When to get pregnant to have a girl. Conception according to the Chinese calendar. How to conceive a girl by ovulation

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the question of what are the methods of influencing the sex of the unborn child. Almost all of them are based on prejudices and superstitions. But there are also interesting studies, and, in addition, statistical information, to which one should not turn a blind eye. So we will not decisively declare that the sex of the child cannot be planned.

It has been statistically established that boys are more often born at the first birth and less at subsequent births. The younger the future parents, the more likely the birth of a boy and vice versa. In people with gout, the offspring are dominated by girls; there are more boys in the offspring of bald representatives of the stronger sex.

In addition, it was found that children of the same age are more of the same sex. If the interval between births is approximately 3 years, then children of different sexes mainly appear. If you get pregnant soon after an abortion, you are more likely to have a girl.

Male and female chromosomes

Many dream about how to conceive a girl. Girls are beautiful, gentle and obedient. As a rule, they are closer to their father and mother than boys.

It has been established that the egg cell in a woman contains only one species - X (X). And spermatozoa are divided into 2 types: X and Y (x and y).

So, the sperm reaches the egg and determines the sex of the child: XX (egg and sperm) are combined - a girl is born, XY is combined - a boy is born.

It seems that nothing will change. But it is possible to influence spermatozoa. We will analyze the methods of how to conceive a girl in more detail.

Features of spermatozoa

Determines the conception of a girl: X-sperm. There are fewer of them in sperm, they move more slowly, but the duration of existence and strength are greater.

Determines the conception of a boy: Y-sperm. They are more mobile, there are more of them, but less life expectancy and strength.

So you want to get pregnant with a girl. In order for the X-sperm to reach the egg directly, provide all the necessary conditions.

We focus on the quality of spermatozoa:

  • you need to reduce the amount of sperm;
  • change the microflora of the vagina;
  • the time up to ovulation should be the maximum allowable for conception (in order for the Y-spermatozoa to be killed, and the X to reach the egg in a timely manner).

It is important to know how to get pregnant with a girl. If a girl has an ordinary monthly cycle lasting 28 days, then ovulation usually begins on the 14th day.

In order to understand how to conceive a girl by ovulation , you need to use the measuring method basal body temperature. The rule in 2 words: a few days before ovulation, the temperature decreases, then there is a jump (0.5 degrees) - this period will become the day of ovulation. In order to understand when the ovulation period will be, make a plan by measuring the temperature for several months.

Measurement of basal temperature

If you don't know how to conceive a girl, an ovulation calendar will surely help.

  1. Have unprotected sex a few days before and before ovulation. Spermatozoa - boys will not survive until ovulation.
  2. During the period of ovulation and the next day, protect yourself or finish having sex; abstain even 2 days after ovulation. Otherwise, the X chromosomes will overtake the Y chromosomes.
  3. It is advisable to beware of orgasm for the fairer sex, since during the period of orgasm a substance appears that kills X-spermatozoa. Limit affection and excitement.
  4. Earlier it was said that the acid sphere increases the possibility of how to become pregnant with a girl. To this end, you need to perform vinegar washing right before sex: dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of boiled water.

Dishes must be disinfected. Apply the solution immediately, no later than 2 hours after preparation.

There is another way, but not scientifically confirmed. It is believed that in order to conceive a girl, what you need to eat food products with a high content of magnesium and calcium: cheeses, curds, milk, nuts, cereals.

For a way to get pregnant with a girl, the table will come in handy. You need to know the month of the birth of a man and a woman, and the intersection will set the number of the couple.

Couple birth month table

The possibility of the birth of a child of a certain gender is higher if there are as many x's as possible. Your goal is to find in which month to conceive a girl. For example, a girl was born in January, a representative of the stronger sex - in May. Their couple number is 5. So, the possibility of when to get pregnant so that a girl is born , high in May.

There is another method when it is better to conceive a girl - this is a special conception calendar.

Everything is elementary: the girl finds her year (vertically) and the month for conception (horizontal). If the intersection indicates M, a boy will be born, if D, it indicates the month when a girl can be conceived. Use the table for conception.

Monthly girl conception calendar

Conception of a girl by blood

It is well known that people's blood is renewed. For a girl, this happens once every 4 years, for the representatives of the stronger sex, once every 3 years. It works like this: which of the spouses during the conception period has younger blood, he will establish the gender of the child (mother-girl, father-boy).

Now consider the method of how to conceive a girl for blood renewal. We divide the mother's age by 4 (do not forget, every 4 years the blood is new). To the remaining part, we add the number of all months from the day the mother was born to the period of conception. Sample: mothers 24, divided by 4, it turns out 6.5. Remaining part 5. The mother was born, let's say, in November, and the conception happened in March. November to March is 5 months long. 5 (remainder) + 5 (number of months from the month of birth to the month of conception) = 10. Don't forget this is the age of the mother's blood.

We calculate the father's age in the same way. Sample: father 25. Divide by 3 (new blood), we get 8.3. The rest of the 3. The month of birth-August. From August to March (the period of conception) 8 months. We add 8 to the rest, we get 11.

Bottom line: the age of the mother is 10, the father is 11. So, if the mother's blood is younger, you can get pregnant with a girl.

In what position to conceive a girl

A woman's orgasm is not required here. This is explained by the fact that the chromosomes of the "girl" live longer. However, they move much more slowly than Y-spermatozoa, for this reason, on a relatively long road, the possibility of fertilizing an egg is much greater directly on the X chromosomes. A more effective period to conceive a girl the first time is 2-3 days before ovulation. At the same time, it is not recommended to have sex during the period of ovulation and within 2 days after.

Optimal placement of the spouses involves the posture of the least penetration. Best Poses for this:

  • missionary position;
  • "spoon";
  • the husband is upstairs, and the wife is downstairs with her back to him.

Other ways to conceive a girl

The well-known method of Dr. Shettles involves the use different methods to determine which days to conceive a girl. The task is to establish the period of maturation of the egg, namely, to plan a sexual relationship in 2-3 days.

Also, in addition to all of the above, a man who thinks how to get pregnant with a girl quickly needs to: stop smoking and drinking alcohol a few months before conception, walk more, lead a dynamic lifestyle, eat well. This guarantees healthy children.

Video: How to determine the sex of the unborn child, 98% accuracy

Folk ways of conceiving a girl

  • have sex only during the day;
  • you need to have sexual intercourse on even days of the month;
  • the girl is obliged to be the initiator of the sexual act.

Conception of twin girls

The chances of how to conceive twin girls increase if you switch to planning at the same time as canceling the method of oral contraception. This is due to the fact that sometimes at such moments the ovaries produce more than one egg in 1 cycle. Finally, it should be noted that the previously written recommendations To how to get pregnant with twin girls do not provide guarantees. For this reason, do not be sad if the ultrasound shows that you need to wait for a child of the wrong sex. How to conceive twins, the video is presented below.

Video: How to conceive twins

How to conceive a boy?

You prefer blue tone and love cars scattered around the house? Then you thought about the question of how to conceive a boy.

Experts have determined that the sex of the child depends on the type of sperm in the egg. At fertilization, the embryo inherits the genes of both the father and the mother. At the same time, the “culprit” of the sex of the child appears directly as a representative of the stronger sex, in which the composition of Y (boys) and X-spermatozoa (girls) is approximately the same in sperm. Despite the approximately equal chances of having children of one sex or the other, long-term statistics show that, as a rule, there are slightly more boys than girls (106 to 100).

Most doctors say that they can not influence the sex of the child in any way. However, there are a number folk methods, which increase the possibility of exactly how to conceive a boy.

  • Shettles method.

The Shettles method is based on the concept of having a boy by ovulation. X and Y spermatozoa move along the reproductive routes at different speeds and reside there different times. "Boys" sperm quickly overcome the path to the egg, but live less. For this reason, to conceive a boy by ovulation, calculate 12 hours before or during ovulation and have sex. Great importance has and posture in sex. For this purpose, the position from behind with the greatest penetration is recommended.

Ovulation calculation

  • Special Diet.

There is a judgment that it is necessary to conceive a boy to follow a special diet for a number of months before the birth. According to the laws of this diet, focused on changing the pH balance in the body, it is supposed to give preference to salty foods, reddish meat, testicles, zucchini, mushrooms, corn, bread and fish. Milk products are not recommended. Recently, researchers have established when it is best to conceive a boy - keeping one level of glucose in the blood (constant meals).

  • Chinese moon calendar.

The Chinese moon calendar is a special table made by Chinese healers more than 700 years ago, and then found in one of the tombs of the emperor of China. The method is associated with the age of the mother and the month of conception. Rather, you just have to cope with the table and the boy will be. In fact, there is no confirmation of the correctness of this table. But it’s still worth a try, because how to conceive a boy is guaranteed, so far no medicine in the world has answered with confidence.

  • Pick the right time.

Since the “boys” spermatozoa are the most energetic, you should not have sex for a number of days before ovulation, but enter into a sexual relationship right before it. What days to conceive a boy will special ovulation tests help you.

  • Pick a pose.

The best position in which to conceive a boy is considered to be that , which can guarantee a more complete penetration. This is necessary due to the fact that spermatozoa with the male gene (Y-chromosome) are very exposed to the external environment and live a little. For this reason, in order for fertilization to occur, the path to the egg must be reduced as much as possible. We emphasize that the chromosomes "boys" do not tolerate high temperature. This means that when preparing for conception, it is not recommended for a man to overheat (go to saunas, baths).

What else do they do to conceive a boy? It is also important that a woman experience orgasm together with her husband or a little earlier, since during the period of orgasm a special liquid comes out that increases the existence of spermatozoa that directly contain the chromosomes of “boys”. It is well known that the possibility of conceiving a boy increases on the eve (12-24 hours).

Poses for conceiving a boy

  • doggy style;
  • "general";
  • missionary position (if there is a pillow under the woman).

in vitro fertilization

This is a highly reliable and expensive method to acquire a boy. In order to extract the desired sex from the sperm, XX (girls) and XY spermatozoa (boys) are separated separately using a laser or special substances. After selecting the right pair, the egg is fertilized with IVF support (in vitro). This method is sometimes dangerous and will require significant expenses.

Scientific method of conceiving a child

Of the most scientific and reliable ways there are methods for extracting semen fractions with a large entry of X and Y spermatozoa. With the help of a laser, spermatozoa are separated into X and Y. Such spermatozoa are used in IVF. Depending on what gender is needed, the egg is fertilized. The proportion of luck is modified by gender: 91% - girls, 75% - boys. So, at the present time there is a possibility of “ordering” genetics. Although, in this case, you will have to conceive with the help of doctors and today's reproductive technologies.

Conception of a child by biorhythms

There is also a way to calculate the sex of the child according to biorhythms. Special combinations of mother's and father's biorhythms, in which a child is conceived, are revealed. Understanding these combinations, it is possible to create a personal calendar for this married couple, in which month to conceive a boy. The biorhythmic method does not negate other methods in any way, since all movements in the body are performed cyclically and obey these or other biorhythms.

It must be remembered that the methods listed above, for example, whether it is possible to become pregnant with a girl, will not provide you with guarantees. And most of these methods are more fiction than truth. Therefore, do not be upset if a child of the wrong sex is born, because healthy child- already a great joy.

Video: How to conceive a girl and a boy?

More and more modern couples they plan not only the time of the appearance of the child, but also what gender the future baby will have. There are a lot of ways to predict the sex of a baby - from folk to scientifically proven.

This article contains information on how to calculate the birth of a girl using the most famous methods.

The opinion of official medicine

To date, the opinion of the majority of representatives of official medicine is as follows: it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby only after conception. This is a well-known ultrasound procedure, which is performed on the 13th week. The accuracy of this study at this time is exactly 50%. Ultrasonography at 22-24 weeks is significantly higher - 90%.

There is also an invasive method for determining the sex of a child. It is very accurate, but is associated with the risk of miscarriage and is carried out only on medical indications.

As you understand, these studies do not allow planning the sex of the child.

Only with in vitro fertilization is it possible to predict the sex of the child. Genetic diagnostics is performed, which allows you to determine the sex of the embryo even before transferring it to the uterus. Thus, parents can leave only their future daughter. However, the IVF procedure is carried out for medical reasons, is quite expensive and is associated with a difficult moral decision. This method of conceiving a girl is not available to everyone.

At the same time, there are data from studies based on human physiology that have revealed some patterns that affect the conception of a child of a certain gender.

How to calculate the birth of a girl: popular methods

It is known that the conception of a girl depends on the presence of X chromosomes in the spermatozoon. The more X chromosomes, the more likely the appearance of a girl. Vice versa: a large number of The Y chromosome contributes to the conception of a boy. Many methods are based on allowing sperm with an X chromosome to get to the egg and fertilize it.

The number of spermatozoa with the X chromosome is always less, they are less mobile, but live longer.

In order to conceive a girl, it is necessary to provide them with access to the egg and eliminate the sperm with the Y chromosome.

  1. On the day of ovulation. This method is based on the difference in life span and motility of spermatozoa with X and Y chromosomes. Knowing the day of ovulation, the spouses plan sex in order to conceive a child. In order to get a girl, you need to enter into intimacy a few days before ovulation. By the time the egg is released, the less viable Y-spermatozoa will die, while the spermatozoa with the X chromosome will have a real chance of fertilizing the egg. It is not difficult to calculate the correct birth of a girl by ovulation. For this you need to know the exact date egg maturation. You can calculate it using a special ovulation test, which is easy to buy at a pharmacy;
  2. For the renewal of the blood. It is believed that the frequency of blood renewal in women is every 3 years, and in men - 4. To apply this method, you need to know the exact dates of birth of the spouses. The rest is a matter of mathematical calculations. It is necessary to divide the age of the woman by 3, and the age of the man by 4. Which of the parents will have younger blood, that sex will have a child. Therefore, if the mother's blood is fresh, then the baby will be born. Please note that before you start calculating the birth of a girl for blood renewal, you need to remember all the major blood loss of partners. Transfusion, blood donation, childbirth, surgical interventions, injured and so on;
  3. With the help of tables. IN Lately tables explaining how to calculate the birth of a daughter or son have become popular again. There are many different tables that allow you to calculate the sex of the unborn child. The simplest table consists of two parts. One of them takes into account the blood groups of the parents. In the other - the Rh factor.

Calculate the gender of the baby using both tables and compare the results.

If they match, then the chances of having a daughter or a son, if you want a boy, are more than 70%.

The next table is called Chinese. It is believed that it contains the centuries-old experience of doctors and sages from the Land of the Rising Sun. The ability to give birth to a son or daughter in it is interconnected with the woman's age. It is believed that at a certain age you can conceive a girl or a boy in a certain month of the year. In order to use this table, you need to draw a line from the age of the mother to the intersection with the line of the month of the planned conception. In the intersection cell you will see the expected result.

Another table, Japanese, will tell you how to correctly calculate the conception of a girl by the month of birth of her father and mother. It consists of two parts. Part 1 contains information about the months of birth of the spouses. The intersection of the months of the birth of dad and mom gives a number from 1 to 12. You need to remember it.

Then, in the second part of the table, we look for the figure memorized earlier and draw a line to the month of the alleged conception. You will see the probability of the future sex of the child in the columns. The more crosses, the greater the possibility of having a baby of one sex or another;

  1. How to calculate the birth of a girl by the age of a woman? There are many formulas with which you can calculate the sex of the unborn child, even by the age of the mother. Including those who calculate the possibility of conceiving a girl by the date of birth of the mother. In order to use them, the following data is needed: the date of birth and the age of the woman at the time of conception.

Here are some of them:

  • Mr is the woman's birth month;
  • Mz - the month of conception;
  • L + Mp + Mz + 3, if the result is even, then a boy will be born, odd - a girl;
  • L - the age of the woman, the number of full years;
  • Mz - the month of conception;
  • L + Mz + 1, if you get an even number in the answer, then the birth of a daughter is expected.

There are many more ways to find out and even predict the birth of a girl.

The birth of a long-awaited and desired baby is a great joy for the whole family. And if this is the first baby in the family, then what gender it will be, in principle, there is no difference. However, many couples, having one or two children, want next child a certain gender. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is better to ask in advance how this can be done, and to conceive a child of the gender that this particular couple would like. Someone really wants a son, and someone is interested in the birth of a daughter. There are many options and calculation systems, methods, calendars and tables for In this article, we will talk about how to conceive a girl according to the table. There are also several tables. There are Chinese japanese tables ovulation. However, you need to understand that none of these methods gives a 100% guarantee that a girl will be born to you. But still there are great chances to get the desired result.

How to conceive a girl according to the table

There are a wide variety of methods that have been ordinary people However, whether they are reliable is unknown. There are three main tables for conception. This is an ovulation table, as well as Chinese and Japanese. To answer the question of how to conceive a girl according to the table, you need to decide what is their difference and which one to resort to.

Ovulation table

This method is quite reliable, and will help answer the question of how to conceive a girl. The ovulation table will help you figure out when this phenomenon occurs in a woman. This theory is based on scientific facts. Everyone knows that for a woman to have an ovulation period. Without this, no one will be able to conceive. However, for the conception of a girl, it is not enough just to get on this day. On the contrary, you need to have sex a few days before ovulation. This is due to the fact that male spermatozoa are divided into X chromosomes, which are just responsible for the birth of a female child, and Y chromosomes, which, respectively, are responsible for the birth of a boy. So, the Y chromosomes move towards their target much faster, and therefore fertilize the egg earlier. However, they live for about a day, and the X chromosomes have a lifespan of about 3 days, but they are heavier and move more slowly. Given all this, we can conclude that if you have sex during ovulation itself, then most likely a boy will be born. In order to get a girl, you must definitely know when you ovulate and try to conceive a child 3 days before it, since by this time all the Y chromosomes will die and only the X chromosomes will remain. In this case, the chance of getting pregnant with a girl is great. In order for everything to go as efficiently as possible, you need to start an ovulation calendar and subsequently make a table yourself. Of course, this will take several months, but for desired result better to wait.

How to find out when you ovulate?

by the most the right way to calculate ovulation is to measure basal body temperature. It is necessary to measure it for several cycles, in order to then compile a table and see exactly when it happens to you. this process. You need to measure the temperature with an ordinary thermometer, in the rectum. You need to do this every day, without exception, at the same time, always immediately after waking up (before that, you do not need to get out of bed). It is advisable to start this study from the very beginning of the cycle, which means on the first day of menstruation. The cycle is divided into two phases: before ovulation and after. Temperature indicators will help you figure out exactly when you ovulated.

In the first phase, the temperature should be lower than in the second. The closer "day X", the more it will drop, then there will be a sharp jump up (this will be ovulation), then the temperature will rise and should not fall in case of pregnancy. In order to find out when you can conceive a girl, the table must be compiled correctly.

Japanese table

This method was developed by Japanese scientists. In order to find out how to conceive a girl, the 2014 table was also compiled by them. To get an answer to this question, you just need to know the month of birth of the future father and mother.

The table is very simple and clear, in the column "mom's date of birth" you need to select your month, the same applies to the column for dad. At the intersection of the column and row there will be a number that you need to remember and find it in the second table. There you can see in which month there is a chance of conceiving a child of one sex or another. Therefore, the question of how to conceive a girl according to a table developed in Japan is not worth it at all. Everything is very clear.

Chinese table

Month of conception
Mother's age Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. sept. oct. Nov. dec.
18 dmdmmmmmmmmm
19 mdmdmmmmmdmd
20 dmdmmmmmmdmm
21 mddddddddddd
22 dmmdmddmdddd
23 mmdmmdmdmmmd
24 mdmmdmmddddd
25 dmmddmdmmmmm
26 mdmddmdmdddd
27 dmddddmmmmmm
28 mdmdddmmmddd
29 dmdmmmdddmdm
30 mddddddddmdd
31 mdmddddddmmm
32 mdmdddddddmm
33 dmdddddmdddm
34 ddmddddddddm
35 mmdmdddmdddm
36 dmmdmdddmdmm
37 mdmmdmdmdmmm
38 dmdmmdmdmmdm
39 mdmmmmdmddmd
40 dmdmdmmdmddd
41 mdmdmdmmdmdm
42 dmdmdmdmmdmd
43 mdmdmdmdmmmm
44 mmdmmmdmdmdd
45 dmmdddmdmdmm

Another answer to the question of how to conceive a girl is a Chinese table that has been helping people achieve the desired result for thousands of years. This is one of ancient methods determining the sex of the unborn child. Creators this method claimed to be 98% accurate. You can find out the sex of the child already during the onset of pregnancy or plan it in advance. The Chinese believe that the sex of the child depends entirely on the mother, and the calculations are carried out taking into account only the age of the girl and the month of conception. However, the calculation of the girl's age by this method differs from the usual. One more year must be added to the actual age, since in China, age is not considered from the day of birth, but from the day a person was conceived. And a child who has just been born into the world is already 10 months old. This is very important point, so you need to carefully consider your age, otherwise the results will not be accurate. Another important moment is the beginning of the first month of the year. It changes depending on the date of the Chinese New Year. Every year this different date. In 2013 it was February 10, in 2014 it was January 31, and in 2015 it will be February 19. The table has 2 columns: horizontal and vertical. In the horizontal are the numbers indicating the months of Chinese calendar, and in the vertical - the age of the girl at the time of conception. And at the intersection of these values ​​- cells with colors indicating the gender of the child. This method is also very simple, if you understand the calendar and age. Thus, one can see when and how to conceive a girl. A table, reviews of which inspire confidence, can really help with this.

Other gender calculation methods

In addition to these tables, there are several more methods and opportunities to think in advance when you can get pregnant with a girl.

Blood renewal

It has been proven that the blood of any person must be completely renewed in certain time. This period is different for men and women. In a man, the blood is completely renewed every 4 years. The countdown starts from birth, but if during life there were operations or injuries that were accompanied by large blood loss, then you need to count from that moment. This also applies to women, in addition to operations and injuries, childbirth and abortion are also accompanied by blood loss, respectively, if they occurred, it is necessary to count from that period. It is believed that in females, blood renewal occurs every 3 years. The meaning of this theory is to calculate which of the future parents has younger and stronger blood. There is an opinion that if the mother's blood is younger, then there will be a girl, and if the father's blood is a boy.

Moon calendar

This method also has its supporters. Some people believe that the birth of a child is associated with moon phases and conception is no exception. You can conceive a girl when the moon passes through female sign. This happens about every 2.5 days.

In any case, no matter what method you choose, you should not hope for a 100% result, so as not to be upset if a boy is born. The birth of a child is the greatest and long-awaited happiness in life, therefore, no matter who is born to you, a tender daughter or a courageous son, the main thing is that the baby is healthy.

Today, young families who want to replenish their family with a baby are also planning its future gender. And if earlier it seemed an impossible task to predict and plan the sexual characteristics of your child, today the question “how to get pregnant 100 percent with a girl” is quite solvable. There are many methods of influencing the conception of a fetus, of which there are those that can offer a guarantee of the birth of a baby of a certain gender.

The most reliable methods to get pregnant with a girl:

  1. artificial insemination;
  2. conception by a girl according to the calculation of ovulation;
  3. special diet;
  4. Chinese table;
  5. Erickson's method;
  6. blood renewal.

There are other methods, but they do not always give a 100% guarantee and sometimes they are wrong in the results. The above methods of conceiving a girl, on the contrary, have won the trust of millions of women, as they have more than once helped to predict the sex of their unborn child.

The technique of artificial insemination always gives 100% guarantees of the sex of the unborn child. This is because the conception of a woman's egg occurs in the laboratory with the help of specialists. At the same time, a doctor prescribes a course for a woman medicines, which are follicle development stimulants. After these follicles have formed, they are removed from the woman's ovaries by a physician, then in a favorable environment for this, the follicles are fertilized by the sperm of the future father. After a few days of the embryo being in them, it is transferred and placed directly into the uterus of the potential mother. It is on this milestone procedure, the doctor can predict the sex of the unborn child. This procedure involves planting a female fetus, which guarantees the conception of a woman by a girl.

But there is also back side such a service high price. Not every couple can afford such a luxury. And at the state level, such an operational procedure is carried out only according to strict instructions, for example, infertility or the risk of transmitting hereditary diseases to a male fetus.

By ovulation

There is another way that will help a woman get pregnant with a female fetus. Not everyone knows how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation, but in fact everything is quite simple and affordable. You just need to know the days that are favorable for sexual intercourse and the conception of a woman as a girl.

The thing is that the sperm of a man consists of two types of spermatozoa: X-spermatozoa with female chromosomes, Y-spermatozoa with male chromosomes. After a lot of research, scientists have established the fact that the X chromosomes move more slowly than the male Y chromosomes. But the latter live less, and the female set of chromosomes is more tenacious. According to these studies, the life of spermatozoa with female set chromosomes can live inside a woman for up to 7 days.

If sexual intercourse is performed 3-5 days before ovulation, male spermatozoa are guaranteed to die, not having time to wait for an active egg, which goes “hunting” on the day of ovulation. Although female spermatozoa move more slowly, they have a longer lifespan, so there is a great chance for them to wait for their time, fertilizing an egg ready for conception on the days of ovulation.

Although this technique is not considered official and recognized medicine, many women have tested on themselves how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation, eventually getting the desired daughter. It is enough to know, as a rule, to calculate the days of ovulation and to have sexual intercourse on certain days.

Conception of a girl according to the table

An urgent question among expectant mothers is whether the tables guaranteeing the predetermination of the sex of the child before conception are true. How to get pregnant with a girl will be prompted by the sex table, which has been popular for many years and has come at the present time from the ancient Chinese sages. Therefore, the method of predetermining the sex of the unborn child according to the table has the right to exist and be trusted by couples who dream of conceiving and giving birth to a girl.

This table does not require any complex calculations and mathematical problems; to calculate the sex of the unborn child, it is enough just to know the exact age of the potential mother and the month when the conception was made.

But there is one exception- if the month of conception coincides with the month when the woman was born, then we cannot talk about a 100% result.

Also not always accurate results planning the sex of the unborn child can be if sexual intercourse and conception were carried out on the border of the transition from one month to another.

Erickson method

You can increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a girl using the new and not yet well-known Erickson method. To do this, you need to find an experienced and competent specialist in this matter, which can be a difficult task, since this technique is still little known and not popularized among society.

In order to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant with a girl from the first time, the specialist receives the sperm of the future father and conducts a special filtration in the laboratory.

The specialist identifies those spermatozoa that move faster than others, since they are male chromosomes. They are removed from the semen using solutions special for such manipulations. After that, the specialist inserts into the woman's vagina cleared of male chromosomes future father's sperm. As a result, the egg is fertilized only by spermatozoa rich in the female set of chromosomes.

This service is not carried out in all cities, since few people still know about it, but every day more women resort to it, getting the desired result as a result.

special diet

This technique will not be able to accurately answer the question “how to get pregnant with a girl quickly” with a guarantee, since reviews about it are contradictory. But if you use the method special diet in combination with other methods, for example, conception by a girl by ovulation, as a result, the dreams of future parents about the birth of a daughter will come true.

You can increase the likelihood of conceiving a female fetus by adhering to a certain diet. All food future mother should contain as much magnesium and calcium as possible. This is because such components deign to form an alkaline environment in which spermatozoa quickly die with male set chromosomes. Also, from the diet of a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant with a girl, it is imperative to eliminate all foods containing potassium. Potassium has the opposite effect on the internal environment of the vagina, destroying sperm with a female set of chromosomes.

About a month before a woman conceives as a girl, she needs to consume the following foods as often as possible:

  1. All representatives of legumes and all types of nuts, in particular cashews.
  2. Any dairy products, be it kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.
  3. Cereals.
  4. All vegetables are green.

You need to minimize any meat products, fish, potatoes, bread and fancy products, sweets. In addition, it negatively affects the conception of coffee, which should be completely abandoned.

Conception of a girl by blood

When wondering what to do to get pregnant with a girl, you can increase this probability, starting from the blood type of a potential father and mother. To do this, you need to be able to calculate the estimated age of renewed blood cells.

If a woman's blood has been renewed this year, then there is every chance of becoming pregnant with a girl. If the blood has been renewed this year in a man, then the chances of conceiving a female fetus are minimal. In women, blood is renewed every three years, in men - once every four years. If one of the parents went through any surgical interventions, which were accompanied by a blood transfusion, then the countdown must be carried out from this period. To calculate the coefficient that indicates the level of blood renewal, the mother's age must be divided by 3, and the number of father's years by four. The resulting number should not be fully taken into account, only the numbers after the decimal point are subject to attention.

Example: mum's ratio is 8.00 and dad's ratio is 6.55. So, comparing only the numbers 0.00 and 0.55, we can conclude that the mother’s blood is better updated, this time is ideal for conception by a girl.

You can increase the chances for a woman to become pregnant with a girl if you rely on several methods at once, for example, conception by ovulation, the Chinese table and a certain diet. Faith in one's own strength plays a big role in such a responsible business, positive attitude and a great desire to become pregnant will hasten the fulfillment of desire.

The main thing is that the baby is born healthy. His gender is a secondary issue. There are many families in which a boy was born instead of a long-awaited girl, but after a while the parents decide that this is even better. But still, we have a persistent stereotype that there should be a boy in the family, and marks the continuation of the life of both parents. How to guess that a little princess is born?

How stable is your cycle

Many have heard how to conceive a girl by ovulation. But this requires serious preparation. Moreover, the more stable the woman's cycle, the greater the chance that the calculations will be correct. You should start long before the planned conception. Theoretically, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, but medication, stress and other adverse factors make this indicator unreliable. Therefore, in order to conceive a girl by ovulation, you need to keep a calendar for several months.

Starting to keep records

The starting point will be the next month, this is the first day of your cycle. It will last until the next bleeding, 25-28 days. If this figure does not change from month to month, this indicates a good state of health of the female reproductive system. Now you need to determine the day of ovulation, that is, as you know, every month one (less often 2) eggs come out of the ovaries. Left unfertilized, it descends into the uterus, where it collapses. Only having met with one of the thousands of spermatozoa, it forms a zygote and is implanted in the uterus, marking the beginning of pregnancy. The question is which of the spermatozoa, the carrier of the X or Y chromosome, will be the first to be in right place. To do this, you need to know the exact date of release of the egg. To understand how to conceive a girl by ovulation, let's look at methods for calculating the day of egg maturation.

Tests and temperature measurement

For the laziest there are special tests. They act in the same way as those that diagnose pregnancy. From the first day of menstruation at the same time of day, certain manipulations must be performed. The day on which the test shows 2 strips is called ovulation. This day is extremely favorable for the conception of a boy, since the spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosomes are very mobile, but they live for a relatively short time, about a day. They have a chance to be the first to reach the egg and fertilize it.

To conceive a girl by ovulation, you should plan sexual intercourse 2-3 days before the maturation of the egg. Carriers of the X chromosome are less mobile, but are able to live in the alkaline environment of the vagina for up to 72 hours. By the time the egg is released, only they will retain the ability to fertilize.

The second, more accessible, but requiring more exposure, is Every day, just waking up (and you need to do this at the same time, best at 7 in the morning), you will need to measure your body temperature. You can choose any convenient way: oral, vaginal or rectal. The main thing is that every day measurements are made in the same way as the day before, with one thermometer. 5 minutes is enough, after which you can get up and write down the results.

The graph will show you the onset of ovulation, just on this day the temperature drops, and in the following days it rises steadily. You will need to find the minimum point and check the correctness of the calculations by the presence of an increase in values ​​in the next three days. Speaking about how to conceive a girl by ovulation, it should be noted that we are interested in the day of egg maturation and the 5 days preceding it. It is this period that is most favorable for conception, and if you want a little princess, then you will only be interested in the first four of them. Unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation (as well as the day before it) most often leads to the birth of a boy.

Calculate sex by ovulation: how realistic is it

It is a coherent, scientific theory based on unshakable facts and physiological features. A method for choosing the sex of an unborn baby has been developed by two scientists - Lendrum Shetles and David Rorvik. Among all available home methods, this one is the most reliable, although it does not give a 100% guarantee. This method was confirmed by the scientist Martin Young. He clarified that if a boy is planned, then conception should not be delayed for more than 24 hours from the moment the egg is released. Her aging can lead to miscarriages or birth defects. Among those who have tried to conceive a girl by ovulation, the reviews are divided approximately 50/50. This is understandable, because the maturation of the egg can not always be calculated with an accuracy of up to a day, and even hours can affect. There is only one way out - to do everything that depends on you and accept your baby as an invaluable gift, no matter what gender he is.

If you need a 100% guarantee

This is possible in the case of an embryo grown in a test tube of the desired sex is planted in the uterus. also allows to identify possible malformations. But this method is used if there is a high risk of transmission from the parents of a sex-linked disease, or when conception naturally impossible. Another serious drawback is the price of the procedure, tens of thousands of dollars. Moreover, if failed parents have to pay the costs again in order to try again.

There is a way to sort spermatozoa. The donated material passes through a special centrifuge, in which X and Y carriers are separated, after which artificial insemination or IVF is carried out. But both of these procedures are carried out only for medical reasons. In most countries they free holding considered unethical.

If you do not want to calculate for a long time how to conceive a girl by ovulation, but do not accept birth little prince, then you can resort to early diagnosis pregnancy. Many large cities have perinatal centers equipped with last word equipment, where for a period of 7 weeks you can pass a special analysis. Through a puncture in the abdomen, a piece of tissue is taken, by which sex and genetic defects are determined. But in case of an undesirable result, it will be possible to change the situation only by having an abortion and trying to calculate the girl again. How humane it is, everyone decides.

Nutrition of the expectant mother (in preparation for conception)

It is not always desirable to build graphs for 6 months, according to which mysterious ovulation is calculated. How to conceive a girl more natural way, without timing sex life to fleeting favorable periods?

Oddly enough, American scientists have identified a pattern between a woman's diet during menstrual cycle before conception, and the sex of the unborn child. To conceive a girl, you need to consume a lot of calcium and magnesium, therefore, adjust your diet. Products with a high content of these elements delight women: these are sweet pastries (without yeast), fresh fruits and natural juices. Any sweets, sugar, honey, jam are recommended. From vegetables, preference should be given to beets, cucumbers, eggplants, carrots, onions. But meat and potatoes are generally excluded, but fish can be eaten without restrictions. You can eat boiled egg whites and dairy products, but you need to completely abandon nuts, legumes, corn, tomatoes and melons.

The use of these products increases the acidity of the vaginal environment, which contributes to the rapid death of carriers of the Y chromosome, and therefore leaves more chances for a girl to be born. In addition, diet affects hormonal balance. The effectiveness of this method is 82% among the sample of women who followed the diet until conception.

Artificial change in the environment of the vagina

What does it take to conceive a girl? Want it very much, calculate ovulation, change your diet (it's good if your partner joins you). And to increase the chances, you can add douching with special substances that reduce the alkaline level of the vaginal microflora. A gynecologist can advise them. Home methods include the use of tampons with "Narine", douching with solutions of white vinegar or table wine (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). This will add chances for carriers of the X chromosome to be the first to reach the goal.

Age of future parents

This also leaves its mark, although reliable research in this area has not been conducted. Our body is a complex, biological complex, which from time to time starts the processes of regeneration and restructuring. In women, this happens once every 3 years, in men, once every 4 years. Theoretically, the one whose body was updated last can be decisive in the issue of the sex of the child. Divide the age of the woman by 3 and the age of the man by 4 and compare the results.

Some believe that the eldest of the spouses sets the sex of the child, but this is rather a delusion, since it always depends on the man, even if he is much younger than his wife. Based on age, it is difficult to answer when you can conceive a girl, this can happen at 20, 30, and even 50 years old.

Your intimate life

This is also an unverified theory, but there is a version that some positions contribute to the conception of a little princess. First of all, this applies to the missionary position, because deep penetration is undesirable. Be sure to keep an ovulation calendar, it will tell you when it is better to conceive a girl. During intercourse, a woman needs to relax as much as possible and dream about her daughter, order her from the Universe. Especially since female orgasm just undesirable. It makes the vagina more alkaline, which can play into the hands of Y chromosome carriers. If you want a girl, then your sexual encounters should not be too frequent, about once every three days. Do not forget about additional protection on the day of ovulation (two days before and after it).

Folk omens

For a long time, when there was no ultrasound, people tried to guess who they would meet with in the near future. There were, of course, those who tried to influence the course of events and predetermine the sex of the unborn child. For example, it was said that a girl can only be conceived in damp, rainy or snowy weather.

IN wedding night under the pillow one should put a blue or pink ribbon, a comb or a slingshot, depending on who the young people want. If a couple already has a child, you need to remember who he named first - dad or mom. A baby of this gender will be born next. Of course, these and similar beliefs can in no way affect the course of events, as well as suggest who a woman wears under her heart.

Brief conclusions

Calculate how to conceive a girl, with a 100 percent probability will not work. Any of these methods is quite arbitrary, and many factors can affect the outcome, in particular, the genetic predisposition of a man to produce more spermatozoa that carry X or Y chromosomes. But, having done a number of interesting manipulations, you can say with satisfaction: I did everything I could. In fact, no matter who is born, it will be the dearest and most beloved child. Holding the child in her arms, the mother instantly forgets about her dreams and devotes all her tenderness to the little man.