M Children's Day. Beautiful congratulations on Children's Day are heard in all cities of Russia. Sun from palms

On June 1, 2020, little citizens of our country accept congratulations on Children’s Day. Let every child feel protected, needed, loved and happy!

There are many different ones in the year
Significant days
But most important of all is your holiday -
Children Protection Day!
Let the weather be stormy
It's not about her at all:
Don't ruin her holiday
Children's Day!
Everyone, at least a little involved,
I will congratulate you soon
After all, today is your holiday.
Happy Children's Day!

What is more precious to all of us in the world?
Everyone knows - of course, children.
We celebrate their defense day
And we congratulate you on this day.
Let the bright summer colors
They easily turn life into a fairy tale.
Let laughter sound more fun
But childhood in the soul does not grow up!

Congratulations on Children's Day in verse

Our website presents short poems that are perfect for congratulating you on Children's Day. They can be read at a party, posted in a wall newspaper, written on postcards and sent by email.

Congratulations on your holiday -
Happy All Children's Day.
Let it be different for everyone -
A little lighter, a little kinder.
Let your wishes come true
Dreams come true
Bright memories
The days of childhood are filled!

The sun began to shine brighter, warmer,
In honor of the glorious Children's Day!
Congratulations to the guys, we wish them success,
Interesting events, loud laughter.
Let parents take care of their children,
They create warmth and comfort at home for them.
We will help everyone who needs care,
After all, good always comes back!

Summer and sun, abandoned books,
The girls are happy and the boys are happy.
So many fun worries and troubles,
The guys have been waiting for them for almost a year
And the first day of June -
All Children's Day.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Happiness to all of you, kids!

Children's Day is a holiday of goodness,
This is the day of the best words and smiles.
I wish that fate takes care of the children
From problems and from adult mistakes.
Congratulations on this holiday
And I wish you warmth in my heart
Don’t lose, don’t hide, don’t save for later,
And let them children warm up.

We address these congratulations on Children's Day to all the girls and boys, all the restless ones and the little ones, and wish them many fabulous events, bright emotions and fun adventures. May their childhood be happy, may the love of loved ones always surround them!

Summer has come,
Today is the first day!
Gave us the necessary holiday,
A holiday for all children.
Let it be light, bright,
Full of magic.
May it be from happiness and gifts
The eyes glow.

Today is your holiday, guys!
All the children of the vast Earth
They rush to each other with congratulations,
Wishing you health and love!
And we, dear ones, wish you,
Grow and make us happy,
May your wishes come true
And the world will be kind to you!
We, adults, promise you,
Help, protect in everything,
And in our hearts we hope and dream
Raise you happy!

Happy Children's Day, dear boy.
This is a holiday of love and warmth.
Be like a sunbeam today
After all, it's time to have fun.
Many different gifts await you,
Our dear and beloved baby.
And a tour of the amusement park
You will complete your joyful day.

Don't be afraid, boy, don't be timid anymore,
Today is All Children's Day,
It's summer time outside,
And joy awaits the children.
You will be very strong and big,
Cheerful, restless, mischievous,
And you will grow up to be a protector of people,
The same nice little children.

Today we congratulate you, our boy.
Happy day that protects all children!
And, like a flower, we wish you to grow,
And delight everyone with your affection.
We, like you, came here from childhood.
Your problems are very close to us.
There is a simple solution to solve them,
It is within arm's reach.

On this day it is customary to congratulate all children,
Also, wish you a happy, serene life,
I want to say heartfelt words to you,
And quickly give the warmth of a tender smile.
I want you, my friend, to become a strong man.
May good luck accompany you every day!
So that you don’t exchange your pride for anything.
Let your dreams come true instantly!

You are wonderful and such a lovely boy.
Our dear, Happy Children's Day!
You make our life only brighter.
Well, accept your gifts quickly!
Let there be a lot of adventures,
So that you never experience boredom.
We wish you a mischievous mood.
We will always protect you!

Let on this Children's Day
All the boys will be happy.
They look at the beautiful world more cheerfully,
And they read books more often.
Be sure to go hiking with dad,
And I watch cartoons with my mother.
Let a fluffy cat purr in the house,
And my son is growing up healthy and strong!

We congratulate you today on Children's Day!
We are in a hurry to shelter everyone from troubles and bad weather.
Now you're just a boy and celebrating a holiday,
A cheerful, very foolish and mischievous prankster.
And when you become a man, you will protect yourself
To shield the family, the Fatherland, and children from troubles.
Well, for now, son, learn, play, grow,
Forgive my parents for their reasonable severity.

My son, dear, you are the only one I have.
Happy Children's Day, I congratulate you!
Have fun and play, drive away sadness and melancholy,
Take all your friends to the site with you.
If you want, I'll look for a gift for you.
I will give it with love and affection.
Just don't forget about lunch in your haste,
The fact that it is on the table is no secret to you.

Our robber will soon become a man,
A brave knight without fear and reproach!
Well, for now, friends, he is still a child,
He needs our support and care.
And on Children’s Day we now congratulate you,
Grow big and make your dreams come true!
Today we surround you with care,
May you surround us with care tomorrow!

On Children's Day, our dear boy, we wish you
May peace be near, kindness!
You are our dear, wonderful dandelion,
You are so naive and your soul is pure.
We will all support you, don't be afraid,
Go forward boldly, don’t be timid.
Live and don't worry about anything,
And become more mature and stronger!

The first holiday of summer has arrived today,
We are flying like a comet to this carnival.
And today we will congratulate all the children,
And childhood is a wonderful time, of course, to protect.
Our boy, we congratulate you on this holiday!
You are a future man, and you have a family behind you.
Grow up healthy, brave, and believe only in goodness,
And into my mother’s arms, which are so warm.

Our dear little boy, congratulations!
On a sunny day like this, don’t lag behind others:
Run, jump, have fun, go outside quickly!
We joyfully congratulate you on All Children's Day!
This holiday will be bright for your friends and for you.
The carousels on this day are all free for a reason.
Jokes, competitions, gifts, all the pleasantries can’t be counted.
The main thing is don’t be a beech, stay who you are!

Congratulations on Children's Day

Not just today, let's always
Giving kids nothing but miracles!
And the tears will dry, there will be no evil.
The whole world will be reflected in happy eyes!

On Children's Day
We want to wish
More bright ideas
And protect children
Real childhood
Give to the boys
And decent means
Find it for them.

There are many different ones in the year
Significant days
But most important of all is your holiday -
Children Protection Day!
Let the weather be stormy
It's not about her at all:
Don't ruin her holiday
Children's Day!
Everyone, at least a little involved,
Congratulations soon:
After all, today is your holiday!
Happy Children's Day!

On the first day of crazy summer
Children celebrate the holiday
Day of protection, day of love,
The nightingales sing!
After all, about a good, glorious childhood,
Like something very long ago
Full of all sorts of mischief
All of us remember.

On the first summer day
Everyone celebrates Children's Day.
On your holiday, guys, we wish you
Destiny happy and rich.
We wish you joy, fun,
Good luck, health, luck.
Let your childhood be bright,
So that you take your rightful place in society.

Let the pigeons soar through the air,
And balloons to the sounds of a children's song,
The kids will be happy on the streets -
And everything in the world will become more interesting!
I want your smile to bloom
I wish that life would be Disneyland,
I want Defense Day to be a gift,
And on this day I congratulate you!

Sweet, gentle, clear eyes
They shine like the sun in the morning through the window.
Bright distances and good fairy tales -
This is all that has been given to you since childhood.

Be happy, be loved,
Be protected by God and fate.
You will become women and men,
The main thing is to become yourself.

Congratulations on Children's Day.
After all, you and I both come from childhood.
For children, do not regret either love or warmth,
Let them live beyond their means!
After all, that’s probably why childhood was given to us,
So that they love us and spoil us.
Let the kids live like in a beautiful movie,
So that you don’t know sadness and boredom!

Happy Children's Day
Bright, sunny days
I wish, lovingly.

The best years of childhood
Let them not rush at a gallop.
Let adversity pass you by
And just cry with happiness.


Date in 2019: June 1st, Saturday.

Children are looking forward to the start of summer. After all, this is not just the arrival of warmth and the opportunity for a great holiday, it is a real holiday, since the long-awaited and long holidays have arrived. But not all kids’ lives are so carefree and joyful. Thousands of children suffer from incurable diseases or domestic violence, do not have normal nutrition and living conditions, and some are even forced to independently find ways to survive. These and other pressing issues of childhood have become problems on a global scale, which is why a special holiday is dedicated - Children's Day, which, by the will of fate, coincided with the first day of summer.

They say that a person's fate is completely in his hands. But many aspects that influence how adult life turns out depend on what childhood was like. After all, a baby comes into this world absolutely defenseless and helpless. And only actions, deeds, love of loved ones and others enable the baby not only to survive, but also to learn all the joys and sorrows of life. Unfortunately, the children's world is not as carefree as adults would like. It was the versatility of childhood and its current problems that became the reason for organizing a holiday dedicated to children.

history of the holiday

Today, International Children's Day, June 1, is celebrated in many countries. And for the first time it officially began to be celebrated in 1950. But the history of the holiday begins much earlier. For the first time, issues related to the current problems of childhood were raised by women in 1925 at the World Conference, which was held in Geneva. At the beginning of the century, the public was concerned about the problems of street children, orphans, and poor medical care. But the idea did not receive widespread public support.

It was for orphans in San Francisco that the Chinese consul organized a holiday that went down in history as the festival of floating dragons. This large-scale event took place on June 1. According to one version, it was this event that became decisive when choosing which day to celebrate the childhood holiday in the future.

The issues of children's well-being became acute issues for the public in the post-war years. Therefore, in 1949, the Women's Congress again put forward the idea of ​​​​establishing a special holiday. At the conference, a unanimous decision is made to direct all efforts to fight for peace for the sake of a happy childhood for all children and teenagers on the planet.

And already in 1950, a new holiday was celebrated in many countries, and on a large scale.

Symbolism of the holiday

The main symbol of the holiday is the green flag. It depicts our planet, on which children's figures of different races and nationalities are located. They extend their hands to each other, symbolizing unity and friendship as the only opportunity for development and peace.

Symbolism of the holiday

But there are also more specific symbols. Thus, under the image of a white flower, on June 1, an action is being held to raise funds for seriously ill children.

And under the symbol in the form of a white lily, actions are held in support of reproductive medicine, which gives thousands of babies a chance to be born.

A holiday for every child

The word holiday itself is associated with joy, fun, and happiness. And, indeed, for many kids, June 1 in 2017 will be unforgettable.

But this holiday also has a downside, which is perhaps much more important than the idea of ​​fun itself. The main goal of Children's Day is to focus the attention of the public and ordinary people on real children's problems. This idea is directly present in the name of the holiday. Therefore, it is important to think about what children need to be protected from.

Sad facts of world statistics:

  • 100 million children do not have the opportunity to study because there are simply no schools nearby;
  • 15 million children became orphans after losing one or more parents due to AIDS;
  • 10 million die every year due to lack of access to health facilities and medicines;
  • 300 thousand - forced to participate in wars, real ones, not computer or toy ones;
  • millions of children do not have housing or proper nutrition;

And in developing countries, the practice of exploiting child labor as cheap labor and even child slavery has persisted.

It was this state of affairs in the world that became the basis for the appearance of some documents that spell out children's freedoms and rights.

All children's rights and freedoms are reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959. This document is a call to recognize the rights of every child and respect them. It must be strictly observed by parents, public organizations and authorities.

After 30 years, in 1989, the “Convection on the Rights of the Child” was established, which defines all the rights of small citizens, as well as the responsibilities of adults.

These documents have been ratified in many countries. But this did not solve all children's problems.

Children of Russia

Several organizations in Russia are involved in protecting the rights of minors and helping mothers who find themselves in difficult situations. First of all, this is the UNICEF Children's Fund, which has been operating since 1997.

At the legislative level, children's rights are protected by Federal Law No. 124 “On Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.” But even the care of the state and public organizations cannot solve all problems.

Today there are more than 30 million children living in our country, and only 12% are absolutely healthy. Many require care and expensive treatment. Moreover, the problem of psychological health is acute. Aggression, vandalism and suicide are common occurrences among children and adolescents.

And how many children are born in Russia with congenital defects due to the fault of the parents themselves. The heirs of alcoholics and drug addicts are left without care immediately after birth, having received a whole range of incurable pathologies from their parents. And among teenagers, almost half are already addicted to alcohol and drugs.

There are plenty of problems in relatively prosperous families too. First of all, it is a lack of attention. Parents' concern lies in material support, and the baby sorely lacks the warmth and affection of loved ones. Teenagers grow up early and receive unnecessary and sometimes dangerous information from the Internet.

In low-income and large families, the issue of material security is acute. Indeed, often in such families, despite all the efforts of caring parents, children lack basic things, including food and living conditions.

We can safely say that children's problems concern every adult, regardless of social status, age and financial security. Therefore, the children's holiday has become very popular in Russia and is supported by many government and public organizations, as well as simply caring people. Many charity events are dedicated to this day.

Traditions: how to organize a children's party

June 1 is a great occasion to organize a fun holiday for children. As part of the festive events, asphalt drawing competitions, exhibitions of children's pictures on the street, and festive concerts with the participation of children are held. Children and teenagers dance, sing songs, recite poems, and take part in competitions.

To organize a children's party, you can use our competition ideas. The following games and competitions are suitable:

  • a theatrical performance of a fairy tale;
  • contest ;
  • a game ;
  • contest ;
  • team relay;
  • contest ;
  • entertainment for relay race;
  • contest .

In addition, we suggest adding dance and children's songs to the program.

Songs for the holiday

When a children's holiday is celebrated, one cannot do without playful and cheerful music. Our selection of songs about childhood and simply funny melodies will help make the holiday unforgettable:

We are little children, we want to go for a walk

Chunga Chang's Childhood Island

Congratulations to children in verse and prose

On Children's Day, create a festive mood for your kids. Let them laugh and enjoy life, catch sunbeams and do their favorite things. With your family and friends, create a real fun holiday with games, entertainment and congratulate all the kids. Don't forget about those little ones who are deprived of care. Let this day become unforgettable for them, filled with festive joys.

Every child has every right to childhood, to a carefree and happy time. And it depends only on the adults what it will be like. After all, all babies are vulnerable and defenseless. On Children's Day, I really want all the kids, without exception, to feel loved, needed and protected. And so that they never face indifference, cruelty, early adulthood and unnecessary information flow. Let troubles and wars, illnesses and anxieties pass them by.

On this warm summer day,

When the breeze whispers,

Everyone needs to be warmed up

Boys and girls.

Let their smiles shine

And they spread through laughter,

Exclamations and cries of happiness,

We love them all very much.

Children are our treasure

Our heart and joy,

This is our pride, joy,

Happiness and also a reward.

On a day when protection is needed,

I wish with all my heart,

So that the kids sleep soundly,

And, of course, they didn’t get sick.

To make the sun smile,

And they knew no troubles, no worries.

To grow up happily

Easy things are always dear to them.

Larisa, May 11, 2017.

Every year on June 1, World Children's Day is celebrated. We have collected short holiday greetings for you in poetry and prose.

Children's Day was first celebrated on June 1, 1950 in 51 countries around the world; the holiday was established at the Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women in 1949. The editors have collected short, beautiful congratulations on Children's Day in poetry and prose for you.

Children's Day...Have a good holiday!
And with love for the kids, you start the summer!
After all, they are happiness, the light of life, our joy.
It is given to them to preserve our faith in fairy tales and youth!
Children are joy, children are happiness.
There is no more beautiful time of childhood!
Let it be bright
Kind, peaceful, selfless.

Let every child have
For boys, for girls -
There will be everything: family and shelter,
Where comfort and love live!

And our globe will be filled with peace.

The smiles of children are perhaps the best thing that can please the eye. There is so much sincerity and trust in them that even the most strict and hardened heart will melt. So today, on Children’s Day, let everyone try to make the lives of the little inhabitants of our planet better and safer.

Children are our happiness
Our main wealth.
We wish the kids
Smile more often.

Congratulations to all the girls
And boys, Happy Children's Day.
May they be healthy
Their life will be more fun!

May the sun shine brightly forever,
So that there is no trace of the clouds in the sky.
So that the children are healthy,
May trouble not concern them!

Congratulations on Children's Day!
Life was for myself. It's different now.
Let the child grow, giving you happiness,
Every day, all year round - adoring you!

Happy Children's Day! I wish you to plunge into a holiday of happiness, smiles and sincere childish joy. May your families be strong, united, reliable and loving. Let children's laughter sound, hopes be born and dreams come true! Take care of yourself, because family is the main thing!

Happy Children's Day and wish you blue skies and colorful rainbows, fun adventures and wonderful friends, happy childhood and magical wonders, bright hobbies and interesting adventures, good joy and good mood.

Children are our future, our meaning of life and our happiness. Let them learn about wars and enmity only from books, and never see these troubles in reality. Let the sun always shine brightly for children, let life give pleasant gifts, and at night millions of beautiful stars shine in the clear sky.

May all the children in the world be happy,
They laugh, sing, and have fun in a crowd.
Let the sun shine tenderly in the sky for everyone
And our globe will be filled with peace.

Summer has come to us and sung,
The kids are having fun
Everything around is warmed with warmth,
Celebration from the very morning!

Children's Day
From misfortunes, evil and troubles,
All the girls and boys,
There are no more expensive ones in the world!

Congratulations on your holiday,
Let the children's laughter never stop,
I wish the children happiness
Let love warm everyone!

We wish the children health and strength,
So that these gifts will be enough for them for the rest of their lives,
Let luck be your companion in life,
And also smiles and kind people!

Take care, pamper, love,
Protect your kids
Live life beautifully and brightly.
To be an example for children,
Give them joy and celebration,
And not only today - always!
Only in them lies happiness,

And may fate give them more often!

Let every child have
Whether it's a boy or a girl,
There will be toys and candies,
Lots of love, smiles, light!

Let happiness be real
Like the sun shining,
So that all the kids smile,
And they enjoyed their childhood!

Today the whole planet
In the hands of children,
Let them jump and jump
With a smile from ear to ear,
Let them go to heaven
Today even the sun
In the hands of children!

Their bright eyes
Filled with goodness
And little hands -
Care and warmth.
So it's not scary
Give them the whole world
And we will become protection
For them for many years.
Let your dreams come true
Every child.
More light, warmth,
And let the laughter sound loud.

Let them be loved
All children in the whole world.
And life is unique,
And the best on the planet!

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