Do-it-yourself birthday gift for sister is unique and original. What to give your sister with your own hands or from the store

A sister is the best friend. After mom and dad, she is the closest person, always ready to help and support.

It is for this reason that I want to give my sister the most memorable and original gifts. The birthday girl on her holiday, during the celebration of her "dr" really wants to hear pleasant words and get unforgettable impressions. So what do you get your sister for her birthday?

There are, of course, a huge number of presentation options. You should be guided primarily by the age category of the birthday girl, and then look at the high cost and hobbies.

A gift for a sister may be as follows:

  • Handmade item. This includes options such as postcards, embroidery, paintings and other things created specifically for dear sister. And if the hero of the occasion does not know about your talent, then it's even better! It will be a great surprise. And such a gift can be made without much effort, it will come out quite an inexpensive product.
  • It is not necessary to buy some banal stuff like mugs or a set of spoons. An unusual gift (for example, 3D glasses) will delight the birthday girl. Further in the article it will be described in detail what of the unusual items can be presented to a sister for her birthday.
  • A trip to warm countries or within Russia on the coast is a great option. Of course, its cost is impressive, but perhaps my sister dreams of a trip to the sea. Then, sorting through the photos, every year she will remember with warmth the vacation spent with taste.

  • Another present is also from the category of expensive jewelry. What girl or woman doesn't want to receive such a nice birthday present? A variety of products made of gold and silver will satisfy a variety of tastes.
  • A gift certificate to a beauty salon or fitness room, as well as to buy cosmetics or other interesting things is a great choice! Such an idea will never become obsolete due to its relevance.and appropriateness. This is one of the best gifts you can give your sister.
  • We must not forget about technology. If the age of the birthday girl is already approaching 40-50 years, then it would be nice to buy household appliances for the kitchen as a present. A donated mixer or food processor will become her indispensable assistant in cooking. On the websites of hardware stores there is a huge number of offers of a wide variety of units of goods.

Before deciding on the choice of an original and appropriate gift for a sister, it is still necessary to analyze the interests and hobbies of the hero of the occasion. Only if this condition is met, you can guess with a present and delight the birthday girl.

Choice by age

One of the most important criteria for choosing a birthday present for a birthday girl is her age. After all, you can not present the same thing on the 18th anniversary and on the 55th anniversary. This is exactly what will be discussed.

What to give your sister for 18 years? Young girls are the most romantic creatures. On such a date, you can give a teddy bear if the birthday girl is still impressionable, like a teenager. Skin care kits or manicure sets will also be very useful gifts.

A gift for 18 years old can be more expensive, such as a smartphone or laptop. Adulthood is often marked by admission to a higher educational institution, which means that such a technique will be indispensable.

And what to give your sister for? A photo session would be great. The birthday girl is young and beautiful, and she has a certain narcissism.

A quarter of a century comes next, and the question arises: what to give your sister for? At this time, the girl has already received a higher education and is in a serious relationship. Therefore, a voucher for any vacation (abroad, in the mountains or at sea) is the best option for what to give your sister for 25 years.

You can also present any accessories or wardrobe items. It can be a scarf or a handbag, but jewelry is also quite suitable. The main thing is that the thing matches the taste of the birthday girl. Also present toa gift for a sister for 25 years can be a set of high-quality cosmetics. Such a present will make the girl very happy.

The exchange of the fourth decade of life usually upsets a woman. Don't let her be sad on a day like this! And when choosing what to give your sister for 30 years, it is better to choose life-affirming presents. A beautiful dress or eau de toilette with an unusual and pleasant aroma is perfect.

A gift for a sister should cheer up the birthday girl and show her how beautiful she is. It is recommended to present these presents with a lot of compliments, so that the hero of the occasion knows that everyone admires her.

Closer to the age of 40, women often become more economic and are much less likely to go out into the world. If there is a problem what to give your sister for 35 years, give her tickets to the theater. Let her visit this event with her chosen one.

Many popular beliefs surround the forty-year date - supposedly it should not be celebrated, and so on. But if a woman lives in a modern way, then such nonsense will not stop her. So, what to give your sister for? Many beautiful ladies at this age begin to take special care of themselves. A subscription to a SPA or a sports club can really please your sister.

Well, what to give your sister for 45 years? The birthday girl already has grown-up children, and this can play into the hands. It would be nice to join forces with your nephews and give something bigger. Of course, a car would be an ideal present. But this solution is not for everyone. Therefore, you can stop at home appliances or a pretty tea or coffee china set.

The fiftieth anniversary is usually celebrated on a special scale. And this is not surprising, because the half-century date is worth it. What to give your sister for? The best options are a gold jewelry, a beautiful portrait of a birthday girl, or an engraved flash drive. On the anniversary of 50 years, it is difficult to invent something more original or better than the items listed.

And if such a problem arose: “What to give a cousin?”, Then you should not panic either. With close communication, you can easily and naturally find out what the birthday girl would like to receive. In extreme cases, it would be nice for a cousin to present a simple neutral gift for her birthday. For this, a beautiful picture in a carved frame or a figured towel is suitable. In addition, handmade soap is an excellent option.

It doesn’t matter if you choose a gift for your sister for an anniversary or for a regular date, the main thing is to always approach such a serious matter with a soul. It is then that the memory of the present will never be erased.

We connect all the fantasy and our own strengths

Of course, the best option for others is a gift that you can make yourself. The network is full of step-by-step instructions on how this or that present should be made. Let's consider some of them.

So, you have decided to make a gift for your sister's birthday with your own hands. First you need to decide what you have a talent for. Handmade gifts are numerous - embroidery, drawing or even postcards.

For a sister on her birthday, you can embroider a name icon with beads. In this case, you will need a canvas with a pattern and the beads themselves, as well as an impressive amount of time and patience. But believe me, this work will be appreciated. The birthday girl and guests will simply gasp when they see such a masterpiece.

If the question is what to give your older sister, then making a thought pillow would be a good choice. Sewing it will not be difficult. The same version of the present can also be used when thinking about what to give to your younger sister. Only here it is better to sew a bear, bunny or other toy. Surely, this will make the little girl very happy.

Also for your sister's birthday, you can make a decorative box decorated with shells, beads or rhinestones. Ownershipthe art of weaving ribbons can also help in this matter. It is enough to decorate a vase or just an ordinary box with bright and beautiful ribbons - and the gift for your younger sister (or maybe older one) is ready.

In addition, weaving bracelets or baubles is still relevant. Step-by-step instructions on how to make such a gift for your sister are in the public domain. Fashionable and stylish jewelry can suit both a teenage girl and a completely adult lady.

You can make a birthday cake for your sister. Bake her favorite or try something new - it's up to you. In any case, the relevance of this presentation is generally beyond doubt.

Purchased items are, of course, much more convenient and easier. But a gift to your sister, created with your own hands, will leave an indelible impression for many years.

You can make a birthday present for your sister with your own hands in many different ways. Beautiful panels and handbags, a funny soft toy or a magical amulet - which of these options is suitable for your beloved relative, only the donor himself can decide.

Original do-it-yourself gifts may contain a brief wish for an older sister or parting words for a younger one. A compact decoration will harmoniously fit into the youth interior styles.

To create a thread pattern you will need:

  • base (plywood or wooden plank);
  • small nails;
  • colored thick threads (mulina or woolen yarn);
  • hammer.

Choose a template in advance or draw a sketch of the future gift yourself. The board for the base can be pre-painted or varnished. DIY thread gifts for a sister are easy to make, following the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Fix on the basis of a template with a picture. Drive carnations along the main contour lines, separating areas of different colors from each other. If the background is also tightened with threads, then carnations are driven in along the perimeter of the plank. The distance between the nails is arbitrary, but should be the same on a single contour line (others can be done with a different step).
  2. Wrap with cloves. The direction of the turns can be made in parallel lines, draw triangular "rays" from rounded parts, wind the threads randomly. You can choose an interesting way in advance by training on a separate piece.
  3. To highlight thin lines, wrap the nails of each contour according to the principle of braiding. Contours are performed after filling the middle. Often they are made in contrast with the color of the middle of the colored areas.

A gift made by yourself can be supplemented with details. Before starting to drive nails onto the base, glue a photo of a sister or a mirror, a beautiful picture, etc. Stud the insert with nails along the contour and do not fill this area with threads.

Make and present to your sister a dream catcher from a small hoop, fishing line or thread, beautiful beads and bird feathers. An unusual Indian-style gift will appeal to a sister who appreciates ethnic style and mysticism. Weaving such an ornament is not difficult, its design resembles a web with beads put on a thread. There must be a hole in the center through which good dreams will pass.

Complement the original pendants made of feathers and beads, and sometimes from smaller cobwebs. This will give the product the necessary color. An option can be a miniature pendant around the neck and earrings. They are made according to the same principle as the big dream catcher.

Video instruction:

Surprise for sister - delicious birthday

When deciding what to give your sister for her birthday, pay attention to unusually decorated sweets. Beautiful boxes or sets can be bought ready-made, but a sweet gift, lovingly arranged in the form of a bouquet, will always be special.

The easiest way to decorate sweets with corrugated paper. To work, you will need corrugated colored paper, scissors and adhesive tape. To get different flowers, you can use the following techniques:

  • cut out circles from corrugated paper;
  • cut off part of the roll to make a long strip and make a fringe or waves on its edge;
  • cut out individual petals or a flower sweep (several leaves connected in the center).


Fruits, vegetables - a bouquet?

A funny surprise will come from fruits or vegetables. For its manufacture, they use the principles by which they make out a sweet gift to their sister with their own hands:

  • dense fruits and vegetables are pricked on barbecue skewers;
  • decorate the fruit core with petals;
  • make out the stems and collect the bouquet.

A handmade fruit bouquet for a birthday can be arranged in the form of a topiary. You will need to make the base of the tree from a stick fixed in a container. From above, install the base of the crown from crumpled newspapers or polystyrene foam, cover it with green corrugated paper. To fix the fruit, you will need toothpicks: thin sticks need to be pricked into the base and the fruit, firmly connecting them. Simulate greens with lettuce or crepe paper.

The design option for a sweet gift may look like chocolate in a decorative wrapper. To make simple and beautiful packaging, you need self-adhesive paper or film, colored buttons, double-sided tape and decor (sequins, bows, rhinestones, etc.).

Choose 2 contrasting paper colors. Wrap part of the tile with self-adhesive and carefully tuck the edges at the end. Cover the rest with paper of a different shade, and close the joint with a beautiful braid or flying with a bow. Stick decorative details (flowers, hearts, etc.). A small photo of the sister, which is pasted into the center of the flower, is also suitable as a decor.

Colored flat buttons look beautiful, which complement the details attached to the base. The buttons are glued with double-sided tape at the base of the leaflet or the center of the heart, as if the part was fastened to the tile. The cores of flowers are also collected from buttons. Add sequins or rhinestones to your liking.

A do-it-yourself chocolate gift for a sister can also be made in the form of a postcard: make the base of thick cardboard. Calculate the dimensions based on the dimensions of the chocolate bar. The fold of the postcard is made taking into account the thickness of the chocolate bar. Paste the prepared base with beautiful gift paper, turning the edges to the inside and glue 2 thin ribbons on the side opposite the fold. Glue a decorative background inside, hiding all edges.

Decorate the outside with appliqué. You can cut a small window through which a fragment of the chocolate wrapper will be visible. Secure the tile inside the chocolate postcard with double-sided tape. Tie the ribbons pasted on the side of the card. Sister will love the creative gift given that it can be eaten.

Plush Bunny for little sister

A warm and touching present for a younger sister is sewn from knitwear. You will need:

  • new bright socks;
  • decorative eyes or buttons;
  • threads in tone and contrast for embroidery;
  • a piece of tape or braid;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • scissors and needles.

Video instruction:

  1. To sew a gift for your sister with your own hands from a sock, you need to take scissors and cut off the finger part. Turn the rest out, straighten it so that the heel is on top.
  2. Carefully cut the sock along, starting from the cut of the toe to the heel protrusion. Do not cut the heel.
  3. Sew the edges of the cut, forming 2 bunny ears.
  4. Turn the sock inside out and loosely stuff the ears and part of the whole part of the sock, and make the heel convex.
  5. The paws are made in the same way as the ears, cutting the elastic in the direction of the heel protrusion to an arbitrary length. The edges of this incision will have to be sewn with a hidden seam.
  6. Fill paws with padding polyester. The elastic band can be tucked inside or simply sew its edge.
  7. The heel of the sock will become the muzzle of a bunny. On it you need to draw and embroider a mouth and nose with a contrasting thread. Make eyes from buttons or use ready-made decorative details (buy at a needlework store).
  8. The front paws are made from the cut off toe part of the sock. It needs to be cut into 2 halves, sew each side from the inside out and turn it out. Insert a piece of synthetic winterizer inside, sew with a hidden seam to the body.
  9. Tie a ribbon around the bunny's neck and pull it off a little to form a head. Add the desired decor. The sock bunny will delight your sister for many years.

A gift from the heart

To implement the idea of ​​a gift, you need thick smooth threads "Lily" or similar. For the base, you can use a heart balloon or make a template from newspaper, foil or foam. To make it easier to remove the template, wrap it with cling film.

To give the filament construction rigidity, PVA clerical glue is used. Pour it into a shallow container and soak the thread without tearing it from the skein. Wind the thread around the template, passing it through the glue container all the time. Apply the turns randomly, overlapping the lower ones with the upper ones. If a solid template is used, prick pins on the sides of the heart and make several tight turns along them, securing the thread on the needles. Dry the workpiece for 24 hours.

When using a balloon as a template, all that remains is to pierce it and remove it when it deflates. If the template was solid, make an incision along the sides, reinforced with specially applied turns of thread. Remove the template and adhered film. Inside the heart, you can put bells or bright balls (for example, from a baby rattle). Glue the PVA cut and make a few more turns of the thread, fixing its ends with glue. Attach decorative details (bows, pendants, etc.).

cool box

Using the same technology, you can make an elegant heart-shaped box for your sister for her birthday. After cutting the winding, you need to paste over the edges of the cuts with a dense tape. Make rings from thick shiny wire (copper, silver-plated, etc.) and connect the edges of the cut so that an opening box is obtained. Come up with a decor and attach it to the top of the box. An unusual product is easy to give by filling it with multi-colored candies or decorative glass stones and balls, or whatever your sister likes.

felt flower

Felt jewelry never goes out of style. Of these, you can make a brooch or a hair clip for your sister, use them as a decor for decorating a toy. Creating a beautiful flower is easy. You will need:

  • multi-colored felt;
  • a simple pencil or crayon;
  • scissors, thread, needle;
  • silicone glue;
  • decor.

If you need a lot of the same colors, then you should make a paper template in advance. Depending on the variety of the flower, petals are prepared:

The assembly of a flower from a strip is carried out using a strong thread. It is passed with a basting seam along the bottom edge and pulled together a little. Petals at the same time acquire volume. Then the assembled tape is rolled into a roll, making the required number of revolutions. The thread is fixed with a needle. The leaves are cut out separately. From felt flowers, you can assemble a composition-panel. They are also used as decorations.

Collecting a sunflower from several sweeps is even easier: 3-5 parts are stacked with a decrease in the diameters of the parts and the displacement of the petals relative to each other. A circle of felt is placed in the center of the upper part. You can connect all the sweeps with a needle and thread, imitating seeds with colored beads or buttons.

Peony is collected from individual petals. On the narrow edge of each rectangle, make 2-3 shallow cuts, and fold the opposite in half and glue. Prepare the rest of the petals in the same way (at least 15 pcs.). Sew the petals along the glued edges, forming a flower. The core is made from felt fringe, rolled into a roll. Sew leaves on the bottom. The sister will be pleasantly surprised to receive an original gift.

How to give money to your sister in an original way

There are special postcards and envelopes for banknotes. But purchased products can be replaced with homemade bills and present funny and cool gifts to your sister for her birthday:

Awesome DIY pillow

There are many options for gifting your sister. The choice can be stopped on a soft comfortable pillow. It will decorate the room and serve as a comfortable detail during the rest. For self-production, you do not need to come up with a complex shape. The contour of the pillow can be round, crescent, in the form of a heart, fruit or flower. Simple models need to be cut out and stitched from the inside out, and then turned inside out, stuffed with padding polyester and decorated to taste.

Good video tutorial:

For more complex products in the form of a sweet pie or donut, do this:

  1. From fleece or beige felt, cut a circle slightly larger than the diameter of the pillow.
  2. Pick up a patch of dense printed fabric with a berry pattern and cut a circle slightly smaller than the desired diameter of the pillow.
  3. Start connecting the edges of both parts from the front side, laying uniform folds on the fleece circle. The edge forms a rim over the colored part. Leave a hole, fill the pillow with padding polyester and complete the seam. The product will look like an open pie stuffed with berries. It can be supplemented with strips of felt laid in the form of a lattice.
  4. Cut out 2 round pieces with a hole in the center from beige felt, connect them from the inside along the contour of the central hole.
  5. Stitch the edges of the outer contour from the face, leaving an opening for stuffing. Stuff and sew the base of the donut.
  6. For decor, cut out a pink ring with jagged edges (it will imitate icing). Attach small strips of colored felt to it. Sew "icing" over the beige ring.

Decorative pillow will decorate the sister's room and become an additional element of the interior.

original bag

A simple DIY gift will come in handy for the beach season: your sister can sew a bag for important little things and decorate it with a homemade pattern.

  1. The design of the beach bag is quite simple. You need to cut out 2 identical rectangular parts for the sides and a long strip that will connect them. Handles can be a continuation of this strip, but sometimes they are sewn separately on the sidewalls. The material for the bag must be taken dense and plain.
  2. Sew the bag from the inside out, turn it right side out and process the upper sections. If the option with sewn-on handles is chosen, sew them on, aligning them in advance with respect to the center and each other on each sidewall. Decorate the bag with a print.
  3. To apply it, you will need acrylic paint for fabric. The pattern can be done directly on the bag by hand. But more often they make a stencil with an original inscription or drawing. It should be concise, without unnecessary details.
  4. After cutting out the stencil from thick polyethylene or cardboard, correct the edge defects. To prevent the paint from soaking through both layers of the fabric, place a sheet of thick cardboard inside the bag. Fix the stencil on the front side and apply paint with a foam rubber sponge, trying not to let it flow under the template. Remove it carefully and dry the finished product without removing the cardboard sheet.

Detailed video instruction:

And another option for a cool beach bag:

2018-11-12 pvipadmin

Of course, all the brothers or sisters who love the birthday girl thought about what to give their sister for her birthday. Everyone wants to see how a spark of genuine joy lights up in the eyes of the hero of the occasion at the sight of a surprise.

Of course, the easiest and most affordable option for children is to make a birthday present for your sister with your own hands. With a little imagination and patience, you can make a very interesting and unexpected surprise.

One of the most affordable homemade gifts is a felt heart figurine. Cut out hearts from colored felt.

We embroider colored stitches with beads on a small and large heart. We overcast a small heart and sew it to a large heart. We sew two large hearts together and stuff them with padding polyester. We will get a beautiful patterned heart for our beloved sister.

Lovely and simple hearts can be made from fluffy wire.

Sweet birthday gifts for sister

The first option on how to make a birthday present for your sister with your own hands is to turn a round lollipop into a lush flower. Let's get started. We cut out several identical circles from thin colored paper - the more, the more magnificent the flower will turn out.

We stack these circles in a pile and pierce the leg of the candy.

From below, we wrap the leg with tape, fixing the paper flower on the leg of the candy. We give the flower a shape, bending some of its petals up, some down.

Cut out a pointed leaf from green paper, attach it with adhesive tape to a candy knife - a stalk. The first flower is ready. We make several flowers in the same way, wrap them with beautiful wrapping paper and get a very beautiful and tasty bouquet.

In an unusual way, you can even present an ordinary chocolate bar.

You can make a heart out of sweets for your sister. The craft is based on foam rubber, which we wrap with corrugated paper. Attach it with double sided tape.

We glue decorative ribbons and a ribbon on top of the cardboard.

On the edges of the heart, glue candy on pieces of double-sided tape. Candy heart for sister - done!

For your sister's birthday, you can make a whole bouquet of sweets:

A sister - a schoolgirl or an artist, can be presented as a gift with a bouquet of sweets and pencils on a palette. Candies in corrugated paper and pencils are mounted on a foam base, which in turn is glued to a cardboard base in the form of a palette. The palette is decorated with lids filled with plasticine.

Another option for a DIY gift for a sister on her birthday is an applique of buttons, beads, rhinestones and beads. With the help of these affordable and inexpensive materials, you can make a real fashion picture with a dress. First you need to draw the outline of the dress, which is then filled with ornamental material.

A bright pink bird is also made. Buy a frame for crafts, then it will look even more impressive.

Application "bird"

Birthday card for sister

Your little sister will surely love the paper heart card. You can decorate such a heart with any materials - ribbon, flowers or rhinestones.

Your sister will love this gentle summer card with flowers and a butterfly. See a detailed master class here: "".

paper gifts for sister

You can make your sister a delicate photo frame decorated with roses for her birthday. The basis for the frame is cut out of corrugated paper. How to make roses read in our article - paper flower.

Simple in execution, but very elegant photo frame will definitely please your little sister.

You can make a holiday applique as a gift to your sister. Cut out a vase from cardboard.

We make delicate flowers from corrugated paper.

Glue the leaves to the flowers and fix them on the vase. Festive applique for sister is ready!

Crafts for a schoolgirl sister

As a gift to your sister, you can make a pencil case for felt-tip pens. You can find a detailed master class in the article -?

Do not forget to take, after we present such an original homemade gift to our sister for her birthday, a photo that will help preserve the memory of this bright and joyful day.

Photo frame as a gift for sister

You can make a photo frame for your sister's birthday. We cut out the contours of the frame from cardboard according to the model in the photo.

We wrap the frame with colored paper.

We decorate the frame with artificial flowers, cones and beautiful and delicate drawings.

Perhaps the most wonderful material for making flowers for a sister is foamiran. Cut long leaves from green foamiran. Cut out petals from white or pale pink foamiran. Foamiran begins to bend and take on a natural “living” shape under the influence of high temperatures, so we slightly heat the blanks on the iron.

We cut a wide strip from yellow foamiran and cut it into a fringe. We wrap it around the wire, fixing it with glue. We begin to glue the petals one by one.

We glue all the petals in their places and at the end we glue the green leaves. We make several of these flowers.

We take a basket, a jar or a cup and fix the flowers in it.

Bouquet of flowers from a plastic bottle

A lovely and very affordable gift is a bouquet of daisies from plastic bottles. To do this, cut flowers from the bottom of the bottles.

We thread the wire into the center and glue the yellow cork core.

We wrap the wire with green plastic and melt it over the candle so that we get a strong stem.

We glue the leaves to the stem, which are also slightly heated over the candle. We have our daisies in a plastic vase. At the bottom of the vase we put pebbles, in which we fix the flowers. Bouquet of plastic daisies - ready!

Perhaps someone wants to congratulate her sister by sending her a video greeting:

In the article I will tell you what to give my sister for her birthday, share ideas and lists of gifts. As a result, you will be able to give your sister a wonderful gift that will demonstrate your attention and bring a lot of joy.

Relationships between children do not always develop as parents wish. Children often quarrel, tease and fight. However, this does not prevent brothers and sisters from loving each other and, if necessary, jointly defending family interests.

Even when children grow up and start families, nothing can break the invisible strong bond. It is not uncommon for a sister to be extremely difficult to understand. However, to give your sister a good birthday present, you do not need to know her thoughts.

Sample Gift Lists

  • If the sister is an adult and managed to start a family, give a little thing that will help in maintaining the family hearth. A food processor, mixer, microwave oven, modern iron or vacuum cleaner are perfect for the role of such a gift.
  • A sister who is fond of cooking can be presented with beautiful dishes for her birthday. A set of frying pans or pots, salad bowl, gravy boat, tea set. She will also be happy with a good cookbook. If you have difficulties with the choice, consult with your mother. She will give you a good idea.
  • Do not leave unattended gifts focused on personal use. We are talking about cosmetics and perfumery. If there is no rich knowledge in this area, give your sister a gift certificate for cosmetics.
  • A stylish accessory, be it a clutch, a leather backpack, a woolen scarf or a trendy bracelet, is a worthy gift option.
  • When choosing jewelry, consider the age of the recipient. Silver earrings are suitable for a younger sister, and a gold bracelet for an adult lady.
  • Buy emotional gifts, for example, a tourist package, taking into account your sister's free time.
  • Gift a bike, roller skates or a modern fitness tracker to those who are fond of sports. Give a true fan of extreme sports a parachute jump or a sightseeing balloon flight over your hometown.

As you can see, there are a huge number of gifts for your beloved sister. However, I recommend doing things a little differently. It is much better to invite your sister to a restaurant or cafe for dinner. A birthday will be a great occasion for a meeting where you will remember your childhood, discuss family problems or plans for the future. This option is ideal for people who rarely see their sisters.

Regardless of the gift option, be sure to complement it with a bouquet of flowers. And to make the addition original, you can use dried flowers instead of live tulips or roses. Such a bouquet will decorate the house and will remind your sister of you for many years.

What to give your sister for Christmas?

It doesn't matter how much you plan to spend on buying a New Year's gift for your sister. The main thing is to prepare for the New Year holidays in advance. You can give something small, stylish, useful, warm or edible.

  1. Cake and a bottle of good wine. Going to visit, take this tandem with you. You can buy wine in a specialized store, and order a cake or bake it yourself. Our site will tell you which New Year's cakes deserve special attention.
  2. If your sister likes to cook, give a professionally handwritten cookbook as a gift.
  3. Surfing the Internet in search of original gift ideas, I found a few more good options. This includes a bag holder. This simple and useful little thing is easy to use. You can hang a bag, umbrella, clothes on the holder.
  4. A diamond knife sharpener is a good option. It may seem that such a thing is far from the best New Year's present. But wait. Not every girl is able to independently choose a set of high-quality knives and sharpen them on her own.
  5. You can find a huge number of women's gifts for the New Year. For example, cosmetic mirrors, manicure sets, glass boxes.
  6. If you carefully examine the sister's cosmetic bag, you can definitely notice the absence of any product - powder, lipstick or cream. You can donate shampoo, shower gel, small appliances, curling iron or hair dryer.
  7. Fashionable gifts - a bright scarf, warm mittens, a voluminous knitted hat, a collar are ideal for the New Year.
  8. If you want to make an exclusive gift, pay attention to handmade items. Candles will decorate the bedroom, and homemade soap will find a place in the bathroom. This category of gifts also includes vases, Christmas balls, tea houses, trays, decorative cutting boards and other things.

Agree, the ideas of New Year's gifts for the sister are both good and inexpensive. I will add that sports clubs often hold various promotions during the New Year holidays. This is a great opportunity to get a couple of discounted season tickets and start playing sports with your sister in the coming year.

How to choose the right gift for your sister

Sister is a dear person, a faithful and close friend who will support you at any time, give good advice or help.

At the beginning of the article, you learned what are the best gifts to give to your sister for her birthday and New Year. I think you noticed that the recommendations are general in nature and focused on adult sisters. In conclusion, I will tell you how to choose the right gift for your sister, taking into account age.

little sister

If your sister goes to kindergarten or elementary school, choosing a present will not be difficult. The list of things includes categories - actions, toys and educational kits.

  • Designer for girls, a set for creativity, an educational book, a board game or a puzzle. The main thing is that the chosen little thing is safe and age appropriate.
  • When choosing a toy, be guided by interests and hobbies. An ideal option is a soft toy or doll made in the shape of your favorite cartoon character.
  • A gift-deed - a themed celebration, a visit to the dolphinarium, an amusement park and a planetarium, a horse ride. A suitable institution will help you choose the wishes of the crumbs.

teen sister

Practice shows that girls in adolescence are concerned about appearance. Therefore, choosing a gift for a teenage sister should be among cosmetics, accessories and clothing.

  1. Stylish clothes from famous brands. During the selection, be guided by the tastes, features of the figure and the sister's favorite color.
  2. Bijouterie and jewelry. I recommend stopping the choice on beautiful, but discreet jewelry with reliable clasps.
  3. Fashion accessories - wallet, scarf, bag. It is important that the chosen little thing matches the wardrobe in style and color.
  4. High-quality cosmetics, selected in accordance with the age, skin and hair type of a teenager.
  5. If you have money, you can donate small equipment. The list of things includes: a player with good headphones, a mobile phone, a tablet computer and other gadgets.
  6. If you want to shock your sister, organize a photo session for her. Only professionals should participate in the performance, including a photographer, makeup artist and stylist.

If my ideas don’t fit, and you can’t choose a gift for your sister on your own, try enlisting the help of her friends. Nowadays, the easiest way to solve this issue is through social networks.

adult sister

Adult women are not interested in trinkets, and they can purchase the necessary things on their own. Therefore, making a memorable and impressive gift is not easy.

Do you think it is unrealistic to make a gift for your sister's birthday with your own hands? So you have a bad imagination. Human possibilities are endless. You can create a masterpiece from improvised materials. Moreover, such a present will be nice to receive a loved one. After all, it is not in vain that they say that things made by one's own hands store energy in themselves. If you don't have gift ideas, look for them below.

dream Catcher

It will be very easy to make such a do-it-yourself gift for your sister's birthday. You only need to choose the appropriate style so that the thing fits organically into the interior. The dream catcher is not just a trinket. Many girls endow it with a sacred meaning, and this helps them sleep more calmly and see fabulous dreams. How to create a dream catcher? To do this, you need a round blank. For these purposes, you can use a plastic or wooden bracelet. Inside this form, you should place embroidery or some kind of decorative plastic object. It is desirable that there is an ornament on the core. The embroidery is stretched with thread or wire. When the center is ready, you should consider the bottom of the product. Here you need to make pendants. You can make them both from plastic or wooden beads, and from feathers or any other decorative elements. Beads should be strung on a thick simple thread or fasteners should be made in the form of wire hooks. And you can also purchase beads with ready-made mounts. So that the fittings do not get confused, the distances between the pendants should be at least a centimeter. It remains to supply the dream catcher with a hook, for which it will be hung over the bed.

Phone case

If your sister loves all kinds of gadgets, then she will be delighted with such a present. Some may ask, why make a DIY phone case when you can buy one? The point is that the typical options are too trivial. And you can create a unique thing. This case will help your sister stand out from the masses of people who decorate their phones with the same bumpers. How to make such a gift? First of all, you need to purchase a silicone case for your sister's phone model. Then you should draw a sketch. If your sister is a fan of a series, then you need to make an image of the main character. If your loved one does not have any specific hobbies, draw a picture of a pretty flower or an unusual pattern. Now you need to transfer the image to the case. You can color the picture with acrylic paints or decorate the image with beads and beads. You can attach them to silicone with a hot gun.


Such a handmade birthday present for your sister will definitely be to your liking. The fair sex loves photographs, and they like to decorate rooms with them. But there is not always enough time to make beautiful frames on your own. In the store you can buy any wooden or plastic base. But how to decorate it? You can use improvised materials. If you have beautiful shells or pebbles, decorate the frame with them. If there are sequins, then lay out a pattern from them. If you only have paint at your disposal, do not despair. You can print a suitable photo, and continue the image on the frame. This option looks nice with a seascape. If your sister has a suitable photo, put it in a frame, and around the edges continue the image of the sea, rocks and sunset.


A handmade gift for a sister's birthday can be made very unusual. Give her champagne and sweets. And to make it look non-trivial, combine one with the other. For example, you can make an exaggerated pineapple. To make it, you need to purchase round sweets in a gold wrapper and green thick paper. Champagne should be wrapped in paper. Candies should be glued to this base. How to do it? Starting from the bottom, row after row, glue the golden balls. When you reach the neck, you need to stop. Now take green paper, cut a rectangle out of it and decorate one of its edges by 2/3 with cuts. If you have a lot of time left, you can give each cut a triangular shape. Now the blank needs to be rolled up into a tube and attached to the neck of the bottle. Using scissors, you need to wind the paper a little. Wrap the resulting pineapple in transparent paper. If desired, you can glue a bow to the gift.

Bouquet of sweets

The best handmade gift for a sister's birthday is a bouquet. But not ordinary, but from sweets. Such crafts are popular today. Girls like to receive non-trivial things. They appreciate their beauty and delicious "inside". How to make a candy bouquet? To do this, you need corrugated paper and wooden skewers. Cut paper into rectangles. Now put the candy on a skewer and wrap it with a blank. You can make more complex flowers. To do this, you need to create not rectangular blanks, but in the form of petals. They will need to paste over each candy so that a bud is obtained. Be patient, nothing may work the first time, but by the third flower you will already become a professional. When the flower is ready, you need to do his foot. Wrap the skewer with thread, and cut out a leaf from green corrugated paper. A bouquet should be made up of at least 11 such flowers. You can wrap the bouquet in paper or simply tie the flowers with ribbon.

box with flowers

Not sure what to get your sister for her birthday? Give her flowers. But an ordinary bouquet will not cause such delight as a fashionable box. Today, florists collect interesting compositions that look very unusual. But it is not necessary to turn to professionals to make such a gift. Assemble the composition yourself. You will need a tight box and a floral sponge. The oasis must be kept in water for 2 hours, and then placed at the bottom of the box. It remains to make a composition. Take your sister's favorite flowers and complement them with decorative greenery. You can split the box in two. Use one for a flower arrangement, and place cakes, cookies, sweets or chocolates in the other.


If you are not deprived of the talent of a confectioner, you can create a sweet masterpiece for your sister's birthday. Today you can buy almost any spices and ingredients. You won't have to go far. Therefore, there are all technical possibilities. It remains to find time to please a loved one. But it is not necessary to bake a multi-layer cake with rich cream and decorate it with whipped cream monograms. You can make modest cupcakes that taste delicious. Be sure to consider your sister's taste preferences. If she prefers raspberries, then this is the jam you should use. If you don't know how to bake anything complicated, cook cookies or gingerbread. A gift can be made original not due to its content, but due to the form. No one can resist a beautifully painted gingerbread house.


What kind of paper gift can you make for your sister? Well, of course, a postcard. A congratulation written on colored paper and beautifully designed will be highly appreciated by any girl. And most importantly, such a birthday present for your sister with your own hands can be made in 5 minutes. This version of the presentation can be used not only by a child. It's just that the level of a gift from an adult and from a 5-year-old girl will be different. So if you are over 10 years old and your loved one has a birthday soon, try to surprise him.

How to make a step by step do-it-yourself gift for your sister's birthday from paper? First you need to purchase the material. You can take regular colored paper or special paper for crafts. The difference will be that in the first case the paper is plain, and in the second - with a pattern. Cut out rectangles of the same thickness, but different sizes. Now glue the arc to the leaf bent in half. How to do this, see the picture. Then you need to decorate the layers of the resulting cake with hearts and balls. Lastly, you need to make candles and stick them to the card. Don't forget to write good wishes.


You can create a very beautiful and useful gift for your sister on her birthday with your own hands. What could it be? Notepad, notebook or photo album. Or you can combine all these functions in one item. Girls love to keep diaries and make various notes. And for this purpose they always want to have a beautiful little book. A photo of a gift for a sister's birthday is presented above. How to make it? You should take craft paper, a piece of fabric or leather, lace and metal fittings. Now you need to make a blank for a notebook. Sew the paper. This can be done both manually and on a special apparatus. Now you need to make a cover from cardboard. Cover it with leather or fabric and decorate with lace, flowers, accessories, etc. Decorate the inside of the notebook as you wish. You can stick photo corners or stickers.


You can draw a gift for your sister's birthday with your own hands. If you are a good artist, then arm yourself with canvas and paints and start creating. Well, if you don’t know how to draw, you can embroider a picture. Choose your technique. You can cross-stitch or satin stitch, and use ribbons to create a masterpiece. You can make a beautiful picture with the help of plastics. This will be a kind of bas-relief that your sister will definitely like. You can create a masterpiece from straws or use all kinds of cereals. Choose the option that suits you best and get creative.