Basic rules for breast care. Care for large breasts - through home cosmetics, massage and a special set of exercises

A small child, due to an incompletely formed immune system and a reduced protective function of the mucous membranes, is very susceptible to the effects of pathogenic bacteria. They enter the body of the crumbs mainly through the mouth. Therefore, any infection that occurs on the mother's nipples during feeding immediately gets to the baby and can cause various diseases. In this regard, the mammary glands during breastfeeding must be kept clean.
breast care during lactation includes 3 big directions: the use of a special, properly selected bra for nursing women, competent hygiene of the mammary glands and the use of accessories for breastfeeding.

How to care for your breasts: underwear

During lactation, the mammary glands fill with milk, increase in size and become heavy. So that the vessels are not squeezed and the outflow of milk is not disturbed, breast support is necessary. Therefore, breastfeeding women are advised to wear a nursing bra during breastfeeding. When choosing underwear, mothers should first of all pay attention to the fact that the nursing bra is made from natural fabrics. Natural fabrics do not cause allergies, absorb moisture well and are easy to wash. In addition, the bra should be comfortable, well supported and not squeezing the chest. When choosing a size, you need to take into account the possible increase in the mammary glands with a rush of milk. However, a very large bra can cause stretch marks and “sagging” of the breast, while a too small and tight bra will squeeze the breast, disrupting blood circulation in it.
For feeding, it is recommended to choose a bra "without pits", since when filling the breast, they can squeeze the breast and cause milk stagnation. The straps should be wide, which will evenly support the mammary glands. It is recommended to choose bra models made of seamless material. If there are seams on the product, they should not pass through the areola and nipple area, so as not to rub them and cause irritation. It is also not recommended to choose models with lace, as they can rub the sensitive skin around the nipple. In order to make it convenient and comfortable for the mother to feed the baby, the upper part of the cup comes unfastened at the bra, and it does not need to be removed every time during feeding. Since, after childbirth, the breast of a nursing mother is highly vulnerable to various pathogens, the cleanliness of underwear is very important. It is recommended to have at least two nursing bras and wash them regularly. At first (during the formation of lactation), due to the possible leakage of milk, it is recommended to change them every day.

How to properly care for your breasts

When milk leaks, especially in the first months of a baby's life, for breast care breastfeeding women are advised to use special breast pads. They absorb milk released between feedings and thus help the skin to remain dry and clean, protecting it from irritation. Bra pads are disposable and reusable. It is important that the pad has a breathable surface and is waterproof. In addition, such liners should absorb milk well, be soft, thin and pleasant when touched on the breast. Reusable pads are made from organic cotton. They have less absorbency than disposable pads, so they need to be changed more often. These pads can be washed and reused. You can wash them by hand with baby soap or baby detergent, or in the washing machine by selecting the gentle wash program. After washing, they must be rinsed well.
Disposable pads have 4 layers. The outer surface is breathable and waterproof. Inside the liner is a soft absorbent pad and a dense layer of adsorbent. Thus, the inner layer in contact with the skin remains dry, which reduces the risk of sore nipples. Most disposable pads have non-slip tape to keep them from shifting in the bra. It is important to change the earbuds regularly (when they get wet) because, filled with milk, they become a good breeding ground for bacteria. In addition, their ability to absorb milk has its limit, after which they do not guarantee dryness. If the breast remains wet for a long time, it can cause cracks and infection of the breast.
There are also special pads for collecting leaking breast milk. They are convenient to use for breast care lactating mothers with hyperlactation, when there is too much milk in the breast. Outwardly, this device looks like a plastic "cup" that is inserted into the bra. One part of it is made of plastic, the other is made of silicone with a hole for the nipple. The nipple itself does not touch the surface of the lining due to the presence of a double bottom. In order to prevent nipple problems due to high humidity, it is recommended to remove the pads every 2-3 hours and arrange air baths for the breasts. After use, they must be washed and stored in a clean, closed container.
A breastfeeding mother should always remember that lactation should not be accompanied by a feeling of pain and discomfort. If these or other signs of trouble appear, a woman should carefully examine the mammary glands for swelling, redness, cracks and irritation. If any changes are found, you should consult a doctor in order to eliminate the cause that violates breastfeeding as soon as possible.

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Breast care will help maintain its elasticity

Breast care at home: useful masks and cleansing rules

The breast loses its attractive shape not only due to age-related changes. Due to the negligent attitude of a woman to her own health, the bust also suffers. Pregnancy and breastfeeding often negatively affect the condition of the breast.

Why breasts lose elasticity:

  • stoop, lack of regular exercise;
  • exposure to hot water and sunlight;
  • unbalanced diet, which caused a sharp weight loss;
  • improperly fitted bra or the habit of walking without it.

To preserve the beauty of the breast will help daily cool dousing of the bust and décolleté area with cool water, wiping with pieces of ice. Do not use hard washcloths and towels, you need to gently blot the remaining moisture on the skin. To make ice, you can use a decoction of chamomile, mint, parsley, eucalyptus.

Oatmeal mask moisturizes and tightens the skin. Grind 30 g of hercules, add beaten egg white and 5 ml of honey. Apply the mixture evenly on the chest, wash off after 20 minutes with cool water.

A mask of equal amounts of thick thick sour cream and warm honey will nourish the skin with all the necessary substances, making it supple. You need to use the mask twice a week.

Large Breast Care

Large breasts need special care. Under the influence of its own gravity, the bust quickly becomes shapeless. The main rule is constant hydration. To do this, you need to spray the chest and décolleté area several times a day with cool water from a spray bottle. It is necessary to apply special moisturizers daily.

Exercises for beautiful breasts:

  • lying on your back, stretch your arms up with dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. Slowly lower your hands to the floor, you can bend your elbows a little. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • in the same position, take straight arms with dumbbells behind your head;
  • in any position, straighten your back, squeeze your palms in front of your chest, elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Press palms against each other for 5 seconds, relax, repeat 12 times.

A properly fitted bra prevents stretching of the skin, it must be chosen according to the size. Girls with small breasts can only wear it during sports training. Owners of a large bust should wear it all the time, pick up comfortable pitted models for sleeping.

Proper care will prolong the youthfulness of your bust.

Hello dear moms! Proper breast care after feeding is not only one of the components that the baby will not remain hungry, but also your health. Cracks in the nipples, lactostasis, heaviness and pain are far from a complete list of problems that arise when hygiene rules are not followed. What are we paying attention to?

Quality Support

In the first days after childbirth, milk begins to be produced in large quantities, so it is important:

  • put the baby to the breast not according to the schedule, but on demand;
  • to wear a good bra - it is better to buy several models that are made specifically for nursing mothers: made of natural and elastic fabric, with wide shoulder straps, with tight but well-ventilated cups, pitted.

Your beautiful bra that you wore before pregnancy will have to be put off until better times. It won't fit while breastfeeding.

However, you yourself understand this - the chest has increased by a couple of sizes, and a tight bra causes not only physical discomfort. In a clamped breast, blood circulation is disturbed, and as a result, there may be problems with milk production. By the way, if you want to understand if the baby has enough breast milk, read from my articles.

Avoid stagnation!

In the first week after giving birth, do not drink a lot of water, so as not to stimulate milk production. Learn also everything about breast milk, and try to exclude them from the diet for a while. The newborn will not be able to suck out an excessive amount of milk completely, which means that stagnation is quite possible.

With lactostasis, the breast swells and hurts, thickening occurs, and the temperature rises. Stagnation is dangerous because it creates a favorable environment for pathogens, not to mention the terrible discomfort and development of mastitis.

Prevention of congestion is elementary:

  • if the baby has not sucked out all the milk, be sure to express (manually or with a breast pump);
  • massage the breast with light circular movements after each feeding (pumping);
  • apply to the chest, leaving the nipple open, compresses - honey, beetroot, cottage cheese - you can make them quickly according to folk recipes, but it is still better to use it only for prevention, and in case of serious problems, be sure to consult a doctor.

Injuries and cracks in the nipples

Nipples require special attention when breastfeeding, because the appearance of cracks is a very common problem.

Most often, nipples crack due to improper care:

  • flowing milk constantly moisturizes the cups of the bra, so it is recommended to use special liners or ordinary gauze napkins - they will protect the linen, and you do not have to sit in a cafe or stand at the checkout of a hypermarket with wet breasts, and you can change the pad at any time;
  • you use alcohol-containing body care products - carefully study the composition of your gel (it should not contain alcohol, but more moisturizing ingredients) and forget about soap for a while, which wildly dries the skin;
  • violate the technique of feeding and weaning from the breast - the child does not completely capture the nipple, or you literally tear it off the breast (in order not to injure the nipple, first slightly open the baby's gums with your finger and only then pull the nipple).


If cracks still appear, lubricate them with lanolin creams, for example, Bepanten or its analogues. Although it contains alcohol (cetyl and stearyl), it also contains a lot of lanolin, as well as paraffin and almond oil - all of them quickly heal wounds and moisturize the skin.

Personally, for me, the baby already in the maternity hospital terribly chewed the nipples, I saved myself with bepanthen, putting the cream on a cotton pad, and already it to the nipple in the bra.

brilliant green

And forget about brilliant green, which "couch experts" on the network call a "miracle remedy." If you apply it to your nipples even once, you will turn them into a scorched surface of the Sahara. You should not listen to the recommendations for moisturizing the nipples with aloe or beeswax oil - because of the smell of aloe, the baby may refuse to breastfeed, and the oil can cause allergies.

It is better to wash the nipples and kill bacteria using your own milk.

If after a week the cracks have not gone away, stop feeding the injured breast for a while. It will have to be carefully expressed, and if necessary, supplement the baby with a spoon. And be sure to go to the doctor - he will tell you what to do, taking into account your condition.

Silicone lifeguard

You can also use special silicone pads - they soften the pain, but not all babies are happy with such “gadgets”, since it is a little more difficult to suck milk through them. Pads, by the way, are good if the breasts are small and the nipples are too small, and it is difficult for the baby to grab them. Avent firms helped me out, but mothers also praise Chico and Medela.

And do not abuse analgesics if the chest hurts a lot. Here I am telling you what pain reliever you can take while breastfeeding, but after taking a couple of pills, make an appointment with your doctor to determine the cause of the pain and conduct a competent course of treatment.

Massage and hardening

Breast care is also a massage, a contrast shower and special gymnastics. They improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of congestion, reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Massage can be done not only as I mentioned above, but also during water procedures. Direct a gentle stream of warm water to the nipples for a minute, slightly shifting the watering can left and right.

A contrast shower helps to strengthen the chest and restore skin elasticity. Its duration is at least 5 minutes: first hot water, then cool. Do not direct the jet of water at one point, but draw it in a circular motion clockwise around the chest. After a shower, dry your breasts with a soft towel - from the nipples to the armpits. Do not rub the nipples - this way you will not strengthen, but injure the delicate skin.

If your breasts are small, skip the bra at night or wear a cotton top. And do not forget to do air baths before going to bed, leaving the chest "in free flight" for 20-30 minutes.

Many mothers are interested in. Of course, you can, if you follow certain rules. A moderate steam bath improves mood, and it helps to properly care for the breasts.

Gymnastic studies

Special gymnastics for the chest will not take much time, but if you do it regularly, you will notice the result for sure.

Here are some simple exercises from my complex:

  1. connect your palms with each other at chest level and alternately squeeze the invisible $ 100 bill with them, then unclench it;
  2. put your hands on your belt and rise on your toes, moving your elbows as far back as possible;
  3. stretch and hold a tight elastic band over your head for 10-15 seconds;
  4. push up from everything that you can - from a chair, window sill, countertop, floor.

And for today I have all the advice. Tell us how you take care of your breasts after feeding. Maybe I forgot to mention something? If the article was useful to you, share it with your friends on social networks. I say goodbye to new interesting topics, and for dessert, according to tradition, a useful video:

Proper breast care after childbirth is the key to successful lactation and women's health. Compliance with simple recommendations will help to restore the previous shape and elasticity of the breast without problems after the completion of feeding, as well as quickly with cracks in the nipples and other similar problems. Let's look at how to properly care for your breasts while breastfeeding.

Basic rules of care

  • Practice good breast and nipple hygiene, but don't overdo it. It is enough to wash the breast twice a day with clean warm and then cool water. Periodically use liquid neutral soap;
  • After washing, do not dry your breasts with a towel, but take soft napkins or paper towels;
  • Choose a comfortable and safe bra that does not squeeze the breasts and does not rub the nipples;
  • Use special bra pads that will absorb excess milk;
  • If you use, replace the earbuds in a timely manner;
  • Apply the baby to the breast correctly and regularly, follow a rational feeding regimen;
  • Monitor and maintain comfortable nipples. You can periodically wipe them with pieces of ice;
  • For healthy creams, you do not need to use different creams. Such funds are used only when abrasions and cracks appear. For prevention, you can lightly lubricate the nipples with breast milk before or after feeding;
  • Do a light chest massage daily;
  • Express milk properly. To, it is better to use the manual method and change the mammary glands every five minutes in the process;
  • Do not pull, stretch or squeeze your nipples while nursing or pumping! You can not squeeze the skin of the chest! Do not overtighten the chest with bandages!;
  • Air baths and hardening are excellent methods for maintaining the health of the female breast and improving lactation. To do this, every day for 10-15 minutes you need to walk with an open chest, then rinse the skin with warm water, cool and finally cold. Lower the water temperature gradually!;
  • Regularly inspect the mammary glands for lumps, nodules, and various formations. If you notice any abnormalities, consult a doctor!

How to choose nursing underwear

After the baby is born, the breasts increase in volume, so it is important to choose a new bra. In addition to the fact that underwear should fit in size, it should be comfortable, comfortable and safe. Choose models with loose cups that do not tighten or squeeze the chest. Choose your first nursing bra without wires and seams on the inside of the cup. Otherwise, such elements may injure the nipples and skin. In the future, choose products whose bones will not come into contact with the nipple.

The bra should be made of breathable materials based on modern synthetic fabrics and microfiber or cotton. Choose cotton underwear with a content of 5-10% elastic fabrics. Lycra or elastane will do. This product looks neater and lasts longer than a bodice made of 100% organic cotton.

It is desirable that the cup can be easily opened and closed with one hand. This will greatly simplify the feeding procedure. Today, manufacturers offer comfortable bras for nursing, you can easily find the right underwear. And what type of bra to choose for a nursing mother and how to choose the right size, read.

When breastfeeding, it is convenient to use pads in a bra. Such liners absorb milk, because excessive moisture leads to the development of various infections or inflammations. They will prevent irritation and rubbing of the skin, the appearance of cracks in the nipples. In addition, pads will protect clothes from getting wet.

How to properly apply breast

Proper attachment is the basis of lactation and a component of breast care for breastfeeding. With proper attachment and feeding, the nursing mother will not experience discomfort, and the nipples and mammary glands will not be damaged. It is recommended to wash the breast daily without rubbing the nipples. It is important to preserve the natural protective barrier and not dry out the skin.

It is necessary to apply the child immediately after birth. Body contact will establish lactation and psychological interaction between the baby and mother, teach the baby to take the nipple and suck correctly. In the future, pediatricians are advised to feed the baby on demand, and not according to the regimen. This has a beneficial effect on milk production and the condition of the mammary glands, as well as on the development of the child.

Breast care during feeding is to ensure that the child correctly grasps the nipple. Make sure that the baby captures both the nipple and the areola. The nose and chin of the baby should rest against the chest, and not sink into it. The mouth should be wide open and the lower lip slightly turned out. It is important that the baby does not swallow a lot of air with milk and does not choke. Pick a comfortable one. If the baby is happy and relaxed during feeding, and the mother does not experience pain, then the process is happening correctly.

If the baby starts biting or pinching the nipple, immediately take the breast and tell him not to do this and repeat this until he stops. If the baby plays this way, offer him beads or another alternative to play with. But often babies bite their nipples when teething. In this case, help. If the baby has bitten the breast, do not pull or tear out the nipple! Insert your little finger into the baby's mouth and gently remove the nipple.

Massage and compresses for the chest

A light massage is very useful for the chest. It not only restores the skin, but also stimulates the production of breast milk, avoids the appearance of nodules and lumps in the mammary glands. Do simple exercises every morning, and you will not know problems with lactation, lactostasis or mastitis. In the process, use only gentle movements, in no case squeeze or wrinkle the skin, do not put pressure on the chest!

Massage is good to perform while taking a shower. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap, pre-rinse your chest. Stroke both mammary glands at the same time in gentle circular motions, avoiding the areola of the nipples. Carry out the procedure for two to three minutes. Perform strokes from the edges to the center. In turn, lift each breast 5-6 times and then return to stroking again.

Among folk recipes for nursing mothers, cabbage leaf compresses are very popular. Indeed, white pumpkin effectively relieves pain, tension and swelling in the mammary glands. Just apply clean cabbage leaves to your chest for 10-20 minutes. In addition, you can make ordinary compresses with water. To do this, before feeding, apply a soft towel or cloth soaked in warm water, and after feeding - in cool water. Warm compresses stimulate milk production, while cool compresses restore the mammary glands.

Breast problems

Luxurious breasts are a real magnet for men and a source of envy for women. However, those whom nature has endowed with such a treasure know that large breasts require special care and attention.

Lingerie for large breasts

Owners of a magnificent bust need to remember that they should be especially careful about choosing underwear. The wrong bra can cause shoulder and back pain, headaches, arm numbness, and even dizziness and fainting.

The larger the chest, the wider and stiffer the supporting details (straps, back, fasteners) should be at the bra. Choose models whose clasps include at least three hooks. It is necessary that the belt under the chest sit tight. This will relieve the weight of the shoulders. An elastic band should be sewn into the bottom of the cup structure. It is better if the cups are as closed as possible.

It is categorically impossible to choose bras a size smaller, if only the chest seemed more elastic. Firstly, underwear that squeezes the chest can provoke the occurrence of breast cancer. Secondly, elastic bands that cut into the body cause discomfort, and squeezed skin is often visible under clothing.

Bones will fix large breasts confidently and firmly. In addition, they will slightly raise it. It is important to have not only an arcuate, but also a lateral bone sewn into the corsage in order to hold the bust on the side.

Today there is also such a bra model as a minimizer, which visually reduces the bust by about one size. The flattening effect is eliminated thanks to the special cut of this product. At the same time, the volume of the bust is adjusted very gently, and, therefore, the woman does not experience discomfort.

If the size of the chest is unusually large, then such a type of underwear as a corset with vertically sewn bones is suitable. Another option for a very lush bust is semi-grace. In such a wide bodice to the waist, breasts of almost any size will hold perfectly.

Exercises to maintain the shape of a large bust

In order for large breasts to remain elastic and not lose their shape, special exercises should be performed. Before performing the proposed set of exercises, it is advisable to warm up the muscles. Do 15 rotations with your shoulders back and forth, and then perform the “mill” the same number of times with your arms spread apart.

1. You need to kneel, lean on your hands, for example, on the edge of the sofa, which should be located a meter away from you. Next, try to bend your elbows to touch the edge of the sofa with your chest. You should return to the starting position, exclusively with the help of the strength of the hands. You can not bend in the lower back, hands should be kept shoulder-width apart. Practice daily until you can repeat the exercise 15 times in a row. After that, you can move on to push-ups from the floor or low stand.

2. Bend your arms at the elbows, while connecting the palms at bust level. Press your palms against each other as hard as you can. It is important to feel how the chest muscles have tightened. This position should be maintained for about 10 seconds. Relax. Do 20 reps. Then join your palms above your head, bend your arms at the elbows. Do 20 repetitions again.

3. Sit in a Turkish position so that your back is absolutely straight. Hands need to be bent at the elbows, press them to the body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and let your fingers touch your shoulders. Slowly lift your shoulders up, then take them far back, then down, forward. Repeat 4 times. Do the exercise the same number of times, but down, then back, then up, forward. Do 5 repetitions.

4. Take an elastic band or expander. In a standing position, straighten your shoulders and straighten your back. Extend the expander in front of you at about shoulder level. It is necessary to spread your arms to the sides and take them back as far as possible. Hold at the extreme point for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. You need to do 15 repetitions. It is important that the arms are parallel to the floor.

5. Stand straight, feet should be placed shoulder-width apart. Make sure your feet are parallel. Then place your left hand on your thigh, now describe a large circle with your other hand. It is important to ensure that the chest muscles are tense. Do the same with your left hand. Then perform this movement with both hands at a fast pace.

6. Raise your arms and put them behind your head, then spread your elbows out to the sides. It is necessary to tilt the body forward, backward, to the sides. It is enough to perform 5 slopes in each direction.

7. Pick up a load (1 kg). Stand straight, hands should be at shoulder level. Lower and then raise your hands very slowly. For the first time, it is enough to perform the exercise 5 times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 16.

8. Get on your knees. You need to take a dumbbell in your left hand, while leaning on your right hand. Bend your right leg at the knee. Straighten your left leg, stretch it back. Your body from your left foot to your head should be in a straight line. To do this, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hips. Raise your hand slowly up, and then lower it at the same pace. Perform the exercise 7 times, then repeat with the load in the other hand.

9. You need to lie on the floor, let your legs be bent at the knees, and your feet should be firmly on the floor. You should have a dumbbell in each hand. Raise your hands with the load up, then slowly spread your arms and lower them down. Dumbbells should not fall to the floor. Make sure that the spine does not arch, it should be pressed to the floor.

Shower chest massage

An effective tool that increases the tone of the chest muscles is massage with water. Perform the procedure daily during the morning shower. A jet of water must be directed to the bust, having previously adjusted the pressure. Too much jet of water can injure the chest.

Massage should be performed in circular motions for two minutes. Experts recommend starting with the left breast.

A contrast shower will improve blood circulation, make blood vessels, as well as breast tissue fibers elastic and elastic.

A contrast compress is also useful for the bust. Take two towels and the same number of vessels with cold and warm water. You need to moisten one towel in warm water, the other in cold. Alternately apply them to your chest. Finish the procedure with a cold compress.

Cosmetic care for large breasts

Stretch marks are perhaps the most terrible enemy of a magnificent bust. Preventive measures are much more effective than trying to eliminate existing stretch marks. It is advisable to use products that increase skin elasticity (bust oil based on chamomile or fennel).

If stretch marks still appear, then creams and gels, which include horsetail extract, should be used. Algae-based products can also help in this situation. Creams with white clay tighten, reduce and tone stretch marks.

Both masks and creams must be applied from the bottom up with massaging movements. Start from the crease under the breast, then, without touching the nipple area, move to the neck.

Ozone therapy is considered a radical method of dealing with stretch marks. Ozone is injected into the tissue and begins to corrode the fat cells that are hypertrophied. Ozone, in addition, glues damaged blood vessels. As a result of the procedure, stretch marks disappear.

With age, large breasts inevitably lose elasticity. Salon specialists can recommend any of the following treatments: Lifting (+ Vitamin C), M-120 Bust Plastimetry, Guam Algae Wrap, Le Club des Professionnels Algae Modeling Mask, or Decleor Aromaplasty.

At home, you can try using Bust-up creams from Biotherm, Liftenseur Buste from Guinot, Golden Line gel that maintains breast elasticity, Aromessence Tonilastil - oil from Decleor.

Perfectly strengthens the mammary glands, and also improves their tone and shape, the composition of Beaute Buste Tonifiant, which is produced by the Phytomer laboratory. Gel from Guerlain from the Issima Body Secret series has a tightening effect.

If the breast has lost its shape, then, on the recommendation of cosmetologists, Cell Shock cell cream from a Swiss laboratory can be used. This tool effectively models the shape of the mammary glands.

Another remedy is aquacollagen masks, which you can purchase ready-made. Their purpose is to increase the elasticity of the skin, but due to the increase in tone, the chest rises slightly.

Big bust and food

Exhausting diets are contraindicated for owners of a magnificent bust. Every time you say goodbye to 1 kg of weight, your breasts lose 20 grams. The appearance of the mammary gland suffers from this. In addition, when the body does not receive enough nutrients, the skin of the breast becomes less elastic and firm, and, consequently, the breast sags.

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are also recipes that will make the breasts more attractive. For example, you can make a decoction of hop cones and drink 3 times a day. The broth is quite bitter, so you should add honey to it. Regular intake of the decoction will restore the skin of the chest, making it more elastic.

Take care of your treasure regularly!

Julia Petrashova