Original hairstyles with a pencil and Chinese sticks: styling options with step-by-step descriptions and photos. History and traditions of hairstyles in China

For styling and fixing long hair the fair sex use many different devices. But sometimes there are situations when you need to do it quickly. This is where Chinese hair sticks become indispensable.

Light, thin, they do not take up much space. Therefore, you can always have them at hand, just throwing them into a cosmetic bag, a pocket of a handbag, or even School pencil case. One of best benefits- they fasten the hairstyle securely, hold even a large mass of hair.

Accessories came to us from Asian countries, where they are called kanzashi. But today they have become very popular and in European countries, turned into stylish accessory, with which you can not only twist curls into a bun, but also create festive, evening hairstyles.

A little training, ten to fifteen minutes of free time, and you will be able to make new notes in your appearance on your own.

Chinese hair sticks: a few facts from history

Legend has it that several centuries ago, the concubine of the Chinese emperor Zhou was responsible for tasting all the dishes served at the imperial table. Once she did not have time to sue the meat, and so that the emperor would not burn herself, she instantly grabbed jewelry from her hair and helped His Majesty, who did not understand that the meat was hot.

But he drew attention to the marvelous decoration, he really liked it. After that, an imperial decree was issued commanding all women to wear such sticks, decorating their hair with them.

Yes exactly. Initially, Asian women wore them only as an accessory, decoration. They fixed their hairstyles with wax and aromatic oils.

European women, especially today, value convenience and save time.

Therefore, Chinese sticks are better suited for everyday use than anything:

  • they will help get rid of curls that hang down and fall on the face, thereby making it difficult to concentrate. The most inventive, if there is no accessory at hand, use an ordinary pencil or pen;
  • they will add charm and style to any styling, even if it is the simplest bunch;
  • they are easy to use, each time creating a new image.

Today, these Chinese inventions are sold in any specialized department. They are issued from different material, with different tips and decorations.

They can be:

  • wooden;
  • jade;
  • metal;
  • bone;
  • plastic;
  • glass.

Can be decorated with a variety of rhinestones, flowers, ornaments, etc.

With the help of Chinese sticks, excellent curls, braids, bunches are obtained. They can simply pick up curls so that they do not interfere, do not fall on the eyes.

This is very easy to do, but remember a few nuances:

  • it takes a little practice to learn how to use them quickly. You must learn to deftly and quickly push the sticks into the bundle so that they hold firmly;
  • thin hair is more difficult to style, so you need to use a couple of accessories to keep liquid strands;
  • If you are the owner of thick and long hair, then the easiest way is to put your hair in a bun. Such a hairstyle will be simply beautiful, and in order to keep a tight bun, fix it with chopsticks;
  • if you are going to a party or solemn event, then you can also add a flower-shaped decoration to a hairstyle decorated with sticks, as Asian women often do.

Chinese hair sticks: a variety of options

So, a few minutes of patience, and your hairstyle is ready. Of course, it all depends on how long and volume your curls are, what you want to end up with. Do not forget to take into account the shape of the face and ears, the length of the neck, and other nuances when choosing one or another styling. Otherwise, no accessory will decorate your appearance, will not hide flaws.

You can invent a lot of hairstyles. To do this, you need a mirror, a few Chinese accessories and a few minutes of free time. Experiment, fantasize, you will definitely succeed. In the meantime, traditional hairstyles.

How to make a regular bun:

  • curls should be clean and dry, you can use foam or mousse for styling. Try to keep their texture light, do not weigh down the styling;
  • comb and collect in ponytail. It can be done at the back of the head, or lowered below. It all depends on your preferences and today's mood;
  • then twist your mane and wrap around the elastic. Try to keep the beam even and look neat;
  • now put one stick through the bundle, doing it in zigzags for better fastening;
  • if there is a second such stick at hand, stick it crosswise;
  • if the strands are short, do not raise the tail too high, otherwise neat bun it will be difficult to do.

Braided bundle of braids:

  • this hairstyle was considered traditional among Chinese women until the middle of the last century. To style it, you need only one Chinese accessory;
  • you need to braid two braids in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crown, trying to keep them close;
  • fasten with rubber bands;
  • weave them together and wrap them around the top of the head with a bunch;
  • fasten the braids with a stick, pierce it horizontally, try to capture both braids;
  • if necessary, tuck in the ends of the braids and secure them with a simple hairpin.

Doing french shell with Chinese accessories:

  • turns out to be pure french hairstyle can also be quickly strengthened with Chinese sticks, rather than traditional hairpins. It will turn out beautiful, original and stylish;
  • to do this, collect the strands in a ponytail at the back of the head;
  • lay it to one side in the shape of a shell in vertical position as tight as possible;
  • hide the ends of the hair in the middle of the roller;
  • fasten with two accessories, trying to make it in zigzags to hold it tight;
  • if you are going for identity, then decorate the styling with a flower.

Chinese sticks: creating the style of the fifties

  • for this hairstyle you will need two sticks and a lot of hairspray. And a little more skill;
  • wash hair, dry, comb;
  • devide into two parts;
  • comb the top strongly;
  • twist the bottom into a bundle and secure with two sticks stronger vertically;
  • then gently wrap the upper strands around the tips of the sticks and secure with a large amount of varnish.

Original bundle:

  • this exotic hairstyle fit for those girls whose hair has grown to the shoulder blades or below;
  • apply a little styling gel to clean, dried hair;
  • you need to collect them in a ponytail in the back of the head, using a thin elastic band, but strong enough;
  • stick sticks vertically on both sides of the tail. Let them cross a little on top;
  • divide the tail into two parts;
  • throw each of them over the stick that is nearby;
  • then connect both parts as if you are making a knot and then wrap it in a bundle, reinforcing it with hairpins;
  • try to do it carefully, hide the ends of the curls inside the knot;
  • you can use a small amount of varnish.

If you are the owner of long hair and you do not have Chinese sticks yet, then buy them for sure. You won't regret it. They help you out Everyday life, will create unique image during a holiday or party. A little patience and skill - and you will surely cope.


High art - Chinese women's hairstyles

It's no secret that Chinese women are like a match - small in stature, very slender with thick black hair. Some of them wear the traditional hairstyle with two crossed wands. But there are still many different, much more complex hairstyles that look unusually elegant and easy. At the same time, their beauty and youth are successfully emphasized. And Chinese women, indeed, even at 45 often look like twenty-five.

Since ancient times in China, a special place has been given to hair care. And washing the hair to this day is accompanied by a whole ritual. After all, the Chinese firmly believe that water is not just a colorless liquid, but a means that helps cleanse the body, as well as emotions. For care, they use only natural remedies from plants essential oils. As a result, shiny black hair until the most advanced years.

The basis of the everyday hairstyle of Chinese women was a bun at the back of the head or crown. Unmarried girls made them from temporal strands, leaving most of their hair loose.

Sometimes they braided long braids, decorated them with ribbons, flowers. married women went with more complex styling. They were at once with several partings, large and small rollers of hair. They were laid on the top of the head, the back of the head. Large loops of hair could rise above the head.

For the stability of the structure, special rollers and adhesive impregnation were used. Before today in the southern provinces of the country, it is customary to make hairstyles for the holidays from strands that are inherited from mother to daughter. Huge structures on the head weigh up to several kilograms.

The hairstyle of the girl on the day of her marriage was distinguished by modesty. All her hair was braided with a tight braid, which was laid on the parietal region, stabbed with two sticks. Decorated with small flowers and silk ribbons. During wedding ceremony the bride had her bangs cut to the middle of her forehead. Over time, the bride's hairstyle was transformed into several cascaded hair rollers. Jewelry became more luxurious - strings of pearls, voluminous headdresses and, of course, a red veil.

Men preferred to wear long hair, gathered in a tight knot at the crown. As children, boys were shaved, leaving behind long bun hair. Exactly the same hairstyle was worn by Buddhist monks. Young men until the age of majority, which came at the age of 20, were allowed to wear a bun of hair with a metal cap on top of their heads.

Depending on the estate, it could be inexpensive or made of a precious alloy. After the capture of China by the Manchus in the 17th century, men were ordered to wear long hair in combination with a shaved front of the head. Usually the strands were braided into pigtails, but when rebellions broke out, they were cut off.

Modern hairstyles - a game of contrasts

The choice of hairstyle by a modern resident of the Celestial Empire depends on where she lives. In big cities, you almost never meet girls with traditional styling. in fashion modern haircuts sometimes very short. Of course, the owners of long hair sometimes collect them in a bun at the back of the head, while using hairdressing sponges for volume.
As a decoration, a decorative rim or small bows are used. Young Chinese women prefer to change their hair color to chestnut or light blond. And most haircuts, regardless of the length of the strands, are complemented by not too thick bangs.

There are hairdressers in Chinese cities on every street. Masters do not have to be bored without work. Ladies are happy to change hairstyles, hair color. In the provinces and villages far from the capital, centuries-old traditions are still followed. For example, cut your hair only once, when you turn sixteen. At the same time, until recently in the province of Huanlo, women were not supposed to show their hair to anyone except their husband.

But there is another sign by which you can learn something about the girl. Even advanced city dwellers, having parted with their loved ones, without thinking twice, cut off their luxurious long curls.

Chinese style - fashionable exotic

The simplicity and elegance of traditional Chinese women's hairstyles made them popular all over the world. It takes only a few minutes to collect the hair with a tourniquet at the back of the head and stab it with long hairpins. And elegant styling with rollers and long strands, which are decorated with whole garlands of small flowers, are often chosen by brides.

Instead of a white veil, the bride's head is covered with a red veil. A Chinese-style wedding is no longer a rarity today. At the same time, the clothes of the newlyweds, accessories are also selected especially carefully.

Chinese hairstyle is easy

For a special occasion, a hairdresser will help create a traditional Chinese hairstyle. It is worth picking up an image in advance and showing it to your master. In addition, you will have to stock up on some accessories - hairdressing sponges in the form of rollers or rings, a set of hairpins and invisibles, as well as decorations - small flowers, ribbons or pearl threads.

Do not forget about fixatives - foam and hairspray. And with a modest beam at the back of the head or crown, it is quite possible to cope on your own. To do this, you need only two decorative hairpins. Festive option- hair rollers.

  1. They are laid, starting from the top of the back of the head, in a cascade. Another option is how the crown is laid out on the crown, and a few strands from the back of the head are left loose.
  2. They are divided into two parts and lowered onto the shoulders. At the same time, the hairstyle is generously decorated with flowers.
  3. A bundle with hairpins is made in the form of two intersecting braids. To do this, divide the hair into two parts and braid them into ordinary braids, the ends of which are fixed with an elastic band. Above them, one stick is passed through the hair.
  4. The braids are crossed, lifted up. They are held under a stick, crossed again and lowered down. The ends are hidden under the hair, fixed with invisibility. In the diagonal direction, they are stabbed with a second stick.

Chinese style - the choice of the famous

On the catwalks and red carpets, celebrities often show luxurious Chinese-style hairstyles. Among them are the famous American soul singer Alice Kish, Kate Peck, the Dutch model known to fashion fans, and at the same time the wife of the famous tennis player Lily Becker.

Their choice is quite understandable - graceful hairstyles perfectly emphasize the femininity of their owners. After all, it is not for nothing that in China the beauty of hair is considered a matter of special pride, and careful care for them is elevated to a cult.

To create original hairstyles with pencils or Chinese sticks, you will need 5-10 minutes of free time and a little skill. Simple devices will help out when there are no elastic bands or hairpins at hand.

For you - a description of popular styling with pencils and traditional Chinese sticks. A few simple options will diversify your image, bring fresh notes.


What are the advantages of original equipment? Girls are pleased not only with the high speed of creating everyday hairstyles.

There are other advantages:

  • a pencil will help out in the office (school), when loose hair keeps getting into your eyes, preventing you from concentrating;
  • wooden sticks will add originality to the hairstyle;
  • easy to make interesting styling yourself.


  • from the first time, not all girls get the correct fastening of a pencil (Chinese wooden hairpins). It will take a couple of practice to understand how to push the pencil inside the bun or bundle;
  • the thinner the hairs, the more difficult it is to fasten thin strands with a wooden fixture. Use two sticks - this way the design holds better;
  • owners of thick hair from the shoulder blades and below are easier to fix the bun. A dense, neat roller fits well, immediately takes shape. A pencil (oriental sticks) will quickly strengthen the elastic bundle;
  • to create a festive look, choose live or artificial flower. A large decor in the hair is a truly Chinese option for solemn ceremony. Make a roller with unusual accessories, fasten one flower on the side of the hairpin.

Step-by-step instruction

There are several simple options creating hairstyles with the help of unusual devices. Prepare one or more pencils, two Chinese hairpins. Try all the techniques: you will quickly understand where to stop.

original beam


  • comb clean strands, apply a little if desired styling agent with a light texture;
  • collect a high tail or make a bun closer to the back of the head;
  • twist a tight tourniquet from the strands, gently wrap it around the elastic band;
  • make sure that the layers fit well to each other;
  • take the sticks, thread the devices through the bundle crosswise;
  • if there is only one pencil or wooden hair stick, be content with what is at hand.

Advice! To keep the design well, pull the fixture through the hair in a zigzag motion. Make a bun if desired. occipital zone- styling will be no less interesting.

Stylish hair knot

Original hairstyle with two pencils (wooden hairpins). Styling is suitable for strands from the shoulder blades and below.

Your actions:

  • treat clean curls with mousse, create a ponytail in the crown area;
  • twist the bundle of hair until you get a kind of pretzel;
  • stretch the tip of the tourniquet through the middle of a fairly tight bundle;
  • hold the bun, insert a pencil, zigzag the device inside the bundle;
  • parallel to the first, thread the second Chinese stick or pencil.

exotic styling

Real Chinese hairstyle for girls who have mastered simple technique using wooden studs. The original design on the head is suitable for everyday life, decorate the styling with a flower for the holiday.

Exotic styling is easiest to create on curls below the shoulder blades. For better fixation, apply a little light styling composition to clean strands.

How to proceed:

  • wash your hair, dry, treat with foam or gel;
  • Gather your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head. Take an elastic band thin, but strong;
  • behind the rubber band, place two sticks with sharp ends: wooden studs should cross slightly;
  • distribute the mass of hair into two identical parts;
  • bring each strip of hair to your side: the left strand - for the left stick, wrap the right one around the right hairpin;
  • connect the curls as if you are going to tie a knot. Pull the strands tightly, fix with hairpins;
  • give the styling a neat look, hide the tips inside the hairstyle;
  • if desired, sprinkle exotic styling with strong varnish.

Option for long curls

The hairstyle resembles an ordinary shell. To create a dense, beautiful roller, a couple of workouts are enough.


  • comb the curls, collect at the back of the head;
  • twist as tight as possible, as when creating a shell;
  • gradually lift your hair up;
  • screw the roller to the end of the length, hide the tips under the roller;
  • in zigzag movements, stretch the wooden pin from top to bottom, secure the shell;
  • decorate the festive styling option with a flower.

Now you know how to make a traditional Chinese hairstyle using wooden sticks. An ordinary pencil will help to tidy up hair that has scattered over your shoulders when you have no elastic bands or hairpins. Buy original accessories, practice. You will certainly cope with the creation of original styling.

Hairstyle with a pencil: video

A few more hairstyles with Chinese chopsticks:

Complete collection of "Chinese hairstyles for girls with long hair" for you and your friends.

Today it is in fashion to do hairstyles that were invented in overseas countries. Some of them have become trends in hairdressing, others are considered beautiful among girls belonging to a certain social group. Today we will talk about Chinese hairstyles. What they are and how to make them, read below.

Hairstyle with sticks

In China, hair is considered a woman's pride and adornment. That is why the hairstyle has always been given great importance. Girls never hid their hair under headscarves or hijabs. The standard Chinese hairstyle is considered to be a bun, which is fastened with two sticks. Wealthy girls wore ivory hairpieces, while lower-income women used wooden accessories.

Today, a bunch chopped with chopsticks is popular not only among Chinese fashionistas. How to make a legendary hairstyle? Very simple. You need to comb your hair and make a tight tourniquet out of them. Then this tourniquet is wound clockwise. On both sides it is pierced with chopsticks. This hairstyle looks amazing all day long.

Its main advantage is that the hair does not fall out, because it is tightly fixed. The Chinese chopstick hairstyle has many variations. For example, a beam can only be fixed on one side. The second stick will play a decorative role.

Loose frizzy hair

Chinese hairstyles are not always made from buns. There are many variations where the hair remains loose. But Chinese girls have always removed the front strands. After all, otherwise the hair will climb into the face, thereby interfering with the work. How to create a simple, but at the same time spectacular hairstyle? You need to comb your hair and separate the crown area.

To create this hairstyle, you need a flat comb. Separated hair at the crown is combed. With the help of invisibility, they are fixed on the back of the head. Now you need to separate those strands that are near the ears. They need to be combed and chipped together with invisibility. In this version, the hairstyle looks simple and elegant. If you need to add something more festive, you can decorate your hair beautiful hairpin with rhinestones.

Loose hair with a bun

This hairstyle is at the peak of popularity. Few people know that it originated in China. After all, it was here that girls from ancient times decorated their hair with all sorts of bunches. A Chinese hairstyle of this kind is very easy to do. You need to comb your hair and separate the crown area.

This hair needs to be combed. Chinese women are no different lush hair, so they create volume for themselves visually. The fleece should be well combed and collected from the hair loop. For reliability, it should be fixed with an elastic band. Chinese women often use ribbons as decoration. They are especially honored textile products Red.

But you can choose something more elegant, such as a cut of lace. The ribbon is wrapped around a loop of hair. Moreover, the ends of the textile decoration are not hidden in the hair, but on the contrary, remain loose. If you don’t have a ribbon on hand, you can decorate a hair loop with an elastic band or a beautiful scarf.

Men's hairstyle

Despite the fact that China is a closed country, many men prefer European fashion. Therefore, they copy hairstyles from foreign film actors and other media personalities. What is in demand among Eastern men today?

Shaved on both sides of the head is considered a popular Chinese male hairstyle. The hair on the top of the head is left long. They are laid with a gel or varnish in a mohawk, sometimes they are simply combed back. But at the same time, the hair should have an almost mirror surface.

Children's hairstyle

Chinese girls don't wear braids. Yes, and with loose hair they can rarely be seen. The fact is that the Chinese are a practical people. And loose hair is beautiful, but uncomfortable. Therefore, Chinese hairstyles for girls are simple, but at the same time they do not forget about beauty.

Most often, young ladies wear bunches. How to make such a hairstyle for your daughter? You need to divide your hair into two parts and collect them in high ponytails. Now each of them needs to be twisted into a tight tourniquet and form a bundle. It is fixed with hairpins or sticks. If the girl does not have bangs, then the front strands do not twist into her hair, but remain free.

Chinese women use colored ribbons or massive hairpins as decor. According to tradition, the decorations on the head should be made in the shape of a flower. Moreover, the decor should not be miniature. Sometimes the flowers come in more bunches of hair twice.

Bundle with stick

Chinese hairstyles for girls are a bun and partially loose hair. The variations are very varied. Let's talk about the most popular. To make this hairstyle, you need to comb your hair and separate the crown area. The collected hair is divided into three parts. A bundle is formed from the central one.

It is fixed with invisibility, and so that it is not visible, it is covered with the tips of the hair. Braids are woven from two side strands. Moreover, the strands near the face are not intertwined. Braids can be created as traditional way, and in french style. One or two sticks are inserted into the bundle.

Tape can be used instead. This hairstyle can be both casual and festive. In the second case, it is decorated with fresh flowers or shiny hairpins.

Hairstyle with collected hair

Chinese girls do not have lush hair. But what they lack in hair they make up for in cunning. To make the hairstyle seem more voluminous, girls use various rollers and overlays. By the way, such devices are appreciated by women of fashion all over the world. One of the popular Chinese women's hairstyles is the hair gathered in a big bun-ring.

It is easy to repeat it at home. To do this, you need a foam roller in the color of your hair. How to create a Chinese style hairstyle? We comb the hair and thread it inside the roller. We fix the ends of the hair on the foam rubber and gradually wind it inward. Thus, you need to twist all the hair on the roller. The wider and more voluminous the foam base was, the more beautiful and magnificent the hairstyle will turn out.

In principle, a roller wrapped with hair keeps well on the head, but for reliability it should be attached with hairpins. Now you need to remove a few front strands from the hairstyle. Various tiaras and massive hairpins can be used as decoration.

50s hairstyle

Chinese and japanese girls rarely twist. By nature, they have beautiful straight hair, and they emphasize this with various hairstyles. So that the hair does not interfere, it is often fixed on the head. Here we will analyze one of these methods of Chinese women.

To do this, the hair must be divided into three parts. We separate the crown zone and two side ones. Now you need to round comb curl your hair around your face. You can fix them in this position with varnish or mousse. So that a large curl does not fall off, it should be fixed with invisibility. The side zones need to be combed. Now they can be wound in turn on a comb and fixed with varnish.

It is desirable to make the side curls large so that they reach the middle of the head. But it still depends not only on desire, but also on the volume of hair. Such a hairstyle does not need additional decoration, but if you really want to, you can insert some kind of decor, such as flowers, into the side strands.

History and traditions of hairstyles in China

In China, great attention has always been paid to hair care and its symbolic meaning. Hairdressing has always flourished in this country, and it was a whole science - about the conformity of a hairstyle to the social status of its owner. What were Chinese traditions hair care? The answer is waiting for you in the article! Stylists of the men's barbershop "Usachi" tell.

Hair and hairstyle as a status symbol

IN ancient China hair served not just as a decoration of appearance, but as a kind of calling card. For example, a hairstyle indicated not only the taste of a person, but also his personality. social status, religious denominations or even a profession. For example, women who have not yet found family happiness, should have braided a braid. Married Chinese women kept their hair in high beam. Most likely, this helped Chinese men determine which girl to meet, and which one is better not to approach, so as not to run into a scandal. Widows made special hairstyles. If a woman who lost her husband did not want remarriage, she cut her hair very short or shaved it off completely.

To do updo, Chinese women used a variety of hairpins. The richer the woman was, the more precious the hairpins were: they could be made of gold and encrusted with pearls.

Intricate Chinese buns and wigs

The bun has always been the most popular women's hairstyle in China. At the same time, the bundles were quite complex: the hair was styled in the form of numerous symmetrical rollers, which were fixed with hairpins. To keep the bundles longer, they were placed on special velvet rollers smeared with glue. Such hairstyles were neither wind nor rain. Although it is difficult to imagine how much effort it took to comb your hair after such styling.

Bangs in China were also quite popular. They could look different: short and long, reaching the middle of the forehead and divided into two paired strands.

Despite the fact that the hairstyles were quite difficult to create, they looked light and graceful. To achieve this effect, Chinese women decorated their hair with flowers, foliage, and even small branches with buds. These decorations not only performed a decorative function, but also held the styling.

If a woman could not boast thick hair she could wear a wig. Wigs were made from wool, thread, silk, and even from dried seaweed. Of course, not everyone could afford a wig: these products were quite expensive.

Men's hairstyles in China

Men in ancient China preferred to wear long hair, which was styled in buns at the top or crown of the head. At the same time, the hair had to be carefully smoothed so that the hairstyle looked just perfect.

If a man chose the monastic path, he had to shave off his hair: hair care should not distract from spiritual development. By the way, the children's hair was also shaved, leaving several tufts that were tied with laces.

During the period of Manchu rule, men in China shaved their hair, leaving only a small part at the back of the head. The rest of the hair was braided. To make the braid look longer, silk ribbons were woven into it. Such a hairstyle had a deep meaning: it personified the oppression of the Chinese people. Interestingly, as soon as the period of Manchu domination ended, the first thing the Chinese did was get rid of their long braids.

Hair care

The Chinese used products based on seaweed as shampoos: it was believed that they enhance hair growth. Perhaps this is true, because, judging by the ancient Chinese engravings, most Chinese women had long, luxurious hair. To color the curls, the Chinese women used colored powder, and to add shine they smeared it with wax or vegetable oil. Flower essences were used to create a pleasant aroma.

In ancient times, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire had a hard time: it took a lot of time and effort to create complex hairstyles. One can only be glad that in our days one can simply turn to hair salon where the master will give you a haircut that will not need to be styled every day for several hours!

Chinese Style Hairstyles

High art - Chinese women's hairstyles

It's no secret that Chinese women are like a match - small in stature, very slender with thick black hair. Some of them wear the traditional hairstyle with two crossed wands. But there are still many different, much more complex hairstyles that look unusually elegant and easy. At the same time, their beauty and youth are successfully emphasized. And Chinese women, indeed, even at 45 often look like twenty-five.

Since ancient times in China, a special place has been given to hair care. And washing the hair to this day is accompanied by a whole ritual. After all, the Chinese firmly believe that water is not just a colorless liquid, but a means that helps cleanse the body, as well as emotions. For care, they use only natural products from plants, essential oils. As a result, shiny black hair until the most advanced years.

The basis of the everyday hairstyle of Chinese women was a bun at the back of the head or crown. Unmarried girls made them from temporal strands, leaving most of their hair loose.

Sometimes they braided long braids, decorated them with ribbons and flowers. Married women went with more complex styling. They were at once with several partings, large and small rollers of hair. They were laid on the top of the head, the back of the head. Large loops of hair could rise above the head.

For the stability of the structure, special rollers and adhesive impregnation were used. Until today, in the southern provinces of the country, it is customary to make hairstyles from strands for the holidays, which are inherited from mother to daughter. Huge structures on the head weigh up to several kilograms.

The hairstyle of the girl on the day of her marriage was distinguished by modesty. All her hair was braided with a tight braid, which was laid on the parietal region, stabbed with two sticks. Decorated with small flowers and silk ribbons. During the wedding ceremony, the bride had her bangs cut to the middle of her forehead. Over time, the bride's hairstyle was transformed into several cascaded hair rollers. Jewelry became more luxurious - strings of pearls, voluminous headdresses and, of course, a red veil.

Men preferred to wear long hair, gathered in a tight knot at the crown. As children, boys were shaved, leaving a long tuft of hair behind. Exactly the same hairstyle was worn by Buddhist monks. Young men until the age of majority, which came at the age of 20, were allowed to wear a bun of hair with a metal cap on top of their heads.

Depending on the estate, it could be inexpensive or made of a precious alloy. After the capture of China by the Manchus in the 17th century, men were ordered to wear long hair in combination with a shaved front of the head. Usually the strands were braided into pigtails, but when rebellions broke out, they were cut off.

Modern hairstyles - a game of contrasts

The choice of hairstyle by a modern resident of the Celestial Empire depends on where she lives. In big cities, you almost never meet girls with traditional styling. Modern haircuts are in fashion, sometimes very short. Of course, the owners of long hair sometimes collect them in a bun at the back of the head, while using hairdressing sponges for volume.

As a decoration, a decorative rim or small bows are used. Young Chinese women prefer to change their hair color to chestnut or light blond. And most haircuts, regardless of the length of the strands, are complemented by not too thick bangs.

There are hairdressers in Chinese cities on every street. Masters do not have to be bored without work. Ladies are happy to change hairstyles, hair color. In the provinces and villages far from the capital, centuries-old traditions are still followed. For example, cut your hair only once, when you turn sixteen. At the same time, until recently in the province of Huanlo, women were not supposed to show their hair to anyone except their husband.

But there is another sign by which you can learn something about the girl. Even advanced city dwellers, having parted with their loved ones, without thinking twice, cut off their luxurious long curls.

Chinese hairstyles for girls and girls

Chinese hairstyles today are fashionable exotic, stylized elegant styling with sticks and luxurious hairpins is great way add exotic notes to your personal image. Such styling has its own secrets and centuries-old traditions, but their modern, original and stylish versions can also be embodied with your own hands.

If you are planning to do this styling for an evening or special occasion, then it is best to resort to the services of a professional hairdresser. Creating sophisticated stylish Chinese hairstyles for girls is a real art. But before you go to the salon, you should definitely consider all the details of the image in advance and try it on yourself.

Chinese style hairstyles for girls with long hair

Such styling has a special style and a strict pattern and is suitable for owners of certain types of appearance. smooth hairstyle with complexly laid beams and rollers perfectly emphasize chiseled facial features, perfect shape oval, high cheekbones and a graceful neck line. The graphic styling pattern is demanding on the type and color of the hair - it will look best on evenly colored and absolutely straight hair. Incidentally, the Chinese women themselves last years do not adhere to strict canonical black shades, preferring chestnut and marengo shades and colors. But strictly drawing styling will reveal all its advantages only on hair with local coloring, soft toning or armoring.

You will not break any rules by making such styling even on absolute blonde hair- today's fashion is democratic and encourages original styling with exotic shades. That is why you should not reproduce such styling in accordance with all the rules, especially if you are going to do your own Chinese-style hairstyle. You can make it on curls middle length, but the most spectacular result will be obtained only on the hair below the shoulder blades. In China, the beauty of hair is elevated to a real cult and national style styling is designed to emphasize precisely the beauty, length, density and luxury of curls.

Styling involves a smooth and neat contour and plasticity of the strands, so the hair should definitely be pre-prepared. Wash, using a conditioner or balm, dry, preferably without a hair dryer and comb thoroughly. But the main thing is to accurately calculate the styling pattern itself so that it decorates your appearance.

Chinese hairstyles for girls with long hair can, for example, be done with a voluminous roller above the forehead - such a styling pattern perfectly “pulls out” the face, giving it graceful outlines. And you can make an absolutely smooth comb of the whole mass of curls from the face, and lay them on the back of the head - such a styling pattern will emphasize all the advantages of the appearance, but at the same time will not hide its shortcomings.

It is believed that a real Chinese hairstyle is a true work of hairdressing. Indeed, to create it, nothing but two (and for real Chinese women and one!) Sticks is needed. By the way, the sticks themselves, or "kanzashi", were originally intended to facilitate twisting and securing very long and thick hair into various bunches.

Today, even for true Chinese women, it is rather an accessory that gives styling exotic style and helping to create elegant everyday styling.

How to make a traditional Chinese hairstyle with chopsticks

The most simple styling The one to start with in order to understand how to make a Chinese hairstyle with sticks is a bun, having learned how to do it masterfully, you can create more complex styling. Before you start, you should carefully prepare your hair, in any dense and graphic styling they look best and, importantly, only smooth and obedient strands hold perfectly. Strict rules modern stylized Chinese women's hairstyles do not have a design, so choose for yourself the position and volume of styling that suits your type of appearance. And do not forget that styling emphasizes not only advantages, but also disadvantages, so it is necessary to model it exclusively for the features of your own appearance.

In order for the hairstyle to look elegant and neat, you should definitely make sure and stock up on hair ties, hairpins and invisible hairpins matched exactly to the tone of the hair. Don't forget that sticks are just an exotic accessory.

Pay attention to how original and elegant Chinese-style hairstyles are in these photos:

To make a simple and stylish styling on the basis of the bun, collect all the hair at the crown or slightly lower, effectively combing all the strands smoothly from the face, fasten the curls into the tail with an elastic band and comb it carefully. The shape of the styling depends only on the length of the hair; Chinese-style hairstyles for long hair are created on the basis of a braided or twisted bun. To do this, the hair must be rolled into a tourniquet and wrapping around the place where the tail is attached in a spiral to form a twisted bundle. The bundle will hold better and look more elegant if you use two voluminous elastic bands, putting them on a column. The ends of the strands should definitely be hidden in the styling and tightly fasten the bundle with hairpins, introducing them diagonally into the base of the bundle.

Now is the time to add exotic decor to your styling. Sticks for the Chinese national hairstyle are special accessories, historically they were given special meaning and properties. They were, in a way, distinctive signs for girls and women of different classes. But today, especially in European fashion, it is just an accessory. When choosing them according to your own mood and taste, pay attention not only to the simplest wooden or plastic sticks.

Lacquered black or red, made of expensive types of wood, bone, decorated with carvings or paintings, inlaid pendants and artificial flowers look very stylish. Traditional Chinese hairstyles used metal sticks, only they could support the weight of the rollers of hair, the length of which sometimes reached the height of the girl herself. Today, they are rather souvenirs, but for owners of really long curls who love ethnic hairstyles, metal sticks are best suited.

Of particular interest are historical, centuries-old wedding hairstyles with Chinese hair sticks, their creation is a special art filled with symbols and special rules. According to tradition, the bride's outfit has a very laconic style, but the hairstyle is created using several tiers of high rollers, complex buns, many accessories and elegant flower garlands.

Asian aesthetics in wedding fashion is always a fresh trend, look how unusual hairstyles are Chinese girls in these photos:

How to make a hairstyle without sticks with Chinese hairpins

The story goes that in order to create complex and intricate hairstyles with Chinese hairpins, ladies, despite the traditionally long and thick hair, had to make sacrifices. For example, glue special voluminous velvet rollers to the hair with resin to create high and complex styling. Of course, such hairstyles were created for a long time and painstakingly, and were not designed for one day - real Chinese beauties had to sleep without a pillow, placing special pillows on a wooden stand under their necks.

Today's styling does not require such sacrifices, however, you should not expect that a complex and multi-tiered hairstyle will last longer than a day. However, if you have mastered the technique of making simple buns, it's time to think about how to make an intricate Chinese-style hairstyle. Even if you have very long and thick hair, you will need two voluminous twister hairpins, matched exactly to the color of your own curls, they will allow you to give the desired shape and volume to your styling in a few minutes.

Comb your hair back, making strands above the forehead and at the temples, so as to emphasize the dignity of the face shape. Divide the hair at the back of the head into two zones - top and bottom - and wind them with twister hairpins into two rollers: a large bottom and a smaller top, giving them rounded and soft shapes. Such a Chinese hairstyle must be done without sticks, as a rule, it is decorated with special hairpins or very long and luxuriously decorated hairpins.

The styling created from several beams looks original and very stylish, traditionally for this style - three or four. They are performed only on very long and thick curls. Prepared hair must be divided by classic even or curly partings into three or four zones: above the forehead, at the back of the head and above the temples. Draw each of the strands into a ponytail, trying to arrange the tails as far as possible. closer friend to friend. Then twist your hair into bundles and form buns. You can decorate such styling with both Chinese hairpins and chopsticks.

Chinese-style hairstyles for girls with medium hair (with photo)

Despite the fact that traditionally such styling is created only for very long curls, in today's trends, stylized Chinese-style hairstyles for medium hair are also in demand. They look great on straight or slightly wavy hair, combine well with bangs and do not require additional training curls, moreover, quite simple in execution. But before you start creating them, you need to carefully choose accessories - sticks or hairpins - the main stylistic load of the image depends on them.

These settings are based on classic beam, but in the case of medium-length hair, in a bun at the back of the head or crown, you can collect hair only from the forehead and temples. Fasten them into a tight ponytail and arrange it in the form of a complex loop or knot. For decoration, choose medium or mini size sticks to maintain the proportions of the styling and use them to strengthen the bun in a criss-cross pattern. The rest of the hair array can be left free without curling or styling additional curls. Today, the idea of ​​​​using traditional Chinese sticks for decorating styling of completely European origin is gaining popularity, for example, such as the “French twist”. High and neat styling that can be done on hair of any length is decorated with traditional Chinese sticks of the original design.

Hairpins, no less significant than the sticks for a historical Chinese hairstyle attribute. With their help, they made magnificent hairstyles for very young girls, and the hairpins themselves were a real work of art.

Today's accessories in this style are richly encrusted with pearls, crystals, garlands of miniature flowers, and are traditionally used for children's hairstyles.

How to make a Chinese hairstyle for a girl and photos of beautiful styling

You can make a Chinese hairstyle for a girl in the same way as an adult, but greatly simplifying both the styling style itself and its decor. Such a hairstyle great option for a festive or solemn look, a light elegant exotic touch that adds individuality to it. This styling is created only on long hair based on ordinary bundles and is “attached” with modern accessories. Carefully combed hair lift high to the crown, collect them in a ponytail, twist them into a tourniquet and, wrapping the base of the tail in a spiral, put it in a neat bun.

Secure each turn with studs, inserting them into the base of the stack, and try to use minimal amount varnish to fix the styling - it should look natural. And now the styling can be decorated with Chinese hairpins or sticks. In children's hairstyles, accessories decorated with garlands of miniature flowers or single flowers, butterflies or dragonflies look original and organic.

Look at the Chinese hairstyles for girls in these photos, they will tell you their own decor ideas for such styling:

Chinese men paid a lot of attention to their appearance. They painted or pasted on fake mustaches and shaved their foreheads to make them appear taller. But the main thing is the eyebrows! Most Chinese warriors lined their eyebrows with mascara, giving them a more ferocious shape. To intimidate the enemy, they painted their faces with ink in such a way that the face looked like a terrible mask.
The headdress was considered part of the costume, and etiquette required that the head be covered at all times, even in solemn occasions. The Chinese emperor himself wore a headdress called "mian". It could be worn by other noble persons during the performance of sacred rituals. The design of the mian was very complex, and all its details had a symbolic meaning. It was possible to determine the social status of the owner by the decorations on the headdress.

Underage boys wore small metal caps. For noble young men, these caps could be gold, decorated with precious stones. Upon reaching adulthood (twenty years old), a ritual of putting on a hat was performed - "guanli". On ceremonial occasions, men wore headdresses reminiscent of pagoda roofs. A ball was inserted into the top of the cap, the color of which indicated the rank of the wearer. Non-official Chinese wore black hemispherical caps, consisting of a band and six wedges with a button on top.
In the Middle Ages, common people wore hats made of reeds, plant stems, rice straws, reeds, bark, as well as felt caps, white bandages. Most of the hats were conical in shape. Small hats were sewn from transparent silk, gas - the basis was a wire frame, cardboard, a layer of heavily glued linen. Over time, these hats began to be impregnated with varnish.
Men's hairstyles have always consisted of a knot of long hair. The ancient Chinese did not cut their hair, but collected it in a tight knot - "zi", and strengthened on the crown with a hairpin. Above the forehead, at the temples and at the back of the head, the hair was carefully smoothed.
During the period of Manchu domination, the conquerors obliged the Chinese to shave the front of the head, and braid the hair remaining on the back of the head - "bienzi". To make the braid longer, silk cords were woven into the ends of the hair. The scythe became a symbol of national oppression, and all popular uprisings against the power of the Manchus began with cutting the scythes.
At the heart of all women's hairstyles was also a knot located in different periods sometimes on the crown, then on the back of the head, and fixed with hairpins. Despite the complexity, women's hairstyles gave the impression of lightness and grace.
There were several options for hairstyles and they were all made from straight hair:
1. Sidelocks were released on the cheeks, long straight strands were loosened from the temples, which were decorated with special paired decorations.
2. They were styled from straight hair with several partings, symmetrical hair loops, rollers. To keep the hair loops well, they were smeared with adhesive compounds and wound on velvet rollers. Bunches - decorations, which were high loops, were fixed in hairstyles on the crown or on the back of the head. Each hairstyle had two or three buns. From the temples, the hair was combed up, and the forehead was framed by a short, sparse bang. Flowers, twigs with small buds, leaves were attached to the sides.

3. Before the wedding, the bride's hair was braided or twisted into a bundle and strengthened on the crown with two large hairpins crosswise. In the period of the Ming Dynasty (XIV - XVII centuries), during the wedding, a straight bang was cut off on the bride's forehead, and the hair on the temples was cut at an angle, emphasizing the line of the forehead with ink. The bangs were very sparse, short, reaching to the middle of the forehead. Many options for women's hairstyles were without bangs. The hairstyle was often decorated with elaborate structures of pearls and jade, sometimes with figures of phoenixes holding long flowing pendants in their beaks.
Chinese women hats were not worn. Only at the wedding and on the most solemn occasions did they wear a complex headdress - "fengguan". Noble ladies wore wigs that were combed and decorated in the same way as natural hair. Wigs were made from animal hair, sea grass, silk cords, threads, ribbons.
Since ancient times in China, the art of self-care has been considered especially sublime and refined. Women applied essences and oils to their hair, smeared it with varnish and wax, sprinkled colored powder on top, which gave them desired shade. Hairstyles were decorated with flowers, twigs with leaves and small buds. For brides, strands of pearls, colored silk cords, garlands of small flowers were woven into the temporal strands. In the X - XII centuries. green, blue, black flies were glued to the temples, forehead and cheeks, to which precious stones were attached.
Also used extensively various decorations, which were not located on the suit - they complemented the hairstyles and hats. On ancient engravings and embroideries, one can see ribbons descending almost to the ground, cords, strings of beads. Of the jewels, pearls and jade were most loved. Balls from this difficult-to-work stone were used for rosaries, hairpins, and forehead ornaments.