What can you do to give birth faster? The finish line: how to give birth faster

All women eagerly await the birth of their baby. But in order to see her baby, the lady needs to go through childbirth. and how to do it to speed up the birth of your baby? These questions interest many mothers, so it’s worth understanding them.

Childbirth process

If a woman has already started having contractions, she should do everything in her power to give birth as quickly as possible, thus saving herself and her baby from unnecessary suffering. So, here are some tips on how to give birth quickly. Tip one: you need to get rid of any fear. Fear constrains and does not give a woman the opportunity to relax and do everything necessary to facilitate labor. Only calmness, only concentration on the main process is the key to an easy and quick birth. How to give birth quickly, tip two: you need to have some freedom of action. A woman’s body often tells her how to make it easier, more comfortable, and less painful. However, most doctors have a negative attitude towards such “independent activity” of a woman in labor, arguing that only they know how and when it is best to take any action. Therefore, it is better to give birth in private clinics (they are more relaxed about various “innovations”), where they have everything necessary to facilitate and speed up labor. Another tip on how to give birth quickly: you just need to prepare for childbirth. To do this, you need to learn various breathing techniques that not only relieve pain, but also speed up labor, and know when and what position is best to take. It is worth noting that all these intricacies are taught in regular courses that are best attended by all expectant mothers.

How to give birth faster?

But there are situations when it seems that the due date has already approached, but the baby is absolutely not going to be born. What can you do to give birth faster? There may also be some tips here. So, most mothers and gynecologists recommend “papa therapy,” that is, intimate intimacy. And it is desirable that the lady gets maximum pleasure. This will not only relax the cervix, but also give the body a certain signal. The woman's orgasm will lead to and thus labor can begin. Tip two: to give birth faster, you can perform nipple stimulation. This will not harm the woman at all, even if it does not cause contractions. This will also help prepare you for breastfeeding. However, most women say that after a few sessions of nipple massage they begin to feel the expected urge of labor to begin. Why is this happening? The fact is that such stimulation causes a rush of milk to the breast, which, by the way, is also responsible for labor. Tip three: most mothers recommend moderate physical activity. And if they do not cause contractions, then at least they will benefit the body.

What not to do

If a woman keeps telling herself: “I want to give birth faster, what should I do?” - she must be able to filter all the information that she receives from the outside. So, every pregnant woman needs to know what not to do if she wants to induce contractions as quickly as possible. Some people may advise not to consume a large number of alcohol before bed. This is bad advice that should not be heeded. You can also hear the recommendation that you need to eat spicy foods to bring contractions closer. This definitely won’t give you the expected result, but you can get heartburn or even gastritis.

Of course, pregnancy can confidently be called the happiest time in a woman’s life. However, many people want to bring the baby closer to birth for certain reasons. Some are afraid of carrying their babies and thereby putting them at risk of medical problems. Some are simply tired of all the symptoms that come with pregnancy:

  • constant swelling;
  • pain in the back;
  • toxicosis;
  • a large belly that interferes with normal movement.

This inclines women to search for different methods of what to do in order to give birth faster. In the “secret treasury”, every pregnant woman has several unconventional methods, such as:

  • rearranging furniture;
  • regularly walking up stairs;
  • general cleaning, including washing floors, windows, etc.

However, we must not forget that it is impossible to provoke labor “at will”. This can only be done when the baby becomes physiologically mature (approximately starting from the 38th week of pregnancy and not a day earlier). In addition, the general condition of the mother’s body should be taken into account, namely, it should be ready for the onset of labor.

Below we will consider methods that can be used by expectant mothers to induce contractions, their main pros and cons.

Basic ways of what you need to do to give birth faster

The main methods on how you can give birth to a baby faster are presented:

  1. Thanks to sexual intimacy. This method can be considered one of the most common methods. Often gynecologists themselves advise couples to use it. Of course, immediately after sexual contact with your husband, labor will not begin immediately, but this will significantly help soften and smooth the cervix, which will lead to a decrease in the duration of contractions. If a woman manages to have an orgasm during physical intimacy, the muscles of the uterus will sharply contract. This may well trigger the onset of labor. But it is necessary to have sex during pregnancy carefully so as not to harm the baby. The following rules must be observed:
  • choose a position during sexual intimacy in which the woman’s stomach and chest are not subject to pressure;
  • artificial provision of lubrication, since during pregnancy it is not released.
  1. Thanks to nipple stimulation. The onset of labor depends entirely on the hormone oxytocin, which is very interesting, because when a woman’s nipples are stimulated, the body releases the same hormone. Of course, the expectant mother can stimulate her nipples on her own, but you can also involve your husband in this activity. There is no need to pinch them too much, nor do you need to twist them. You should lubricate your fingers with massage oil or baby cream, and then gently knead the nipples: first one, then the other. This procedure should take approximately 20 minutes. You can repeat it up to four times a day. By the way, this can not only provoke the onset of contractions, but also prepare the nipples for breastfeeding and protect them from possible cracks.
  2. Thanks to physical activity. Many pregnant women are convinced that this method is the most effective compared to all others. But here you need to be extremely careful, because it is not at all difficult to overdo it in this matter. Alternatively, you can do gentle exercises to maintain muscle tone, maintain general health, and skin elasticity. However, it is forbidden to lift any heavy objects, rearrange bulky furniture, or run up the stairs without rest. Such manipulations can lead to complete exhaustion of the female body and endanger the lives of the expectant mother and baby. Such actions can lead to premature placental abruption.
  3. Thanks to olive oil. No one can say for sure that this method will help you give birth faster. However, it is definitely possible to obtain certain benefits from its use. The oil will help increase the elasticity of the perineal tissue, which will significantly reduce the risk of ruptures during labor. You should drink it according to the following instructions: before meals at least three times a day, 1 tsp.
  4. Thanks to raspberry leaf tea. Raspberry leaves contain a substance that can have a tonic effect on the pelvic organs, the uterus is no exception. You need to brew 3 tbsp. l. dry leaves with boiling water (1 liter), leave for about 2 hours.

The tips listed above are considered common and relatively safe. However, there are other tips that are less known among the general birthing public, but they can also help induce labor and therefore give birth faster. It is worth noting that they are not safe, and gynecologists categorically prohibit their use in practice, so as not to harm themselves and the child.

  1. Small amount of alcohol. A glass of red wine will help relax the nervous system - and the results will not be long in coming. But doctors oppose this theory, since it has no medical confirmation. But the fact that alcohol harms all organs and systems of the body is a scientifically proven fact.
  2. Some food items. Today there is a theory that suggests that spicy foods effectively stimulate the onset of labor. However, it was also refuted by doctors. In their opinion, spicy food, at best, will lead to heartburn, and at worst, it will provoke the development of acute gastritis. For this reason, it is not worth exposing yourself and your child to risk.

What are the dangers of a post-term pregnancy?

Indeed, doctors identify a number of complications that can be caused by post-term pregnancy:

  1. Deformed baby's head. During a post-term pregnancy, the baby loses the ability provided by nature to reduce the size of the head when passing through the birth canal. During a normal pregnancy, they seem to overlap each other and thereby reduce the size of the skull.
  2. The risk of developing intrauterine fetal hypoxia. It is known that with each day of pregnancy the baby needs oxygen more and more. And the placenta at post-term is no longer able to satisfy this need of the child. As a result, the development of hypoxia can be provoked.
  3. Pathological changes in the umbilical cord of the placenta. The placenta is characterized by the property of aging. During a post-term pregnancy, it stops supplying the baby with oxygen in full, as well as other nutrients. This can have a negative impact on the child.

Pregnancy is the most emotional period in the life of every woman, and the closer the due date, the more worried and worried the expectant mother is. The 40th week of pregnancy is approaching, the mother is anticipating the long-awaited contractions, but they still do not begin. The last days of pregnancy drag on for a long time, and the baby still does not want to go out into the big world.

When the day passes on which the doctors suggested giving birth, mommy becomes truly anxious. Is everything okay with the baby? How long will it take for him to be born? Is it possible to induce contractions on your own? Every pregnant woman wants to quickly free herself from a heavy burden and press her beloved baby to her chest. There are several fairly effective ways to speed up labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy, the only question is whether it is necessary.

When should you give birth?

Pregnancy ideally lasts exactly forty weeks, or ten lunar months, but the child may be born earlier than the appointed time, or may linger in the womb. It is not considered a deviation from the norm if the baby decides to get out of the belly already at 38 or only at 42 weeks. In the first case, the baby is fully formed, continues to grow and gain weight, and in the second case, it does not yet show signs of postmaturity.

A woman’s body manifests itself very individually, but you can roughly calculate how long the pregnancy will last by looking at the length of her menstrual cycle. If menstruation recurs after 28 days, then the child will most likely be born exactly at the time determined by the doctors, but if the menstrual cycle takes more than 30 days, then the gestation will be long.

If for some reason the baby is born before 38 weeks, he is considered premature and must be nursed in the postpartum department. And if a baby is born after 42 weeks, all the signs of postmaturity are visible, which also does not have a very good effect on his health.

The doctor informs the expectant mother of the preliminary date of birth at the first appointment at the antenatal clinic, and a more precise date is determined during an examination with an ultrasound machine, when the doctor observes the degree of development of the embryo. At 40 weeks of pregnancy, if there are no pathologies or complications, childbirth takes place naturally. But under certain conditions, the doctor may prescribe a caesarean section.

Is it really necessary to induce labor?

Whether it is worth inducing labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy, only a doctor can tell after an examination. If the baby grows and develops normally in the womb, he has enough space, the mother does not have to worry, waiting for the natural birth process. In this case, it is better not to interfere during pregnancy.

But if the baby is large, he may not have enough oxygen from the aging placenta. A post-term baby, who does not want to get out of the belly, experiences oxygen starvation. In addition, after the 40th week of pregnancy, the fetus’s skull bones begin to harden, which means that it will be very difficult for him to move along the birth canal, and the mother will experience severe pain during childbirth. In this situation, in order not to wait for a referral for a caesarean section, the pregnant woman is advised to induce labor.

How to induce labor at home?

Already at 39 weeks, doctors begin to scare a pregnant woman with artificial stimulation of labor using medications. No mother wants to poison herself or her unborn baby with medications, so many people think about how to induce contractions at home. There are many ways to independently induce contractions and childbirth; a doctor at the antenatal clinic can tell you about them in detail. Women who are determined to give birth should take a good rest and sleep, because childbirth is a long and tiring process.

  1. Hiking. Brisk walking in the fresh air is useful at any stage of pregnancy: it increases the tone of the body and gives it a good shake-up, which brings birth closer.
  2. Physical exercise. Many women admit that their contractions began as soon as they finished cleaning the house. The main thing is not to overwork, so as not to provoke placental abruption instead of childbirth. You can wash the floors, dust the furniture, take out the trash, give your older child a bath, wash your clothes, but you cannot carry heavy buckets or lift loaded boxes and bags of groceries.
  3. Sex. A natural and very effective way to speed up labor at home, especially if the intimate process ends with orgasm. Spermatozoa contain a high concentration of the hormone prostaglandin, which helps soften the tissue of the uterus, and orgasm causes active contraction of the uterus, which can smoothly develop into labor contractions.
  4. Breast massage. Intense stimulation of the breast in the area around the nipples provokes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the onset of the birth process.
  5. Laxatives. Increased motility of the intestinal tract not only helps speed up labor, but also cleanses the body, which makes it more likely to avoid loose stools during labor. A good laxative for pregnant women is ordinary castor oil; one tablespoon is enough to induce contractions. Also, in the last days of pregnancy, it is advisable to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and cereal porridges.
  6. Folk remedies. Strong tea made from raspberry leaves activates labor and softens cervical tissue, but it should not be taken until the 40th week of pregnancy. This is a very strong remedy that can cause miscarriage in the early stages. A thoroughly whipped mixture of sparkling water, apricots, almonds and castor oil also helps to quickly stimulate labor.
  7. Linseed oil. The components it contains make the tissues of the uterus and birth canal soft and elastic, preparing them for the upcoming birth. If you have an allergic reaction to flax oil, you can replace it with primrose oil.
  8. Fragrances. It is believed that the scents of certain flowers, especially roses or jasmine, can induce contractions. A woman who wants to have a late pregnancy sooner can do aromatic therapy at home using flower oils. The main thing is not to cause allergies.
  9. Acupuncture. This method of inducing labor is best left to a specialist. The master uses the finest needles to influence the points of the body responsible for the functioning of the uterus. This technique quite often contributes to the occurrence of contractions.

An expectant mother prepared for childbirth is calm, confident, knows how to behave during labor, and what methods of pain relief can be used. You need to start such preparation as early as possible, since it can take a long time - and then you will most likely have an easy birth.

1. Easy birth: it’s harmful to be afraid

Often the main component of increased pain during childbirth is the fear and stress of the laboring woman. Anxiety and psycho-emotional stress lead to the release of stress hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which cause vasospasm, impair blood supply to the uterus, reduce the pain threshold (i.e., even mild pain becomes difficult to endure), and can also reduce the effectiveness of uterine contractions, prolonging the longest duration of labor.

First you need to understand what exactly you are afraid of. Maybe you don’t feel psychologically ready for motherhood, you are worried about your relationship with your husband, fear of ruining your figure, or fear of pain. Working with fears is very important in terms of prenatal preparation. Some people turn to a psychotherapist, others are helped by conversations with friends who have given birth.

For the peace of mind of the expectant mother, it is important to get to know the obstetrician who will deliver the baby. In this case, it is possible to discuss with him all the concerns regarding labor management and pain management. It is also necessary to resolve the issue of partner childbirth in advance. For many women, the presence of loved ones gives confidence and helps a lot. For some, on the contrary, it makes it difficult to concentrate and increases nervousness. But in any case, it is important for a woman to have a positive attitude towards an easy birth, since the fear of pain aggravates stress, tension, and, consequently, pain.

2. Theoretical preparation

Quite often, worries about pregnancy and childbirth arise due to the fact that a woman does not know how the process of giving birth to a baby occurs. Therefore, during pregnancy it will not be superfluous to master theoretical material on this issue. Having an idea of ​​the course of labor, the expectant mother will not panic at the slightest reason and will be able to become an active participant in the process of bringing her baby into the world, and not just an outside observer.

Preparing ourselves for an easy birth

You can obtain such information yourself from books, specialized magazines or on the Internet. Currently, a lot of special literature for expectant mothers is being published. It is only important to choose the right sources of information. It must be remembered that during pregnancy you should avoid reading special medical literature intended for doctors. Textbooks and monographs mostly talk about various disorders during pregnancy and childbirth, which can negatively affect the mood and psychological state of impressionable pregnant women. In addition, it is desirable that the publications be “fresh” and contain information about a modern view of the process of childbirth and caring for a newborn. When choosing periodicals, you should pay attention to the authors of the articles: it is better if they are practicing doctors who have first-hand knowledge of the issues in question.

There are many different sites that tell about the course of pregnancy and childbirth, about the rules of caring for a newborn, and forums where future parents can communicate, get answers to many of their questions, and exchange experiences.

Do we want an easy birth? Let's go to courses for expectant mothers

Now in large cities there are many different schools and courses for expectant mothers. Such courses are usually taught by an obstetrician-gynecologist; separate classes can be conducted by a psychologist, pediatrician, or lactation consultant. The courses provide important information about how childbirth proceeds and how a woman should behave during this important event. Expectant mothers master breathing techniques that make childbirth easier, learn relaxation and master the techniques of special pain-relieving massage, learn what to take with them to the maternity hospital, etc.

When choosing such courses for expectant mothers, you need to be very careful, since some schools promote home birth, which is very dangerous for the woman and the fetus due to the impossibility of providing urgent qualified medical care in case of any complications.

3. How to give birth faster? Active behavior during childbirth

There are many different methods to relieve pain during the first stage of labor. One of the most common and easily implemented is active behavior during childbirth. The essence of this method is that during dilation of the cervix, a woman does not lie on the bed in one position, but behaves actively - walks around the room, looks for a comfortable position, and makes various movements. The vertical position of the woman in labor during contractions in itself gives positive results: the uterus puts less pressure on the surrounding internal organs, blood vessels and nerve plexuses, the pelvic floor muscles relax, the pressure of the head and amniotic sac on the lower parts of the uterus improves, which facilitates the dilation of the cervix. Contractions ultimately become more effective and less painful. Childbirth goes faster. In addition, with constant physical activity, blood oxygen saturation increases, and blood supply to the muscles occurs more actively than at rest. Consequently, the muscles of the uterus receive more oxygen, and this significantly alleviates pain.

Finally, movement during contractions distracts you from focusing on the pain. Anticipation of pain causes nervous tension, which, in turn, only contributes to increased pain. And by being distracted, a woman breaks this vicious circle.

Moving freely around the ward, making a wide variety of movements, the woman gradually begins to navigate her own feelings and chooses the behavior or position that allows her to feel most comfortable. If the birth proceeds without complications, the choice of positions and movements during the contraction remains hers. However, during pregnancy it is worth learning the most common positions that reduce pain during contractions, this will greatly help during childbirth.

4. Massage for easy childbirth

The effectiveness of massage is due to the effect of touch on skin receptors, from which impulses spread to the cerebral cortex, causing a response there that competes with pain signals from the uterus. In addition, massage relaxes and has an overall beneficial effect on the nervous system, increasing the threshold of sensitivity to pain (i.e. pain is not felt as strongly). Massage helps relieve excessive muscle tension and prevents cramps. In addition, it stimulates the production of endorphins (the so-called joy hormones) - natural painkillers - and reduces the release of cortisol - a stress hormone, which, due to its effect on the nervous system and blood vessels, promotes muscle tension, including the perineum and uterus.

If during childbirth the vaginal muscles are constantly clamped, this disrupts the process of opening the cervix, prevents the baby from passing through the birth canal, which, in turn, causes suffering both for the woman in labor, for whom childbirth becomes more painful, and for the fetus, because he is trying to overcome resistance tense muscles. Under the influence of massage, by increasing blood flow to the massaged areas, metabolism increases, and decay products released during intense muscle work are eliminated faster. This, in turn, helps them relax, rest and reduce pain. It is also advisable to learn massage and self-massage techniques in advance.

5. Relaxation will help you have an easy birth.

One of the methods of self-pain relief is relaxation - relaxation. These skills also need to be mastered at the stage of preparation for childbirth, so that later you do not strain during contractions and completely relax during the break between them, saving energy. There are many techniques and exercises, by performing which a woman learns to consciously control the tension and relaxation of all the muscles of her body. These exercises should be performed regularly, preferably daily or even several times a day for 10–15 minutes.

Relaxation techniques can be very helpful during a vaginal examination performed by your doctor. This manipulation is necessary in order to determine how the cervix is ​​dilating and where the fetal head is located. If a woman tenses during the examination, this increases the pain and prevents the doctor from assessing the necessary parameters, and, consequently, increases the duration of the examination. During the vaginal examination, it is recommended to breathe deeply, relax the muscles of the perineum as much as possible, remembering that this examination takes very little time.

6. Proper breathing during childbirth

Proper breathing during childbirth is one of the most effective ways to reduce pain during labor, and there are no contraindications for it. In addition, it facilitates labor and ensures adequate oxygen supply to the fetus. It is also important that by concentrating on breathing correctly during childbirth, a woman will quickly relax and distract herself from her own experiences.

At first glance, breathing correctly during childbirth is quite simple. However, during childbirth, expectant mothers forget about all the recommendations, begin to hold their breath, scream, thereby increasing the pain and interfering with the normal dilatation of the cervix. That is why it is advisable to master breathing techniques in advance - even during pregnancy. These exercises are taught in classes for pregnant women in courses for expectant mothers. You can master the technique and regularly conduct breathing exercises at home on your own.

How to breathe correctly when pushing

During the pushing period, it is also necessary to refrain from screaming. Firstly, screaming weakens the effort and makes it ineffective. Secondly, the contraction of muscles (including the pelvic floor and perineum), which occurs when screaming, increases the risk of ruptures of the soft tissues of the birth canal. In addition, screaming interferes with the interaction of the expectant mother with medical personnel, which is the key to the normal course of labor and one of the factors in the prevention of ruptures.

7. Physical training will help during childbirth.

Its goal is to prepare the body for childbirth: strengthen muscles and increase tissue elasticity. We can talk a lot about the benefits of physical activity. For a pregnant woman, physical exercise is doubly necessary, because the baby’s ability to fully develop depends on her health. They allow you to prepare the body for the upcoming birth, which, as you know, is hard physical work.

First of all, physical training includes the daily activity of a pregnant woman. Doing housework, walking, climbing stairs are familiar activities that, nevertheless, force several muscle groups to work and maintain the physical shape of the expectant mother.

Gymnastics for pregnant women is of great benefit. In the absence of contraindications, the expectant mother can perform simple exercises herself at home. Such exercises will help strengthen your muscles and make your body more resilient. In addition, physical exercise during pregnancy can prevent or alleviate pregnancy-related ailments such as varicose veins, back pain, constipation, calf muscle cramps, swelling, stretch marks, and excess weight gain.

Gymnastics should be done regularly and careful attention should be paid to ensure that the exercises do not cause discomfort. Many prenatal courses offer physical training for women in the "position": this could be yoga, Pilates, gymnastics for pregnant women or classes in the pool. In addition, many fitness clubs offer special programs for expectant mothers. Before enrolling in such courses, it is advisable to discuss your choice with the doctor who is managing your pregnancy. He will tell you what you can do and what it is better to abstain from so as not to harm your health and your unborn baby. In addition, it is necessary to find out whether the instructor conducting such classes has experience working specifically with pregnant women.

There is another very useful option for physical activity - swimming in the pool, which doctors recommend for most pregnant women. Indeed, water relaxes, gently massages the body, helping the baby to take the correct position, and meanwhile the muscles of the expectant mother receive the necessary load. You can do water aerobics at any stage of pregnancy in the absence of contraindications.

If the expectant mother, even during pregnancy, pays attention to preparing for childbirth, then with a high probability it will pass easily and safely, leaving behind only pleasant memories.

Why can't you scream during childbirth?

It is important to remember that you should not scream during childbirth: this has a pronounced negative effect on the process of dilation of the cervix, since screaming causes muscle tension, leading the laboring woman to severe fatigue.

This is a risk factor for the development of labor disturbances, both during the period of cervical dilatation and during pushing, when maximum composure and muscle work are required. In addition, the risk of developing oxygen starvation of the fetus increases: due to vasospasm that occurs when screaming at the height of the contraction, because less oxygen-carrying blood reaches the baby.

Exercise is often recommended as a natural method to induce labor. Exercise is especially helpful for getting your baby down and for his or her best progress. There are at least five exercises you can do once your pregnancy reaches full term to speed up the labor process.

1. Walking as a method to naturally induce labor.

Walking keeps you upright and encourages your baby to descend. This puts pressure on the cervix, causing the cervix to efface and dilate. The pressure exerted by the baby's head on the cervix also increases the local release of oxytocin, which in turn induces labor.

In addition to helping your baby get into the right position, walking is also good for you. Walking is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that most people can do and does not require a gym or special equipment. Walking improves blood circulation, breathing, and muscle tone. It gets you in shape so you can handle the onset of contractions and be ready for the arrival of your newborn.

If you can, go in the morning when the air is fresher and less polluted. Wear comfortable shoes and take a large umbrella with you. It may come in handy if you want to lean on something to relieve tension from your back. It will also be very useful if it is too sunny or rainy.

2. Is climbing stairs really the start of labor?

It is often said that in hospitals, midwives ask women to go up and down stairs to speed up the early stages of labor.

Climbing stairs has the same effect as walking. It helps your baby progress better, your cervix to dilate, and it also increases oxytocin levels in the cervical area. Additionally, lifting your legs one after the other to move to the next step opens your pelvis. This creates more space for the baby and helps labor begin. Gentle, rocking, and building movements as you ascend, and gentle thrusts as you descend, all help position your baby in the best position for birth.

Remember: it is important that you do not overexert yourself while walking up the steps, trying to induce labor faster. You should feel your own strength and also listen to the signals of your body.

3. How about swimming to induce labor?

Swimming is another great form of exercise that can help induce labor. Breaststroke especially is believed to have this effect.

Remember to wear safety glasses and follow proper swimming technique. If you constantly keep your head above the water, your spine will curve in an unnatural way. This will likely put strain on your back, which is already struggling with the excess weight from your belly.

If you don't know proper swimming technique, don't let that stop you! If you can swim a little, you can learn proper breaststroke technique surprisingly quickly. Hire a swimming coach for this.

Submerging your body in water when you are pregnant is actually a pleasant experience. Water supports your body and takes weight off your legs and joints. If you experience swelling in your legs towards the end of pregnancy, a little water pressure can easily help you get rid of this problem.

It's really worth going to the pool or beach to enjoy the benefits of water and swimming to induce labor and get rid of swollen feet!

4. Does squatting help induce labor?

By squatting, your pelvis begins to open, which makes labor easier as it helps your baby move through the birth canal and also creates more space for him or her to be born. Squatting can speed up labor if labor is not started because the baby is too high.

The squatting position helps your baby lower down into the correct position. Once the baby is in the correct position, there is less chance that he or she will be able to turn around again. This means that you should only squat when your baby is in the correct position for birth. This position is called the anterior position, in which the baby is head down, looking at your back. If your baby is in a posterior position - with his back to your back - or in a breech position with his head up, it is important not to encourage him to lower himself down. The baby should roll over to the optimal forward position before you begin to squat.

5. Rocking – could there be a more comfortable exercise for inducing labor?

Slight rocking motions can encourage your baby to move downwards. In order to try this physical exercise to induce labor, you will need to find a safe swing in which you can sit comfortably.

All of these exercises may be the last natural push that a full-term baby needs to be born. It is always very beneficial to exercise. It's never too late, and even a little exercise can make a noticeable difference. Exercise can help kick start labor and keep you in shape. If you are in excellent physical condition, you will feel great and be able to withstand stress and illness much better. Therefore, take a walk around the area, or go to the nearest park to swing on a swing!

Do you think how else can you provoke CHILDREN?