Scenario for entertainment in the senior group “Summer Birthday Day. Birthday in kindergarten

Entertainment scenario in senior group"Summer Birthday Day"

« Summer Birthday Day»

Fun for the senior group


Congratulate children whose birthdays were in the summer;

Cultivate mutual respect, attention, and friendly attitude towards each other;

Strengthen knowledge of road signs and traffic rules.

Create a joyful mood.


Emblems for teams;

Easel and "emoticons" to evaluate competitions;

Big balls;

Battery-powered traffic light;

Two plates with sliced ​​bananas, two forks;

Cut signs "crosswalk", "be careful kids";

Musical accompaniment;

Gifts for birthday people;

Progress of entertainment


The red summer is fading, autumn is coming.

To us at summer day We ask for the mercy of everyone.

It's good that you were born in June, July, August:

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

A girl comes in Birthday:

Today! For little ones and adults,

Thin and fat,

Obedient and disobedient,

Cheerful and sad,

Our coolest

The most beautiful thing

The show is called...




Do you know what my name is? Do not know? My name is Birthday! I come to those children who have birthday or name day. There are so many dressed-up children in the hall! Is it really true that today all the guys birthday?


We are celebrating those birthday who were born in the summer, and the rest of the children came to congratulate them, so everyone is beautiful and cheerful today.


Hooray! We will sing and dance!

Birthday The loaf begins to sing a song, but the leader stops it.


Wait, birthday, first you need to find out who exactly we will congratulate. Children - birthday people Those who were born in the summer, stand up and say what your name is.

Children stand up and take turns calling their names.


Guys, do you know this one? her old woman, name is Shapoklyak? Today I saw how she took away from your groups all treats. I wanted to stop her, but I couldn’t. And Shapoklyak said that she will give the treat only if you prove that you are strong, brave and skillful. I’m so upset, because there’s no birthday without a treat.


Don't worry, we'll fix it! Let's have a competition. We will have two teams, the first team is « Birthday people» , second team – "Guests".and a jury that will evaluate our participants.


But I can't compete! I was in such a hurry that I forgot to do exercises! Should I warm up a little now?


Of course you can, and our jury will evaluate which team can do it better.

Contest "Charger"

To the music, children make movements that are shown Birthday.


Guys, you know, when I was coming to see you, I saw Shapoklyak taking down road signs and breaking them. I wanted to hang them back, but I couldn't put them together. Help me, please, collect the signs, otherwise an accident may happen on the street.

Contest "Restore road sign»

To the music, the child runs up, takes part of the sign, returns, the next one runs, when the team has all the pieces, the children assemble the road sign "Crosswalk" And "Caution children". Children must collect, name, and explain what the sign means.

The presenter and jury sum up the results of the competition, and grades are given - emoticons.


Guys, you are so great! Now I can put these signs back where they were and there won't be an accident. Oh, look, there’s something written on this sign! Yes, these are riddles! I really love solving riddles. Let's have a riddle competition to see who can guess the most!

Contest "Guess a riddle"

It will oblige us to drive quietly, a turn close will show us

And it will remind us what and how we are on our way... (road sign)

What the "zebra" on road? Everyone stands with their mouths open.

They are waiting for the green light to flash, which means... (transition)

Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot

A stuffed animal with four eyes on one leg.

Where the cars move, where the paths meet,

Helps people cross the road. (traffic light)

He drinks gasoline like milk and can run far.

She carries cargo and people, you are familiar with her, of course.

The shoes he wears are made of rubber, called.... (car)

The presenter and jury sum up the results of the competition, and grades are given - emoticons.


You guys are great, you completed all the tasks! Now you can have some food. It's just a pity that there's nothing tasty.


Guys, but what day birth without birthday cake? Let's bake it now! And guess who will help us with this? Of course our mothers!

Contest "cake".


Guys, hold hands and line up in one long chain, with mom in front of everyone. Start on command "bake a cake". Mom turns around herself, winding the whole chain, spinning until she gets a big one. "cake". The condition is not to release your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around mom, you should stop.


Like this "cakes" it worked!


Yes, Birthday, we made wonderful cakes!

The presenter and jury sum up the results of the competition, and grades are given - emoticons.

Contest "Who can eat a banana faster".


Guys, I also brought you a treat, here are bananas! But eating them is not so easy. Each team receives a sliced ​​banana. At the signal, you must get on the car (a big ball, drive to the plate, eat a piece of banana, go back and give the car to the next player. But be careful, the movement of cars will be regulated by a traffic light. Don’t forget cars, they can only go to which one, the traffic light signal? (green) What do cars do when it turns red? (yellow) signal?

The presenter and jury sum up the results of the competition.



Guys, when I was getting ready to come to you, I was cooking for birthday congratulations, but I'm a little confused. Help me please. Now I will congratulate birthday people, and you will say yes - yes - yes, to those wishes that you like, and no - no - no, to those that you do not want to wish your friends.

With day congratulations on your birthday!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

And, of course, we wish you!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Grow bigger.

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Definitely get fatter!

Children: no no no!

Be beautiful, kind, sweet!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

And loud and pugnacious.

Children: no no no!

So that mommy loves!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

With a strap to hit me more often.

Children: no no no!

Okay - okay, let her feed you lollipops!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!



Birthday, we also know how to congratulate! Guys, get up in one big round dance, let's sing "loaf" for ours birthday people!

Children sing "loaf".


Well, now the jury will sum up the results of our competition.

I think we have earned the title of strong, brave and skillful. Now I’ll call Shapoklyak and ask where our treat is.

The teacher calls on the phone.

Guys, Shapoklyak said that a treat is already waiting for us in group, and not only Shapoklyak also gifts I gave it to the birthday boys, says that they deserve it. That's how great you are! Which one day birth without a treat? Guys, let's go have some tea!

State budget educational institution Moscow cities

School No. 41 preschool groups at the address: Lenin street, 51


Birthday Day.

Prepared by: Pyrkova L.Yu.



Birthday Day in the senior group.

Target: Creating a favorable microclimate in the children's team.


Develop imagination, fantasy, memory, ingenuity.

Develop the ability to listen to adults and comrades.

Form a culture of behavior at birthday celebrations.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.

Pirate 1. We did not gather by chance,
couple starts our holiday.
After all, today marks
kid's birthday!

Who are our lucky ones?
We want to see you!
Come on, give us the answer
How old are you today?

Birthday people:
Five years!

Pirate 2:
For those who are five today,
We ask you to stand in the middle,
Happy birthday guys
We will congratulate you!

Pirate 1: Do you know, guys, that at birthdays there are all sorts of chants, congratulations, noisemakers and games... And today we will congratulate you, because you have the most wonderful holiday - your BIRTHDAY.

Pirate 2: And our congratulations will not be ordinary. Now I will read the wishes, and you will help me. Answer yes-yes-yes to those wishes that you like, and No-No-No, which the guys don’t want to wish at all... Just shout loudly. And at the end you need to shout together: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Agreed? Ready?
Happy birthday!
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
And, of course, we wish you!
The boys need to grow up more.
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Definitely get fatter!
Children: No no no!
Be beautiful, kind, sweet!
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Both loud and pugnacious.
Children: No no no!
So that mommy loves!
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
With a strap to hit me more often.
Children: No, no, no!

OK OK. To feed you lollipops!
Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Pirate 1: And all together: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

(all this time the birthday people stand in the center of the group).

Pirate 1: ( praises children). Guys, what would a BIRTHDAY be without a birthday cake, right? So we'll bake it now. Guys, get up in a circle!

All children join hands and line up in one long chain. Ahead of all Pirate 1 , On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: The pirate turns around himself, winding the entire chain. He spins until you get a big “Cake”. The condition is not to release your hands. Once the whole chain is wrapped around pirate , you should stop.

Pirate2: This is how the cake turned out!(asks the children)What is our cake with today?

Pirate 1: What's missing from a birthday cake? Of course, candles. All hands raised up. That's a lot of candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake.
The children run away in different directions.
Maybe stop congratulating?

I suggest you dance!

And now for all the guys


Pirate 1: This is how our dance turned out: cheerful and perky
While the teacher is talking to the children, the 2nd one tries to call the 1st one, but he does not hear him.

Pirate1: ! How long can I call you? Do you have bananas in your ears?
Pirate 2: Bananas? Where are the bananas? Who has bananas?(looks in children's hands, under chairs)
2 takes out a fake banana.
Pirate1: And here he is! Guys, quickly stand in a circle. Let's play the game Catch the Banana!

Children stand in a circle. 1st throws the banana in a circle. The 2nd is trying to catch up with the banana. You can cheat, throw it, throw the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana ends up in the hands of the 2nd player.

Pirate1: Ooh! This is not a real banana. I do not play like that.

Pirate 2: Don't be upset, . We have a wonderful bag, and there is something in the bag. And at the same time, we’ll check whether the guys gathered here are friendly.

The teacher divides the children into 2 teams. Each team must use a spoon to transfer the fruit to the basket. Whose team carried the fruit faster was the winner. The teacher praises the children.


Children stand in a circle. Find a beautiful one summer hat with brim, put it on the head of one of the children. As soon as the music starts playing, the child turns around, takes off his hat and passes it to his neighbor. He puts it on, turns around, and passes it clockwise again. The music stops suddenly. The one wearing the hat is out of the game.

Pirate 1: 1st, how much fun we have! Let's keep playing!
Pirate 2: Who should I play with? Look. The boys' tongues stuck to the roof of their mouth.
Pirate1: Is it true? Horrible! Urgently need charging for reeds!

Now we will ask riddles, and you quickly guess them.

1. On the fence in the morning, crowing... (image first of a kangaroo, then, when they figure out what’s going on, of a rooster)

2. He sleeps in a den in winter, you guessed it... (whale - bear)

3. The long trunk is the nose, in front of you is a kind one (dog - elephant)

4. Eats flies, mosquitoes and is healthy, croaks in the swamp (cow - frog)

5. He is thick, like a tub, the horn on his nose is (a frog - a rhinoceros)

6. If you prick yourself, you can’t hurt him, the thorn is very much ours (bear - hedgehog)

7. His ears are long, he is a coward, he hid in a bush (goose - hare)

8. He knows a lot about raspberries, of course, this is (wolf - bear)

9. She barks on the street and is called (chicken - dog)

10. Birthday is around the corner, we baked (sausage - cake)

Pirate1: Look, the guys' tongues have come off! So it's time to sing. What do they sing at birthday parties?
Children: “Loaf!

Pirate2: Hurry up and stand in a circle!

Children dance in a circle.

Pirate 1 : Let us now check which of us is the most accurate? Do you agree?


(Girls and Boys Team)

Pirate 1: Guys, which of you is the biggest greedy person, raise your hand?
Probably none of you like to be greedy, right, guys? But today we have fun party-BIRTHDAY, and on a birthday everything is permitted.

And now I’m announcing a competition for the best greedy person. And our guests will help me with this.


(For the game, prepare more inflated balloons. Two participants are selected. On command, you must collect and hold as many balls as possible in certain time. Whoever has more balls wins. You can play several times. IN last time plays with the 2nd child.)

1st: Look at you, 2nd. Are not you ashamed? Took all the balls from the children. Just a real greedy person.

2nd: Oh, and really, it’s kind of embarrassing. But now I’ll give all the kids a balloon, and we’ll arrange a real fireworks display in honor of the birthday boys (hands out balloons).


On command, children throw the balls up and shout: “Hurray!”

2nd: See how great everything turned out.

We played, sang songs,
But the happy hour has come
It will be the most interesting
A moment on our holiday,

In honor of such a birthday!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Birthday gifts,
They will be very good!

So be it, let us now congratulate our birthday people.

Presentation of gifts.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Guys, whole year You and I grew up and celebrated our birthdays separately from each other. Do you know how old you are?

The guys answer

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Now let's combine all the birthdays in one holiday today and have a lot of fun! Today is an extraordinary day for us. A Miracle happened: the teacher turned into a Birthday Girl, and you all had a birthday on the same day! Wow! On your birthday you can be naughty, play, eat all sorts of sweets, so:







We will fly on the most amazing aircraft on SMEHOLETE. Let's quickly line up, stretch out our arms to the sides, I will recite a funny rhyme, and you will shout ha-ha-ha in unison. Let's rehearse.

Children say together and cheerfully: ha-ha-ha!

BIRDDAY GIRL: - Wings to the side, fasten your seat belts (you can hear clicks of your tongue), turn on the engine (each person presses on his nose), we go on a flight, LAUGHTER will take us.





BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Our plane landed in the wonderful and delicious Sweet Tooth Country. Why are we here? the guys will tell us in verse.

Child 1: What is a birthday?

This is joy and fun.

These are songs, jokes, laughter.

The day that is the best.

Child 2: Why and why did fun come to us?

After all, now it’s not New Year and not Housewarming.

But it’s not for nothing that we have fun with our friends now.

Child 3: Why and why are we very happy?

And today we are busy endlessly having fun?

And it’s not for nothing that we have fun with our friends now.

What do we have? What do we have? Guess for yourself.

4 child: Why and why do the lamps shine brightly?

And on this day we give gifts to someone.

And it’s not for nothing that there are jam pies at this hour

And we, and we have a common birthday!!!

All children memorize the last phrase and pronounce it in unison.

5 child: Let the birthday be interesting,

Cheerful, noisy, joyful for everyone.

May it be pleasant and wonderful

To the sound of music and loud laughter

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — In order not to get bored, I suggest you play.

Game 1 "Guessing game."

In this game you need to solve a riddle:

1.Which sweet has a small toy inside? (Kinder Surprise)

2.What does Winnie the Pooh like? (honey)

3.What is the name of a round lollipop? (Chupa Chups)

Game 2 “Dress up your friend in a candy outfit”

Choose 4 people at will. They form pairs. One child in the pair is blindfolded. His task is to attach candy to another child’s clothes with clothespins. Adults help if necessary.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Aren't you tired? Then I propose to dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

An audio recording of the “dance of the little ducklings” is turned on - a French folk melody.

BIRDDAY GIRL: - We are not too lazy to play and sing, we would dance all day long! Well done! Let's now come to our collective work and look carefully at what gifts you think can be given to all people.

The birthday girl addresses the parents present at the celebration: our children themselves painted the items that can be given as a birthday present. Then he names each work in turn and asks its author what gift he would like to receive from his parents?

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - And now I offer you another game. Guys, it’s called “LOAD” Only we have “UNUSUAL LOAD”. After all, we have a lot of birthday people.

Game 3 "Loaf".

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Let's divide into 4 teams that will represent winter, spring, summer and autumn. Those born in winter go to the “WINTER” team, in the spring to the “SPRING” team, in the summer to the “SUMMER” team, and in the fall to the “AUTUMN” team. Guys, if we have four teams, that means how many seasons are there?

The children answer.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Let's bake a LOAF first for children born in winter (winter children stand in a circle, and the rest form an outer circle) and everyone sing together:

How we baked a loaf on winter name days

this is the width, these are the dinners

this low, this high


So, all 4 teams took turns, changing only the words corresponding to the time of year into the songs.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Did the guys play and dance? What else do they do for birthdays?

The guys express their opinions. The birthday girl asks leading questions and as a result someone must answer what they sing.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - What birthday song do we know?

Children answer: “Let them run clumsily...”

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Great! So let's sing this song by Gena the crocodile.

The song of the crocodile Gena “Let them run clumsily...” from the cartoon “Cheburashka” lyrics by V. Shainsky, music. E. Uspensky.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Guys, we all know that a birthday doesn’t happen without games, without laughter, without gifts, without congratulations and wishes. Now I will wish you, and you will unanimously shout “YES” or “NO”. Get ready!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Guys, is there a birthday without a treat?

The children answer no!

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — In the country with a sweet tooth, children bake cakes, cheesecakes, and buns themselves. Let's refresh ourselves with fruits and sweets, and then bake a pie and buns, and when we sleep, we'll eat it all for an afternoon snack.

Tea party

Moms set the table, and meanwhile the Birthday Girl dances to cheerful music with the guys (free movements, as you wish). At this point, you can play another game if the children wish.

Game 4 “Like this!”:

The birthday girl asks the children: “How are you?” Children point up thumb- "LIKE THIS!" And he continues: “How do we go to kindergarten?” Children show that they are sleepy. - How do we run home from kindergarten? The children are jumping up and down. - How can you make noise without teachers? Children are buzzing! - How do you sleep during quiet hours? The guys put their hands under their cheeks. - How do you laugh at jokes? The kids are clutching their tummies! How are you crying? The kids rub their eyes with their fists. How are you playing pranks? Children puff out their cheeks and clap them.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: We ate and refreshed ourselves. Now let's get to work. Let's bake a pie. But put on your aprons first, otherwise you'll get your outfits dirty.

Children make buns and roll “sausages” for the pie. Moms help. At the end, the children go for a walk. We also support you along the way festive mood Guys. We play their favorite games that they have already learned. In addition to outdoor games, you can offer the game “The Rattle Plays.”

Game 5 “The rattle started playing.”

Birthday girl: - The rattle started playing.

Children: - Clap, Clap, Clap.

Birthday girl: And the frog croaked.

Children: Kva, kva, kva.

Birthday girl: The chatterbox answered her.

Children: Yes, yes, yes.

Birthday girl: The beater started knocking.

Children: Knock, knock, knock.

Birthday girl: The cuckoo says in response.

Children: Ku, ku, ku.

Birthday girl: The gun lit up loudly.

Children: Bang, bang, bang (we hit the chest).

Birthday girl: And the old lady groaned.

Children: Ah, ah, ah.

Birthday girl: The cow also mooed.

Children: Moo, moo, moo.

Birthday girl: The pig squealed with her.

Children: Oink, oink, oink.

Birthday girl: The rattle rang.

Children: Bryak, bryak, bryak (we hit the knee).

Birthday girl: The little jumper jumped up.

Children: Jump, jump, jump.

Birthday girl: This is parsley.

Children: Clap, clap, clap.

After sleep, the children sit down at the table. The birthday girl says that the cake is ready and they will bring it now. Pause.

Birthday girl: - Guys, let's call him. Probably the cooks have forgotten which group is celebrating and don’t know where to take it. Let's loudly and unanimously: pie, pie, pie.

The lights are turned off and the cake with lit candles is brought out.

After afternoon tea, the children play independently and the birthday girl plays with them. At the moment when the parents pick up the child, the Birthday Girl gives a gift. The gift can also be given during the holiday. It depends on whether it can be put in the child's closet.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Guys, for a whole year you and I grew up and celebrated our birthdays separately from each other. Do you know how old you are?

The guys answer

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Now let's combine all the birthdays in one holiday today and have a lot of fun! Today is an extraordinary day for us. A Miracle happened: the teacher turned into a Birthday Girl, and you all had a birthday on the same day! Wow! On your birthday you can be naughty, play, eat all sorts of sweets, so:







We will fly on the most amazing aircraft on SMEHOLETE. Let's quickly line up, stretch out our arms to the sides, I will recite a funny rhyme, and you will shout ha-ha-ha in unison. Let's rehearse.

Children say together and cheerfully: ha-ha-ha!

BIRDDAY GIRL: - Wings to the side, fasten your seat belts (you can hear clicks of your tongue), turn on the engine (each person presses on his nose), we go on a flight, LAUGHTER will take us.





BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Our plane landed in the wonderful and delicious Sweet Tooth Country. Why are we here? the guys will tell us in verse.

Child 1: What is a birthday?

This is joy and fun.

These are songs, jokes, laughter.

The day that is the best.

Child 2: Why and why did fun come to us?

After all, it’s not New Year or Housewarming.

But it’s not for nothing that we have fun with our friends now.

Child 3: Why and why are we very happy?

And today we are busy endlessly having fun?

And it’s not for nothing that we have fun with our friends now.

What do we have? What do we have? Guess for yourself.

4 child: Why and why do the lamps shine brightly?

And on this day we give gifts to someone.

And it’s not for nothing that there are jam pies at this hour

And we, and we have a common birthday!!!

All children memorize the last phrase and pronounce it in unison.

5 child: Let the birthday be interesting,

Cheerful, noisy, joyful for everyone.

May it be pleasant and wonderful

To the sound of music and loud laughter

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — In order not to get bored, I suggest you play.

Game 1 "Guessing game."

In this game you need to solve a riddle:

1.Which sweet has a small toy inside? (Kinder Surprise)

2.What does Winnie the Pooh like? (honey)

3.What is the name of a round lollipop?

Scenario "Birthday" in kindergarten. Senior group

(Chupa Chups)

Game 2 “Dress up your friend in a candy outfit”

Choose 4 people at will. They form pairs. One child in the pair is blindfolded. His task is to attach candy to another child’s clothes with clothespins. Adults help if necessary.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Aren't you tired? Then I propose to dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

An audio recording of the “dance of the little ducklings” is turned on - a French folk melody.

BIRDDAY GIRL: - We are not too lazy to play and sing, we would dance all day long! Well done! Let's now come to our collective work and look carefully at what gifts you think can be given to all people.

The birthday girl addresses the parents present at the celebration: our children themselves painted the items that can be given as a birthday present. Then he names each work in turn and asks its author what gift he would like to receive from his parents?

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - And now I offer you another game. Guys, it’s called “LOAD” Only we have “UNUSUAL LOAD”. After all, we have a lot of birthday people.

Game 3 "Loaf".

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Let's divide into 4 teams that will represent winter, spring, summer and autumn. Those born in winter go to the “WINTER” team, in the spring to the “SPRING” team, in the summer to the “SUMMER” team, and in the fall to the “AUTUMN” team. Guys, if we have four teams, that means how many seasons are there?

The children answer.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Let's bake a LOAF first for children born in winter (winter children stand in a circle, and the rest form an outer circle) and everyone sing together:

How we baked a loaf on winter name days

this is the width, these are the dinners

this low, this high


So, all 4 teams took turns, changing only the words corresponding to the time of year into the songs.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Did the guys play and dance? What else do they do for birthdays?

The guys express their opinions. The birthday girl asks leading questions and as a result someone must answer what they sing.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - What birthday song do we know?

Children answer: “Let them run clumsily...”

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Great! So let's sing this song by Gena the crocodile.

The song of the crocodile Gena “Let them run clumsily...” from the cartoon “Cheburashka” lyrics by V. Shainsky, music. E. Uspensky.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Guys, we all know that a birthday doesn’t happen without games, without laughter, without gifts, without congratulations and wishes. Now I will wish you, and you will unanimously shout “YES” or “NO”. Get ready!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Guys, is there a birthday without a treat?

The children answer no!

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — In the country with a sweet tooth, children bake cakes, cheesecakes, and buns themselves. Let's refresh ourselves with fruits and sweets, and then bake a pie and buns, and when we sleep, we'll eat it all for an afternoon snack.

Tea party

Moms set the table, and meanwhile the Birthday Girl dances to cheerful music with the guys (free movements, as you wish). At this point, you can play another game if the children wish.

Game 4 “Like this!”:

The birthday girl asks the children: “How are you?” Children show their thumbs up - “THAT’S LIKE THIS!” And he continues: “How do we go to kindergarten?” Children show that they are sleepy. - How do we run home from kindergarten? The children are jumping up and down. - How can you make noise without teachers? Children are buzzing! - How do you sleep during quiet hours? The guys put their hands under their cheeks. - How do you laugh at jokes? The kids are clutching their tummies! How are you crying? The kids rub their eyes with their fists. How are you playing pranks? Children puff out their cheeks and clap them.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: We ate and refreshed ourselves. Now let's get to work. Let's bake a pie. But put on your aprons first, otherwise you'll get your outfits dirty.

Children make buns and roll “sausages” for the pie. Moms help. At the end, the children go for a walk. We also keep the kids in a festive mood during the walk. We play their favorite games that they have already learned. In addition to outdoor games, you can offer the game “The Rattle Plays.”

Game 5 “The rattle started playing.”

Birthday girl: - The rattle started playing.

Children: - Clap, Clap, Clap.

Birthday girl: And the frog croaked.

Children: Kva, kva, kva.

Birthday girl: The chatterbox answered her.

Children: Yes, yes, yes.

Birthday girl: The beater started knocking.

Children: Knock, knock, knock.

Birthday girl: The cuckoo says in response.

Children: Ku, ku, ku.

Birthday girl: The gun lit up loudly.

Children: Bang, bang, bang (we hit the chest).

Birthday girl: And the old lady groaned.

Children: Ah, ah, ah.

Birthday girl: The cow also mooed.

Children: Moo, moo, moo.

Birthday girl: The pig squealed with her.

Children: Oink, oink, oink.

Birthday girl: The rattle rang.

Children: Bryak, bryak, bryak (we hit the knee).

Birthday girl: The little jumper jumped up.

Children: Jump, jump, jump.

Birthday girl: This is parsley.

Children: Clap, clap, clap.

After sleep, the children sit down at the table. The birthday girl says that the cake is ready and they will bring it now. Pause.

Birthday girl: - Guys, let's call him. Probably the cooks have forgotten which group is celebrating and don’t know where to take it. Let's loudly and unanimously: pie, pie, pie.

The lights are turned off and the cake with lit candles is brought out.

After afternoon tea, the children play independently and the birthday girl plays with them. At the moment when the parents pick up the child, the Birthday Girl gives a gift. The gift can also be given during the holiday. It depends on whether it can be put in the child's closet.

Birthday boy's day

Hello guys!

Today we have gathered here to congratulate those who celebrate their birthday in summer and autumn. And to begin with, I propose to meet the heroes of the occasion.

The first to invite are those born in June.

This ____________________________________________.

Girls born this month are gentle, responsive, and sensitive. Boys are optimists and good-natured people. Everyone born in June shares traits such as perseverance, determination, and pride.

The next summer month is July. We don't have birthdays this month.

________________ celebrated my birthday in August.

Those born in August have courage and originality. They deserve respect among their peers because they are honest and fair. These people are emotional, generous, and sympathetic to human problems.

Well, now let’s get acquainted with the autumn birthday people.

In September you congratulated __________. Come out to us.

September children often strive to ensure that all the attention of others is focused on them; they are neat, responsible, smart and creative children.

And in October we celebrated _____________________________.

October children are ready to help at any moment; you can count on them and rely on them.

Well, we will congratulate the rest of the guys next time.

Now we have met the birthday boys. I suggest they divide into 2 teams: a girls team and a boys team. And for now all the other guys will be spectators - guests.

So, birthday people! Before welcoming guests, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the house.

Relay game “Poloter y”.We divide into two teams. The first players are given 2 sheets of white paper, they step on them and pull them along until finish line and back. Next are the following players. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Cleaned up, well done! Now let's get down to the festive table.

Relay game “Setting the festive table.”Near each team there is a chair with cones in a plate. Opposite, at the finish line, there are two more chairs, but with empty plates. The first players are given spoons. On command, players place one cone in a spoon, transfer it to an empty plate, return and pass the spoon to the next player. The team that transfers all the candies the fastest wins.

The birthday boys easily completed their task and are now expecting guests who are in a hurry to celebrate their birthday. The next competition is for guests.

Birthday of summer birthday boys in kindergarten. Scenario

We divide into two teams.

Relay game “Rushing for a birthday”.Running race with a balloon.

The ball is held in the hands and passed like a baton.

Now let’s all sing together for the birthday people the song “Let them run clumsily...”

Dear birthday people!

Guests have been rushing to you for a long time

And they gave you gifts.

What did they give you there?

And how did you use the gifts?

Game "Funny Gifts".The names of the gifts and their uses are printed on separate cards and placed in separate piles. The birthday people come up one at a time, take one card from each pile, and read it out. It turns out very funny and fun.

Present: boiled chicken, green onions, sausage, hat, cat, flowers, violin, cake, umbrella, doll, nuts, car, crystal vase, handkerchief, brooch, soap, mustard, dress, scarf.

Application: I’ll chew it and eat it, I’ll fry it and eat it, I’ll iron it, I’ll wipe my nose, I’ll cover myself from the rain, I’ll sit down and go, I’ll put it on my head, I’ll eat it, I’ll spread it on bread, I’ll sniff it, I’ll put it in okroshka, I’ll put it on my chest, I’ll take it in my arms and stroke it, I’ll put it on the floor and admire it, wash it and put it to bed, tear it into pieces and eat it, play with it, take it with me to the bathhouse, perfume it with perfume.

well in funny gifts we played, and now there are real gifts for our birthday boys.

A little later you will all have tea and a birthday cake, but now I suggest you play a little more.

Now we divide everything into two teams.

    Disassemble and assemble the pyramid.

    Songs with numbers, which team is bigger (2 cheerful geese, twice two is four, a million red roses, ten, three white horses, 33 cows, a crossroads of seven roads...).

I give everyone sweet prizes.

Tea party. Then dancing.

Goal: development of intellectual, creative, organizational abilities in children, development of ingenuity, creative imagination, ability to quickly navigate the environment, get involved in teamwork, rejoice and bring joy to others.
— to instill in children a sense of collectivism, to achieve their goals;
— promote development positive emotions, ability to communicate with their peers;
— promote development physical qualities in children: agility, strength, speed, etc., satisfy children’s need for motor activity.
Materials and equipment: crowns for birthday people, cord, chairs according to the number of children in the group, cap, sombrero, bag with gifts, beautiful scarf or a mantle, birthday cake with candles and refreshments.
What is a birthday?
I will answer without a doubt:
Day of Boxing, Pies,
Day of smiles and flowers!
We have gathered here to congratulate our summer birthday people.
(Parents make gates)
Music sounds and the birthday people enter the group, go through the gate and do a lap of honor.
Dear birthday people, today you are the main heroes of our holiday. You have become a year older, grown up, prettier. You are all six years old
A few words about birthday people
(Each birthday person is given a crown, because they are important people today)

Katya is a HUMBLE girl, SHE HAS 2 BROTHERS, AND LOVES SOFT EYED TOYS. Katya was born on the first day of summer, International Children's Day.

Andrey is a KIND, FUN, FAST boy. Andrey has younger brother. Andrey loves to ride a bicycle and scooter, and play with cars.


Seryozha has an older brother, Sasha. Seryozha loves to play Interesting games and ask questions.

Misha is MUSICAL, inquisitive, modest and attentive. Misha has cousin Yulia, who used to go to our kindergarten, and now studies at school.

Pasha is FUN, SMART, SMART, CURIOUS. Pasha loves to play board and outdoor games and really doesn’t like losing. Pasha has little brother Fedya.

Applause to our birthday boys

Before going to a birthday party, you need to prepare a gift and compose a beautiful and unusual congratulations, what do you guys want to wish our birthday boys?
Children take turns standing up and saying their wishes.
Everyone except the birthday people sit on chairs

I invite the birthday people to remember a little fairy tales and answer my questions

1 Which of fairy-tale heroes Did you love jam more than anything in the world? (Carlson)
2 What was the name of Gena’s crocodile friend?

Scenario of entertainment in the middle group "Birthday Day in Kindergarten"

3 What is the cat's last name? (Matroskin)
4 What was the name of the cheerful wooden man? (Pinocchio)
5 Name of the postman from the village of Prostokvashino? (Pechkin)
6 Which of the heroes of Kipling's fairy tale was raised by wolves? (Mowgli)
7 What is the name of the fairy tale in which a pumpkin turns into a carriage? (Cinderella)
8 Who left grandma and left grandfather? (Kolobok)
9 Winnie the Pooh's friend?... (Piglet)
10 Who gave the talking log to Papa Carlo? (Giuseppe)

Well done, everyone join in the round dance
Does everyone know “Dance of the Little Ducklings”?
And “Dancing…on a chair”! do you know? And the one on whom the wand rests will perform it
Music 3 pass the baton, then
(“Cowboy”, “Apple”, “Garnanstai”) Music 4, 5,6

Add another chair and hold a competition “Who can pull out the lace first!”
(Everyone in the circle clapping, and two people are playing, and so on)

Presenter 2:
How clever you are, now let’s think a little. (children sit on chairs and answer questions) or the competition “Guess the birthday boy with eyes closed

— Brother and brother live across the street, but one cannot see the other (eyes)
- Filled with down, lies under the ear (pillow)
- They hit Yermilka on the back of the head - he doesn’t cry, he hides his leg (nail)
— Knocking, strumming, spinning, counting his age, not a man (watch)
- Black Ivashka - Wooden shirt, wherever he points his nose, he puts a note there (pencil)
- Antoshka is standing on one leg, they are looking for him, but he does not respond (mushroom)
- The gates rose - there is beauty around the world (rainbow)

What is there no birthday without? Of course, no gifts.
(Bring in a bag of gifts, children take it out without looking into the bag)
MUSIC (Aram-zam-zam) 8

Presenter: now attention!
(The lights go out and the parents bring a cake with candles into the group.
MUSIC intro 9
Everyone shouts “congratulations”!
Birthday people make wishes and blow out candles)

Presenter: Happy Birthday, our dear guys!
Invite everyone to festive table
Next is the disco

Tags: Serpentine of pedagogical ideas

15 – oh, what a date!
Let it not be anniversary, not round,
This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.
There are two wings behind my back!
That's eight Fridays a week
Time for trial errors and dilemmas.
Beauty and spirit in healthy body,
This is life without problems for now!
This is a reckless neighborhood
And now it is forgivable.
It's time to assert yourself
This is life best time.
Happy Birthday!
Have the best birthday ever!
And still no fluff, no feather!
introduction teachers.
The first constellation of the birthday person is Gemini.
Geminis are versatile, intellectual people. Gifted nature. With a strong will. Duality of character is expressed in changes in mood. All life is a struggle.
Girls are inquisitive, charming, changeable.
Young men are witty, independent, smart.
Our Twins: Sysoletina Evgeniya
Pokazaniev Alexander
Seydametov Roman
The second constellation is Cancer.
Cancer people are insightful and unpredictable. Touchy. Impressionable and receptive. A highly addicted personality. Owners.
Girls are sentimental, frank, faithful.
Young men are patient, decent, sensitive.
Our Cancers: Krivtseva Julia
Saveliev Andrey
Constellation – Leo.
Leo people are lovers of change and adventure. Unpredictable. These people are brave. They strive for the sublime, the ideal. Kind ones. Responsive.
Girls are sincere, uncompromising, kind, and demanding.
Young men are generous, naive, temperamental, and proud.
Our Lions: Victoria Adamova
Rogozhina Daria
Yakovenko Valentin
The next constellation of the birthday people is Virgo.
Virgo people are good mental capacity, analytical warehouse mind.

Scenario "Birthday Day"

Required. They are quickly offended. Straight. Frank.
Girls - Shy and balanced, they are characterized by rationalism.
Our Virgos: Malacha Christina
Shchepanskaya Ulyana
Competition program:
The class is divided into two teams: “birthday boys” and “guests”.
1. Competition for “guests”
Auction “Our Birthday Boys”
The winner of the competition will be the one who is the last to say the word - a wish to the birthday people.
2. Competition for “birthday people”
"On a stool"
You all remember the importance chairs played in our childhood. We used them to get to the farthest corners of the sideboard or cabinets where sweets were hidden from us. And how many times did we have to recite rhymes or sing songs while standing on it?
Birthday people pull strips of paper from a box with several lines of children's poem, then stand on chairs and read what happened.
3. Competition “We have all covered the songs”
The presenter reads the definition of the children's song, the team that guessed first sings it.
- a song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (Chunga - Changa)
- a song about a vehicle of heavenly color (Blue Car)
- a song about being bad weather can’t ruin the holiday (We will survive this trouble)
- a song about how a shaggy creature performs musical composition and at the same time accepts sunbathing(I'm lying in the sun)
- a song about a plant grown in conditions wildlife and cut down by a man (A Christmas tree was born in the forest)
- a song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass).
4. Competition “Birthday Gifts”
From one box, the “guests” draw cards with the name of the gift. The “birthday people” from another box draw a card describing what they will do with this gift.
5. Competition “Damaged Fax”
Remember the old children's game of "broken phone"? But time does not stand still, new technologies have appeared. Therefore, we will send the gift to the birthday people by fax. The teams line up. The last person is shown a picture of a gift. He “draws” it with his finger on the back of the person in front. He conveys the message further in the same way. The winner is the team that “transmits the fax” to the first player more accurately and quickly.
6. Competition “Get to know the baby”
Photos of the birthday people as children are attached to the board. Each photograph is numbered. Assignment: determine the names of the birthday people whose photographs hang on the board.
Tea party.

Birthday Day ( age group- middle, senior, preparatory)

The purpose of this holiday - not only birthday congratulations, but also the development of intellectual, creative, organizational abilities in children, the development of ingenuity, creative imagination, the ability to quickly navigate the environment, engage in team work, rejoice and bring joy to others.
- to instill in children a sense of collectivism, to achieve their goals;
- promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers;
- promote the development of physical qualities in children: agility, strength, speed, etc., satisfy children’s need for physical activity.
Materials and equipment: birthday caps, bubble, drawing of a loaf cut into five parts, tray, board.

Progress of the holiday.

(the holiday takes place outdoors)
Children, accompanied by cheerful music “Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles” - minus, line up in a circle in front of the stage.
Presenter: Today is our birthday day
And we gathered here for a reason
To sing songs and congratulate quickly
Happy birthday to all of you, friends!
For someone to bake a birthday cake,
And someone brought a gift.
But where are the gifts, surprises, friends?
We are tormented by this question
Let's not rush and guess
Everything will reveal itself to us
Let the heroes of this celebration
Present to you immediately:
Introducing the birthday boys!
(Birthday people in caps stand in a circle inside a large circle).
A clown runs out to the music.
Clown: Hello kids, girls and boys.
Presenter: Clown, you came to the birthday party to congratulate the birthday people!
Clown: Oh, yes it's true! (runs and shakes hands) Congratulations! Congratulations (to other children)
Presenter: Yes, no, it’s other children’s birthday (looks for birthday people).
-No, we have birthday caps.
Clown: Hello, hello birthday boy!
Today you are like an alarm clock
Probably got up before everyone else,
And he invited his friends over.
And I have congratulations!
If we want this,
Then we shout together “yes”
Or shout “no” in unison
Open your mouth wider
And congratulations to the kids!
Happy birthday!
Children: YES!
Clown: Everyone bad mood!
Children: no no no!
Clown: Let him grow up big and smart!
Children: Yes!
Clown: Like a green crocodile!
Children: no no no!
Clown: Let him be brave and strong!
Children: Yes!
Clown: Like a beautiful fly agaric!
Children: no no no!
Clown: He will be good and happy!
Children: Yes!
Clown: Naughty and pugnacious!
Children: no no no!
Clown: So that mommy loves!
Children: Yes!
Clown: She hit me with the strap more often!
Children: no no no!
Clown: May success await him!
Children: YES!
Clown: You kids are the best!
Children: YES!
Clown: Guys, I brought a fabulous cake as a gift to the birthday boy. But in a clearing in the forest I saw beautiful butterfly. I ran after her through the forest and lost pieces of the pie. I only have one left (puts it on the tray). What should I do, I’m afraid I’ll be the only one looking for the pieces for a long time?
Children: We will help you find them.
Clown: Thank you! But let's hurry, otherwise we'll be late for the fun fairytale train.
Well, get the trailers lined up! (Children stand one after another and grab the person in front by the waist)
Presenter: Why is he fabulous and cheerful?
Clown: Fabulous because he takes us to fairy forest, and cheerful because he sings a cheerful song.
The children “ride” to the song “Choo, chug, chug tu tu tu white lambs...”.
Presenter: Oh, cheerful locomotive, where have you brought the children?
Locomotive: to a fairytale forest full of miracles!
1 station "Vozdushnaya".
Clown: At this station we need to catch all the soap bubbles. Be careful and careful. Forward! (On it, teachers blow soap bubbles, children catch them with their palms, elbows, etc.)
Cheerful music is playing and children are catching soap bubbles. The presenter quietly throws a piece of the fairy-tale pie on the field.
Clown: You guys are great, you caught all the bubbles. Look carefully at the piece of pie, isn’t it visible somewhere?
Child: Here he is, found.
Clown: It’s great to put it on a tray and eat further.
The children “ride” further to the song “Choo, chug, chug tu tu tu white lambs...”
2nd station "Dance".
Clown: at this station we need to dance a dance, listen carefully and look at me
There's a melody playing music game“There are four steps in front...” We find another piece and move on.
3 station "Pesennaya"
Clown: At this station we need to sing together and have fun. Ready?!
Children, together with their teachers, sing the song “Let them run...”. They find another piece of pie and move on.
4th station "Soobrazitelnaya"
Clown: At this station we need to listen carefully and think quickly. But what shall we begin?
Children: Yes!
The song “The giraffe has spots, spots...” plays. Children listen carefully and perform movements according to the song. Find the last piece of the pie.
Clown: Well done boys. We have found all the pieces of the pie and can return to our garden. By carriages!
The song “Choo, chug, chug tu tu tu white lambs...” sounds, we return to the garden.
A clown, with the help of children, assembles a loaf of collected puzzles on the board.
They give the birthday people a round dance.
Give gifts.
Hands out refreshments to the kids.
Says goodbye and leaves
Happy birthday
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
May you always be healthy
Dear kids!
Now let's dance
(Various funny children's songs are played).