Difficult psychological situations: how to tell a girl that you like her. How nice to tell a girl that I like her

It is believed that in a relationship, guys should take the initiative, but not everyone knows how to correctly confess to a girl his sympathy, how to take these first difficult steps. The answer to the question "How to hint to a girl that I like her?" Here are some effective tips:

  1. Try to prove to her that you treat her in a special way. In a noisy company, find an opportunity to retire for a conversation. In her presence, do not pay much attention to other girls. Be polite, tactful and respectful with her.
  2. Give compliments more often: about her attractive appearance, smile, beautiful figure. Let these be simple words, but coming from the heart.
  3. Do not forget to give flowers and gifts, not only on holidays, but also without any reason. It's always nice.

Recognition should be done only after a trusting relationship has arisen between you. It is wise to prepare the girl for this moment: some time before confessing, it is advisable to hint to her how much you like her. By her reaction, you can understand the attitude towards you.

The girl will definitely let you know if she likes you or not. She can use female tactics and hint to you about it, for example, with body language - with a look, gestures, touches. The fact that she cares about you, you will understand according to her desire to spend more time with you. If a girl turns to you for advice or help, this also shows sympathy: she is weak and defenseless and counts on the support of a strong man.

What and how should be said at the time of recognition?

It is desirable to talk about feelings in private. Because in a personal conversation, with the help of emotions and intonation, you can emphasize the most significant points in order to emphasize your sincerity. The environment should also be conducive to a pleasant conversation. Be brief so you get to the point faster. Explain how glad you are to have met her and how much you value your friendship. Next, you should tell the girl that you like her. And you must make it clear that you do not require a momentary answer. The logical conclusion may be an invitation to a date.

Too beautiful phrases from romantic films in life look ridiculous. Be open and be yourself. Then you can count on reciprocity.

Sometimes young people lack the courage to confess face to face. In this case, you should think about whether this girl is really dear to you? After all, in order for relations to develop, in some situations you will have to make concessions, compromises, partly sacrificing your interests. If it's hard for you to make a little effort on yourself so that your relationship develops further, is it worth it to continue? In addition, a girl may consider a written explanation a manifestation of self-doubt, in your feelings for her. And then it will certainly affect her decision. However, the choice of a method of recognition may depend on the characteristics of the character and worldview of the girl. If she is an extraordinary person, then the original message is what you need.

If a personal conversation is not possible for various reasons, use social networks or SMS. This way of explaining is appropriate when a long distance separates you, and the conversation is clearly overdue. Your message must be correct. If you are not strong in Russian, turn to special applications. The girl will definitely appreciate your attention to detail and effort. After all, all this speaks of a respectful attitude towards her. And in correspondence it is not recommended to use slang and ambiguous phrases.

How to write a message to the girl you like in Odnoklassniki or VKontakte

  1. For recognition of sympathy, you should choose a convenient time. If you know for sure that the girl is busy, do not write a message right away. The best option is evening.
  2. The words of the message must be considered in advance. It should be concise, understandable, but memorable.
  3. If you can’t come up with anything yourself, you can resort to the masterpieces of world classics, the main thing is that the text is not large. In everything you need to observe the measure.
  4. You can not limit yourself to the phrase "You are very nice to me." This is not enough to indicate the seriousness of intentions. The confession should contain a compliment emphasizing the girl's virtues, as well as an offer to continue the relationship, for example, by dating.
  5. In support of the words, you can send a postcard, your joint photo or a whole photo collage.
  6. The original message can be made using video recording. The video message must first be recorded on the camera. His script should be thought out to the smallest detail: your clothes, hairstyle, facial expressions, words, "decorations". The ideal option is a park, a river. You can invite friends to record a flash mob, for example, in the form of a pulsating heart.

The Internet gives many examples of what SMS should be written to express sympathy. Here are some of the most successful ones:

  1. “You are very sweet and funny. It's easy for me to communicate with you."
  2. “You can see that you love sports: you have a cool figure.”
  3. “You have very beautiful silky hair. I just want to touch them."
  4. “You have unusual eyes. When I look into them, I can't lie."
  5. “I often think about you, about us. I think we'll be a great couple."
  6. “They say angels live in heaven and rarely come down to earth. I'm lucky because I met my angel."

Crap. Mouth. How else?

Do you think this is a frivolous answer? Think of it as a Buddhist koan - you know, such a stupid riddle that you have to ponder for fifteen years in order to eventually achieve complete enlightenment. Oh, hell, we don't have fifteen free years. Okay, let's decipher.

Read in 3 minutes.

How to tell a girl that you like her?

1. Straight

You are man. If you need to say something, you say it directly.

Do not try to talk to women in a feminine way - in hints and half hints. It may seem that it would be more effective to communicate with them in their own language - but there is a huge logical error hidden here. The girl is not looking for a girlfriend. Well, mostly not looking. And you don't want to be that girl's girl. You want to be her boyfriend. Her man.

So, talk to her like a man. Or don’t say later that you weren’t warned or that she friendzoned you so white and fluffy. You have friendzoned yourself with your hints and half hints.

2. Without ushlep euphemisms

So how do you tell a girl that you like her? "I like you". Damn, what a castrato expression - "like." You like it, damn it ... “I fell in love with you”, “I want you”, “I want to be with you” and a thousand other options. Options that leave no room for fabrication and interpretation. Here is the conversation. And then “you like it” ... You like it as a friend, you like it as an aesthetic object, you like it as a piece of furniture - what does this mean?

You thought: “how to choose an option?”. And it's very simple. Think about how you feel about her. In real life. What exactly do you want. And tell me straight.

3. In your own words

And stop googling “a list of phrases that you can say to a girl”, “examples of how to confess your love” and other shit. Man, she doesn't want to date the gang of online copywriters who wrote all this pointless bullshit.

I'll tell you more - even if you find an awesome template for a declaration of love in Pushkin's unpublished letters to Goncharova and decide to use it, he, most likely, will not work either. Because she does not want to meet even with Pushkin. And you do not offer her to meet with Pushkin. You invite her to date you.

So your words must come from you.

4. The form does not decide

And I don't care if these words are tongue-tied, awkward or too direct. If she refuses you after them, then she will refuse not because of this, but because she basically doesn’t want you. Nafig you didn't fall for her.

And if she wants you, then she will find two thousand seven hundred and thirty-five nice explanations for your tongue-tied tongue and syntactic squalor, because of which your proposal will only look more advantageous. Like "he's an old soldier and doesn't know the words to love - that's so sweet" or "he loves me so much that he forgot all the words except for this one and a half in excitement."

And now attention, a question. A girl can look for in your “I want you” jambs that you can find fault with - or vice versa, cuteness and charm. What will she be looking for? What does it depend on?

What really determines the success of your recognition?

It really doesn't matter what you say to her. What matters is what she says. Agree? She should answer "yes, I'm all yours, have me three times on the windowsill right now." Well, or in this spirit.

It's not easy to tell a girl that you like her when a guy is insecure and shy about showing his feelings. If you do not dare to confess for a long time, you can be left alone. In order not to be in such a situation, one must overcome fears, act decisively, but without pressure, and not fuss. The girl will agree to the proposal to meet if the young man is polite, cheerful and pleasant in communication.

Fear away

Most men have difficulty communicating with a woman they like and want to date. Sometimes a guy is so nervous that he can't start a conversation and is afraid to look stupid and funny. This is a natural psychological reaction and should not stop a young man from trying to win a girl and build a relationship.

If a guy overcomes embarrassment, he will understand that confessing his feelings is easy enough. Girls have a sensitive nature and will meet a timid gentleman if they have known each other for a long time, and during this time he showed his sympathy. They understand what caused the shyness and insecurity of the young man. And he needs to know that he's not looking stupid trying to impress.

Even in case of refusal, you need to remember that the girl may have different reasons for this, not always related to the fact that she does not like the boyfriend.

Psychologists assure that a shy girl will easily succumb to a brave and determined guy, and a self-confident lady will be interested in a modest one.

How to confess to a girl in love

How to confess sympathy

Telling a girl that you like her is easier when young people have known each other for a while.

You should not try to start a relationship after the first meeting and confess your feelings too early. We must try to become a part of her life, taking a small but important part in her daily activities.

The next step is to inform the girl of your interest. You can confess in person, via SMS or email.

What to say and how to behave depends on what stage of dating the potential couple is at:

With whom What to say and do
With an old friendIf a guy and a girl are friends, it is noticeable how she treats him. In the case when sympathy is felt, it is worth asking for a private conversation, talking about the value of friendship and the desire to develop it into something more
With a stranger who often meets on the streetYou need to smile with her when you meet, and after a while say hello. After a short period, say a few words about frequent meetings, and that fate brings them together
With a stranger met in the same companyAsk a friend to introduce the girl, make a modest compliment, saying that she stands out from the crowd. Briefly tell about yourself and ask a few questions about her personal life. Saying goodbye, take a phone number and promise to find her online
With a stranger on the InternetYou should study her profile on social networks and add to friends. "Like" her photos and posts, write short comments, carefully choose words and not be imposed. Make it clear that you are serious and that you are genuinely interested. When contact is established, the guy will be halfway to rapprochement, and then recognition of feelings
With an internet friendBy correspondence, it is easiest to propose a meeting. You should write sincerely, do not use formulaic phrases and not be imposed

How to show a guy that you like him

How to propose a date

It is easier to hint at a relationship by correspondence. If you choose the right and beautiful words, the girl will not refuse. A polite and delicate offer to be together will not offend or alienate. You can write the following phrases:

  • "I feel for you something more than just sympathy. Let's start dating."
  • "I care about you and I want to be with you."
  • "We've known each other for a long time and I want to take the relationship to a new level. I hope you don't mind."
  • "I think we would be the perfect couple."
  • "I've been wanting to tell you about my feelings for you for a long time. Let's meet."
  • "You are so beautiful and interesting, and I want to spend more time with you."
  • "You are the one I've been dreaming of for a long time."
  • "I think that you are the perfect girl, and I will be happy to take our relationship to the next level."
  • "I think we're perfect for each other."
  • "We've been friends for a long time, I really like you and I want to meet with you."
  • "I can't imagine my life without you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
  • "I am happy when you are around, and I want us to be together."
  • "You are the closest person to me. I want you to always be there."

Don't put pressure on her. Let him think and answer after a while.

Write to the girl you like in contact much easier than admitting sympathy in the eyes. Of course, this does not apply to confident people, but what about shy guys who, seeing a girl, begin to blush and stutter.

First, watch this video. Second: you can write to a girl who likes a message in a contact, as you will have time to correctly express your thoughts and express your feelings.

What to write to a girl who likes her to answer?

Gone are the days when boys sent letters to girls in paper envelopes. Now we have social networks and email boxes. You no longer need to find out from your friends where the object of your love lives, you go to Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, fill in your first and last name, and here it is - the page of your beloved. But at first glance, everything is so simple, but in practice it often happens that the girl does not respond to messages in VKontakte, or answers in monosyllables like “How are you?” “Good” ... and further communication does not work. So how to get to know a girl on VKontakte so that she communicates with you with interest, and then goes on a date?

The very first rule that many guys forget when they are tormented by the question “what to write to a girl on VKontakte so that she likes it, what should be the message so that she likes me ...” This is that in addition to the message itself, you should also have a cool page - what to write about yourself in Contact, and how to compose it is described in detail here.

But these 2 things, if you certainly want to please a girl and get an answer to your letter, are interconnected: your cool page in VK and an interesting first message that will interest the girl.
To begin with, you need to think carefully. Ask yourself questions: “Why do you want to meet this girl?”, “How do you feel about her?”, “Do you want to have a serious relationship with her?” The text of your message will depend on your answers and what you can write to the girl when you meet, and what is better to refrain from (at least in the first messages).

1. Simple clear sentences without subtext.
A message like “I need to know where you are located” will obviously be superfluous. Sometimes guys want to appear smarter than they really are. This is an error because ease of communication this is the key to success. Write in a language everyone understands, avoiding jargon or specific words. But there is another extreme - do not write too politely, and even more so when addressing a girl as you. The simplest advice is to write the way you write to your just good friend (removing obscenities and slang words and expressions)

2. Literacy.
Girls are also illiterate, but as they say, you can’t see for yourself, but for others, even very much. If you have mistakes in every word, it will play against you. Do not use incomprehensible abbreviations "I am a student at the university" and slang words "let's fall for a cool party." Of course, there is a type of girls who communicate like this, but they are no more than 15-18 years old. An adult girl will not appreciate this type of communication.

3. Emoticons.
To begin with, you don’t need to reinforce your words with cool emoticons in the very first sentence, by doing this you will show your super interest (a bunch of roses and flowers) or insecurity (a wink, an embarrassed smile - instead of male words). But even this case needs to be approached with imagination. Then, depending on how your communication in contact goes, yes, of course, you can and even need to use them to create a cheerful and positive mood that will definitely cause a smile and cheer you up.

To make it more clear to you - 1 smiley for a cheerful mood can be used to show that you are not a loaded abstruse type, but a cheerful ordinary simple (but at the same time interesting and cute) guy. But 5-10 emoticons, especially if there are few words in the first message to the girl you like, 100% do not need to be used.

4. Interesting text.
You need to write a text that will interest the girl.
To the letter "Hi. How are you? My name is Sasha, I really like you, let's meet, ”you will not wait for a response from a girl in most cases ...

In general, I advise you to write anything in the first message of the girl, but not this phrase “Hello, how are you?”, Dozens if not hundreds of guys write this phrase to more or less pretty girls on VKontakte, you can believe me, and it will most likely only cause irritation in them , and you will at best get the standard response "Hi, it's okay ..."

Just like in ordinary life: there are 2 types of approach: quick and contextual (when you start a conversation for any reason and look for interesting clues in the profile and photos of a girl on a site in contact or classmates).
The first option (possible, but not recommended): “Hi Rita. I have liked you very much for a long time, but I still do not dare to approach you, because your beauty leaves me speechless. Therefore, I decided to write you this letter, which will allow me to express my feelings for you ... "will make the girl think ... But this can only work with a girl you already know, and you know that she pays attention to you ...

Because each girl needs a little individual approach. Such a letter is suitable for a romantic lady who loves bold men - and you know that she likes you. But for an active woman who never sits still, it is better to offer an exciting pastime. After reading her profile and looking at the photos, you can understand what type the object of your sympathy belongs to.

Also, in no case should you write this message to an unfamiliar girl.

Therefore, it’s better to start dating a girl on the Internet with the second option “Hi, your photos are cool - you are so smiling and positive everywhere, my mood immediately rose. And you ride (walk) on a bike much more often (rollerblading, hiking, going to the movies, with friends), etc.”

More important point- the first message to a girl on the Internet should not be short - once it should encourage her to also answer you with a more or less long version. Here is a message with the words “Hello, good ...” It is difficult to answer. And usually girls also write phrases of several words, where they like to relax, where they have been. And the more details in the response message of the girl, the easier it is for you to continue further interesting conversation and correspondence with her.

a simple example of what you can write to a girl in the first message

If You Want To Learn More Information About Dating In Contact Which Is Guaranteed To Help You Quickly Meet Girls On This Social Network...

Everything will be shown there on the examples of my personal profile and the page in Contact ...

How to communicate with a girl on VKontakte further

5. Action
If the girl answered your letter, then you can exchange a few more messages and be sure to make the girl very interested in yourself. Your subsequent messages in VK should be as non-standard and also interesting, like the first message. Only in them you will not only be interested in the life of a girl, but also show what an interesting life and hobbies you have, and after that you must definitely offer to meet.

if there was an interesting communication in the previous days - offer the girl to meet later

Since then a very long even interesting correspondence can come to naught. Catching her interest in some kind of pastime, be sure to invite her to go to the museum together, to the skating rink, to a concert, to drink delicious green tea in a cafe ...

If there is a relaxed and interesting communication, in further messages it is already possible and even necessary to use emoticons, as if showing that you are constantly cheerful and positive.

In order to make the girl even more interested and like her on VKontakte, make a lot of interesting photo albums from different places on your page, write purposeful and positive statuses on the wall, add various videos, change your profile picture, putting the best new photos on it. It will also not be bad if you have comments and likes from other beautiful girls on your page ...

I can offer very modest romantics one more option: write a letter and send it by mail along with a cute postcard - a woman can also appreciate this romantic act ...

But in any case - if you do it in real life, it will make an impression much stronger. Because few people like shy and weak men!

All the Other Secrets of Dating in Contact in this 20-minute video, which I recorded recently ...

School of Yuri Okunev

Greetings, friends! Imagine - you liked some young lady. You found her on a social network or learned her phone number. And now you are faced with the task of sending her a message. Moreover, it is desirable that she finds out about your sympathy for her. Then you ask yourself a logical question: “How to write to a girl that I like her and when to do it?”. The task is really not the easiest, because it is important to interest the beauty and win her over. Let's talk about this topic then!

Well, we will think, as always, rationally and analyze all possible options, and at the same time their advantages and disadvantages.

Option 1. Write about your feelings in plain text

I believe that in some cases it may well work. For example, if you already know a young lady and periodically communicate with her in a friendly format. Why not really confess your sympathy in such a situation? This will save a lot of time, nerves and will allow you to find out what she herself thinks about a potential romantic relationship with you.

If you are writing to a stranger, then it is probably better to refrain from excessive admiration and frank confessions. To say that you were intrigued by her sly radiant smile is still normal. But swearing love to the grave and calling to marry is already too much. Such pressure will scare anyone.


  • Dot all the "i".
  • No need to come up with cunning plans to win her heart.
  • Find out what she thinks about your feelings, whether she shares them, whether she is ready to go on a date.


  • The option is not suitable for someone who does not know you at all.
  • Exposure of feelings is sometimes fraught with some unpleasant moments.
  • Excessive ardor and frankness can confuse and even frighten a lady.

Option 2. Pretend to be just a friend and wait for an opportunity

Some young people are so doubtful of their abilities that writing to a girl that they like her is about the same for them as jumping into the ocean for a person who cannot swim. Such guys can delay the cherished moment of confessions for years, admiring the lady of the heart from afar or maintaining ordinary friendly relations with her.

Such tactics, in my opinion, are absolutely unproductive and senseless. You are just wasting your life instead of making it better and finding happiness. Here you need to either find the strength to talk about feelings, or pay attention to other beauties.


  • Avoid rejection and disappointment.
  • Quietly enjoy the company of a friend who is unaware of your feelings.
  • Sometimes it really makes sense to wait a while. For example, if she has just experienced a serious family drama.


You are wasting precious time that could be spent on becoming happy.

  • With such tactics, a romantic relationship does not shine for you, because the lady of the heart will not know about your feelings.
  • While you are waiting for the best moment, someone else may be less tactful and more active. He will take a place in her heart.
  • The position of a modest man waiting for something all the time is far from the most advantageous for a modern man.

Option 3. Come from afar and gradually move from friendship to romance

One of the most successful, in my opinion, tactics of behavior. It allows you to calmly get to know the young lady, get to know her, maybe even make friends. And then make it clear that you are counting on something more. Moreover, if the communication is active and good, then nothing prevents you from inviting the beauty for a walk, to the cinema or somewhere else after a couple of weeks of dating.

With this approach, you get to know her, for example, by sending a message on a social network. Compliments can be made not directly, but indirectly or something. Well, it's like, "Hi! Accidentally stumbled upon your page. You have such cool pictures! You are very cheerful, perky, athletic! Do you go to the gym often? It is important to write a detailed first message, with some kind of question, which makes it possible to chat later on a specific topic that is directly related to it.

It would be cool if you have something in common. This will definitely need to be used. For example, if you were in Georgia and learned from her feed that she was also going there, then it is on this topic that you can build the first communication. So it will be more interesting for her, and easier for you.

After a successful conversation, you can ask to be friends with her. Like, "I would be pleased to chat with you sometime at my leisure." Periodically remind about yourself with likes, comments, publications and reposts. Of course, make compliments, because she must understand what you like.

You can again write not directly, but as if in hints. For example: “What a delicious cake you have in the photo! I've always liked house girls." When communication is more or less established, nothing prevents her from offering to meet in real life.


  • You do not need to immediately reveal all your feelings to an unfamiliar person.
  • There will be time to arrange it for yourself.
  • Gently let her know that you are passionate about her.
  • Get to know her better.
  • Make friends and at a meeting you will feel much more confident and calm.


If you do not delay with remote communication, then there are probably no cons!

General principles of communication

Let's go over the important, in my opinion, points that every guy should consider.

  • Behave yourself properly.

No vulgar jokes and hackneyed phrases for "removal" in the spirit of "real boys". Adult decent girls do not fall for this.

  • Write smartly.

Not all ladies know Russian perfectly, but since girls usually study better than boys at school, it is highly likely that you will come across one of those excellent or good students. Therefore, try not to make at least obvious spelling mistakes. Online verification services to help you.

  • Communicate casually.

Imagine that this is a friend you know from the sandbox. Try to keep the manner of communication easy, sincere, simple. Of course, without excessive familiarity and, of course, obscenities!!

  • Be honest.

You can say anything about yourself, but if communication continues, then sooner or later she will find out the truth (well, she will definitely find out, believe me !!!), and you will be very ashamed. Therefore, if you are embarrassed about some moments in your life, then just do not talk about them in detail.

  • Do not climb into someone else's soul, but do not open your own right away.

Conversations should be joyful, positive, romantic, with a bit of flirting. Digging into the skeletons of other people's cabinets and dismantling your own cabinets is completely pointless. You will still have time to learn a lot of “interesting” things about each other when you get married.

It will help to better understand the subtle female psychology. The author, John Gray, talks in it about the differences that exist psychologically between representatives of different sexes. Extremely useful work, which is also written in a very pleasant easy language. It can be found in print, electronic, and even audio format.

That's all. I was glad to talk! Don't miss new articles. See you soon! Yours, Yuri Okunev.