Red lipstick cold shades examples. Red lipstick and color type. Dark red lipstick for blondes

It's no exaggeration to say that red lipstick is the same important element festive image like a small black dress. However, many of us refuse to use bright lipstick, being in the firm belief that it does not suit them. And as soon as it comes to that very ideal shade, the search instantly leads to a dead end. But it shouldn't be like that! We assure you: among the variety of red flowers, there will certainly be one that will become your favorite.

How to make your life easier and learn how to choose your own bright shade for lips, we asked Clinique makeup artist Matin Molavizade, a big red lipstick lover who has worked with celebrities such as Claire Danes, Margot Robbie and Angelina Jolie. From bright Santa-inspired red to romantic mulled wine, Mateen shared tips on choosing the perfect holiday hue.

Rule number 1: Determine the undertone of your skin

The secret to choosing the perfect red shade lies in the undertones of skin and lipstick, in knowing the right combinations.

To determine the undertone of the skin, just look at your wrist. If the veins on it look bluish, you have a cold undertone. If the veins seem rather greenish, then the undertone is warm.

The shade of lipstick is also determined by the semitone. “Warm lipstick looks orangey red,” Mateen explains. "And cool reds, like deep pinks, usually contain blue."

So, you have two options. If you want to create bright accent, give preference to a red shade, the undertone of which is opposite to the undertone of your skin. Do you want lips to look luxurious, but restrained? Then look for a shade of red, the midtone of which matches the midtone of the skin. After all, you should always have a choice!

Rule number 2: Be sure to test lipstick on the lips

Tell me: are you ready to buy jeans without even trying them on? What nonsense, you answer, but I need to try on a hundred pairs of them! By the same principle, Matin recommends choosing red lipstick. Instead of considering a shade or trying it on your hand, as many do, you just need to apply your favorite lipstick on your lips.

“Even if the shade of lipstick seems too warm or orange to you, after applying it to the lips, it can change, it can show a bluish undertone,” Mateen explains. Evaluating lipsticks on the lips is incredibly important! Especially if we are talking about pure reds.

“Some women have a natural lip pigment quite bright. On them, even orange-red lipstick can look a little cold or bluish, says Mateen. - The only way find out for sure - apply lipstick and see how it looks on the lips.

Wise advice: when choosing a shade in the store, wipe the lipstick rod with a tissue and apply color to the lips cotton swab to avoid microbial contamination.

Makeup Secret: Mateen loves it Matt lipstick Clinique Pop Matte Lip Colour+Primer in Ruby Pop. He considers it universal. Try it out and decide if it suits you. You may want to use a brighter, darker, or, conversely, lighter tone.

Rule #3: Don't be afraid to experiment!

The perfect red lipstick for a holiday look isn't all about the color. It is also important to choose optimal formula and comfortable texture. You don't have to go for classic Hollywood red lipstick with a silky finish. It all depends on your preferences. Choose the shade that gives you confidence!

“To insist that everyone should go for matte textures this season or another is wrong,” Matin says. - A girl may not feel comfortable with such lipstick. The perfect red lipstick is the one that makes you feel irresistible."

If you're looking for a bold statement but don't like bold shades, Matin recommends Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Color Balm in Two Ton Tomato. Translucent coating gives lips natural glow and beautiful red color. “This tone is perfect for those who are shy or do not dare to bright makeup lips," says Mateen.

Matin also loves Chubby Stick Intense Moisturizing Lip Color Balm in Chunkiest Chili, which gives lips a lovely red color with a deep neutral undertone.

Remember: red lipstick makes your face!

So you've found your perfect red shade. Now you need to find the right blush, eyeshadow and eyeliner. If you suddenly get confused, Mateen advises not to rush. There is no need to collect the perfect palette, each color of which will complement the red lipstick.

“If you doubt yourself and feel that you don’t know what to combine the chosen shade with, just apply lipstick on your lips and that’s it. In this case, you will definitely not make a mistake and create an ultra-modern image. Just even out your skin tone by applying foundation, and emphasize the eyebrows. Makeup is ready!

Red lipstick is an accessory that will not go out of fashion, will give femininity, attractiveness, interested looks of men. Bright color fit young girls and mature ladies. To look stylish and natural, it is enough to choose the right red lipstick.

Red lipstick on the lips is the choice of strong, confident personalities. It goes to all the fair sex, without exception, provided that the tone is chosen correctly.

When choosing, remember:

  • burgundy, wine, plum - any undertone creates an emphasis on the lips;
  • when buying resistant cosmetics pay attention to the composition, the presence of non-natural ingredients;
  • a matte product is appropriate in a formal setting, it visually reduces the lips. A glossy tool increases, makes voluminous and puffy, but such makeup is inappropriate at business meetings;
  • the color should be chosen depending on the size and shape of the lips, the color type of appearance, clothes, the time of day when it is planned to go out.

This color requires clear lip contours. Refuse to use it for peeling skin.

How to choose the right shade

For each hair color, there are features that need to be considered when using this cosmetic product. The tone is taken into account with the color of the skin and eyes.


  • Light-skinned blondes will suit cranberry, lilac, pomegranate shades. Tanned girls are recommended a light brown, orange undertone.
  • Girls with ashy hair you should use a wine-colored product. Blondes with wheat curls will suit coral.
  • Brown-eyed women are good neutral tones (pale red or light brown). Cool shades are suitable for ladies with greenish eyes. Girls with blue eyes pink tone gives you the perfect doll look.


  • Brunettes with dark curls suitable shade fuchsia and bright red. Women with brown hair dark red lipstick suits. Ladies with light brown hair it is necessary to paint with cosmetics of a light palette.
  • brown-eyed goes coral, a shade of cherry, and green-eyed - red-brown. Fuchsia, coral shades red lipstick go lady with blue eyes.
  • Tanned brunettes should experiment with berry shades.

Brown-haired women

  • Brown-haired with brown eyes Reddish brown is perfect. coral undertone suits the girls with green eyes. Blue-eyed ladies should choose a pomegranate tone.
  • Red-brown lip glosses are suitable for brown-haired women with brown hair, women with light brown hair Coral is suitable.


Glitter should be brighter hair. Light red ladies will suit scarlet, red-brown, coral undertones. Glitter makeup will look good.

Red-haired girls dark skin terracotta, cherry, pomegranate shades are suitable. Cold tones are out of place.

How to use correctly

  1. Correctly focus on the eyes or lips. Do not highlight your eyes too much if you have brightly painted lips.
  2. You should not combine bright red lipsticks and bluish shadows. Use a beige undertone for the eyelids.
  3. For thin lips, use bright glossy cosmetics.
  4. Don't wear scarlet lipstick problematic skin(acne, rash). She will highlight all the flaws.
  5. Do not use if your teeth are not white enough.
  6. To make your makeup last longer, apply it step by step. Before applying, use a scrub, moisturizing balm.
  7. The pencil should be selected to match the lipstick.
  8. Cosmetics applied with a brush last longer.
  9. Combine blush with lipstick or abandon them altogether.
  10. You need to check the color of cosmetics on your wrist.
  11. The use of a primer pencil (base) will give the make-up durability.

The red tint highlights facial imperfections: fine wrinkles, dry skin, bruises, yellow teeth.

Rules for combining red lipstick with an outfit

  1. Scarlet is in perfect harmony with classic colors: black and white. It is better to make a hairstyle high.
  2. Wear with matte makeup Cocktail Dress or overalls.
  3. gray or beige dress and red lips correct image for a business meeting.
  4. If you wear too Short dress with a revealing neckline and make up lips with a bright gloss, it will look vulgar.
  5. Shades of red on the lips look beautiful with evening dresses.
  6. A loose style of clothing (casual) with a T-shirt and sneakers does not contradict makeup using scarlet glitter. Let your hair down.
  7. Expressive eyelashes, scarlet lips, neatly drawn arrows will create a romantic look.
  8. You should not paint your lips red if the clothes are the same color.

Properly selected cosmetics is a combination of tones and quality product. In the ratings of online reviews, the top 5 lipstick manufacturers are: Avon, Oriflame, Max Factor, Rimmel, Revlon. From diversity cosmetic products It is important to choose the right brand and color.

Hello dear readers!

Spring has come, and we plan to leave the house more often - for walks around the city, meetings with friends, we will have parties and fall in love! Red lipstick will come in handy for any occasion, but how to choose it and to whom it suits more - brunettes or blondes - we will consider in this article. beautiful, sexy lips attract eyes, emphasize female individuality, make a woman attractive, self-confident and stylish.

Red color is a symbol of Energy, therefore absolutely everyone reacts to a woman with red lips. This color indicates the Leader, the will to win. Maybe that's why not every woman risks making up her lips with red lipstick, especially if she is not used to standing out from the "crowd". But the risk is worth it! Do you ever need to stand out and draw attention to yourself?

Who wears red lipstick

Red lipstick suits everyone without exception! The question is: how to choose the right perfect shade? After all, the red color has a lot of shades - from reddish-carrot and brown to raspberry and dark cherry! Although it is worth noting here that there is a neutral red color - without any shade! This red lipstick suits absolutely any woman!

Many women give up this magical touch to the portrait, simply not finding their shade of red. But in vain! Bright, seductive lips- always an indicator of style and confidence in your charm!

“Wearing” red lipstick, we bring strength, Spirit and femininity to our image! We draw attention to ourselves, we focus on ourselves! Let's learn how to choose the right red lipstick!

How to choose red lipstick

When choosing "your" shade, you must consider 2 criteria:

  • natural skin color
  • Contrast level

We select a shade for skin color

Yellowish skin tone is in perfect harmony with warm shades of red - red, orange, peach, coral, brick and brown. Against the background of yellowish (beige) skin, red lipstick of cold shades looks ridiculous - scarlet, raspberry, pink, burgundy.

Pinkish skin just requires cool shades of red - pinkish with blue, raspberry, scarlet or neutral (true red).

The shade needs to be tested by applying a little lipstick on the lips with a brush - this way you will see the “heart” of the color. Or you can put some color on your wrist and rub it with your finger. The shade will appear...

Red lipstick and contrast level

In this part, we will talk in more detail. We know that the contrast between skin and hair color plays essential role when choosing the color intensity of makeup, and especially lip makeup. The higher the contrast level, i.e. contrast between skin color and hair color, the darker or brighter lipstick. This applies, in fact, to the entire make-up ...

For blondes, the color intensity should be moderate - too bright or too bright. dark paint for lips will make your image defiant and vulgar. It is very important for blondes to define their natural color skin and choose the right shade of lipstick so as not to disturb the harmony of the face!

For blondes, it is also important to consider the shade of the hair. For example, if the hair has wheaten or yellow tint, then lipstick should contain warm notes. At platinum blondes red, on the contrary, should contain a scarlet or light crimson note.

For brown-haired women with low level contrast, the same recommendations apply as for blondes - moderation and moderation again! If you want to increase the brightness of the lips, then increase the contrast level of the whole image: put on a black dress, add a red accessory, such as a clutch or a bracelet, and the contrast between the face, hair and toilet is increased! Then feel free to apply bright paint on your lips!

But brunettes, who, as a rule, have a high level of contrast, can afford more saturated and dark tones, given the rules for combining complexion skin color and decorative products - warm red or cold plum or raspberry.

Basic principles of "red lipstick"

  • Red lipstick is a challenge! Holiday of the soul! What is called "Fire on yourself!"

Therefore, skin, hairstyle, clothes, accessories and shoes must be perfect! You are in the spotlight! Most suitable style clothes are classic, and color combinations various items toilet should not go beyond black, white and red (to match lipstick).

  • Flawless complexion and flawless skin.

If you are tired, worried or upset about something, there are circles under your eyes, earthy color faces, etc. things, postpone the reception of "calling lips" for another time. Do not draw attention to temporary skin errors with color, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

The skin should not shine, be perfectly matte, even tone. If you have oily skin, then be sure to use a mattifying primer or powder so that next to bright lips the nose did not shine “brightly”!

  • Another warning - imperfect teeth!

If your teeth do not shine with whiteness, have noticeable flaws, then you should forget about red lipstick! Some shades of red lipstick, especially cold tones, only emphasize the yellowness of the teeth. Therefore, first aesthetic dentistry - then the emphasis on the lips!

  • Red lipstick accentuates lips! Other accents on the face should not be!

Shadows choose neutral pastel colors Brown, only lightly paint over the eyelashes, highlight the eyebrows. It is better not to use blush to model the oval of the face. The ideal sculptor of the relief of the face, in combination with red lipstick, will be a bronzer. It is the bronzer that will correct the imperfections of the oval of the face, and will not distract attention from the mouth!

To make your eyes stand out a little, move them beautiful arrows on upper eyelids. For accurate shooters you can use a pencil with a thin lead or a classic liquid eyeliner black color.

  • The matte variety of red lipstick visually reduces the shape of the lips.

To increase the volume of the lips, treat them along the contour with a liquid highlighter and blend it thoroughly. Next, circle the lips, going 1 mm beyond their contour, with a colorless (or a tone lighter than your lipstick) pencil. Take a little lipstick on the lip makeup brush and apply it on the lips, gently grabbing the area drawn with the pencil with the brush. Carefully paint over the entire lip surface.

  • Lips without shine give the image formality and restraint, as well as stylish sophistication.

So matte red lipstick will do For day makeup. To complete the harmony of your image, pick up some accessory of the same color or a piece of clothing in the same color as lipstick.

  • Lipstick with gloss visually adds volume to the lips.

Only young women can afford such a formula! And even girls should not allow themselves to be careless! If you put too much lipstick or gloss on your lips, be sure to remove the excess with a napkin or cotton pad. And it’s best to get used to painting your lips with a special brush.

I hope that my tips on how to choose red lipstick will help you find your perfect shade of this gorgeous product. decorative cosmetics. The main thing is that you will no longer wonder who red lipstick suits, but simply, through trial and error, you will find yours. perfect color. Believe me, the search is worth it!

Start searching for the real you!

Today, red lipstick is experiencing a renaissance. If 5 years ago the red color of the lips was associated with the image of a vulgar woman, now it can be found in makeup options for the office, walks and shopping trips. And the most daring paint their lips red, even going to a business breakfast. Red lipstick suits everyone. The main thing is to choose a shade that will suit you. Believe it exists. And finding this shade is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.


The first thing to understand before choosing the shade of your red lipstick is your skin tone. It is important to understand whether you have it cold or warm. There are dozens of ways to determine the color type. The easiest way to solve this problem is to look at your veins. They are best viewed on the wrists. If you have blue-violet veins, then your skin has a cool undertone. If the veins are greenish-olive, your skin is warm.

To finally confirm which color type your skin belongs to, take yellow and white shades. If yellow jewelry suits you better, then your skin is warm. If white - cold. If you cannot decide which metal suits you, think about what color of jewelry you like best. As a rule, internal preferences do not deceive.

Owners of warm skin should pay attention to shades with an admixture of brown or yellow pigment: it can be coral, brick, carrot.

Cool shades are suitable for owners of a cold skin tone: fuchsia, blood red, amaranth.

Interesting: in the lines of red lipsticks, there are shades that, in theory, should suit everyone. However, in practice this is not the case: universal lipsticks, unfortunately, do not exist. Always test lipstick on your lips before buying.


Hair color and its shade also affect the choice of red lipstick. So, ash blondes suitable gamma berry shades. Girls with a wheat base are lucky: they can choose virtually all shades of red from the range for their color type.

On brunettes, wine, cherry and burgundy shades lipstick. Brown-haired women can also do experiments, because, with the exception of carrot shades, absolutely everything will suit them. For redheads, red with a berry admixture is most suitable. The main thing is to avoid light shades and classic red lipstick.

To make red lipstick look good and emphasize what needs to be emphasized, in addition to selection right color, must be remembered :

1. Red color emphasizes skin imperfections. Do not use red lipstick if you have peeling or redness on your face.

2. Make sure that the chosen shade of lipstick does not emphasize the yellowness of the teeth. It may not be very aesthetically pleasing.

3. When using red lipstick, watch your eyebrow makeup. They should be well drawn, but without clear lines. Don't neglect shading.

4. Before applying lipstick, apply a moisturizing tonic to the lip contour, and a concealer on top. Such simple actions will help create a border beyond which lipstick "will not go" under any circumstances.

Red lips are once again at the peak of their popularity, although they have never gone out of fashion. This is the favorite color of Marilyn Monroe, Dita Von Teese and the editors of Beauty Diary. Of course, red lipstick will become your favorite. But how to choose the right red lipstick for you? That's what we'll try to help you with!

Important! Before applying red lipstick, remember:

  • red color not only focuses on the lips of a woman, but also highlights all the imperfections of the skin. Therefore, the skin tone must be perfect, and dark circles under the eyes and spots on the skin carefully masked by the corrector.
  • red lipstick should be in harmony with the clothes. Red lips pair perfectly with black, grey, white and pastel colors in clothes.
  • the wrong tone of red will not refresh, but rather age the face.

Now let's look at ways to choose red lipstick.

Is your metal gold or silver?

You probably already know well which products from precious metal you are more suitable - gold or silver. If not, try on large neck jewelry.
You are more suitable for gold jewelry - it means you have warm shade skin with a yellowish tone, chestnut or hair copper color with a golden sheen.
Suitable for you: warm red shades of lipstick - coral, carrot, chestnut, brick, terracotta.

Silver suits you more, so you have a cold skin tone, light tone, with slight blush. Hair is dark blond, ashen, platinum or deep black.
Suitable for you: red lipsticks with cold shades - fuchsia, cherry, raspberry, purple and blood red tones.

There are times when gold and silver metals suit you equally well. Congratulations, you are the lucky owner of a neutral skin color that suits all shades of red.

What color are your veins?

Look at the color of the veins that show through thin skin on the wrists.
blue veins belong to women with a cold skin color. Therefore, you should choose lipstick according to the type of "silver".
olive veins occur in women with warm color skin. In this case, you pick up lipstick like "gold".

What color is your skin?

This method of choosing lipstick is used by all leading makeup artists.
Pale skin cold red shades, crimson or bloody with a purple tint are suitable.
Bright skin neutral shade - a classic red lipstick would be ideal for her.
Olive skin- the most advantageous on her will look blood-red, carrot, star-red lipstick.
dark skin- your lipstick color is definitely beetroot or burgundy. For a spectacular exit, experiment with dark cherry shades, red wine, blueberry and blackberry tones.