How good to open the pores on the face. How to shrink pores on face at home

Girls with combination and oily skin often face the problem of choosing tonal products. Many creams, even a couple of hours after application, simply fall into wide pores on the skin. How to narrow pores at home? Read on WANT!

Often, to mask the pores, girls choose silicone based. These tools actually work wonders in Photoshop style. The skin is smoothed and as if “blurred with a blur”, but it lasts until the victory. But we all know that the problem should not be masked, but solved.

Enlarged pores- this is a consequence not only of a specific skin type, but also of poor ecology, poor nutrition and personal care, smoking and alcohol, as well as .

You need to understand that it will not work to make wide pores completely invisible, but to narrow them and bring the skin into normal condition is quite real. And we'll show you how to do it with natural products!

Natural complex for cleansing and narrowing pores

Any problem needs to be solved comprehensively and the pores are no exception. Whatever problem you solve for your skin (acne, dryness, pigmentation), your products are much less effective if applied to skin that is not well cleansed. Natural cosmetics set "Clean Skin" from Cream Dream is ideal for cleansing the skin in the morning and in the evening. Use hydrophilic oil, foam mousse, green french clay mask, enzyme peel and cleansing oil to tighten pores! Combine these products and take care of the cleanliness and beauty of the skin all the time!

  • Natural cosmetic

    To save time and effort, you can use natural cosmetics, where are balanced active ingredients for effective narrowing of pores and additional moisturizing of the skin. For this, the Beldi scrub mask based on eucalyptus leaves is ideal. Effectively cleanses the skin, smoothes the relief and tightens pores. As well as pumpkin face cream, which is suitable for owners of combined and fatty type skin. Nourishes, moisturizes, tightens pores and mattifies the skin.

    Where can I buy:

    Egg white

    Egg white masks tighten and tone the skin, and also remove excess fat from the pores. take one egg white, mix it with 2 tablespoons oatmeal and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Stir until smooth and apply on cleansed face for 30 minutes, rinse cold water(this is important, in hot water the protein rolls up). Do this mask 2 times a week. egg masks - excellent facilities when blocking pores, and can also be used to treat virulent forms of acne.

    cucumber juice

    mix cucumber juice with cornmeal to make a thick paste. Apply the paste evenly on the face and leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse off warm water. Not only does this mask help shrink pores, but it also improves skin texture.

    tomato juice

    Squeeze the juice of one tomato with pulp and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Tomatoes contain a lot of acid and potassium, which help to reduce acne spots on the face and contribute to the narrowing of pores.

    Wiping the skin of the face and neck with an ice cube is one of the best and effective ways shrink pores. It also helps to reduce sebum production within a couple of hours, tones the skin, and even gives a lifting effect. Make it a rule to do this procedure every morning after washing.


    Baking soda has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating acne and shrinking pores. Make a paste by mixing equal parts baking soda and warm water (2 tablespoons each). Apply the paste on your face and gently in a circular motion massage the baking soda into the pores for a minute. Rinse your face thoroughly with cool water. This procedure helps to remove dead cells skin, dust and other contaminants. Soda regulates the oxygen content in the skin and regulates its pH balance.

    honey and sugar

    We already told you about. To narrow the pores, it is used in the scrub format with the addition of sugar. Take 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp brown sugar and mix them with some lemon juice. Cleanse your face with your regular facial cleanser, scrub your face, and gently massage into areas with enlarged pores. Wash off with warm water.

    Aloe vera

    Moisturizing the skin with aloe vera juice helps to shrink enlarged pores. The juice cleanses and nourishes the skin, and also removes oil and dirt from even the deepest pores.


    They help not only to narrow the pores, but also to normalize the amount of sebum secretion. They perfectly cleanse the skin, and also have whitening properties. After a course of clay masks, the skin is noticeably fresher and begins to shine with beauty.


    Parsley has an excellent ability to regulate the secretion of sebum. This characteristic makes it effective tool for the treatment of acne and inflammation. Parsley has an astringent effect, helps unclog and tighten pores, detoxifies locally, and reduces redness and lightens acne scars. Finely chop fresh parsley to make juice. Mix 1 tablespoon of the resulting slurry with 2 tablespoons of yogurt, kefir, or yogurt. Apply the mask on your face and wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.

    Lemon juice

    Lemon juice also has an astringent effect. Thus, it helps to tighten the skin and cleanses the pores. Lemon has been recognized as one of the most effective natural remedies for the treatment of acne. Great for porous oily skin suitable mask based on lemon juice and cream. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of cream and apply on face for 20 minutes. After that, rinse with plenty of cool water. This mask not only effectively tightens pores, but also whitens the skin.

    Are you worried about enlarged pores?

    The type of facial skin determines the basic rules of care. There is one problem that exists in all women age categories are enlarged pores on the face. The cosmetic flaw most often a sign of fat and combined type skin, and is located on the skin of the nose, forehead and chin. It is necessary to fight with enlarged pores on the face, especially since in our time there are a huge number of special cosmetics, salon procedures and folk remedies for this.

    Enlarged pores on the face not only have an unattractive appearance, but also contribute to the growth of bacteria, which, in turn, causes acne. If you ignore enlarged pores, then over time they increase in size, then blackheads and pimples appear, the skin becomes “greasy” and “black dots” form. Therefore, it is necessary to fight against such a disadvantage at an early stage.

    Most often, enlarged pores on the face are companions of girls during puberty and are accompanied by inflammatory process. If there are problems in the gynecological area or in the area gastrointestinal tract inflammation may be more acute. Often enlarged pores disappear with age, but there are times when they continue to spoil life for a single year.

    Causes of enlarged pores on the face.
    In fact, there are plenty of reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores on the face. They may be promoted by genetic predisposition, hormonal disruptions, sunburn and dehydration, neglect of the procedure for cleansing the skin of impurities and dead cells or its incorrect implementation, the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, improper use and selection of decorative cosmetics, malnutrition, bad habits, constant stress in conditions modern life and many other factors. So, for example, due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the skin, the process of collagen production is disrupted, which leads to an increase in pores.

    But definitely common cause The occurrence of this cosmetic defect is the incorrect use of cosmetics or their irregular use.

    Treatment of enlarged pores.
    Enlarged pores on the face can be eliminated using a peeling procedure, due to which, as a result of cleaning the skin epithelium, all irregularities on its surface are leveled, including fine wrinkles, and the skin of the face looks renewed. During this procedure, the keratinized layer of cells is removed, which stimulates the processes of skin regeneration, as a result of which its elasticity increases.

    Chemical peels, in particular with the use of trichloroacetic acid - TCA, help to narrow pores and improve skin condition. Thanks to modern technologies and qualifications of specialists, this type of peeling is easily tolerated even by people with sensitive type skin. During this procedure, dead cells are removed, and an active process of penetration of substances into the deeper layers of the skin occurs.

    Glycolic peeling is also effective in combating enlarged pores on the face. This procedure also tightens pores, exfoliates the surface of the skin, is carried out using a solution of glycolic acid.

    Enzyme peel is also a type of superficial peel that also helps to shrink pores and clear the skin. As part of enzyme peeling contains special enzymes (bromelain, trypsin and papain), which cleanse the contents of the pores and help smooth the skin turgor.

    Most effective procedure, which is carried out in salons, is considered microdermabrasion, which narrows pores, eliminates fine wrinkles and cleanses the skin of the stratum corneum of dead cells. When conducting microdermabrasion, a special scrub is used with the addition of solid microparticles. This procedure, provided that it is carried out in the cabin professional beautician May stimulate collagen production. A course of two or three procedures is considered optimal.

    Cryotherapy today is quite popular procedure in cosmetology. It promotes the activation of metabolism, improves well-being and appearance in general, including the condition of the pores: there is a noticeable lightening of the skin, a decrease in the production of sebum, acne disappears. popular and the most useful procedure Cryotherapy is considered cryomassage using liquid nitrogen.

    Impact on the skin with high-frequency currents, carried out using ultrasound (darsonvalization) can solve many skin problems, in particular, eliminate comedones and acne, significantly improve the color and structure of the skin. Today, devices have appeared on the market that allow this procedure at home.

    Laser facial is also a popular procedure for the treatment of enlarged pores in beauty salons. Moreover, this procedure eliminates dark spots, the effects of acne in the form of scars, wrinkles, visibly tightens and tones the skin, promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

    For deep cleansing skin scrubs can be used, since they contain the smallest granules, due to which effective cleansing skin pores and improved blood circulation. After this procedure, the face should be washed with cold water, or rubbed with ice cubes, which is one of the ways to narrow the pores. However, this procedure is not for everyone. For women who have a capillary network on their faces, this procedure will not work.

    Extra care should be taken when using scrubs, as skin with enlarged pores can be easily damaged by large particles that can be found in scrubs, which can have the opposite effect, and the pores will become even larger. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, you should choose special scrubs that are designed to cleanse skin with enlarged pores. After cleansing the skin, use a tonic.

    Other cosmetical tools with enlarged pores.
    The cosmetics market offers a huge selection of skin care products with enlarged pores: cleansing gels, milk, with essential oils and plant extracts (lemon, chamomile, basil, orange, clove, aloe, iris, grapefruit).

    A daily facial moisturizer should also be special agent to help reduce pores. The composition of this kind of cosmetics should contain antimicrobial and astringent components, such as algae, cinnamon, ginger, burnet. People with enlarged pores on their face just need to use a tonic or lotion daily. They help to narrow the pores after the cleansing procedure. It is best to prioritize quality cosmetics. The tonics that narrow the pores contain astringent components: extracts of birch, calendula, lemon, hawthorn, rosemary. And if zinc oxide is present in the lotion, then with its help you can not only narrow the pores of the skin, but also remove excess sebum. After the tonic, the skin should be applied with a daily moisturizer and protective cream that nourishes and smoothes the skin.

    It is best if the composition of the tonic, which narrows the pores of the skin, will contain following components: salicylic and glycolic acids, zinc, witch hazel, glycosil, copper. Fine cosmetics that narrows the pores of the skin, reduces discharge sebaceous glands and tones the skin, is cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals and plant extracts. Its composition includes necessary for the skin vitamins A and E. in addition, such cosmetics provide a lifting effect.

    Folk remedies for enlarged pores on the face.
    Masks with a narrowing effect can be prepared independently at home, according to traditional medicine recipes.

    Almond mask with herbs for narrowing the pores.
    Take a tablespoon of chopped almonds and pour hot herbal decoction (1/4 cup), add a teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of honey. Mix well until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting mass on the face, after thirty minutes, wash off the mask with cool water. Herbal decoction is prepared as follows: two tablespoons are taken herbal collection(elder, linden, chamomile flowers, pine shoots) and poured with a glass of boiling water.

    Astringent mask for narrowing pores.
    One tablespoon of linden flowers pour half a glass of boiling water, put on fire. After the formation of a thick mass - remove from heat. The resulting mixture should be applied in a thick layer on the skin of the face in a warm form with oily skin, after cooling - on dry and normal skin. After 15-20 minutes, the face must be wiped dry. cotton pad and rinse with cool water. In the case of dry and normal skin face after such a mask, the skin should be lubricated with a greasy cream.

    Clay mask for narrowing pores.
    Cosmetic clay has long been famous for its properties, including the ability to narrow pores. It is effective to apply in the form of masks. It absorbs sebum and impurities, and also tones the skin. In addition, clay has a bactericidal effect on the skin.

    To narrow pores, you can use rose water, it contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

    We mask enlarged pores on the face.
    Applying a thick layer of foundation will not hide skin imperfections, but will only make them more pronounced. IN this case with enlarged pores, it is recommended to use make-up bases with silicone polymers, which have a matting effect and perfectly smooth out irregularities on the skin. Preference should be given foundation on light basis co reflective particles. In those areas where the pores are pronounced, a concealer should be used. Do not often use powder during the day to eliminate oily sheen. An alternative would be to use matting wipes. In the heat, to refresh the face, spray effectively thermal water over makeup.

    How to prevent enlarged pores?
    Everyone knows that it is better to prevent a problem from occurring than to solve it. Therefore, in this case, in order to avoid the expansion of pores, it is only necessary to carry out cleansing and moisturizing procedures on time, use mild scrubs and products to regulate sebum secretion. Cool water should be used for cleansing, as hot water expands the pores. It is especially important to protect the skin from exposure sun rays using cosmetics specially designed for this purpose. In addition, the applied decorative cosmetics should be of good quality. And finally, you need to monitor your diet, which should include more fresh fruits, vegetables, salads and plenty of fluids (water, green tea, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices).

    • Causes of Pore Enlargement
    • Is it possible to shrink pores
    • Prevention of enlarged pores on the face
    • Overview of funds

    Causes of Pore Enlargement

    Sometimes the pores on the face are barely noticeable, and sometimes they resemble lunar craters. This happens due to the accumulation of fat and impurities in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, because the pores are nothing but the points of their exit to the surface of the skin. Through the pores, along with sweat, toxins and salts are removed, so they cannot be “closed”. But you can keep it clean and, to the best of your ability, deal with the factors that provoke their expansion.

      Hormonal imbalance. IN teenage years and during pregnancy changes in endocrine system can cause excess sebum production and enlargement of pores.

      Acne disease. Due to an excess of androgens, the process of keratinization is disrupted, and dead skin flakes clog pores.

      Oily skin type. Alas, increased sebum production is often genetically programmed.

      Wrong care. To prevent sebum from clogging pores, the skin must be properly and regularly cleansed.

      Nutrition. Love for spicy and fatty, passion for sweet carbonated drinks and pastries are not reflected in the skin condition in the best way.

      Passion for the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as a natural protective measure, the stratum corneum thickens, and it becomes more difficult for the pores to free themselves from pollution.

      Age. Due to the destruction of collagen and elastin, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes loose, and the pores remain enlarged.

    Is it possible to shrink pores

    The bad news: once and for all - no. Good news: temporarily and visually - completely. But this problem will require constant attention, certain efforts and consistent actions.

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    1. 1

      Cleanse your skin properly. And don't neglect washing with a pore-tightening gel, foam, or cream.

    2. 2

      If the problem is internal, consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. When treating acne, you may need special medications, a certain diet, etc.

    3. 3

      Use skin care products with the effect of narrowing the pores.

    4. 4

      Protect yourself from the sun. If the problem has become very aggravated during the holidays, sign up for a consultation and procedures with a beautician.

    How to shrink pores with cosmetics

    To make the pores less noticeable, you need a whole beauty arsenal.

      Scrubs. The abrasive particles included in them perfectly remove accumulations of fat, dirt and dead cells. The skin becomes smoother, the pores are less visible.

      Creams with hydroxy acids(salicylic, lactic, glycolic).

      Constricting masks.

      Care products with the effect of narrowing the pores.

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    The latter usually contain:

    1. 1

      fruit acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic);

    2. 2

      oils of blackcurrant, borage, evening primrose (primrose) with gamma-linoleic acid;

    3. 3

      astringent components (calamus, white willow, birch, beech, witch hazel, laurel, myrtle, sage, eucalyptus, blackcurrant leaves).

    How to shrink pores with salon treatments

    There are several suitable procedures, the cosmetologist will tell you the right one.

      Peeling. A special chemical composition exfoliating dead cells and shrinking pores. A course of 6-8 weekly treatments is required.

      Cryotherapy. Freeze with liquid nitrogen- what you need to instantly narrow enlarged pores. For lasting effect 15-20 sessions are needed.

      Disincrustation. Impact electric current frees skin from products metabolic processes. The procedure is performed once every 15 days.

      Microdermabrasion. The surface layer of the skin is removed with a special microcrystalline nozzle. As a rule, up to 10 procedures are required, one per week.

      Darsonvalization. This type of electrotherapy accelerates the elimination of toxins and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

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    Prevention of enlarged pores on the face

    The only one reliable way prevention - to determine the possible root cause and act according to the situation. And for this you need to consult a doctor and choose competent care.

    Overview of funds


    Tool name Components Effect
    Ultra-cleansing gel with a brush against acne “Clean skin. Active, Garnier 2% salicylic acid, plant extract complex

    Reduces comedones and acne, frees the skin from dead cells, tightens pores.

    Pore-tightening cleansing lotion Normaderm, Vichy thermal water, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, glycerin Removes particles of dirt, sebum, cosmetics that clog pores. Narrows pores, has a tonic effect.
    Lotion to narrow the pores Effaclar, La Roche-Posay thermal water, lipohydroxy acid Reduces the number of imperfections, evens out the skin.


    Tool name Components Effect
    Cleansing tonic against blackheads and oily sheen "Clean Skin", Garnier salicylic acid, zinc Regulates excessive production of sebum, minimizes pores, mattifies the skin.
    Serum for mature skin against imperfections Blemish & Age, SkinCeuticals complex of dioic, salicylic, capryloyl-salicylic, glycolic and citric acids Cleanses and tightens pores, reduces the number of imperfections, evens out the skin, brightens age spots.
    three types of clay (kaolin, gassul, montmorillonite), eucalyptus extract Draws out impurities from pores oily sheen, mattifies, improves complexion.
    Purifying Mattifying Mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay thermal water, two types of mineral clay, selenium Cleans pores, promotes their narrowing.


    First of all, understand that the skin needs thorough and regular cleansing twice a day. Dirt and sebum clog the tubules of the pores, and they just stretch! It is rather difficult to return them to their previous state, so make it a rule to wash your face in the evening with warm water with gentle belongings that exfoliate dead particles and open pores giving way for the pollution to escape.

    Wipe your face with toniom containing salicylic acid- this will help exfoliate dead particles and renew the skin. Porous skin often feels rough and flaccid, so it needs active renewal.

    If you are ready to turn to a specialist, then try procedures such as fruit acids And ultrasonic cleaning skin. These methods are suitable for almost everyone, as well as for very young boys and, and they perfectly help to cope with the problem of enlarged pores.

    The skin should be well hydrated - this, oddly enough, makes it visually less porous, and also protects it from increased sebum production.

    Now consider several ways to reduce pores in. You should definitely try masks - masks made from sour fruits and berries rich in vitamin C have a tightening effect. Kiwi, strawberries or citrus fruits - all these products should be kneaded well and applied to the face in the form or with the addition of a spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese (if you have mixed skin). From vegetables, you can tomatoes - they, like all of the above fruits, coolly refresh the complexion.

    For narrowing pores and toned skin, you can try cryomassage - behind this incomprehensible word lies the usual rubbing of the face with an ice cube every morning. You can make many options for healthy and refreshing ice by freezing not water, but, for example, herbal infusions or Fresh Juice berries.

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    Helpful advice

    From dirt and sebum, the pores quickly stretch. Effective cleansing is the first step towards reducing them. This should be done not only at the end of the day, but also in the morning. For this purpose, soft scrub gels for washing are excellent (you can with a special brush, but only if there is no irritation on the face). Scrubs with a thermal effect gently and deeply cleanse the pores.

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    Such a cosmetic defect of the skin of the face as dilated pores is a problem for many women. Required for skin treatment special care and a lot of patience. By eradicating the problem in time, you can avoid the appearance of blackheads and blackheads on the skin, as well as increasing its fat content. Complex impact with the help of salon procedures, folk remedies and special cosmetics will be the most efficient.


    Take advantage of effective salon procedure capable of pores- microdermabrasion. After 2-3 sessions, during which a special scrub with tiny particles is applied to the skin, an optimal result can be achieved. Decrease pores are also capable of, in particular, TCA peeling, suitable even for people with sensitive skin. Active substance - trichloroacetic acid– penetrates deep into the skin and removes dead cells, which are replaced by new ones. Glycolic peel contains substances trypsin, papain and bromelain, which dissolve the contents of the pores and help smooth the skin. By resorting to a procedure such as cryotherapy, you can reduce the production of sebum and get rid of acne. It will also be helpful. In the treatment of enlarged pores, it will be very effective and laser cleaning.

    narrow down pores on face to help. Pour a tablespoon of ground almonds with 50 milliliters of hot herbal tea, consisting of shoots of pine, elderberry, linden and flowers chamomile. After adding a teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of honey, stir the resulting mass. Apply the mixture on your face, wash it off with cold water after half an hour. For normal to dry skin facial fit astringent mask. Brew in 100 milliliters hot water a tablespoon of linden flowers. Putting the mixture on low heat, heat it until a thick mass forms. Apply the cooled mass to the skin, after 20 minutes remove with a cotton swab and wash your face with cool water. Try rubbing your face with ice cubes. This method of narrowing the pores is not suitable for everyone, if you have face there are capillaries, discard it.

    For daily cleansing skin and narrowing of the pores, use cosmetics containing essential oils and extracts of chamomile, basil, aloe, lemon, iris, grapefruit, orange, and clove. For use scrubs, the smallest granules of which improve blood circulation and cleanse pores from dead cells. After cleansing the pores, they must be closed using special lotions and tonics containing astringent components: extracts of birch, lemon, rosemary, hawthorn and calendula. Zinc oxide in the composition of such products helps to narrow pores and remove excess sebum.

    What is usually advised to do to get rid of oily skin and "black spots":

    • regular cleanings at the beautician
    • special lotions, creams, masks
    • peelings
    • laser resurfacing, fractional and CO2 lasers

    I tried everything on this list, except for the CO2 laser (I was smart enough not to go for it) - nothing helped.

    However, I found a procedure, and a relatively inexpensive one, that helped me forget that I had oily skin and throw foundation and powder into the far corner.

    Now about everything in order!

    Cleansing, lotions, creams, peels - nothing helps

    How to get rid of open pores on face

    I went to cleansing regularly, I used special lotions and creams every day. I also had premium brands in my cosmetic bag - Clarins, Estee Lauder and others. Several times I did superficial peels, including salicylic.

    No special result - after a couple of weeks the pores clogged again, black dots appeared, the forehead and cheeks shone already 2 hours after leaving the house. I hid all this under a layer of foundation and powder, but always wanted me to look good without makeup.

    By the age of 35, the situation became even worse: the skin noticeably thickened, became dull, rough. Before washing - oily, after cleansing dry, flaky.

    Here's a riddle - I moisturize my face expensive creams, and they cannot penetrate deep into the skin, they only lubricate it on the surface. I began to look noticeably worse and older.

    I began to search on the Internet how to get rid of enlarged pores, refresh my face and remove excessive fat content. I was tormented by the question of how to get rid of pores on the face forever. The mirror stopped making me happy.

    Laser peeling

    This is how I came to the beauty clinic. The doctor advised me Finepeel - superficial laser peeling. In her words, small mimic wrinkles should have gone away, the epidermis should become thinner, tighten, and the pores should narrow.

    The Finepeel beam penetrates to the level of the dermis, where other anti-aging products - creams, peels - do not reach and makes the skin beautiful from the inside. The principle of operation - the laser evaporates thin columns in the epidermis with its beam. It turns out that such a perforation of the face - part of the epidermis remains untouched by the laser, and part is injured. In place of the injured, a new young one grows, healthy skin. For 2-3 sessions, 60-70% of the epidermis is updated.

    The procedure is not cheap, it cost 2 years ago around 10 thousand rubles. Need 2-3 sessions.

    I sincerely believed that the high price is the guarantor of the result. The procedure went like this: first, dark glasses were put on me, then they smeared my face with an anesthetic gel with lidocaine, then they began to slowly drive a luminous, spiky contraption over my face, neck and eyelids. I didn't experience any discomfort.

    I left the office with pink face like after a good steam room. The redness and swelling on the eyelids subsided the next day, then the face began to peel off. The face felt like sandpaper. After 3 days, everything returned to normal, the face became fresher, black dots became less noticeable, the forehead and cheeks became matte, the oily sheen disappeared.

    However, after a month, the effect disappeared, everything became as before. Okay, not scary, because you need 2-3 sessions. Made Finepeel again. A month later, everything came to naught, the skin became oily again.

    How to get rid of large pores on the face with fractional photothermolysis

    After 2 sessions of Finepeel and 1 session of fractional laser - enlarged pores remained the same

    I decided then that Finepeel was rather weak for my problem, because the pores lie deep. In order for the skin to be “reborn”, it is necessary to act “at depth”. I went to another clinic, they said that Finepeel is younger brother fractional laser, all it can do is give a healthy, rested look for a month. In my case, a deeper impact was needed.

    When I asked how to get rid of pores forever, the doctor answered that there was no way, only modern lasers can narrow the pores somewhat, there are no other ways.

    The doctor recommended me one session fractional thermolysis, this procedure is more serious than Finepeel and recovery period 2 times longer. And 2-3 sessions of CO2 laser is the deepest laser they had in their clinic.

    The principle of operation is the same as that of Finepeel, they also evaporate the thin columns of the epidermis, but work in the deeper layers of the dermis.

    I did my first fractional laser treatment. I paid 15,000 rubles for it. The procedure was carried out in much the same way as Finepeel. Only I came out not with a pink face, but with a bright crimson. The next day, the face was very swollen, the eyes were swollen. I sat at home for a week.

    The effect was, but also short-lived. 1.5 months after these experiments, all problems returned.

    plus got out by-effect- deep closed comedones appeared on the chin. These are not black dots, but such colorless tubercles. It is very difficult to squeeze them out yourself, as they are very deep.

    I didn't have this before. In addition, before I had black dots on my cheeks only near the nose, now they have expanded at the bottom of the cheeks. I then studied for a long time on the forums how it could happen that the procedures that were supposed to improve the situation ended up giving me even more “black dots”. I eventually found the answer to this question, read about it in my about fractional laser peels.

    I decided to tie up with lasers, it took 35,000 rubles, there is no sustainable effect, but now I need to do something with closed comedones on my chin. I did not dare to go to deep CO2.

    For three months she didn’t do anything at all, then she signed up with her good old beautician not in a clinic, but in a French beauty salon - to clean her face and remove these stupid comedones from her chin.

    Enlarged pores on the face, how to get rid of with laser biorevitalization

    skin after laser biorevitalization hyaluronic acid

    The beautician looked at me and offered to combine cleansing with biorevitalization. She only offered to introduce hyaluronic acid not with injections, but with the help of a laser - evenly over the entire skin of the face.

    Previously, this salon did not have such a service. According to the beautician, the effect of the procedure is visible immediately.

    And injections with hyaluronic acid and fractional lasers, she said, it’s too early for me to do it, they are needed to work with obvious wrinkles, and laser biorevitalization will help to cope with the problem of black spots and dull complexion.

    During this procedure, the laser does not injure the epidermis, does not evaporate the columns, but helps hyaluronic acid to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Molecules of hyaluronic acid attract water from the body, due to which the skin is moisturized not from the outside, but from the inside. A cream with hyaluronic acid will not be able to penetrate the skin so deeply.

    The procedure itself cost around 4000 rubles. The effect lasts from 1 to 3 months. If several months do this procedure in a row, then the skin returns to normal and for a long time looks good even without repeated sessions of laser biorevitalization.

    At first, everything was as usual when cleaning my face, then she put dark glasses on me, held a luminous nozzle over my face for 10 minutes, then applied half an ampoule of hyaluronic acid to my face and again held the laser over my face for 10 minutes. The procedure was performed without anesthesia, no discomfort did not have.

    I left the office 5 years younger. The skin seems to glow from the inside, elastic, smooth. "Black dots" have become much less noticeable. I also liked that you don’t have to sit at home after the procedure, no unpleasant consequences. I liked the effect so much that I went for biorevitalization every month for six months. Stopped using tonal means and powder, as without them she looked well-groomed and young.
    Then I was on business trips for six months and could not go to the procedure, and I did not want to go to another salon. So the most interesting thing is that these six months the skin was in good condition. I always had very noticeable wide black dots on my nose - now I think they have narrowed forever.

    During the six months that I regularly went to this procedure, my face, exhausted by experiments, returned to normal. The cosmetologist explained it this way: very often the pores expand and the skin becomes oily due to lack of moisture. By producing fat, it compensates for the lack of moisture. And instead of moisturizing the face, many, on the contrary, begin to dry out even more. improper care, alcohol lotions etc. The problem is getting worse, and there has been no truly effective solution to this problem. And here hyaluronic acid helped solve this problem.

    In addition, the laser used in laser biorevitalization disinfects pores, prevents the appearance of acne, thanks to which the pores remain clean longer and gradually narrow.

    Now I go for the procedure every 3 months.