Wedding congratulations in a parable. Parables and toasts for a wedding Wedding parables

We present to you a selection of wedding toasts and parables in your own words, in prose! When going to a wedding, don’t expect to sit behind the toastmaster. His task: to lead the wedding, giving words to everyone. An experienced toastmaster will lure you out of the farthest corner and force you to give a speech. Prepare it in advance.

Parable of the Three Whales

The ancients believed that the world stood on three pillars. Family life also rests on three pillars. The first pillar is passionate desire. The second pillar is trust and respect. The third pillar is harmony in everyday life. And three whales, as the ancients believed, stand on a turtle. This is how all three pillars are based on the same basis...

The name of this base... Can you guess it? That's right, love! So let's drink to love!

Wedding toast to science and art

Ask a Scientist: What is Family Life? He will answer: “Science, we need to calculate everything - where to live, when to have children, how to spend our holidays...”

Ask an artist, poet or performer: what is family life?

After all, without romance, impulse, wonderful surprises, it is impossible to maintain attraction to each other.

So let's drink to love - it unites science and art!

Riddle toast for a wedding

Everyone knows the parable about two frogs that once fell into a pot of milk. One thought: “This is the end for me!” — folded her paws and went to the bottom. And the other one floundered and floundered - and even churned the butter with her paws. She leaned on this oil and jumped out of the pot...

What determined the choice of these two women of the frog tribe?

The first frog was lonely. No one was waiting for her at home. So she drowned.

And the second frog recently got married. “My husband is waiting for me at home! - she thought. “I suppose he’s cut off all his phones, he’s worried... Who’s going to take care of him and feed him dinner?” What if some green toad has already been found?

The last thought made the frog work so quickly with its paws that soon it not only jumped out of the pot, but also took the butter with it - for its dear husband for dinner.

So let's drink to love, it is the main saving force!

Toast to two wings

Can a dove fly with one wing? No, he can not. Can a one-winged falcon soar? No, he can not! Only love gives a person two wings. Only together can you rise to the very heavens of happiness.

So let's raise our glasses to two high-flying wings - to love!

A toast to a worthy couple

“Most men demand from women those virtues that they themselves are not worth,” said Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Our couple was lucky: they found innumerable virtues in each other, which will be revealed to them every day.

So let's drink to a worthy couple!

Toast to love

The ancient fabulist Aesop said that there are three disasters in the world: fire, sea and woman. And I... want to drink to these three disasters!

For the fire of feelings - let it always feed your home!

Beyond the sea of ​​love - let the ship of your family life sail in it with full sails!

And for the woman - for our beautiful newlywed! So let's drink to love!

Theory and practice

They say that first a person should study the theory, and then gain practice. In love, it’s the other way around: one becomes theoretician when practice has already ended.

So let's drink to ensure that theory never separates from practice!

Words of love

In a strange city, a man saw a young man and a girl and asked them: How do you say “I love you” in your language?

The young man silently hugged the girl tightly, and then said: This is how they talk about love in my language!

So let's drink to love that doesn't need words!

What is love?

The guests gathered at the table of honor. and the women asked them: what is love?

one woman says: “Love is probably a disease.”

The doctor stands up: “No, this is not a disease, because a very large amount of energy is released, Most likely it is work.”

The architect stands up: “Well, what kind of work is this? After all, everything is so perfect, it’s more like art.”

The art critic stands up: “No, Art needs a viewer. And this happens one on one. It's more of a process."

The lawyer stands up: “What a process this is when both parties are satisfied. It's more like science."

An old professor stands up: “What kind of science is this when any young student can do it, but I, an old professor, cannot!”

So let's drink to the eternal students in love!

A toast to peace and tranquility in the family

One ruler was asked: How do you maintain peace and tranquility in your state? And he answered: When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I get angry, they calm me down, and when they get angry, I calm them down. The family is a state in miniature.

My toast is to preserve peace and tranquility in your family in this way!

A toast to the secret of family happiness

One married couple lived to see their blessed wedding - 70 years. And all these years the couple were affectionate and happy. When they were asked what the secret of such long-term family happiness was, they answered: The whole secret is that all these years we had a single bed...

So let's drink to the eternal single marital bed!

A toast to good relationships

The sage was asked: When is there a good relationship between husband and wife?

When the husband does not hear what his wife says, and the wife does not see what her husband is doing, the sage answered.

So let's drink to a good relationship between husband and wife!

Toast - a parable for a wedding

Three brothers lived in the same village. One said: I will never marry! Marriage is a mousetrap.

However, he got married and spent his entire life squeaking like a mouse in a mousetrap.

Another said: I will never marry! Better to drown yourself in a pond!

However, he got married - and his wife turned out to be a real frog.

The third said: God give me a good wife! It is impossible to live without a family!

And God heard his prayers - sent him a good wife and a happy family life!

So let's drink to the groom - he will marry for love and his life will be full of love!

Toast to the groom at the wedding

May our groom have the bravest heart - like a lion!

Let him carry any prey to his nest - like an eagle!

Let him be affectionate with his sweetheart - like a lamb!

Let him be thrifty and homely - like a beaver!

Let him remain faithful to his wife - like a swan!

And let him remain human despite all this - after all, only people know how to truly love!

Parable of congratulations on the wedding

Let me tell you an ancient legend very briefly.

One day, the ancient castle where the baron and baroness lived was captured by enemies. The leader of the enemy army appreciated the beauty and charm of the baroness. And he said this:

- You are an amazing woman! Therefore, I allow you to leave the castle. And moreover, take the most expensive things with you. As much as you can carry on your shoulders.

Early in the morning the fragile baroness left the castle. And on her shoulders she carried the most precious thing - her husband

So let's drink to the fact that through many, many years our young people will carry the most precious thing - love!

Toast - a riddle for a wedding

Tell me, what is the name of the person who always gives in when he is wrong?

I don't hear an answer!

That's right, sage!

Here's a more difficult riddle:

What do you call a person who gives in even then. when is he right?

That's right - married!

So let’s drink so that our young husband today doesn’t rack his brains over this riddle for too long. And then family happiness will reign in the house!

For the wisdom of women

King Solomon once said: A wise wife will create a house in the desert, but a foolish wife will destroy a palace with her own hands.

I want to drink to the wisdom of women - to the main creative force on earth!

Let our newlywed embody all feminine wisdom!

A toast to the bride! For my wife

Dear (name)!

This day is the happiest in your life! Many people can say so. But I know that only after many years you will be able to say with certainty whether he really was that happy.

The fate of two people is in your hands: yours and your husband’s. You yourself can and must build your own happiness.

The word “bride” is light and airy. It only lives for one day.

The word “wife” is significant and polysemantic.

I raise my glass and drink it in two sips:

For the bride!

Wedding toast to soup and pies

My grandmother also told me: Without soup there is no family!

And even if a young couple has the opportunity to dine in a restaurant every evening, they still need to cook soup at least once a week. Possibly borscht! And the best thing is to bake pies!

Because the smell of a family meal is not only the scent of sustainable living. This is a sign that love and care reign in the house. So my toast:

For love and care! For soup and pies!

Toast at a wedding to real men

Who is a real man?

This is the one who remembers exactly the birthday of his beloved, but never knows how old she is!

What if a man knows exactly how old a woman is, but never remembers her birthday?

Alas, it is her husband!

So let's raise our glasses to ensure that our dear groom remains a real man for many years!

For harmony in the house

A husband and wife lived for five years - and not a single quarrel.

Correspondents have arrived

How do you do this? - they ask.

The fact is that my wife and I agreed before the wedding that we would live in harmony.

One day she does whatever she wants, and the second day I do whatever she wants!

So let's raise a glass to wise men - it is thanks to them that there is harmony in the house!

A toast to future children

At a meeting in one company, very important issues are resolved. Suddenly one young woman decisively raises her hand.

Do you need a wise parable for your wedding toast? Take one of the ones below or come up with your own using your own words and you will see that you will definitely end up with an equally wise parable. Let your toast at your wedding be the most memorable!

Our dear newlyweds! The Bible says: “A man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, and the two become one flesh.” From now on, you are two halves of one whole. Take care of each other, appreciate each other. And may the gold of your rings not darken; we wish you to preserve tenderness and love!

Once upon a time, a long time ago, the Gods created the first people - the most perfect creatures on earth... Those people were twice as large as us, they had 4 arms, 4 legs, and, but they did not have a division into men and women, they were one. And this went on for many, many centuries...
But one day the Gods looked down at the flowering land, happy people and saw that those people had acquired too many opportunities and in their condition could already compete with the Gods. And the higher powers got angry and divided each person into two halves, mixed them with each other, scattering them to different sides of the world.
Since then, our halves have been looking for each other, and not everyone succeeds. About those who were able to do this, they say: “What a happy family this is!” , or “They look so good together!” “They are very suitable for each other” And those who have not yet met their soul mate hope to find it. So let's raise a glass to our young people, because they managed to find each other!

At this fun and beautiful wedding, the groom has many friends, and I will tell this parable especially for them.
One sunny day, a young man walked through a beautiful garden, in which there were many beautiful roses.
And the young man plucked roses one after another.
Thinking that roses will always come his way.
However, over time, the garden began to thin out and wither, the flowers began to fade, and in the end only thorns and fallen petals remained.
So hurry up, young men, don’t miss your chance!
Here's to your happy future and family happiness!

Our dear newlyweds say that when God created women, he put a piece of sugar in each of them to make them sweet. But one of his apostle assistants made a mistake and put two pieces of sugar in one. Since then, every man has been looking for his sweetest woman. Let's raise our glasses to the successful completion of the search by our groom!

One woman complained in confession that her married life was unsuccessful, that she and her husband were indifferent to each other, often quarreled, and her husband was cheating on her. The priest asked her: “Do you like flowers?” - "Yes!" “What would you do if you had a beautiful houseplant?” “I would water it carefully, change the soil and pot every six months, and place the flower where it would have enough light.”
- “That’s the same with married life, it’s a flower, and it requires care, attention, warmth, affection, care, kisses. And a woman, remembering that a man loves with his eyes, should be well-groomed, attractive, combed, beautifully dressed. Let's drink to the wisdom of wives who strengthen and not destroy marital love!

On this page you will learn what a wise parable is for a wedding toast, because wise wedding toasts in prose and in the form of a parable will become an unforgettable toast!!!

Any wedding feast is rich in toasts and shouts; “bitter!”, wishes and congratulations addressed to the bride and groom, most often young people, despite the sincerity of their utterances, remember only the most touching, funny or unusual from this stream of congratulatory speeches .

That's why. If you want to surprise guests and please the newlyweds, then it is better not to read your wishes from a postcard, but to speak by heart or impromptu, somehow play with props or musical accompaniment.

A good option for a bright and expressive congratulations to the newlyweds could be, for example, a beautiful legend or parable, a table joke with cheerful wishes to the heroes of the occasion, or an artistically presented

We hope that the proposed Caucasian toasts, parables and jokes for a wedding will help you decide on the choice of table greetings or entertainment.

1. Caucasian toast "To the best bride!"

Once upon a time, in mountain villages, it was customary to marry young men like this: they gathered all the girls of marriageable age in the courtyard of their parents' house and asked about what they knew how to do: how they prepared food, how they herded cattle, how they spun thread, how they used festive tablecloths. embroider...And, after listening to the story about the skills and talents of the applicants,...they chose the most beautiful one! Our groom turned out to be more cunning than the wisest elders; he chose the most beautiful, the smartest, and the most skillful. So let's raise a glass to the best bride!

2. A wedding parable about great love.

Caucasian elders tell a legend about the wonderful love of a beautiful maiden, a prince's daughter, and a poor, but noble and surprisingly attractive young mountaineer. As usual, the noble girl’s family was against such a marriage, so the couple decided to escape despite all dangers - the main thing was to be together!

Here they are climbing high into the mountains, shaking hands and smiling at each other with happiness. But, to their misfortune, one of the local residents noticed the couple in love, envied their love and ran to the prince and told them for thirty pieces of silver where he saw the young people and where they could look for the fugitive. The prince became furious, grabbed a crossbow with arrows and rushed after him. When he caught up with the young couple, the young man was the last to ascend the narrow path. The prince took aim at his back, but the young princess noticed his meanness and covered her beloved’s back with her body. So the prince killed his own child.

And the girl, falling like a thin vine from a fierce wind, hung her white hand from a high ledge. And the girl’s blood flowed down this hand, and the girl turned into the purest spring.

The young man, bending over his dead beloved, became petrified with grief, taking the form of a mighty cliff that covers and protects the mouth of a wonderful spring until the end of his days. This is how they found each other forever, because true love cannot be defeated by any arrows or human deceit.

So let's drink to the great love of our newlyweds, and let it be great and happy without meanness, betrayal and betrayal!

3. Toast-joke at a wedding about children.

A wedding is considered a significant date in the history of the creation of every new family. To add fun and excitement to the celebration, invited guests and relatives select thematic toasts, parables, and short stories with meaning about friendship and love in advance.

Parables and tales about spouses

The noun “Spouses” is borrowed from the peoples of Ancient Greece. Literally translated as “team of oxen.” The point is that during family life, husband and wife should be in the same harness and together endure the hardships and joys of life. I wish that happiness and good luck do not leave this family. Let it only get stronger and grow. Such a toast will be remembered by both the newlyweds and the guests.

Let us give an example of another entertaining tale. There is a month and the sun in the sky. And we are next to the newlyweds. With their beauty, shining smiles and sparkle, they are like the stars in the sky. While the heavenly bodies are shown one by one, we wish the newlyweds to always remain shoulder to shoulder. Together, a new strong family lights the way for itself and its offspring. Let spouses not know what separation is.

These are examples of “serious” stories with deep meaning about difficulties in marriage. But we can’t do without funny parables. The couple had been married for 75 years and celebrated their diamond wedding. When they were asked how this happened, the husband and wife explained that it was due to the narrow marital bed. They slept on it throughout their married life. So let's make a toast to a single bed, which will make life easier for a couple!

An ancient parable tells that one rich merchant was married to a young girl of unprecedented beauty. A rich man shared with his friend his sadness that his life was dull. The friend was extremely surprised to hear such a statement. After all, the man did not need anything, either materially or in his personal life. Once a rich man invited a friend to visit. He ordered cakes to be served with the meal. After two days, the hanged man begged to be fed a meat or salty dish. To this the owner of the house replied that now he can be understood. The sweet life gets boring quickly. So let the newlyweds have some spice and zest in their family life, but there will be no bitterness!

Toast parable “Crystal toys”

In one city there lived a puppeteer who was not only a skilled craftsman, but also a wise man. While traveling around the cities, he gave children toys for free, but they were made of crystal, and the parts were made so delicately and exquisitely that every now and then they broke in the hands of restless children. No matter how hard the children tried to protect the toys, they could not - the master made them too fragile. All this upset the kids, because the toys were incredibly beautiful. Frustrated parents once came to the puppeteer and asked why he gave children only crystal toys, was there any malicious intent behind this?

The master replied that he gives children such fragile toys with only good intentions, because soon they will all grow up and someone will give them an even more fragile thing - their heart, and with these toys they can practice at least a little to take care of it. So let's drink to the newlyweds treating each other's hearts with the same trepidation as if they were made of crystal! Bitter for the newly-made husband and wife!

Toast parable "According to Kant"

The German philosopher Kant said:
“When I was poor, I couldn’t afford to get married. When prosperity came, the need for marriage itself disappeared...
I want to appeal to young people. Your financial situation, thank God, allows you to get married. And you need to do this on time, then it will be too late! For the youth!

Toast parable “Material for happiness”

I don’t know if this is true, but they say that a long time ago there lived a skilled sculptor, the best of all who ever lived on Earth. The works he created were so good that God, seeing his perfect creations, breathed life into them. Then the master created a sculpture of a man and a woman using the best material, and also gave them names. The creations were incredibly beautiful, came to life and became the crown of his creativity. But while working on them, the master had little material left over.

Wanting to please his favorites, the sculptor called them over and asked what gift they would like to receive. The animated sculptures asked to make “Happiness” for them, because they fell in love with each other and would like to live happily together. Then the master took the material, a chisel, and put it in the hands of his creations, because people’s happiness is only in their hands. Let's raise our glasses and drink to our newlyweds to fashion a beautiful child from their own material who will give them joy and happiness! Bitter for the newly-made husband and wife!

Toast parable “Family Helping Hand”

The life of a single person can be compared to a floor in which there is only one floorboard. A person is walking, and this floorboard bends and creaks, and the balance is about to be lost. When two people connect, the two floorboards are side by side and you can give a helping hand. each other, and life becomes more stable than life on one floorboard.
So let’s drink to our “young people”, to their acquisition of stability in mutual love, in mutual support! For their happiness! Bitterly!

Toast parable “A man’s happiness”

They say that a person's happiness is in his own hands! It is believed that a woman will be happy if she marries successfully, but how can a man become happy? The sages answer this as follows: a man can make himself happy for a day by drinking good wine, for two days if he meets a good friend, but for the rest of his life if he respects, loves, and appreciates his wife. My toast is for our dear groom to be happy all his life! Bitter for the newlyweds!

Parables and toasts from the East

An elderly, squalidly dressed woman entered one of the houses where the wedding celebrations of two sisters were taking place. The elder sister declared that they did not need beggars and kicked the wanderer away. But the younger one took pity on her and invited her to the table. It turned out that the poor guest was actually a fairy. Each of the girls received a present from her. The rude sister got black glasses. Having put them on, the girl seemed to see the world around her as rude, ugly, and evil. She became eternally dissatisfied, her husband’s actions irritated her. In the end, seed life went wrong.

The younger sister received pink glasses as a gift. Since then, the girl saw the outside world full of love, kindness, beauty, tenderness. She did not see any shortcomings or misdeeds in her husband. Family life was joyful and happy. Let the young spouses create family life in the form of one bright morning! After all, the happiness and well-being of the family depends on the woman!

Toasts and parables make the newlyweds realize the seriousness and deep meaning of marriage already on the day of the celebration. Stories are created based on the life experiences of other people. Among the eastern people there is a statement that the first month of life together is honey, and the second is wormwood. That's how it is in life. During the first month, the couple is still in a state of euphoria. But gradually young people begin to solve real problems and engage in common affairs. Two people get to know each other better. It is important not to find fault and accept minor shortcomings. Let's make a toast to husband and wife wearing rose-colored glasses every day. Let family life forever remain a honeymoon!

Parables and toasts for the groom's friends

Every wedding brings together many friends from both sides. Why not make a toast and honor them?
One guy, finding himself in the Garden of Eden, was picking blooming roses. I didn't think about anything. I thought that roses would smell here forever. Gradually, not a single flower remained, only bare bushes with thorns. The bottom line is that you cannot pick all the flowers. It is important to find your only rose and treat it with care.

The young horseman intended to accomplish three things in one day: shoot the enemy, visit friends and celebrate the wedding. Question: how to manage everything? After some thought, he went to his friends. There he saw a set table, his future wife, and under the table the head of an enemy. Let's drink so that each of us can have such friends! Strong, sincere friendship between people is a priceless gift of life.

A significant part of the legends comes from the Bible. A parable is taken from the holy book that a man without a wife will wander around the world and sigh. So let the groom’s wanderings end today!

Toasts are listened to carefully so as not to miss the meaning.

The wedding was in full swing. The young groom did not take his loving eyes off his beautiful chosen one: clear eyes, happy smile, gentle blush - no one could compare with her in beauty and youth. The guests shouted “bitterly!”, shouted out wishes, and then they began to give gifts. Many guests - many gifts. I can't remember everything. But one of them will never be forgotten... “Darling, darling,” the snow-white Angel touched the groom’s shirt with his hand. When he saw the Angel, he was even frightened by surprise and recoiled. - Who are you? “I am your Guardian, the Lord himself sent me to you with a gift.” Let's go to the park and I'll give you a gift. The groom sighed with relief - of course, this was another wedding surprise-prank. And they hired such a good artist in the theater - it’s indistinguishable from a real Angel. “Come on, I’m all at your disposal.” When the freshness of a green summer evening hit his face, the Angel waved towards the restaurant, and the music rushed off into the distance. The voices died down. - Well, now no one will bother us. He reached into the depths of some dusty bag and pulled out a yellowed photograph. - Here's the first part of the gift! The groom looked at the photograph. Eight young men stood shoulder to shoulder from edge to edge of the photograph. A woman was sitting on a chair in front of them - tired, exhausted, but she was smiling. Apparently it was their mother. - And what do I have to do with it? – the groom returned the photo to the old woman. - You have nothing to do with it, you are on it. In this picture! Didn't you notice? - Where? - Here you are standing in the center. The older one. And next to you are your seven sons. Your today's bride stands ahead. In twenty years she will be mistaken for your mother. So her life will be crushed. “But we won’t have seven guys.” We will have a boy and a girl. We decided so, don’t talk nonsense! - You're talking nonsense. Better shut up and listen. Here, next to you is your firstborn. Gray, by the way, is a personality. He has no special talents, no great beauty. But thanks to the fact that he will have six younger brothers, he will grow up to be a reliable, responsible, hardworking person. He won’t have a great career, but he will be highly respected and appreciated at work. And he will create a family that everyone will envy. And if he doesn’t have younger brothers, he will grow up to be a lazy, homely, worthless little man and will simply drink himself to death, sitting on your neck all your life. But this one - with a sly squint - is your wife’s favorite. She will spoil him. Oh, and stop grieving with him until you grow up. He will be a punk, and a goth, and will run away from home. You will go to parent meetings in his class as if it were torture. One day he will run away from home completely and go to Moscow. His mother will cry her eyes out for him, and he will join the Arbat artists and draw portraits of passers-by in order to earn a living. One master will notice him and begin to teach him. Whether for a long time or for a short time, his paintings will be sold very expensively later - God will give him such talent. And then he will return home and completely paint the Church of St. Alexis of Moscow. You will be proud of him when he becomes an adult. And the fees will help his brothers get back on their feet. But this bald one is also not a gift. From childhood he will associate with bad company and begin to commit crimes. It will grow up and begin: sat down, left, sat down, left... But the fourth and fifth are twins. There will be no spills. With them you will breathe a little. They will study well and play sports. Both will dream of serving in the police since childhood. But they won’t hire them there because the older brother has a criminal record. Therefore, they will both enter the architectural school, get married there, return home and take good positions. These two twin cottages will be built so that people will come and admire them. And next door they will build a house for you. And if they are not born, you and your wife will live out your old age with a criminal. Old age will seem like a long time to you! And if your criminal is not born, then the twins will become police officers. They will make a good career, then one of them will commit an official crime, the second will try to “rescue” him, and both will end up under investigation. They won’t stand the shame and will shoot themselves. If your wife doesn’t survive such a disaster, she’ll go crazy. Your sixth child - he’s the thinnest one in the photo - he’s holding his brothers by the arms so that it seems like he’s standing. He will be born disabled. He will have cerebral palsy. Oh, what a hard life he has! He will experience so much torment, so much pain that it is impossible to describe! But, living between life and death, he will learn to pray. And for yourself, and for your family, and for the whole world. He will beg both you and your criminal brother. Everyone, in short. If you don’t give birth to him, you won’t see the Kingdom of Heaven like your own ears. On the seventh - this bright-eyed one - the doctors will forbid you to give birth. They will say that after thirty you have a lot of pathologies: twins, a paralytic... They will do an ultrasound and find Down syndrome. If you have the courage, then give birth to the most beautiful child on the planet. Healthy both body and soul. He will only play with his paralyzed brother. The twins communicate with each other, the older brothers and the baby are just bored, so he will love your paralytic more than anyone in the world. And when he sees how painful it sometimes is for him, he will promise himself: “I will grow up, become a doctor and cure my brother!” He won't cure his brother. Your brother will die before your youngest graduates from college. But he will be a doctor, and what a doctor! They will call him a miracle worker! Newborns and even unborn children will undergo the most complex operations! It will save thousands of lives. If they are not born, they will not live. And here’s the second part of the gift for you – a family planning marker. Cross out the one who is superfluous in your family. - What, I’m not going to cross anyone out! “Then go show the card to your beautiful young bride.” - said the Angel, flapped his wings and ascended to heaven... The wedding was in full swing. The young groom did not take his loving eyes off his beautiful chosen one: clear eyes, happy smile, gentle blush - no one could compare with her in beauty and youth. He admired in silence, and he constantly thought: “My girl, I will never, never offend you in my life! I will always help you. Just be with me, let all our children be born. I will do everything to make you feel good with me. Even if happiness is difficult. For me, you will always be the youngest and most beautiful. We and our children have a wonderful destiny. The main thing is not to break it, to withstand everything. I will protect you all my life, because I love you! Forgive me, but I won't show you this picture. At least for now." The guests shouted “bitterly!”, shouted out wishes, and gave gifts. Many guests - many gifts. I can't remember everything. But one of them will never be forgotten...