture so that it does not get out of style. Perhaps you should look at decoupage cards that have various images, or find suitable pictures yourself and print them out.

  • First, the surface of the jar is also thoroughly cleaned and degreased.
  • The selected image is attached. If necessary, a background is preliminarily made.
  • While the image dries, the shell pieces are washed and dried.
  • The next step is laborious, but the result is worth it. Pieces can be glued by helping to distribute them over the surface with tweezers.
  • Further, paint is most often applied to the shell, so the jar will look more spectacular.
  • And the final stage is varnishing in several layers. An exclusive item is ready.

As an additional decor, needlewomen use any small items - beads, rhinestones, small stones, shells, ribbons, sequins, buttons. Each style has its own additional touches. The main thing is not to overdo it with additional elements.

A simple decoupage of cans for bulk products is presented in the following video.

There are many ways to turn an old jar into an amazingly beautiful and functional thing. From ordinary cans you can make quite nice decor elements.

But before you paint, apply drawings and decorate with additional elements, you need to remove the sharp edges - with ordinary pliers, or by gluing a rubber wire.

Decoupage tin can

Decoupage spice tins

The most exciting thing about needlework is the opportunity to give new life to things that should have been thrown into the landfill for a long time. For example, decoupage tins for spices from the Soviet past will decorate not only a cozy country kitchen, but also a completely modern Provence-style dining room.

Two old small tin cans;
.a piece of cloth;
.painting tape;
.a piece of sponge;
.napkins for decoupage with small plant motifs;
.acrylic paints: white, yellow, ocher, Indian red, kraplak red;
.acrylic lacquer;
.synthetic brushes;
.hair dryer


1. Since our jars have been used for storing spices for more than one year and have managed to “overgrow” well with fat, they need to be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, use a cloth abundantly moistened with solvent.

2. To improve the adhesion of paint to metal, "walk" over the jars with sandpaper.

3. If you completely paint the surface of the spice jars, there is a chance that the lid will not close afterwards. In order not to run into a problem at the end of the work, glue the upper part with a narrow masking tape.

4. To give white paint a delicate creamy hue, add some yellow and Indian red to it. Use a sponge to “stamp” the jars and lids. Dry the surface with a hair dryer, and repeat the previous step again.

5. After drying, apply the final coat of paint with stroking movements from the bottom up.

6. Cut out the berry motifs from the napkins and separate the top layer with the pattern.

7. Treat the surface of the painted and dried jars with sandpaper.

8. Dilute the PVA glue with water in a ratio of 1:1. Glue motifs on jars and lids, applying PVA starting from the middle of the pattern, and then “dispersing” with a synthetic brush to the edges. After drying, coat the motifs with another layer of glue.

9. If in the course of work small folds have formed - do not be discouraged. Take fine sandpaper and carefully, so as not to damage the pattern, rub the wrinkles.

10. On a sheet of paper, make a palette of pastel colors - light yellow and muted pink. To do this, experiment with paints - white, yellow, ocher and red speck.

11. Dip a flat synthetic brush into pink paint, remove excess onto paper, and, holding it vertically, "stamp" the surface of the lid and box. Rinse the brush with water and similarly "dilute" the pink pastel with yellow.

In everyday life, each of us uses different types of cans. Basically, after use, they go to the landfill. But from them you can make a masterpiece at home that will decorate your home, and they will also serve as an excellent gift for children and adults. If you want to give banks a second life, read how you can do it. If you are going to decorate a simple glass jar with decoupage, then there will be no problems with the materials - they are sold in almost all stationery stores, they can also be found at home. Today we will also analyze how to make decoupage decor for the most ordinary tin can, for which you will find master classes below.

We create decoupage of glass jars according to the schemes and description of work

In every house there are used glass jars that are a pity to throw away, but for them to stand and just gather dust is unacceptable for you. With your own hands, you can decorate any glass jar and use it in different directions, for example, as a flower vase or a jar for bulk products.

What materials are needed:
  • empty clean glass jar;
  • decoupage glue (you can also use PVA glue);
  • three-layer napkins or thin paper with the desired pattern;
  • primer paint and pattern paint;
  • to create a relief, you can use eggshells.

We decorate a jar for bulk products quickly and easily

First, prepare the jar by removing all stickers and degreasing the surface with detergent or alcohol. Then apply the primer in several layers and let dry completely.

To create a relief, crush the eggshell into small pieces and carefully glue it to the jar. An example can be seen in this photo.

We apply glue to the part of the surface where the pattern will be, and carefully glue it. To decorate the gaps, you need to use paint, the color must match the pattern. Like in this photo.

When the decor is ready, cover the jar with fixing varnish, preferably in three layers. Our work is ready, at the end the product can be decorated with ribbons and other accessories. Decorate in the same way. Attention to the video lesson.

Decoration of a simple tin can in an interesting technique

You can make cute jars for spices, coffee, bulk products, etc. from old tin cans with your own hands. Such jars will be an excellent gift for housewives for the kitchen interior.

What materials will be needed:
  • an empty iron can from coffee, tea, spices or baby food;
  • universal soil;
  • acrylic paints;
  • any varnish (craquelure varnish looks beautiful);
  • three-layer napkins or thin paper with a pattern;
  • fixative varnish;
  • for decoration, you can use ribbons, rhinestones, etc.

Step-by-step instructions with photos for beginners

Work begins with degreasing the surface of the can with detergent or alcohol, then applying primer or paint under the base. When dry, apply paint (which paint to use depends on which pattern will be pasted). To give the surface a smooth and matte appearance after painting, sandpaper should be used. To give the surface a cracked look - you can use craquelure varnish, as shown in the photo.

It is worth noting that the thicker the layer of varnish, the deeper the cracks. Glue the pattern only when the surface is completely dry. After gluing the pattern, remove excess glue with a soft sponge. Next, apply a fixing varnish. After applying the first layer on a surface that is not completely dry, you can sprinkle sequins, use rhinestones, it all depends on what design you used. After complete drying of the first layer, apply the second and third layers.

Be sure to watch the video below:

Decor of plastic jars with original pictures and patterns

Plastic jars and bottles have become an integral part of everyday life. Very often they are thrown away, but you can make them yourself, at home, or beautiful. We will tell you how to make decoupage of plastic jars at home.

This photo shows the decoupage of a coffee can, is it really very beautiful?

What materials are needed:
  • a clean plastic jar or bottle;
  • scissors;
  • priming;
  • paints or varnishes;
  • three-layer napkin or thin paper with a pattern;
  • decoration accessories;
  • decoupage glue or PVA glue;
  • fixing varnish.

First you need to remove all stickers from the jar (bottle). Give the bottle the desired shape (you can use two bottles as in the photo).

The surface should be prepared - apply primer in even three layers. After drying, you can immediately glue the picture. Gently remove the glue that has come out from under the drawing with a sponge. Paints give the picture the desired composition of colors. After complete drying, apply a fixing varnish and add accessories.

Decoupage of plastic bottles differs from other techniques in that plastic can be given the desired shape, it can be cut, glued to each other without much effort. Like, for example, in this photo.

Thus, we learned how to decorate a variety of jars using decoupage. We hope you have learned a lot! Inspiration to you and success! Last instructional video:

And you will learn the rules for selecting images for decor from our article.

You can use anything for such needlework: ordinary glass jars, simple dishes, any bottles, glass, and even jars of chips and coffee. Try to decoupage kitchen jars, decoupage plastic jars - and you will see how cool it looks on the shelves or on the table.

The meaning of this technique is pasting with cut-out napkins, printed drawings, selected dishes or any piece of furniture. After gluing, most often the entire surface is covered with a layer of protective varnish. This is if you want the thing to serve you longer.

The flower is not cut out of the napkin, but simply cut off the edges.

Master class number 1 - decoupage of enamelware

If you just want to try your hand at this technique, you will only need napkins or printouts, clippings from a glossy magazine, any acrylic paint, or ordinary PVA stationery glue.

Varnish for decoupage (if you buy it in a special store - the price bites) you can buy it in a repair shop, or you can make it yourself. There are 2 options for homemade varnish.

How to make Mod Podge (lacquer) based on glue:

  • 225 ml of PVA glue.
  • 112.5 ml of water.
  • 2 tablespoons water-based polish (optional)

Mix everything in one jar, shake and close the lid. The varnish is ready.

How to make a Flour Based Mod Podge:

  • 1 ½ (210 grams) cup flour
  • ¼ cup (56.25 grams) granulated sugar
  • 1 cup (225 ml) cold water
  • ¼ teaspoon olive oil (optional)
  • ¼ teaspoon vinegar (optional)

We mix all the ingredients in a ladle, beat a little with a fork, do not forget about the vinegar. Turn on medium heat and bring to a boil. If it's too thick, add water. Bring to a boil, while stirring, remove from heat. We are waiting for it to cool, and pour into a jar with a lid.

You can start a master class for beginners. We select the surface that we want to decorate and prepare the materials. Any designs can decorate dishes, for example, cards, wrapping paper, magazine clippings, postcards, napkins, etc.

Images are printed only on a laser printer, on an inkjet they will be smeared.

For work you will need:

  1. White acrylic paint.
  2. Skin (sandpaper).
  3. Brown acrylic paint.
  4. Tassel.
  5. Varnish Mod Podge or DIY from 2 options.
  6. Sponge
  7. PVA glue (dilute with water 1: 1).
  8. Can, jug, mug - any enamelware.

We equip a working corner: we lay a newspaper or paper. Degrease the surface (we wash it with water, then you can wipe it with alcohol or cologne).

Print pictures, cut out. We try to cut all the pictures at an angle so that the varnish lays down better.

We take a foam rubber sponge (you can use a sponge for dishes) and “wet” the corners of the picture with brown paint. We put the tablet in water for 1-2 minutes. We need to remove the top layer, on which there is a drawing. There are several ways to thin an image.

You can simply split (for example, office paper, cardboard), or you can, by attaching a picture with the back side, “roll up” the top layer with your fingertips.

Another “dry” way to split paper is with tape. The pattern on the reverse side is tightly sealed across or along with strips of adhesive tape. It is better to take a wide adhesive tape. Press firmly on the tape and paper so that they stick together better. Starting from the corner, we separate the layers of paper and carefully separate the top layer. Just do not tear sharply, otherwise the pattern can be torn.

We smear the place chosen for the picture with PVA glue, apply a picture to this place, and also coat it with glue on top. After 30 minutes, cover with decoupage varnish or homemade varnish (recipe above). We put it aside and wait for the varnish to dry (2-3 hours), you can walk again, the final one. From an old can we got a vase.

Master class number 2 - decoupage of a glass jar

We will make the next decoupage of a glass jar master class from ordinary glass jars, you can make vases or stands for spoons and forks from them. Decoupage of glass jars should be started by soaking them in warm water, followed by removal of old labels.

Decoupage of a glass jar is a good idea. For work, we need everything that in the first master class, PVA glue can be replaced with decoupage varnish (Mod Podge or homemade). If you use PVA glue, then it must be diluted with water 1: 2 so that it is not very thick.

So, we print pictures or cut them out from magazines, postcards, napkins, etc.

For work we take:

  1. Acrylic paints - white and black.
  2. Sandpaper.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Decoupage varnish (can be replaced with homemade varnish: see above).
  5. Printouts or clippings from magazines.
  6. Brush, sponge.

Apply primer to glass. If you are a novice artist, you can skip this moment, it is enough to cover the glass with black paint.

We apply black acrylic paint to the glass surface of the jar. Let dry properly.

We pass along all sides, bulges of a glass jar - with sandpaper. We need this for the aging effect.

We print out the pictures, cut out the fragments with scissors. We put the cut out fragment on the file, take a brush and decoupage varnish (homemade varnish number 1, made from PVA glue: see above). We apply the solution to the fragment. We are waiting for it to dry, and apply again, and so on up to 3 times.

Then we put the fragment in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Apply PVA glue to the center of the can with a brush. Carefully, so as not to tear the picture, apply it to the jar and remove the top layer.

From above we varnish the picture first, and then the entire jar. Let dry and varnish again. This is how you can decoupage small and large glass jars.

Master class number 3 - decorate a tin

Next - we wash, degrease and dry jars, bottles, metal cans, flower pots, in general, everything that you are going to decoupage. In this master class, we will decoupage a tin can. These banks usually sell canned fruits or vegetables.

We start decoupage of cans by making sure that there are no sharp edges or burrs. There are many ways to finish the edges: you can use pliers and bend the sharp tin edges inward, you can cut the wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm., And glue the vinyl top of the wire to the top of the can:

After we have washed and degreased the tin can with alcohol or cologne, and decorated the top, we need to apply dark acrylic paint to the surface of the can. This can be done with a brush or sponge. We are waiting for the paint to dry.

After the dark paint has dried, apply a layer of white acrylic. And also waiting for it to dry. Can be covered with white acrylic one more time.

We glue the pictures using the “file method”. We put the picture on the stationery file face down, pour water on top. Hold the pictures for 3 minutes in water and thin them after that. We drain the water, apply it to the right place, press it, remove the file. smooth with a brush and expel air bubbles, apply glue to the drawing. Smooth evenly, straighten the folds. We work from the center point to the edges. We pass through the picture with a brush with glue. Let's dry. We apply varnish. We dry. We repeat again.

Professionals apply 25-30 layers of varnish to the product, but we are beginners, 2-3 layers are enough for us.

Glass jars and bottles are treated in the same way. If the color of the glass is dark, then dark acrylic can not be covered. Only white paint, and then sanded with sandpaper.

Master class number 4 - decoupage of cans for bulk products

And one more master class using packaging from chips. It is convenient to store tea, sugar, coffee in it. We repeat everything, as in the first two works. As a result, you will get jars for bulk products.

Decoupage coffee jars. Very cute and cute decor.

New Year's decor of a cookie tin. Master class on decoupage on metal

Artist: Chingiz Abashev

Cookie tin or any other suitable box;

acrylic primer;

Napkins for decoupage;

Lacquer glue for decoupage;

White paint;

Acrylic contours;

Acrylic semi-gloss varnish.

1. Prepare the surface for work. First of all, we sand the tin can and the lid so that the soil lays better on the surface.

2. Cover the surface with soil. The primer should be applied in several layers, drying and sanding each layer, achieving an even and smooth surface through which the previous color or pattern will not show through.

3. We mentally figure out what kind of patchwork pattern we want to make and cut out segments with the desired patterns from decoupage napkins. You can alternate shreds of different sizes, this has a special charm.

4. Lay out the patchwork pattern on the lid of the box.

At this stage, it would be nice to take a picture of the resulting pattern so that during the gluing process you do not forget the order of the napkin segments.

5. We stratify the napkin. We only need its top layer, the one on which the drawing is applied.

6. We will transfer the napkin to the surface using the “via file” method.

This method is best for smoothing the napkin, avoiding wrinkles and air bubbles. We put our piece of napkin face down on the stationery file. Pour enough water to smooth the napkin in the water.

We drain the excess water, and attach the file with a napkin to the box.

Gently smooth the napkin through the file, expelling the air from under it. We take the file.

We cover the napkin with decoupage adhesive varnish and wait for it to dry before gluing the next element.

In the same way, we glue pieces of napkins on the lid.

Here we need to remember which drawing was made at the very beginning - for this we took a photo. However, no one canceled the flight of inspiration, you can improvise and change the location of the patches right in the course of work.

7. When all the elements are glued, take a sponge and white paint and tamp the edges of the lid, slightly going over the patchwork pattern to hide the edges of the napkins under the paint layer.

We also go over the edge of the bottom of the box with a sponge.

8. We decided to hide the junctions of different napkins under a white stripe. To get a straight line, glue two pieces of construction tape along the junction of napkins, leaving a gap of the desired thickness between them. We tamp the open strip with a sponge with white paint.

Without waiting for the paint to dry, carefully remove the strips of adhesive tape. Voila! A flat white stripe is ready.

We do this at all joints of napkins.

9. It's just that the white stripes seemed boring to us, and we decided to add dots with contours to support the basic colors of the napkins. We alternate purple metallic, red metallic and golden green metallic. It turns out very elegant!