Weaving bracelets from rubber bands circular knots. How to weave a bracelet circular knots from rubber bands on a slingshot. Weaving bracelets from elastic bands with circular knots

The craze for silicone rubber bracelets that came to us from abroad has turned into a real epidemic among children. now, without exaggeration, everyone is addicted - junior high school students and future graduates compete in the ability to create intricate decorations from multi-colored pieces of silicone and. Let's also master this fascinating art and first we will figure out how to make bracelets called "Circular Knots" out of rubber bands.

Weaving bracelets from elastic bands with circular knots

You can weave elastic band bracelets in circular knots both on a slingshot and just on your fingers. We will consider the option of how to do this using a special machine and a hook:

  1. We will prepare everything necessary for work, namely: a machine tool and multi-colored silicone rubber bands. It should be noted that one color (in our case, yellow) will be the base, and the alternation of the rest will create a pattern. The more colors alternate in the pattern, the brighter it will turn out. In our case, we prepared orange and green elastic bands for weaving.
  2. We start with two elastic bands of basic yellow color. We twist the first of them with a figure eight and put it on two pegs of the machine. We put the second on the same pegs, but without twisting.
  3. We hook one of the sides of the lower elastic band with a hook and throw it to the center of the weave. We perform the same operation on the second peg.
  4. The resulting combination of elastic bands is carefully shifted down and we begin to weave colored elastic bands. The first in our pattern will be an orange elastic band.
  5. We put an orange elastic band on one of the pegs and pull it to the side and twist it with a figure eight. Then we put the second side of the elastic on the same peg.
  6. Carefully slide the hook through the orange elastic band and hook the elastic band of the base color.
  7. We throw the elastic band to the next peg and shift the entire weaving down.
  8. We put an elastic band of the base color on the pegs without twisting it. On top of it we throw both turns of orange gum.
  9. Thus, in weaving, we only had elastic bands of the base color: one on the right peg and three on the left. We hook the lowest of the three elastic bands and throw it to the center of the weave.
  10. We put into work the gum of the next color, this time - green. As in the previous case, we put both of its ends on the right peg, twisting it in advance with a figure eight.
  11. Gently slide the hook through the green elastic band and hook the elastic band of the base color.
  12. We throw the elastic band to the next peg and shift the entire weaving down. We hook the lowest elastic band on the left peg with a hook.
  13. We throw it to the center of the weave and again shift the entire weave down.
  14. We put an elastic band of the base color on the pegs without twisting it, and then we hook both turns of the green elastic band located on the right peg.
  15. We throw the green elastic band to the center of the weaving and throw the lowest of the three elastic bands of the base color located on the left peg there.
  16. Thus, after several repetitions of the previous operations, our weaving will look like this:
  17. When weaving reaches the desired length, equal to the girth of the wrist, we move on to the final chords. At the same time, only the elastic bands of the base color should remain in the work - one on the right peg and three on the left.
  18. We hook the lower elastic band from the left peg and throw it to the center of the weave. Then we throw the second elastic band from the same peg there.
  19. We throw the two remaining elastic bands on one of the pegs, carefully stretch them and put them on both pegs at once.
  20. Carefully thread the clasp into the elastic bands stretched in this way.
  21. In the same way, we stretch the elastic bands at the beginning of weaving and insert the second end of the fastener into them.

As you can see, weaving bracelets from elastic bands with circular knots is not a difficult and very exciting process. As a result, you can get such cute and mischievous bracelets!

The bracelet made of elastic bands "Knots" impresses with its beauty and unusualness.

There is nothing complicated in its weaving, the main thing is to correctly alternate colors and follow the stages of weaving. This bracelet is also interesting in that it can be worn in two ways:

Materials and tools:

  • slingshot or pencil;
  • hook for convenience;
  • clasp;
  • black elastic bands for the base of the bracelet;
  • colorful rubber bands.

The main stages of weaving Circular knots - a bracelet made of rubber bands

Let's figure out how to weave a bracelet with circular knots and what you need for this.

To work, you need to take gum in different colors to your taste. There should be a pair of them. The bracelet is woven on 2 columns, so you will need a slingshot or pencils.

Weaving on a slingshot step by step with a photo:

    1. First we put a black elastic band on the slingshot and twist it with a figure eight, that is, it should be crossed between the columns. We take the second elastic band and simply put it on the slingshot, without crossing.

      1. Now we take the hook and throw off all the lower elastic bands. They should be between two columns.

      1. We take a light green elastic band and throw it on the right column, twist it with a figure eight and throw it again on the same column. We take the second of the same color, throw it on the left column, twist it and again throw it on the same column.

      1. We take a black elastic band and throw it on both sides of the slingshot. Then we arm ourselves with a hook, put it under the green one. Now you need to grab the black rubber band, pull it out and drop it to the center.

      1. We do the same with the second side: slip the hook under the green elastic band and pull out the black one. Here's what should happen:

      1. Add orange and throw twice on one column. On the other hand, we repeat the action.

      1. Next, we take the hook and throw off the lower colored elastic bands on both sides to the center of the weave.

      1. Add black elastic on both sides, no need to twist. We put the hook under the bottom of the orange one, grab the black elastic band and throw it into the center. On the other hand, we do the same.

      1. Add a pink elastic band to one column, twist twice. We throw a pink elastic band on the second column and also twist it. Then we throw off the lower orange elastic bands in the center and add black. We put the hook under the pink one and throw off the black elastic bands in the center.

      1. Add purple elastic bands to both sides. We throw off the pink rubber bands in the center and add a black elastic band to both sides. We put the hook under the purple one and pull out the black one. We do this on both sides.

      1. Add light green elastic bands on both sides and do the same. The bracelet should be weaved until it covers the entire hand, but does not squeeze it. In the end, it should turn out like this.

      1. Now we proceed to the final stage of work: we take out the black elastic bands from under the green ones, then we take out the green ones and add one black one. We take out the black ones and add another black rubber band.

      1. Again we pull out the lower elastic bands and connect the last one into one loop. We fix the fastener on both sides of the elastic band.

This is such a beautiful bracelet.

As you can see, the manufacturing method is so simple that even a small child can handle it.

The main thing is to follow the sequence in the work and not break the stages. The made bracelet Circular knots with your own hands will be a worthy gift for a girlfriend for her birthday or name day.

The video below shows the method on the machine.

There are never too many decorations! Therefore, if you have already mastered the technique of weaving rubber bands and already have several bright, iridescent bracelets, we do not advise you to stop!

The site has prepared for you another detailed photo tutorial on making a feminine and very pretty bracelet from rubber bands Circular knots. And don’t worry if you still don’t have a special loom for weaving, because in today’s lesson you won’t need it the way we will weave on a slingshot.

Bracelet Circular knots can be made in different color combinations. It can be made monophonic, from two colors, from three or even multi-colored. For today's lesson, we will take three colors of rubber bands and show you how to weave rubber band bracelet with step by step photos.

What you need for the bracelet Circular knots on the slingshot:

  • 22 white rubber bands;
  • 11 pink rubber bands;
  • 11 purple rubber bands;
  • special slingshot;
  • hook (can be knitted, suitable size);
  • clip-clasp in the form of the English letter S.

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands Circular knots on a slingshot?

First, let's decide on the main color of the bracelet, I have it white. Rubber bands of the main color need 22 things. These are the rubber bands that form a chain in the bracelet and are connecting. The rubber bands of the other two colors - purple and pink - will need 11 pieces each.

Most bracelets use a certain repetitive combination of steps to weave, but first you need to prepare the base. To do this, take the slingshot in hand with the side towards us, where the columns have open sides.

We start weaving with the main color, that is, with white. We put on a white elastic band in the form of a "eight" on two columns of a slingshot.

We put another white rubber band on the columns in the usual way.

Hook the lower elastic band and throw it in the center so that it hangs on the second elastic band. First on one side, then on the other.

Throw a pink rubber band on the right column, turn it over with a figure eight and throw it on the column again to make two turns.

Take the hook and insert it inside the right column and the pink elastic band.

Pushing the pink rubber band with the back of the hook, grab the bottom white one.

Pull out the bottom white rubber band and transfer it to the left column.

Again we put on a white elastic band on both columns of the slingshot.

Crochet both parts of the pink rubber band in the middle,

and from the other column, remove the bottom white rubber band and throw it into the center.

This is the beginning of weaving the bracelet. Circular knots. Now a repeating combination begins, the beginning and end of which, for clarity, we denote by two asterisks.

** On the right column we throw a purple rubber band in two turns.

We introduce the hook inside the right column and grab the bottom white rubber band.

We take it out and throw it on the left column.

We remove the bottommost white elastic band on the left and throw it off to the center.

We put on a white elastic band on the columns.

On the right, we throw off both turns of the purple gum to the center.

On the left we throw off the lowest white elastic band. **

Now you just need to repeat the steps from ** to ** and do not forget to alternate colored rubber bands - use purple in one combination, pink in the next.

Let's repeat the algorithm once again to fix it.

  1. We put on a colored rubber band in two turns on the right column.
  2. We introduce the hook into the middle of the right column, moving the colored elastic band, grab the lower elastic band of the main color, remove it from the column and put it on the left one.
  3. We throw off the lowermost rubber band of the main color on the left.
  4. We put on two columns an elastic band of the main color in the usual way.
  5. Throw off the right two turns of colored gum in the center.
  6. From the left column, remove the lowest elastic band of the main color and drop it between the columns.

At the end of weaving, two rubber bands should remain on one of the columns, and one on the second. Like this:

Crochet the bottom rubber band from the left column (where there are two elastic bands) and throw it into the center.

One of the rubber bands (on any column) will be crocheted to another. Now we will stretch the rubber bands a little and hook both clip-fasteners with a hook.

Let's remove the bracelet from the slingshot and find the initial rubber band at the second end of the bracelet, hook both parts of it with a hook. We stretch the elastic bands and hook them with the second hook on the clip-fastener.

And now another bracelet is ready. Circular knots on a slingshot in your jewelry box!

Wear with pleasure!

Bracelets are one of the favorite types of jewelry for many modern young girls who want to stand out from the crowd. These bright and beautiful decorations look pretty on the hand cyst and even on the ankle.

Rubber bracelets are especially popular now, because they are easy to buy in almost any jewelry store. In them you can easily pick up a decoration to your taste.

However, as they say “there is no friend for the taste and color”, and there are many girls and women who want to have an original rubber band decoration that no one else has. This article is for them.

Now we will tell you how to weave bracelets using the circular knot method from elastic bands in different ways - on a loom, forks, a slingshot, and even on your fingers.

    Show all

    Even an inexperienced person can cope with such a simple type of weaving. You can even show it to your children, and they will surely enjoy this exciting activity.

    What you need

    Mini - machine Monst-Tail or regular.
    Two sets of rubber bands in different colors.
    Crochet hook.

    How to weave

    You throw the main rubber band twisted with a figure eight on the opposite columns of the machine.

    Continue to weave, throwing circles of the color from which the colored rows will be formed. To do this, put the blanks of the desired color on the ledge, wrapping them twice.

    You put the hook through the last circle and hook the bottom row, then throw it to the ledge next. Move the bottom row from the same pin to the center.

    Hook a row of the main color and throw two layers from one base of the machine, and one lower one from the second.

    Put on both middle columns a circle folded twice. Transfer the bottom row to the opposite ledge, and from it you throw off the bottom row to the center.

    Repeat these steps until you can weave the product of the desired length.

    To finish the craft, connect the extreme loops with a lock (clip).

    If something is not clear to you,

    What you need

    Eighteen white and thirty-seven blue rubber bands.
    Castle (clip).

    How to weave without a loom

    You throw a blue iris on the base of the hook, wrapping it in the form of a figure eight.

    Pull the next one through the resulting loops. Put on a white ring and also wrap it in the form of a figure eight. Pull off the loop that is left.

    Remove the white strip from the hook. Pull one blue loop through the other. Put on back the previously removed row of white.

    Throw on another iris and stretch it through the white layers. Put on a white elastic band on the second part of it, and then throw on the loop that remains.

    Remove the white row from the base, then pull the two loops that remain through the third. Return the white layers to the base. Stretch the blue layer through the white ones. Stretch two layers through the third. Hook the next one, turn it twice and put on a loop.

    Similarly, continue weaving until you get the product of the desired length.

    Connect both ends of the craft with a lock (clip).

    See the video at the beginning of this method for more details.

    How to weave such bracelets on forks, or a slingshot?

    Let's make a reservation right away that in our example we will show weaving on a slingshot, however, on forks everything is done in a similar way - the main thing here is to have two bases (columns). You can use one fork by bending the middle prongs, or two forks by connecting their bases with adhesive tape.

    Twist the main iris in the form of a figure eight and put it on the opposite tips that are on the machine.

    Put on the second row, no longer twisting, then remove the bottom strip in the middle.

    Throw another elastic band on one end and wind it twice on the end on the machine, on which there is one layer. Grab the bottom row and transfer it to another column. Then from it you shoot up the row that is below.

    Wind the layer twice, pull it off and cling to the next row. Throw it on another column, from which you then remove the bottom layer.

    Continue repeating the same steps until the bracelet is the length you need.

    When everything is ready, remove the craft and connect the ends with a lock.

    See the video at the beginning of this method for more details.