Scenario for entertainment in the senior group “Summer Birthday Day. Scenario for the children's holiday “Name Day of the senior group “Yagodka”

Scenario of the holiday “Birthday Day” for children of senior preschool age.

Foster a sense of mutual assistance.
Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.
To consolidate children's knowledge about their birthdays and the birthdays of their friends.
Improve skills and abilities when performing game tasks, relay races and competitions.
Paper caps according to the number of children, clown costumes, Balloons, tape recorder, wall newspaper with photographs of children.
Presenter. Guys, look how beautifully the hall is decorated. We have a holiday today. Today is everyone's birthday. We congratulate all our children on their birthdays.
Birthday is a special date, This holiday cannot be compared with anything, Someone kind once came up with the idea of ​​giving joy to the Birthday boy.
Clowns Bim and Bom run in with a bunch of balloons.
Good afternoon, kids, Dear girls, Cheerful boys! I was in a hurry to see you for the holiday, friends, I can’t be late.
Today is not a simple holiday. Today is a mischievous holiday. All the birthday people are sitting and looking at us cheerfully.
Boys and girls, does it really happen that we celebrate everyone’s name day?
Today is the birthday of all our children. But just you, Bim and Bom, take your time. Let's take things in order. Everything will be clear to you.

I just really love holidays, cheerful laughter, cheerful music and a lot of children's smiles.
Let's sing a song together.
Song “Smile” by V. Shainsky.
Presenter. We congratulate children born in the fall.
Be always good, Always be beautiful, Always be cheerful, Nice, kind, sweet, Don’t upset your parents, Love them and obey, Smile more often.
Bim. Let me play with the children.
Game "Let's do everything as I do."
Let's do everything as I do (2 claps). Let's do everything as I do (2 claps). Come on, all together, all at once. We do everything together (2 claps).
Let's all stomp like me (2 stomps). Let's all stomp like me (2 stomps). Come on, all together, all at once. Everything is done together here (2 floods).
Let's laugh like me (ha ha). Let's laugh like me (ha ha). Come on, all together, all at once. Everything is done together here (ha ha).
Let's sit down like me (like this). Let's sit down like me (like this). Come on, all together, all at once. Everything is done together here (like this).
Let's spin like me (like this). Let's spin like me (like this). Come on, all together, all at once. Everything is done together here (like this).
What fun you had playing! And not at all tired?
Presenter. Our children are strong, resilient, and dexterous.
Bom. And Bim and I came up with a task for the birthday boys.
Game "Burst the Ball". The participants of the game line up in one line. Opposite the players are balloons. The players' task is to run up to any ball, sit on it so that it bursts. The participant whose balloon bursts first wins.
Our guys are great. Our guys are daredevils.
The play “January” by P. Tchaikovsky from the album “Seasons” is playing.
We congratulate those guys whose birthdays are in winter. Come on, winter birthday boys, come out and show off your strength, speed, and agility.
Relay races: 1.Running in one felt boot. 2. Pull-ups on a bench. 3.Who can name more winter words?
The play “March” by P. Tchaikovsky is playing.
Congratulations to everyone on spring birthdays. Let the cheerful laughter of children ring during the holidays.
We stamp our feet hard, clap our hands loudly, and shout loudly: “Congratulations!” We'll make birthday boys play.
Competition “Tie a scarf on a cap.” On command, each child must first put on a cap and then tie a scarf on it.
Competition "Collect a flower." There are many colorful petals on the floor. You need to collect petals of the same color and make a flower out of them.
Bom. What great guys! They cope with any task.
Bim. Guys, do you know proverbs about spring?
1.Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.
2. Spring is red, but hungry.
3. March - with water, April - with grass, and May - with flowers.
4. One swallow does not make spring.
5. May is cold - a hungry year.
Presenter. I want to congratulate the children born in the summer on their birthday.
Bim and Bom. And we prepared for the guys fun competition.
Competition "Bring an apple." Each team has three apples floating in a bowl of water. Each team member must, without using their hands, use their mouth, to transfer the apples to the bowl on the opposite side.
Competition "Can you...". Each participant receives an envelope with a task. There is a task on the sheet of paper.
Presenter. Our holiday is coming to an end. I would like to once again congratulate all the children on their birthday. Wish you many smiles and warmth. To obey the parents. Have many good and loyal friends, always grow up healthy.
Bim and Bom. And we invite everyone to the festive table.

Elena Iroshnikova

Scenario children's party

« Name day senior group « Berry»

Target: create positive emotional mood, cause joy from participating in holiday, introduce timid children to performances, continue to develop interest in performing songs and dances, continue to introduce children to the concept "humor".

Characters: Presenter, Baba Yaga, children.

Room groups decorated with balloons and garlands with congratulations.

Progress of the holiday.


Name days are nice!

It's weird and funny -

Accept congratulations

And receive gifts.

Where are our birthday people??

Let them sing and dance for us.

To invite them here,

We need to start clapping!

Children enter the room to applause and music. group, stand in a semicircle and read poetry.

Today is our birthday

I've been worried since the morning.

The happiest moment -

When in children's children come to the garden.

All the toys are on parade

In our group lined up.

I ironed my trousers and shirt,

I put on my best outfit.

Today is our birthday!

It’s not for nothing that ringing laughter sounds all around.

And they will lift my spirits

Good and faithful friends.


We will open the holiday now,

We'll arrange some wonderful games here.

Turn everyone towards each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands up everyone

And move the top.

Let's shout merrily: "Hooray!"

It's time to start the games!

Help each other

Answer the questions.

Give me the answer together:

Only "Yes" and only "No".

If "no" you say

Then knock your feet

If you say "Yes" -

Clap your hands then.

We eat grass for lunch.

Is this true, children? (No - children knock their feet).

Is grass food for a goat?

Answer together. (Yes - clap their hands).

Is ice frozen water?

We answer together... (Yes).

After Friday - Wednesday?

We will answer together. (No)

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children. (Yes).

Is a birthday a fun day? (Yes)

Are there games and jokes waiting for you? (Yes)

Are you okay with humor? (Yes)

Are we doing exercises now? (No)

Congratulations to the birthday people?. (Yes)

Will we send them to Bab Yaga? (No)

Shall we give them chocolate? (Yes)

Let's kiss sweetly-sweetly? (Yes)

What great fellows you all are! Answered all questions correctly.

And then behind the door there is the rumble of an empty bucket, an incomprehensible noise, and Baba Yaga appears!

Baba Yaga: Fu-fu-fu, I smell it, I smell the Russian spirit. Who's making noise here? Who made this noise? Oh, there are so many kids here. And everyone is delicious, and everyone is sweet. Now I’ll catch someone, fry them and eat them!

Baba Yaga begins to hunt for the guys, who run away from her.

Presenter: Stop, stop! You, Baba Yaga, where did you come from? How on children's holiday hit? How did you find out our address? We didn't invite you!

Baba Yaga: You weren’t invited? And I found this on the street (shows the invitation we prepared for all guests) and I guessed that there would be a lot of delicious boys and girls here! Oh, I'll fry it and eat it!

Presenter: Wait, Baba Yaga, don’t scare the guys, look how smart, beautiful, strong and brave they all are! Don't spoil it for us holiday!

Baba Yaga: Smart, you say? I do not believe!

Presenter: Check it out!

Baba Yaga: Fine! Let me tell them my Babkin-Yozhkin riddles! Only a persuasion such: if they can’t guess, then I’ll choose the most elegant one and eat it! OK?

Presenter: Oh, you're hungry, Baba Yaga! (addressing the guys) Well, guys, are you brave? Shall we risk solving Babkin-Yozhkin's riddles or will we be afraid?

Children: Let's take a risk!

Baba Yaga:

Pretzel-bredenl, tryn-grass,

Cast your spell, Grandma Yaga!

Now where I have the most difficult riddles? (looks through his pockets for a long time, pulls out all sorts of pieces of paper) Oh, well, I found it! Well, hold on!

The forest is dense, already creeping,

Crushed tooth, soaked fly agaric

Tell your grandma

More insidious than a riddle!

Near the forest, on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,


Children: Fly agaric!

Baba Yaga:

Look, you guessed it right!

He's very much mine old friend,

It will frighten everyone.

He will rattle his bones,

He will defeat all heroes.

My dear villain

This is grandpa.

Children: Koschei

Baba Yaga: Wow, what are you! But now you definitely won’t guess!

He'll find out everything, take a peek,

It bothers and harms everyone.

Bone leg

That's a beauty.

Children: Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Oh, and they guessed about me! Yeah, somehow I haven’t been able to choose who yet eat: All my riddles were solved. And for this I will now treat you to delicacies. And you guys, close your eyes, don’t peep, and try to guess what you ate.

Baba Yaga approaches each child in turn and gives a piece of some fruit or vegetable, and the children must guess what it is based on their taste. Baba Yaga gives a piece and sentences: this is a fly agaric, this is a frog's leg, this is a bat's leg, this is a toadstool, this is a rat's tail, this is a camel thorn, this is moss, etc., to prevent you from guessing correctly.

Then Baba Yaga draws attention to those who have passed on holiday guests.

Baba Yaga: Why do you have this on? children's party do these aunts and uncles do? A? Yes, there are so many of them. At first I thought that you were having a parent meeting here; I have never seen so many adults at one parent meeting. They have everything to do, yes, things to do. And on name day, so you found the time to come? Well, since you’ve arrived, congratulate the children on name day. Yes, not just like that, but foreign language. Which one, you ask? And this is how chamomile will tell you fortune.

Contest "Chamomile"

A chamomile is made from paper in advance, on back side each petal of which has funny tasks written on it. Parents tear off petals and sing to the tune "Let run clumsily", imitating the sounds made by different animals: crow, meow, croak, moo, bark, squeak...

Baba Yaga: Just look, your parents haven’t forgotten how in played as a child. Oh, chavoy, I'm getting bored (yawns). The chavoy makes me sleepy. It's an unequal hour, I'll fall asleep. Make me laugh soon! Sing a song or something.

Presenter: It’s not difficult for us to do this! Really, guys?

Children: Yes!

Children perform a song « Kindergarten» .

Baba Yaga: Oh, you sing well! Oh, they made me laugh, I already wanted to dance! Do you know how to dance?

Children: We can!

Baba Yaga: I’ll check it now! I know one dance, my great-grandmother danced it, do you want me to teach you?

Dance "Dance teacher"

Baba Yaga: Oh, oh, oh, I'm exhausted! Okay, I’ll go and sit on a tree stump and rest a little! In the meantime, catch some fish for my cat Vasily.

Two hoops are placed on the floor into which fake fish with a metal loop are placed. Children are given spinning rods with a magnet on the line. Child's task "magnetize" fish. Children catch fish and put them in a bucket.

Baba Yaga: Here, thanks, guys! How many fish you caught for my Vasily! How clever you are!

Presenter: Our children are not only dexterous, but also smart. They know how to count, and they know how to sing songs, and they know a lot of poetry. I'll prove it to you now. Guys, I will start poems and songs for you, and you finish!

Our Tanya is crying loudly. (children continue)

There lived with my grandmother two cheerful... (children continue)

One is gray, the other. (children continue)

There was a little gray boy who lived with his grandmother. (children continue)

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman and they had a chicken. (children continue).

(Baba Yaga inserts her own variants, like “Cucaryamba Chicken” or “Once upon a time there lived a gray elephant with my grandmother.”)

Presenter: You know poetry worse than us, and songs too...

Baba Yaga: They know poetry! Ha ha! Something I'm on yours holiday I haven’t heard a single poem!

Presenter: Oh, here, listen!

Children read poetry.

Name day! Name day!

At Tanyusha, Kolya, Nina,

For boys and girls

Everyone is happy to celebrate!

We all love birthdays

And, although he is full of worries,

How nice on your birthday

Get older whole year !

For boredom - not a single minute!

Tell jokes! Play!

You can't be bored!

Will remember holiday our friends!

Baba Yaga: So what, I’ll eat someone anyway! This girl, probably, or better yet, that boy! Or better yet, you (points to the presenter!

Presenter: Well, what are you doing, Baba Yaga, I’ll eat and eat everything! Are you hungry?

Presenter: Better yet, the guys will give you a treat now, you’ll eat and you’ll be ours holiday watch! You love fly agarics, right?

Baba Yaga: Well, let's. Just for me more and faster!

Contest "Collect fly agaric mushrooms"

The presenter scatters fly agarics cut out of paper on the floor and blindfolds the children. Then he slowly lays out various vegetables and fruits, also made from paper. The children do not know about the catch and, as it seems to them, collect only fly agarics.

Baba Yaga: Well, let's see who scored more (counts). Oh, my favorite fly agarics (kisses them). What kind of crap is this? (having found some fruit or vegetable) Fufufu, who gave me this? (throws)

Baba Yaga: OK. Since you have given me so many delicious fly agarics, I won’t eat any of you today. I'll fly to my place. But if you behave badly, I’ll come back and drag someone away anyway. In reserve. In the meantime, goodbye, children!

Presenter: Why are you planning to fly away? Since you won’t eat anyone, stay with us, we’ll dance now. And now - “Loaf” for birthday people!

Children and adults perform a round dance game "Bai-kachi"

Baba Yaga: Oh, I just remembered something. I buried the treasure somewhere, but I don’t remember where. There is one hint, but I still don’t understand anything. Maybe you can figure it out? You're smart, it's me old lady, I can’t think of anything. If you find my treasures, take them for yourself. I do not mind. I liked you, and now I have enough food for six months (shows fly agarics, so the treasure, if you find it, of course, is YOURS!

Baba Yaga leaves.

Search for treasure.

Riddles and clues are written on the pieces of paper. The answer serves as an indication of the place where the treasure should be looked for. The children go there and find another note. And so on until the last place where the treasure will be hidden.

1. He has water in his belly

Seething from the heat.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly. (kettle)

2. (on a teapot)

I'll tell you without bragging:

I will make all my friends younger.

They come to me sad

With wrinkles, with folds,

They leave very nice

Fun and smooth. (iron)

3. (on the iron)

He has four legs

Looks a little like a horse

But it doesn't jump anywhere.

And plates, cups, spoons,

And wonderful food

On his back wide

We settled in without difficulty. (table)

4. (on the table)

Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?

Look at anyone:

Clothes are worn on top

He has it inside. (closet)

They opened the closet and found a “chest” there. (big box, pasted over beautiful paper) . There were gifts inside for birthday people. The children were very happy!

State budgetary educational institution of Moscow

School No. 41 preschool groups at the address: Lenin street, 51


Birthday Day.

Prepared by: Pyrkova L.Yu.



Birthday Day in the senior group.

Target: Creating a favorable microclimate in the children's team.


Develop imagination, fantasy, memory, ingenuity.

Develop the ability to listen to adults and comrades.

Form a culture of behavior at birthday celebrations.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.

Pirate 1. We did not gather by chance,
couple starts our holiday.
After all, today marks
kid's birthday!

Who are our lucky ones?
We want to see you!
Come on, give us the answer
How old are you today?

Birthday people:
Five years!

Pirate 2:
For those who are five today,
We ask you to stand in the middle,
Happy birthday guys
We will congratulate you!

Pirate 1: Do you know, guys, that at birthdays there are all sorts of chants, congratulations, noisemakers and games... And today we will congratulate you, because you have the most wonderful holiday - your BIRTHDAY.

Pirate 2: And our congratulations will not be ordinary. Now I will read the wishes, and you will help me. Answer yes-yes-yes to those wishes that you like, and No-No-No, which the guys don’t want to wish at all... Just shout loudly. And at the end you need to shout together: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Agreed? Ready?
Happy birthday!
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
And, of course, we wish you!
The boys need to grow up more.
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Definitely get fatter!
Children: No no no!
Be beautiful, kind, sweet!
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Both loud and pugnacious.
Children: No no no!
So that mommy loves!
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
With a strap to hit me more often.
Children: No, no, no!

OK OK. To feed you lollipops!
Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Pirate 1: And all together: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

(all this time the birthday people stand in the center of the group).

Pirate 1: ( praises children). Guys, what would a BIRTHDAY be without birthday cake, Truth? So we'll bake it now. Guys, get up in a circle!

All children join hands and line up in one long chain. Ahead of all Pirate 1 , On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: The pirate turns around himself, winding the entire chain. He spins until you get a big “Cake”. The condition is not to release your hands. Once the whole chain is wrapped around pirate , you should stop.

Pirate2: This is how the cake turned out!(asks the children)What is our cake with today?

Pirate 1: What's missing from a birthday cake? Of course, candles. All hands raised up. That's a lot of candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake.
The children run away in different directions.
Maybe stop congratulating?

I suggest you dance!

And now for all the guys


Pirate 1: This is how our dance turned out: cheerful and perky
While the teacher is talking to the children, the 2nd one tries to call the 1st one, but he does not hear him.

Pirate1: ! How long can I call you? Do you have bananas in your ears?
Pirate 2: Bananas? Where are the bananas? Who has bananas?(looks in children's hands, under chairs)
2 takes out a fake banana.
Pirate1: And here he is! Guys, quickly stand in a circle. Let's play the game Catch the Banana!

Children stand in a circle. 1st throws the banana in a circle. The 2nd is trying to catch up with the banana. You can cheat, throw it, throw the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana ends up in the hands of the 2nd player.

Pirate1: Ooh! This is not a real banana. I do not play like that.

Pirate 2: Don't be upset, . We have a wonderful bag, and there is something in the bag. And at the same time, we’ll check whether the guys gathered here are friendly.

The teacher divides the children into 2 teams. Each team must use a spoon to transfer the fruit to the basket. Whose team carried the fruit faster was the winner. The teacher praises the children.


Children stand in a circle. Find a beautiful one summer hat with brim, put it on the head of one of the children. As soon as the music starts playing, the child turns around, takes off his hat and passes it to his neighbor. He puts it on, turns around, and passes it clockwise again. The music stops suddenly. The one wearing the hat is out of the game.

Pirate 1: 1st, how much fun we have! Let's keep playing!
Pirate 2: Who should I play with? Look. The boys' tongues stuck to the roof of their mouth.
Pirate1: Is it true? Horrible! Urgently need charging for reeds!

Now we will ask riddles, and you quickly guess them.

1. On the fence in the morning, crowing... (image first of a kangaroo, then, when they figure out what’s going on, of a rooster)

2. He sleeps in a den in winter, you guessed it... (whale - bear)

3. The long trunk is the nose, in front of you is a kind one (dog - elephant)

4. Eats flies, mosquitoes and is healthy, croaks in the swamp (cow - frog)

5. He is thick, like a tub, the horn on his nose is (a frog - a rhinoceros)

6. If you prick yourself, you can’t hurt him, the thorn is very much ours (bear - hedgehog)

7. His ears are long, he is a coward, he hid in a bush (goose - hare)

8. He knows a lot about raspberries, of course, this is (wolf - bear)

9. She barks on the street and is called (chicken - dog)

10. Birthday is around the corner, we baked (sausage - cake)

Pirate1: Look, the guys' tongues have come off! So it's time to sing. What do they sing at birthday parties?
Children: “Loaf!

Pirate2: Hurry up and stand in a circle!

Children dance in a circle.

Pirate 1 : Let us now check which of us is the most accurate? Do you agree?


(Girls and Boys Team)

Pirate 1: Guys, which of you is the biggest greedy person, raise your hand?
Probably none of you like to be greedy, right, guys? But today we have fun party-BIRTHDAY, and on a birthday everything is permitted.

And now I’m announcing a competition for the best greedy person. And our guests will help me with this.


(For the game, prepare more inflated balloons. Two participants are selected. On command, you must collect and hold as many balls as possible in certain time. Whoever has more balls wins. You can play several times. IN last time plays with the 2nd child.)

1st: Look at you, 2nd. Are not you ashamed? Took all the balls from the children. Just a real greedy person.

2nd: Oh, and really, it’s kind of embarrassing. But now I’ll give all the kids a balloon, and we’ll arrange a real fireworks display in honor of the birthday boys (hands out balloons).


On command, children throw the balls up and shout: “Hurray!”

2nd: See how great everything turned out.

We played, sang songs,
But the happy hour has come
It will be the most interesting
A moment on our holiday,

In honor of such a birthday!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Birthday gifts,
They will be very good!

So be it, let us now congratulate our birthday people.

Presentation of gifts.

Holiday “Not at the behest of a pike, but according to your skill”

For children of the middle group 4 - 5 years old, born in spring and summer.

Children and parents enter the hall and take their seats. There is a makeshift stove in the hall, and Emelya is lying on the lei.


Spring has come knocking on us,
And then comes summer.
Brought joy and happiness
Holiday and greetings.


What is this noise, what is this commotion?
You don't let me sleep.
I'll give you a holiday
You won't come again.

Presenter: Oh, Emelya, today we congratulate children who have a birthday in the spring and summer. Let's get off the stove, we'll drive the Loaf.

Emelya: I don't want to.

The children persuade Emelya to come down from the stove and read him poems:

1. The sky has become bluer
The grass is greener in the forest.
Flock of domestic pigeons
Knitting lace in the sky.

2. Admire, spring is coming.
Cranes fly in a caravan.
The day is drowning in bright gold
And the streams in the ravines are noisy.

3. Spring is coming all over the earth,
Gives us miracles.
Just open the windows -
You'll see for yourself.

Children sing the song “Drops - Icicles”.

Emelya gets off the stove.

Emelya: So be it, we will congratulate the birthday people. Where are they?


We have many, many of them!
Come on, count it.
Birthday people, here
Get into the circle quickly.

The presenter names the birthday people. Parents and children stand in a circle and sing the song “Loaf”..

Presenter: Oh, I completely forgot. Today we will drink tea, but we didn’t bring water. Emelya, maybe you and the children can go get some water?

Emelya: Yes, I don’t want to.

Competition “Bring water on a rocker”

Two teams are selected, each of which consists of a mother, father and child. Each team is offered two buckets filled to the middle with water. On command, the father places the child on his shoulders, who acts as a “yoke.” The mother, the “well,” hands buckets into the child’s hands. A father with a child on his shoulders moves to a certain place, trying not to spill a drop of water.

Emelya: I didn’t know that water could be brought without the help of magic words. When my daughters-in-law asked me to chop wood, I said the words “At the behest of the pike, at my request,” and the wood chopped itself.

Competition “Gather firewood”

Two teams are selected, each with a father, mother and child. Each team inflates 5 balloons (this is firewood). You need to carry these balloons without using your hands, forming a sleigh - the child sits on the crossed arms of his parents and holds the balloons in his hands. Whose team will do it faster?

Presenter: Emelya, dance with us.

Emelya : I don't want to.

Presenter: Well, we’ll have to appease Emel with gifts so that he can have fun with us.

Competition "Gifts"

Parts are distributed to all parents and children cut pictures. From the parts you need to assemble a whole picture and depict what is drawn on it (doll, bear, car, pipe, drum, monkey, etc.). While the team members are depicting the image, the others guess what kind of gift is depicted.

Emelya: Thank you for the gifts. I will be very happy to dance with you.

Everyone performs the “Piglets” dance.

Presenter: Emelya, a pike helped you in the fairy tale. And now look how our children and parents cope with a difficult task without the help of magical power.

Pass the orange game

All children and parents are divided into two equal teams, each of which includes children and adults. Parents, in order to be on an equal footing with their children, kneel. The task is to pass an orange held under the chin to each other in the team. Whose team will do it faster?

Emelya: But still, I want to surprise you with magic. Here I have a box in which I have prepared gifts for you. At the behest of the pike, at my will, the gifts will appear!

Emelya opens the box - it’s empty .

Emelya: I forgot to cover the box with a magic blanket.

At this time, the presenter, unnoticed by others, puts gifts in the box. Emelya and the children pronounce magic words, Emelya opens the box - and there are gifts there. Emelya hands them over to the birthday people.

Presenter: Everyone is invited to join the group for tea.

About Me: I write scripts for events, compose poems, bake and share food, and am a deputy of the district Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations. In 2008, the winner of the regional competitive selection of the best teaching staff of regional state and municipal educational institutions(in nomination " The best teacher"), in 2009 the winner of the regional competition "My Innovations".

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Guys, for a whole year you and I grew up and celebrated our birthdays separately from each other. Do you know how old you are?

The guys answer

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Now let's combine all the birthdays in one holiday today and have a lot of fun! Today is an extraordinary day for us. A Miracle happened: the teacher turned into a Birthday Girl, and you all had a birthday on the same day! Wow! On your birthday you can be naughty, play, eat all sorts of sweets, so:







We will fly on the most amazing aircraft on SMEHOLETE. Let's quickly line up, stretch out our arms to the sides, I will recite a funny rhyme, and you will shout ha-ha-ha in unison. Let's rehearse.

Children say together and cheerfully: ha-ha-ha!

BIRDDAY GIRL: - Wings to the side, fasten your seat belts (you can hear clicks of your tongue), turn on the engine (each person presses on his nose), we go on a flight, LAUGHTER will take us.





BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Our plane landed in the wonderful and delicious Sweet Tooth Country. Why are we here? the guys will tell us in verse.

Child 1: What is a birthday?

This is joy and fun.

These are songs, jokes, laughter.

The day that is the best.

Child 2: Why and why did fun come to us?

After all, now it’s not New Year and not Housewarming.

But it’s not for nothing that we have fun with our friends now.

Child 3: Why and why are we very happy?

And today we are busy endlessly having fun?

And it’s not for nothing that we have fun with our friends now.

What do we have? What do we have? Guess for yourself.

4 child: Why and why do the lamps shine brightly?

And on this day we give gifts to someone.

And it’s not for nothing that there are jam pies at this hour

And we, and we have a common birthday!!!

All children memorize the last phrase and pronounce it in unison.

5 child: Let the birthday be interesting,

Cheerful, noisy, joyful for everyone.

May it be pleasant and wonderful

To the sound of music and loud laughter

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — In order not to get bored, I suggest you play.

Game 1 "Guessing game."

In this game you need to solve a riddle:

1.Which sweet has a small toy inside? (Kinder Surprise)

2.What does Winnie the Pooh like? (honey)

3.What is the name of a round lollipop? (Chupa Chups)

Game 2 “Dress up your friend in a candy outfit”

Choose 4 people at will. They form pairs. One child in the pair is blindfolded. His task is to attach candy to another child’s clothes with clothespins. Adults help if necessary.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Aren't you tired? Then I propose to dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

An audio recording of the “dance of the little ducklings” is turned on - a French folk melody.

BIRDDAY GIRL: - We are not too lazy to play and sing, we would dance all day long! Well done! Let's now come to our teamwork and let's look carefully at what gifts you think can be given to all people.

The birthday girl addresses the parents present at the celebration: our children themselves painted the items that can be given as a birthday present. Then he names each work in turn and asks its author what gift he would like to receive from his parents?

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - And now I offer you another game. Guys, it’s called “LOAD” Only we have “UNUSUAL LOAD”. After all, we have a lot of birthday people.

Game 3 "Loaf".

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - Let's divide into 4 teams that will represent winter, spring, summer and autumn. Those born in winter go to the “WINTER” team, in the spring to the “SPRING” team, in the summer to the “SUMMER” team, and in the fall to the “AUTUMN” team. Guys, if we have four teams, that means how many seasons are there?

The children answer.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Let's bake a LOAF first for children born in winter (winter children stand in a circle, and the rest form an outer circle) and everyone sing together:

How we baked a loaf on winter name days

this is the width, these are the dinners

this low, this high


So, all 4 teams took turns, changing only the words corresponding to the time of year into the songs.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Did the guys play and dance? What else do they do for birthdays?

The guys express their opinions. The birthday girl asks leading questions and as a result someone must answer what they sing.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: - What birthday song do we know?

Children answer: “Let them run clumsily...”

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Great! So let's sing this song by Gena the crocodile.

The song of the crocodile Gena “Let them run clumsily...” from the cartoon “Cheburashka” lyrics by V. Shainsky, music. E. Uspensky.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — Guys, we all know that a birthday doesn’t happen without games, without laughter, without gifts, without congratulations and wishes. Now I will wish you, and you will unanimously shout “YES” or “NO”. Get ready!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - NO-NO-NO!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!


Children: - YES-YES-YES!

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Guys, is there a birthday without a treat?

The children answer no!

BIRTHDAY GIRL: — In the country with a sweet tooth, children bake cakes, cheesecakes, and buns themselves. Let's refresh ourselves with fruits and sweets, and then bake a pie and buns, and when we sleep, we'll eat it all for an afternoon snack.

Tea party

Moms set the table, and meanwhile the Birthday Girl dances to cheerful music with the guys (free movements, as you wish). At this point, you can play another game if the children wish.

Game 4 “Like this!”:

The birthday girl asks the children: “How are you?” Children point up thumb- "LIKE THIS!" And he continues: “How do we go to kindergarten?” Children show that they are sleepy. - How do we run home from kindergarten? The children are jumping up and down. - How can you make noise without teachers? Children are buzzing! - How do you sleep during quiet hours? The guys put their hands under their cheeks. - How do you laugh at jokes? The kids are clutching their tummies! How are you crying? The kids rub their eyes with their fists. How are you playing pranks? Children puff out their cheeks and clap them.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: We ate and refreshed ourselves. Now let's get to work. Let's bake a pie. But put on your aprons first, otherwise you'll get your outfits dirty.

Children make buns and roll “sausages” for the pie. Moms help. At the end, the children go for a walk. We also support you along the way festive mood Guys. We play their favorite games that they have already learned. In addition to outdoor games, you can offer the game “The Rattle Plays.”

Game 5 “The rattle started playing.”

Birthday girl: - The rattle started playing.

Children: - Clap, Clap, Clap.

Birthday girl: And the frog croaked.

Children: Kva, kva, kva.

Birthday girl: The chatterbox answered her.

Children: Yes, yes, yes.

Birthday girl: The beater started knocking.

Children: Knock, knock, knock.

Birthday girl: The cuckoo says in response.

Children: Ku, ku, ku.

Birthday girl: The gun lit up loudly.

Children: Bang, bang, bang (we hit the chest).

Birthday girl: And the old lady groaned.

Children: Ah, ah, ah.

Birthday girl: The cow also mooed.

Children: Moo, moo, moo.

Birthday girl: The pig squealed with her.

Children: Oink, oink, oink.

Birthday girl: The rattle rang.

Children: Bryak, bryak, bryak (we hit the knee).

Birthday girl: The little jumper jumped up.

Children: Jump, jump, jump.

Birthday girl: This is parsley.

Children: Clap, clap, clap.

After sleep, the children sit down at the table. The birthday girl says that the cake is ready and they will bring it now. Pause.

Birthday girl: - Guys, let's call him. Probably the cooks have forgotten which group is celebrating and don’t know where to take it. Let's loudly and unanimously: pie, pie, pie.

The lights are turned off and the cake with lit candles is brought out.

After afternoon tea, the children play independently and the birthday girl plays with them. At the moment when the parents pick up the child, the Birthday Girl gives a gift. The gift can also be given during the holiday. It depends on whether it can be put in the child's closet.