Contraindications to massage of the whole body of a child. Indications and contraindications for prescribing baby massage. Types of massage for children

Contraindications for massage divided into absolute and temporary.

Absolute diseases include diseases for which they are not prescribed. For temporary contraindications massage used after the disappearance of pathological phenomena, appropriate treatment, and clarification of the diagnosis.

There are also diseases and conditions for which it is contraindicated massage certain areas of the body.

Absolute contraindications

  1. Malignant blood diseases and hemophilia.
  2. Malignant tumors (before their radical treatment).
  3. Scurvy.
  4. Gangrene.
  5. Vascular thrombosis during its occurrence.
  6. Angiitis.
  7. Aneurysm of the heart, aorta, peripheral vessels.
  8. Mental illnesses with significantly altered psyche.
  9. Active form of tuberculosis.
  10. Venereal diseases during the period of possibility of infection.
  11. Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow) acute and chronic.
  12. Causalgic syndrome (burning pain) after injury to peripheral nerves.
  13. Circulatory failure and pulmonary heart failure of the III degree.
  14. AIDS.

Temporary contraindications

  1. Acute febrile conditions with elevated body temperature until the diagnosis is clarified. Flu, sore throat, acute respiratory infections (ARI) (acupressure allowed).
  2. Bleeding and tendency to it (intestinal, uterine, nasal, from the urinary tract).
  3. Purulent processes of any localization, pustular skin lesions.
  4. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels with their enlargement, adhesion to the skin and underlying tissues.
  5. Multiple allergic skin rashes with hemorrhages. Quincke's edema.
  6. Hypertensive, hypotonic, cerebral (cerebral vessels) crisis.
  7. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
  8. Alcohol intoxication.
  9. It should be noted that massage can be prescribed 2-5 days after a sore throat, flu, acute respiratory infection, as well as recovery from a purulent process of any localization, cessation of a crisis, or clarification of the diagnosis.

Contraindications for massage of certain parts of the body

  1. It is not allowed to massage areas of the body affected by various diseases of infectious, fungal and unknown origin; any warts, various skin rashes, extensive damage, skin irritations, abrasions, cracks, herpes, molluscum.
  2. For psoriasis, eczema, and neurodermatitis, only the area of ​​the rash is not massaged; the nearby area can be massaged.
  3. For trophic ulcers on the toes in patients with sclerotic lesions of peripheral vessels, for endarteritis, do not massage the foot.
  4. Do not massage areas where there are benign tumors; Distant areas can be massaged due to indications for massage for other diseases or injuries in a given patient, but only using a gentle, non-intensive method.
  5. You cannot massage the area where there was previously a malignant tumor that was removed during surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. You can massage distant areas with concomitant diseases and injuries, but it is better in the long term: in children - after 2 years, in adults - after 5 years in the absence of metastases.
  6. After removal of a malignant tumor of the mammary gland without metastases, if swelling of the arm occurs (as a postoperative complication), you can massage the arms at any time after the operation using a gentle, suction technique (can be done several times a year if swelling of the arm returns). The chest cannot be massaged.
  7. In case of mastopathy, massage of the anterior surface of the chest is contraindicated.
  8. If you have an ovarian cyst, fibroid, uterine fibroid, endometriosis, or prostate adenoma in men, you should not massage the lumbar region and abdomen.
  9. Moles that protrude above the skin should not be massaged; they should be avoided; especially further away from moles that do not protrude above the skin, it should be massaged in cases where there is no hair on the moles (due to the danger of their possible degeneration into malignant neoplasms).
  10. Do not massage an area where veins are significantly dilated or bulging (varicose veins). For example, if the veins in the legs are dilated, you cannot massage the legs, but you can massage the lumbar and buttock areas in connection with this disease and other areas of the body with concomitant diseases.
  11. For minor skin damage or allergic rashes, you can massage an area significantly distant from the site of the lesion.
  12. On the days of normal menstruation, massage of the abdomen and lumbar region is not allowed. For scanty menstruation, it is recommended to massage.
  13. In case of hernias, abdominal massage is not allowed; Allowed only for infants.
  14. If you have stones in the gall bladder or urinary tract, you should not massage the abdomen or lumbar region.
  15. During pregnancy, the postpartum period and after an abortion, massage of the abdomen, lumbar region and hips is contraindicated for 2 months.
  16. Massage of the mammary glands is contraindicated for any disease, but it is advisable to use it in nursing mothers in the early stages after childbirth to increase milk production.
  17. Do not massage the groin, axillary areas, navel, or nipples.

Special indications for massage in children:

  • congenital muscular torticollis;
  • congenital hip dislocation, hip dysplasia;
  • congenital clubfoot;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • rickets;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • scoliotic disease;
  • postoperative period;
  • preoperative period;
  • congenital spinal defects;
  • malnutrition, anemia;
  • pneumonia of newborns, bronchial asthma;
  • to improve physical development;
  • birth injuries;
  • asphyxia (mild form);
  • lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis of early age;
  • chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, atelectasis;
  • dyskinesia and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thyroid disease.

Contraindications to massage in children

Contraindications to massage for a child:

  • acute febrile illnesses;
  • skin diseases - purulent and pustular lesions;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • severe forms of malnutrition (hypotrophy, atrophy);
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the lymph nodes, muscles, bones (emphysema, lymphadenitis, phlegmon);
  • acute arthritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints;
  • congenital heart defects occurring with severe cyanosis and compensation disorder;
  • diathesis (acute);
  • acute forms of jade;
  • acute forms of hepatitis;
  • large umbilical, femoral, scrotal hernias with obvious prolapse of the abdominal organs and tendencies to infringement;
  • significant disorders of the nervous system.

How to massage a child at home?

It should be remembered that the massage technique for each specific disease has specific features. In cases where massage is used methodically incorrectly, is unsuccessfully combined with other procedures, or is prescribed at a stage of the disease when it is contraindicated, not only poor tolerability is possible, but also a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Experts recommend starting massage in a child at approximately 1.5 months of age, and in some cases (for example, with identified pathology) earlier. The procedure can be carried out on a special massage (or changing) table. At home, massage is most often done on a regular table (70x70x90 or 120x80x75 cm), on which they place a folded flannelette blanket, covered with oilcloth (or a special massage mat) and a flannelette diaper. What is the advantage of a massage mat? During massage, babies often urinate; the mat is divided by special grooves into square cells into which all the moisture quickly drains. The baby will not be upset, and the mother will only have to change the diaper. In addition, the baby, lying on the mat, receives a passive “reflex massage”.

The temperature in the room should not be lower than 20-22 °C, otherwise the child may freeze. It is advisable to start the massage no earlier than 40-45 minutes after eating. Before the massage, the baby is undressed, washed, and placed on the massage table. The child must be calm. If he is irritable, excited, crying, or refuses the upcoming procedure, then massage cannot be done.

How to massage a child?

The massage should be carried out with warm, clean hands. Talc, oil and various creams are applied to the child’s skin only if necessary; in all other cases, the massage therapist applies a little cream or oil to his hands - this is necessary to ensure better gliding over the surface of the child’s body.

Sequence of massage: arms, legs, stomach, chest, back, buttocks, back of the legs, feet; This is followed by performing gymnastic exercises. If the room is cool, areas of the child’s body that are not currently being massaged should be covered with a diaper.

Since the skin of an infant is very delicate and thin, gentle massage techniques (stroking) are first used, and then other techniques (rubbing and light vibration in the form of shaking and shaking the limbs), as well as kneading, can be gradually introduced.

Children's massage techniques

Stroking is performed at the beginning of any massage session and is carried out in order to prepare the massaged area for other elements and techniques of massage. Stroking activates blood circulation, resulting in improved blood supply to tissues and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causes muscle relaxation, and helps relieve pain. When stroking the abdomen, avoid putting pressure on the liver area. When stroking the back, the technique is performed along the spine; the spinal column itself cannot be massaged.

Rubbing helps relax muscles, improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition. In addition, rubbing has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system. It has a positive effect not only on the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but also on muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Kneading calms the nervous system, activates blood and lymph circulation, has a positive effect on joints, ligaments and tendons, as well as muscles (both superficial and deep enough). Kneading also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Vibration has a positive effect on the child’s nervous system, improves metabolism in the body and has a mild analgesic effect. When massaging children in the first year of life, only certain vibration techniques should be used - such as shaking and shaking. From 3-4 months you can also use light tapping with your fingers.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, it is recommended to combine massage of the back and abdomen with simple physical exercises. Already in the first months of life, the baby reflexively performs certain types of these exercises. For each child, you should choose your own individual complex, which will correspond to his state of health.

Physical exercises for children under one year old

A set of exercises must be formed according to the principle from simple to complex

At the same time, it is important that it includes exercises for all muscle groups, among which the main place should be given to general strengthening exercises.

Gradually, you need to increase physical activity by repeating the same exercise. If in the first days of classes the child repeats each exercise 2-3 times, then after a few days you can do 4-5 exercises.

The child should not be allowed to become overtired during gymnastics. All exercises should bring him joy. You should consult your doctor about the duration of classes. Gradually, the duration of classes can be increased.

It is very important to choose the right massage and gymnastic exercises for your child, so young mothers should consult a doctor. And if the child has indications for conducting classes for therapeutic purposes, then all the more so you should contact a specialist - after all, the modern basis of massage is a clinical and physiological approach when choosing a technique, taking into account the cause of the disease, the characteristics of the course of the pathological process, the functional state of the nervous system, and the age of the child , knowledge of the action of techniques. Therefore, the massage technique for each disease has specific features.

It is necessary that the activities evoke positive emotions in the child, and for this the adult needs to establish contact with him. For a small child with a neurological condition, it is especially important to perform massage and gymnastics in a good mood, and only a specialist should conduct the classes. The technical implementation of massage techniques can be shown to parents by a massage therapist at the clinic or a visiting nurse, who must have these skills.

Special indications for massage in children: - congenital muscular torticollis; -- congenital dislocation of the hip, hip dysplasia; - congenital clubfoot; -- umbilical hernia; - rickets; -- cerebral palsy; - scoliotic disease; -- postoperative period; -- preoperative period; -- congenital spinal defects; - malnutrition, anemia; -- pneumonia of newborns, bronchial asthma; - to improve physical development; -- birth injuries; -- asphyxia (mild form); -- lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis of early age; - chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, atelectasis; -- dyskinesia and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract; - diseases of the thyroid gland.

Contraindications to massage in children

Acute febrile illnesses; - skin diseases - purulent and pustular lesions; -- osteomyelitis; - tendency to bleeding; -- severe forms of malnutrition (hypotrophy, atrophy); -- acute inflammatory diseases of the lymph nodes, muscles, bones (emphysema, lymphadenitis, phlegmon); acute arthritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints; -- congenital heart defects occurring with severe cyanosis and compensation disorder; - diathesis (in acute form); - acute forms of jade; - acute forms of hepatitis; - large umbilical, femoral, scrotal hernias with obvious prolapse of the abdominal organs and tendencies to infringement; - significant disorders of the nervous system. Recommendations for parents It should be remembered that the massage technique for each specific disease has specific features. In cases where massage is used methodically incorrectly, is unsuccessfully combined with other procedures, or is prescribed at a stage of the disease when it is contraindicated, not only poor tolerability is possible, but also a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Experts recommend starting massage in a child at approximately 1.5 months of age, and in some cases (for example, with identified pathology) earlier. The procedure can be carried out on a special massage (or changing) table. At home, massage is most often done on a regular table (70x70x90 or 120x80x75 cm), on which they place a folded flannelette blanket, covered with oilcloth (or a special massage mat) and a flannelette diaper. What is the advantage of a massage mat? During massage, babies often urinate; the mat is divided by special grooves into square cells into which all the moisture quickly drains. The baby will not be upset, and the mother will only have to change the diaper. In addition, the baby, lying on the mat, receives a passive “reflex massage”. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 20-22 °C, otherwise the child may freeze. It is advisable to start the massage no earlier than 40-45 minutes after eating. Before the massage, the baby is undressed, washed, and placed on the massage table. The child must be calm. If he is irritable, excited, crying, or refuses the upcoming procedure, then massage cannot be done. How to massage a child? The massage should be carried out with warm, clean hands. Talc, oil and various creams are applied to the child's skin only if necessary; in all other cases, the massage therapist applies a little cream or oil to his hands - this is necessary to ensure better gliding over the surface of the child's body.

Gentle touches are pleasant for everyone, both adults and children. However, babies, especially those recently born, need them more than others. Hug and lightly stroke your beloved baby from the first days of his life, and when he is a month old, you can start giving the baby a light massage. All pediatricians recommend such procedures, because they are not only pleasant, but also very useful.

Why do newborns need massage?

According to many scientists, babies who receive regular massage sessions develop much better and faster, and grow open and sociable. In newborns, visual and auditory receptors are not yet sufficiently developed; they perceive the world around them to a greater extent through touch. The benefit of massage for a newborn is that it helps develop the baby’s emotional state and the ability to perceive the surrounding space. In addition, such procedures are also a good way to prevent many childhood diseases; they help coordinate the work of all systems and organs. Massage sessions have the best effect on the digestive system, help cope with constipation and intestinal colic, and improve appetite. Massage for infants helps relieve tension and increased excitability, improves sleep quality, develops motor activity, improves posture and physical fitness. It is also an additional way for the baby to contact his parents.

But this is not all that massage sessions can do. Their special types help to cope with many children's problems - flat feet, cerebral palsy, scoliosis, muscle hypertonicity, central nervous system diseases, hip dysplasia, congenital dislocations, etc. However, therapeutic massages should only be trusted to specialists. But a simple preventative is recommended for all babies, but only if there are no contraindications to it.

Contraindications for massage for a newborn

The following conditions are contraindications to any type of massage for newborns:

  • Stroking– sliding, uniform movements of the palm over the skin, in which the skin does not move into folds. Has a relaxing effect. For babies up to three months old, this is the only method used.
  • Trituration- movements similar to stroking, but performed with great effort and in different directions. It is recommended to perform it in a circular motion from the periphery to the center. Rubbing reduces excitability and promotes muscle relaxation.
  • Kneading– in this case, the muscle is massaged, which is grasped and kneaded with the fingers. This technique is used very rarely for massaging children, and it is better to entrust it to a specialist.
  • Vibration- a movement in which various oscillatory movements are transmitted. For babies, light patting or hitting with the fingertips is usually used.

How to massage a child

All of the above techniques are recommended to be carried out in a certain sequence. First stroking, then kneading, stroking again, then kneading, stroking, vibration and finally stroking again. It is always recommended to start the massage with light movements. Stroking is repeated, as a rule, about five times, all other techniques are 9-12. In this case, the pressure can be slightly increased only after the baby’s muscles relax.

Indications and contraindications for massage in children 3

Contraindications to massage in children 4

Massage sequence 5

Rules for baby massage 7

Conditions for baby massage 7

Requirements for a massage therapist 8

References 10


Young children, especially babies in the first year of life, are susceptible to various diseases, since their body is still poorly adapted to life outside the womb. The child’s immune and other systems are not sufficiently developed, and in the first months of life, even the most “harmless” infection threatens the child with serious complications. In this case, medications give very questionable results and often cause allergic reactions in children. In addition, even the most modern antibiotics negatively affect a fragile body.

This is where the indispensable prevention of colds and other diseases comes to the child’s aid - baby massage, which has recently become increasingly popular.

In Europe, for example, it is widespread and gives very good results. With the help of massage, you can not only strengthen the child’s immune system, but also help him gain weight, correct torticollis, flat feet, bowed legs, etc. After all, as you know, at an early age, the child’s body is very pliable and readily responds to any influence.

Children's massage is the only type of massage in the world that has no contraindications, except those imposed on the procedure by a pediatrician for pustular inflammation of the skin, diathesis, high fever or serious organic disease. Nowadays, almost all parents know that even ordinary stroking or rubbing brings a lot of pleasure to the child. And one single child’s smile can lift a mother’s mood for the whole day.

But massage is not only pleasant emotions. It has a therapeutic and preventive effect. In addition, regular exercise promotes both the physical and mental development of the baby.

Children's massage is usually called massage, which is carried out from 2-3 weeks of age to 1 year. Although no one forbids more “adult” children 2-3 years old from doing it. Children's massage is the basis for the future health of a growing person and his full development. It's no secret that in big cities fewer and fewer healthy children are born every year, so baby massage is now more relevant than ever. Even those parents whose children are absolutely healthy do not refuse it. After all, this is not only the prevention of colds, but also the development of finger motor skills, and the basis of physical contact with the child. And in the treatment of various ailments, children's massage brings maximum benefits, without any side effects.

However, massage for children under 1 year of age is inseparable from gymnastics, which is no less necessary for children than massage. You will find recommended complexes for this age, combining massage and special exercises, at the beginning of this book. Then follow complexes for premature children, with deformities of the musculoskeletal system, those who have had ARVI, etc. And at the end of the book you will find a table from which you can find out what your baby should be able to do at the age of 1.5-3 months to 3 years .

Indications and contraindications for massage in children

Special indications for massage in children: - congenital muscular torticollis; - congenital dislocation of the hip, hip dysplasia; - congenital clubfoot; - umbilical hernia; - rickets; - cerebral palsy; - scoliotic disease; - postoperative period; - preoperative period; - congenital spinal defects; - malnutrition, anemia; - pneumonia of newborns, bronchial asthma; - to improve physical development; - birth injuries; - asphyxia (mild form); - lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis of early age; - chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, atelectasis; - dyskinesia and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract; - diseases of the thyroid gland.

Contraindications to massage in children

Acute febrile illnesses; - skin diseases - purulent and pustular lesions; - osteomyelitis; - tendency to bleeding; - severe forms of malnutrition (hypotrophy, atrophy); - acute inflammatory diseases of the lymph nodes, muscles, bones (emphysema, lymphadenitis, phlegmon); acute arthritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints; - congenital heart defects occurring with severe cyanosis and compensation disorder; - diathesis (acute); - acute forms of jade; - acute forms of hepatitis; - large umbilical, femoral, scrotal hernias with obvious prolapse of the abdominal organs and tendencies to infringement; - significant disorders of the nervous system. Recommendations for parents It should be remembered that the massage technique for each specific disease has specific features. In cases where massage is used methodically incorrectly, is unsuccessfully combined with other procedures, or is prescribed at a stage of the disease when it is contraindicated, not only poor tolerability is possible, but also a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Experts recommend starting massage in a child at approximately 1.5 months of age, and in some cases (for example, with identified pathology) earlier. The procedure can be carried out on a special massage (or changing) table. At home, massage is most often done on a regular table (70x70x90 or 120x80x75 cm), on which they place a folded flannelette blanket, covered with oilcloth (or a special massage mat) and a flannelette diaper. What is the advantage of a massage mat? During massage, babies often urinate; the mat is divided by special grooves into square cells into which all the moisture quickly drains. The baby will not be upset, and the mother will only have to change the diaper. In addition, the baby, lying on the mat, receives a passive “reflex massage”. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 20-22 °C, otherwise the child may freeze. It is advisable to start the massage no earlier than 40-45 minutes after eating. Before the massage, the baby is undressed, washed, and placed on the massage table. The child must be calm. If he is irritable, excited, crying, or refuses the upcoming procedure, then massage cannot be done. How to massage a child? The massage should be carried out with warm, clean hands. Talc, oil and various creams are applied to the child’s skin only if necessary; in all other cases, the massage therapist applies a little cream or oil to his hands - this is necessary to ensure better gliding over the surface of the child’s body.

Sequence of massage

arms, legs, stomach, chest, back, buttocks, back of the legs, feet; This is followed by performing gymnastic exercises. If the room is cool, areas of the child’s body that are not currently being massaged should be covered with a diaper. Since the skin of an infant is very delicate and thin, gentle massage techniques (stroking) are first used, and then other techniques (rubbing and light vibration in the form of shaking and shaking the limbs), as well as kneading, can be gradually introduced. Stroking is performed at the beginning of any massage session and is carried out in order to prepare the massaged area for other elements and techniques of massage. Stroking activates blood circulation, resulting in improved blood supply to tissues and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causes muscle relaxation, and helps relieve pain. When stroking the abdomen, avoid putting pressure on the liver area. When stroking the back, the technique is performed along the spine; the spinal column itself cannot be massaged. Rubbing helps relax muscles, improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition. In addition, rubbing has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system. It has a positive effect not only on the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but also on muscles, ligaments and tendons. Kneading calms the nervous system, activates blood and lymph circulation, has a positive effect on joints, ligaments and tendons, as well as muscles (both superficial and deep enough). Kneading also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Vibration has a positive effect on the child’s nervous system, improves metabolism in the body and has a mild analgesic effect. When massaging children in the first year of life, only certain vibration techniques should be used - such as shaking and shaking. From 3-4 months you can also use light tapping with your fingers. In order for a child to grow up healthy, it is recommended to combine massage of the back and abdomen with simple physical exercises. Already in the first months of life, the baby reflexively performs certain types of these exercises. For each child, you should choose your own individual complex, which will correspond to his state of health. A set of exercises must be formed according to the principle from simple to complex. It is important that it includes exercises for all muscle groups, among which the main place should be given to general strengthening exercises. Gradually, you need to increase physical activity by repeating the same exercise. If in the first days of classes the child repeats each exercise 2-3 times, then after a few days you can do 4-5 exercises. The child should not be allowed to become overtired during gymnastics. All exercises should bring him joy. You should consult your doctor about the duration of classes. Gradually, the duration of classes can be increased. It is very important to choose the right massage and gymnastic exercises for your child, so young mothers should consult a doctor. And if the child has indications for conducting classes for therapeutic purposes, then all the more so you should contact a specialist - after all, the modern basis of massage is a clinical and physiological approach when choosing a technique, taking into account the cause of the disease, the characteristics of the course of the pathological process, the functional state of the nervous system, and the age of the child , knowledge of the action of techniques. Therefore, the massage technique for each disease has specific features. It is necessary that the activities evoke positive emotions in the child, and for this the adult needs to establish contact with him. For a small child with a neurological condition, it is especially important to perform massage and gymnastics in a good mood, and only a specialist should conduct the classes. The technical implementation of massage techniques can be shown to parents by a massage therapist at the clinic or a visiting nurse, who must have these skills.

Rules for baby massage

Before the session begins, it is necessary to establish contact with the baby, talk to him kindly, and only after that begin the massage.

Massage and gymnastics should begin with simple techniques and exercises, complicating the procedure and introducing new elements gradually.

When performing all massage techniques and exercises, the baby must be protected from sudden movements and jolts, otherwise various disorders of the joint and ligament apparatus may occur. All techniques and movements must be performed accurately and professionally.

It is very important to observe the child during massage and gymnastics, highlighting those techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions, and starting subsequent massage sessions with them.

Conditions for baby massage

Massage and gymnastics are best done on a hard surface, such as a table. In this case, the table is covered with a flannelette blanket, oilcloth and a sheet, on which the child is placed. It is advisable to position the table so that it is possible to approach the child from different sides. It is necessary to properly support the baby's body when performing exercises. The child's arms, legs, and especially the torso must be grasped very carefully, without strong pressure on bones that are not protected by muscles, and the head must be protected from bruises. All movements must be performed rhythmically, calmly and smoothly.

You should not speak loudly in class. It is best if calm music is played.

Requirements for a massage therapist

During a massage session, the volume of all the knowledge, skills and abilities of the massage therapist, as well as his professionalism, play a big role. It is important that the massage therapist can win over the patient and strive to help him, making every effort possible. A massage therapist must have such qualities as confidence, poise, and tact. He must convince the patient of the power of massage, therefore, when working, it is very important for the massage therapist to be calm, patient, as well as attentive and friendly towards the patient.
Massage is carried out only according to the methodology, which is based on the diagnosis. The systematicity of massage sessions is of great importance.

It is very important to remember when performing a massage to conserve your energy, which should not be wasted by making unnecessary movements. Movements made by the hands should be soft and smooth, repeated in the same rhythm, but in no case sharp. The massage therapist must be equally proficient in performing techniques with both the right and left hands. When performing a massage, only the muscle group that is necessary for the technique being performed should be involved in the work. For example, if the technique is performed with only the hand, the muscles of the shoulder and forearm should not be used.
The massage therapist's hands should be warm, dry and flexible, as well as resilient and strong.
To make cold and wet hands dry and warm, you need to use warm baths with variable temperatures, as well as rubbing with cologne, lemon juice or an alcohol solution.
To develop arm strength and endurance, it is recommended to use a manual expander and dumbbells. Various sets of exercises and sports activities also have a good effect on arm training.

An important role is played by training the flexibility of the wrist joints; You also need to train your fingers, achieving greater mobility and flexibility.
It is important that there are no abrasions, scratches, or cracks on the massage therapist’s hands, and that the nails are cut short. Under no circumstances should you perform a massage if you have inflammatory or fungal diseases of the hands, since the infection can easily be transmitted to the patient during a massage. Before starting the session, the massage therapist must wash his hands with warm water and soap, and then lubricate them with an emollient cream.
During the massage session, the massage therapist must wear a clean robe, and light, loose shoes must be on their feet. Watches, rings and bracelets must be removed, as jewelry and watches can damage the patient's skin.
It is very important that the massage therapist’s working posture is comfortable. It needs to be changed from time to time, because prolonged massage in the same position tires the muscles very much.
Conversations during a session are not recommended, as this impairs the massage therapist’s breathing, leads to fatigue, and also distracts from work.

It is worth recalling that every massage therapist must have a good knowledge of anatomy and physiology, indications and contraindications for massage. It is necessary to know everything about the physiological effect of individual techniques, to have a clear understanding of the effect of the same technique, which is performed with different strength or tempo. It is also important to remember well when to use one or another technique and when to move from one technique to another.


    Krasikova I. S. Children's massage. Massage and gymnastics for children from birth to three years. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - St. Petersburg: CORONA print, 2000. - 320 pp., ill.;

    Verbov A.F. Basics of therapeutic massage. - M.: Medicine, 1966;

    Belaya N.A. Guide to therapeutic massage. - M.: Medicine, 1974.