How to make an angel from plasticine. Master class: “Snow Angel - draw and sculpt. Making a cute little foam cherub

Angels are people's guardians, invisible amulets that follow every person from birth. In fact, we do not know what they look like, but we clearly draw them in our imagination, embodying the images in crafts. This time we will show you how to mold an angel from plasticine step by step with your own hands. Be sure to invite the kids to join. By the way, here's how.
In general, the figures of angels are depicted as small, fair-haired, in white clothes, with translucent wings behind their backs and a halo above their heads. This is how we used to see them in cartoons, drawings and paintings. Before the great holiday of Christmas, it is customary to exchange such figures with the closest people or place them around the house.

You can make one or more figures yourself from plasticine. The angel will turn out fabulous and cute.

To sculpt a small figure of an angel, prepare:

Pieces of plasticine white, beige, blue, yellow, orange;
2 thin toothpicks.

How to make an angel with your own hands

1. Knead all the pieces of plasticine in your hands separately. The head, hands and feet will be made from the beige part. It is irrational to make them white, then the open parts of the body will merge with the clothes. From white we will make a dress with a wide hem and sleeves, long and shapeless. Yellow is essential for blond hair, and orange will become a halo above your head.

2. From a piece of beige plasticine, make a head. First mold the ball, but then squeeze it from all sides. Stretch the neck from below, sharpening the plasticine, push the eyes with the fingertips.

3. Glue blue eyes and light eyebrows. In general, we are making a copy of a little boy with an open heart and a bright soul. And the appearance should be a reflection of the rich inner world.

4. Glue a beige bead in the form of a nose, cut out a mouth and rays in the corners of the eyes with one toothpick.

5. Make a large part of the dress out of white plasticine, similar to a dome. For further fastening of the head, prepare half of the toothpick.

6. Attach the head to the dress. And also form two blanks for the sleeves, the same length and shape as the central part, but narrow. Hair can be further made from small yellow sausages.

7. Glue hair and ears to the head. Roll each yellow sausage into a small spiral. Cover the head with a thick layer. Glue the hands to the wide part of the white sleeves. Close them, press them against each other.

8. Glue the upper narrow parts of the sleeves with closed tassels to the shoulders. Now the angel prays for the person whose patron he is. Glue bare feet from below, pointing fingers at them. This is also best done with two halves of a toothpick.

9. From flat thin blue cakes, make wings for an angel. Glue them to your back. And also fix the orange ring above your head with the last half of the toothpick. An obligatory detail is a luminous halo, which in this way we will be able to copy.

Here is such a little angel, a Christmas souvenir turned out.

The figurine looks like porcelain, but it is made of ordinary plasticine.

When preparing for the next great holiday, for example, Christmas, do not discount plasticine, because you can make wonderful themed figures from it. One of these options is a cute angel that will become a talisman for your home. Be sure to instill positive qualities in your child, talk about God's main commandments, tell about angels - symbols of spiritual kindness and purity of thoughts.

In this lesson we will tell you how to turn ordinary plasticine into a cute figure. Together with children 6-7 years old and older, you can safely get to work and show your imagination.

1. Start the creative process by choosing material in a calm pastel shade for sculpting an angel dress. For example, mix white with a little pink or red for a subtle color. A piece of tubing is suitable as a frame.

2. Flatten the pink plasticine with your fingers to the state of a round cake, then form a dress skirt from the resulting workpiece, fixing it on the tube.

3. Also make two sleeves, shaped like bells.

4. Attach the sleeves to the dress, decorate the neck with a collar.

6. Stick blue eyes, mouth and nose on your face.

7. From the yellow material, form the hairstyle of the holy man.

8. Now it remains only to assemble the craft and add a few additional details.

9. Attach the palms from the same plasticine that was used to sculpt the face. You can close the brushes, then the angel will pray for everyone living in the house.

10. The last stage is the addition of the essential attributes of all angels: a round halo and white weightless wings.

The final look of the craft.

Making such a Christmas souvenir is quite within the power of every child. Leave the craft in the children's room as a charm, or give it to a loved one.

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No one knows what an angel looks like, but all people are sure that each of them has such a guardian. Artists represent angels on canvas as little children with curly curls and fluffy wings. In fantasy films, angels are also shown as people with a luminous halo over their heads. In this modeling lesson, we will present our fantasy on the theme of the mythical creature of the angel. Such a craft can be depicted in the form of a fair-haired man. Plasticine for sculpting long clothes can be used white, blue and even bright, so do not limit yourself in your choice.

Step by step photo lesson:

Start sculpting the angel by creating a human head. Roll up a pinkish or beige ball.

Gradually give the ball an angular shape, push through the pits for the eyes, attach a small nose and mouth.

Attach blue eyes and light eyebrows.

Knead the yellow plasticine, tear it apart, pull each piece into a thin sausage, then curl it into a spiral to create curls.

Stick curls on your head, forming a thick hairstyle.

Insert a match into the lower part of the head, which will later allow you to fasten the head to the body.

Make a pink bell-shaped dress base. Crush pink plasticine into a thin cake, then stick on a paper base (or insert spoiled plasticine in the middle).

Attach gramophone sleeves.

Insert your hands into the sleeves.

Connect the two parts.

Attach a halo over your head. It is desirable to make it from fluorescent plasticine, but the usual orange color will do.

Divide the blue bar into two parts, turn each part into a wing, giving it a triangular shape and slashing it with a stack.

Attach the wings to the back of the craft.

Plasticine angel is a toy that is suitable as a Christmas souvenir.