What scars can be removed with a laser. Fractional removal of scars on the face. Causes of scars and their classification

Laser scar removal(treatment area 2x2 cm) - correction and elimination of scar tissue using high-intensity laser radiation. Laser scar removal allows you to precisely control the penetration of the beam and the removal of certain layers of the skin without the threat of damaging healthy tissue. The laser vaporizes the scarred connective tissue in layers, stimulates the formation of new collagen-elastin fibers and promotes skin renewal in the area of ​​the defect. When using a laser, complete removal of fresh, small and medium scars and a significant reduction in the severity of old, large and rough ones are achieved.

Scars are formed as a result of defect closure (after trauma, surgery, piercing, acne, etc.) by newly formed connective tissue. The formation of a scar can be accompanied by a violation of the extensibility and elasticity of tissues, an unaesthetic appearance of the scar, and pain. There are atrophic (sunken), normotrophic (at the same level with the skin), hypertrophic (bulging), keloid (broad, rough, painful bright-colored scars) and mixed scars. Among the correction methods, surgical excision, cryodestruction, interferon therapy, hormone injections, physiotherapy, peelings, laser scar removal, etc. are used.

Laser scar removal in cosmetology is used when defects occur after injuries, operations, burns, acne, chickenpox, cuts, piercings, etc. on any part of the body. Laser scar removal is contraindicated in the presence of decompensated diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, epilepsy, pregnancy, skin lesions in the treatment area (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, herpes, etc.), acute infections, oncology, pregnancy, cardiovascular disorders, taking photosensitizing agents or retinoids. Removal of scars with a laser requires repeated repeated sessions, but is accompanied by a stable result and the absence of recurrence.

Removal Methods

Laser scar removal can be performed by grinding - layer-by-layer removal of a scar tissue area and fractional thermolysis, which stimulates the formation of new healthy and young skin. Laser resurfacing of scars using ablative lasers (CO2-10600 nm, Er:Yag -2940 nm) evaporates scar tissue cells, gradually smoothing and leveling their surface to the level of healthy skin. Grinding of atrophic scars can be supplemented by subsequent contouring, elevating the scar to the skin surface. The disadvantage of laser resurfacing is the preservation of the pathological structure of scar tissue. Laser destruction of scars is painful, requires anesthesia and long-term (up to 1 month) recovery.

Laser scar removal by fractional thermolysis allows you to act directly on scar tissue and replace it with healthy tissue cells. To do this, non-ablative fractional lasers (Er:Glass-1535 nm) are used, which destroy micro-sections of the scar throughout the depth, activate fibroblasts to synthesize neocollagen and neoelastin. Since the scar, especially the immature one, is well supplied with blood, the effect of the laser is also aimed at heating and sticking of the walls of the vessels, which leads to the cessation of their functioning.

As a result, new tissues with the properties of healthy skin are formed at the site of pathological scarring. Removal of scars with a fractional laser allows for 4-6 sessions with an interval of 6-8 weeks to significantly smooth and reduce wide scars, and completely eliminate thin ones.

Laser scar removal techniques (resurfacing and fractional thermolysis) are used both individually and in combination with each other. Since laser beams have bactericidal properties, the risk of infection of the scar zone is excluded.

After laser scar removal, the use of dermatological cosmetics is prescribed, which protects against ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind and accelerates epithelization. Probable complications of laser scar removal include long-term erythema, hypo- or hyperpigmentation, the formation of atrophic scars (with excessive resurfacing of normo- or hypertrophic scars), and diffuse fibrosis.

Today, laser scar removal is an effective and safe method. Until recently, it was believed that it was impossible to get rid of scars on the body, but medicine does not stand still, so now it is quite possible. Of course, it will not be possible to completely remove scars, but it is absolutely possible to make them 90% invisible with a laser.

Varieties of scars and scars

The presence of scars and scars is considered more of a cosmetic problem than a medical one. They do not pose any threat and danger to health, so it is not necessary to remove them at all. However, scars look unaesthetic and can cause various troubles to a person. He may be embarrassed by them, feel uncomfortable. And if it is possible to remove them, then why not do it. Indeed, in this case, you can get rid of not only a cosmetic problem, but also a psychological one.

Find out how often you can do facial plasmolifting, this is described in detail.

There are the following types of scars:

  1. Normotrophic. They are considered the most favorable and are a thin light scar. Such scars appear due to open injuries.

    Normotrophic scars

  2. Atrophic. This kind of scars are loose in structure. Compared to healthy tissues, they are in a depression. Scars of this type remain after abdominal surgery, acne or stretch marks on the body.

    atrophic scars

  3. Hypertrophic. Such scars protrude slightly above healthy skin. They can occur due to the fact that in the process of healing there is an excess of newly formed tissues.

    Hypertrophic scars

  4. Keloid. They are dark red in color. May occur after acne or mole removal surgery. Such scars can grow over the skin over time, which is why they are called benign tumors.
  5. Tightened. They appear after burns, when the skin tightens, so wrinkling forms in this place.
  6. Stretch marks or striae. They form when the skin begins to quickly stretch or tighten. This happens during pregnancy or during rapid weight loss.

Not so long ago, there were no ways to remove flaws, but now laser scar removal is very popular. After the course, a person gets rid of any kind of scars.

How the laser is used

Depending on the condition of the scar, the specialist selects the most effective method of removal. It can be an erbium laser or a neodymium one.

Erbium laser is good for removing scars on the face or other places. It not only removes defects on the skin, but can also significantly improve its condition.

How does classical resurfacing with an erbium laser work? A small beam is directed at the scar. Gradually, it destroys the top layer. This is precise and jewelry work. A beam of light and its energy contribute to the evaporation of water that is in the tissues. After that, the formation of new healthy skin begins. Improves blood circulation and cell regeneration. Erbium laser does not affect healthy cells, however, it cannot cope with all types of scars.

On video laser scar removal:

Neodymium laser is considered the safest, most delicate and painless. It also does not damage healthy skin cells. Laser resurfacing is carried out in a point way, when exposed only to the scar area.

The strength and energy of the laser beam is controlled and regulated by a computer. Neodymium laser can cope with any kind of scar, which is its indisputable advantage.

With the help of the device, laser hair removal of the lips is also done, more.

Advantages of laser removal of scars and scars on the face

Laser scar removal has many positive aspects:

  • does not damage healthy tissue near the scar;
  • there is a positive result after the first procedure;
  • removes almost any type of scars and scars;
  • the procedure is tolerated easily and painlessly;
  • scars can be removed regardless of skin type;
  • no special preparation is required before the procedure;
  • you can remove scars and scars on the face and other parts of the body, including delicate ones;
  • hospitalization is not required;
  • after removal, you can immediately return to your usual way of life.

On the video laser removal of scars on the face:

How is the removal process going?

First you need to make an appointment with a doctor. He will inspect and select the appropriate type of laser. The removal process itself is not painful, however, in some cases, local anesthesia is used. If you need to treat a large area of ​​​​skin with a laser, you will need to use general anesthesia.

The procedure is computer controlled. The laser beam gently affects the cells of the scar tissue, and thus the scar is removed.

As a rule, more than one procedure is required to eliminate the scar. It depends on the size of the scar and its neglect.

Normotrophic scars in some cases can be removed in one session, atrophic ones require several laser resurfacing procedures, depending on the depth of the scar. Hypertrophic scars themselves are very complex, so several sessions are needed to eliminate them. Keloid scars require an individual approach and careful implementation of several procedures.

Wart removal described.


Despite the apparent effectiveness and obvious safety, laser removal has a fairly extensive number of contraindications. These include:

If you neglect these contraindications, then you can get unwanted side effects. They can be hyperpigmentation of the skin or unhealthy pallor. These are the most harmless effects, but more serious side effects can happen. Therefore, it is important to first visit a doctor and warn about your diseases. Based on this, the doctor will make a decision.

How should I care for the scar after the procedure?

As a rule, the recovery period after laser scar removal is about 3-5 days. These days it is not recommended to go in for sports, visit a solarium, sauna, swimming pool and other public places where the scar area can be damaged.

After laser exposure, a crust forms on this site. In no case should it be torn off or rubbed with a washcloth. It is necessary to patiently wait until it falls off on its own.

If antibacterial drugs have been prescribed, then it is imperative to take them in order to avoid possible complications and for better wound healing.

Removal of corns on the toes is described in.

On the video, how to care for the scar after the procedure:

In the first 3 days, it is recommended to treat the skin with antiseptic agents. You can smear the scar area with Bepanthen or Panthenol. For 5-6 weeks you can not be in direct sunlight. If this happens, sunscreen should be applied to the skin.

Scar tissue is the formation of connective tissue at the site of deep skin damage after mechanical (cuts, operations), chemical, thermal (burns) injury, or, for example, due to acne.

Currently, the removal of scars and scars with a laser is the most effective method of treating scars and scars on the face and the whole body, recognized throughout the world.

Our equipment for laser scar removal

New generation multifunctional laser system with FT Technology (Fotona Technology). FT technology (Fotona Technology) – has no analogues, an absolutely unique technique with a high quality standard. Two laser systems in a single housing: Er:YAG and Nd:YAG.

Palomar Star Lux 500 (Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc. USA) is a latest generation nanotechnological multifunctional laser and pulsed light system that allows you to quickly, efficiently and safely solve many aesthetic and dermatological problems.

What problems does laser scar removal solve?

Scars, scars

Stretch marks (striae)

In the process of healing the wound surface, several types of scar tissue are formed, depending on the severity of the injury, location and other reasons:

  • normotrophic (has a pale pink color and can stretch);
  • hypertrophic (rises above the skin, color from lilac to cyanotic, fibrous connective tissue predominates, can cause impaired mobility of a body part);
  • atrophic (looks like partially retracted skin, for example, scars after acne or stretch marks);
  • keloid (has a similar appearance to hypertrophic, but differs in its structure and is prone to recurrent manifestation)

Laser scar removal system

The arsenal of the specialists of our clinic includes the latest generation laser system Palomar Star Lux 500 (Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc, USA) with high-tech erbium nozzles for removing scars on the face and the whole body.

For laser scar removal by fractional photothermolysis, a non-ablative (without skin damage) tip Palomar Lux 1540 is used. The technology of the process consists in directed beams penetrating through a special diffraction grating into the skin to affect specifically destructive cells. Minimization of thermal effects on the surface layers of the epidermis guarantees the exclusion of thermal burns. The depth of penetration optimizes the number of procedures that the doctor selects in each case individually.

In parallel with the removal of scars and scars with a laser, skin remodeling occurs due to the activation of the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis in tissues. The skin acquires a healthy tone and a fresh look. Remodeling processes do not end with the completion of medical procedures, but continue for another six months. At the site of the directed impact, a new skin is synthesized at the expense of adjacent healthy tissues.

Laser fractional photothermolysis is suitable for the treatment of all types of scars, including the removal of scars and scars after acne, blackheads (with the exception of keloids), does not require anesthesia, has no pronounced pain, does not damage the surrounding tissues at all.

The percentage of coagulated skin in the treatment area depends on the selected level of treatment and allows you to choose the optimal treatment parameters for each patient. After the procedure for removing scars and scars with a laser, the patient can lead a normal life (moderate swelling and redness persist for no more than 3 days).

When removing scars and scars by fractional laser resurfacing, an ablative (with visible tissue removal) Palomar Lux 2940 erbium nozzle is used. During the procedure, fractional (i.e., many tiny, but very deep microbeams) evaporation of the surface layer of the skin along with scar tissue occurs. As a result, active regenerative processes are launched in the affected area, new collagen fibers are synthesized, and healthy skin is formed at the site of the scar or scar.

The rehabilitation period after Palomar laser resurfacing lasts only 2-4 days (for deep resurfacing up to 1 mm, the rehabilitation period is 7-8 days). In addition, the fractional impact of "Palomar" minimizes the risk of complications.

The fractional laser will “smooth out” scars and scars of any shape and any shade. Scars can be treated with this method at any age. To achieve a visible result, a course of 2-3 procedures for removing scars or scars with a laser is required with an interval of 3-4 months.

Prices for the removal of scars and scars with a laser

1. Scars, linear scars 1-3 cm in size (Palomar Lux1540) 1 cm700 rub.
2. Scars, linear scars 3-5 cm in size (Palomar Lux1540) 1 cm550 rub.
3. Scars, linear scars 5-8 cm in size (Palomar Lux1540) 1 cm500 rub.
4. Scars, linear scars 9 cm or more in size (Palomar Lux1540) 1 cm450 rub.
5. Scars, wide scars (Palomar Lux1540) 1 cm2750 rub.
6. Laser resurfacing scars, linear scars 1-3 cm in size (Palomar Lux2940) 1 cm1400 rub.
7. Laser resurfacing scars, linear scars 3-5 cm in size (Palomar Lux2940) 1 cm1100 rub.
8. Laser resurfacing of scars, linear scars 5-8 cm in size (Palomar Lux2940) 1 cm1000 rub.
9. Laser resurfacing of scars, linear scars 9 cm or more in size (Palomar Lux2940) 1 cm900 rub.
10. Laser resurfacing (Palomar Lux2940) scars, wide scars 1 cm21400 rub.

Removal of scars and scars on the face - quality at an affordable price in the clinic "Biomed"

Laser removal of scars and scars on the face, even after acne, helps restore smoothness and beauty to the skin in just a few appointments with a doctor. No folk remedy guarantees equally quick and pronounced results. Only under the vigilant supervision of professionals can you achieve what you want in a short time and not aggravate the situation. To date, many methods have been developed to restore the skin. You just need to choose the right one, based on the specifics of the situation.

Types of seams and their causes

Unattractive traces are the consequences of a violation of the integrity of the epidermis. When its cell colonies do not recover on their own, a connective tissue conglomerate appears at the site of damage.

Medicine distinguishes several types of scar formations:

  • Normotrophic. The result of microtrauma, which does not stand out against the general background and is easily displayed.
  • atrophic. They take very little cicatricial mass, so they appear in the form of pits.
  • Hypertrophic. Due to the proliferation of connective tissue, tubercles are formed.
  • Keloid. Smooth and dense plaits of burgundy or red color. The most complex form of a defect, the area of ​​​​which is able to increase under the influence of external factors.

The appearance of scars can be prevented. To do this, you need to remember forever just one rule - removing acne and even single pimples should be trusted to specialists. Squeezing pustules and ignoring the problem are common causes of complications.

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Fractional laser removal

Increasingly, the treatment of scars and scars on the face, including on the lip, is carried out using a laser. The latest equipment, the professionalism of cosmetologists and the ability to exercise full control over the course of treatment are the basic advantages of such an alternative. Fractional technology is gaining popularity in this area.

  • The simplicity of the principle. The affected areas are affected by a stream broken into thousands of small rays. This allows you to achieve a centralized mechanical effect on the epithelium and activate regeneration. The launch of self-healing reactions stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen. The epidermis on problem areas becomes smooth.
  • Recovery is fast, and pre-training does not require a radical change in habits.
  • In just a series of visits to the clinic, you can get rid of a significant number of unwanted formations and reduce the risk of their recurrence. Practice proves that 50-80% of unpleasant elements disappear from the surface of the zone in 1-3 cleanings (depending on its initial state).
  • The depth and intensity of the apparatus are adjusted, which ensures an individual attitude to each client.

There are very few restrictions. This procedure will have to be abandoned for people with diabetes mellitus, a history of epileptic seizures, psoriasis and pustular diseases, herpes. It is not used during the period of bearing a child and in the presence of infectious pathologies.

Laser resurfacing: advantages and description

This technology is recognized as one of the most effective variations in the fight against acne scars. In the course of the actions taken, the light beam sequentially destroys the intergrown fibers. Such stimulation also triggers the production of fibrillar protein, which leads to the renewal of the epidermal layers.

The main advantages of the option include the following points:

  • The ability to control the accuracy of exposure eliminates the risk of capturing healthy cells.
  • This is a universal way to treat post-acne. It can be used to treat wounds of any size, location and depth.
  • Grinding not only levels the damaged epidermis, but also disinfects it. This eliminates the possibility of inflammation or the attachment of pathogenic microflora.
  • Manipulation is allowed even with increased sensitivity to any type of operation.
  • The expected changes will be visible after the first visit to the cosmetology office.

How much it costs to remove scars on the face in a similar way depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lesion. It should be noted that in order to obtain the planned effect, sometimes it is necessary to undergo from 2 to 12 sessions. Contraindications are the period of pregnancy and lactation, the presence of infection, epilepsy, hemophilia, high blood sugar. It is not combined with the use of photosensitizing drugs.

Photos before and after procedures

Photo before

Photo after

injection methods

A decent degree of effectiveness in eliminating aesthetic problems is also shown by methods involving the use of special preparations. For this, only natural, repeatedly tested raw materials are used, which are perfectly perceived by the skin. It does not cause allergies and any discomfort. Products do not accumulate and do not have any effect on internal organs.

The most effective profile techniques:

  • Mesotherapy. Ideal for restoring the skin after a fresh injury, such as after surgery or cuts. This method is ineffective only for keloid scars. With formations of a different nature, positive effects will be obvious. The process itself involves the introduction of fortified cocktails into the texture of the dermis, which leads to the active growth of protein fibers. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to attend a course of sessions. After its completion, supportive measures can be assigned.
  • The introduction of fillers with hyaluronic acid. This technique eliminates sunken marks. The substance, getting into the dermal layers, fills the formed voids. Thanks to this, the characteristic "pits" disappear, and the treated space is smoothed out. The filler does not move anywhere and stimulates the natural production of collagen. Unfortunately, over time, it is excreted from the body, so injections have to be repeated every 8-12 months.

According to experienced doctors, in order to achieve an optimal and quick result, it is necessary to combine hardware and injection approaches. In any case, these manipulations should be agreed with the dermatocosmetologist and selected based on the specifics of the situation.

Acne often leaves behind scars and scars. Defects can also occur after an injury. The skin can not be evened out even with a thick layer of cosmetics. The way out will be the removal of scars with a laser, this is the most effective way today. The procedure will cope with all their types.

Read in this article

The essence of the method

Different types of laser radiation have multiple effects on the skin. It polishes the surface, evaporating the outer layer of the epidermis. This relieves the skin of irregularities, that is, it removes hypertrophic scars that rise above the surface.

The laser also stimulates the formation of new collagen cells in deeper layers. And this process leads to the alignment of the skin, if it has dents after acne,. The voids are filled with tissue formed under the influence of radiation. At the same time, after laser scar removal, the skin color improves and becomes more even.

laser resurfacing

Various types of defects can be corrected. Better if the scars are fresh. But it will be possible to make them as invisible as possible even after a long time has passed since the moment of formation.


The procedure makes sense to do if the face or body has:

  • dents left after getting rid of acne;
  • scars formed as a result of injuries;
  • scars left after surgery;
  • stretch marks.

The reason for its implementation in all cases is the desire of the patient to improve the appearance, getting rid of the defect or making it less noticeable. Keloid formations are also an indication if the laser is used in combination with other methods.


laser is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • skin infections or inflammation in the area affected by radiation;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • general infection.

Carrying out the procedure

During the manipulation, an ablative laser or a fractional resurfacing method is used. In the first case, moisture is evaporated from the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. As a result, the scar is reduced in volume, compared with the unchanged surface.

This is the only way to remove a keloid scar with a laser. In this case, there is no stimulation of collagen synthesis. Indeed, for keloids, its excess is already characteristic.

With fractional resurfacing, microdamages are made in the skin that stimulate regeneration. There is an increased production of collagen, the surface is leveled. This technique is suitable for the correction of all types of scars, except for keloids.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  • the problem area is cleaned with a gel and wiped with a disinfectant solution;
  • an anesthetic is injected into the scar area, and if facial scars are removed with a laser after acne, an anesthetic cream is applied for 20-30 minutes;
  • further, exposure to radiation is carried out with the help of the maniple of the apparatus approaching the problem area;
  • scars are once again treated with an antiseptic, an emollient and anti-inflammatory agent is applied to the skin.

The impact of the laser is quite painful if anesthesia is not used. Facilitates the sensations of the flow of air supplied simultaneously with the radiation.

To learn how laser skin resurfacing is performed, see this video:

rehabilitation period

The skin after the procedure needs to be restored, because the laser damages it. Swelling, redness are noticeable in the area of ​​the scar, tightness is felt, as from above a crust is formed. To make the site more likely to take on a normal appearance, the patient should:

  • on the first day, do not touch it at all;
  • do not wet the exposed skin with water;
  • treat the scar area with an antiseptic twice a day;
  • 3 - 4 times a day, apply Panthenol or Bepanthen cream for 20 minutes, then gently wash the product with a napkin;
  • refuse to use cosmetics containing alcohol;
  • wait 10 - 14 days with the application of foundation, powder, if the procedure was done on the face;
  • postpone sports, visits to the bath and pool;
  • Protect your skin from sunburn with sunscreen.

You can not tear off the crusts formed on the skin, peel it with scrubs and peels. It should update itself. Regular moisturizing will save you from the itching that occurs due to dryness, and pills prescribed by your doctor will save you from the pain that is present in the first days.

Removal duration

It will not be possible to get rid of a scar or dents from acne in a single session. Even removing acne scars with a laser will require several procedures. In this case, they can be from 6 to 10. A break of 4 to 8 weeks is needed between sessions so that the skin can recover. Their number depends on:

  • the age of the problem (the fresher the scar, the easier it is to correct);
  • the severity of the defect;
  • individual characteristics of the skin, its ability to regenerate.

Removal of fresh scars on the face of a girl in 6 sessions

The volume of treatment is determined by its course, taking into account the reaction of the skin to radiation and its effectiveness.

The duration of each session is from 10 to 30 minutes.


The positive result of the procedure does not appear immediately after its completion. On the contrary, the skin looks burned, there is discomfort. But as the tissues heal, after the first session, it is noticeable that the scar shrinks in size and turns pale. The final result of the course of laser treatment is:

  • reduction of the bulge of the scar up to its complete smoothing;
  • reduction in the length and width of the defect;
  • leveling the surface with atrophic scars;
  • matching the color of the epidermis of the problem area and healthy areas;
  • general tightening and rejuvenation of the skin, if the effects of acne were eliminated with the help of a laser;
  • increase the density of the epidermis and reduce stretch marks.

Less noticeable may be the result of correction of a keloid scar. In some clinics, such scars are not treated with a laser at all. But if it is used by an experienced specialist, it gives a good effect in combination with hormone therapy.


The price of the procedure is determined by the size of the scar, the type of radiation, the level of the clinic. It happens 500 - 3000 r. for 1 sq. cm. The cheapest way to correct stretch marks. A single session with this problem can cost 100 rubles, and the total amount will be small.

Correction of skin relief after acne, that is, removal of scars with a fractional laser, costs from 25,000 rubles. for the course.
In general, the price depends on the number of sessions and the method of anesthesia. But if you pay for several procedures at once, you can count on a discount.

Do not save too much on manipulation. It should be done by a qualified doctor on high-quality equipment.

Uneven skin after acne, stretch marks, bumpy streaks left from injuries, not only violate the aesthetics of the appearance. They can cause changes in the psychological state, failures in personal life, push the development of somatic diseases. But the laser scar removal procedure will eliminate these risks, restoring attractiveness and self-confidence.