Flavored bags. Do-it-yourself aromatic sachet

Sachet (from the French word sachet- bag) - a pillow filled with aromatic substances, which is placed in linen or paper to perfume them.

Aromatic sachet this is a small elegant pillow or bag filled with dry aromatic herbs and petals, lightly soaked in essential oils.

Aromatic sachet is not only a delicate and light aroma, but also a healing effect:

- calming effect on neurosis, stress, insomnia;

- antidepressant and harmonizing effect;

- tonic effect, increase in vitality and efficiency;

- Immunostimulating and protective effect.

Basically, we know the lavender sachet, which miraculously protects our coats and sweaters from moths.

And what else can be put in an elegant pillow or bag to add flavor? And whatever your heart desires! These are medicinal herbs, and spicy herbs, and flower petals, and flower buds - for example, jasmine, apricot or apple trees, conifer bark, dried peel or citrus peel, it can be currant leaves, cherries, raspberries, as well as coffee grains, cinnamon, cloves and anise. Any plant whose aroma attracts you, fascinates, inspires, soothes or excites - all this can be used in a sachet! And don't forget essential oils!

Healing properties of some plants for sachets:

Lavender flowers and oil aroma of inner peace and harmony: gently soothes, helps with insomnia and overexcitation, treats depression, drives away evil thoughts, reduces aggression, ideal for relaxation and meditation.

Oregano herb and oil aroma of calm and recovery: helps to cope with neuroses, irritability and fears, promotes rapid recovery.

Peppermint herb and oil energy feminine fragrance: eliminates nervousness, restores energy balance, increases the intellectual abilities of women, refreshes and harmonizes.

Melissa herb and oil aroma of protection, peace and concentration: gives calmness, relieves headaches, drives away melancholy and dark thoughts, increases the ability to memorize and concentrate.

rose petals and oil aroma of harmony, self-improvement and creativity: gives a feeling of joy and ease of life, gives self-confidence, fills with light energy, increases efficiency, stimulates imagination and creativity.

Chamomile flowers and oil aroma of lightness and tranquility: gives a feeling of freshness and deep peace, helps with stress, neurosis, insomnia and depression, simplifies the perception of reality.

Cedar, pine, juniper needles and oil aromas of optimism and energy renewal: help with depression and internal aggression, suppress apathy and boredom, refresh, activate creative and business qualities.

Orange, lemon, tangerine peels, dried pieces and butter aromas of joy and warmth: improve mood, relieve depression and sadness, activate vital energy, enhance self-confidence and inner charm.

Cinnamon, cloves, anise and other spices aromas of fun, comfort and warmth: delight, warm, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, inspire and inspire.

Assembly and drying of plants for sachets

You can collect herbs for sachets at the edge of the forest, in a sunny meadow, or you can find many plants in your garden, and if you haven’t found them, then plant them! For example, what can be grown in a garden near Moscow: mint, lemon balm, oregano, marigolds, calendula, thyme, basil, lavender, chamomile, yarrow, hops and much more. So if you have your own six acres, then you can grow a wonderful garden with herbs for sachets. If there is nowhere to do gardening or there is no particular zeal, then you can buy most herbs in a pharmacy. Only when buying, pay attention to the packaging - take the herbs not in bags, but in bulk. In bags, the herbs are literally crushed into dust - there is nothing to worry about, then you just need to sew two sachet bags - an inner one, made of thin fabric, such as batiste, and an outer one - linen or cotton. Otherwise, grass may fall out of a single bag.

Essential oils can also be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores.

Do not try to collect plants along the roads, within the city or near industrial enterprises - there will be no benefit from such herbs, but there may be harm. Collect flowers and plants intended for drying should be late in the morning on a dry day.

All herbs and flowers for sachets must be thoroughly dried and ground (but not to a state of dust).

Drying plants in the air it is an easy and natural way to dry flowers and herbs. Spread out larger plants or parts of plants in a single layer in a dry, dark and well ventilated area. Smaller plants or parts of them can be loosely tied into small bundles and hung upside down to dry.

You can also dry the plants in the oven at a low temperature of 40-60 gr. or a special drying cabinet.

How to make an aromatic sachet:

  1. We take a rectangular piece of natural fabric (linen, cotton, silk, burlap, etc.) 5x10 cm or 10x20 cm. You can also sew bags in the form of hearts, pillows or other shapes.
  2. Fold the fabric in half widthwise with the wrong side outward to make squares.
  3. Carefully sew the side edges.
  4. We sheathe the upper edges with braid (openwork, embossed).
  5. We tighten the bag with a pretty ribbon-tie or we put a braid inside for tightening.
  6. We decorate the bags with embroidery, lace, braid, satin ribbons, silk roses, etc.
  7. We place a mixture of fragrant herbs in a bag, add salt, essential oils.

For fixation and odor retention when creating aromatic sachets, you can use crushed violet root (1 tablespoon per 25 g of herbs and flowers), magnesia carbonate or fragrant resins (musk, myrrh, incense).

To enhance the smell often essential oils are added to the sachet (a few drops).

To increase energy vegetable mixture may contain coarse sea salt.

And do not forget - the aromatic bag should have an unobtrusive, pleasant aroma.

Where to store the aromatic sachet:

  • Put at the head of the bed in the bedroom or hide in a pillow for a sound sleep;
  • Place in the closet to scent clothes, bed linen and towels, as well as to protect against moths;
  • Wear around the neck or in the pockets of clothes;
  • Place in the workplace to improve performance;
  • Hang in the car for flavoring (a mixture is used: lemon, rosemary, mint, cloves).

A few sachet recipes:

For good mood, harmony and comfort in the family, for flavoring rooms and cabinets:

Aromatic sachet "Pink Fantasy":

  • rose petals,
  • peppermint herb,
  • clove powder.

Aromatic sachet "Garden of Eden" :

  • lavender flowers,
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil (2 drops)
  • rose petals.

Aromatic sachet "Freshness of the morning":

  • rose petals - 50 g,
  • marjoram herb - 25 g,
  • orange peel - 2 g,
  • Violet root powder - 2 tablespoons,
  • rose essential oil - 4 drops,
  • Lavender essential oil - 4 drops.

For calming and restoring sleep:

Aromatic sachet "Mysterious Clouds":

  • Lavender flowers (or 2 drops of essential oil)
  • Lemon Melissa herb,
  • hop cones,
  • valerian rhizome powder.

To protect against colds:

Aromatic sachet "Anti-cold":

  • sage leaves,
  • herb Thyme (Thyme),
  • tea tree essential oil (a few drops).

For individual energy protection

(carry on yourself in a white bag):

Aromatic sachet "Keeper":

  • dill seeds - 1 tbsp.,
  • cumin seeds - 2 tsp,
  • Flax seeds - 1 tsp,
  • salt.

How long does the aromatic sachet last:

Aromatic sachets are stored for 3-4 months, as the smell gradually disappears. Periodically, you can renew the scent by instilling it into a mixture of natural essential oils.

Aromatic sachets - used since ancient times, forgotten, and in recent years have been successfully revived and become popular again. Why? Yes, everything is very simple. Our ancestors also knew about the healing properties of various herbs and the healing effect of aromas on the human body. Queen Cleopatra, rightfully considered the first cosmetologist, used aromatic herbs and oils to maintain her beauty. Now they talk about Cleopatra's beauty recipes with a certain reverence, it is believed that many of them have been lost, but some have come down to us.

But something we digress. We are talking about aromatic sachets. About what it is, what it is used for, and most importantly, how to make an aromatic sachet yourself.

Aromatic sachets are bags filled with medicinal, fragrant herbs and, as a rule, soaked in essential oils.

In ancient times, when cleanliness was not the main virtue not only of ordinary people, but also of the nobility, when lice and fleas were their constant companions, to scare away these bloodsuckers, as well as to give a more pleasant smell to their bodies, gentlemen and young ladies wore aromatic sachet. These are reliable facts known from history. It is very picturesquely written about this in the book by M. Daniel “The Secret Paths of the Bearers of Death”. The book details the history and evolution of bloodsuckers living on humans. Were distracted again.

So. Aromatic sachets. First of all, it's useful. Medicinal plants added to the bag have beneficial properties, aromatic oils enhance these effects. The main thing, when drawing up fees, is to remember what impact they have.

We also bring to your attention a master class on the manufacture of decorative bottles with dry products.

So, for example, lavender calms the nervous system, relieves headaches, reduces inflammation of the joints and muscles.

Rosemary, which has a wonderful aroma, has long been used for aromatization. Rosemary also acts as a tonic and tonic, and at the same time relieves nervous tension. Rosemary also helps to cure colds.

Violet has long been considered a magical flower. It is believed that in a sachet or charm, violet brings peace and light. Gives people energy recharge, balances the emotional state, gives a charge of vivacity and positivity.

Making an aromatic sachet, in general, is not difficult. To do this, we are preparing a collection for aromatic sachets. In our case, we will make sachets of lavender, chamomile, rosemary and violet.

All herbs were bought in the market, from a familiar grandmother, who collects them herself.

We put in the container:

  • rosemary - 1 part;
  • lavender - 1 part;
  • chamomile - 1 part;
  • violet - 1 part.

Now grind all the herbs with a mortar. It turns out a mixture of crushed herbs. When rubbed, the aroma spreads throughout the kitchen!

Every person wants to have an atmosphere of comfort and joy in his home. This can be achieved by placing various pleasant little things in an apartment or house: the same figurines, vases, plush and porcelain toys, family photos in unusual frames, as well as sachets - small fabric bags filled with various herbs, flower petals, essential oils. You can buy such an aromatic bag in a store, but it’s better to make a sachet with your own hands, because our ancestors believed that herbal sachets not only give the room a good smell, but also protect it from negative influences.

Where is sachet used

Scented bags are most often laid out on shelves in cabinets where clothes and bed linen are stored. So things get the original spring flavor. You can also tie the sachet to a hanger. Exquisite bags of herbs are attached to the front door or hung over the matrimonial bed to neutralize quarrels and conflicts in the family.

Putting an herbal pouch in the bedroom is the right decision. By choosing the right bouquet of herbs, you can achieve a relaxing effect. In such a room, a person will fall asleep much faster. If you decide to place the sachet in a conspicuous place, be sure to decorate it with fringe, lace, original embroidery.


Having found recipes for sachets with your own hands, you will be surprised how many different fillers there are for fragrant bags. Choosing one or another herb, you can achieve different results. So, pillows filled with ferns, hops, mint and lemon balm will contribute to a sound and healthy sleep. Sachets with lavender will save your things from moths.

Fillers from citrus peel, rose petals, ylang-ylang oil will return romance to married life. And in the children's room it is better to use pillows with chamomile and sage. Would you like to make bath sachets? Use chamomile, spruce and sea salt.

Making scented pillows

The easiest way is to make a sachet in the form of a bag of cloth. We will need cotton, burlap or transparent organza, as well as thread, ribbon (or twine), herbs and aromatic oils. To give your product a pleasant heaviness, add buckwheat or rice.

Cut out a small rectangle from the fabric (determine the dimensions yourself). Fold the resulting piece of fabric in half inside out. Sew the sides by hand or on a sewing machine. After turning the product right side out, pull out the cross threads at the edge of the sachet, decorating the bag with lace or fringe, matching in color with the main fabric. After filling the bag with herbs, connect the edges by tying it with a ribbon or twine.

And aromatic sachets with your own hands can be additionally decorated with beads, hand embroidery, appliqué, buttons, beads. Embroider on the bag, which you are going to give to one of your friends, the initials of the hero of the day.

Classic sachet recipe to protect your home

  • leaf of laurel and fern;
  • a tablespoon of rosemary and basil;
  • a teaspoon of fennel and dill;
  • a handful of salt (preferably sea aromatic).

Mix all the ingredients, fill them with a red bag, hang it over the front door or on the highest point in your apartment, and evil spirits will not bother you.


Probably, many of us, when buying sachets with our favorite fragrances in a store, wondered: is it possible to make such a little thing on our own and, having beautifully designed it, give it to someone? Of course you can! And the design entirely depends only on your rich imagination!

What is a sachet?

Translated from French, "sachet" means a bag or sachet. Currently, this word has several meanings:

Previously, sachets were always in every house of a self-respecting hostess. Bags of herbs, embroidered and ruffled, hung in every room, starting in the hallway. They were intended for unobtrusive aromatization of rooms. By the quality of the sachet and its beauty, the guests judged the merits of the hostess.

Today, the sachet has partially retained its properties, but under the onslaught of artificially created flavors, it has faded into the background, giving its delicate natural aroma to linen, chiffoniers, repelling moths.

Sachet packaging

Packaging, appearance - this is perhaps the most interesting part of the sachet in terms of fantasy work. It can be made of paper, sewn from cotton or thin synthetic translucent fabric, crocheted or knitted from threads. The shape can be anything: from a bag tied with a beautiful braid or ribbon to a complex geometric shape of elegant pillows embroidered with patterns.

If you want to do something unusual, you can sew a doll in a dress with a lush hem, inside of which a bag with fragrant contents is hidden. It will not be a shame to give it to a friend, sister or mother. A heart made of stylish fabric with decoration will serve as a Valentine for a loved one. You can make a set of pillows of different sizes, sewn from satin fabric and tied with a narrow satin ribbon. The child will not be against a funny animal, a favorite cartoon or movie character who has settled in his things or on a table, a shelf with books.
Anything can serve as a decoration for a fragrant bag: beads, embroidery, lace, beads of different sizes and shapes, various ribbons, rhinestones, artificial flowers, ribbons, and so on.

What is the fragrance base made from?

The content of the sachet depends on your capabilities, desires and preferences. Most often they are filled with dried fragrant flowers, combining them in a composition, or used separately, for example, lavender flowers loved by many.

Sachet fillers can be rose petals, medicinal aromatic herbs, needles, pieces of conifer bark, vanilla sticks, cinnamon, citrus fruit peels and other aromatic plants. You can dry fresh flowers in a shady, well-ventilated place until completely dry, then crush them with your fingers into small crumbs and fill the prepared bag or box.

You can also use sea salt as a sachet filler by mixing it with beeswax or a few drops of your favorite essential oil. By the way, essential oil can also be added to the plant contents of the sachet to enhance the aroma or create a unique perfume composition.

Essential oil can also be flavored with an artificial filler - synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer. To do this, the stitched sachet is pierced with a syringe needle containing a few drops of essential oil and the oil is evenly distributed in the filler over several injections.

What flavors can be used

Aromatic oils can work wonders. They can cheer you up, set you in a working mood with the aroma of coffee and grapefruit, give the mood a touch of bliss, peace with the smell of sage, lavender, roses or passion with the aroma of patchouli, jasmine, cinnamon, bergamot.

Delicate aromas will remind you of flowering meadows with the smell of chamomile, mint, wild rosemary, oregano, St. John's wort, or bring back childhood memories of family skiing in a pine forest, favorite New Year's holidays with the smell of pine needles and tangerines.
Lavender and mint will help relieve stress and relax. Headache and fatigue accumulated during the day will be dissolved by sleep on coniferous pillows, giving vigor and protection from respiratory diseases.

It is not for nothing that aromatherapy has become so widespread and is still used for a non-drug effect on a person’s well-being. Here is a small pillow, a fragrant bag, serve the same purpose. It is important not to overdo it with aromatic oils in the sachet, so that the smells in the rooms where you are most often not strong and harsh. The same applies to the laundry fragrance sachet.

Sasha with his own hands.

Do-it-yourself sachet - three master classes on this topic will help you figure out what these fragrant bags are for and what materials these cute souvenirs can be made from.

Sasha can be hung in the bedroom, children's room, office, placed in a beautiful vase in the living room and even put in the interior of your car. Aromatic pillows in the bedroom, living room and office not only fill the air with a pleasant aroma, but also make you relax and have a good time, a bag of herbs at the head of the bed will promote healthy sleep, and in the linen closet it can eliminate unpleasant air and give linen freshness.

Sachet with your own hands

A small bag filled with fragrant flower petals, dried fruits, essential oils has long served as a source of freshness and original decoration of the room. A handmade sachet can be a wonderful gift for any occasion. This necessary little thing can be placed in the bedroom, car interior in the children's room or just in the closet with linen, depending on the filler, it can freshen the air, promote healthy sleep, be able to help you relax or, on the contrary, get together.

The filler for the sachet is most often various fragrant herbs, flower petals, fragrant spices, dried fruits. These components are slightly crushed and mixed with violet root to fix the smell (1 tablespoon of violet root per 25 g of dry herbs). Suitable essential oils can be added, in this case they are added to the dry components, mixed and put in a plastic bag for several days. When dried flowers are properly saturated with oil and no longer leave greasy marks, they are poured directly into the sachet. Sea salt can also be added to the mixture of herbs and flowers. If you do not have natural ingredients for the filler, you can replace them with ordinary rice by thoroughly mixing 4 tbsp. tablespoons of grains with 10 drops of essential oils.

Well, we figured out the contents of the wonderful bags, now let's see what materials you can create such a useful gift from.

The first photo lesson was prepared by a craftswoman Corinne, this is what she writes in the preface to her master class: “I sewed these fragrant pillows when the trees had not yet blossomed, I prepared in advance, because I had a lot of events planned for the spring - this is a trip to my friends, who just bought their first home in Madison , and two weddings in New York, and a meeting with a friend on the Jersey Shore, and a brunch with my mother in May. All the upcoming events were of course wonderful, but how difficult it was to find the right gifts for all these holidays! I turned to the Internet and the solution was found. The original felt pillows gave me the idea of ​​creating fragrant sachets in the form of cute pillows. The result of my work is before you.

Sachet with your own hands

To make a sachet you will need:

  • thin felt of different colors,
  • cotton or linen fabric in a neutral color,
  • fabric glue,
  • needle and thread of a color matching the felt,
  • sewing machine,
  • sachet fillers (the author used a mixture of orange peel, lavender, rose petals and buckwheat husks)
  • disappearing fabric marker.

For one sachet, you will need to cut out one square of felt, one square of fabric, four large leaves and four smaller ones from felt in a contrasting color. You can download the leaf template.

Step 1. Draw 10 cm * 10 cm squares and leaves for the pillow on sheets of felt.

Step 2. Cut out leaves from multi-colored felt. The craftswoman made many pillows at the same time, so she turned out like this. In my opinion, it’s very beautiful.

Step 3. Cut out a square from the felt and draw diagonal lines on it with a disappearing marker.

Step 4 Apply fabric glue to the diagonal lines and attach the leaves to the felt square as shown in the photo. This will help you keep the pieces in place while sewing.

Step 5. Attach the leaves to the base with a sewing machine or by hand.

Step 6. Lay the square of felt on the square of fabric and fasten them with pins.

Step 7. Sew the squares around the perimeter right side inward, leaving a small part unsewn for further stuffing with dried flowers.

Step 8. In order to make it easier to turn the bag inside out, cut off the corners of it as shown in the photo.

Step 9. Turn out the resulting square bag and put dried flowers in it. The author does not recommend overfilling the sachet, it should remain soft.

Step 10. Sew up the pillow with a blind stitch.

Fifteen sachets! Here is the result! I think it's very beautiful, and the smell ...

Sachet with your own hands

In the second master class, the sachet bag is made of lace. In my opinion, the idea is wonderful, the product looks gorgeous, and the costs are quite small, you can use the remnants of unnecessary lace. This master class was prepared by craftswoman Jenny from the UK.

To make you will need:

  • lace (the author used lace 3 cm wide),
  • lavender flower filler,
  • 4cm*4cm embroidery fabric,
  • floss green and purple,
  • marker (black) for fabric,
  • satin ribbon (narrow, black),
  • black thread, needle,
  • button white.

Step 1. Cut the lace into fragments 14 cm long, the width of the lace from the author is 3 cm, she used four pieces.

Step 2. Sew the pieces of lace overlaying them on top of each other with a curly edge down as shown in the picture. Attach the top lace with the curly edge up.

Step 3. Fold the rectangle obtained from lace in half right side inward and sew the side and bottom seam.

Step 4. Turn the bag right side out and fill it with dried lavender flowers.

The highlight of this pouch is undoubtedly this tiny lavender flower embroidery. Making such a decoration is not difficult at all if you follow Jennie's instructions.

Step 6. Cut out an oval from the fabric for embroidery and embroider a lavender flower on it.

Step 7 With a black fabric marker, draw a pattern around the perimeter of the oval.

Step 8. Sew the resulting element to the bag.

Step 9. Tie the bag with a black satin ribbon and secure the knot by sewing a button on it.

Step 10 Place this sachet in your bedroom and enjoy its relaxing scents.

Do-it-yourself aromatic sachet

The third option for making sachets is probably the simplest, but the resulting multi-colored products look very elegant. The work uses cotton fabrics, perhaps even unnecessary trimmings. Prepared by craftswoman Leanne Garrity. These are such cute pyramids she got.