Ready riddles to search for a gift. Quest for children for a birthday - video. Any color, for different tastes

Quests are considered a popular and exciting way to spend time, celebrate a holiday with colleagues or friends, and entertain children. Overcoming fun stages on your own or in a team, the opportunity to receive a reward - such a surprise will give good mood, unforgettable emotions regardless of age and social status.

How to do

It’s easier to entrust the organization of the quest to professionals: the animators will select a theme, provide paraphernalia and give a holiday to all participants in the competition. But this approach has a drawback - the cost, good quests - it's fashionable and popular, and therefore expensive. So, the game "Imitator", during which the player is "placed" in a horror movie and his task is to stay "alive" or culinary, held in a studio with professional equipment, is not cheap entertainment.

There are many options for holding an event on your own, even a beginner can organize it. You can choose one of the presented scenarios or combine several types of quests, resort to imagination and create your own, unique and inimitable.

However, for the success of the event, the nuances should be taken into account:

  • age and number of players - tasks must correspond to the level of development, be neither easier nor more difficult;
  • venue (on the street or indoors, private or public, etc.) - with more than 7-10 people, it is better to choose large areas or open space, but not an apartment;
  • the duration of the game - on average, the number of stages is 10-15;
  • the event for which the quest is timed (birthday, alumni meeting, corporate party, wedding anniversary, etc.) - thematic ones imply an additional choice of costumes and other details;
  • the grand prize - it doesn't have to be expensive thing, the gift must meet the expectations of the team members or the hero of the occasion.

Usually, the financial costs for such events are minimal: it is easy to make paraphernalia on any topic with your own hands from improvised materials, ask the players themselves to come up with and appear in an interesting way.


To organize a quest for adults, you need to decide on the plot of the game and prepare the necessary props. The advantage of entertainment for young people is the fact that it is not necessary to have bright attributes, usually there are enough cards with tasks that are easy to find on the Internet, print on a printer or write yourself.

In the office

Various scenarios that need to be “tailored” to the theme of the corporate party and the tastes of colleagues will help you become a real quest-maker. Better choose team competitions, while limited in time, since in the relaxed atmosphere of the holiday there is a risk not to arrive at the final destination, but to linger at one of the stations with a glass of champagne in the company of attractive employees or employees.

For the company, contests are well suited, in which you need to think and move.


It requires paper and a printer (or pen). At each stage, the team finds a description of a famous movie, show, fairy tale or book title, but with the opposite meaning. The task of the players is to name the original. It can be:

  • Giantess (hint in note) - "Thumbelina" (correct answer);
  • Good morning, old people - " Good night, kids";
  • Free woman from the Urals - "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
  • The ravine of everyday life - "Field of Miracles" and so on.

Guess the phrase

At the station, the team finds a card with a quote from a famous movie or literary work, calls him and gets a hint where to go next.

Pseudo-scientific nonsense

The facilitator reads a phrase in which the words of popular proverbs and sayings are replaced by scientific terms, and the participants must unravel it. Examples are easy to come up with yourself or use the following:

  • Under the stationary particle rock a liquid containing 2 oxygen atoms and 1 hydrogen atom does not make smooth flowing movements. (A rolling stone gathers no moss).
  • Overuse ethyl alcohol interferes with an objective assessment of the depth of the reservoir (the drunken sea is knee-deep).
  • Labor activity has no resemblance to wild animals and cannot move with acceleration towards an area overgrown with trees (Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest).

Guess the country

At the station, players find a map with the name of the attraction: the Eiffel Tower, the pyramids, Manneken Pis, Big Ben and others. You need to guess the country whose symbol is the image in the picture, name the capital and create the indicated architectural monument from the team members and improvised items in the room.

Such tasks and puzzles are easy to organize without outside help for free, spending a small amount of time on planning and preparation. The optimal number of stages will be 10-12 for each team, they can be repeated and alternated. Such logical and fun games will bring fun and excitement to the company of colleagues at work.

At home

Quest events at home for friends and family are usually timed to coincide with a festive date: birthday, wedding anniversary, New Year's Eve, and so on. They can be carried out by splitting into teams or all together, with the exception of the leader, who explains what needs to be done. The task of the event is to find a gift, a cake, a box of alcoholic drinks for a party, fireworks.

In addition to cards with hints and tasks, you should prepare and hand out invitations in advance. They indicate the date and place of the holiday, its theme, wishes for the image. Fake props will not be superfluous, with which they then conduct a cool photo shoot.

A variety of themes are suitable for organizing a holiday for adults.


You need to collect evidence and find the hiding place of the criminal who stole the main prize. You can complicate the game by setting one of those present as the villain. At the same time, among the evidence, character traits, hobbies and other signs of the criminal, whom the guests must guess, are called.

For the New Year

An adult version with a stolen Snow Maiden and a bag of gifts. Santa Claus is the host. Only this time, adults will have to perform competitions and read poetry on a par with children.


Only by completing logic tasks, you can find the key to get out of the locked room to the venue of the holiday.

Examples of tasks and questions:

  • name a number in which the number of digits is equal to the number of letters (answer: 100);
  • collect a logical phrase from newspaper headlines;
  • determine the code word by applying the book and the presented set of numbers, in which each corresponds to a page, line and letter, and so on.


Children's quests are carried out on the eve new year holidays, on a birthday, so that the birthday man or the birthday girl would look for a gift, for graduations at school, and so on. At the same time, the game can be for one child or the whole company, “one-time” or stretched over several days. For example, 10 days before the New Year, the kid finds a task, and after completing it, he receives a hint the next day.

The main condition is that at the end of the game a valuable gift should be prepared for the child, which will be an excellent reward for his work in solving puzzles and solving riddles.

Conduct quests in the apartment, on the street, in the park or in the country, depending on the season and weather.

For schoolchildren

Task ideas for primary and secondary school children should be selected so that they develop the logic, thinking of the child, test knowledge and skills. They should be bright and placed around the apartment or in nature so that the players can safely and easily reach them.


Using the available key, determine the letters, and then make a word or phrase out of them. A more difficult option is to find the key to the cipher on your own and read the encrypted message - a hint for the next step.

Encryption examples are shown in the picture.


It can be letters in words or objects in pictures. From these letters a hint is made with the name of the place of the next stage.

Code for extra letters: Avocado, Ananaus, Akhpelsin, Potato, Moyarkov.
Answer: Kitchen.

The cipher for subjects is compiled according to the example shown in the picture. Initial the extra image will be the letter of the code word.

Depending on the theme of the game, they add tasks for the rules traffic, knowledge of the basics of etiquette, riddles about living beings (fish, insects, animals, birds) and others.

For children 7-10 years old, the optimal number of stages will be 10, and the questions should not be too easy or overly difficult, otherwise the guys will quickly lose interest.


Create a quest for teenage group- a difficult task for parents or teachers, which is explained by the processes of personality formation and the denial of everything childish. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange a more adult, youth event, but adapt it to the knowledge and abilities of children aged 12-14.

The legend of the quest plays a big role: personal or romantic relationship, it is better to base it on horror or characters from a superhero movie, and preferably spend it outdoors, in the forest, to ensure mobility and energy.

Tasks should be varied - for logic, ingenuity and physical activity.

Movies and computer games

The quest for your favorite horror game or movie will become an unforgettable adventure. To do this, you need to design the venue in the appropriate style. If this is a game associated with the movie "Friday the 13th" or similar, it is advisable to do it in the park in the form of a kind of hide and seek. The guys must find certain items in order to escape from the maniac, whose role is played by an adult in a hockey mask.

Combination lock

As a prop, a suitcase with a combination lock, which contains prizes, is suitable. The treasured numbers are hidden in the apartment and they need to be found with the help of the host's tips. To get them, you need to pass various tests. Code numbers can be put into one of several balloons. Participants will receive it only by bursting the right one. Or place it in the freezer, giving a hint that to look for the answer in the coldest place in the apartment.

For babies

Preschoolers are one of the most active participants in quests. An important condition for success is brightness and colorfulness, so you can’t do without paraphernalia corresponding to the theme.

The energy of the kids needs an outlet, it is better to pick up street quests. It is preferable to dress in costumes, depending on the theme of the game: pirates, princesses, gnomes and other characters, which the organizers should take care of in advance or instruct their parents to prepare them (if the holiday is designed for a large company of 15-20 people).

For kids 5-6 years old, you should choose tasks where you need to read words or phrases, for younger participants, prepare pictures with images or photos of the riddle.

Violent activity

Most stages should be mobile. Children need to dance, knock down skittles, run a relay race, catch fish and other active classes. Such tasks are performed one by one, in a team or in pairs with a friend.

Find differences

A game familiar to everyone, where in identical pictures you need to find 5.7 or 10 inconsistencies.

For friends

Walk around the city (hint quest)

A great idea would be to conduct a hint quest as a city walk for two teams, and it is possible to conduct it in any weather and season, adjusting the stopping points depending on the conditions.

The optimal number of stations is 12, divide friends into teams. Before you arrange a walk, you should prepare the props in advance:

  • 12 notes with tasks for each of the teams;
  • attributes - jokes: masks, hats, toy swords, balloons, false mustaches, bright big glasses and others;
  • Grand Prize.

The task is to complete tasks in which the answers to questions are the place of the next stop or complete tasks, after which they receive the address of the destination.

The questions are chosen quite difficult, since the word “hint” itself means “hint”. If the participants do not know the answer and say: “Give me a hint,” they will have to work it out: dance, squat, do push-ups, ask passers-by to read poetry or sing, and others.
The duty of the presenter is to photograph all the cool moments so that there is something to remember in the evening.

For students

The development of the quest includes the choice of venue: in an educational institution with the involvement of teachers, on the street, in mall, hostel.

Where will the route lead

In a walking quest, all places can be involved at once. To do this, they make up a route sheet, which involves the passage of several points, where various questions can act as tasks. At each new site, players receive letters or words of a cipher, which at the end of the test must be compared and unraveled - the place where the holiday is held is encrypted there.

For example, the most unexpected option: a room where students replenish their energy between couples (dining room) and so on.

For the beloved and the beloved

Quest for dear husband or become a beloved girl an unusual gift. original idea- a walk through the places memorable for the couple, on each of which you need to hide the task. More difficult option - answers are sent to mobile phone if it is correct, a new address is sent.

The intrigue will increase if the invitation also comes by phone in the form of a video. Tasks may be different, but necessarily related to romantic feelings and the couple themselves:

  • translate a foreign phrase (only from a very rare language!) that will sound like a declaration of love (a mobile phone will come in handy again for this);
  • drink a cup of coffee (prepaid!) in your favorite cafe;
  • get into a taxi that has arrived and send a photo with a rose, which will be received instead of paying the bill.

Birthdays are also helpful. famous people related to the dates of the first date or kiss, which are easy to determine via the Internet, news from the life of stars who starred in their favorite films and others. Your final destination could be a restaurant, a hotel bridal suite, or a bridal or jewelry store.


Fun and unpretentious contests are suitable for the family, which can be performed at home, in the country, and in the park.

treasure hunt

Treasures can be buried in the garden or hidden in a secluded place in the apartment. Then a map is drawn and marks are placed on it where the treasure may be. It is desirable to put more marks, but the main prize is only in one place. In the rest, you can lay out notes with tasks, comic gifts and jokes, tips on where to go (sometimes deceptive).

As treasures, a chest of chocolate coins for children or a case of rum for adults is suitable. For a pirate quest, you will need the appropriate attributes: bandanas, hats, blindfolds, sabers and swords.

Such entertainment will be an excellent alternative to the usual trip to the cinema or gatherings in a cafe, it will unite the family and give a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions.

You can use the provided templates to create a map.


This game is well suited for high school students, students and young people, that is, the target audience is from 15 to 40 years old, as it allows you to know yourself in the form of a game, gain new skills and put them into practice.

The assignments are psychological situations, the exit from which in the future allows you to look at many problems from a different point of view.

For tasks, it is better to resort to the help of a professional or look for ready-made templates compiled by psychologists, and solve tasks in a community of like-minded people.


  • age of participants: for schoolchildren and adult men or women, tasks should be different in complexity;
  • time to look for answers;
  • the ability to use hints (Internet, books in the library, passers-by).

The game can be team or individual, the winner is the one who scored the most points. It is better if it is thematic: travel (geography), in the world of animals, works of classics, entertaining physics, historical facts, economic development of countries and others. The main thing is that all topics should be related to science, knowledge in which is required to be shown.

Such quests are usually conducted by teachers in schools and other educational institutions in order to consolidate knowledge. At the same time, classrooms are stations to which students sequentially move.


Spy (military)

Few people know what it is, since it is quite difficult to make the necessary props on your own. This category often includes espionage or military quests, since in the process of quests you need to:

  • study fingerprints;
  • open safes;
  • defuse bombs;
  • collect chips;
  • conduct chemical experiments;
  • use night vision devices and others.

It is permissible to slightly simplify the inventory for completing the task at home: a safe will replace a combination lock, an ultraviolet flashlight is suitable for detecting fingerprints, microcircuits and bombs are assembled using children's electronic designers.

Determination of fingerprints with an ultraviolet flashlight

Microcircuits from the children's designer

Approximate replacements of props are made based on financial opportunities and fantasies. More the quest will do for men, especially if the venue is decorated in the appropriate style.


Any quest can be designated by this term, since it in itself is a surprise, for example, for a beloved friend on her birthday.

alien takeover

The legend of the game is the war of earthlings with an alien civilization. To defeat them, you need to answer tricky questions(on space theme), learn their language (read the text in reverse side), change appearance in order to ingratiate himself. And, of course, find the main weapon - fireworks, which you want to launch at the villains.


Like in the movies

humorous role-playing game based on the plots of comedies familiar from childhood. Each participant acts as a specific hero. Tasks involve performing actions and pronunciation catchphrases, playback of episodes, often unexpectedly changed. Quests are usually designed for team play.

In independent performance, it is quite difficult, as it requires a spacious room and the availability of props, therefore, before doing it, it is better to notify the participants in advance, giving them the opportunity to prepare.

Films suitable for the plot:

  • "Operation Y";
  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
  • "The Diamond Arm";
  • "Alone at home";
  • "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession" and others.


The style of the game corresponds to the name: horror, thrillers, werewolves and vampires, the dead and zombies. To conduct it, you will need a room without light and the necessary paraphernalia: inscriptions in red paint, creaky cabinet doors, mournful music, synthetic web and other items that convey the reality of the situation.

The goal is to find a way out of the room or save a fictional character from the main villain within a limited period of time. It is best to play the game in the country or in the apartment.

Several people can participate. Players are seated blindfolded and hands in different parts of the room. They must reach each other and help unravel. Next goal is to find the key to unlock the door. Hints are notes with tasks (find a book and read a spell, eat a beetle made of marmalade, and others).


It is easy to arrange it both for a holiday and on any other day within an apartment or house.

It is necessary to decompose cards with tasks-questions (7-10 stages) related to the second half around the room. They choose original places - a freezer, a rug in the hallway, a cosmetic bag, a concierge table, a mailbox, and so on. The couple can communicate only via SMS, and at the end you need to meet the player at the appointed place and give a beautiful bouquet to the girl or a culinary creation (cake, duck with apples, pizza or just scrambled eggs) to the guy. Or yourself.

To complete tasks, they use puzzles on the theme of love, counting various objects: perfumes on a shelf, windows in an apartment and steps on a floor, pairs of shoes in a closet, numbers on billboards near the house (phone numbers, for example). At the end of each stage, a number should be obtained, upon deciphering which the name of the meeting place will become clear (each number corresponds to a letter).

A suitable option to make a marriage proposal.


This event will become great gift for those who in their school years read the adventures of the legendary Sherlock Holmes and dream of becoming a cool detective.

During the game, you need to solve a complicated case, and for this you need to find and study evidence, analyze and classify facts, draw conclusions and logically explain each of them so that the criminal is identified correctly. They take any detective story as a basis and adapt it to the existing realities.

The quest is designed for a different number of participants: one, a family, a group of friends and even a whole class. Age also does not matter, since unraveling the most a big secret centuries can be both children and adults, but for the latter, complex puzzles should be selected. The image of the players is also important - mustaches, pipes, magnifying glasses and raincoats will come in handy.


Such a quest is suitable for children, and in order to enjoy even those who do not like to cook, their favorite delicacies are selected as the menu - pizza, burgers, cakes and other harmfulness allowed on holidays.

Kids 4-7 years old can roll out the dough and lay out the filling on it, beat sauces in a blender, children 11-14 years old can cut food, cook creams and knead the dough.

The conditions of the quest - all the ingredients and the sequence of their preparation must be deciphered, so riddles about the refrigerator, stove and oven, appliances, various products will be appropriate.

And the end of the adventure will be the joint eating of cooked masterpieces, only for the beginning you will have to make a surprise for your mother - to clean up a little at the venue of the holiday.

For a birthday

It all depends on the imagination of the organizer, since the principle of holding a holiday is standard, and the theme can be any and depend on the hobbies of the hero of the occasion.


A good topic is a photo quest, where the search for a gift is carried out by determining the places, some of which are shown in the photo. The latter can be printed and hung at key points or sent to mobile via instant messengers.

Board game

Another idea is a text quest, which are sold in stores in the form board game. This is in case the weather does not allow running around the city or the desire to unravel the “mystery of the century” suddenly arose among the whole company of friends.

For wedding anniversary

The scenario corresponds to the romantic, the prize is at the discretion of the organizer. The basis can be a greeting card, which is cut into 10-12 parts, and after searching for all the components, an image of the meeting place is obtained.

The tasks are dates and numbers, memorable places for spouses, favorite songs and films. Drawn images on the postcard are welcome, as well as decorating the envelopes where the assignments will be enclosed.

On the street

Open space is a storehouse for quest ideas. It can be sports events for one or more teams, music (dance and song) competitions, tasks for logic and ingenuity.

The theme can be one or include different directions, with the involvement of passers-by or only for players.

The condition is no more than 12 stations, time is not limited, the territory is optional.

Survey of passers-by

Quest for friends, which is carried out on the street. It is necessary to conduct a survey of passers-by, asking comic questions:

  • What character do you associate me with: Sponge Bob, Smesharik Krosh, Snow White, Rapunzel and other options.
  • How many steps from me to the next post?
  • How would you describe me? and others.

For each respondent, a code is given, as a result of the game, the place of the gift or celebration is determined.


A tourist quest would be a good scenario. Here, players perform various tasks and tasks of the leader:

  • make a fire;
  • correctly stack backpacks;
  • orientate themselves in the area;
  • looking for edible plants.

To conduct it, you will definitely need a route map and pre-prepared caches with tools, tips and equipment designed to facilitate your stay in the forest (conditional or real).

Around town

Today, in large and not very cities, there are companies that organize games for every taste.

Their goal is to acquaint residents and guests of the metropolis with places that are rarely paid attention to in everyday life.

It is possible to organize an event on your own, but it requires imagination and preparation.

Shopping mall

The next task may be to search for a birthday gift according to its description and the place where it is located (in a storage room, a store, a cafe, and so on). The key must also be earned to get it

Idea for the script. Enough already for a long time all sorts of “spy” things, “mind games”, secrets and quests are fashionable in the world. Hollywood films are often shot according to such plots - something needs to be found, unraveled, and so on. The hero who solves the “riddle” saves the world and gets a prize. Why not transfer the plot into a game form for the holiday?

Use the love of adventure, solving mysteries in organizing an exciting and impressive party.

That is, organize a quest. Usually, the quest is organized on the scale of a city or some territory. There are walking and auto quests. We offer you to organize a mini-quest that would fit in the hall for celebrating parties.

Place. Any large enough room will do. Consider the number of guests, break them into teams. One team must have at least 3 members. Maximum - 5.

Dress code.
The ideal dress code is a T-shirt and jeans.
You can present interesting badges with inscriptions about the quest or “army” medallions to all guests at the entrance to the party. On a badge or medallion, you can write the theme of the quest, the date of the event, an intricate motto. And the best option is to give all participants T-shirts with inscriptions about the quest.

Decor. It does not hurt to decorate the room with all sorts of “spy” things, fake cards, tips, faces of famous spies and agents (the face of James Bond is quite suitable), cards with red flags stuck in them. You can also create collages from newspaper clippings, where you circle some words or sentences with a red felt-tip pen. Part of the decor can be directly and part of the clues and the quest itself.

Holiday script.

Let's make a reservation right away that the scenario of the holiday will need to be further detailed and thought out, as well as all other parties.
So, the main task of the quest director is to think over good tasks for the teams. The quest is a step-by-step game with clues, solving which, the participants are approaching the final. Whoever solves the quest the fastest is the winner. Participants act in teams, but they do not perform actions at the same time, but as they see fit. They can search, discuss, draw, think...
The organizer and presenters can direct from time to time, if the actions have already reached a dead end.
1. Select the theme of the quest. It can be design, the history of a city or country or even an era, the theme of music or cinema...

2. Start writing the script and preparing the props.

3. Here are quest ideas and examples of how to create them.

The theme is “Secrets of the 90s”.
We create tasks for the participants of the quest. We will have 4 tasks, you can add more tasks.

1st task.

Write a list of political figures of the 90s. You are given 3 minutes for the task. Teams submit lists after the end of time. The team that wins gets a hint (mark) about the next task 5 minutes earlier than the others.

2nd task.
Decipher the events of the 90s from the encrypted message.
“In the early nineties, part of the cinema was gone ....
June became happy for Boris for exactly two terms ...
812 9119 - a little inaccurate, but still - they created something from three letters ... ”

Decoding “1990 - Viktor Tsoi died. From 1991 to 1999 Boris Yeltsin was President. On December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed on the creation of the CIS.”
Whoever completes the task most accurately gets the right to look for a mark - for example, they bring a tray of cookies.

3rd task.

Tell a 1-minute story (each word in this story must begin with the letter "d"), about the writer, director and producer of the 1997 film, which begins with the letter "T" and ends with the letter "k".
Preparation - 2 minutes.

The film - Titanic, screenwriter, director and producer - James Cameron, that's why the "d".

4th task.

Fluff, Golden Boy, Ten, Star Barrel, Michelangelo from football - this is Anodaram, that is - .... (13 letters - a proper name) and he - ... (9 letters).

It is necessary to decipher the message - "Anodaram" - on the contrary, Maradona, that is, - Diego Maradona, an athlete.

Tags. Tags are the same tips that allow you to find and complete tasks, and sometimes allow you to decipher and complete the task itself, which naturally brings you closer to the final and victory.

Tags can be like this.
1. Label from newspaper clippings. They make up a story that includes some “special” words. These words should be somehow especially highlighted. For example, red. They can also stand out in style.
For example, we highlight the word agreement in bold type “December 8, 1991, an agreement on the creation of the CIS was signed in Belarus.” Then, next task you need to look for a poster with the inscription "agreement". The poster should be in a conspicuous place - it is elementary to draw it with ordinary paints on whatman paper.

2. Pieces of a letter torn apart can be marks.
Letters can be written to colored paper. Then the letters need to be torn up and the pieces laid out throughout the hall. Participants will have to collect the sheets of “their” letter and fold them one to the other, and then read the message. In this case, hints should be the same on all “letters”.

3. Cookies with hints inside can be labels. There are many cookies on the tray to get the largest number clues you need to reveal the most cookies. But!, the main condition is also to eat cookies, otherwise it will be impossible to use the hint.

4. Tags can be pieces of ice, inside which messages are hidden.

Thus, in order not to get confused, it is better to explain to the participants that the quest is an alternation of tasks and marks. The last task in the quest contains either a hint (mark) about the location of the “treasure” or contains the “treasure” already in itself.

Hello everyone, today we will upload large selection ideas and tasks for a sports quest. Here are ideas for children, teenagers and adults. Moreover, many adult tasks for the quest can be adapted for childhood, and vice versa - adults will be happy to play children's games built into the quest script. I divided all games, tasks, and tests into topics. Each task can be developed (complicated) or simplified (for young children). You can slightly change the task - take only the essence of the idea and implement it with other tools and tools. Any game you can insert into any episode of your turn based strategy game. Quests can combine sports and intellectual tasks, tasks for ingenuity, dexterity, coordination, and accuracy. You will find all this in our article. Let's see what quest games we have prepared for your scenario today.

Quest game for children.

The task of two teams is to fill the buckets with water - the team whose bucket is fuller in the allotted time wins. A whistle blows, children carry water, at the end we weigh a bucket on a scale or a steelyard (a hook with a weight dial).

Ways to carry water can be different. We choose the method according to the ability of the children. Hanging cups with a rocker stick - it is very difficult to keep the second glass on the weight while pouring the first one.

And you can pass glasses of water along the chain, but in awkward posture- OVER THE HEAD.

Or you can deliver water using the TRANSFUSION method through a chain of cups. From the first glass to the second, from the second to the third ... and so on up to the bucket. Speed ​​is important and do not shed.

And to make the transfusion fun, you can do it like this. The idea for a sports quest-competition on a hot summer day in nature.

Quest game

WALKING at speed.

Quest teams can compete with each other in the speed of arrival from point A to point B ... This can be done in many ways.

Prepare simple items - WALKING ASSISTERS.
Scenario text: “The earth is teeming with scorpions or cannibal worms - you can’t touch the ground, but we must get into the cave to the wise She-wolf Sarum. Here the sorcerer gives us magic stilts - only on them we can go through the valley of cannibal worms.

As you can see, it’s easy to make such stilts yourself - 2 sticks - the beam is not thick but strong (cut or wrap with tape so that your hands do not splinter (or give children gloves from splinters). At the bottom of each stick there is a footrest - a piece of timber (for two nails not to spin).

You can make snowshoes - wide boards. Text "According to legend, only a beast with two legs and two hearts can enter the portal." It just turns out that wide snowshoes for two players create such a beast - 2 hearts of two players their combined two feet.

The production is simple - pieces of leather from an old belt (or pieces of a car tire) that are stuffed onto the board with screws (through an iron gasket) - this is clearly visible in the photo above.

You can make rope multi-stupas. It is enough to drill holes in them and stretch the rope (as in the photo below).

And here is the solution if you need a THREE-LEGED mythical creature for the quest. We tie two pairs of legs with a rope and get a beast with three legs ... and move with each other.
Such a task is also suitable when a child is paired with an adult - quest games for rallying family relationship(dad - children, mother - child, family ties dependence of family members on each other). A good idea for a quest or sporlandia for Dad's Day...

Quest game
task for adults and children
MOVEMENT with element replacement.

The essence of this task for the quest is that here MOVEMENT FORWARD occurs according to the principle of rotation of elements. The rear element is carried forward... again the rear element is carried forward...
In the photo below, everything is clear - the raft rolls on the barrels LIKE THIS, when the last barrel is released, it is removed. is transferred to the front of the raft, and placed under the raft in front, the raft runs over it and a new barrel is immediately released from behind ... it is also transferred forward under the raft ... and so on ...

Teenagers really like this element of the quest. Children are delighted. Everything is in business - there are 2 guys on oars (pusher sticks), there is a man who takes out the last barrel and a man on the bow of the raft who puts new barrel under the front of the raft. The crew is running the ship is sailing.

It is easy for children to lift plastic barrels. Board - the usual cheap furniture board, or strong plywood.

You can use any cylindrical objects - for example, plastic pipes.

Rolling cylinders can even be human bodies(photo below). We put a soft foam mat on top and rolled forward. Such a quest task is suitable if the game is played indoors in a room with a smooth floor.
We begin the rotation of the bodies at the same time - on the count: one, two, three - we spin!
The released back log man runs forward and lies down in front of the mat, ready for a new collision.

If the cylinder raft option is EXPENSIVE in terms of money (buy pipes and barrels), then you can create other tools. And also move according to the principle of rotation ... we transfer the released rear element to the front.

just below we see how two participants move forward changing three elements with holders for arms and legs (regular boards ... tin blotches or doorknobs for hands .... elastic bands for inserting legs).

But a simple movement is not two elements (pieces of a rug, pieces of cardboard, oilcloths are suitable). Good to use in simple quests for young children.


ways of movement for the game-quest.

Below, let's see how else you can diversify the tasks for the quest in nature or in a spacious room.

Recall children's competitions in physical education. Movement in pairs - the trolley method.

But the movement with balloons squeezed between your legs. Dropped the ball - stop, find it, hold it with your feet and go ahead. Do not be sad - the enemy can also mess up and you will break ahead.

But the game CATERPILLAR is a favorite fun for quests for both children and adults. The principle of movement is like that of a TANK TRACK. A team of players moves inside a giant caterpillar track.

A closed strip can be made by blinding with adhesive tape or sewing together pieces of a dense awning fabric, oilcloth for a greenhouse,

And you can mold such a model of a game engine from a newspaper and adhesive tape as in the photo below.

And here is another movement according to the principle of rotation - the last one becomes the first. Imitation of the game in the brook.
Only the participants of the brook stand on all fours with their booty up. The last player crawls under the stream and becomes the first (also on all fours) ... and the new last player crawls down to also become the first butt up. And so on until all players reach the goal of their movement.

You can move towards your goal in different ways. There are no limits to human ingenuity. Even regular plungers can be used to propel them to victory.

Any awkward ways to move forward are OK. Sneer, mock, make fun, figure out how to deprive people of comfort ... the harder it is, the funnier it is. And the main thing is to drive forward to victory.

Tight ropes can be an interesting quest-fun for climbing from above. Excellent agility exercise, team building and it can be adjusted to any quest scenario. It’s easy to explain why it’s necessary, maybe the taut ropes are the fetters of an evil witch ... maybe this magical forest extended branches to us so that we climbed over a terrible swamp .... figure out for yourself how to beat this element of the quest in your scenario story.

Quest task


Tug of war is classic fun. The winner is not the one who falls, but the one who moves the BANTIK beyond the line of his zone. Tie a scarf in the center of the rope. We draw two zones - each team pulls the rope to its own zone. This quest task will be won by the team that drags the bow into its zone.
The zone can be drawn with paint on the grass, it can be marked with a rope on the ground.

Or you can arrange a tightrope TO DELIVERY the enemy from his base. On the ground we establish bases (boxes, hoops-circles) The task is to displace the enemy from his fulcrum. An excellent quest task for a game with a sports power bias.

And you can make a RING-COUPLING from a rope, two or more players are placed in it and the task is to reach the base in order to put an object on the base - WIN THE FIGHT.

Task for the quest script
without opening hands.

But an interesting task for the quest for children and adults is to move the hoop along the chain of people with closed hands. The hoop must pass through all the players from the first to the last, you can’t unclench your hands, we climb and pass the hoop to the neighbor on the other hand. I saw how fat people play this game - funny, amazing, but they succeed.

Quest game task
Get more.

The task of the players is to collect a full box of popcorn. This product is poured into glasses that are attached with an elastic band over your shoes. You need to reach the box and pour out the contents of the glass without removing it from your foot. Difficult quest-task for children and teenagers.

Similarly, it is difficult to carry eggs in spoons. Instead of eggs, we carry empty containers from Kinder Surprises. The team that quickly transfers their eggs from one bucket to another wins. If the egg has fallen, you need to pick it up without hands, also with a spoon.

You can also fill baskets with balls from a dry pool in such a fun way. Just rolling on your stomach on a skateboard board with a basket in your hands. Two teams and two skates also work - two competing players take a place on the skate and they are given one minute to catch, then the next two players get the balls in their minute and so on until all the balls are collected. After that, the balls in the basket are counted and the winner is announced.

Quest games

for hand and foot coordination.

It is very difficult to pick up objects with your feet. Game for the quest collect the balls with your feet. A basin with water in it floats balls for a dry pool from which you need to catch and poison it in a basket nearby. If teams work, then they are given 2 balls per person.

Also, the quest team can collect all the players at the same time, at speed plastic cups in a stack using only the toes.

Or the players (one minute per team) must collect as many rice or corn balls as possible into a box. Working not with hands Chinese chopsticks(or two pencils). Filled boxes are compared by eye or by the weight of a culinary scale.

And here (photo below) we collect M-Mdems sweets, sucking them on the tip of a cocktail tube.

If you have a large team of children and want to involve everyone at the same time, then you can organize an upside-down RELAY. Children lie on their backs, legs are raised and we pass a large object with our feet to each other.
In the script children's quest it can be played like MONKEYS SHARE BANANA…. or can be transferred teddy bear, like a bear jumping on ice floes ... think about your scenario and beat this element of the quest for your characters and their story.

Quest task


Game tasks for the quest can be fun and funny. Here is one of them. Here you need to fill the balls of a person. A team for a thin and frail person puts on clothes big size and trying to fill it balloons. The balls can be cut off from the garland which the hall is decorated with, it will disappear anyway, but the money has already been paid. You can pre-inflate the balloons yourself. And you can immediately inflate the whole brigade at speed and stuff it under the player’s clothes.
According to the quest script, such a task may mean that you create a giant who must fight the dragon.
Or maybe later arrange a battle between two giants- they will, like two sumo wrestlers, try to push each other's stomachs and bodies out of the "totami" wrestling mat. The video will be killer. Funny puffing with explosions of bursting balloons.

Or in your quest, you can prescribe the birth of two-horned good fairies ... Large tights are filled with balls and put on the heads of the players. The one whose horns are taller and more erect wins.

Quest game


Here I present a selection of team building games. The whole team should lead one common process for all. Each player acts as a vector force that directs the overall total movement of the object (gee, how abstruse). And it's easier - look at the photo.

The players together draw a given figure (company logo, letters, spiral) to hold by the ropes tied to the felt-tip pen. The team that did better and more evenly or faster wins.

A variation of the same game - but with blind artists and a sighted boss. An excellent game to find out how the department is able to accurately follow the orders of the head and how the head is able to properly organize the work of people subordinate to him.

The blind method of the game is suitable if the quest is conducted among adults or smart teenagers.

Here is another option that is very popular with teenagers and adults. It is necessary to build a pyramid of glasses with a rope loop. The bottom row is built on the principle of tension pushing. But the upper rad is already more difficult, you need to clamp the cup with the side edges of the loop and lift it, land it on Right place without loosening the lateral tension of the loop.

Often we throw away the scraps of foam insulation, and you can make a fun labyrinth out of it. We glue strips of insulation in the form of maze barriers on cardboard (pizza box) or on wooden plywood.
At the base - along the perimeter - we drill holes, stretch the ropes and start the game process, you need to deliver the ball to the address - from the entrance to the labyrinth to its exit.

Or you can just glue the gymnastic hoop with a sheet of paper (adhesive tape) and cut through round hole on the side. The task is to drive the ball into the hole by manipulating the ropes in the same way.

For children, it will be easier and more interesting to transfer the balls from one basket to another while holding on to the ropes and controlling them. Great bonding training children's team(camps, classes, groups kindergarten). AND fun activity inside the quest script. You can beat this in different ways - depending on the theme of our quest.

It is also difficult to carry the ball on two ropes. It is difficult for children to hold the ball even on two sticks. But the tight ropes are even more high level difficulty, for teenagers or adults. Try to take the ball with the ropes and move it to the basket. Pair work - a good thing. It pays and brings together. And fun and funny. And the rest of the team is rooting for you.

Games-tasks for a children's quest.
We move objects BY THE FORCES OF NATURE.

Air can move objects. Water can be an engine. Feel the power of nature. Feel how it works. Quests for the fun elements of the science quest.
Let's play who will blow the glasses off the table faster. Straws and empty plastic cups and a smooth table surface. Simple and easy quest game.

Move the inflatable ball with the power of the jet from the water gun. Two teams can drive their ball to the goal, whoever is faster wins.

Plastic cups can be hung on a strong thread between the post and the fence of the cottage. You need accuracy to hit a glass with a water pistol and make it come to the wall first.

Fun games for the quest

And here are two fun for the quest scenario, where players must work in DEFENSE and ATTACK at the same time.
As in the photo below - protect your ball on your leg, and at the same time try to burst the opponent's ball.
A double challenge. An excellent mobile game for the quest of any scenario group.

And here is a fun RUNNING game "Catch up and fill" ... Here, too, each player is an attacker and a defender. The players are divided into 2 teams - we tie white boxes on the back of one, the second gets blue boxes. The white team is catching up with the blue ones in order to throw a wad of paper (or a plastic ball or foam ball). But at the same time, they must remember that the blue team players are chasing their own boxes on their backs.
That is, you yourself run away so that they don’t throw at you, and at the same time you yourself throw at opponents.

Quest game


This is where the neck will work. We put the cue ball in tights, put the tights on our heads and knock down skittles (water bottles, empty cans) with a cue ball. You can complicate the tasks and knock down a tangerine lying on a glass, but the glass itself cannot be knocked over. A difficult game of coordination of unusual muscles.

Quest game element


Here good idea for an episode of a quest game. We make a web from sticky masking tape and a hoop for gymnastics. We will throw wads of paper into it. The team with the most flies in the web wins.

You can make your own separate web for each team (2 hoops). Or you can make a game for two teams in one hoop - but they will throw lumps different color- a team of white lumps and a team of newspaper lumps - the one whose lumps stick more to the common web wins. Good game for preschool children.

Game for children's quest.

Need to fill the cups with colored fluffy balls exactly as shown in the picture next to the glass. We work in teams. Those who do it right and quickly win. The game is very popular with young children.

Quest game
Find candy.

Pour into a bowl powdered sugar, or flour in it we bury the candy (or the key to the treasure chest, or a note with a hint). The player must find it with his mouth and get it. fun game for the quest. You can drip not in flour, which tickles your nose and makes you sneeze, but in a delicate, tasty cream (whipped cream or whipped protein cream, yogurt, cottage cheese). Think about how else you can change this idea.

You can pour fine river sand into a basin, hide the key in it and look for it with your toes.

Quest game.

Crystal Palace.

A palace with invisible walls of long spaghetti and soft marshmallow pieces needs to be built in 10 minutes. The team whose palace is taller wins. The game is suitable for older children. For small spaghetti, it is better to replace with toothpicks or skewers (not so brittle) or take spaghetti shorter (break in half, so it will be more convenient for children to work with them).

Balance task
for a children's quest.

It is necessary to fold a tower on the forehead of a neighbor from cookies, chocolate bars. Or other material that suggests itself according to the scenario of your quest. Let it be on topic.

Tasty task

to play the quest.

Eating at speed WITHOUT HANDS is not a problem. Especially if we are talking about delicious things. Watermelon slices lying on a plate are easy, donuts hanging on a string are more difficult, an apple floating in a bucket of water is incredibly difficult. Think about what product fits your quest scenario, and decide how to eat it more difficult, but feasible for players of this age.

Game of erudition
Children's anatomy.

The team must a short time remember the names of as many PARTS of the human body as possible, write these words on a sticker sheet and stick it in the area where the organ is located. Whoever remembers more is the one who wins this round. fun quest. Suitable for any scenario of a quest game - body parts are a universal concept, it can be adjusted to any plot of any story ...

Games for erudition and logic for children's quests I will put in a separate article and then the link will work here.

Children's game for the quest
dexterous hands

It is necessary to make the ball fall into the hole - for each player in the team we give one ball. Those who quickly complete the task of this stage of the quest win.

Quest task
Blind architect.

Playing the blind architect is fun, especially for kids. This is very funny. Children fall to the floor with laughter, watching the blind attempts to put down the glass and not throw off the almost ready pyramid.

You can diversify this game and put not one but two blind builders into it. One can hold the tower and the other build floors. It will be funnier.
In the scenario of the quest - such a task can be entered into the theme of the NIGHT TASK, when we have to complete the task in the dark. As in fairy tales "build a palace in one night."

And here's another blind game. It is necessary to find by touch among all the figures given. Also find the black cat in the black room. The player feels all the toys, trying to find the cat. Or find a dinosaur from a photo. The child is given a photo of a figurine with a dinosaur, and he is looking for exactly this among other dinosaurs by touch. We mark the time with a stopwatch. We compare the time indicators of the two teams. Great game for kids quest.

And finally ... you can time for speed quest tasks on your phone (stopwatch), or on hourglass... or on a pea clock ... Think about what kind of attribute clock you can enter into the quest script under desired topic and the plot of the story.

The prizes that you will give to the participants of the quest can be SWEET MEDALS… like this…
For a child it best gift for completed quest.

Here are some interesting tasks and quest games you can offer your guests. Think about how to fit the ideas found here into the script. Something will fall on your story right away ... but something needs to be turned back and forth in order to understand how to change the game to suit your storyline and logical steps adventure quests.

Good luck with your game scenario. Successful completion of all stages of the quest.
Become a professional in organizing children's parties. And maybe this will be your calling.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

My memories from childhood + imagination were enough for exactly one quest: a dozen tasks that are not duplicated.
But the children liked the fun, they asked for more quests and had to go online.
This article will not describe the scenario, legends, design. But there will be 13 ciphers to encode the tasks for the quest.

Code number 1. Picture

Drawing or photo that directly indicates the place where the next clue is hidden, or a hint of it: broom + socket = vacuum cleaner
Complication: make a puzzle by cutting the photo into several parts.

Code 2. Leapfrog.

Swap the letters in the word: SOFA \u003d NIDAV

Code 3. Greek alphabet.

Encode the message with the letters of the Greek alphabet, and give the children the key:

Code 4. On the contrary.

Write the assignment backwards:

  • every word:
    Etischi dalk dop yonsos
  • or the whole sentence, or even a paragraph:
    etsem morcom momas in - akzaksdop yaaschuudelS. itup monrev an yv

Code 5. Mirror.

(when I made a quest for my children, at the very beginning I gave them a "magic bag": there was a key to the "Greek alphabet", a mirror, "windows", pens and sheets of paper, and all sorts of unnecessary stuff to confuse. Finding another riddle , they had to figure out for themselves what from the bag would help to find a clue)

Code 6. Rebus.

The word is encoded in pictures:

Code 7. Next letter.

We write a word, replacing all the letters in it with the next ones in alphabetical order (then I is replaced by A, in a circle). Or previous, or following through 5 letters :).


Code 8. Classics to help.

I took a poem (and told the children which one) and a code of 2 digits: line number number of letters in the line.


Pushkin "Winter Evening"

A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child
That on a dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
Like a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

21 44 36 32 82 82 44 33 12 23 82 28

did you read where is the clue? :)

Code 9. Dungeon.

In a 3x3 grid, enter the letters:

Then the word WINDOW is encrypted like this:

Code 10. Labyrinth.

My children liked this cipher, it is unlike the others, because it is not so much for brains as for attention.


on a long thread / rope you hook the letters in order, as they go in the word. Then you stretch the rope, twist it and tangle it in every possible way between the supports (trees, legs, etc.). After walking along the thread, as if through a maze, from the 1st letter to the last, the children will recognize the clue word.

And imagine if you wrap one of the adult guests in this way!
Children read - The next clue is on Uncle Vasya.
And they run to feel Uncle Vasya. Eh, if he is also afraid of tickling, then everyone will have fun!

Code 11. Invisible ink.

Write the word with a wax candle. If you paint over the sheet with watercolors, then it can be read.
(there are others invisible ink.. milk, lemon, something else .. But I only had a candle in my house :))

Code 12. Rubbish.

The vowels remain unchanged, while the consonants change according to the key.
For example:
reads like - VERY COLD, if you know the key:
Z M Shch K V

Code 13. Windows.

The kids loved it so much! They then encrypted messages to each other with these windows all day long.
So: on one sheet we cut out windows, as many as there are letters in the word. This is a stencil, we apply it to clean slate and "in the windows" we write a hint word. Then we remove the stencil and on the remaining clean place on the sheet we write many different other unnecessary letters. You can read the cipher if you attach a stencil with windows.
The children first fell into a stupor when they found a sheet covered with letters. Then they twisted the stencil back and forth, but you still need to attach it with the right side!

Code 14. Map, Billy!

Draw a map and mark (X) the location of the treasure.
When I made my quest for the first time, I decided that the map is very simple for them, so they need to make it more mysterious (later it turned out that just a map would be enough for the children to get confused and run in the opposite direction)...

This is our street map. The clues here are house numbers (to understand that this is our street in general) and huskies. This dog lives next door.
The children did not immediately recognize the area, they asked me leading questions ..
Then 14 children participated in the quest, so I combined them into 3 teams. They had 3 versions of this map and each had its place marked. As a result, each team found one word:
That was the next task :). After him were hilarious photos!
On my son's 9th birthday, there was no time to invent a quest and I bought it on the MasterFuns website .. At my own peril and risk, because the description there is not very good.
But we liked it with the children, because:
  1. inexpensive (analogue somewhere around $ 4 per set)
  2. fast (paid - downloaded - printed - for everything about everything in 15-20 minutes)
  3. a lot of tasks, with a margin. And although I didn’t like all the riddles, but there was plenty to choose from, and you could enter your task
  4. everything is decorated in one monster style and this gives the holiday an effect. In addition to the tasks for the quest, the kit includes: a postcard, flags, table decorations, invitations to guests. And it's all about the monsters! :)
  5. besides 9 summer birthday and his friends, I also have a 5-year-old daughter. The tasks are beyond her strength, but she and her friend also found entertainment - 2 games with monsters, which were also in the set. Phew, in the end - everyone is happy!

Quest for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - a ready-made set of colorfully designed tasks, with the help of which teachers or parents can arrange an exciting experience for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 at school or at home team quest with the search for a hidden surprise, it is possible to divide the players into 2-3 teams.

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and arrange them right before the start of the game in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • This kit will help in an interesting and original way to congratulate schoolchildren as with the beginning school year on Knowledge Day on September 1, and with the end of studies (on the last call, on graduation party), as well as hold an exciting educational game for any occasion:) Give schoolchildren a fun and unforgettable adventure!
  • The quest provides a wide variety of universal places at school or at home where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • There is no imposed search chain, tasks can be hidden in any order, which is very convenient for the organizer of the quest.
  • It is not necessary to use all task options, you can do any number of stages (maximum 12 stages).
  • Interesting and varied tasks based on word games. Most of the assignments are related to certain school subjects. Riddles are not very complex, but not primitive either, they are more designed for ingenuity and ingenuity than for any specific knowledge. The choice is wide, so you are sure to be able to create a search chain to your taste!
  • The kit is designed for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 However, it may be of interest to adults as well.

With this kit, you can organize a quest:

  • for two or three teams: each type of task is made in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and quick wit of the players;
  • for one player or for one team of players: in this case, the organizer of the game will have a choice of the most convenient places in the forest for compiling a search chain; in each type of task, you need to choose the option with the most suitable keyword.

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards. It is stable and cooks in just a few minutes (details included), in the middle is the first clue; postcard format - A4. IN ready-made it looks like this:

assignment assignments

Description of tasks

(in brackets are key places where you can hide clues and a surprise)

  1. Hint "Encrypted Proverbs" ( magazine,flower,kettle). A fascinating task for associative thinking. You need to guess which famous proverbs of the Russian language are encrypted with pictures.
  2. Hint "Literary work" ( battery,newspaper,umbrella,backpack). Difficult task for ingenuity: you need to cut out 9 squares with letters and put them into one big square so that the title of the literary work can be read.
  3. Tip "Math Terms" ( pantry,dining room,bedside table). An excellent task for ingenuity, entertaining puzzles.
  4. Hint "Symbols of the countries of the world" ( painting,ladder,plant ). An interesting task for erudition.
  5. Hint "Botanical Fieldword" ( vase,closet,plastic bag,door,lamp,desk). A good task that requires the players to focus and composure.
  6. Hint "Zoological cipher" ( camera,fridge,pot,envelope,host, piano,Assembly Hall,lobby ). First, using the key, you need to decipher the letters, and then make a word out of them.
  7. Hint "History ancient world» (diary,textbook,hanger ). An interesting quiz in the form of a test.
  8. Tips "English" ( window, table, chair), "German" (table chair). Riddles about animals.
  9. Color tangle hint (curtain,computer,TV ). An entertaining task for compiling anagrams, you need to restore the confused names of colors.
  10. Hint "Musical Instruments" ( mirror, tobox,plate,gym ). Players will not only need to find the key to the tricky cipher, but also remember the names of musical instruments.
  11. Hint "Sports" ( corridor,notebook,telephone ). With the help of pictures and just one prompted letter, solve the crossword puzzle .
  12. Hint "Puzzle" (globe,calculator,microscope,stand for pens and pencils,briefcase,Frame,watch). Easy, but entertaining task: you need to complete the puzzle and find out from the restored picture the place where the next clue is located.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest + a handy sign for compiling a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in in electronic format- you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(postcard and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Kit format: tasks and answers - 97 pages, instructions - 4 pages (pdf files), postcard to start the quest (jpg file)

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